Spider’s Progress Log πŸ•· DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

Day 353: 28/09/2022 βœ…

Illness Frustration 😐 + Car Insurance πŸ’΅

Looks like I wasn't fully over this nasty-ass cold and cough I had recently πŸ‘Ž

I went back to the Gym over the weekend and I trained Jiu-Jitsu Monday night as well as hitting the Gym on the Monday and Yesterday Morning and this cough has come back with a vengeance 😷

Woke up this morning coughing my ass off. Decided to just stop in bed to that end and catch up on my sleep πŸ’€

Don't think I was fully ready to get back on it.

I'm pretty pissed off as I had a good streak going, but I'm not making myself worse. Luckily, I'm off work for the next few days, so this should help me recover. Just gonna have to see how I go and hopefully go back into training after a few days 🀞

I'm probably gonna lose weight which I'm pretty pissed about, but there's nothing I can do about this πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

I'm starting my new 365 Day Project very soon where I will focus on fitness and β€˜go all in’ πŸ’―

I'll be recovered and ready to hit it by then I'm sure, so I'm trying to keep this in mind πŸ’­

I'm looking forward to starting this project and the new log πŸ“

Got a few plans in place shortly which will help me focus exclusively on this 🎯

I shall update on here in due course regarding these πŸ”œ

Car Insurance πŸ’΅

Long story short, got a better deal on this today and saved Β£156.00 πŸ’΅

Switched provider and got a better deal, so I'll move this money that I've saved into my savings account 🏦

At least I got this sorted whilst convalescing from this illness 😎

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 354: 29/09/2022 βœ…

3 Day Recovery (Again) πŸ’€

I'm off work for 3 Days now, so I'm taking the time to get myself physically well ⬆️

This week it was 50% Staff Discount Week and on top of that, there was a 'Buy 1 Get 1 Half Price' offer on which stacked, so I've bought some supplements from where I work to try and help boost my immune system:


- Cod Liver Oil
- Extra Strength Multivitamins
- Bee Propolis
- Feroglobin (Iron and Energy) Liquid


We're heading into what is looking like a really shitty winter (Global Warming My ass) which means really shitty coughs and colds going about the place πŸ₯Ά

I think now's the time to start building up my immune system in light of that to save any repeats of what happened this past week, or at the very least minimise the severity and impact on my daily routine going forward πŸ›‘

I got nothing else for today. Just hope that I recover quickly and I can start getting back into the swing of things πŸ’―

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 355: 30/09/2022 βœ…

Quitting Online Dating (Temporarily) πŸ“΅ 365 10 Day Countdown ⏰

Quitting Online Dating (Temporarily) πŸ“΅

So I've hidden myself on Tinder and deleted Hinge, Bumble and Badoo for the time being πŸ“΅

I made this decision for a number of reasons, and I know a couple of you guys on the forums may feel this is the wrong decision to make, but for the time being, it's what I feel is best for me βœ…

A big reason for doing this is that all the online dating apps - in particular Tinder, have raised their prices for premium/membership to absolutely extortionate amounts, particularly in the U.K to a point where it was sucking up a significant amount of my monthly earnings πŸ’΅

I was having to buy the boosts regularly to get any results as well as the Tinder Gold membership etc. Combined with the other dating site subscriptions, this was costing 10% - 15% of my paycheck some months. I feel I could no longer justify throwing this much money into it πŸ‘Ž

As a man, online dating in general is pretty much pay to win and I found that without paying, I'm getting even lower quality matches - fake accounts, 4/10 looks wise, miles away etc. so it has felt a bit like a pointless endeavour lately.

