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Picture Feedback Megathread

Lord Rey said:
Yeah sure, I just sent them, but do you realize PNG is a horribly inefficient file format for photos? There's no noticeable visual difference with my JPEGs, which are already of super high quality (98%), but the file size is more than 15 times larger.

I was following this guide from pancakemouse which mentioned something about uploading your photos to the apps as PNGs to prevent quality loss. Maybe the guide is outdated?

Thank you anyway.
MisterE said:
Lord Rey said:
Yeah sure, I just sent them, but do you realize PNG is a horribly inefficient file format for photos? There's no noticeable visual difference with my JPEGs, which are already of super high quality (98%), but the file size is more than 15 times larger.

I was following this guide from pancakemouse which mentioned something about uploading your photos to the apps as PNGs to prevent quality loss. Maybe the guide is outdated?

Thank you anyway.

Guide is still up to date. PNG technically uploads more clearly, but the difference is small. You can verify in the original KYIL post. Tradeoff file size vs. quality is up to you.
I saw someone posting profiles of a few chad guys who were getting tons of matches with a few portrait photos and a few selfies. Cant find it anymore.

Does anyone have example photos of profiles with tons of matches. Profile which is taken by selfies and a few phone shots from friends, no photoshoots. Besides being good looking, for some reason those guys know how to selfie themselves aswell and look like a fuckboy. I want to learn and imitate.
mikkel said:
I saw someone posting profiles of a few chad guys who were getting tons of matches with a few portrait photos and a few selfies. Cant find it anymore.

Does anyone have example photos of profiles with tons of matches. Profile which is taken by selfies and a few phone shots from friends, no photoshoots. Besides being good looking, for some reason those guys know how to selfie themselves aswell and look like a fuckboy. I want to learn and imitate.

There is no "besides" in "being good looking." There is no reason to have selfies on your profile. Ever.

These men are having success in spite of their profile, not because of it.
pancakemouse said:
mikkel said:
I saw someone posting profiles of a few chad guys who were getting tons of matches with a few portrait photos and a few selfies. Cant find it anymore.

Does anyone have example photos of profiles with tons of matches. Profile which is taken by selfies and a few phone shots from friends, no photoshoots. Besides being good looking, for some reason those guys know how to selfie themselves aswell and look like a fuckboy. I want to learn and imitate.

There is no "besides" in "being good looking." There is no reason to have selfies on your profile. Ever.

These men are having success in spite of their profile, not because of it.

Theres a few reason why I believe this is not true, I might be wrong but here's my take: More authentic and "fuck it" vibe for the profile. I think it looks too tryhard if all shots are taken by someone else. Also to note, I think photoshoots with small aperture number makes the profile less authentic aswell.

Jumping a little bit off from the selfie topic now but if the point is to take candid photos, why then show it was actually taken by a pro camera? High aperture would mimic more that the photo was just taken quickly with a phone. Thoughts on this aswell?
mikkel said:
pancakemouse said:
There is no "besides" in "being good looking." There is no reason to have selfies on your profile. Ever.

These men are having success in spite of their profile, not because of it.

Theres a few reason why I believe this is not true, I might be wrong but here's my take: More authentic and "fuck it" vibe for the profile. I think it looks too tryhard if all shots are taken by someone else. Also to note, I think photoshoots with small aperture number makes the profile less authentic aswell.

Jumping a little bit off from the selfie topic now but if the point is to take candid photos, why then show it was actually taken by a pro camera? High aperture would mimic more that the photo was just taken quickly with a phone. Thoughts on this aswell?

Photos taken with phones are fine. Just not selfies.
mikkel said:
pancakemouse said:
There is no "besides" in "being good looking." There is no reason to have selfies on your profile. Ever.

These men are having success in spite of their profile, not because of it.

Theres a few reason why I believe this is not true, I might be wrong but here's my take: More authentic and "fuck it" vibe for the profile. I think it looks too tryhard if all shots are taken by someone else. Also to note, I think photoshoots with small aperture number makes the profile less authentic aswell.

