Picture Feedback Megathread

GN44 said:
Hinge is absolutely fucking up my photos, completely forgot that these things need to be squared. I thought that portrait was fine. Fucking hell, how do I fix this without screwing my image quality too hard?

Had the same issue. Check out the last post I made on my log. (Tldr you can add blurred borders to the side of your pic making it square)
Paid Renegade said:
GN44 said:
Hinge is absolutely fucking up my photos, completely forgot that these things need to be squared. I thought that portrait was fine. Fucking hell, how do I fix this without screwing my image quality too hard?

Had the same issue. Check out the last post I made on my log. (Tldr you can add blurred borders to the side of your pic making it square)

Ill check in a bit
pancakemouse said:
brohankwon said:
Hey guys,

Here is my current batch of potential dating app photos. Thanks in advance! :)


red t-shirt in tunnel

wedding 2

IMG_4736 kyil.jpg
black shirt 2

Use the four I quoted.

Thanks! Would any of these fit in (just got them shortly after that post) with those 4 photos, and if so, in which order?
brohankwon either of the stage pics will work, but you will get more status points for the one with the crowd behind you. Use it.
How is this one for insta and potentially tinder?

It’s scoring pretty bad in Photofeeler compared to most pics (i know it’s not the best reference) but I can’t immediately catch what’s off with it except maybe the cable in the background
Bman said:
@brohankwon either of the stage pics will work, but you will get more status points for the one with the crowd behind you. Use it.

Seconded. Love the photo so much. Cropped it for ya so it'll work well on Tinder.

kratjeuh said:
How is this one for insta and potentially tinder?

It’s scoring pretty bad in Photofeeler compared to most pics (i know it’s not the best reference) but I can’t immediately catch what’s off with it except maybe the cable in the background

It's the framing... I can tell it's a golf shot because of the bit of the club I can see, and your polo, but it's cropped so close that it's awkward - for this particular situation.

Great golf poses I found with a quick search. In all of them they're further away. Golf is a dynamic movement activity with a lot of interesting things to see - take advantage of that and show your whole body:
View attachment 1
View attachment 2
View attachment 3

Here's an alternative I found that's close to what you attempted, although with the golf glove, and the head of the club both visible, it corrects the main issue with your photo by adding context and keeping the interesting things in frame:
kratjeuh said:
How is this one for insta and potentially tinder?

It’s scoring pretty bad in Photofeeler compared to most pics (i know it’s not the best reference) but I can’t immediately catch what’s off with it except maybe the cable in the background

Don't take photofeeler seriously, they gave my shitty pics good ratings and gave my good ones average to bad ratings. This is a good photo, but I don't know about the facial expression as I am not an expert in that.

For reference (btw the green jacket photo ended at 10 votes but that rating is what it stayed around):
MILFandCookies said:
It's the framing... I can tell it's a golf shot because of the bit of the club I can see, and your polo, but it's cropped so close that it's awkward - for this particular situation.

It’s not a golf shot haha

This is a pic in a popular neighborhood in Colombia
kratjeuh said:
How is this one for insta and potentially tinder?

It’s scoring pretty bad in Photofeeler compared to most pics (i know it’s not the best reference) but I can’t immediately catch what’s off with it except maybe the cable in the background

I took a second look at what's going on in your photo and realized it wasn't a golf shot. I jumped to conclusions because of the polo and grass in the background.

New feedback:
Plus polos are a very normie, 0-edge choice unless you're golfing.
And yes, the background is not the best. I love Colombia, but you can't see what it is, and the colors are very hazy, like there's fog.

You're a badass, I've seen you do much better than this. You've got it in you man.
MILFandCookies said:
Plus polos are a very normie, 0-edge choice unless you're golfing

I’m well aware of the outfit, out of fear of theft I didn’t bring any real good clothes with me so I have to make the best of what I have (funnily enough I want to take a tinder pic in this polo on a golf course lol)

I just need it to be good enough to be the first pic of a 8-10pic summary of my trip on instagram. I can tell that this pic has the potential for it but something is lacking, I can’t seem to find that out
kratjeuh said:
MILFandCookies said:
Plus polos are a very normie, 0-edge choice unless you're golfing
I can tell that this pic has the potential for it but something is lacking, I can’t seem to find that out

Pretty sure I told you why right there, but hey you can only lead a horse to water... Although if it's just for Instagram, you can lean on a ledge looking cool without doing something in particular, so my advice boils down to:
-Wait for better, sunny weather
-Get edgier fashion [see below]

As for edgier clothes, a good-fitting plain black shirt and black jeans, with a chain (which you can keep in your pocket and put on quickly just for the photo) is more than enough if you're worried about issues with the locals. I got into some situations in Colombia so I get that worry.

You’re right that the fashion and poses etc aren’t top notch quality but for insta it’s important to have that pretty solid first pic (doesn’t need to be as good as tinder)

I’ve listed all 5 usable pics below. I haven’t played with the crop and only used basic Lightroom editing so if there’s improvement there, I’d love to know
kratjeuh, the last photo is way better for just a face shot and definitely usable for instagram. Much more dynamic. The first one is boring and mediocre at best. The others are ok.
kratjeuh said:
I’ve listed all 5 usable pics below. I haven’t played with the crop and only used basic Lightroom editing so if there’s improvement there, I’d love to know

I actually like every single one except the first one, to varying degrees. They all show the background much clearer, and with this photo in particular, the close crop was one of the issues, a wider crop (zoomed out) suits the scene much better, since you can't see the background if you crop so close like that.

#2 and 3 I like a little, and #4 and 5 I like a lot.

The background is cool af, and you've got a good swagger to your walk. I still don't like the polo, but it's still useable. I'd personally use the last 2, and have the one walking as your primary one (the one right before the last one.)
kratjeuh said:
How is this one for insta and potentially tinder?

It’s scoring pretty bad in Photofeeler compared to most pics (i know it’s not the best reference) but I can’t immediately catch what’s off with it except maybe the cable in the background
- Posture and angle could be better. Seems like more a FB/IG post than. tinder photo
This pic is doing very well on hinge. Even got a rose too.

Taken from my front camera in natty lighting. Fresh after a good shower and shave.
another pic which did decent and got a few likes, though not as much.

here i faceapped a smirk and facial expression, no handsome shave or skin filter.

i feel like this level of editing is allowed and not in the realms of “catfishing”.
rohanp said:
This pic is doing very well on hinge. Even got a rose too.

Taken from my front camera in natty lighting. Fresh after a good shower and shave.

This pose looks really good, my only issue is the background, feels strange to strike a pose like that in your living room, maybe outside or at a tourist spot. Good for you for finding a picture that works though.

When it comes to editing my angle is that don't overdo it, make it something subtle that looks good but not too different from what you usually look like. So basically for example don't edit your face to look super sharp if its super round, but if you have a decent jaw you can slightly enhance it to make it look sharper.
GN44 said:
rohanp said:
This pic is doing very well on hinge. Even got a rose too.

Taken from my front camera in natty lighting. Fresh after a good shower and shave.

This pose looks really good, my only issue is the background, feels strange to strike a pose like that in your living room, maybe outside or at a tourist spot. Good for you for finding a picture that works though.

When it comes to editing my angle is that don't overdo it, make it something subtle that looks good but not too different from what you usually look like

This is unedited tbh. Just me after a fresh shave and shower.