Spider’s Progress Log πŸ•· DAY 366: Continuation Log Link ⛓️

Day 327: 02/09/2022 βœ…

Schedule Change + Firecracker Lock-in Lay 🧨

Schedule Change

I've learnt a lot from this week as I approach the end of it especially with what my body can cope with and it's limits πŸ’―

I've enjoyed the challenge of working, getting to the Gym and doing Jiu-Jitsu simultaneously, although it's left me pretty Fucking beat! πŸ’€

I aimed for 6 times for the Gym originally, but I've realised my body can't cope with that. I also did the 4 Gym sessions in a row Sunday-Wednesday with no rest in between. This probably wasn't a great idea upon reflection and I think it lead to me struggling on the last sets of the exercises I was doing πŸ‘Ž

This was always going to be a 'trial and error' kinda deal, and so I've re-designed my schedule for next week in light of what I've learned this week.

I’ll drop a photo of it tomorrow, but main points:

- 5 Days in the Gym instead of 6
- 5 Days of Jiu-Jitsu
- Days I am not at Jiu-Jitsu I must go to the Gym - Fridays and Sundays
- Maximum of 2 Gym Sessions in a row then I must take a rest day in between

I'll start this from Sunday and see how I get on. I think this will be more manageable πŸ‘

Things will definitely get easier in due course, as the overtime will drop off towards the end of this month ⏰

I'll be doing 4 Days on 3 off instead of 6 Days on and 1 off βœ… βœ… βœ… The clocks in this country also go back an hour for daylight savings time πŸŒ… Some people see this as an extra hour in bed πŸŒ’ and I used to be guilty of this, but I'm now seeing it as an extra hour of productivity to play with ⏳

Firecracker Lock-in Lay 🧨

Got the Lock-in Lay with the redhead Firecracker tonight πŸ”’

Room's all booked and she's paid half up front πŸ’΅

She seems to get off on this whole me calling her a 'good girl' and likes men in positions of authority and power πŸ‘€

She's pretty hot for the fact I used to be a Police Sergeant and that I'm now a Duty Manager πŸ›‘

I'm thinking of getting to the room early and setting up the under-bed restraint kit. I think this is something we'd both enjoy. She loved the handcuffs and the wand last time, so this'll be a step up for definite πŸ‘€

I'll update in due course how this goes tomorrow πŸ“

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 328: 03/09/2022 βœ…

Lock-in Lay: Tying, Blindfolding and Fucking Firecracker Girl β›“ + BJJ πŸ₯‹

Well what a fun night I had last night πŸ”₯

Lock-in has now been achieved with the Redhead Firecracker πŸ”’πŸ§¨

I got to the room early and set up the under-bed restraint kit... β›“

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She rocked up half an hour later looking cute and it was on from there... πŸ‘€

She said she'd wear a 'surprise' for me and she did: A turquoise lace body-suit complete with g-string thong under her clothes 🫦 I told her 'I also have a surprise for you...' and pulled the bed cover up to show her the restraint kit straps...

10 minutes later, I've got her stripped completely naked, on her back, wrists and ankles bound so she can't move her wrists or close her legs, and blindfolded πŸ™ˆ

Her petite little size 8, 5'6 body was completely open and exposed. Perky tits, cute pussy and tight little ass was all mine πŸ‘πŸ‘‹

I basically teased the hell out of her: Used my teeth to bite her ass, sucked her nipples, teased her whole body with my tongue, used my leather riding crop and run it all up and down her skin and teased the hell out of her inner thighs with her tongue. I made her beg me to lick her - she's said previously (and quite proudly) that a man has never made her beg before. I took this as a challenge and after half an hour of her struggling in the restraints, shifting her hips and whimpering, she started to beg: 'Please lick me... please... put your tongue in me...' πŸ‘… πŸ’¦

I teased her a little bit more and then gave her what she wanted - on the condition she tell me when she was about to come. She did, although this was pretty obvious from her whimpering and squirming in the restraints β›“

