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Hey guys my name is Aiden. I am 18 years old and from Canada. I am 6'0ft tall and currently 165 lbs.
I, AidenGLL, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My Goals for 2021
- Break up with current LTR of 2 years, with the least amount of drama as possible.
- Get my G2 license, get my dream car (300zx twin turbo) and have $10,000 saved, all by July 20th, 2021.
- Get shredded for the summer, without being too skinny.
- Get a full beard (stubble) using minoxidil.
- Drink more water and correct my posture.
- Improve my general social anxiety. I want to achieve a week where I do 70 cold approaches.
- When I go back to real school in grade 13 (I am in grade 12 online school) I want to be more outgoing and talk to people in my class, hopefully some flirting.

More Info About Me
I am self employed. I currently have a small landscaping business that makes me very good money for my age. I earn anywhere from $30/hour all the way to the most I've made which was $60/hour. I have about 5 clients. I also have some other small side hustles as landscaping is something I cant do all the time. Planning to be a tradesman in my 20s.

As of writing this, I have done 2 cold approaches in my life. The first cold approach worked and I got her number and we went on a date, however, I lost interest in her as she was quite boring. The second cold approach somehow landed me in a 2 year relationship. Everything was great, but then as usual, things went down hill. Ending this relationship when the time is right, as I want the breakup to go as smooth as possible.
Wassup fellas!

I, Brandon, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

18 y/o from Germany

At the time of this writing I‘ve had 0 lays, 0 kisses etc. so far. Completely untouched by a female. My high standards are mainly to blame (I feel like I‘m too good looking to be seen with a „average“ girl). But also Approach Anxiety and general low self-esteem.

I‘m ready to let all that BS go and give it all I got to lose my virginity. (I‘m gonna use Andy‘s Tinder guide to do it btw)

-Lose virginity before 19th birthday (14.10.2021)
-Get ripped this year(2021) (currently pretty skinny)
-Get at least a 3,0 average on my report card (German school grade system: 1=A, 2=B,... 6=F)
What's good
I'm 20 from Philadelphia. I've been trying to increase my pull with girls for about a year and a half now. I had some great success at first, but right now I'm not having crazy results (the current situation the world is in being the main thing to blame). I also have fell off the horse a bit in general with self-improvement and I am looking to get my shit together to succeed. I am hopping on this forum to get some accountability and get back in a beginners mindset. I need to approach all of this with way more dedication and effort. I need to find ways to keep myself accountable. Hopefully, I will be able to find a couple people on this forum that are my age that I can text to give me advice about things.

- find an accountability partner who I can talk to
- get with hotter girls
- improve ability to connect with people
- get As this semester
- post on this forum every day with a log for a year

I, GettinItAll commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously
I, Rob aka RobbyRhomboids, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hey, my name is Rob

22 years old living on the East Coast in the US, I've had one fuckbuddy and I explored more than I would've assumed, but I want more haha.


  • Get consistently laid
  • Explore my sexual side further
  • Get accepted into an MD program
  • Live on my own and be financially independent
  • Lose weight while still maintaining strength for my hobbies
I, Johnson, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Have a lay here and there but have always felt like I just stumbled upon them. Time to take control and manifest my own destiny. With everything going on in the world, I feel an urge to make shit happen, FAST.

25, USA. Glad to meet you all and looking forward to crushing it this year.
Hi guys,

I am a British South African living in Canada, 39 yrs old, & a father of two (4&2 yrs old) in the middle of a divorce.

1) unfuck myself - people pleaser/nice guy.
2) become more attractive - get laid.
3) make money not in an office.
4) get laid.
5) be a great dad & role model.
6) get laid.
7) eventually have a good solid relationship.

Attaching a pic of my physical progress.
Left is from Dec 2020 when I just started exercising again (2months before wife said she wanted divorce).
Right pic is from Mar 2021 (2months after wife said she wanted divorce).

Thanks Andy, and all in forum!

Right is from Mar 2021
UpgradeDon said:
Hi guys,

I am a British South African living in Canada, 39 yrs old, & a father of two (4&2 yrs old) in the middle of a divorce.

