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It's nice seeing your sight grow and i hope it keeps going, it's a lot of quality in one spot KillYourInnerLoser.
"I, TMOGG, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

Based upon my Avatar, where should i begin. Need advice on haircut/Beard. Been a little lazy lately and not maintaining my appearance (working from home, not out much)

Current goals
Career - find an analyst job - improve my analytical skills
Fitness - Lose fat/become more muscular. 225lb bench - push 315+ on squat/DL
Dating - Go on 1-2 dates a week
Self-improvement - become more stoic, less emotional at times, improve my appearance/confidence. Read 1-2 books a week, meditate daily.

Grimloe. Tyler's also fine.

I, Grimloe, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Current goals:
-Get under 12% body fat
-Hit 5k/month online income
-Have a rotation of 3+ girls
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Hey man, welcome. You'd benefit from making your goals more tangible though. "More money" doesn't mean anything. How much money? "I want more sex" - how many girls in the next 6 months? Etc

Thanks for pointing out me not being specific. I updated the post.

Edit: I wasn't specific enough with my goals which is a good criticism, and I tend to not be specific due to uncertainty (I guess?).
Date 3 attractive females before the end of 2020.
Get laid before the end of 2020.
Make $1000 per month working part time while going to college.
Make content once per week until the end of 2020
Weigh 185lbs by 1/1/2021
Sounds like a great thread you guys are having, here I am.

I, BouffeQ, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

French, but lived all my adult live abroad, currently on some touristy small European island.

Some of the goals for 2020 by order of priority:
-Go down to, and maintain 12% body fat long term. Current is 16ish according to my own guess.
-Get at least a successful date per week. Current average is 0. Successful means balls deep in the meat sandwich.
-Climb the Kilimandjaro
-Read 10 books
-Start to meditate (I used to think it's kinda of ghey, but then I heard it's great for mental health).
Hi everyone!

I'm Philipp, from Sweden and have been somewhat active on GLL in 2019 and early this year. Corona made me fall back into old habits and destroyed some of the progress I made, so I restarted working towards my goals in late May. Most of the goals are fitness related, as my main goal right now is to lose weight.

The reason that I only post this now even though I read most of the articles on here is that I didn't allow myself to make an account before achieving the first of the goals I was working on. Today, I finally biked 100km in a single day, one of the easier goals although time-consuming.

I won't post again until I achieved 5 more of my goals, but I'm making good progress on all of them.

Now I'm looking forward to taking part of the afternoon off and reading through some of your logs that I couldn't access so far. Hopefully, I'll learn a lot!

I, Philipp, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously!
I, Arkania, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hey guys, I'm happy to have found this community. I'm 30 years old, live in Seattle, and there's a lot I'd like to accomplish. My career is going great, so I'm mostly focusing on personal stuff for now.

Some of my goals:
-Sleep with 3 attractive girls this year
-15 inches biceps (currently at 14 and 3/16)
-42 inches chest (currently 38 and 8/16)
-33 inches waist (currently 34 and 6/16)
-Improve my social skills. I feel like I lost a lot of my progress since I've been locked alone since March.
-Improve my fashion/style
-Join a Celtic band. I've been practising with an instrument for a year with this goal in mind
Hi everyone my name is Blake 25Y old

I, Blake, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

So a little bit about me.

I was a no life antisocial gym rat for a while then.
I joined/Lurked GLL in 2015. Did the AA and Going Out Alone program in 3 months. Made a Tinder profile and went from virgin to fucking 40 girls in one year. All these lays came from Tinder, POF, OkCupid. My area is so spread out that cold approach is far less efficient than online dating.

After 40 girls in one year, I stopped journaling every lay afterward (unless if they were really hot). notable/funny lays include fucking an amateur/entry porn girl. (Only 3-4 Busch league scenes) still, take these though =). Also, accidentally fucking a prostitute and almost getting robbed as a result. funny now back that I think about it. terrifying during.

So what brings me here. Well long story short after years of steroid use. I went bald.
This was really devastating to me and my sex life. But I am still getting laid occasionally about once a month with a below-average to an average girl online. none of them are super hot anymore =(. this is mainly because my tinder profile sucks. it's like embarrassingly bad haha.

So the immediate goals right now are to.