I unstrapped her, then Fucked her 3/4 times in Doggy, side-to-side, cowgirl and missionary πŸ‘πŸ‘‹

Fucked her again this morning for a good half hour in doggy then we parted ways as I had to go to Jiu-Jitsu πŸ₯‹

Sweet girl who puts in the effort. Happy to have achieved the retention with this one πŸ’―

I am stating again here on this log for my peace of mind, condoms were used throughout and this chick is on the pill (witnessed her take it this morning) πŸ’Š

BJJ πŸ₯‹

This morning's Jiu-Jitsu training takes us to session number 14 ⬆️

With Thursday's session being the start of a new month, I'm going to try and get my attendance card marked 5 times every week throughout the month of September βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…

A couple of the lads have been commenting how they see me regularly and this was quite encouraging πŸ™Œ

I'm hoping to keep this up and My new schedule starting from tomorrow will hopefully allow me to stay rested but able to continue with both the Gym and Jiu-Jitsu:

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 329: 04/09/2022 βœ…

Ditching a Timewaster πŸšͺπŸ‘ˆ Gym Session 5 + P.T Session πŸ‘Ÿ

Fucking off a Timewaster πŸšͺπŸ‘ˆ

Forgot to mention this on yesterday's post, but I took Brother_Tucker's advice and cancelled on that blonde MILF who kicked me out the other week πŸ‘‹

Told her I wasn't coming round as I was still a bit pissed at what happened last time and it wasn’t on ⛔️

I got a text saying 'For the best as I'm on my period anyway...'


This could be one of 2 things:

- A 'You can't fire me I quit...' kinda deal where she's making something up to brush off the rejection 'Oh I'm on my period anyway..’


- She's actually on her period and the prospect of sex was never on the table in the first place and there would have been a repeat of last week where I woulda got Fucked around again.

One thing’s for sure:

What a bitch!

I got laid Saturday anyway, so couldn't really give a Fuck πŸ›Œ I got Firecracker 🧨 locked-in now πŸ”’

If I can set up and FWB type situation then this would be idea. My goal would be to have a 2-3 of these kinda girls in a rotation like Holden has πŸ—“

Something to work towards πŸ’―

Gym 5

Hit the Gym again this morning which takes us to 5 times this week in total that I've now been βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…

Very happy with this. I was originally planning to do the 6, but it was too much πŸ’€ I'm happy with the 5 I’ve achieved πŸ‘

I'm putting these Gym sessions on my log for accountability πŸ“

P.T Session πŸ‘Ÿ

Got a session with my P.T tomorrow at 06:30 - should be fun πŸ‘Ÿ

Things have been difficult lately as on my days off that I've been having he's not usually free, so early mornings are the way forward by the looks of things πŸŒ…

He's penned me in anyway, so I'm ready to get after it with him tomorrow πŸ—“

I've sent him the weights/stats from my workout this morning, so hopefully we can build on these or even repeat ⬆️

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 330: 05/09/2022 βœ…

365 Project Ideas πŸ’‘ P.T Session πŸ‘Ÿ and BJJ 15

365 Project Ideas πŸ’‘

I'm actually in the final stretch with my 365 Day Project with just 35 Days to go πŸ’―

In light of this, I've decided to start drafting ideas for a new 365 Project πŸ“

I have a couple of ideas in mind so far and I will choose one in the next few days once I've done some more thinking πŸ’­

I'm leading into the next 365 project being centred around Getting an Elite Body.

