R2s Serious Action Log: Pulling Gurls from the Club

Serious Action Day 3

What I did well
[*]Solid workout at the gym.
[*]Did supplementary ham curls. Wisely cut them short since my legs are dead from yday.
[*]Did week 1 day 1 of 100 pushup program since my arms were pretty beat from the gym. Good thing since the last set was tough!
[*]Ordered a pair of squat shoes.
[*]Ordered an elbow sleeve.

What I can do better
[*]Tell my trainer "no" to exercises I think will flare up my elbow.

The plan moving forward
[*]Don't do scap rows (elbow) or deadlifts (elbow) minimum one week.
[*]Recovery day tomorrow: light jog + foam roll + lacrosse ball + massage chair + core.
[*]Doctor appointment Monday for elbow: to get a referral for physical therapy. Also I want to get blood work done to see my testosterone etc (to get a baseline).
[*]Figure out how to use my weight belt tomorrow.

So today I did a good job on gym stuff, including handling tasks I had been putting off.

Tomorrow I'll make a style priority day.
Good job man, watch your elbows on the push-up program and if the PT says you have a tendinopathy (e.g. golfers or tennis elbow) check out this comprehensive article on it. Helped me get over elbow tendinopathy I ignored for a while when I first started trying to do chin-ups.
RogerRoger said:
Declaration: I will not go on a 2nd date with the next 10 girls. Either 1st date lay or they can fuck themselves.

I support this, but I'm interested in your logic. It reminds me of this old (now deleted) article from RooshV (I know, he's a scummy PUA, but I think he has a point here): The No-Dating Challenge For Intermediate Players

The Challenge: For three months, I don’t want you to go on a single date with a girl you haven’t already had sex with.

Should you choose to accept this challenge, you will display extreme reluctance in getting phone numbers before either make outs or strong displays of interest on the girl’s part. Her number is not even in your mind because you’re going for it all—the vagina. Your only option for meeting a girl is via texting while you’re already out by inviting her to the place you’re at.

I undertook this challenge last summer, and the results were telling: I got more bangs with the prettiest girls than any other summer in DC. Remember that I did all this without having to seduce a girl on a date (the “dates” I went on were with girls I had already defiled). Dating before sex was actually detrimental to my sex goal since so many girls during the summer want the immediate satisfaction of having a cock with Middle Eastern ancestry inside them.

Today’s culture is making girls so used to getting what they want when they want it that dating unnecessarily delays their entitled pleasure. I took advantage of that through my normal strategy of Always Be Weaseling (ABW), where I push for a venue change to her place or my father’s car at the end of the night.

Unfortunately, things are a little different in the winter. Girls are going out with bushy vaginas and unshaved legs, not having washed in days. They are not prepared to receive my veiny penis, so one-night stands are triply hard during this season. Therefore I don’t recommend you try this experiment when it’s cold outside since it may not be clear how effective it really is.

If you already have a few one-night stands under your belt, meaning you know at least one way to make it work, I’m confident the no-dating strategy will lead to more sex for you. The irony of this technique is that it led to more “mini-relationships” for me with girls who did not flake on subsequent dates. There’s an anti-flaking strategy right there for you: fuck the girl immediately before you even need to use the phone.
Serious Action Day 4

What I did well
[*]Got my weight belt to the correct size (as tight as I could still close it; unfortunately doesn't feel crazy uncomfortable but one more notch tighter I couldn't close it).
[*]Checked out Radical's ebook + a few articles.
[*]Measured myself, I'll post the stats below so I can check back regarding physique progress in the future.
[*]Bought a pair of zara black + white slim fit shirts. Rather more expensive than I would've thought but hopefully that means they're high quality.
[*]Bought the black + grey jeans Radical recommended.
[*]Also bought some ripped/distressed jeans since I like that look and it was on my personal to buy list.
[*]Cleaned (bleached) my white shoes.

What I can do better
[*]ALWAYS go for looking my best when I go outside. Especially with friends.
[*]Hit on minimum one girl when I'm at a bar with friends. Definitely one girl I should've hit on and I had more than one option.
[*]Set a timer for sitting on my chair at my computer. Some back pain is back just from today on the bad chair.
[*]Only did one core workout today.
[*]Stay on time with my eating schedule.