Get back on cycle again, I stopped for a long period of time in order to try to keep my hair. didn't work haha. (already back on again.)

get back to being shredded sub 9% body fat. (currently 12-13) need to lose 1-2lbs per week. gear, diet, and muscle memory will accelerate this drastically. ( goal still in progress)

learn to take professional photos myself and pose for them. (ordering a camera) and learning to pose. ( goal still in progress )

better style. Honestly just need a better place to order T-shirts from. Any suggestions from fit/jacked people would be appreciated. (goal still in progress)

Get matches with hot girls again/ revamp online dating profiles. (literally will take no time after I get ripped and take really good shots again.)

restarting my IG and Youtube peaked at 16k IG and 30K YT. I can provide links for proof if need be. stopped posting on the accounts due to being really busy with school and also violating their social media policy =(. I graduated a little bit ago so I can start up again. (This will be on semi hold until sex life is back in order)

Mini goals include
Read more- starting with a slight edge. already ordered the book. I typically read about 1 book per month wanna try 2
listen to more education youtube videos and podcasts
better skin/grooming. doing woodisgoods skincare routine. and trimming fading my beard/ shaving head every 1-3 days. wanna shave head every day and trim beard every 2-3
stop playing video games entirely. massive waste of time.
be more active in social life. hangout with friends at least 1-2x a week.
Get a tan- already on mt2. might take like 2 weeks max of walking around in the sun to get a good tan.
get more tattoos already have a sleeve, chest piece, and one on my left forearm. just wanna either finish the whole sleeve or leave it at a half sleeve.
financial goals are on hold as of right now until I get my dating life back on track again.

Notable achievements include
3.81 GPA just graduated a bit ago- any college kids need help with studying feel free to hmu.
Landing dream job and starting CRNA school soon. by soon I mean 2 years. haha. I still take these though.
315x10 frontsquat, 225x 18 benchpress, 365x10 RDL. All of these were on gear at a BW of 190 10-12%BF. aim to beat these once I start B/Cing again.
peaked at 16k IG followers 30k YT subscribers. Did fitness and personal training stuff while in school to support myself. Had to stop due to getting in trouble at school =(. the accounts have decayed quite a bit. I'm sure with a lot of hard work I can revive them though.
I, Shakir, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

21 from Florida.

I'm currently in the military but will be getting out very shortly.

- Go to trade school for welding and graduate with high marks
- Get a good paying job
- Be able to live with no roommate
- Be debt free within the next 5 years
- Be financially stable
- Get back to 200 lbs currently 230 lbs
- Get laid regularly
- Make sure my family is taken care of
Hello everyone
I, Josh, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Discovered GLL about this time last year which was an absolute godsend. Accomplished my number one goal back in February which was to move into my own apartment. Now, on to better things.

Long Term Goals:
52 girls in one year
100 + girls lifetime
7 girls/7 days
Hey everyone,

I, Lithium, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm 24, live in Germany and had a moment of clarity.
I found this site in June through some posts of Andy on TRP. I can say that I do not fully share the negativity Andy has towards that subreddit, but I do agree that 90% of the content there is horseshit and just unproductive hate. This site looks much, much better.
chado said:
Also, you should know that once you lose the weight you're going to be a very good looking dude. You have a nice face shape, great smile and teeth. Just keep on track!

I totally agree. Lots of potential there lookswise and he does seem to be a smart guy. Lithium if you just keep going after your goals, you life will completely change in the next year. But I think you already realized that. Going from 105kg to 85kg is already quite an accomplishment.

Hey man, just wanted to quickly drop by and say welcome! I'm also a young guy like you who is facing similar to what you're going through.

Lithium said:
After 4 years of hardcore video game addiction I stopped completely. In those 4 years, I had gained 30kg of fat and lost any hunger for life as well as any semblance of personality.

Similar, used to game heavily but significantly dropped my playtime now. Who knew gaming can be a bitch.

Lithium said:
After the breakup I was super depressed.

