The IronWill Project: Tuesday 12th March 2024
Morning Routine: Skin, Hair, Myofunctional Therapy, Affirmations, Visualisation: DONE
Sunrise: DONE: Just did a minute today
Meal Prep: DONE
(1) Sales: Daily hustle. Will start now, and report back. I will do my best, and want to hit 8hrs of focused work.
(2) Coaching: 1 on 1 delivery & Group. This, is never work. This is deeply joyful and something I love. I am working with these guys throughout the day. Having the Telegram group, and seeing them all working away, is blissful and gives me life. I’ll setup their group call, and get them moving to elite.
(3) Admin: Getting to tasks from yesterday.
Had some family admin sprung on me yesterday, had to go take care of various bits for my parents, dealing with one of their properties, had to bring my brother’s car back from the garage after a repair. He totalled it, but he likes the car, so had it repaired. These tasks, MOGGED me yesterday. Fuck.
Outside of coaching delivery, I got 3 hours of focused work done. This, is not good. I’ll be better today.
One of the tough things about business, is that it does take laser focus. You have to deliver services, and also, do marketing and sales. Both are mission critical. I am strong in coaching in consistent performance, and every facet, I have down. The business side, I am weaker, but through consistency, am learning.
That isn’t what is difficult, though. It’s what you have to say no to, that is hard. The friendships, that you just struggle to keep up. The texts, you struggle to reply to, as your inbox gets flooded, and you have so much going on.
What I did, was just contain all my key people in 2 groups. I have an Inner Circle group, for biz, and a dating chat, No Brains Crew. For people who don’t want to use groupchats, there is not the time in the day to get back to them. So those relationships just dwindled over time. Which is sad, but the brutal truth is, if you want success in life, you have to genuinely work so hard, and pour your heart and soul into it. Your head is focused, daily, and your world becomes different.
This stuff, always pays off. It brings greatness, just takes time. In anything I improved at, it was sheer determination and a relentless attitude that got me there. Whining and self pity is easily done. I could get on my soapbox about doing all of this work, and not having gotten a girlfriend out of it, which was why I started of course. That can be the pathway for some men. Year 3, isn’t the year. I may get what I seek, in year 4 or 5. I’m not meeting women I find particularly attractive just yet, and that’s fine. I will level up.
For the true dogs: if you want to get somewhere with women, money, your looks and physique, on my forum here, I’ll tell you the truth, and you won’t hear this from coaches or “experts” who will blow smoke. This journey, is one that will test your very limits, if you are not equipped with sufficient looks, that is.
The actual truth, is that you will need to grind like an absolute monster, for multiple years, to even see some small green shoots of success. These experiences wil be rare. Take a look at the last 2 girls I fucked:
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In my log, I called this chick Balkan Beauty. She was awesome, sweet, fun, positive, and a great girl. Wish her the best. She was in town for a week and left. Texted her after, she replied a little. Now, obv got on with her life. Fleeting encounter but fun.
Dino, was a bit of a weird one and didn't necessarily enjoy it.
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These were both fairly decent looking. The gal from Montenegro, was totally lovely, thoroughly enjoyed our time together. The Dino, was frauding a bit. She looked much worse than her pics, and the 2nd time she came over to bang, I was not into her at all, had ED, and just fooled around a little before she left. Not ideal.
These experiences, are hard won, after 3 years of daily, consistent effort. No time off, no breaks, no “I just need to relax for a while”. Ever. I got up and fucking WORKED for 3 years, and kept doing the process. Rarely, I would get a lead that is decent looking. And I would strike like a fuckin peregrine falcon descending from the heavens lol.
My advice:
-Take SMV maxxing VERY seriously. Do not be determined by anyone's protestations. Is your match quality persistently low? Mine, on average, sucks after 3 years. I seldom get any at all. Why do you think that is? Low SMV + Very niche product. Funny how they don’t tell you this online, hey? You can’t blame them. They just don’t know, because they never had the experience. With self improvement for a year or two, they were able to attract decent chicks, the occasional pretty chick, and there was no need to go further. You have to thank these guys for their contribution, be grateful, but move on and go deeper, think bigger, and not allow their limited paradigms to impact your friendships. It is OUR personal responsibility, as men who are not from the correct mould for success across the board, to solve OUR equation. No one can solve for it for us, but US. And we will do it, with grace, dignity, and abundant positive energy.
-Lean into the performance game. You have to think about this differently from how the others do. If you absorb the wrong paradigms, you will not breakthrough. You will be chewed up and spat out, I warn you. Equip yourself with the deep long term performance principles to go way, way, way beyond the rest. This, can be developed. Fortunately, I did have this, so was able to make progress. If I didn’t, I likely would have quit somewhere in year 2, when I had a 10 month dry spell.
This comes down to work ethic, consistency, and deciding to take the path of true masculine excellence.
If you do that, and will stop at absolutely nothing: you will start to win.
This shit, you have to go super hard for man. You have to know, man oh man, I am GRINDING. You can't delude yourself or BS. If you are lower in looks, I am warning you now, you truly will have to bleed for this shit because women are not the way you think they are. They're actually in a very different reality, have insane options and choice. and look their dating apps and DMs are full of Chad so your ass is going to have to become a hustler to compete.
And yet, it can be done. I stress the importance of
consistency. You have to think differently from some of the people you've been led by and inspired by, because what those guys are doing and what they did, may not work for you!
Think differently & find ways to win. It can be done.
Living proof right here