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Wtf hopefully you guys don't cum as fast as you replied.

Mark heya man, thanks. I missed you guys as well and only wanted to come back when I was 100% serious again

KillYourInnerLoser <3 Already did
I, Corbin, Commit to working on my goals and taking myself serious.

hey guys just got out of a 10 month relationship. trying to get myself back into being laid way more often and women actually attracted to me. im 22 years old and in the military.

-15 lays by Jan 2021
-get one MFF
-find more women into the BDSM
-become more confident talking to women
I, Feng, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously

- 5'10"
- Chinese, 1st Gen American
- Working towards a BS in Computer Science

Short Term Goals:
- Get laid, haven't had sex in about 8 months, but honestly not priority number one, just a tick to be checked
- Improve my foundation of coding, I recently got accepted for a semi-internship with Northrop Gruppman

Long Term Goals:
- Solid stable income & career in software engineering and have my own apartment
- Consistently lead my matches on dating apps into dates/lays
I'm from gll so goals are about the same. Tricky during corona and other stuff. Mostly career progression and money duringg corona and dating when it's over as I'm kinda ham strung during corona

I jacob am serious about my goals such as working through my programming and doing 10 cold approaches a week so i don't lose the skill but i won't go hard with getting laid till riots and corona is mostly over.
I am Ananthu

22 from India. Working as Systems engineer. I had sexual encounters when i was young. May be that caused a trauma and now i can't talk comfortabily with ladies.

My short term goals are, to build athletic body and go on dates. I want to be laid with 1000 girls that's right that is what i want to achieve.

I, Ananthu commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
Hey guys.

I have quite a lot of lays, around 110, with about 95 of that being from online dating (mostly Tinder/Bumble/CMB), and the others from social circle (literally 1 girl from daygame, lol).

I'm here because:
1. I'm a horny fuck that always wants hotter, younger, more....and with less time spent. And I'm still not satisfied with my results from online dating. Right now, I get around 1-2 girls a month from online dating, but that girl isn't always the hottest, and I'll have to go on dates with 2-3 girls before I get one lay. Obviously screening for DTFness is the issue. I'm absolutely not looking for relationships right now so I have non-existent Day 2 game - I don't want to see girls again if we don't sleep together the first night.

2. I've just started getting into daygame/nightgame...no particular sticking points yet but I want to be able to pull consistently from daygame/nightgame.

I, Jamal, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
Hi there,

I, Kapoglou , commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

About me

- 18 years old
- Greek
- No lays
- Maths enthusiasist

Goals (except career):
- Achieve a nice body physique
- Lose V-Card
- Get stronger in the gym
- More confidence
- Expand social circle
I will be posting a photo of myself in the private section, since I dont want to come up in the google search.

I, Brownie, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm: Brown (21) lol. Take the L on dating apps right there.

- Get abs. OK I'm not just saying that. I said that at the start of last summer. Did cardio for 6 months, (I'm 6'), and by December I was down from an all time high of 220 pounds to 200 pounds. I'm now 190 pounds, and have been doing a lot more weight training. 2 pack is there, and I can feel my stomach tightning, but if I let all the air out, there's still a pot belly.

- Get laid. Alright, unfortunately, I'm gonna be staying home the rest of the year due to corona, so I know it's not gonna be possible the rest of 2020. But, I'd like to take that time to better myself, prepare, and learn. Come in strong and start going for it once I'm back in town.

I, HiddenM, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously!

I first started learning how to talk to girls when I was 16. Was watching “Simple Pickup” mostly. Got my first girlfriend half a year later. We were each other’s first and stayed together for 5 years. Eventually I got complacent, depressive, and weak. Didn’t work on myself, didn’t work out, didn’t socialize. Naturally she left me.

I felt like shit, but I was done being down. I put all that emotion, frustration, and energy into improving myself. I never could stick a gym routine before and so I always was skinny. I started doing bodyweight workouts at home, so I no longer had any excuses. I also resumed my hobbies, started going out and making new friends. Now I’m in a much better place, I’ve gained about 8kg of muscle mass, I go out and can confidently talk to girls.

I am here because firstly, there is still a lot do for myself. Secondly, maybe I can help someone out on their journey too.

