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Hey guys,

My goals are:
1) Get at least 3 lays this year. I have a 7 years dry spell (I'm 31)
2) Put muscle mass as I'm skinny fat and thin (up to 75kg at 15% BF)
PatriarchX blueman

Welcome boys
Bit of housekeeping. You both need to add the phrase 'I, <your name>, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.' to the entry posts

Tis part of our entry requirements

Been lurking for a long time but finally decided to take my goals seriously. Current Goals:
1. Lose virginity
2. One approach a day for 365 days
3. Drop down to 65 kg

I, goldfish, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
Hello, I'm Ben.

The goal is to build businesses as a priority. Currently have a home service business that I will be working hard to fully automated without me working in it much. The goal is 3-5mil in revenue a year with a team. The goal for profit is 20 -25%. Once I've finished building this business in a few years, planning on building much more passionate projects and other ventures.

Secondary: Gym to maintain or gain a bit from the physique. build a lifestyle with selected friends, women, and nice locations around the world. Love to approach morning and especially nighttime whenever there's some free time, hopefully, the business will be automated in a few years and I'll go back to doing a lot more of it.

Let's Win!

I, Benjyboi, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
Here to work on my confidence and learn the game.

I, Saucy, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
I, Luke, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously

I am a 23yo guy, easily a gll. I have pretty much a perfect life for a 23yo, excluding a cool social circle and girls. I was homeschooled, and had the majority of my socialization with older people (Over 60) so I learned bad habits regarding "pointless partying" "stupid college kids" "wasting your 20s" as mental models. Was a serious reader (3-400 books, impressive shelf at my place). Had a very secluded college experience for this reason, though I did start to pull myself out of it after joining a big sports club at my school, and participating in some groups.

I am 6'4", white, good looking, full hair, etc. Maybe 10-15lb from abs, have a good physique otherwise (Not lanky or skinnyfat). Got a nice flat though I will be losing it in a month as I am moving to a family condo for 1-3 months before I move to Cali for the job. Got myself a motorcycle recently, and a half decent camera (Should have bought better but I am a bit poor rn). Trying to get into a cool lifestyle, so my goals currently revolve around that.

Got into the "seduction community since 2013 when I was much younger, applied jack shit. Always procrastinated. Had serious oneitis for a period of my first three years of college for an ex. In a party town and barely got any (4-5 in 3 years?). Just a mess for the potential I have to just crush women. I am pretty optimistic now though, have been having more dates lately and focusing on moving the dates to be more aggressive (As according to this site. ) I've been meaning to commit to pulling myself out of this hole, and now is the time to do it.

1. Do the AA program. Don't know if there are more than 7 weeks but that is what I can find so that is what I will be doing for the time being.
2. Looking to upgrade my wardrobe. Been slowly doing this but am far better than I was a few years back (for reference, tucked my polo shirts into my jeans, wore glasses and didn't lift. Was quite the look, but that was 3 years ago, much better now but need some edge.)
3. Build my size below, iykwim. Hit 7x5.75 in the next 8 months.
AdedicatedMan hey dude

You need to post a profile pic of yourself to post on here as per our rules
Can be cropped or blurred
Anyone who doesnt gets banned
I'm SugarCane
I, SugarCane, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I am 26M, Chinese origin who grew up in the Philippine and now living in Hong Kong, I know how to speak and write 5 languages. I am now working as an IT assistant. I don't have a clue yet where will i be in the next 5 years.

I have only 1 ex gf, who i broke up recently. The relationship was too toxic and it only lasted for around 6 months.

My small goals for now
-To know better of myself
-To cure my acne
-To Fix my diet
-To have a slim-fit body
I'm hector(21),I'm from São Paulo(Brazil).
I recently started the AA program from GLL.
So I joined this forum to log my progress and find like minded people that can support me through my journey.

My goals are:

Complete the AA program in 3 months

Improve my physique:I'm 175cm tall and 86kg and 22% bodyfat

Improve my fashion.

