READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

Hello everyone!
I, victor, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

26 from Spain.
I want to get laid more and improve at all the related skills (game, looks maxing, dressing well...).

Short term goals:
- Complete GLL’s Approach Anxiety Program
- Learn Muscle Up
- Heal my throat (struggling with weird symptoms for the last year, still trying to figure it out with doctors and tests)

Mid term goal:
- Spin plates and develop healthy relationships
I am still discovering what my long term goals are.

I'm Gabriel, 23, semi-recent college graduate here in California (currently trapped in the backwater outskirts of LA).

I was inspired to start a progress log to share my story and of course track my progress, but for now I'll just get this posted so I can get my ass outside for Day 8 of the GLL AA program.
Enormous shoutouts to GLL Chris, Andy, colgate, Manganiello, and MakingAComeback for their stories that motivated me to make an account here in the first place and commit to accountability, and for everything they have done and continue doing for this awe-inspiring community!

Now for some short- to mid-term goals:
  • Obliterate AA with Chris's excellent program
  • Stack about 25 lbs on this BoneyG (weight: ~128 lbs)
  • Unapologetically chase skirts and GET LAID (shred that v-card!)
  • Print enough money to live where I want, how I want
  • Figure out where and how I want to live
  • Develop a fashion style congruent to me and my goals
  • Inaugurate a new, solid social circle of top-quality friends by never settling for "good enough"
  • Grow about 6 inches (height: 5'6") just gotta drink enough olive oil, right guys?kidding, of course

I feel I have much more to say, but for the moment I can't think of what so I'll wrap up with the customary:
I, Gabriel (BoneyG), commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

With love and respect,
guy who posts an intro after this will be officially the first member of the winner within forums
I, MCGOOBINS, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

25 from the Northeastern America,
I also want to sleep with 100 different girls
Planning to utilize online, approaching irl, and social circle to accomplish it.
Current short-term goals
- Drop to 10% bodyfat (currently at 16-15%
- Move out of parent's crib
- Complete GLL's AA program.
Greetings everyone.

I, lord_gooseduck, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
30 yo from France, Paris based.

My goals are :
- bulking to 80kgs+ then cut to get a lean physique (but not shredded)
- Get better pictures, also learn how to look great on pictures especially for dating apps and instagram (most of the time I look unnatural and this pisses me off)
- improve in my hobbies, which would translate to getting my scuba diving level 3 and play in a concert (I've picked up violin)
- In general, become more masculine, confident, self driven.
- quit porn
- tame my sugar addiction (currently on a detox, it's been 25 days so far)

And actually many more really, but let's not get lost in details. Mainly, I'd like to become more attractive. I have slept with quite a bunch of girls already, but almost always had to do all the work. I'd like to go one step further and have them come to me more naturally.

Happy to chat with you guys, and also to meet, if anyone's around Paris.
Hey there lads,

I, Edoardo, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
I'm a 22 year old Italian guy from Umbria, Italy.
I'm a photographer, I practice martial arts (mainly grappling and kickboxing) and I'm an actor (in theater). Right now I'm finishing my three-year university degree in IT and planning on moving to a big city to get a master's degree. Recently I've installed some OLD apps to challenge myself and get some dates (got some matches but no replies).
I have been quite insecure for my whole life and started recently (2 years) working on myself to become someone I can be proud of. I feel like I'm halfway through but I'm still clinging to some of my old habits and fears.

My goals (short/medium/long term) are:
-Losing my virginity
-Taking more risks around women, flirting, and so on...
-Being proud of myself even against odds
-Overcoming me being blocked around people due to the fear of not being accepted for who I am
-Get more piercings, rings, necklaces (because they're fucking cool)
-Getting rid of acne once and for all

That's it folks
I'm Pame
I, Pame, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

25 from Norway.
I want to sleep with 100 different girls
Going to use primarily online and maybe some social to do it
Current short term goals
- reach a body count of 10 (currently number is 8).
I, Bart, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I came here because I sub to Andy's Youtube channel, and I recently became aware of the forum. I think I need something like a journal where I see my goals written down, so this forum will do the trick.