Jumping a little bit off from the selfie topic now but if the point is to take candid photos, why then show it was actually taken by a pro camera? High aperture would mimic more that the photo was just taken quickly with a phone. Thoughts on this aswell?

Taking selfies and getting tons of matches is not repeatable advice. Like pancakemouse said, they're getting results DESPITE their selfies, not because of them. If you do it, you won't get the same results, I guarantee it. I'm so sure that if you do (you specifically mikkel) and show me proof, I will give you a free photoshoot.

As for your reasoning, it makes sense.

But how you think girls should swipe doesn't change how girls actually swipe.

You can explain away any behavior with sound logic if you're smart and creative enough.

It's about what girls actually swipe on in real life. Philosophizing about what SHOULD or SHOULDN'T work doesn't change how girls swipe one bit.

The scientific method is to get data FIRST, then create a narrative that explains the data you get, not the other way around.

So how do girls actually swipe?


OKCupid did a study on how aperture affects matches - back in 2010 when they were one of the best dating sites and before they became a woke pile of bullshit.

The bigger the aperture (lower f-stop) the more matches. It's that simple.

Why do I think that is? Girls aren't stupid. They know guys who get kickass pro photos are paying for them. BUT if the photographer is good, they FEEL candid, and that's much more important than knowing logically they're not.
MILFandCookies said:
Taking selfies and getting tons of matches is not repeatable advice. Like @pancakemouse said, they're getting results DESPITE their selfies, not because of them. If you do it, you won't get the same results, I guarantee it. I'm so sure that if you do (you specifically @mikkel) and show me proof, I will give you a free photoshoot.

As for your reasoning, it makes sense.

But how you think girls should swipe doesn't change how girls actually swipe.

You can explain away any behavior with sound logic if you're smart and creative enough.

It's about what girls actually swipe on in real life. Philosophizing about what SHOULD or SHOULDN'T work doesn't change how girls swipe one bit.

The scientific method is to get data FIRST, then create a narrative that explains the data you get, not the other way around.

So how do girls actually swipe?


OKCupid did a study on how aperture affects matches - back in 2010 when they were one of the best dating sites and before they became a woke pile of bullshit.

The bigger the aperture (lower f-stop) the more matches. It's that simple.

Why do I think that is? Girls aren't stupid. They know guys who get kickass pro photos are paying for them. BUT if the photographer is good, they FEEL candid, and that's much more important than knowing logically they're not.

Fair enough. I got this habit of not believing what coaches or pro's say when friend's of mine are getting results doing opposite what's being told and coached. But they are all naturals cuz they played with girls since they were kids so they get results anyways.


I'm really starting to get frustrated with this long ass hair, its too much work and hassle. I want to cut back to mid-length or short. All my good current photos are with long hair. Do you guys think it matters to girls in tinder if I just replace one of the photos with new hair and let the rest photos be with my old long hair?
mikkel said:
Fair enough. I got this habit of not believing what coaches or pro's say when friend's of mine are getting results doing opposite what's being told and coached. But they are all naturals cuz they played with girls since they were kids so they get results anyways.

Yeah classic natural issue - people who get results don't always know how they got them, and they're just guessing when they try to "teach" you.

mikkel said:
I'm really starting to get frustrated with this long ass hair, its too much work and hassle. I want to cut back to mid-length or short. All my good current photos are with long hair. Do you guys think it matters to girls in tinder if I just replace one of the photos with new hair and let the rest photos be with my old long hair?

No, that'll confuse girls, and seem low effort. If you cut your hair, replace at least half the photos.

I have long hair and it's not much upkeep... what are you doing with your hair every day
MILFandCookies said:
No, that'll confuse girls, and seem low effort. If you cut your hair, replace at least half the photos.

I have long hair and it's not much upkeep... what are you doing with your hair every day

Damn it, I guess I have to bear it.

