Spider’s Progress Log 🕷 DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

Day 339: 14/09/2022 ✅

*Trying* to have a better day ☀️ Gym 14 👟 + BJJ 22 🥋

*Trying* to have a better day ☀️

Tried to have a better day today after the bullshit that occurred past couple days. Work was work no real problems there and nothing major. Gym went okay too, so it’s just been an ever age day with no major drama ☀️

I’ve also got Monday off as the Queen’s funeral is happening. Gym workout then rest is my plan. Won’t be wasting my time watching it on T.V My folks will, but not me, so I’ll probably get out of the house 🏠 Rather spend the time productively 📺 🚫 👎

Gym 14 👟

Did Leg Day again today 👟

Quick 4 exercises plus I was in work later, so had an extra hour in bed 🛌 Gotta catch sleep where you can I guess ⏰

BJJ 22 🥋

Session 22 tonight 🥋

Having a bit of a hard time with the techniques I must admit, but I’m just gonna ride it out and not give up Fuck it🌊 🏄‍♂️

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Day 340: 15/09/2022 ✅

3 Day Break 🛏 Gym 15 👟 + BJJ 23 🥋

3 Day Break 🛏

Turns out I've got 3 Days off over the next 4 Days:

- Friday
- Saturday
- Monday

Gotta be in work Sunday, which is a bummer, but at least it's only a half-day 👍

Jiu-Jitsu training is also cancelled for the next few days after tonight which I'm gutted about 👎 This is because of the Queen's funeral which is understandably a pretty big deal in this country. Most businesses are shut due to this national period of mourning.

Gym's open however as it's unmanned and 24/7, so I'll still go and train 👟

Got myself a jobs list for over the next few days:

- Hit the Gym 👟
- Get Laid 🔥
- Pick up prescription 💊
- Buy more gainer shakes 🥤
- Tidy and clean room 🧹
- Wash and clean car 🧽
- Design a diet plan 📝

See how many I can get ticked off ✅

Gym 15 👟

Hit the Gym for Session 15 this morning and did a Pull workout 👟

Enjoyed this one today. Made some good progress and increased the weight on pretty much every exercise ⬆️

Today and tomorrow will make week 2 of 6 sessions in a row ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅

Getting the consistency in with this and I'm happy 💯

BJJ 23 🥋

Training again tonight which takes us to session 23 ✅

One of the lads told me it takes 6 months before things start to 'click' which was encouraging as I'm always getting swept and submitted 👎

Doesn't help when everyone's bigger than you and just flattens you, although the weight gain is something I am working on 📈

I’ll keep at it.

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Day 341: 16/09/2022 ✅

Day Off Tasks ✅ Firecracker Booty Call 2 🍑 Gym 16 👟

Day Off Tasks ✅

Took a Day off today and got some things done. Haven't had chance to the past week due to working so much, so took the opportunity today:

- Cleaned and tidied my room
- Designed a meal plan
- Hit the Gym
- Picked up my prescription
- Bought some more weight gainer

Out of stock on my usual weight gainers, so I bought myself the powdered version I'm going to mix with whole Milk for the extra calories ⬆️

View attachment 2

I also picked myself up some more pre-workout as I'd ran out of the cherry bomb stuff I normally have 🍒 💣

View attachment 1

Overall, a pretty productive day 💯

Firecracker Booty Call 2

Got a Booty Call later with Firecracker Girl 🧨 🍑

This is turning into a regular arrangement by the looks of things which I'm quite happy with. Regular drama-free sex with a girl who's slim and pretty? 👀

Fuck yeah I'll take it 🛏🔥💦🫦

Never really thought I'd have an arrangement like this with a girl as good-looking as she is who makes the effort, doesn't give me any shit and likes to Fuck regularly 🍑👋

I'll drop a lay report on the log tomorrow and let you all know how it goes 📝

Might do some kinkier stuff with her as time goes on ⛓👀 I'll keep you all in the loop 📝

Gym 16 👟

Hit the Gym this morning and completed Session 16 ✅

Went in a bit later as it's my Day Off, so I took a couple extra hours in bed to recover from the busy week 💤