My physical goal is to lose all this fat I gained during the pandemic (get back to my condition in the avatar) and it will probably take 4-5 months. I might have the chance of looking decent at the tail end of August for boating.

My short term 2 month) career goal is to complete my internship and get a job. My long term career goal (6 months- 1 year) is to complete a book on how to reverse Alzheimer's dementia with diet.

For social, first, complete 6 months of cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety which I just enrolled in last week. Second is to fill my afterwork schedule with social/spiritual/volunteering where I can meet women in person and have a varied life contributing to people again. Third is to have at least 1 date per week starting July.
'Sup everyone?!

I, Antti, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
Finland, 26 years old

I've been following KYIL for some time now, on and off. It's been a source of inspiration (among many sources) and I appreciate especially the level of detail in the guides and articles. I recently achieved my main goal of 4 years of finishing the first 4 years of medical school - 2 more years to go. The reason why finishing the first 4 years was a huge threshold is because now I can work as a ward physician which provides a lot of financial security and frees up attention to other things.

Recently started thinking about improving my physique, sex life and hobbies as achievable and tangible goals and decided to join here. Done and accomplished a considerable amount of other shit that I'm proud of but here are the current specs:

Short term goals (0-3 months):
*Learn an instrumental OST song that I recently transcribed on the piano in July-August
*Learn any Rush song on bass that I find reasonably challenging before August 12th
*Get my first tattoo + return to having an earring in July 2024
*Finish and heavily interact with the ideas from You Can't Afford the Luxury of A Negative Thought
After that: order The Slight Edge, read it and do the same
*Sort out schedules for the autumn semester
*Attend as many student parties in August and September as humanely possible to meet new girls and attempt to have sex with the girls in the scene that I already know are into me in order to increase current bodycount
*Update: Nikon D3000 DSLR --> Canon EOS R8 (frame ordered; batteries, tripod, lens adapter and f/1,8 EF II to go)
*Higher-order goal of improving photography skills and editing skills via Lightroom
*Lower-order goal of taking at least 8 high quality pictures of myself before end of August 2024
*Return to Tinder, use only excellent-quality pictures and use the app with intention
*Get feedback from current female friends of my Tinder profile
*Have sex with at least 3 girls from Tinder during autumn of 2024 (feels like a very reasonable goal)
*Visit 2 different (new) countries in Europe: travel to at least one of those alone

Mid term goals (3 months - 2 years):
*Hit +55(-60) ml/kg/min VO2max before May 2025
*Complete a 3,1 km run in sub 12 minutes (currently 2650m at 12 minutes)
*Bench 12 x 85kg
*Finish 5th year of Medical School
*Complete my year long military service in a mainly Swedish-speaking environment
*Higher-order goal is learning enough Swedish to be able to converse with it
*Attend courses in my secondary (engineering) degree as much as reasonably possible alongside med school
*Bail out of the engineering program if it turns out to feel like shit that I don't want to do

Long-term goals (+2 years):
*Graduate Medical School
*Pay off student debt completely (≈40k€) in sub 10 months after graduation
*Higher-order goal of being completely financially independent with no debt
*Figure out what I want to do with my second uni-degree
*Figure out life plans after graduation: girlfriend, travelling, marriage, family, my own house, artistic pursuits etc...
*Figure out what kind of a medical career I want to build: specialization, entrepreneurship, work hours etc...
I, Devin, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

37, M, California. Was on GLL 6 years ago, tried to take a break to start a business but ended up losing all focus once I stopped dating. I’m currently in limbo until a work visa application gets accepted and staying with my dad until then but my immediate goals are to show myself that I can have good conversations with 20 women (this goal scares the crap out of me) and to be an active member of this community. My not so immediate goals are multiple partners that are cool with me seeing/catching feelings for all of them. I met 6 partners the last time I was actively dating but none of them stuck around for long and I’m excited to start dating with autistic honesty (I have the autism part covered!)

Is there any reason I should have cropped or blurred my avatar? Do I need to worry about Karens messing with my job or something?
I, Tom, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My only life focus right now is to sleep with super hot women.

I will - get fit, take photos, and try and try until I succeed.

I have no problem with cute girls but it hurts me so much that I can't get hot girls.