I currently have a regular plate with Firecracker Girl and for the moment, this is more than enough for me and works around my current lifestyle and schedule 🍽

Particularly as going forward with my new 365 Project focusing on fitness, I'm going to continue to be in the Gym 6 times a week and training Jiu-Jitsu 5/6 times a week, I want this to be the focus of my time, energy, money and resources πŸ’―

There's also the fact I'm currently holding down a full-time management job, which leaves me very little time to try and meet new girls πŸ’€

I also want to get back onto No-Fap very soon. This is something that is very difficult to do whilst on Tinder with all the OnlyFans Shills, Fake Porn Profiles and general THOTS with their tits and ass out in bikini shots on their profiles πŸ˜’

At this point in my life/self-improvement journey, I feel this is the right decision to make. I'm not backing out for good - it's something I will come back to when the time is right for me. I just want this break from it ⛔️

When I am ready to get back on it, I have a plan in place which includes committing to a year of Tinder Premium, buying a rack of boosts each month, subscribing to a few other dating sites (Hinge, Bumble etc.) and taking better photos as well as focusing on profile optimisation in general ⬆️

365 10 Day Countdown ⏰

Thought that it's worth mentioning that we are now into the 10 Day Countdown with my 365 Day Project of posting on my log every day for a year πŸ“

We're in the home stretch on this one and from tomorrow, it will be a single figure countdown ⏰

I'm actually really excited to be able to say: 'I committed to and did something for 365 Days'. πŸ’―

I'm not stopping here though. I'll be moving straight onto the next 365 Day Project Focused on Fitness πŸ‘Ÿ

This will be moved over to the Private area as I'll be posting Gym progress photos which I want to try and keep semi-private if I can. I'm a bit self-conscious about my body, so this will be a new big step for me, but one I feel I need to do for accountability and comparison purposes πŸ“·

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Spider Jerusalem said:
A big reason for doing this is that all the online dating apps - in particular Tinder, have raised their prices for premium/membership to absolutely extortionate amounts, particularly in the U.K to a point where it was sucking up a significant amount of my monthly earnings

Tinder knows that majority of their money comes from guys in the higher earning echelon that can send their way 300-500 bucks * months to get 2-3 lays (if you think at the amount of money in London) never forget they have some of the smartest people on the planet on the other side trying to squeeze as much money as possible out of the male users
AskTheDom said:
Tinder knows that majority of their money comes from guys in the higher earning echelon that can send their way 300-500 bucks * months to get 2-3 lays


Yeah it’s a Fucking rip-off mate. It’s become something I don’t want to really be a part of for the time being as I think it just encourages it to continue.

Saying that I will go back on, but when I’m in a position to get more out of it - I look better and my profile is optimised. I have my fitness goals, a regular plate I’m seeing and work etc. to focus on in the meantime so it’s not like I’m going to become an incel and just opt out.

Thanks for the perspective

Spider πŸ•·
Spider Jerusalem said:
and I know a couple of you guys on the forums may feel this is the wrong decision to make, but for t
i think you've shown to everyone you have a degree of efficacy with online dating and given that much now you know you would be able to do much better going in "monk mode" longer term

Spider Jerusalem said:
This will be moved over to the Private area as I'll be posting Gym progress photos which I want to try and keep semi-private if I can. I'm a bit self-conscious about my body, so this will be a new big step for me, but one I feel I need to do fo
you can post the log/text content here but link to a private thread for pictures. i've done that a couple times
colgate said:
i think you've shown to everyone you have a degree of efficacy with online dating and given that much now you know you would be able to do much better going in "monk mode" longer term


Yeah man I think it's a case of me knowing what I need to do, but the fact that it's going to take time and effort to get there. I think I've reached my limit of financial effort - buying boosts and premium membership etc. and now it's the physical and technological effort that is required - Buying a camera to take decent photos, going to the Gym so I look decent, improving my style and looks etc.

colgate said:
you can post the log/text content here but link to a private thread for pictures. i've done that a couple times

Thanks for the advice mate. I'll probably start a new thread in the private area anyway as I may wish to discuss sex/share photos. I'm a little self-conscious as well with my new job etc. about what I post, so it would help for my peace of mind.

Many thanks!