I catch sleep where I can especially now that I'm training so much, so I don't really feel guilty about this extra time in bed ⏰

This is now the 2nd week where I've hit the Gym 6 times. I'll take a day off tomorrow and then do Legs on Sunday before work ✅

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Day 342: 17/09/2022 ✅

Firecracker Lay 🛏 and Chill Evening 💤

Firecracker Lay 🛏

Spent last night and most of today with Firecracker 🧨

Had a really good evening last night and today went good 💯

Lots of sex, good conversation and we went and grabbed coffee then something to eat ☕

For my own peace of mind, Condoms were used and this girl is still on the pill (Saw her take it) 💊

I was absolutely crashed earlier. Ended up sleeping round hers for 2 hours and she just left me to sleep which was sweet of her 💤

Chill Evening 💤

Got home this evening and I've literally just chilled. No Gym today as it's my rest day and BJJ training is closed due to the Queen's Funeral/mourning period.

Just literally caught up on T.V and had a day off 📺

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Day 343: 18/09/2022 ✅

Despair Over my Brother 🤦‍♂️ Gym 17 👟

Despairing Over my Brother 🤦‍♂️

Don't really talk about my family much, but I have a twin brother.

We are totally different and he's not into self-improvement at all, despite my many efforts to help him.

- He's overweight
- He dresses sloppy
- He goes to McDonald's 4 times a week
- He doesn't go to the Gym
- He drinks lots of beer
- He will Fuck literally ANYTHING

This weekend, he paid for a hotel room for 3 nights for himself and a girl from Tinder.

All in all this cost him £200 (228$ USD).

One problem: He'd Never met this girl before.

So he turns up and... he gets catfished.

This girl is absolutely Rough as Fuck.

From what he told me: Blotchy puffy skin, no neck, looks like a potato, huge, crooked yellow teeth, the list could go on.

I've tried to assist him numerous times - sorting out his dress sense, Tinder photos, style etc. but he just doesn't want to be helped.

Think it's a low self-esteem and confidence thing with him. He doesn't want to change either as he's 'happy' as he is.

He pretty much gets pissed on the weekend, eats junk food, plays Xbox and then gets laid every now and again with a couple of these 40-50 year old 'hang-arounds' he knows.

I'll be here when he wants the help and he's ready to get serious, but Fuck me, I can't help him because he don't want the actual help.

Just wanted to get this off my chest.

Gym 17 👟

Hit the Gym this morning for session 17 - Legs so just 4 Quick exercises

Tough to do after a day off yesterday but I did it anyway

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Spider Jerusalem said:
Just wanted to get this off my chest.

"You can't save everyone" I think the scene from Matrix where Morpheus explain to Neo why they aren't unplugging everyone from the matrix is probably the best description for this situation in life, valid for friends, family, close ones.
AskTheDom said:
"You can't save everyone" I think the scene from Matrix where Morpheus explain to Neo why they aren't unplugging everyone from the matrix is probably the best description for this situation in life, valid for friends, family, close ones.


Yeah man just hurts me to see him get himself in these kinda situations and not want more for himself. Mind you I was like that myself a few years ago, so I can understand it to a degree.

Hopefully one day he'll want to 'unplug' and I'll be there to help him along
Best way to do so?

Be so damn good that people will be blown away and will ask you "what happened to you?!"
Day 344: 19/09/2022 ✅

Gym 18 👟 New Diet

It's the Queen's Funeral today. The whole country is off for a day to mourn.

This isn't something I really vibe with or am interested in, so I decided to take the day to get shit done instead of watch the T.V all day and get all depressed.

I woke up with a sore throat and congestion this morning as well as upset stomach. Think I've got a mild cold which has affected things today.

Gym 18 👟

Hit the Gym this morning which takes us up to Gym Session 18, but I had to come home after a few sets.

I've got an upset stomach, sore throat and cough which made me feel like utter crap after lifting a few of the weights.

Pissed off I couldn't finish my workout, but no point in making myself sick.

Came home and hopped into bed.

