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Ravi, Year 3: Self-Improvement Log - Data-Driven, Incremental Growth [DISCIPLINE]

The IronWill Project: Tues 2nd April 2024


(1) Money:
-Coaching Delivery

(2) Muscles:
-Nutrition: Hit kcals & maros

(3) Mindset:
-Healing work: 2hrs, journalling, questioning core beliefs.




Improving myself in every way possible.

Let's see what happens next.

The IronWill Project: Tues 2nd April 2024


(1) Money:

(2) Muscles:
-Hit Kcals & Macros
-KoT & McKenzie

(3) Mindset:
-Admin: Plan Mexico, Turkey hotel, Message coach Adam, start catching up with those I’ve not been able to contact for a while (Timmy, Thebastard , Carl, and the many, many others)
-Healing Work: 2hrs, core beliefs journalling


Feeling a little better. More focused, calm, clear.

Having a mission and being able to truly serve others, helps me a lot. I really enjoy going through all my coaching delivery each day, it’s super fun.

All of my knowledge and skill in healing, is really coming to the fore for me right now. It reminds me when I was on Dr Jesse Steinberg’s program back in the day, who mentored me in healing a lot. He went through major trauma release while we were still doing the program due to his divorce from his wife of many years. Jesse was f**king awesome and his program was a major life changing event for me. Worth every penny and made me a far better human. Now I am paying it back.

All will be well, because I have the skills and ability.

This was not a ideal time to go through this. I was doing SO WELL. I felt like I was on top of the world. Then, boom, major life event.

And I will use it to grow.


Sending you all strength
Feeling a lot better, man, and some of my warrior spirit MAY be coming back....

The stuff with my childhood, was bad man, processing that, really was so painful.

Did the right things, found great help, and glad to say, it has helped A LOT!

I knew Kristina from my time in various healing groups when I was also learning how to do this inner work. These tools will be useful as hell right now.

I will post my check-in shortly. But did want to know, I am feeling better now.

Things in my mindset, will shift. I will push forward with the 6 months of healing, inner game, and just working on energy and how to deeply and authentically connect with people. Exploring creating deeper friendships, connections, stuff like that. Less dating and sex, for a while. More humanity, love, and genuine connection/bonding with people.

I am on a mission to become the best version of myself.

I will do the work on healing, and processing my childhood. I will thrive.

The best is yet to come.

Back to work..............

The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Thursday 04/04/2024


(1) Money:

(2) Muscles:
-Nutition & Kcals

(3) Mindset:
-Healing Work: 1hr journalling done, reflecting on core beliefs, questioning them, healing.



Today, I will move things forward in life.

I am quite pissed off about the long, unravelling trauma process unwnding in my brain. Very frustrating. I would like to focus on my biz and push ahead in life. Having to deal with these things unfolding in one’s brain, for many months now, is a lot, and causes a lot of issues.

The one that frustrates me, is how hard it was to focus on the tasks of life, and maintain relationships and friendships. Regretably, I wasn’t able to keep on top of the many messages I do get, and I can see, some of my good friends are understandably offended.

I do not know what the solution to this is. I will just have to accept it, apologise when I am ready, and do the work to heal and be better.

Clearly, there is a lot I have to process and deal with, whilst also getting my life to where I want it. You want to know what kinda spurs me on about that? The challenge of it. It’s, frankly, a lot, and will require me to go to war again like I did for The Phoenix Project.

It may be time to bring that version of myself back.


I had a convo with my Dad the other day.

I am absolutely done with being cucked.


He is not a bad dude. Not at all, man. He has a lot of good to me. He is, however, absolutely FUCKED in the head dude. He is really weird and he has issues himself. I am DONE being mad at this guy.

Yes, he destroyed my brain. He was not ready to be a Dad in the first place but because he was, I am here, and for that, I am fucking grateful.

There is a way for me to build an exceptional life. It will be my fucking savage determination and drive that will get me there and brutal work ethic.

I am glad I grappled with this shit over the past few weeks, and confronted it head on. It allowed me to process it and deal with it.

There is a long way to go for me man. I am not going to stay at this level. Yeah I am running a fucking great biz, get laid, but this is not what I want.

I want to be a lot, lot, lot better than this.

This is honestly living small, man, and way below my potential. I could serve a lot more, create a lot more, produce a lot more, and become a lot better.