1) unfuck myself - people pleaser/nice guy.
2) become more attractive - get laid.
3) make money not in an office.
4) get laid.
5) be a great dad & role model.
6) get laid.
7) eventually have a good solid relationship.

Attaching a pic of my physical progress.
Left is from Dec 2020 when I just started exercising again (2months before wife said she wanted divorce).
Right pic is from Mar 2021 (2months after wife said she wanted divorce).

Thanks Andy, and all in forum!

Right is from Mar 2021

Nice, getting rid of that dad bod ASAP.
Hello everyone

I, Aws, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously

The name is Aws, 25 years old from Iraq

My goals are:
  • Lose about 2-3 Kg monthly until the end of the year (I'm currently at 100 Kg)
  • Build some muscle using light weights (Just like Eugen Sandow & Bobby Pandour), I want to achieve a classical Greco-Roman physique (something similar to the statue of David)
  • Incorporate Kegels & Reverse Kegels into my daily routine to strengthen my erections
  • Do a Jelqing routine to increase my size (6.8x5.5 to 7.5x6)
  • Finish a year long Nofap streak
  • Get a job as a Web Developer or a College Instructor by the end of the year

My avatar was taken 2 years ago when I was about 84Kg (185 cm of height) but since finishing college and going back to my parents house I've gained a lot of weight since they've been feeding me like a pig. I always make a great progress like losing 5 Kg a month only to reward myself (more like punish) with food and regain the weight yet again. I just want to break that endless cycle of not progressing at all.
I, Relentless, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hello y'all I am looking forward to becoming a part of this community and work towards my goals.
I am 31 from western Europe.

-Get laid more
-Improve my online dating game and pictures
-Take more action
-Improve my confidence
-Be less needy
-Approach even tho I experience approach anxiety (or beat that ofcourse)

Everyday I try to work towards improving myself even if it is just a little bit and be the best version of myself. In some departments it is going better then others. Goals I really want to improve on are around girls and improving my confidence. Those are the main reasons I joined this place.
I, Cam, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

24 years old
goals: get laid
gain muscle
earn more money

Did my first approach today. Feeling happy that I finally did it. Glad to be here.
Hey Guys,

I'm CFB. Feel free to read that as CAB.
I'm a big nerd, excellent at planning and tracking progress but actually taking action needs work. I also have pretty severe body dysmorphia when it comes to weight/attractiveness and have been on/off trying to diet since 2014. Last June I turned 26 and told my 262 lb self I'm going to fix that shit once and for all, or die trying. I've been following KYIL since I found it in November, and swore to myself once I crack 200 lbs there are no more excuses to delay taking action in other areas: making a dating profile, developing my style, career building, practicing socializing, and working actively on nervousness/anxiety/fear. I'm open to help from others and would love to share what I've learned as well.

Anyways... I, CFB, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
Please excuse the somewhat vain profile picture :D Clearly the choice was between literally or figuratively sucking my own dick, and I figured it was less contentious to do the latter. It's nothing special objectively (Christ, when I don't suck in a little I feel like I resemble Andy's "before" pictures) but I'm proud of how far I've come.

Losing Fat: around 65-70 lbs + difference in Muscle
Fitness: Bench 185 (Nov) -> 230 | Push Ups 15 -> 50 | Chin Ups 0 -> 10 | Plank 0:45 -> 2:00 | Mile Run 15+? -> 10:13
No Fap: Since March 1, 2021
Mindset: Starting to feel sexy for the first time in my life
Youtube: 200 Subscribers in 3 months, self-taught basic Video+Audio editing, practice being vocal
(I prefer to keep Youtube/Online separate from my real life, so I won't link)

Weigh <195 lbs (or roughly equivalent body re-composition)
Run a 9 minute mile
Focus On @ Gym: Pull Up, Shoulder Press, Side Raise, Bench, Row, Squat
Develop a Meditation Habit, 10 mins / day
Get certified as a Scrum Master (organizational manager for Tech teams)
Release 3 Youtube Videos
Dating, Anxiety - Starting Small
Take 2-3 half decent photos
Create a Profile on 1 App, doesn't have to be perfect
Just chat with any matches, no pressure to meet up
Be mindful of what people wear & consider styles
I, southernSavant, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hey guys, excited to be here to join you all on this same wretched and exciting path to becoming a better version of ourselves.

