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Glad to see we have more people from the Uk. Once we’ve gotten to know each other, we should plan a long weekend out. We can go out and work on our cold approaches or something.
Dislexya said:
Radical said:

You near Winchester? I went to college there; nice place but completely dead. I went back a month ago and it was a ghost town.

About half an hr north

I havent been there since I got back from Aussie
Hi all,

Hope you're doing good. My goals are to be better with ladies. Specifically, I want to be grounded in my own energy whilst enjoying creative sexual harmony with women who I connect with.

I want to master the entire process of making connections from approach to conversing, from escalation to aftercare. In everything I do, I wish to maintain maximum integrity whilst also having a lot of fun 8-)

I'm not able to use my real name due to my future vision, so I'll answer to Primeval.

I, Primeval, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Glad to be here and thanks for sharing your knowledge so authentically Andy.
I, Nicklas, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My goal is ultimately to get Laid some more and explorer the sexual world.

To achieve my goal, I started to work out a year or so ago (I've lost around 20kg so far, that's around 44 pounds), I started at 92kg (202 pounds) and I'm currently at 72.

Recently I stumbled on andy's tinder guide, and after reading that, I started (trying) to take my style more serious (which is hard, because I'm blind hehe).

Currently reading "The Slight Edge".
I'm ready to take my "ass kicking" to the next level.
ThePhoenix said:
Recently I stumbled on andy's tinder guide, and after reading that, I started (trying) to take my style more serious (which is hard, because I'm blind hehe).

Welcome! Hope I am not going to be insensitive saying this, but what are you using to type? It's not everyday we get to see a blind person in the internet.
SIGMA_1234 said:
Welcome! Hope I am not going to be insensitive saying this, but what are you using to type? It's not everyday we get to see a blind person in the internet.

No worries. Right now, I'm using my Dell xps labtop to type these posts / messages.
I'm using a program known as a "screen reader", which reads out everything happening on the screen while it's happening, and as said before, I'm using my keyboard to both type these posts and navigate my computer, the internet and what have you :)

Hope that answers your questions :)
Radical said:
It must have taken a while to listen to the whole tinder guide. Impressed.

** read **
And a couple of things :)
I read (with text to speech) around 600-700 Words per Minute, and besides, I have only **completed** up to part 3.
I, Flo, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I am 30 years old and live in Berlin, Germany. I am planning to get more dates and beat my approach anxiety (started the AA Program on GLL). For the last few years I have learned a lot about nutrition and exercise. I also got into the best shape of my life. I work out 7 times per week because I just have so much energy(3 times weights, 3 times cardio(Shuffle Dance) usually Yoga on Sundays and 5 times cycling for 30-45 Minutes)

So far I only had 2 "girlfriends". One when I was around 24 and one just recently. The first one was quite fat and I only hung out with her because I felt kinda lonely. (Although she left her boyfriend for me). That lasted for about 4 weeks and I couldn't get it up when we tried to have sex. And the second "relationship" lasted for about 2 weeks because I got really clingy. Still kinda sad about that because that chick was really hot. So basically I am a wizard (Virgin at 30 ;) )
I have had a really bad porn addiction for the last 18 years(4+ hours every day), but stopped that recently with noFap. Also was smoking about 6-8 Joints every day.

Recently got OkCupid, POF, Tinder and Hinge Accounts as I somehow feel really motivated now to improve my life. When I was younger I never really enjoyed going out to clubs and bars but that changed recently as well (Must be NoFap or I'm just finally growing up). Sadly all the clubs are closed now.

My goals are:
-Get laid and then get laid even more
-Practice what I learned from all the sex guides I read and watched over the years.
-finish the AA Program from GLL
Hello all.

So I'll start out by saying that I had all these plans for self improvement that were going great Jan - March. Then, once Covid hit I lost all progress and ended up spiraling downwards due to no motivation to do anything productive. It's taken some time, but I've finally one again realized that life is too short to not make the most of it, and now I want to get back to focusing on improving myself.

