Paid Renegade's Log- Looksmaxxing updates

This week-

Increased weighted chins to bw +110 x 5 reps.

Added a rep to rear delt flyes.

Added just $50 to the portfolio. Hopefully can get my gear all paid off by next week and then be freed up to invest more again. Primary goal for this next year is investing.
Paid Renegade how long you been doing weighted chins for?

Best I've ever gotten to is probs BW+15kg for reps, but never been consistent enough to get beyond that.
HankMoodyJr Ive been doing weighted pull ups/chins since I was around 18 years old, but started prioritizing weighted chin up progression specifically around late 2019 I believe.
This week -

Added a couple hundred bucks to the portfolio and finished paying off my card (camera gear).

Increased chin ups to body weight + 110 x6 reps.

Spent the whole day working on a new digital product for my e-commerce store. (The other products I’ve added recently are still bringing in some passive income in the background)

Went flying on Christmas (didn’t make it into last week’s post) and did some other shit that I probably shouldn’t post about online lol. But I had an epic day with my brothers and it brought us closer together (really 2022 was the year that I came out of my shell and learned to relate to them better. They’re cool guys and have always been wilder than me.)
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Paid Renegade said:
Went flying on Christmas (didn’t make it into last week’s post) and did some other shit that I probably shouldn’t post about online lol. But I had an epic day with my brothers and it brought us closer together (really 2022 was the year that I came out of my shell and learned to relate to them better. They’re cool guys and have always been wilder than me.)

That's sick man - do you only fly powered? I'm pretty keen to get in to paragliding - basically all of my mates do it
HankMoodyJr Yeah only powered so far. Would like to get more into free flying at some point too

This week-

Up to bw+110x7 chin ups. Will add 5lbs next workout

Side lateral raise up to 60x7 reps.

Added a rep to Bulgarian split squats. 85lb dumbbells x7,6,6reps. This will be the next exercise to focus on after chins.

Started building a prototype product which will be the next item I add to my e-commerce store. Plan to finish it this week.

Added $450 to the stock portfolio on Friday and bought more SCHD.

I’m updating my signature to reflect my #1 goal this year, which is to add $20k to my portfolio. This will include dividends which should account for about $6k. Looking back I believe that one of the best decisions I made was to start investing in my early 20’s (even better if I had started sooner). If I continue like this I should have a good amount of wealth later in life and should have enough financial freedom to live off dividends in my 30’s as a still-young man.

Online dating still going well, was up late last night with a new girl off tinder and planning to meet a fwb after work today if I’m not too tired.

After doing these “straight to the girls place” netflix dates nonstop for the last 7 months or so I realized that I’ve been basically going through the same exact motions even to the point of following a specific escalation routine each time. Just something that kind of came about through repetition and not from reading anything online. If anyone would be interested in a write up about this let me know. Seems like most guys here prefer to go for coffee/drinks first
Paid Renegade said:
Added $450 to the stock portfolio on Friday and bought more SCHD.

Why SCHD? Some real disgraceful shitcos in there.

If you're into dividend investing I encourage you to look into met and thermal coal, oil E&P's, and call-writing. Last year my PBR.A paid a 70% dividend + 5% on premiums, TNGRF paid 30%, even stuff like Consol and Whitehaven paid 10% + whatever the premiums were.
Paid Renegade said:
After doing these “straight to the girls place” netflix dates nonstop for the last 7 months or so I realized that I’ve been basically going through the same exact motions even to the point of following a specific escalation routine each time. Just something that kind of came about through repetition and not from reading anything online. If anyone would be interested in a write up about this let me know. Seems like most guys here prefer to go for coffee/drinks first

Would be super interested to hear about this. Logistics are pretty shit at the moment, so can't invite girls straight to my place.
klondike said:
Paid Renegade said:
Added $450 to the stock portfolio on Friday and bought more SCHD.

Why SCHD? Some real disgraceful shitcos in there.

If you're into dividend investing I encourage you to look into met and thermal coal, oil E&P's, and call-writing. Last year my PBR.A paid a 70% dividend + 5% on premiums, TNGRF paid 30%, even stuff like Consol and Whitehaven paid 10% + whatever the premiums were.

Lol that’s an interesting take, tbh I haven’t heard that before regarding SCHD. It’s generally considered one of the best, if not the best dividend growth etfs. Main reasons I like it are:

The growth rate of the dividend: 14% per year on average over the last 5 years. Important to have your income growing faster than inflation.
Significantly outperformed the S&P 500 over the last 1, 3, 5, and 10 years (total return). Also tends to have less downside during market declines.

The dividend yield of the fund is currently 3.3%, well above the 5 year average of 2.87%. Just means it’s a pretty good time to buy now if you like the fund.

The income produced by the fund is “qualified” meaning its taxed at the more favorable long term cap gains rate.