Day 356: 01/10/2022 βœ…

Shopping with Firecracker 🧨 365 9 Day Countdown ⏰

Shopping with Firecracker 🧨

I ended up going round Firecracker's last night. Haven't seen her in 2 weeks due to her hanging out with her friends. She said I could leave it if I wanted as she's on her period, but I said 'no worries' and we just ended up fooling around last night instead.

For my own peace of mind, condoms were used throughout and this girl is on the pill still (witnessed her take it) πŸ’Š

Kinda happy she's had her period to be honest as it blows any worries about pregnancy out of the water. Was decent of her to be upfront about her being on her time of the month too and give me the option of whether I go round or not. This was appreciated.

We ended up going into the city today together on a little shopping trip.

Had a look round the shops and headed home in the afternoon. Fun day, especially as I've been cooped up in the house all week due to being ill. My cough's pretty much gone, I'm just congested and a bit snotty. Be back to training from tomorrow as I need to get back on it 🫑

365 9 Day Countdown ⏰

9 Days to go on the 365 Day Project and we're now into single figures. Felt like this milestone was worth mentioning.

I'll do the next countdown when it's 1 week to go. We're now into October with today being the 1st of the month. Feels insane to think it was almost a year ago that I decided to drop out of university, come home and get my shit together. This 365 Project definitely helped me to do that.

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 357: 02/10/2022 βœ…

Sleep/Wake-Up Hygiene πŸ’€ 365 8 Day Countdown ⏰

Sleep/Wake-Up Hygiene πŸ’€

Fallen into some bad habits recently particularly around sleeping and waking up which I'm finding are having a bit of a knock-on effect πŸ‘Ž

I decided to change my sleep pattern a little while ago to allow for the fact that I'm also training Jiu-Jitsu most evenings. New wake-up time with this was changed to 06:00 Hrs instead of 05:00 Hrs to give me that extra hour in bed which was badly needed 😴

However, I'm finding that I'm not going to bed until 10/11 and I'm messing around on my phone late at night which I know is one sure fire way to Fuck up my sleep pattern with the blue-light screen effect and its interaction with the Circadian clock within the body πŸ“±

I also find I've just been lolloping about in bed for half an hour when my alarm goes off. When I have to be at work a few hours later in the mornings, this has led to me almost being late a few times and rushing my workout. Particularly when I now have to de-mist/de-ice the car in the mornings πŸ₯Ά

I tried something today which I've done before: As soon as my alarm went off at 06:00 Hrs, I threw myself out of bed and forced myself to get up on time ⏰

New plan will be to do this going forward to stop me from lolloping around in bed πŸ›Œ 🚫 πŸ“΅

I need to ideally get up at 06:00 Hrs and leave for the Gym at 06:30 Hrs to be able to work out properly and not stress myself out worrying about being late for work β°πŸ‘€

In order to make this easier for me, I will start to do the following πŸ“


- New sleep pattern/schedule will be set from 21:30 Hrs - 06:00 Hrs to try and give myself 8.5 Hours Sleep
- Sleep hygiene: No phones/screens an hour before bed.
- Use of my orange lens blue-light blocking glasses


- Have my Gym clothes set out and ready for the 4 Days I'm at work in advance so I can get up and change straight into them
- Pack my gym bag with my work clothes and shower stuff nightly
- Use a windscreen cover on the car to limit de-icing/de-misting time
- Get back on the meal planning so meals are ready to be picked up out the fridge each morning for the day ahead

Going to start this from tonight and see how I get on. I'm doing this in time for my new 365 Day Project where I will focus on fitness πŸ’―

365 8 Day Countdown ⏰

8 more days to go ⏰

We're almost at the 1 Week Milestone until this 365 Day Project will conclude 🏁

This final week I'll be focusing on preparation for my next 365 Day Project. More details to follow on this tomorrow πŸ”œ

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 358: 03/10/2022 βœ…

COVID Again!? πŸƒπŸ»β€β™‚οΈ 🦠 365 1 Week Countdown ⏰

COVID Again!?

