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"I, bonzo34, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

My only goal now is to beat approach anxiety. That will improve everything else, make everything else easier. :)
Whatsup fellas,

I'm stoked to join the community. I am here because I want to improve my game (specifically online) and overall maximize my life.

I, Anthony, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
goldenmillenial hey dude. Can you reupload your avatar?

A functioning picture of yourself (can be cropped or blurred) is required to post on here
I, Cameron, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My goal right now is to become ripped and start a business.
I, Akkilles, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Ultimate Goals
Bang 50 chicks.
Bang 10 girls in 2022.
Have a threesome.

Create Tinder and begin working on online dating game
Cold approach at least one girl a day (might start a log to hold myself accountable)
Go out 3x a week and try to get laid
Form friendships with cool ppl (need to be more specific)
Improve communication (need to be more specific)

5’9” (wear inserts with boots so 5’11”-6’)
body fat idk (pretty low because I’m ripped)

High school and college: made out with several girls; fingered a couple; got one blowjob; could have banged a lot in hindsight cuz I was semi-popular but I was too much of a pussy.

Found GLL early 2020. Started implementing Chris’ teachings in July 2021. From July to present I’ve lost my virginity, banged 3 girls, and made out with over 20. I’ve had some wild adventures. Shit that I never imagined possible. E.g., pulling a chick into a bathroom and making out with her. I’ve gone from not getting any action, to getting some on a semi-regular basis. Now, it’s time to ascend. Just have to quit being a pussy and put in the work.

Social Networking
If anyone is in Chicago, or will be passing through, lemme know. I like to party and know some decent watering holes :).
I, Raul, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Goals: 12 lays this year, 2 hot 8+ girls at the same time
Looksmax: Ideal physique, currently about 190lb, 12% bf, want to get to about 185 and 8% bf. I've done 175lb and been shredded and want to have that shredded look in my face and also be bigger. Currently adding muscle/bulking. I'm great body recomp if anyone needs help. Whiten teeth. Minimize acne scars.
Master Approaching girls sober (I'm currently aggressive and fearless when out at night and drunk but struggle in the day. I have banged multiple girls I've met in the day but very few)
Master Online Dating and take my personal brand serious. Take professional photos to boost my IG and dating profiles. I struggled to find any pics I wanted to post because I barely have any or take any of myself. I realize the importance of it and don't do it. Time to act.
Develop meditation practice.
Crush Financial Goals
Looking forward to taking myself to the next level.
Hey Whats Up

I, Bando commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

-Create an online side hustle
-Get up to 4 different streams of income
What's up all, I just moved to Austin, TX. Looking to establish myself in this city. Reach out if you're local :arrow_up:

I, Horseplay, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Goals for 2022 -

Become more social in general and be a more attractive person with women
Find like-minded individuals and build strong relationships
Sleep with at least 35 women
Get a six-pack
Develop at least one income stream online
I, Luis, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

35, from Mexico, chased after a girl from the age 20 till 33, was on a relationship with her twice, and that whole experience screwed up my confidence in all areas, tried to rebuild my life but failed, started therapy and this year I tried another relationship with a girl I met on Tinder, but I've gotten very fearful and insecure, which ended up fucking up my attempts with this girl, so I'm starting again, focusing on improving myself in most areas.

My goals for this 2022 are
-Get a girlfriend by the end of the year
-Rebuild my career
-Improve my looks
-Get back in shape and take good care of my diet
-Build my confidence by working on all the areas of my life I have neglected for so long.
Squilliam said:
Matias said:
I'm 20 I've been not so social for the last years. Two months ago my head clicked and wanted to make a change. I started gym, therapy and made some new friends, also reconnected from with I lost contact. Despite that I'm bad with women and want to improve that, I wanna get laid.

Near term goals:

  • Get a better haircut (bored af of currently)
  • Get a good diet and Improve Sleep
  • Improve social skills with women
  • Take new pictures
  • Get laid
  • Go on a date
  • Make some new friends

Longer term
  • Regular get laid
  • Get a girlfriend
  • Be a nice guy
  • Graduate

You're a virgin, man? I'm totally rooting for you. I remember how good it felt to finally lose it, I hope you succeed!

Thanks dude! English is not my main language so maybe somethings I would write are totally nonsense. This is the second time I entered the forum because I've reading the blogs of andy and started to approach my anxiety at first. Today I'm starting the AA program, but IDK how to start in this forum maybe I should create a log. Like Master did. Hope you are doing good. And step by step we will became better! Saludos Amigo :)
Sup fam,

I, Kunktator, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

27 from Canada.

-My goals are to grow my business to making $70,000 gross revenue monthly by 2023, and to be sleeping with at least 1 new beauty a week by 2023 (unless I get a mad cool, mad attractive gf).
-I plan on seriously upping my dating app profiles to achieve this as well as going out to bars and cafes and the like and approaching beauties (pushing through my fear and anxiety).
-Currently 167 lbs, I want to drop to 150 lbs by March.
-I want to pay off all my 100k of debt by 2025
-I want to grow my business as fast as possible, and get to a place where it can run on it's own, so I can travel non-stop (not as a tourist/vacationer) and chill (and fuck).

Wish me luck fam, and good luck to all of you!
Let's kill it
Sup chaps,

I, BlueDiamonds, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously

39 from the UK

First and simple target objective is:
- Get Laid
---this means 10 lays from online and/or cold approach, by 22 Dec 2022.

Andy's work has switched on a lot of lights for me. His Tinder Guide is a masterpiece. I found them via another blog (where I was searching for guys who knew how to benefit from online dating); and now, applying his advice is helping me get out of my own way.
Still a lot of work to do on myself, but that's why I'm here. Time to get busy.

Lonely_Rottweiler said:
Hello everyone, I'm a 24 years old guy from the Philippines

Holy fuck. Another dude from the Philippines?? Hey man, I'm also from the Philippines. If you need any guidance or just any accountability partner, DM me. Happy to link up.
Whatsup guys,

I wanna get the best what online dating can offer, instead of the harsh experience im having now.
Goal is to meet somebody/go on a date weekly and just have more fun in my life in general.

Have given it some quick goes and effort in the past, now im here to grind it out for a long time.
So I can actually harvest.

Before that though I need to get some great pictures and strategies to get my profiles fired up.
Also im getting shredded, coincidence I decided that it would be more first time getting peeled just before I found this guide and website.

About me: I am 26 living by my self since not to long and I work as sales person. Have been hitting the gym for 2 years now, but on some things I still feel like a starter.

I, sunglassesatnight, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously
I, Choc, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

From Central Europe. I want to create a stellar Tinder and Instagram portfolio for dating.
Hello everyone,

I found Andy through GLL and I have read his Tinder guide from begin to end. My goal is to go on 2 dates/month.
I have already exceeded 2 dates this month-no doubt thanks to Andy's guide. Just want to start with small, achievable goals.

I, nct0, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."
I, anewstart06, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My goals for the year:

  • Learn how to take good OLD photos.
  • Reduce or eliminate approach anxiety with women.
  • Have more sexual experiences with different women. I need to know what I want in a relationship and get the hookup phase out of my system before I have to settle down.
Hey guys,
Discovered Andy through GLL, like many others.
My goal this year is to go on 2 dates/month and get laid. Starting with small achievable goals. Although I already exceeded 2 dates this month-no doubt thanks to Andy's guide.

I, nct0, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."