New Diet


My Diet lately has gone a bit crappy I must admit. It's due to working 6 Days a week, hitting the Gym 6 Days a week and doing Jiu-Jitsu 5/6 Days a week. I just haven't had the time to go shopping and to cook.

This guy on YouTube who works for Bodybuilding.com did a good Meal Prep Guide:


Healthy, tasty and calorie dense, so I'm going to steal one or 2 of the meal ideas he's suggested and eat these in addition to the gainer shakes I've also been drinking which I get cheaper from work.

It's going to look something like this:


- YFood Bottle: 500
- Blueberry Muffin: 361


- YFood Bottle: 500
- Protein Bar: 203
- Protein Yoghurt: 140


- Fajita Bowl: 782


- Turkey + Sweet Potato: 560


- Dinner: 750
- YFood Bottle: 500

Total: 4296 Calories

Target goal is 3500-4000 Calories per day due to all the exercise I've been doing.

I've allocated time in my schedule to both shop and cook for this new meal plan too.

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Hi man, sorry to bother you. I have a question, how do you change the title of your log? Is it by changing the subject? Can you see if mine appears as I put it "Day 37 📅 - Day 7 AAP🏮 - University Dude 😎👩🏻🎓" or just "Mighty - Daily Log".
Thank you in advance
Matias said:
Hi man, sorry to bother you. I have a question, how do you change the title of your log? Is it by changing the subject? Can you see if mine appears as I put it "Day 37 📅 - Day 7 AAP🏮 - University Dude 😎👩🏻🎓" or just "Mighty - Daily Log".
Thank you in advance


Hello mate

Change the title of the very first post in your log - that should change it

Give it a try and let me know
Day 345: 20/09/2022 ✅

Off Sick 🤧 No Gym, No Training 👎 20 Day Countdown ⏰

Well, shit.

Woke up this morning feeling like crap 👎

Didn't go to the Gym today as I've come down with a fever, sore throat, cough and upset stomach 😷

Don't think I'm going to go training later either 😒

Kinda knew this was coming as I went home from the Gym early yesterday as I was sick 🤧

Pretty Fucked off as I had a good streak going, but there's nothing I can do if I've come down with something. Wouldn't be fair on the guys at training if I'm rolling with them and coughing all over everybody 👎

Think I'm gonna have to give it a few days and then see how I feel. It's one of them, but I'm still pissed off about it 🤬

I'm still going into work today, but I'll probably get an early night when I come home later and just take the opportunity to catch up on my sleep and rest 💤

20 Day Countdown ⏰

On a more positive note, today marks Day 345 of my 365 Day Project 💯

This means we're now onto a 20 Day Countdown until this project is completed ✅

I'll drop the next countdown in 10 days' time and then at a week 📅

Felt this was worth mentioning as I've come quite a long way 🏞

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Spider Jerusalem said:
Matias said:
Hi man, sorry to bother you. I have a question, how do you change the title of your log? Is it by changing the subject? Can you see if mine appears as I put it "Day 37 📅 - Day 7 AAP🏮 - University Dude 😎👩🏻🎓" or just "Mighty - Daily Log".
Thank you in advance


Hello mate

Change the title of the very first post in your log - that should change it

Give it a try and let me know

Works perfectly, Thanks!
Day 346: 21/09/2022 ✅

Off Sick 🤧 Day 2: Trying to be Productive ✅

Despite being off sick, I'm still trying to be somewhat productive.

- I'm still going into work, so I'm still earning money instead of just lying in bed doing nothing.

- I'm also keeping up with typing these posts on my Progress Log.

- Today I've rang up and got my new quote for my Car Insurance - something you have to legally have in this country, so I have to pay it.

I'm gutted about not being able to go training or to the Gym for a couple of days, but there's nothing I can do about that.

I caught up on T.V last night, but I'd have rather been doing something more physical.

Oh well.

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Day 347: 22/09/2022 ✅

Off Sick 🤧 Day 3: Payday Plans 💰 Recovery Jobs 📝

Payday Plans 💰

Haven't really done much again today apart from go to work.