So Firecracker 🧨 text me this morning - she's tested positive for COVID πŸ¦ πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

We weren't exactly 'Social Distancing' when I was round hers the weekend - more like me Fucking her and sleeping next to her πŸ›Œ

I tested negative this morning, but it’s pretty likely I’m gonna Fucking get it again. Time will tell ⏰

1 Week Countdown ⏰

Today marks another milestone as we only have 1 Week to go on my current 365 Day Project πŸ’―

I may have to lush the start date for the new 365 back depending on whether I test positive or not after this morning’s revelation.

Shit happens! πŸ’©

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 359: 04/10/2022 βœ…

Anxiety and Frustration Over Missing Workouts 🀬

So I'm still feeling pretty shit and on top of this, I may have COVID again πŸ‘Ž

I'm probably going to do another test later tonight when I get home to see whether I have it again or not πŸ˜’

I'm just going through the motions lately. Waking up, getting changed and going to work, but I'm finding even this is a struggle because of how I'm feeling. I seem to go through phases where I feel better and I get back into things then all of a sudden I don't and the next thing I know, I crash and burn πŸ”₯

It's becoming very Fucking annoying.

One of the big challenges I'm going through at the minute is the anxiety I've been dealing with. Strangely enough, this hasn't been over my health with being ill. All of my tests came back as clear recently - Oxygen level 99%, Full screen blood test (5 separate tests) all clear, Blood pressure, Heart rate and chest examination all healthy and clear as well, so this was very reassuring πŸ’―

The anxiety I've been going through has been over missing workouts. Both my Gym workouts and Jiu-Jitsu Workouts πŸ’­

At the time of writing this post, the last time I went to the Gym was 27/09/2022 and the last time I went to Jiu-Jitsu training was the night before - 26/09/2022 πŸ—“

I think it would be useful and worthwhile to note down why I'm having these negative thoughts around missing training:

- I'm paying Β£75 a month for Jiu-Jitsu
- I'm paying Β£22 a month for the Gym
- I'm gonna have to push back my new 365 fitness Project
- People at training are going to think I'm not committed
- I've probably lost weight which took me so long to put on
- It's gonna kill me when I eventually go back
- My diet has gone to shit
- I'm gonna be anxious as hell when I go back
- I was doing so well then this shit happens

I keep telling myself 'There's Fuck all I can do. I'm sick and exhausted' but my frustration and anxiety levels are pretty high. I get depressed about it if I sit and think about it too long to a point where I feel I might full on start crying 😀

I'm gonna try and fight this and recover and get back on top form. I was doing so well recently too which is another kick in the balls πŸ‘Ž

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Spider Jerusalem said:
I keep telling myself 'There's Fuck all I can do. I'm sick and exhausted'
This not true

push yourself to do some form of training and it'll help your rut and recovery.
Spider Jerusalem said:
People at training are going to think I'm not committed

Man dont stress about this. I train bjj myself nogi tho(grappling ADCC rules) and people are missing from training sessions all the time. Injuries, work duties etc. No one cares tbh. Just come back when you are ready and I promise no one is gonna give you shit about it or anything. If your gym is like a normal gym there is so many people in rotation on different classes that it is impossible to keep track of everyones attendance.

Heads up you are doing good. Most people don't even have the balls to ever start with this sport! Don't get injured and good luck;) OSS

Olafsmash said:
push yourself to do some form of training and it'll help your rut and recovery.


Thanks for this mate

I've been walking up to work and back (30 minutes each way). It's not much, but it's what I can do at the time being that I can cope with
Red said:
Man dont stress about this. I train bjj myself nogi tho(grappling ADCC rules) and people are missing from training sessions all the time. Injuries, work duties etc. No one cares tbh. Just come back when you are ready and I promise no one is gonna give you shit about it or anything. If your gym is like a normal gym there is so many people in rotation on different classes that it is impossible to keep track of everyones attendance.