I will keep this short but will expand on my background once I start logging my AA progress. 31 years old living in the US. I've had 20+ lays but never consistently enough and most of it just feels like luck. Especially after covid I feel like I'm in a rough spot so I want to make many changes and significantly improve my dating life.

Long term goals:
- Start a software business, work for FAANG and/or own real estate
- Build a bigger network of colleagues and friends
- Sustainable Confidence
- Unlimited personal growth

Current goals:
- Finish cut 180 lbs or gain weight (need opinions once I post photos)
- Start and finish the GLL AA program before the end of 2021
- Slay cold approach and the online dating game
- Date more attractive women
- Get another tattoo before the end of 2021
Im OpenTheBox AKA Rapitup from GLL
I, OpenTheBox, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm 27 from Canada, living in Australia - Just moved to Sydney after 3 years in Melbourne
I want to focus more on my own fulfilment and meeting my goals
To me that looks like: Hitting the gym regularly, being social, working hard and being kind to others
I've been on GLL since 2012/2013 and have a solid amount of experience from online, random chicks and nights out

Longer term goals
- Make a milly
- Get really good at something I enjoy (snowboarding or muay thai)

Current short term goals
- Start going to the gym at 6am every morning again
- Get down to 10-12% body fat within the next 3 months
- Stress less
Hey everyone,

TheGreatTurk here.

Been in seduction community for a long time. I was 22 and lost my virginity over this, but never achieved above-average success. I sleep about 6-7 women every year, but quality is nowhere near what I want. (bad character, no young beach bodies etc.)

I have read tons of seduction advice. Like TONS. What I liked a lot about this website is that, it is not made for losers to become average, but the goal is to become at an elite level.

I am a quite good-equipped guy. I was never obese or a great loser. I can speak 3 languages (English, German, Turkish) learning Russian currently and got a PhD in engineering. I am well-travelled, over 40 countries and have a good-paying, remote job which would allow me a lot of freedom after Corona. I can afford an above-average (but not spectacular) lifestyle. I believe, I have a really good "product" as a man.

My marketing is very bad though.

I have, for years, half assed gym, did not really track my progress and got average results, but nothing really significantly good.

My current goal is to get quality pussy. Quality pussy means girls between 20-28, BMI between 20-25, cute face (difficult to quantify).

I want to be a guy, that draws attention naturally. On a very superficial and animalistic level. I want girls to get wet, just by looking at me.

I can get pussy, if I really grit. I want the pussy, without all the drama and the grit. I need to reach another level.

I, TheGreatTurk, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

At the end, I would like to get a quality girlfriend, but I would like to feel the abundance first, before committing. I want to have an abundance of pussy.

You seem to have a lot of attributs on your side to begin with.

That's Nice yet not necessary when it comes to get laid.

What you need to do is look good and talk to girls. A lot.

Here on the website and GLL as well are a ton of articles about this.
These are very supporting

However what makes the difference is your investment.

What you want and what you're willing to do to get it.

If you want advices here about how to max out your looks, I suggest you to open a thread, post a few pics of yours and ask for comments and advices.

Are you able to approach women and tell them you find them attractive ?
Would you be able ask a minimum of 20 girls out a week.
If so, aweome.

If not, there is the AA PROGRAM on GLL and here specifically dedicated to max out your social freedom.
I didn't do it personally but I followed a similar model which was :
Ask time
Time direction
Time non sexual compliment
Direction non sexual compliment
Time direction non sexual compliment
Non sexual compliment
Time sexual compliment
Sexual compliment (hey, you're cute)
Sexual compliment, are you single ?
Sexual compliment, are you single (small talk) number.

Worked for me. You can do this too.

In the meantime you get on tinder with good pics according the advices from members here. Following the guidelines of the tinder guide by Andy on the website.

Look good, Talk to girls. A WHOLE LOT.
I, Tobi, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I am a 33 year old german living in Thailand.

My current goals are:
- Become more dominant/better at sex
- Get up to 80kg body weight (at 73 right now)

Planning to create a Log later and go into more detail there.
I'm Thrice, i want to get ripped and get laid with cute girls, make money and friends

I, Thrice, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm 32, from Italy