It gets really greasy in two days from the scalp so I have to wash it more often than short hair. Also using any kind of hats is annoying. These days it looks more flat than fresh and alive. I consulted a pro person about this and currently having 5 week care routine with some extra stuff now to see if it gets better.

But the most difficult and annoying part is...making a good manbun and keeping it. I NEVER go outside with hair open, it doesn't appeal to me and curly long open hair is all over the place. For some reason I've lost the touch (maybe cuz the hair itself is acting wierd aswell) to make great bun and do it fast. So it takes literally like 10 tries every time I do it, not enjoyable anymore lol.

Also on winter when I have to take long sleeve off inside, the hair gets messy and gets all over the place which means I have to redo the bun, not fun.
mikkel said:
MILFandCookies said:
No, that'll confuse girls, and seem low effort. If you cut your hair, replace at least half the photos.

I have long hair and it's not much upkeep... what are you doing with your hair every day

Damn it, I guess I have to bear it.

It gets really greasy in two days from the scalp so I have to wash it more often than short hair. Also using any kind of hats is annoying. These days it looks more flat than fresh and alive. I consulted a pro person about this and currently having 5 week care routine with some extra stuff now to see if it gets better.

But the most difficult and annoying part is...making a good manbun and keeping it. I NEVER go outside with hair open, it doesn't appeal to me and curly long open hair is all over the place. For some reason I've lost the touch (maybe cuz the hair itself is acting wierd aswell) to make great bun and do it fast. So it takes literally like 10 tries every time I do it, not enjoyable anymore lol.

Also on winter when I have to take long sleeve off inside, the hair gets messy and gets all over the place which means I have to redo the bun, not fun.

Damn that's frustrating. My hair is wavy, but not curly, and while I have bad hair days my hair isn't unruly. I hope you find a solution for it.
The 2 recent photos with the gray coat and scarf fared really well on Photofeeler, so I’m wondering if it was the right judgement haha. My concern is whether that fits better than my possible headshot (black tshirt with chain). I also have the red tshirt as another body shot option just in case.

The rest I tested as social photos — all did well, piano photo the least, interestingly enough. Is it fine to take out the piano photo or is it crucial to keep it there?
Hey guys! Looking for some feedback on potential Tinder photo roster. I'm 20, university student, going for a badass pretty boy archetype but also got my own stuff going on with sports and actually trying in uni as an automotive engineer. Here's the pics in order of how I plan on using them (I wonder if a shirtless photo should be first or second). Please comment on the photos as well as their order and which should be my first photo.

Photo 1: Me in a red bomber looking badass
//TODO: Photo 2: Shirtless photo (out of the shower at home in a full-length mirror under good lighting showing my abs)
Photo 3: Portrait shot of me looking like a baby honestly
Photo 4: Volleyball jump float serve
Photo 5: Me matching and looking badass w/ a girl
Photo 6: Me being a show host with a condom in my hand??
Photo 7: fuckboy with paper rose in mouth and pen drawn tattoos (by girls)
Photo 8: dogs (i love animals)
9o6o Id use the bomber pic as your main. Dunno about the shirtless pic, imo the tats and background/vibe make it good enough to use but more so as a 2nd. I can’t tell wtf is in your mouth though

The volleyball pic and the one with the girl definitely make for good supporting ones. Wouldn’t use the up close portrait, and the last picture looks like you’re petting some random dogs, doesn’t really add anything

Just my 2c. You’re a good looking dude, good luck!
Paid Renegade said:
@9o6o Id use the bomber pic as your main. Dunno about the shirtless pic, imo the tats and background/vibe make it good enough to use but more so as a 2nd. I can’t tell wtf is in your mouth though

The volleyball pic and the one with the girl definitely make for good supporting ones. Wouldn’t use the up close portrait, and the last picture looks like you’re petting some random dogs, doesn’t really add anything