Due to the diversification/balance of the fund and the fairly conservative nature of the companies in it, it’s very safe. I can sleep soundly at night just dollar cost averaging in and not needing to spend time monitoring individual companies. This is why I’m moving more into ETFs for the time being even though most of my portfolio is still in individual stocks.

True, it’s not a high yield and if I were forced to retire and live of dividends today I would have to figure something else out, but since I’m in the accumulating phase of my investing I’m not as concerned with maximizing my current dividend income.

Appreciate you sharing those picks, tbh I own several covered call funds and have dabbled in options before. (Unfortunately my CC funds have performed horribly and I regret buying them despite the promising dividend yields. Classic yield trap.) I don’t know how far along you are with your investing and may really have it figured out better than I, just be careful bro lol. Often times those juicy dividend yields are just your own capital being returned back to you, like an annuity. Started looking into PBR a little bit, thanks for sharing that. My first impression is that it seems like it might be a really cool short term play and not as much of a buy and hold longterm but IDK.
HankMoodyJr said:
Paid Renegade said:
After doing these “straight to the girls place” netflix dates nonstop for the last 7 months or so I realized that I’ve been basically going through the same exact motions even to the point of following a specific escalation routine each time. Just something that kind of came about through repetition and not from reading anything online. If anyone would be interested in a write up about this let me know. Seems like most guys here prefer to go for coffee/drinks first

Would be super interested to hear about this. Logistics are pretty shit at the moment, so can't invite girls straight to my place.

Sent it to you as a PM. I typed out this whole long thing about what I like to do on first dates and how I go about setting them up but reading over it I decided against posting it on the public log. Also typed out a lay report on the cop girl I met a couple weeks back, let me know if you want to read through that whole thing lol but I already sent you a pretty long essay.

Also anyone else who wants to see it go ahead and send me a PM and I'll be glad to share.

*Wasn't able to attach this in the message I sent you, just another quick example of the sort of message I'd send to screen -

This week -

Added a couple reps to my bulgarian split squats, Will be looking to bump the weight up to 90lb dumbbells.

New chin up PR. 115lbsx4 reps.

New product added to shop based on a customer request I received.

Bought new jeans and went paragliding while attempting to get some cool pics for Tinder.

Added a weak-ass $150 to the portfolio this week. Attributing this to tax week (Est payments) and bill-paying week. Still need to bump this up. Anyway the portfolio is doing alright, having passed $134k in value and an average monthly dividend of $489.98. Looking forward to crossing the $500/mo mark.
Week update-

Progressive overload:
Added weight to Bulgarian split squat: 90lb dumbbells x5,5,5
Added a rep each to side lateral raise and triceps extension.
Body weight currently at 174. Would like to hit 180 by the end of march and then do a cut for summer.

Other looksmaxing:
Upgraded my daily mewing/orthotropics routine. Adding in 15 minutes of chin tuck exercise (while messaging on tinder) and doing 5 minutes of the mealtime exercise. These are on YouTube for anyone curious.

Next week I’ll be researching to see if it’s worth investing in one of those hardcore jaw muscle trainers (like jawzrsize or chisell) and may add that in as well. I already chew hard gum most days (have been for years) and tape my mouth closed at night.

Added a new product to my shop, priced at $100.

Added $700 to the stock portfolio. Currently at 2/20 of my yearly investing goal.
This week-

Up to 2 90lb dumbbells for 6,6,6 reps Bulgarian split squat
Added 5lbs to side lateral raise
Bw +115lb x 5 chin ups
Body weight up to 176lbs

Invested 750
Must’ve made a miscalculation in figuring my total cost basis last week, because this week when I looked it was the same total as last week lol. So still at 2/20k added for the year.

Added a new digital product.

Settled on a new jaw exerciser. Called Jawliner. Simulates a hard piece of steak that never runs out. Plan to use 5 minutes every other day for now.

This last month I was focused on establishing a solid mewing routine and next month my looksmaxing priority is finding a good way to get a tan/appearance of a tan without photoaging.

also have been using my camera to get some of those walking street shots like in the tinder guide. Have some decent shots I think but haven’t updated my tinder with any of them yet.
week update

Added 600 to the portfolio.
My position in STOR was auto liquidated and I decided to replace with O and VICI, two other reits. This drove my cost basis up since I was way in the green on STOR.
Anyway I’m at 3/20k added for the year.

Physique -
Hit incline bench twice this week, no strength added yet. I want to add 2 reps (240x8) by the end of the month.

Body weight is at 174.5lbs. Not a move in the right direction. I am now following a regimented meal plan to make sure I eat enough (3500 cals)

Question for the photographers of KYIL

I’ve been going out each week and taking street shots of myself with my new camera equipment. Hundreds. Trying to get casual walking shots like those shown in the tinder guide.