It was my main goal for this year and, being honest with myself, I Fucked around on it for the best part of 11 months πŸ‘Ž

It's only really now as we come to the end of a year of being on the Forums that I'm starting to get serious with going to both the Gym πŸ‘Ÿ and Jiu-Jitsu πŸ₯‹

I think the way to get myself to commit is to do a 365 Day Project around this. With the 1 post a day project I'm currently working my way through, I've forced myself to post even on days where shit was really dark and I was going through a very bad time πŸ•³

I'm considering starting a new log once I reach this 365 Day Projects end and starting to post in the private area - namely because I want to try and post more 'exciting' and 'juicy' content πŸ‘€

Having this enhanced anonymity and ability to post more β€˜NSFW’ stuff will probably encourage me to keep at it πŸ’―

Early days yet, but the new log I'd want to use for 3 main purposes:

- Enhanced anonymity πŸ₯·
- Accountability for my Elite Body 365 Day Project βš–οΈ
- A place to post more juicy content about Lays, perhaps even photos with consent, of course πŸ“·

Whether I will continue to post every day like I have been doing on this new one is something I still need to think about, but it's definitely helped me out this year βœ…

P.T Session

Hit the Gym with my P.T this morning at 06:30 πŸŒ…

He’s actually split things up for me so I can do the 6 Days a week without working the same muscles each day, so I’ll be changing my schedule to reflect this πŸ—“

Works better and I want to get in 5/6 Days a week anyway βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…

BJJ 15

Went to BJJ again tonight for session 15 πŸ₯‹

Purely posting this one for accountability purposes πŸ“

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 331: 05/09/2022 βœ…

Gym 7, BJJ 16 and Fitness Accountability

Gym 7

Hit the Gym again this morning

Started to work through my trainer's new program that he's given to me so that I can come in the 6 Days.

Decided to change my schedule to allow for this also

BJJ 16

Jiu Jitsu Session 16 tonight

Struggled a bit last night with some of the techniques, but I'm not letting it get me down and I'm not quitting it

Gonna keep going and pushing forwards with this

Day 331: 06/09/2022 βœ…

Gym 7, BJJ 16 and Injuries! πŸ€•

Gym 7

Hit the Gym again this morning πŸ‘Ÿ

Started to work through my trainer's new program that he's given to me so that I can come in the 6 Days βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…

BJJ 16

Did Jiu Jitsu Session 16 tonight πŸ₯‹

Struggled a bit last night with some of the techniques, but I'm not letting it get me down and I'm not quitting it.

Also had a tough night tonight as I’ve been dealing with injuries (see below).

Gonna keep going and pushing forwards with this and I am not gonna give up πŸ’―

Injuries! πŸ€•

So last night we had a Thunderstorm β›ˆ which was beautiful to watch, I must admit ⚑️

Unfortunately for me, one of my family decided to leave the skylight open in my kitchen πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Wet tiled floor + me in socks = carnage! πŸ’₯

I slipped, went flying, put my foot out to stop myself going flat on my face, and… I’ve knackered me knee and ankle πŸ€•

I also got injured in training when someone rolled onto my wrist πŸ‘Ž

On top of that, I dropped a weight on my finger in the Gym this morning.

Talk about not my Fucking Day 🀬

I struggled a bit with training tonight because of these injuries - it’s hard when the main techniques involve twisting your bad knee to do a takedown πŸ˜’

Oh well, I keep trying πŸ™ƒ

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 332: 07/09/2022 βœ…

Gym 8 πŸ‘Ÿ BJJ 17 πŸ₯‹ Weekend Booty Call πŸ‘

Gym 8

Hit the Gym again this morning πŸ‘Ÿ

Takes us to session 8 βœ…

Today was leg day which was just the 4 exercises. This worked out quite well as I literally was in there 35 minutes and I was done, so I managed to have an extra hour in bed this morning which I needed ⏰

Leg day on Wednesdays is a good mid-week break if it’s just the 4 exercises. Sunday morning would be good for this too especially as I work every Sunday (πŸ‘Ž) If I’m doing 3 workouts over 6 days in the gym, this could work out well πŸ’―

BJJ 17 πŸ₯‹

Had another rough night last night at Jiu-Jitsu as I was truffling with some of the techniques due to my knee injury πŸ˜’

Decided to push through and go again tonight. Can’t let it get me down. I keep trying πŸ₯‹

Weekend Booty Call πŸ‘

Firecracker’s graduating this weekend 🧨 and to celebrate, she’s said she wants to see me πŸŽ“