I do feel a bit better, so I'm getting there in that respect. It's just one of these horrible lingering coughs/colds which aren't serious, but restrict you from doing anything productive like exercise, dating, going out etc.

Tomorrow is Payday, so thought I'd make a list of things I need to buy. Most of these are for self-improvement purposes:

- New Jiu-Jitsu Gi
- Pay off Car Insurance
- Put £50 worth of Petrol in my Car
- Book dental appointment
- Food Shop
- Pay my folks rent

I will put some cash into my savings, but I'm going to wait until the end of next month before I do this. I Fucked up at the start of last month and put too much money into my savings and I've had to watch what I've been spending these past few weeks.

Better way to save would be to wait until the next payday and see what's left over and put that into my savings instead.

I've also got this car insurance bill to pay off, so I can't really put as much into my savings account as I did last month. Combine that with the cost-of-living crisis and it's a pretty Fucked up time all round.

Recovery Jobs 📝

Got a jobs list for when I'm fully recovered as well:

- Clean and tidy my room - it's piled up again with me being sick
- Do a food shop for my new diet plan
- Start my new diet
- Clean and wash my car
- Go back to the Gym
- Go back to Jiu-Jitsu Training

I've had to have a break, but I'm gonna hit the ground running again soon as I'm better. Determined not to let this send me back to square 1.

I've probably lost weight as well, but Fuck it I'm trying not to think about it. New diet will take care of that anyway.

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Day 348: 23/09/2022 ✅

Payday 💰

Not much of an update unfortunately as I'm still recovering from this illness.

Hoping to get back into working out from Sunday onwards after a bit of a rest.

Got paid today so went out and did some shopping:

- Bought food for my new diet
- Got my hair cut
- Put petrol in my car

Also managed to get my room cleaned and it's looking much better now.

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Day 349: 24/09/2022 ✅

Car Work 🛠 Back to Training Prep 📝

Car Work 🛠

Did a lot of work on the car today. Mostly focused around getting it ready for winter:

- Replaced the window wipers
- Checked the oil, lights etc.
- Coated the glass with anti-fog
- Sorted the insurance - Saved £130
- Cleaned it
- Washed it

View attachment 1

Job done ✅

Back to Training Prep 📝

I've decided I'm well enough to go back to training etc. now, so did the prep work for this week:

- Batch Cooked
- Prepped my Gym Clothes
- Packed my Gym Bag

I'll start back at the Gym tomorrow morning and take it from there

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Day 350: 25/09/2022 ✅

Back on it: Gym 19 👟 + I'VE GAINED WEIGHT 💯

Gym 19

View attachment 1

Had to battle with myself this morning after a week off from the Gym Sick ⚔️

I really didn't want to get out of bed, but I did it. That's pretty much the hard part over, so I'm happy. Didn't add any weight today to my workout, but I didn't drop any either ⬆️

I'll be back in tomorrow morning and then I'll be in on the night for Jiu-Jitsu 🥋


I'm very pleased to state that I have actually gained weight 💯

This is something I've been tracking and keeping an eye on for the past month. I've also dropped this in my signature, but here's the break down:

So I've gone from:

24/08/2022: 68.6 kg / 10.8 St. / 151.2 lbs


24/08/2022: 74.2kg / 11.7 St. /163.5 lbs

That's just under a whole Stone in 1 Month.

My main goal when I set out almost a year ago was to bulk up, so good to see I'm actually making progress on this 💯👏

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Day 351: 26/09/2022 ✅

Gym 20 👟 Jiu-Jitsu 24 🥋

Gym 20 👟

Session 20 today - another milestone hit 💯

Jiu-Jitsu 24 🥋

Back to training tonight - it was was a bit of killer as I’ve been off sick for the week, but glad I did it 👏

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷
Day 352: 27/09/2022 ✅

Gym 21, but Still Sick 👎

Hit the Gym this morning and did training last night - I’m coughing my bollocks up again and I feel dreadful.

It’s 8:30 P.M here and I’m going to bed 🛌

Didn’t go training tonight and I feel like shit.

Gonna see how I feel in the morning 🌅

Thanks for reading 📖

Spider 🕷