Second Photoshoot. Any feedback? - Getting Laid + Trying to sell a game

Hey guys.


7 approaches. 2 numbers and 1 Instagram.


I achieved the rate I wanted for 30 minutes (1 approach every 6 minutes) Then, I stopped approaching cause I felt I was doing something unethical. But, bullshit, I can achieve it easily on campus, excuses. I'll try harder tomorrow.


I had a date today with a beautiful girl that's older than me. We are different because she is really into music and I barely know about the topic. But it was nice to have a fresh perspective on life. I was making some physical moves, but some of her friends arrived, so I decided to leave.

I'll wait a week or so and ask her out again. I'll try to kiss her by then.
Hey guys. I twas a superb day.


11 approaches. 5 numbers and 2 Instagram's.

Today something interesting happened. I reapproached a girl that I had totally forgotten. She reminded me but I didn't. Luckily, she responded positively. She apologized for not responsing my messages. She said she had been really busy. I decided to pitch the date right in the spot and she agreed to meet on Saturday.

So, a little moral I learned from this: Sometimes girls won't respond because their lifes are truly busy. So it's better if I don't take it personally.


I achieved the rate I wanted: 10 approaches in 1 hour. Nice. 1 out of 6 (I'm considering a week as monday to saturday). I'll start again on friday. I'll complete as much tasks as possible tomorrow so I can spent time my goal and attend to dates.


I had a second date today with a girl. We had a good conversation and I made some physical moves on her. However, I couldn't find the chance to kiss her, I felt she was going to reject me. I should have taken the risk. I was afraid tbh.

We talked a bit about relationships and she said she liked to spent time with a person before deciding to step up. I perceived some "serious relationship" objective behind those statements. But I'm not sure.

Anyway, I feel the interaction isn't sexual enough to invite her to my house. But I don't want to kepp playing the boyfriend role with another date. I'm doubtful. I don't know what to do. As I said, I think I'm afraid of losing her, so maybe I should invite her to my house and make my intentions clear, even if that means she runs away.
I'd say do it. If you lose her because of it, she wasn't that keen to bang anyways.
Hey guys. This is a log from yesterday


12 approaches. Got 6 numbers and 1 instagram.


I achieved the rate I wanted: 10 approaches in 1 hour. Nice. 2 out of 6

I met a new girl today. It was a nice date, but I didn't feel the chemistry. I made some physical moves on her, but I dind't feel the sexual tension between us. I feel I'm not very good at that, it's something I should improve on.

I'll invite her near my house the next time.
Hey guys.



20 approaches. Got 6 numbers.


I achieved the rate I wanted: 10 approaches in 1 hour. And I did it twice. Nice. 6 out of 6. GOAL REACHED!

Current Level

After all the approches I've been doing for these months, I feel I can approach to any women in almost all "normal" contexts (street, public and private places).

I usually approach girls that are alone, I won't approch any girl that is in a group. I think that's fine. I see approaching a group as something that adds unnecesary complexity to approaching. I think I'll be perfectly able to do it, but I just avoid it.

A weak point I have is approaching a girl in a private and closed space (something like a bus, or maybe an elevator, but I've never been in an elevator with a cute girl). I think I need to work on that and just do it.

Apart from that, I don't feel any significant AA that stops me from approaching. Every now and then AA rises significantly, but as Andy says, it doesn't play against me anymore.

I have to say that this opinions are from my experience and the places I visit regularly when approaching. I go to a campus where seeing cute girls alone is easy. That's why I don't need to approach groups or in the bus. But probably that isn't the case of everybody. So don't take my words literally.

Next Steps

-Buy new clothes and upgrade style.
-Take photos and improve my Tinder profile (I'll use an Iphone).
-Earn enough money to buy a DSRL.