Essentially, I am not going hard enough. Because when I got out of pain, which was a few months ago, and began to feel like a successful person, my absolutely horrible background and the fact that I come from a bad background of abuse came crashing down upon me and made me feel like, damn Ravi, who are you kidding, you think you are this and that, don't you know you are a kid who is from nothing, you are nothing at all, who are you trying to fool.

When the outer world has gotten better, the inner world can savagely resist it.

This is called FEAR OF SUCCESS.

Because how can an inner identity, which was molded in hell, which was cloaked in pain, remain stable when you are now getting somewhere in life?

I am DONE feeling sorry for myself, DONE with being fucked cucked by my Dad, DONE with making excuses for myself to stay at this level because I do not believe this is the end of the road for me.

What it is, however, is the end of my own bullshit, thinking I am too broken inside to get to the top of this world, thinking people will not want to work with a childhood abuse survivor, I am done with being ashamed of my past and thinking I am a lesser being because those things were done to me. FUCK IT.

The worst thing a guy like me can do, is say, alright, well I guess I will play small, because who am I to push further ahead from this point.

That not only lets me down, but also, every other survivor who has been through that, which is what really upsets me.

No more of this shit man. I have had enough. It is selfish to wallow, when guys like me should instead, become successful, and show others that it CAN BE DONE even with a fucking dire as hell hand.

It's time to turn this shit into strength and go harder than I ever have.

I will find a way.

Mexico for a bit, build rock solid inner game. Get my money up, hardcore. Go to NYC, finish what I said I will finish. Grind for a while. Get where I need to be.

And then go higher in this world.

This will take a monstrous work ethic and I have cucked myself psychologically the past 2-3 months I'd say so I think it will have to be a case of going to war again like I did in The Phoenix Project.

So let it start today.........

Will do my check-in, in a bit, going to do some movement and body work for a bit, back is niggly as fuck right now, gotta consider if I go train or wait until Monday. I haven't taken any time off training for quite a while so this may be a useful reset this weekend.

I will WORK this weekend because I have to bring my warrior spirit back.

The one thing that has gotten me to this place today, is warrior spirit. As soon as I got out of pain (towards the end of Budapest) this just starred to abate. I was no longer the savage MAC I have been for years. I was a bit different.

I think I had to have the internal realisations this experience has brought me. I am now, no longer playing to get out of pain..........



Back shortly...........grinding season commences...................been fucked up psychologically for months man and that ends today.

Final comment: massive shoutout to Dante who called me yesterday to check in on me after not hearing from me for a while. He slapped me with some hard truths, which I will not share here, I'll keep those to myself, but I needed to hear it.

Today's focus will be mindset & admin.

-Morning Process
-Meal Prep
-Gym: KoT
-Posture: McKenzie
-Admin: Mexico, Biz Admin for Group Call, Turkey Admin
-Coaching: Preparing for next week's coaching, going to address some client questions in long form video format, anonymous obv.
-Design weekly plan: WIll hustle next week, then off to Turkey for a week, where I will still work, but will do a Minimum Effective Dose. In Mexico, I will be working 100% and going fucking ham. Hours of biz, hours of inner work, and will dedicate every ounce of energy I have to becoming a better man.
-Healing Work
-Evening Process
The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Monday 08/04/2024


(1) Money:

(2) Muscles:
-Kcals & Macros

(3) Mindset:

-Admin: (1) Finalise Mexico, flight booked, get AirBNB w/ september , (2) iPhone repair


Healing work past weeks has been extremely, extremely positive. I cannot speak highly enough of it.

I am now feeling like classic MAC again.

I will not stop the healing work, and will in fact, double down.

It's time to go to WAR again. And work harder than I have ever fucking worked before.


Biz Daily & Weekly Goals

Goals For This Week

(1) Produce 1st draft of Consistent Performance Formula.
(2) Set up April’s Mini Workshop
(3) Develop IronWill Scorecard
(4) Finish reading Fanatical Prospecting

Daily Targets

-Day A & Day B: Day A = Gym Days (Mon, Wed, Thur, Sun) and Day B = Rest Days (Tue, Fri)
-Weekend: Networking, Healing, Mindset Development Only

Day A Goals:
-Sales 8 Hours: (A) 1st Draft Consistent Performance Formula doc, (B) Mini Workshop Dev, (C) ScoreCard Dev, (D) Read Fanatical Prospecting.
-Coaching Delivery.
-Admin Tasks

