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Picture Feedback Megathread

Good to know, thanks! I read your post - lots of good stuff there, I'll take some more photos with your tips in mind.

In the meantime, I made a Tinder profile Sunday night. Got 19 likes so far from swiping each night at 9pm, but no matches yet.

Last night, I edited my profile to include my Instagram handle. I realized today that Tinder had sent me an email saying "Hey! It looks like your bio might include a social media handle, so we’ve hidden it from public view."

So I just removed the Instagram handle from my bio.

Is there anything else I need to do to un-hide my profile?

Is there a way I can verify that my profile is unhidden?


MILFandCookies said:
Gunner said:
Hey guys,

I've got two sets of photos I'm thinking about using for online dating. Don't currently have a profile set up, and haven't for 6 months.

The first set is more "nice guy," the second set is slightly more "bad boy"/masculine.

See the photos attached. "Nice guy" is labeled 1A, 1B, etc. "Bad boy" is labeled 2A, 2B, etc.

Which set should I use? How should I order them? Obviously, I can mix and match, if that's better. Would be grateful for any feedback!



1a: Bland, uninteresting, no point to it
1b: Selfies are usually a no-go but I like this one. EXCEPT - the aspect ratio is LANDSCAPE. SHOOT IN PORTRAIT ALWAYS - it will crop shitty on Tinder and you won't be able to see the important parts of it
1c: GREAT! Put near the end of the profile since you're small. That way girls already know what you look like.
1d: It's okay... cliche. Might be good near the end of the profile
1e: Nah. Cliche, boring smiley group shot, and the scribbled over faces are a huge no-go. Plus you're not the tallest so it takes away from you.
1f: Good. Might work well for a first photo

2a: Great! Might be good for a first photo
2b: Also good for a first photo... BUT 2a, 2b and 1f don't say shit about you except that you look good. You're just sitting or standing looking cool... that's okay for 1 photo on a profile but each additional photo should say something about you.
2c: No. You're looking off to the side.
2d: Too posed, too smily. No
2e: Meh... might be okay for now. Your pose looks awkward, like you're trying to look cool. It looks stiff, not relaxed.

My suggestion? Read this article I wrote for Andy and take more photos: https://killyourinnerloser.com/paparazzi-factor/

Context: I've helped over 150 guys with their dating profiles around the world
Gunner said:
Good to know, thanks! I read your post - lots of good stuff there, I'll take some more photos with your tips in mind.
My pleasure ;)

Gunner said:
In the meantime, I made a Tinder profile Sunday night. Got 19 likes so far from swiping each night at 9pm, but no matches yet.
19 likes but no matches... do you mean they were all unattractive? Or do you mean you have the free version of Tinder and you haven't matched with them yet...

If it's the second, buy Gold so you can match with all those 19 - or at least the ones you're attracted to. If you have hangups about paying Tinder, it's pennies, getting all prideful about not spending any money on Tinder helps nobody, not you, not the girls who desperately need your cock inside them. Give them what they want, they need you.

Gunner said:
Is there a way I can verify that my profile is unhidden?
Are you still getting likes/matches? Then it's unhidden. Have they suddenly dried up? Then it's hidden.
Going to travel soon! (Though for career-related purposes) Looking for 4-5 photos to choose from (6 for Hinge). I know there is a mirror pic, but it's surprisingly done decent on Photofeeler (Attractive - 12x Yes, 3x S/W, 1x No). And the hair lol

(edit jan 23: took off all photos because of next post)

Finally got my pics back from my shoot, please let me know if any of these are usable (feel free to reply with a screenshot or just type the filename)
Ryval said:

Finally got my pics back from my shoot, please let me know if any of these are usable (feel free to reply with a screenshot or just type the filename)

Yo great work!

The two that end with 63 and 49 are great as a first photo, to show what you look like.
I also love all the camera and reading ones (except for 7210 - feels too posed.)

The others I didn't mention, they feel too posed.

-You've got a killer smirk
-Your fashion is pretty good
-You have 2 activity photos in here that show more than just "I look good" (camera and reading)

Good shit. Pop either 63 or 49 as the first one, then one of the camera ones, then a reading one. Great starter profile... on Hinge put 63 up front and 49 at the end since you need 4 photos minimum.
9o6o where did you get that maroon bomber from? I fw it
MILFandCookies said:
Yo great work!