The Plan Moving Forward
[*]Finally test photos from photoshoot with Joe.
[*]Try out editing some photos.
[*]Write down concretely what + how many of each color+type accessories I'm looking for, triage the options on Amazon I saved, and pull the trigger.
[*]Get a pair or two of polar fox boots (they're cheap and love the way they look).
[*]Return nike air maxs (size 11s) and order size 10.5 if in stock.
[*]Get my taxes done to remove that guilt / source of stress.
[*]Revise my morning schedule: I've added too many things, need to get back to the basics / minimum necessary.

Free Write
Do at least one of the above tasks tomorrow. I'd like to get some work done in addition to finishing up some style maxing task(s) I didn't finish today.

In other news I went to a baseball game yesterday so that was fun and think I got a decent but not quite great (facial expression) social proof pic. That was after getting my second shot yesterday. Felt fine when I woke up but had the chills / minor cold like symptoms from 2pm - now. Hoping to sleep it off and wake up feeling good.

Crypto, appreciate the help dude. My chiro thinks it's a pulled ligament and makes sense. Pushups and in general compression is fine for it. However extension such as in pullups, farmers carry (including groceries, lame) is what's bad for it. Still I should give that article a look at some point.

Ed_, that challenge sounds somewhat similar. The idea is for me to have no outcome dependency so I can ask "weird" questions I'm not used to asking (e.g., how many kids they want, are they religious, what was their upbringing, talking about sex, etc.) Also for me to level up my standards since I feel rejected when I'm turned down for 2nd+ dates vs. I should be turning down any girl for a second date because I'm convinced I can date/fuck hotter girls. Part of the proof is I've gone on first dates with a few smokeshows and I want to internalize that I shouldn't settle for less.
RogerRoger said:
appreciate the help dude

No worries man, we all here to improve and help each other improve, or at least that is why I'm here. It will be a pain working around the injury and skipping exercises you enjoy because of it, I did something to my wrist the start of this year at work (about a year after my elbow tendinopathy) and had to cut heaps of exercises. Don't let it completely stop you like it did me though, I'm seriously regretting letting that happen three months on. I was crushing it and now I have zero momentum and have to baby-step my way back into it.
Crypto, yeah I babied my arm injury last time too and definitely active recovery is the way to go. Just have to avoid going too hard since re-injuring also slows things way down. The good news is I can still go all out with squats and possible bench.

Addendum to last post: measurements (gym physique ~baseline)
[*]Arm: 13.5 inches
[*]Chest: 37 inches
[*]Shoulders: 39 cm
[*]Sleeves: 75 cm
[*]Waist: 85 cm
[*]Hips: 97cm
[*]Insteam: 80 cm
[*]Thigh: 22cm

What I did well
[*]Photos from Austin: put them on photofeeler, got the process started at least.
[*]Removed data I don't need ahead of the purge tomorrow. That should also buy me some time to backup what I want (hopefully).
[*]Got my groceries.
[*]Approached a quite attractive fit girl at the grocery store.

What I can do better
[*]Before I go out, allow myself to hit on a girl if I feel like it. Envision success.
[*]Less negative self-talk.
[*]Don't binge video games.
[*]Count my calories / don't skip meals.
[*]Could've done two ab workouts today, first one wasn't that tough.

The plan moving forward
[*]Monday: squat day
[*]Monday: count calories (3500 minimum)
[*]Monday: doctor appointment (elbow)
[*]Monday: minimum 5 hours work
[*]Monday: set up STI test (fill out screening survey)
[*]Monday: keep going with photofeeler
[*]Monday: get back to rogaine twice per day
[*]Monday: write down my new ideal day, including a minimalist morning schedule.
[*]Monday: no screens after 11pm (write this shit down tm morning).
[*]Tuesday: minimum 5 hours work
[*]Tuesday: Write down concretely what + how many of each color+type accessories I'm looking for, triage the options on Amazon I saved, and pull the trigger.
[*]Tuesday: Get a pair or two of polar fox boots (they're cheap and love the way they look).
[*]Tuesday: Return nike air maxs (size 11s) and order size 10.5 if in stock.
[*]Wednesday: Try out editing some photos.
[*]Wednesday: minimum 5 hours work.
[*]Wednesday: leg day #2
[*]Wednesday: ideally 1+ hour prep Andy mtg
[*]Thursday: minimum 3 hours work.
[*]Thursday: arm day #2
[*]Thursday: drive to Chicago.
[*]Friday: chill with family + dog photos + read + relax.
[*]Saturday: two photoshoots.
[*]Sunday: photoshoot(?) [confirm tm]
[*]Monday+: taxes

Free Write
Probably looks weird but nice having one+ major task scheduled out for the week.