About the approaching, I'm not sure how to proceed. Should I look for reaching a minimum everyday or just approach whenever I see a girl that I really want to approach? Should I set a new goal, a new quantity? Definitely there'll be days I'll be super busy and I won't be able to spend time approaching. But most days I can spend 1 hour just approaching.

There are times when I have a lot of scheduled dates so I have to postpone dates with new girls a week later, which might not be ideal to keep them interested. Also, there are times when I have to text a lot of girls and it gets really time-consuming. Should I stop approaching on those cases? What is the balance there?

I think the core question is What should I do now that I am comfortable with approaching?

Anyway, I'll be glad if I could get some feedback. I think now my focus should be trying to get laid as much as I can from cold approaching. Before, I was focusing on getting used to approach a lot and I forgot about the "getting laid" part a bit. Maybe I'll try to screen for sex during the approach.

I have to meditate this. I'll be taking a break the following days.
D4vidDG said:
Hey guys.



20 approaches. Got 6 numbers.


I achieved the rate I wanted: 10 approaches in 1 hour. And I did it twice. Nice. 6 out of 6. GOAL REACHED!

Current Level

After all the approches I've been doing for these months, I feel I can approach to any women in almost all "normal" contexts (street, public and private places).

I usually approach girls that are alone, I won't approch any girl that is in a group. I think that's fine. I see approaching a group as something that adds unnecesary complexity to approaching. I think I'll be perfectly able to do it, but I just avoid it.

A weak point I have is approaching a girl in a private and closed space (something like a bus, or maybe an elevator, but I've never been in an elevator with a cute girl). I think I need to work on that and just do it.

Apart from that, I don't feel any significant AA that stops me from approaching. Every now and then AA rises significantly, but as Andy says, it doesn't play against me anymore.

I have to say that this opinions are from my experience and the places I visit regularly when approaching. I go to a campus where seeing cute girls alone is easy. That's why I don't need to approach groups or in the bus. But probably that isn't the case of everybody. So don't take my words literally.

Next Steps

-Buy new clothes and upgrade style.
-Take photos and improve my Tinder profile (I'll use an Iphone).
-Earn enough money to buy a DSRL.

About the approaching, I'm not sure how to proceed. Should I look for reaching a minimum everyday or just approach whenever I see a girl that I really want to approach? Should I set a new goal, a new quantity? Definitely there'll be days I'll be super busy and I won't be able to spend time approaching. But most days I can spend 1 hour just approaching.

There are times when I have a lot of scheduled dates so I have to postpone dates with new girls a week later, which might not be ideal to keep them interested. Also, there are times when I have to text a lot of girls and it gets really time-consuming. Should I stop approaching on those cases? What is the balance there?

I think the core question is What should I do now that I am comfortable with approaching?

Anyway, I'll be glad if I could get some feedback. I think now my focus should be trying to get laid as much as I can from cold approaching. Before, I was focusing on getting used to approach a lot and I forgot about the "getting laid" part a bit. Maybe I'll try to screen for sex during the approach.

I have to meditate this. I'll be taking a break the following days.

It's cool that you're making progress with approaches and stuff that's great. Something I noticed from your posts is very little information about dates or break downs about you actually having sex, the log reads like a pick up artists diary. Your goal is to have sex with hot women, how's that actually going, did you fuck any yet? (I read the first post and the last page to see your progress from post 1 to this point).

I also want to point out that selling a game on steam is a big enough goal that you list it frequently in your posts but give it the least amount of attention in both the posts and your daily plan. Is that actually important to you? If so it seems like you are neglecting it in order to approach girls (note that's approach not have sex with).
Brother_Tucker said:
Your goal is to have sex with hot women, how's that actually going, did you fuck any yet?

Not really. I've had a couple of dates lately but no sex at all for several months. I do feel frustrated because of that. That's why I'll try to improve in screening for sex earlier, even if I get more rejections.

Brother_Tucker said:
I also want to point out that selling a game on steam is a big enough goal that you list it frequently in your posts but give it the least amount of attention in both the posts and your daily plan. Is that actually important to you? If so it seems like you are neglecting it in order to approach girls (note that's approach not have sex with).

