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Ravi, Year 3: Self-Improvement Log - Data-Driven, Incremental Growth [DISCIPLINE]

Day 14/90

Morning Process: Done
3 Social Posts
Sales: Pipeline + Sales Dev
Coaching Delivery
Gym: Lift + Knees Over Toes + McKenzie Extension
Networking: 2hr
Evening Process
MovingForward said:
MakingAComeback said:

BROWN DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is your lifetime best deadlift? You have a great build for it.

Enjoy Mexico!

Hey bro.

200kg x 2.

Thanks. Its a great mass building movement.

I have to get a lot stronger, and a lot bigger, otherwise, well...I will get BRUTALLY strength mogged by The Bulldog!

I can't allow that

MakingAComeback said:
Day 14/90

Morning Process: Done
3 Social Posts
Sales: Pipeline + Sales Dev
Coaching Delivery
Gym: Lift + Knees Over Toes + McKenzie Extension
Networking: 2hr
Evening Process

Evening Check out!

3 Social Posts [Done]
Sales: Pipeline + Sales Dev [Done]
Coaching Delivery [Done]
Gym: Lift + Knees Over Toes + McKenzie Extension [Fail]
Networking: 2hr [Fail]
Evening Process [Done]

What I Did Well: Solid start, felt good, amazing feelings of bliss

What I Could Have Done Better: I got caught up in a lot of admin, which had to be done.

What I Will Improve For Tomorrow: Letting go & Anti Perfectionist mindset - give yourself permission to suck!

MakingAComeback said:
I have to get a lot stronger, and a lot bigger, otherwise, well...I will get BRUTALLY strength mogged by The Bulldog!

Or by the Budapest Crew for your small bicep haha!
Keep on going bro, you got this!
Got laid last night. Arrived in Mex Thur morning last week. Met some people Sat and a gal invited me to her apartment. She drove me home on her scooter. I didn't want to bang. I met another gal last night. I actually went to network with her, she's an influencer and healer, so I paid for a healing session. We were kindred spirits in biohacking and spirituality. She invited me for a walk on the beach to watch sunset. And then we went to her place to wash the sand off. I then fucked the absolute living hell out of her for 6 hours non stop. I am not joking. She had hella orgasms. Super fun.

I am TRYING not to get laid right now. And yet, it just happens.

Banged dozens of chicks at this point, just want to become the man I want to be, not worried about that so much rn.

What's funny, is the other guys trying to date her, are other influencers in health and healing. Including guys with 2-3 million followers. These guys simp and are doing video calls with her and not getting sh*t.

But she bangs my brains out all night. Walk on the beach in the morning, and she's coming over on Friday.

Do you know how much of a trip it is to cuck guys I literally learned from, like biohackers who have written best selling books....

Masculinity & Vibe can defeat the rest.




Total chad and were just getting started
Olafsmash said:
Total chad and were just getting started

Hey bro. Happy about your log and that your life is getting better. I'm glad we're friends and your ongoing support for so many years now is awesome to see. What a human being you are. Lets give you credit also.

I am not a chad at all dude lol I wish I was. Just worked hard as I could and some positive things take place from my effort. I'm not really much at all man, just a simple dude honestly.

I am glad this chick has been so cool to me, it means a lot to me and I really appreciate it.


Day 17/90 - Emotional & Inner Healing Is Part Of Joyful Performance

You really radiate something different in your videos. You feel more grounded and masculine.

No wonder that girl preferred to go with you than with those simps as you said.

As always, inspiring.
SpongeBob said:
You really radiate something different in your videos.

Yeah! Totally agree on this.
Loving your vibe and energy,
I've heard alot of people say that after a long period of hustling (with dating/girls), suddenly when letting it go, it all clicks and comes together.
Kinda had that feeling reading your last report.

As always, very proud of you!
Thinking of deleting this log, gents.

Think it's time to pass the torch to the next generation and see them thrive.

I got what I was looking for, which was to be a cool confident guy who gets laid.

I improved socially year after year and now life is fun as fuck.

Online never took off for me and neither did approaching. Both useful for growth. And both absolutely useless for anything else. Pointless activity honestly.

Too much of the traffic for this website goes to my log, it's time to put the spotlight on other people and let them shine.

So many invested in me. I will selflessly invest all of the same energy back into the entire community.

Likely will just delete this bitch. Flagging it now. If there's any objections, let me know, and I'll consider them fully.

Gotta strongly disagree on you deleting the log, when I was struggling I googled shit like 'late life virgin turns dating life around.'

There are other examples out there where guys have got laid and overcome all the mental issues that got them into the situation in the first place, but none of them systematically break down every step they took to succeed over an extended period of time and how they overcame obstacles and pushed on against setbacks.

And there definitely aren't any that detail starting a successful business, moving to different countries, working with different experts etc.

I think its a real service that you've shared your journey here and there's no such thing as too many success stories.
From a purely logical standpoint, if your log drives that much traffic, and you're trying to grow the community, then it would be nonsensical to do so.

I'd also say that your log stands for inspiration for many lurkers and eventually is what converts them over.

But we don't make decisions based on logic. So, I'm curious what would be the benefit to you for leaving it and benefit to you for deleting it?

Regardless, I've enjoyed seeing your IG stories and seeing some peace and happiness you. You'll do whatever's best for you.
Don't see any benefit to deleting it for the community. You're just denying people the ability to read what the experience of transforming yourself is like. So many places on the Internet filled with vague notions and flowery words about the process, and not the actual details and pain involved.
I strongly suggest you don't delete it. And even if you did, I would encourage you to convert it into some sort of book or something similar. With good marketing I see best seller potential.
Yours is the greatest zero-to-hero story I've ever read. It's a testament to what people can achieve through self-reliance, hard work, dedication, consistency, and unwavering faith. If it wasn't for trailblazers like you, GLL Chris, and Andy, I wouldn't be where I am today.

Don't kick down the ladder after you've ascended to the top.