Not nearly as productive today as yesterday, mostly because of a like 5 hour video game binge. It's stupid because I lost the majority of matches which was frustrating and I don't get much better that way. Most of the improvement was in the training room between matches. Did beat my roommate 2/3 which was nice. Still, I only read like 10 pages of my book today, could've done a lot more productive stuff.
I would consider quitting video games entirely if you can find it possible. My progress is night and day. Video games don't just use up your time, but your mental energy, concentration and even hunger for success. r/stopgaming is probably one of the few decent subreddits.
play_time_is_over, yeah you're probably right. Last night I was up until 3am because of playing a board game with my roommates.

What I did well
[*]Finished with photofeeler.
[*]Squat PR (with chains): ~290 lbs
[*]Counted calories: hit 3500.
[*]Doctor appointment for elbow done, PT starts next week.
[*]Set up STI test.
[*]Did one Rogaine.
[*]Reflected for 15 minutes on an ideal day schedule.
[*]Day 26 of no anime, day 1 of no video games.
[*]Four hours of work done, none of it monotonous.

What I can do better
[*]Actually stop screen time at 11pm.
[*]Actually use a 1 hour timer for next board game / stick to what I say.
[*]Go to sleep earlier == get 7+ hours sleep.
[*]Actually get minimum work hours done - reading papers counts for no screens past 11pm.

The plan moving forward
[*]Tuesday: arm day at gym
[*]Tuesday: 4.5 hours work minimum
[*]Tuesday: accessories (figure out what of each color I want and buy).
[*]Tuesday: pick up package.
[*]Tuesday: no screens after 11pm.
[*]Tuesday: count calories (3600 minimum)
[*]Tuesday: schedule haircut + color consultation
[*]Tuesday: Rogaine twice today.
[*]Wednesday: return nike air max and order half size smaller
[*]Wednesday: edit some photos.
[*]Wednesday: leg day #2
[*]Wednesday: 1 hour prep self-reflection.
[*]Wednesday: new ideal day schedule.
Tuesday: not the best day. Really fucked up my shoulder pretty good, I was in a moderate amount of pain when I tried squatting today and had to shut it down.

What I did well
[*]Picked up packages.
[*]Week 1 day 3 of 100 pushup program completed (but with a cost).
[*]Went to the gym for arm day.
[*]Did 3.5 hours work.
[*]Got STI test done.

What I can do better
[*]Achieve work goal.
[*]Achieve calorie goal: make dinner taste better == faster + more consumption.
[*]Less netflix.
[*]Actual no screens after 11pm.
[*]Set myself up for success for work meetings.

Today: much better day overall. Set a very low bar for work and was way more productive than I've been the last few days. Also felt so much better that I achieved all my goals for the day pretty early on and then everything productive I did was because I wanted to not because "morning Roger" said I would and therefore I have to.

What I did well
[*]Went out with friends as planned and hit on a smoking hot blonde. She was taken but she gave me her twin's number.
[*]Went to the gym this morning for leg day. Better than nothing.
[*]New ideal day schedule (pretty nice and minimal).
[*]Did 5 hours work (goal was minimum 1 hour), accomplished 3 tasks.
[*]STI tests came back negative
[*]Tried on Champion sweatshirt and ordered a smaller size + adidas sweatshirt + track pants.
[*]Rogaine'd twice today.

What I can do better
[*]Could've hit on another girl at the bar. Once again learned NOW is always the perfect time (they left like a minute after we sat down).

The plan moving forward
[*]Tomorrow: gym, recovery arm day (unweighted or 2.5 lbs maximum, no fucking bands).
[*]Tomorrow: minimum 1 hour work.
[*]Tomorrow: last minute haircut.
[*]Tomorrow: drive to Chicago.

To Do Eventually
[*]Goals with hour breakdown for May.
[*]Edit some photos.
[*]Return nike air max and get one half size smaller.
RogerRoger said:
[*]Went out with friends as planned and hit on a smoking hot blonde. She was taken but she gave me her twin's number.
Please follow that lead haha!