The two that end with 63 and 49 are great as a first photo, to show what you look like.

Thanks for the input! Here's a pic of my planned profile- I kind of like the photo I've put in this collage with the dog in the top left as my 1st pic, any thoughts on that?

Scratch my last post. Here's the new and [hopefully] better batch. Hair is a work in progress I guess?

Traveling to Oberhausen (mid-size city in Germany) as well as Berlin twice next month.

View attachment 10
piano w/ lighting

View attachment 13
piano w/o lighting

View attachment 1
suit headshot 1

suit headshot 2

View attachment 4
suit 1

View attachment 2
suit 2

View attachment 3
gray outfit

View attachment 5

View attachment 14
with girl (this might not pass but I included it anyways just to see)

View attachment 12

View attachment 8

View attachment 11
karaoke fans

View attachment 6
wedding 1

View attachment 7
wedding 2

View attachment 9
beer balance lol
Ryval said:
MILFandCookies said:
Yo great work!

The two that end with 63 and 49 are great as a first photo, to show what you look like.

Thanks for the input! Here's a pic of my planned profile- I kind of like the photo I've put in this collage with the dog in the top left as my 1st pic, any thoughts on that?


It's overly posed but seems somewhat self aware (over the top on purpose) so I like it. I would put it 2nd or 3rd though, and use the camera one in front. It's dual-use since you show yourself clearly AND it's an activity shot.

I would replace the 2nd one with the telephone box one... I like it more.

The reading one, I'd use a different one where you see the book more clearly. In this one I can't tell you're reading without looking at it closely.

I get hardly anything on tinder. It's really blackpilling because if you ask me my photos already look better than I do irl.

any looksmaxx and picture feedback is appreciated. The last photo is not a tinder photo its just to show what I look like recently. Took it an hour ago.

I was thinking about hair transplant for temples and a lower blephoroplasty for my prolapsed eye fat under my eyes.

I promise I will get back to you guys with my advices for yours as well, but I assume most of you already know more than I do.
zekler said:

I get hardly anything on tinder. It's really blackpilling because if you ask me my photos already look better than I do irl.

any looksmaxx and picture feedback is appreciated. The last photo is not a tinder photo its just to show what I look like recently. Took it an hour ago.

I was thinking about hair transplant for temples and a lower blephoroplasty for my prolapsed eye fat under my eyes.

I promise I will get back to you guys with my advices for yours as well, but I assume most of you already know more than I do.

It's not your looks, it's your vibe.

Women can read vibe through photos (and anyone can read it through text, which is why I knew this was your problem from your posts so far on this forum, well before seeing your photos).

You look like a depressed loner. The only exception is the group photo.

Do something now to start achieving inner peace, then get a professional photoshoot that paints you as an attractive, interesting, person.

Start a log and start working towards it. Stop polluting other people's logs with feel-bad bullshit.
zekler said:

I get hardly anything on tinder. It's really blackpilling because if you ask me my photos already look better than I do irl.

any looksmaxx and picture feedback is appreciated. The last photo is not a tinder photo its just to show what I look like recently. Took it an hour ago.

I was thinking about hair transplant for temples and a lower blephoroplasty for my prolapsed eye fat under my eyes.

I promise I will get back to you guys with my advices for yours as well, but I assume most of you already know more than I do.

Pic 1 your facial expression looks annoyed kind of. It’s not sexy or evoking any desirable emotion in women.

Second and third pic I think are alright. Don’t have much to comment on that.

Pics 4-6 are very very noisy. But the idea isn’t terrible. I think using a DSLR for those kinds of pics should be a massive boost. Your facial expression in pic 4 again doesn’t really add value to your profile.

Pic 5 we can barely see you, in ALL of your pics you need to fill the frame. If it’s a pic with multiple people then all of you need to fill the frame.

Pic 6 is your worst pic by far. You have a serial killer like look/stare. Women get put off by that.

Read Andy’s tinder guide on photos. You’re not a bad looking guy you just need to learn what constitutes good photos
zekler said:

I get hardly anything on tinder. It's really blackpilling because if you ask me my photos already look better than I do irl.

any looksmaxx and picture feedback is appreciated. The last photo is not a tinder photo its just to show what I look like recently. Took it an hour ago.