I live in a city of 150`000 people. I constantly feel like there are not enough options, and opportunities, not just in terms of girls. I’ve only managed to bang 3 new girls since my breakup 1.5 years ago. Whilst I’m tied to being here until I finish my bachelors, I aim to build myself up and learn how to be successful dating here so when I finally move, I can get right to it. I will improve my dating profiles with better pictures, I will get in to an even better shape, I will get even better with people (and girls in particular), and I will be a better man every day, even if by a little!

Short term goals
*Bang 15 girls before im 25. I have to find these girls attractive.
- 2 by end of September
- 4 more until 2021
- 9 more before im 25 (Jan 2022)
*Move to a bigger city
*Finish my bachelor’s and pay off debt.

Long term goals

*Build an income source that isn’t directly tied to my time
*Have an abundance of (sexual) partners that I truly enjoy being with
*Continuously improve myself
Hi there,

I, Dev, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm Indian (25), from South Africa. I haven’t used online dating before. I haven’t approached a girl in 5 years. I have a lot of confidence to build and good habits to learn.

Weight - I need to lose about 15KGs. I want to lose about 25KGs. I’ve started YouTube exercise vids and MyFitnessPal for this.

Friends - I want to create a social circle of like-minded men that will support and enrich my life. I’ve started using Meetup again for this.

Women - I want to learn how to pick-up women. How to come across as a sexual option that Isn’t threatening. How to get over the fear. How to attract. How to transition. How to get better in bed. I’ve started Andy’s Tinder guide for this.

I’m aware a picture is required. I’ll find one that I’m comfortable with sharing and upload. Privacy is important for me however I understand the commitment being asked.
"I, Chameleon, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

Iam a 33year old swedish male, working as a mechanical designer. So why am I here? I feel that my personality is holding me back, both job wise and dating wise.

Iam quite social clumsy but I dont really feel so bad about it, as long as i dont accidently hurt someone. Its just a thing I need to improve from a pragmatic view point.

I have had two more serious relationships and a couple of smaller ones. Been with about 20 girls, but this has been waay to much work than it was worth it in all honest. And since iam finding myself getting less and less time and energy this is not a viable outcome. I use tinder and badoo atm.

I have grown used to my faults and not to be sensitive about them as I was when I was younger, which is also my one of my strength; I dont mind critique.

Some sharing for fun: Was a late bloomer, lost my virginity at age 20 to an australian girl.

I will upload a picture tomorrow after work as it is very late here at the time of writing.

My goals are:
- Become better at selling myself and clearify what I want and still meet a mutal agreement.
- Be able to date attractive girls at will.
- Improve my looks.
- Go to the gym three times a week.
I want to get laid, get leaner, and get better at taking photos.

I, Halbert, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
Hey all, I'm Homeskills.

Few of you may know me from GLL. At the start of 'rona in the US I took a break from approaching and from the forums. Had no problems staying productive so I just stuck to my new routine.

Lately I've been thinking I should join the community again so here I am.

Frankly whenever I visit forums I always end up wasting time I didn't intend to so I will be limiting the time I spend here. But I'll contribute where I can.

Been learning Spanish since the middle of March and I'm about where I want to be with that goal, so my current goal is to get a full sleeve tattoo, something I've been thinking about for quite a while now.

Anyway, good to be here.

I, Homeskills, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
I am Jasmeet
27M from India living in New Delhi.

Goal :
- 1 New Lay / Week through Online Game
- Body Fat 12% (Current is 18%) in next 2 Months.

I, Jasmeet commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
"I, Wave, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

- improve looks, go to the gym consistently (4x/week), gain muscle mass
- get more dates from online dating, social circle, cold approach
- create a high value social circle
Whats up.
I, Piano_Aficionado, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

About me:
- I am 33 years old
- I have three technical degrees and I'm finishing my graduate's.
- Live In Argentina

Long term goal:
- Get a fit body within a year.
- Move to Europe in 2021.
- Secure a job offer before moving.
- Develop some sort of passive income.

Short term goals:
- Improve my online dating game.
- Learn additional frameworks and programming languages to make my CV more appealing.
- Work out 4-5 times a week.
- Do one serious illustration a week.