[*]Edit some photos.
Feel free to hit me up if you need some help editing the photos, maybe I can be of some use there.
Serious Action Day 7
This is one small step for a Roger, one giant leap for RogerRoger kind.

Arrived super early for my first photoshoot in Chicago and while I was waiting I did a few approaches. The one that clicked I just walked straight up, said my name and shook her hand. She's fresh off the boat Colombian traveling around the US for a few months. She doesn't speak much English and I don't speak much Spanish so we got by with a mixture of italian and google translate. Got her IG and I guess I improved mine enough didn't scare her off (that happened two months prior in Miami). Had a date with her the next day, made out but she wasn't down for more.

In any case, the fact that she was into me was mind blowing validation. This girl was just my type, like 9.8/10. I felt ready to declare victory yesterday. Huge payoff of the past five years work.

At the same time, there's a decent chance she's more looking for a green card than she thought I was a dime piece. Nevertheless, if I can get this girl this hot on a date, I can do it again - and I bet I can even get laid with a girl this hot. One realization I had is that there exist millions of "one-in-a-million girl" given the total population is a few billion. So it's definitely still possible to run the numbers game on girls this hot. In fact, this is at least the third girl this hot I've seen in the past 15 months (all on trips to major cities...)

This is the first date since my "one date only" declaration but dammmmmmmmmm I want to bang this broad. She sounded down to visit me this weekend. She's not been super responsive so we'll see if it happens. Either way, it doesn't matter. Serious action will continue.

Chicago Trip
Pretty typical trip to Ch-Iraq: visited family, city was largely mask-free, went to a museum, three photoshoots, walked through a heroine camp during my second photoshoot, witnessed a stabbing, the usual.

That second photoshoot I swear some of those photos were the best I've ever had, can't wait to get them later this week. That was also the cheapest photoshoot I've done ($50/hr). So that reaffirms that if you're selling, sell high because there's always someone willing to buy. And if you're buying, buy low because there's always someone willing to sell undervalued. I will give him a pretty big tip if one of the photos scores 8.0+ and the bounty if one hits 9.0+.

I'm pretty sure the photoshoot I paid the most for went worse. Actually his equipment was amazing and the image quality was superb but I just instantly freeze up when directed. I'm going to need to be straight up with every photographer in the future that I can turn to where they want me looking but holding a pose is not my forte. Also something to work on at some point - I want to be able to take a good photo any time, anywhere. I took some photos with my Colombian girl but none of them were superb.

Anyway, a new month of work, time to crush my goals!

Tomorrow: #1b = unpack. #2 = goals for the month + timeline. #1a = prep for meeting. I'll go back to the usual checklist tomorrow.
Think my trophy bae is going cold but if she responds tomorrow going to push for meeting up this weekend.

Serious Action Day 8

What I did well
[*] 7h21m work. Tracked it so it can go towards this month's quota (TBD tomorrow).
[*] Prepped for my meeting and it went swimmingly.
[*] Finished a few sections of my paper and updated my supervisor.
[*] Got groceries.
[*] Physical therapy assessment for shoulder (pulled muscle, should heal quick) + elbow (pulled ligament, 4-6 weeks to recover).
[*] Unpacked.
[*] Achieved all 5/5 primary goals.
[*] Enjoyed a post work reward ~1 hour and then got back to productive tasks.
[*] Decided to take a week off gym (besides legs) and canceled personal training + chiro sessions to protect the shoulder.

What I could do better
[*] Only consumed ~1k calories. Probably not enough protein either.
[*] Didn't get goals for the month + timeline done.
[*] Bit too much time on GLL / here today: going to bed later than ideal.

The plan moving forward
[*] Tomorrow: work 7 hours.
[*] Tomorrow: goals for month of May with timeline / hours deconstructed.
[*] Saturday: post Miami pics (before that: msg photographer about retouching one photo from that trip).

To Do Eventually
[*]Edit some photos.
[*]Self-reflection - what I was going to do 6 days ago (kinda forget now).
[*]Return nike air max and get one half size smaller.
[*]Ping Chicago photographers about when I'll get the photos.
enjoyablehat, dimel's are great for a pump. Also grip work. I hated them b/c of the grip work tbh. I'm more of a sprinter than a marathoner.

play_time_is_over, thanks dude! I had a pretty solid boost over the weekend in Chicago. Most were fat but a few had potential.