Day B Goals:
-Sales 8 Hours: As Above.
-Content 4 Hours: I’ll spend one day writing a killer article, and then the other Day B, will be turning that into long form, short form, and social media posts.
-Admin Tasks
The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Tuesday 09/04/2024


(1) Money:
-Coaching Delivery & Monthly Group Call
-Sales: 8hrs
-Content: 4hrs

(2) Muscles:
-Rest Day
-Nutrition: Hit Kcals & Macros
-Posture Work

(3) Mindset:


The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Wednesday 10/04/2024


(1) Money:
-Coaching Delivery: Calls, One on One, Group, Value Post.
-Sales: Consistent Performance Formula Draft 1, Mini Workshop Magic, ScoreCard, Book Call w/ Dino.
-Content: With permission, upload calls. Upload podcast with Ashwin.
-Learning: Read Fanatical Prospecting

(2) Muscles:
-Coaching call w/ my recomp coach
-Nutition: Nail all meals and follow plan, without deviation.

(3) Mindset:
-Healing Journalling
-Confirm for call w/ Kristina tomorrow

-Admin: Turkey, Mexico, Winner Within transition.


Stillness, ease, flow.

Effortless and joyful productivity.

That is how we activate our genius.

The tech team, are on the last steps with the forum transition.

That means, I'll make an announcement soon of some forum maintenance that will take place. This will be clearly stated, will in advance. You'll all have notice.

There will be a few days (if that?) when the forum is offline to allow us to make the changes.

And then, we're back up, new URL, new forum software, new structure. A few new mods, and a technical team will be in place.

We will then push this place to the max.

pancakemouse said:
MakingAComeback said:
There will be a few days (if that?) when the forum is offline to allow us to make the changes.

Not at all. Maybe a few hours.

Perfect. :-)

Looking forward to the transition, and to seeing all the men have a better forum experience, and grow as humans.

The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Thursday 11/04/2024


Morning Process & Morning Checkin: Done

(1) Money:
-Coaching Delivery

(2) Muscles:
-Nutrition: Kcals & Macros

(3) Mindset:
-Healing Journaling
-Therapy Session

-Admin Tasks

Evening Process & Evening Checkout
Day has been good. Back in from the gym, refocusing right now.

Strength has been positive lately. Did 130kg x 17 and then 140kg x 9 in deadlifts. My max is around 190kg at the moment.

Today's session, was mostly machines. My coach changed my program this week.

During my very painful two weeks of trauma clearing, I was unable to stick to my diet. I made a range of bad decisions, and gained a considerable amount of weight.

Having dealt with my psyche, and had a very positive and supportive call with my recomp coach on Tuesday, I have been training hard, and adhering fully to my diet.

I expect my weight will dial in. The weight gain, it must be said, has made negative impacts on my SMV, and I look markedly worse. As you will see in content I will be uploading, likely tomorrow.

Whilst annoying, it is entirely fixable. I expect I will return to a more acceptable weight, within the next 2 weeks. The positive side, however, is I have gained size and strength, like nobodies business, working under coach Adam.

Other life developments: I will be going to a great business networking day, put on by Dan Meredith, on Sat. I will be with my friend, Radical, who is Andy's biz partner, and one of my clients in IronWill, Ken.

Ahead of my trip to Turkey on Monday, I will get a buzzcut tomorrow. Not to self deprecate too heavily, but my SMV is particularly bad in this part of the world. I do recall, when I was in full dating swing, and testing different nations, Turkey was one of the locations (among many) I was unable to get a solitary match. Brown death? Maybe. Who knows. I look forward to being social, and just enjoying the environment, without any intention to meet anyone or exchange details.

Detoxifying from the past 3 years, dating on nightmare mode, is underway as a side-project. I am grateful for my therapists support. And I am grateful for my ability to reflect, learn, and tease out clues as to how I could have been better. Largely, I attribute my experience to Low SMV: a "me" problem, and one that is within my control. SMV raising, is a long-term project, and not for the faint of heart. The small, incremental gains made through hard training, diet, and cosmetic surgery, add minuscule amounts to SMV. I can tell you this: the dating life of a male 5 is not worth living. Of particular note, it's the way they treat you......

Building a better product over the course of this year, I hope in the coming years, I can be free of this incredibly saddening experience.


Therapy yesterday, was very valuable.

Day was mostly consumed by admin. Had to be done.

Nevermind. Onwards.

The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Friday 12th April 2024

Block 1
Morning Process & Morning Checkin
Meal prep
Gym: Legs / Shops
Admin: Bank, Turkey, Mexico, Bristol.