Just my 2c. You’re a good looking dude, good luck!
I want to take another shirtless pic which is more seductive/revealing so I can really show I'm athletic (I don't have one yet), the one at the beach is supposed to be second-to-last or at least further back and more of a silly shot. I grew out a little beard and people seem to like it so probably won't be using the portrait but would put a more recent one instead if I take one. The dogs pic is just some puppies near my place which greet me every time, I put it last to get some bonus points cause you probably know the dog pic meme on Tinder or w/e, not really relying on it for anything other than a "wow so cute" factor.
Hey guys,

I've got two sets of photos I'm thinking about using for online dating. Don't currently have a profile set up, and haven't for 6 months.

The first set is more "nice guy," the second set is slightly more "bad boy"/masculine.

See the photos attached. "Nice guy" is labeled 1A, 1B, etc. "Bad boy" is labeled 2A, 2B, etc.

Which set should I use? How should I order them? Obviously, I can mix and match, if that's better. Would be grateful for any feedback!

View attachment 1

Gunner said:
Hey guys,

I've got two sets of photos I'm thinking about using for online dating. Don't currently have a profile set up, and haven't for 6 months.

The first set is more "nice guy," the second set is slightly more "bad boy"/masculine.

See the photos attached. "Nice guy" is labeled 1A, 1B, etc. "Bad boy" is labeled 2A, 2B, etc.

Which set should I use? How should I order them? Obviously, I can mix and match, if that's better. Would be grateful for any feedback!



I don't think there's any need to stick to these "sets", I would just use the best pics overall for your profile and not worry about whether they're "nice guy" or "bad boy".

My personal opinion on each pic (take with large grain of salt):
1A: great portrait shot of you smiling, can't go too wrong with this one.
1B: I'd bin it, avoid selfies in general.
1C: could be a great photo towards the end, subtle flex with the physique too haha
1D: this photo's just too generic IMO, I get it shows off your interests but can't really see you very well.
1E: looks like a family pic, just kind of weird to have IMO.
1F: great pic, projects value
2A: also just a really solid, candid pic of you, well dressed
2B: as above, great pic
2C: I would ditch it, not a great pic of you
2D: poor quality photo and it doesn't add anything
2E: definitely ruined by the shadow

So personally I'd probably run with 1A, 1C, 1F, 2A, 2B in some order
Gunner said:
Hey guys,

I've got two sets of photos I'm thinking about using for online dating. Don't currently have a profile set up, and haven't for 6 months.

The first set is more "nice guy," the second set is slightly more "bad boy"/masculine.

See the photos attached. "Nice guy" is labeled 1A, 1B, etc. "Bad boy" is labeled 2A, 2B, etc.

Which set should I use? How should I order them? Obviously, I can mix and match, if that's better. Would be grateful for any feedback!



1a: Bland, uninteresting, no point to it
1b: Selfies are usually a no-go but I like this one. EXCEPT - the aspect ratio is LANDSCAPE. SHOOT IN PORTRAIT ALWAYS - it will crop shitty on Tinder and you won't be able to see the important parts of it
1c: GREAT! Put near the end of the profile since you're small. That way girls already know what you look like.
1d: It's okay... cliche. Might be good near the end of the profile
1e: Nah. Cliche, boring smiley group shot, and the scribbled over faces are a huge no-go. Plus you're not the tallest so it takes away from you.
1f: Good. Might work well for a first photo

2a: Great! Might be good for a first photo
2b: Also good for a first photo... BUT 2a, 2b and 1f don't say shit about you except that you look good. You're just sitting or standing looking cool... that's okay for 1 photo on a profile but each additional photo should say something about you.
2c: No. You're looking off to the side.
2d: Too posed, too smily. No
2e: Meh... might be okay for now. Your pose looks awkward, like you're trying to look cool. It looks stiff, not relaxed.

My suggestion? Read this article I wrote for Andy and take more photos: https://killyourinnerloser.com/paparazzi-factor/

Context: I've helped over 150 guys with their dating profiles around the world