My trophy wife girl moved her flight this weekend to hangout with me so if that's not a good sign I don't know what is.

Serious Action Day 9

What I did well
[*]Achieved all five primary goals.
[*]5+ hour work as planned (revised from yday), and I did a good job dividing my time between my two projects.
[*]Made my list of goals for May + timeline.
[*]Set up a haircut for this Friday - I can't remember the last day my hair looked bad - gonna keep that good hair streak going.
[*]Did laundry (1/2)
[*]Picked up packages and tried on two sweatshirts to return (sadly my arms are way too small).
[*]Few other chores.
[*]Shoulder is feeling better. Not sure if all the way quite yet tho.

What I could do better
[*]Didn't consume much again today. Really need to get back into the swing of things.
[*]Related to not eating much, was rather scatterbrained after work. Got a lot done but maybe not as efficiently as if I was at full mental capacity.

The plan moving forward
[*]Tomorrow: work 5.25+ hours.
[*]Tomorrow: handle finances.
[*]Tomorrow: contact Miami photographer about retouching a photo.
[*] Saturday: post Miami pics (before that: msg photographer about retouching one photo from that trip).

To Do Eventually
[*]Edit some photos.
[*]Self-reflection - what I was going to do 7 days ago (kinda forget now).
[*]Return nike air max and get one half size smaller (+ deal with other returns + open rest of packages).
[*]Try out chicago photos on photofeeler / iterate with photographer.
Serious Action Day 9

What I did well
[*]Put my work hours in (5.5h)
[*]Took a 30 minute walk. Definitely helped me unwind.
[*]Dropped off drycleaning.
[*]Chiro appt.
[*]Tried on adidas sweatshirt and sweatpants. The sweatshirt might be too big on shoulders but otherwise fits pretty well. Ordered one size smaller (XS...)
[*]Had a pretty good meeting today.
[*]Ate better today.
[*]Downloaded photos from 2nd photoshoot and put some on photofeeler.
[*]Listened to some podcasts on positive/growth mindset.
[*]Dealt with finances to the extent of transfer limits.

What I could do better
[*]Get back to counting calories.
[*]Go to bed earlier.
[*]Set alarm when talking with roommates; although it's a bit tough since one is moving out soon, so that'll resolve itself soon.
[*]Get back to meditating first thing in the morning; I've been going 1000mph the first ~8 hours of the day, not the healthiest on the body.
[*]Forgot to contact Miami photographer about retouching photo.

The plan moving forward
[*]Tomorrow: contact Miami photographer about retouching a photo.
[*]Tomorrow: work 5.25+ hours.
[*]Tomorrow: finish handling finances.
[*] Saturday: post a new IG pic.

To Do Eventually
[*]Edit some photos (if not done by June, ask S3nga how much he charges).
[*]Self-reflection - what I was going to do 7 days ago (kinda forget now).
[*]Return nike air max and get one half size smaller (+ deal with other returns + open rest of packages).
[*]Try out other 2nd photoshoot photos on PF.
[*]Check out first photoshoot photos, select the ones I want edited (if he was offering that I forget).
RogerRoger said:
[*]Edit some photos (if not done by June, ask S3nga how much he charges).
Unless it's a lot of photos to edit, he will edit your photos, then asks you to tip him what you think the results were worth. Don't ask me how I know.
That's one less thing to do eventually haha.
Lostcause, how mysteriously well you know that stud S3nga :)

Serious Action Day 10

Getting pretty stoked to see my Colombian girl this weekend. It would be logical for her to not be dtf logistically but I have a feeling it'll go down. But we'll see and if not this time definitely next weekend :)

What I did well
[*]Put my work hours in (5.5h)
[*]Went on a run. Short enough that I stopped just as it was bugging my shoulder.
[*]Neck exercises.
[*]Morning stretches, reading, duolingo.
[*]Had awesome style and got a killer haircut today.
[*]Won a game of Catan tonight and I didn't do much to screw over either of my roommates :)
[*]Consumed 3600 Calories and 126g protein - so much better than past few days.
[*]Going to bed right after this, which will be better but should be earlier more ideally.
[*]Got some outside time after it rained although cold.
[*]Opened the last two packages and made use of a ~perfectly fitting white slim fit tee from zara.

