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Picture Feedback Megathread

MILFandCookies for indoor photos would it be best to set the ISO higher and keep AV and SS the same or change all the settings? When I did my first photoshoot my photographer told me he used 50mm for outdoor photos and 35mm for indoors.
Ideally you change settings for each shot. Indoors there will be less light. Generally you want to wanna change SS & A while keepin ISO low (don’t be autistic about this)

Here are some guidelines
Lowest shutter speed you should use 1/100. Anything less and you’ll get blurry photos via cam op hand movement. On a tripod even 1/30.

Aperture should generally be the lowest
1.8 lets in more light than 2.8. But at 1.8 you have a small focal plane. Ie if you don’t nail focus things will be blurry. I usually shoot at 2.

Set your cam to 1/100 and 1.8 and then put the iso till you have correct light balance. 50mm you’ll need a few meters of distance to shoot might not be achievable indoors. A 35mm is wider
Adrizzle said:
Ideally you change settings for each shot. Indoors there will be less light. Generally you want to wanna change SS & A while keepin ISO low (don’t be autistic about this)

Here are some guidelines
Lowest shutter speed you should use 1/100. Anything less and you’ll get blurry photos via cam op hand movement. On a tripod even 1/30.

Aperture should generally be the lowest
1.8 lets in more light than 2.8. But at 1.8 you have a small focal plane. Ie if you don’t nail focus things will be blurry. I usually shoot at 2.

Set your cam to 1/100 and 1.8 and then put the iso till you have correct light balance. 50mm you’ll need a few meters of distance to shoot might not be achievable indoors. A 35mm is wider

I think Milf said ISO should be like 200 or 100 for outdoors. I did that indoors and my pics were mad dark so I may have to bump up the ISO

Likely Ill have my brother taking photos. He has used a digital camera (not a DSLR) so i think he will have enough of a steady hand.

So for indoors SS is 1/100 or 1/30? Gotcha

I just got a 50mm 1.8 lens from Canon, so I can do portraits now, haven't had the time but once finals are over I will play around with it.
I’ll be clear unless you have a tripod shoot at 1/100 nothing slower.

I’m sure people I’ve told you not to go past iso100. Many people get anal about high iso because of digital noise. Whatta want a photo you can see with noise or an image that is mostly black.

Below shot at iso3200. Its not a great photo because of the pose the digital noise does not make or break the photo
Adrizzle said:
I’ll be clear unless you have a tripod shoot at 1/100 nothing slower.

I get blurriness if I go below 1/160, depending on what my subject is doing.

Adrizzle said:
I’m sure people I’ve told you not to go past iso100. Many people get anal about high iso because of digital noise. Whatta want a photo you can see with noise or an image that is mostly black.

ISO 100 is only for really bright scenarios, or when you can get away with it. Def. not a rule. If someone says don't go over ISO 100, they're very new to photography... much of the time it's not possible to stay at 100.

Adrizzle said:
Below shot at iso3200. Its not a great photo because of the pose the digital noise does not make or break the photo IMG_4257.png

Could be a Sony or a high end Cannon... image noise changes from camera to camera at the same ISO. Sonys and the higher end Cannons can go to 3200 and not be too bad... plus there's likely lights in the scene which can help the noise not be apparent, as well as the black and white filter... hides some of it.

The Canon EOS RP doesn't do well with noise. I've had issues with anything above 1600... I wouldn't take one photo shot at 3200 with little noise and use that as evidence that 3200 works on a different camera. Image noise changes from camera to camera.
Adrizzle said:
Ideally you change settings for each shot. Indoors there will be less light. Generally you want to wanna change SS & A while keepin ISO low (don’t be autistic about this)

Here are some guidelines
Lowest shutter speed you should use 1/100. Anything less and you’ll get blurry photos via cam op hand movement. On a tripod even 1/30.

Aperture should generally be the lowest
1.8 lets in more light than 2.8. But at 1.8 you have a small focal plane. Ie if you don’t nail focus things will be blurry. I usually shoot at 2.

Set your cam to 1/100 and 1.8 and then put the iso till you have correct light balance.

Great advice, although I'd set the longest shutter speed to 1/160 instead of 1/100. In my experience this will ensure you don't have blurry photos.

GN44 said:
I think Milf said ISO should be like 200 or 100 for outdoors. I did that indoors and my pics were mad dark so I may have to bump up the ISO

Not sure when I said that. Maybe I wasn't clear about something. You want to go with the lowest possible ISO while still exposing the photo right. If it's closer to night, or if you're in shade, or if there's heavy cloud cover, you might have to bump up the ISO to 300, 400 etc. Just don't go over 1600 (with the EOS RP specifically) or if you absolutely have to, use an AI Denoise tool, and try to stay under 3200.

GN44 said:
So for indoors SS is 1/100 or 1/30? Gotcha

Adrizzle may have different experience than me, but any time I go slower than 1/160, I have blurriness issues. See what works for you. If photos come out blurry, then you're too slow, quicken up the shutter speed.
GN44 said:
When I did my first photoshoot my photographer told me he used 50mm for outdoor photos and 35mm for indoors.

I often use 85mm indoors. It seems your photographer was very inexperienced... you can find enough room for most shots in most places with whatever lens you want (within reason, and with some exceptions.)

Just don't be afraid to move chairs around, ask people to step aside nicely etc. Anything for the 'gram, am I right ;)
Been getting this a lot lately, at first I got it maybe 1/20 girls.

Right now the app won’t let me sent a message to more than 50% of my matches.