And get laid from cold approach

"I,Hector, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."
I, Chocolate, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously

I finished the AA program on GLL in 8 months, now I want to turn that into lays & longer term a girlfriend.

Current Top Goal:
- Get laid once from cold approach

Longer Term Goals:
- Cold approach 50 (stretch 100) girls in a single day
- Get laid consistently (go out 2-3 times, get laid at least once)
- Get able to get laid in a turnkey fashion (ie. be in abundance & comfortable with every step of the process)
- Have a useful Tinder/Bumble/Hinge/etc profile (source of lays)
- Have good sex (exciting, fulfilling, etc)
- Find a girlfriend

Background Goals, Ambiguous Goals, Smaller Goals & Malleable Goals:
- Become stylish
- Have an exceptional body naturally (short term this might be lose 5-10 pounds, long term is to maintain 185 while being lean. Key word is exceptional.)
- Own a property (stretch: multiple properties)
- Work at a FAAMNG company as a developer (one of Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, Google)
I, Ilya, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously

Hey guys!

A little bit about myself:
1) I live in Israel, 28 years old. arrived with my family with nothing and got to something.
2) I was fighting for years to reach my life goal with many challenges and failures in my path, finally got what i wanted and keep moving forward.
3) I was always a shy boy but super picky which makes my life immensely hard sometimes.

Current Top Goal:
* Lose some fat percentage (already in progress) .
* Become more social and fun to hang around with.
* Get the girl i'd want to be my girlfriend.
Hello guys!
I’m Frontierswitch

I, Chris, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. I am not concerned with getting there fast because I want these changes (goals) to be sustainable and permanent. Also, shoutout to anyone living in the South (USA)
What’s up everyone?!
I’m LowkeyExcellence from Texas (USA)

I’ve never posted on a forum before, so bear with me.

I, Dash, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. In the last few years, I’ve sobered up, stopped watching porn, began lifting consistently 4 times a week, and ultimately improving my life in all areas one step at a time.

I’m here to improve, to be better than I was at 25 before I jumped into a 3 year LTR that almost killed me and took every shred of confidence I had in myself along with it.

Current Goals
1. Reaching 100k annually from my main source of income
2.Atleast 4 new lays a month
3. Being social, confident, and fun without drugs or alcohol.
4. Start a YouTube Channel documenting my transformation from “Drunk Pretentious Loser” to a “Symbol of Male Excellence”.
Im Wasp
I, Wasp, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

19 USA living in 29 Palms Cali terrible location due to being in the military and looking to overcome that handicap
Just got cheated on in a LTR and mainly looking for self improvement and through that increasing number of lays
Current short term goals
- gain 20-30 pounds
- improve on photography game
Welcome all. Work hard. Bleed for it and you will win.

LowkeyExcellence said:
What’s up everyone?!
I’m LowkeyExcellence from Texas (USA)

I’ve never posted on a forum before, so bear with me.

I, Dash, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. In the last few years, I’ve sobered up, stopped watching porn, began lifting consistently 4 times a week, and ultimately improving my life in all areas one step at a time.

I’m here to improve, to be better than I was at 25 before I jumped into a 3 year LTR that almost killed me and took every shred of confidence I had in myself along with it.

Current Goals
1. Reaching 100k annually from my main source of income
2.Atleast 4 new lays a month
3. Being social, confident, and fun without drugs or alcohol.
4. Start a YouTube Channel documenting my transformation from “Drunk Pretentious Loser” to a “Symbol of Male Excellence”.

That's good. Let's see that channel. I just started mine too, sub to mine & I'll reciprocate. Race you to 1k subs.

Hey guys, Im BeardedAnus and 22 years old. I am pursuing a career in land surveying and hope to one day have my own business. I am currently on a cut to try to reach at least 15% body fat as well as improve my style and "edginess". I hope to get better Tinder pictures, improve my gain and charisma, and build an abundance mentality.

I, BeardedAnus, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously
BeardedAnus sup dude

Please add:

I, <yourname>, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

To your intro post as per our rules