Block 2
Healing Work: Journalling
Mindset Work: Reading
Coaching Delivery

Block 3

Stretch Goal:


Will do teeth whitening and botox in Turkey next week.

I am gaining size and strength. Bodyfat, has crept up. I am adhering to my diet now, after a shaky 2 weeks. I will train hard today, hydrate well, and see what the scale is like tomorrow. I will follow the plan strictly for a few weeks, and confer with my coach to ensure we’re on track.

Any improvements and optimisations must be made. I am saddling up for a tough year of grinding. Results suck? Too bad, work harder. No one is entitled to shit. I thought after 3 years, things would tick up. They didn’t. I am pissed off, but directing that rage into meaningful and productive output – gym, diet, working hard to save for surgeries, and investing in myself. I cannot see a better situation unfolding on the basis of the past 3 years. But I will persist, and find ways to win. I will start to think more outside the box, and be open minded to new ideas outside of the body of thought I have developed at present. I do not see the utility of persisting with the online dating or cold approach grind moving forward while at low SMV. I do see the utility to learning to be stoic and finding concrete ways to massively overhaul my personal image. There will be ways to do it, I just need to be open minded enough to explore further afield.

Clues, will come. They exist. They are out there.

I am committing to a 90 day sprint of no excuses relentless execution. I will be doing it, daily, in my free FB group and everyone involved will get a f**k tonne done and change their lives. This is, ofc, free. Because I love the energy and I want to PUSH right now. Will be posting videos, daily, checking in, checking out, and creating an epic container for achievement.


My fat husky ass on the bulk!!!

You will see me get trimmer and trimmer.

And you will see me (as well as the others) embody no excuses. Which is what gets shit done.

PRE DAY 1: 90 Day Sprint

I'm flying today, for a family holiday. I am getting myself set up mentally, physically, and spiritually, to push hard af for 90 days.

That means, taking care of a bunch of admin, polishing off my 90 day game plan, and just focusing on THE PROCESS.

My job, is to show up, and hit the processes.

That's it.

Today, it's very simple:
-Social post
-Content: Getting one long form out

That's it!

Lets go make AWESOME THINGS happen


Did my level best. Did my social posts. Did my admin. Didnt do long form.

Flights, airports, and then settling into the hotel, getting food, and getting everything set up was the focus.

Back tomorrow.

Interestingly enough, now its HOT here in Turkey and I can wear vest and shorts, I am getting a lot of looks and attention. Very cool, these women are not objecting to my skin tone so they don't have a problem looking at me. It feels good to not be invisible, and to get normal guy treatment. I am not dating, and am enjoying the break from it all a lot. Havin muscle now, and being such a large human, evidently work for this population to at least see some attraction in you. I don't know what dating these people is like, I can see its hella conservative, and that's fine. I am happily in retirement right now.

I am however pleased to see the GRINDING I did in the gym and the muscle I gained, has genuinely increased my value to the women who are open to me. I gotta travel a lot more and find locations which are workable. SMV remains undefeated. I gotta raise mine. A lot. But, I'll do it. Muscle, tatts, surgeries. I will need a rhinoplasty for sure lol.

Will work hard tomorrow man. Gotta figure out a spot with good internet and I will get some hustle done!

May sneak down to the beach for a while and just work on my laptop there.

Must work. Must drive progress. I am willing to bleed for it.

I must get ahead.

DAY 1 of the 90-Day Sprint!

Today's Non-Negotiables:
🌅 Morning Check-in & 🌆 Evening Checkout
📲 Crafting 3 Killer Social Posts
📈 Sales Work
🤝 Networking
💪 Hitting the Gym


I will be doing 10-12hr days. Likely longer some days. Because that is just what I have chosen to do during this 90 day sprint. A caveat is – weekends are OFF completely.

The above, gets done, no excuses. Regardless of any external factor.

Now, I’ve got a bunch of other stuff to handle, admin, spending some time with family, and all that. All good. Creating a container where we’re FOCUSED on a mission, gives us superpowers. My mission is to nail this for 90 days. So it will be done.
ThelegendofJ said:
Good luck with the 90 days Ravi, I'm sure you will crush it!!
Do you have specific networking goals?

Muchas gracias Jorim

Networking goals, I will get more clarity on - I will be using Chet Holme's Hot 100 approach and will seek to connect with some solid folks who can amplify my message,