Heads up you are doing good. Most people don't even have the balls to ever start with this sport! Don't get injured and good luck;) OSS


Thanks for this my man!

I do beat myself up too much about things like this as I made a commitment to myself to train regular and I feel like I'm doing myself over. I'll be going back soon as I'm ready.

Good to see another roller on the forums. They do No-Gi where I train and I'm gonna give those sessions a try at some point
Day 360: 05/10/2022 βœ…

Recovering 😷 365 5 Day Countdown ⏰

Recovering 😷

So I'm starting to feel a bit better.

I haven't got COVID as it's been 4 Days since exposure and I'm not feeling like shit which was how I was last time. I also tested negative this morning β˜€οΈ

After work has been finished today, I get another 3 Days off. This is definitely something I need. I'm going to spend these days off recovering and doing prep work for my new 365 Project πŸ“

I need to do a Gym clothes shop as I'm running pretty low as I haven't done one in a while. This will probably be a job for tomorrow πŸ’΅

I'll see what I got in, have a sort and then take a trip to the city. There's a cheap chain store where I buy my Gym clothes from usually, so I can make my budget stretch πŸ’°

I am hopeful I'll be ready to hit the ground running on it from next week and I can start as planned, but we shall see 🀞

365 5 Day Countdown ⏰

5 Days to go on the 365 Project. I started the project on the 11/10/2021, so it will officially end on 11//10/2022 to make it up to the full 1 Year. I'll probably do an end of year review when I hit the 365 to reflect on what writing every day has done for me πŸ–Š

Next countdown milestone will be at the 3 Days mark ⏰

Almost at the finish line 🏁

Thanks for reading πŸ“–
Spider πŸ•·
Day 361: 05/10/2022 βœ…

365 Prep: Gym Clothes Shop πŸ’΅

I went into the city today to do a clothes shop for my 365 Project πŸ’΅

I've been pretty short on Gym clothes I've noticed. I've only got 2 pairs of shorts and my workout tops are looking a bit worn out, so thought I'd do a gym clothes shop today πŸ›’

Today I went and bought:

- Pair of shorts
- 2 pairs of joggers
- 2 workout towels

I also went and had a look around the city too. Got tired quite quickly I will say probably as I haven't been out in a while properly except to go to work due to being ill πŸ‘Ž

That’s it for today. More prep on the agenda for tomorrow which I’ll update with on here πŸ“

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
KillYourInnerLoser said:
4 days from the end of the 365 - really impressive mate.


Thank you Andy - I couldn't have pushed through and carried on without your support

I'm looking forward to starting the next one in a couple of days

Thanks again!

Day 362: 07/10/2022 βœ…

365 Prep πŸ“ 365 3 Day Countdown ⏰

365 Prep πŸ“

Feeling much better health wise. In light of this, I've done more prep work for my 365 Project today πŸ“†

- I now have a 'dedicated draw' in my room for my gym-wear and work wear. This will make it 10 times easier than trying to find an outfit in the mornings when I can just have everything set up and ready to go. I'm hopeful I can have my outfits prepared in advance for a couple days at a time to make things even easier πŸ‘Ÿ

- I've also cleaned, tidied and organised my room. It's put me in the right mentality of 'I'm starting a new project. I've got my shit together. Let's go get it done’. πŸ’―

- Got my schedule and diet plan locked down πŸ”’

- Sleep Schedule reset on my iPhone. Other measures have also been taken to help with my sleep pattern: Blue-light blocking glasses, phone charging away from my bed, limited screen time an hour before bed etc. πŸ’€

- I've put some workout tunes onto my Walkman. Something small, but it'll help me blast through the upcoming Gym workouts 🎧

365 3 Day Countdown ⏰

3 Days to go until the end of my 365 Project πŸ’― I'm so close to the Finish line that it hardly feels real 🏁

I'm still going to carry on posting every day for accountability purposes with my new 365 Project centred around fitness πŸ“

This will start in 3 Days time with the conclusion of my current project 🎬

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·