What I could do better
[*]150+g protein.
[*]Didn't achieve all of my 5 tasks to do today - going to cut that down to 1 work goal, and 2 eminently achievable tasks.
[*]My hair was super awesome today and I had killer style. Should've done some approaches / told my roommates or friend let's hit a bar.

The plan moving forward
[*]Tomorrow: 1 hour work.
[*]Tomorrow: learn at least one question to ask in Spanish.
[*]Tomorrow: post Miami pics as IG post.
[*]Tomorrow: check out the tulips, get to Chicago. Ideally hit the bars/clubs but if I'm tired I might let myself go to sleep early and get work done.

To Do Eventually
[*]Edit that Austin bar photo.
[*]Self-reflection - what I was going to do 7 days ago (kinda forget now).
[*]Return nike air max (+ deal with other returns + open rest of packages).
[*]Try out other 2nd photoshoot photos on PF, maybe ask S3nga to edit the ones with top potential.
[*]Check out first photoshoot photos, select the ones I want edited (if he was offering that I forget).
[*]Venmo 3rd photographer.
Read the last few pages. Looks like you are feeling a bit better since that breakdown update you had on 21th of April. Hopefully you are indeed feeling better.

Interesting way to set up your log. I am still looking how I want my goals/challenges etc and just the general layout of my log and I might use a bit from your layout as inspiration if you dont mind.

Also I saw a deadlifting goal, as someone who is mainly training the big three that catched my attention. Did not see a lot of deadlifting in your log tho?
Greatness Has Arrived
For the past few years one of my mental mantras that would inspire myself and get myself out of a slump was "Greatness Awaits."
Today, for the first time, my mindset has shifted to "Greatness Has Arrived."

Beyond the various milestones I've hit in the past ~6 years of self-improvement that definitely have catalyzed this moment, the most proximate cause has been traveling once a month (or more) in 2021, taking photoshoots, and buying new outfits. Really just enjoying life in the here and now. I definitely received a healthy dose of validation on instagram from those photoshoots + outfits. And the crowning moments have been these past two weeks dating a girl who currently sits at 9.8/10 - that's 98% my type: hot, fashionable, feminine, into fitness, classy, we have similar values. Unfortunately, she only wants 1-2 kids so probably won't wife this one.

Last weekend, I was rather self-concious everyone looking at us/her. Whereas this past weekend it just kind of became normalized. Or more so I felt that I deserve this girl - that although I still have quite a few goals I'm working on, nevertheless I am worthy of her right now and even a hotter girl that has that missing 1% personality.

Weekend in Review: Holland & Chicago
Spent Saturday in Holland for the tulip festival. It's funny, most of the drive there I was thinking that 2.5 hours, no way it's worth it, probably overhyped. But when I got there, it was pretty damn awesome.

Chicago was a ton of fun. And a rather interesting experience for me. I should do a better job of putting my foot down when I'm done shopping - maybe just set an alarm to make sure I eat since I only had two meals on Sunday. We took photos at the sky deck and it's funny that my girl and her friend were straight up ignoring the attendants on being over time. Was a useful experience for me to just chill out and enjoy the moment. Usually I'm pretty uptight about following the rules, but it wasn't my problem after all.

I'll get back to the usual log format tomorrow.

Relentless, cheers dude. About the deadlift, sadly I haven't been able to train deadlift seriously for about two weeks and haven't progressed since December 2020. January because I was at home and since ~Feb 10th because I injured by left elbow. Physical therapist (and separately a physician's assistant and chiropractor) diagnosed it as a pulled ligament (ulnar collateral) and I'm finally going "all out" in letting it heal up before I get back to training hard.

But I didn't let that stop me! I've added 45 lbs to my squat (75 lbs if you include chains). Still hoping I can get my elbow healed up in time to hit 800 lb total for a powerlifiting meet second week of June. That would require a rather large jump in my squat which I bet could happen but we'll see.

About log formatting, sure give it a shot. I started doing this after I saw TheBeast's log (I think it was him, dude with the awesome drummer profile photo) which had some check-ins I thought was useful.

I also really liked my GLL log in 2019 doing streaks on different tasks. Kinda over that now but it was pretty nice for tracking one approach a day and other goals with streaks.