Yeah, that's kinda true. University + approaching has filled my scheduled lately. The thing is that my other teammate said he would be able to work on the game on April, so I've been waiting for him. Anyway, I'll start working on the game again from now on.
D4vidDG said:
Brother_Tucker said:
Your goal is to have sex with hot women, how's that actually going, did you fuck any yet?

Not really. I've had a couple of dates lately but no sex at all for several months. I do feel frustrated because of that. That's why I'll try to improve in screening for sex earlier, even if I get more rejections.

Brother_Tucker said:
I also want to point out that selling a game on steam is a big enough goal that you list it frequently in your posts but give it the least amount of attention in both the posts and your daily plan. Is that actually important to you? If so it seems like you are neglecting it in order to approach girls (note that's approach not have sex with).

Yeah, that's kinda true. University + approaching has filled my scheduled lately. The thing is that my other teammate said he would be able to work on the game on April, so I've been waiting for him. Anyway, I'll start working on the game again from now on.

OK start measuring your success like this: -

Did I have sex? -> Gold Star
Did I have sex with a hot girl? -> 2 Gold Stars

Stop using approaches and a growing graveyard of phone numbers from cold approaches as a measure of progress and start judging yourself by the metric you care about: Actually having sex. For you I would just start by having sex, the hot ones will come as you improve. But for right now stop using PUA metrics because they do not match your goals.
Brother_Tucker said:
OK start measuring your success like this: -

Did I have sex? -> Gold Star
Did I have sex with a hot girl? -> 2 Gold Stars

Stop using approaches and a growing graveyard of phone numbers from cold approaches as a measure of progress and start judging yourself by the metric you care about: Actually having sex. For you I would just start by having sex, the hot ones will come as you improve. But for right now stop using PUA metrics because they do not match your goals.

Thanks man, that's what I needed to hear I guess. Today I deleted a bunch of numbers as a way of "letting go".
Hey guys. This is a log from yesterday.



7 approaches. Got 1 number.

New Goal

My new goal is to say "sexy" when I approach girls 30 times. I'm doing this to screen for girls that are looking for casual sex as me.

3/30 times I say "Hey, you're sexy" when approaching a girl.


I went for a coffee with a new girl. Unfortunately, I noticed she was not attractive after she removed her face mask. We talked for an hour and then I ended the date. I was thinking about bringing her back to my house, but I just couldn't force myself to do it. I just didn't want have sex with her. I felt kinda guilty for that, but I guess I'm not obligated to have sex with anyone.
D4vidDG said:
Hey guys. This is a log from yesterday.



7 approaches. Got 1 number.

New Goal

My new goal is to say "sexy" when I approach girls 30 times. I'm doing this to screen for girls that are looking for casual sex as me.

3/30 times I say "Hey, you're sexy" when approaching a girl.


I went for a coffee with a new girl. Unfortunately, I noticed she was not attractive after she removed her face mask. We talked for an hour and then I ended the date. I was thinking about bringing her back to my house, but I just couldn't force myself to do it. I just didn't want have sex with her. I felt kinda guilty for that, but I guess I'm not obligated to have sex with anyone.

Don't feel bad, your are not obligated to have sex with people that go on a date with you. If you know you cant, just let it go and move on. There are too many options out there for you to waste time.
Hey guys. This is a log from yesterday.



4 approaches. Got 2 numbers.

New Goal

5/30 times I say "Hey, you're sexy" when approaching a girl.

Today I got more positive reactions. I felt afraid to say it so I lowered my voice. I'll try to fix that.
Hey guys. This is a log from yesterday.



10 approaches. Got 4 numbers.


8/30 times I say "Hey, you're sexy" when approaching a girl.