Turns out she wants to celebrate graduation β€˜with a bang’ πŸ’₯ and her parents are away, so she’s home alone πŸ‘€

Looks like I’ll be slipping around on the Saturday after Jiu-Jitsu Training to give her a good seeing-to πŸ‘πŸ‘‹

There’s something more natural to me about being in a girl’s bed as opposed to a hotel πŸ›Œ Helps me relax more and feels better 🫦

Told her I won’t stay as I got work mega early on Sunday β˜€οΈ I start at 10, but don’t wanna risk being late especially as I’m opening up shop πŸ”

I’ll leave it there for today anyway πŸ“

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 333: 08/09/2022βœ…

Gym 9 πŸ‘Ÿ BJJ 18 πŸ₯‹ Days off Plans πŸ“

Gym 9 πŸ‘Ÿ

Gym session 9 complete as of this morning βœ…

This is now 5 Days in a row that I've worked out for βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…

I've been tired etc. and not in the mood when the alarm clock has gone off ⏰ πŸ”¨, but I've gone anyway πŸ˜‚

I think going especially on the days when you can't be Fucked are the best times to go as it's helped discipline me and prove to myself 'Yes I can do this’ πŸ’­

BJJ 18 πŸ₯‹

Knackered after training last night πŸ’€

There are a few things I don't like about this BJJ club and particularly the head trainer πŸ‘Ž

Seems if he's having a bad day or someone's pissed him off, he gives us a killer session with heavy sprints etc. πŸ˜’

The other day I saw him scream at some guy who's unfit and was exhausted for sitting down during the aforementioned killer session:



I got mixed feelings about this. I feel there was better ways this could've been said e.g. 'Come on buddy you can do this! Just 2 more minutes' or whatever πŸ€”

He preaches love and respect then goes off on people like that?


Oh well.

Training again tonight. Just gotta keep going even when some days I'm not happy about things β˜€οΈ

Days off Plans πŸ“

I've got 2 Days off both Friday and Saturday, so thought I'd try and be productive as well as relax a little πŸ›Œ

Got a ticklist I'm gonna try get done:

- Wash car (weather depending!) 🧽
- Clean and tidy room 🧹
- Haircut πŸ’‡β€β™‚οΈ
- Go to the Gym (Friday) βœ…
- Jiu Jitsu Morning Session (Saturday)πŸ₯‹
- Get Laid πŸ‘
- Go Shopping πŸ›

Gym tomorrow (No Jiu-Jitsu) and then BJJ on the Saturday for the morning session πŸŒ… Firecracker’s getting Fucked Saturday night to celebrate her graduation πŸ‘πŸ‘‹ and then it’s just usual shit I gotta take care of - shopping, cleaning my room etc.

Looking forward to a Fucking break after my mandatory 1 Day off last week πŸ˜’

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Spider Jerusalem said:
There are a few things I don't like about this BJJ club and particularly the head trainer πŸ‘Ž

Seems if he's having a bad day or someone's pissed him off, he gives us a killer session with heavy sprints etc. πŸ˜’

The other day I saw him scream at some guy who's unfit and was exhausted for sitting down during the aforementioned killer session:



I got mixed feelings about this. I feel there was better ways this could've been said e.g. 'Come on buddy you can do this! Just 2 more minutes' or whatever πŸ€”

He preaches love and respect then goes off on people like that?

ok lol this isn't about a lack of "love and respect" or whatever and isn't inconsistent with that value

there's something primal that happens when you're pushed in a very aggressive way. it's supposed to piss you off so you work harder in the moment. and i dont think some guy who's "unfit" and "exhausted" gets a free pass either

i have a private boxing trainer and he doesn't let me get away with shit either, he just commands me if i'm fucking up.