Ngl I also stopped 6 months after breaking up with my ex. Didn't expect to be depressed for quite a while back then, too. We're similar in our weight loss and getting laid goals. Frustratingly, I am also skinny fat; it just doesn't show in my profile pic. But like they said, I can also see you'll look fine once you start losing body fat

I'd like to see you make progress in your goals, and let's crush our goals together!
Hi guys, 35 y/o newbie here from Australia. Short story is I was married for around 10 years, supported my wife to reach her goals (finishing uni, big wedding, buy a house etc) and now that she has a sweet job and I left my job to study at uni I'm suddenly not good enough for her (familiar story right). I know now its totally my own fault for not picking the right woman and spending my life putting others needs before my own.

So I've been single for a few months now, living in my own apartment close to uni. As you can imagine, the dating world is completely alien to me compared to how it was when I met my ex-wife (you had to actually go out and get plastered enough for the Dutch courage to work its magic xD ) I've been focusing on bettering myself for the last few months (don't plan to stop), studying hard, hitting the gym 6 days a week, being consistent with my diet etc and reaching out to friends to increase my social circle. I've managed to shred a fair bit of fat from the "dad bod" that I had acquired, and starting to tone up a fair bit. Getting more stylish clothes (skinny denim, bomber jackets etc, white sneakers or brown chukka boots is my kinda style).

Played with Tinder very briefly, got discouraged by the lack of interest I got on there and deleted it after a couple of days (I know now that my profile just really really sucked).
I found the link to the tinder guide via the red pill reddit and basically said "HALLELUJAH" while I was reading it word for word because it was exactly the kind of help that I need right now.

Anyway, my obvious goals are to work on own life goals, study hard, increase my social circle and of course get laid a tonne so that I feel like some kind of human being.

oh yeah

"I, skankhunt42, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously." (hope you guys appreciate south park haha)

Apologies for the crappy selfie avatar, I will fix it at some point.
Thanks for the warm welcome guys.

chado said:
As you've said, biggest thing for you right now is losing weight, but also to find mental stability. Just know that your old self will continue to rear it's ugly head for some time. Feelings for your ex will be something that will also take a long time to completely heal.

I would suggest starting a daily log on here to hold yourself accountable. Make a small post everyday, incremental gains.

Yeah, my old me has shown its face again and again, but so far I have been able to deal with it pretty well. Meditation and therapy helps I guess. I've actually written a diary since March, but I might just do that daily log on top of that. Sounds good.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
You haven't been the target of hate - called a rapist, told the girls you bang are 4's at best, told you deserved to be in the abusive relationships you were in, etc (yeah, the TRP/seduction subreddits have thrown all of that at me).

Holy fuck that is disgusting.

SIGMA_1234 said:
I'd like to see you make progress in your goals, and let's crush our goals together!

Hell yes, let's do that!

Also it's kinda reassuring to hear that I have the potential to look good. Usually (without pics) you read online that Indian guys can't do shit. But I've never been discouraged by that. Reality never looked particularly blackpill to me.
Lithium said:
Usually (without pics) you read online that Indian guys can't do shit.

Whoever said that can kiss my ass. Don't let that get to you because I have huge respect for Indians. They're very techy, and their tech tutorials have helped me pass my certain engineering subjects with flying colors. Not to mention, you guys are, like, a billion in your home country, and Indians are actually flagged as one of the biggest migrants (at least in the US and Canada). That means there's brutal competition for such spots like local Indian unis, green cards, and international student placements specifically for Indians. AFAIK, if you made it as a migrant/ got to a top university in India, you're cream of the crop already.

Not to mention, I have seen really good looking Indian guys, too. Again, welcome.
skankhunt42 said:
Hi guys, 35 y/o newbie here from Australia. Short story is I was married for around 10 years, supported my wife to reach her goals (finishing uni, big wedding, buy a house etc) and now that she has a sweet job and I left my job to study at uni I'm suddenly not good enough for her (familiar story right). I know now its totally my own fault for not picking the right woman and spending my life putting others needs before my own.

From divorced guy to divorced guy, let’s kick some ass. Having your life upended can be a blessing in disguise as I’m finding out.
benstrong26 said:
From divorced guy to divorced guy, let’s kick some ass. Having your life upended can be a blessing in disguise as I’m finding out.

Thanks brother. I know what you mean, at first I was devastated and thought my life was over. Now I realise that us men only get better with age as long as we keep working on ourselves. One day our wives will regret their decision, but we'll be way too successful to even care.