I’ve encountered kind of a surprising hiccup though and hoping someone can shed some light on this (MILFandCookies, would be awesome to get your opinion)

Trouble autofocusing on my face. I believe I’ve enabled all the relevant camera settings (eye/face tracking, continuous low, etc.) and I’m trying to make it easy on the camera by looking directly at it for a moment before I begin walking up. Still, 95% of the shots are blurry and unusable.

I’m using the canon eos r alongside the lens/adapter recommended in the camera guide on this website. It’s an affordable lens but I would’ve thought it’d be up to the task

Any ideas to try guys? I’m hoping it’s not potentially an issue with the camera but I’m scratching my head over this.

I’m shooting on full manual and I’ve tried playing around with aperture a bit to see if that would make a difference. (Trying to shoot on 1.8 when possible)
Paid Renegade said:
week update

Added 600 to the portfolio.
My position in STOR was auto liquidated and I decided to replace with O and VICI, two other reits. This drove my cost basis up since I was way in the green on STOR.
Anyway I’m at 3/20k added for the year.

Physique -
Hit incline bench twice this week, no strength added yet. I want to add 2 reps (240x8) by the end of the month.

Body weight is at 174.5lbs. Not a move in the right direction. I am now following a regimented meal plan to make sure I eat enough (3500 cals)

Question for the photographers of KYIL

I’ve been going out each week and taking street shots of myself with my new camera equipment. Hundreds. Trying to get casual walking shots like those shown in the tinder guide.

I’ve encountered kind of a surprising hiccup though and hoping someone can shed some light on this (@MILFandCookies, would be awesome to get your opinion)

Trouble autofocusing on my face. I believe I’ve enabled all the relevant camera settings (eye/face tracking, continuous low, etc.) and I’m trying to make it easy on the camera by looking directly at it for a moment before I begin walking up. Still, 95% of the shots are blurry and unusable.

I’m using the canon eos r alongside the lens/adapter recommended in the camera guide on this website. It’s an affordable lens but I would’ve thought it’d be up to the task

Any ideas to try guys? I’m hoping it’s not potentially an issue with the camera but I’m scratching my head over this.

I’m shooting on full manual and I’ve tried playing around with aperture a bit to see if that would make a difference. (Trying to shoot on 1.8 when possible)

A couple questions to diagnose:

1) Are you taking photos with the remote?
2) Are you double sure your camera is in iris-tracking autofocus mode?
MILFandCookies said:
A couple questions to diagnose:

1) Are you taking photos with the remote?
2) Are you double sure your camera is in iris-tracking autofocus mode?

Thanks man, yes I can confirm I’ve enabled eye tracking. Used the checklist on Andy’s photography guide when I was setting the camera up. Here’s the menu settings-

And to answer your other question yes I am using a remote. It allows me to have the camera firing on continuous low for a set amount of time. I can link the remote here but probs not relevant
Settings look fine. Have you tried taking a few photos facing the camera clearly before you pose? Also most remotes you can half press to focus, make sure you do that before you press it fully down.
MILFandCookies said:
Settings look fine. Have you tried taking a few photos facing the camera clearly before you pose? Also most remotes you can half press to focus, make sure you do that before you press it fully down.

Alright yeah was kinda afraid of that. Must be something else then.

The remote I’m using doesn’t have that function, rather I press the “start” button which starts a 10 second delay while I get into position. Then the camera begins firing. I always try to stand still and face the camera first to let it find me.
Paid Renegade said:
MILFandCookies said:
Settings look fine. Have you tried taking a few photos facing the camera clearly before you pose? Also most remotes you can half press to focus, make sure you do that before you press it fully down.

Alright yeah was kinda afraid of that. Must be something else then.

The remote I’m using doesn’t have that function, rather I press the “start” button which starts a 10 second delay while I get into position. Then the camera begins firing. I always try to stand still and face the camera first to let it find me.

Oh no.

That's the problem. If you're taking only one photo every 10 seconds max you're not getting enough.

When I'm working with clients I take photos in bursts, which might be 1 every second, or even more. When I do it for myself I'll do approx the same thing.

When you're operating your camera remotely, you have less control over it detecting your face. Often it takes a few photos to realize your face is there and then focus on it. Get a remote that you can use without a delay, and also has a half-press to focus feature. Use this one with your EOS R (also works with the RP.) I personally use the exact same one but Chinese knockoff version. The former owner of my EOS R gave it to me when I bought the camera... it's only $10 cheaper than the Canon one though, might as well go for the real thing:
MILFandCookies yeah sorry for the confusion man, I’m not taking 1 photo every 10 seconds. The 10 second delay is just to get into position before the camera starts firing on burst. Then it continues firing for a set length of time and takes several photos per second for a total of about 30-40 shots. (You can adjust all these parameters with the remote. I just like setting the delay personally)

The remote is basically just holding down the shutter without me having to keep my hand on it. I bought this remote so I wouldn’t have to keep holding it while I’m walking at the camera:

I did see the remote you linked but steered away from it because it appears you have to keep pressing it. If that’s what I gotta do though then I can try it