Switched WiFi, deleted and reinstalled the app like the wiki says but to no avail.

It’s starting to feel like a shadow ban, could this be true?
kratjeuh said:
Been getting this a lot lately, at first I got it maybe 1/20 girls.

Right now the app won’t let me sent a message to more than 50% of my matches.

Switched WiFi, deleted and reinstalled the app like the wiki says but to no avail.

It’s starting to feel like a shadow ban, could this be true?

Seems unlikely to be a shadow ban (from sw dev perspective). Have you tried messaging the same girls you can't message on the app, but on the browser version of tinder?
MILFandCookies said:
Could be a Sony or a high end Cannon... image noise changes from camera to camera at the same ISO. Sonys and the higher end Cannons can go to 3200 and not be too bad... plus there's likely lights in the scene which can help the noise not be apparent, as well as the black and white filter... hides some of it.

The Canon EOS RP doesn't do well with noise. I've had issues with anything above 1600... I wouldn't take one photo shot at 3200 with little noise and use that as evidence that 3200 works on a different camera. Image noise changes from camera to camera.

Indeed, My Sony A7 IV shows barely any noise at ISO 3200, while my now old Canon M6 Mk II shoots barely usable pics at the same ISO level. But nowadays digital noise isn't a big deal anymore with AI denoising tools. I strongly recommend DxO PhotoLab to develop RAW files as their denoising tool does simply a perfect job saving too noisy pics: https://www.dxo.com/technology/deepprime/
Antonio44 said:
Have you tried messaging the same girls you can't message on the app, but on the browser version of tinder?

Unfortunately I have no computer at my disposal now
kratjeuh said:
Antonio44 said:
Have you tried messaging the same girls you can't message on the app, but on the browser version of tinder?

Unfortunately I have no computer at my disposal now
you can still try this on the browser on your phone - just open up chrome or whatever browser you use and go to tinder. Might need to view page on desktop mode.
Any chance I could faceswap my current face (beard, long hair) into this photo? Is this something that would work without looking edited.
mikkel said:
Any chance I could faceswap my current face (beard, long hair) into this photo? Is this something that would work without looking edited.

It's possible, depends on how good the editor is and the tools they use.

To make it easier, you can take a photo with a similar angle and lighting, that'll make melding the beard/hair easier.
MILFandCookies said:
My pleasure. I'm curious to see how your photos evolve!

Let's not keep you waiting then.

I managed to shoot some more photos yesterday. With 'some more' I mean like more than 600. Don't worry, I already picked out the most decent ones.

I changed the lighting back to what I had for the first shoot. I also shot those pictures on my own, on a tripod, full manual at 1.8f, 1/200 and 2500 ISO. I had to crank up the ISO, else it would have been a set of photos of a white shirt and a pair of floating eyes😅. I could not reduce the shutter speed, because I was in motion. I hope the AI De-noise tool you talked about earlier can fix some issues.

This time I included the original file of the picture I wanted to recreate and the post processed one next to the newly shot ones. The newly shot photos can be found here as unedited RAW-photos.

Just like last time, I would like everyone to be brutally honest with the feedback regarding my pose, facial expression, lighting etc. Of course I can improve the shots a lot more, but for now I would like to work towards selecting a decent photo I can use for setting up my dating profiles. Currently I don't have any and for now I really would like to select one and make better shots somewhere in the future. However, if there really are non that are usable I need to accept that and improve some more I guess.

Tips about how I should edit these shots are also welcome. I was thinking about editing them the same way as the post processed one of the original, but not as dark.
MisterE Hey man, I don't understand why you want to redo this pic? I think the original is very good already!
But yeah, I edited the one I preferred for you:
Lord Rey said:
@MisterE Hey man, I don't understand why you want to redo this pic? I think the original is very good already!
But yeah, I edited the one I preferred for you:

Hey Lord Rey. I appreciate it that you took your time to look at my new shots!

I already made a post with the original photo like a month ago. I got feedback that I only should use shirtless pictures when my abs are clearly visible. That is why I did re-shoot this with a formfitting shirt instead.

Maybe my mistake back then was more in the way in how I edited the original photo and not in how I looked. The post of the original photo is really too dark, so you can't see any definition. Still, I could've been leaner which I do admit. Maybe MILFandCookies can take a look at the original RAW version of the photo I was trying to recreate. Maybe it is salvageable after all.

The feedback I got from irl friends regarding the original photos are indeed more in line with your feedback.
MisterE Oh yeah true, you don't have popping abs but I still think this pic is very usable. Checking the RAW file from the original, I see there's some motion blur, but it's not catastrophic. Here's the original with my corrections:
Lord Rey said:
@MisterE Oh yeah true, you don't have popping abs but I still think this pic is very usable. Checking the RAW file from the original, I see there's some motion blur, but it's not catastrophic. Here's the original with my corrections:

Hey Lord Rey, I really appreciate it that you took some time to look at my photos. You already did more than I really asked for.

I could always AB-test the pictures. If the shirtless one does not work I can just switch to the other one. In the end it is all part of the experiment.

I barely dare to ask, but are you able to share high resolution png-versions of the pictures you edited? You can use the Google drive link for that.

Again, thank you for taking your time.
MisterE said:
I barely dare to ask, but are you able to share high resolution png-versions of the pictures you edited? You can use the Google drive link for that.

Yeah sure, I just sent them, but do you realize PNG is a horribly inefficient file format for photos? There's no noticeable visual difference with my JPEGs, which are already of super high quality (98%), but the file size is more than 15 times larger.