I was thinking about hair transplant for temples and a lower blephoroplasty for my prolapsed eye fat under my eyes.

I promise I will get back to you guys with my advices for yours as well, but I assume most of you already know more than I do.

For what it's worth I think you're a good looking guy! Talk of fairly serious (& expensive) cosmetic procedures seems mad to me. Your pictures aren't of the best quality or location, and your poses/ facial expressions could be better. Fix both those low hanging fruit and I'm sure you'll get better results online. Also there's a whole world out there beyond online, go out and talk to girls in real life too.
brohankwon kickass photos!

Piano with lighting,
Karaoke fans
Beer Balance

The rest I'd scrap.

All the ones with your outfit walking, you look great but they are stiff and posed and have no point to them. Would be good on an instagram post, but on dating apps they would lower the quality of your profile.

Any photo that doesn't increase the value of your profile gives girls a reason to swipe left and should be left out.

The rest of your photos are top fucking notch. You'll go far man. Top tier shit, good work!
zekler said:

I get hardly anything on tinder. It's really blackpilling because if you ask me my photos already look better than I do irl.

any looksmaxx and picture feedback is appreciated. The last photo is not a tinder photo its just to show what I look like recently. Took it an hour ago.

I was thinking about hair transplant for temples and a lower blephoroplasty for my prolapsed eye fat under my eyes.

I promise I will get back to you guys with my advices for yours as well, but I assume most of you already know more than I do.

You have this narrative in your head that everything is about your looks.

Yes, looks matter. I'm the first person to tell most people to focus on looks and forget about the other shit, but that's not the reason you're not getting matches.

You DO look good.

But your photos are dogshit. 3/10 at best. Grainy, posed, generic, bad lighting.

If you look 8/10 but your photos look 3/10, you'll get the matches of a 5/10 guy (which would be 0.)

Read these two articles, look at brohankwon's recent post on this thread (top tier shit there) and come back with more photos, I'm happy to critique those when you get them:
brohankwon gray outfit, karaoke, and beer balance are my favorites from your stack.
MILFandCookies said:
@brohankwon kickass photos!

Piano with lighting,
Karaoke fans
Beer Balance

The rest I'd scrap.

All the ones with your outfit walking, you look great but they are stiff and posed and have no point to them. Would be good on an instagram post, but on dating apps they would lower the quality of your profile.

Any photo that doesn't increase the value of your profile gives girls a reason to swipe left and should be left out.

The rest of your photos are top fucking notch. You'll go far man. Top tier shit, good work!

I very much appreciate the top tier compliment! :D
I posted this pic on Photofeeler and got like a 6.4 with 20 votes. It was at like an 8+ for like 10 votes but all of a sudden I got an influx of girls complaining about me looking intense and not holding eye contact with the camera. Mf its a gym photo im supposed to be locked in not thinking about a camera.

Is it a bad pic? I honestly really liked it when I took it. My jaw+hair looks good, I look focused, and my arm looks good.

Btw, I took it with an Iphone 11 in portrait mode+10s timer using a tripod. Some faceapp but doesn't look too much different from the unedited.
GN44 my first gut impression was that it looks posed. Not like someone else snapped a candid pic of you actually working out. You’re right that hair and jawline looks good but it’s also about the overall vibe of the pic

Photofeeler often returns results contrary to what you think your best picture is but in my experience it has tracked pretty well with online dating performance. Better to think of it that those girls are doing you a favor by giving their feedback vs “a sudden influx of bitches came in and ruined my score”
Paid Renegade said:
@GN44 my first gut impression was that it looks posed. Not like someone else snapped a candid pic of you actually working out. You’re right that hair and jawline looks good but it’s also about the overall vibe of the pic

Photofeeler often returns results contrary to what you think your best picture is but in my experience it has tracked pretty well with online dating performance. Better to think of it that those girls are doing you a favor by giving their feedback vs “a sudden influx of bitches came in and ruined my score”

This is such a confusing case for me because I have been told this yet I was actually struggling in this pic to lift the dumbbell, so it was taken mid shot.

Most of the comments on PF were about the fact I wasn’t looking at the camera and I looked to intense. Only one girl commented on it feeling posed out of 20.

I’ll reshoot it though, how could I make it come off less posed?