As for my goals:
1. Spend the next 8-12 months getting down to 10 percent body fat (Dexa scan in July had me at 24.5 percent)
2. Get a date from a cold approach (Kinda hard to set a time frame on this due to covid shit so I might have to be patient)
3. Continue my education (I'm a year one post-grad student)

I, Adam, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."
I, Lucas, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I am a 21M just recently got a new job at the biggest city in my country and probably will be moving there soon. I've got a great job and definitely have a great career ahead of me. This great success came with the cost of not partying too much and giving up some of my weekends for working. Most important when I was at a party most of the time I felt guilty for not being productive

I am pretty outgoing tho, I was friend with the popular kids in HighSchool, and when in my job I do pretty well regarding social group(always looking for improvement, i can do a lot better). Even so i did not laid at all at highschool because I was afraid of rejection and I still am(improved a lot but still working hard on it).

Never used tinder in my life and just downloaded the app, got some matches para in quarantine is hard to set up a date without my own place.

My goals are:
-Lay with 15 different girls till the end of the year
-Improve even more my career
-Get better at sex
-Gain 2,5 - 3KG of muscle till the end of the year)

I am putting my photo cause fuck if somebody google my name and see this. Let's do this bois!
I, Foene commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm 21 and just landed an apprenticeship in engineering. I've always lived in small cities. I'm getting in a slightly bigger one, but that's worth the shot. I'm planning to move in big cities once my apprenticeship ends.

My main goal is to scale my YouTube channel so that I get a full-time income out of it. I've been quite successful at building muscle mass and getting leaner over the past 3 years I spent in gym. I'm about to stop my gym membership and get into bodyweight training (calisthenic & street-workout) to provide higher quality videos to my channel, and to learn new stuff!

I want to make enough money with my YouTube/biz to travel/change location whenever I want/need.

Additional goals:
- get better at taking pictures (following your guide!)
- grow my Instagram (higher quality pictures)
- get laid using Tinder (again, your guide)
- burn more fat so that I see my abs without contracting

I'll write a log update every sunday to keep myself accountable and see how I progress through weeks.

Hi, I went by Toroidal on GLL. I did the AA program many years ago, but then life got in the way right after I finished it. I was in a few very limiting relationships until late last year. I decided to start taking cold approach seriously again. Even got 2 lays out of it. Unfortunately this fell off in March, about when I was picking up steam, when people stopped going outside as much. My sex life has been zilch since then. Now I have a lot of AA again surrounding cold approaching since everyone wears masks. Also, not nearly as many people go outside.

Anyway I just got a camera (EOS M50) and did my first amateur photoshoot. I figure if I'm not sure what to do with approaching, I may as well try and make online dating work for me for the first time.

I'm joining this forum to get feedback on my pictures and hold myself accountable to improving.

I would really love to get back into approaching though. Maybe complaining about people wearing masks is just me being a whiny bitch. Not sure.

My main goal right now is to get sexy pictures. I also need to lose weight (currently 5'10" and 158lbs, would like to be closer to 140-145lbs). I think by December I should have definitely been able to lose weight, found 4-5 styles that look great, and done a bunch of photoshoots to get good pictures.

I, LaCroix commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
"I Deuces fully commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

I’m Dueces,20, from Chicago ,currently in the Military and in school.Always been big on women and self-improvement but corona set me back on both so just tryna get back into things.

-Get my degree in cyber security with top marks
-Gain muscle now instead of waiting for my metabolism to slow down
-Graduate from and leave team ugly nigga
-Get out of America by the time I’m 25
-Improve my online & text Game

I, Oliver, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I have already started improving my style and taking my pictures. My first set of pictures didn't get me anywhere even after using boosts so I bought better clothes and went out by myself to take better pictures with my tripod and my Canon EOS RP. For this new set of photos, I am not 100% sure if it will work, but I am here to ask for advice on whether or not I can improve even more.

My goal is to go from getting no matches on Tinder to being able to get laid with Tinder frequently. And I am ready to put in the time, money and effort required to achieve that goal.