I approached a girl and I told her she was sexy (she really was very hot) and all that stuff. She agreed to write down my number. Then she messaged me saying she had a boyfriend but she would like to be friends.

I don't have a lot of female friends, so I was wondering if I could benefit somehow from this kind of relationship. Of course, I'm not expecting to manipulate her in any way by being friends first.
Hey guys.



No approaches today.


I had a date today with a 17 year-old girl. We went for a coffee and we had a nice conversation. She wasn't very talkative but I was able to keep the date interesting. Then I created sexual tension by looking at her eyes and her lips and touching her arms. Then we kissed, and things got more smoothly from there. We made a lot of physical contact.
I asked her some sexual questions. I ask her for sex and she kinda wanted too, but we dodn't agree on a date.
I'm inviting her to my house the next time in a few days. I hope this is it.
Hey guys.



1 approach today. 1 number


I had a date today with another girl. We had a cool converstaion in the beginning but it turned out lame quickly. I did some physical contact and I asked sexual questions, but she didn't seemed to respond. I asked her to kiss me, but she refused. After that she acted pretty boring and uninterested.

I feel I rushed it a bit because I was so confident from my previous date. That might have showed neediness. I also wasn't feeling like having a date today.

Anyway, I think I'll let that one go and move on.

Selling a game

I worked on the code for an hour. I separate it in different modules so the code is cleaner. Technical stuff but the point is that I made progress.
Hey guys. This is a log from Saturday and today progress.

I'm now putting titles to my entries.



SATURDAY: 9 approaches. 3 numbers
TODAY: 4 approaches today. 2 numbers


8/30 times I say "Hey, you're sexy" when approaching a girl.

Still no progress here, I find it difficult cause I feel it's inappropiate, but I'll push myself starting tomorrow, I promise.


I had a date today with cute girl with red hair. She was REALLY talkative, she run the conversation for almost the whole date. I know it sounds weird but I wished she had stopped talking so I could sexualize a bit.

Anyway, I did some physical contact but no kiss. I'll wait a couple of days and invite her near my house. I'll definitely ivite her to my house that time.


I bought a bomber jacket, a slim-fit tshirt, and a nice pendant. I tried them out today and I think I look pretty good.

I'm planning to buy a denim jacket, a pair of white shoes and some other tshirts.

Selling a game

Fixed some bugs from the mechanics and I started plannig how the puzzles will work.
Hey guys. This is a log from Tuesday and today.



No approaches.


8/30 times I say "Hey, you're sexy" when approaching a girl.

Still no progress here.


TUESDAY: Meet an 18yo girl somewaht far from my house. We had a nic converstaion and we ate ice cream. She was kinda a bully but in an amusing way. We talked a bit about relationships and I mentioned that I've never had a girlfriend before cause I was looking for something casual. I don't know if I shouldn't have said that cause she looked impressed and told me I should've got a girlfirend by my age. She said that she didn't like guys who only wanted casual sex. She knew that were my intentions but that didn't affected the rest of the date. I'll see if she's DTF in a couple of days.

TODAY: Meet an really hot 23yo girl near my house. We had a nice and funnny converstaion and we drank coffee. I perceived sexual interest from her side, but she refused to come to my house and to give me a kiss. Before leaving, she said "she wasn't that easy". I asked for a small kiss and she said "not yet". I guess she might be DTF in the next date.

TOMORROW: New date tomorrow. I hope the third one is the charm.


I bought a denim jacket today. I'll be arriving until end of April.

Something girls have mentioned lately is that I have a "puppy" style, which means that my style is one of the upper class. That makes me think I've succesfully upgraded my style to be above-average and girls are noticing that. Cool.

Selling a game

I haven't worked on this. I feel kinda clueless what to do with this game and that makes me lose motivation. I don't know how the puzzles should be. We created so many mechanics that the possibilities are now endless. But it is like having a blank sheet of paper, I don't know where to start. I'll give it a try tomorrow anyway. I msut finish this project.