maybe i'm misunderstanding the situation, and the trainer could by all means actually be an insecure dickhead, but the alternative you suggested would not be conducive to the type of environment that's needed for a fighting gym, so i am writing this short reply

this is a freaking brazilian jiu-jitsu gym, not field day in secondary school lmfao
colgate said:
ok lol this isn't about a lack of "love and respect" or whatever and isn't inconsistent with that value

there's something primal that happens when you're pushed in a very aggressive way. it's supposed to piss you off so you work harder in the moment. and i dont think some guy who's "unfit" and "exhausted" gets a free pass either

i have a private boxing trainer and he doesn't let me get away with shit either, he just commands me if i'm fucking up.

maybe i'm misunderstanding the situation, and the trainer could by all means actually be an insecure dickhead, but the alternative you suggested would not be conducive to the type of environment that's needed for a fighting gym, so i am writing this short reply


I haven't been there long, admittedly. However, from what the people who train there and who have been training there a long time have been saying to me, they've stated that when this guy is having a bad day or someone has pissed him off, he takes it out on the class by shouting and swearing at people or giving an extra hard warm-up session with random sprints in between which just aren't necessary.

I'm all for a good workout with lots of cardio etc. don't get me wrong, but to me what he's doing and from what people have said, that means it's not coming from a place of 'I want my students to improve', it's coming from a place of him being pissed off and wanting an outlet. Normally he's an okay guy and you can have a laugh with him. I just don't really buy into the whole testosterone fuelled male ego bullshit as I'm reminded of some of the dipshits I did go to high school with and it's not professional.

He did also make the poor guy look like a twat in front of the whole class by singling him out which I didn't think was fair.

There is also people I know who have left this place and warned me to be wary that it is a bit 'cultish'. Lots of ego flying around from what I've seen.

I could be wrong as I've only been there 3 weeks, but I'm just saying it how I see it and I'm getting my personal thoughts about it down on my log so I can help process them and make informed and rationalised decisions.

colgate said:
this is a freaking brazilian jiu-jitsu gym, not field day in secondary school lmfao

And yes I am fully aware of this fact, but thank you for your valuable insight anyway.


I know you also train Jiu-Jitsu just wondering if you or any of the other guys had any thoughts on this? Be very interested to hear your opinion
Day 334: 09/09/2022 βœ…

Countdown ⏰ New 365, Gym 10 πŸ‘Ÿ Cock Rings πŸ‘€ Creatine Loading ⬆️

Countdown: New 365 ⏰

We're now in the home stretch with my first 365 Project of making 1 post a day in my progress log πŸ’―

1 Month today and it will be complete. This will be a big for one for me and proof that I can make a difference in a year and that I can keep up the consistency when I set my mind to something πŸ’­

I thought I'd try something a bit more physical this time round as opposed to the mental challenge of writing every day πŸ“

The new 365 Project is as follows:


I, Spider Jerusalem, will go to the Gym or Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Training EVERY DAY for 365 Days. This project will start on 11/10/2022 and will run until 11/10 2023.


It's the consistency that will count with this. For example, I just literally have to show up at the Gym. I could literally walk in and walk out and it would count πŸ˜‚

It's to get me used to going to the Gym and training consistently. I will work out anyway, but say one of the days I say 'Can't be Fucked...' I still have to show up at least and then I could always see how I feel πŸ€”

Joe Rogan has a good saying: '90% of it is just showing up' πŸ’―

Technically I've already kinda started this one anyway if you count this week, but officially it will run between these 2 dates. At least I'm slowly getting used to it and I'm somewhat prepared βœ…

I think I will see a massive difference in my health, fitness and life overall if I stick with this for the whole year and keep it up πŸ‘Š

It's certainly a step up and a challenge, but Fuck it I'm in πŸ€™

I'll start a new log for this too in the 'private' section of the forums as I'd like to be more anonymous particularly as I plan to post more lay reports etc. I'll try and make things a bit more 'risque' and more NSFW in the new private section πŸ‘€

I will plan to post every Day as my means of accountability βš–οΈ

Gym 10 πŸ‘Ÿ

Hit the Gym again this morning which takes us into double figures at 10 sessions in total πŸ’―

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Happy to have gotten here as I've been Fucking around and sitting on the Gym progress for far too long now. Especially as I'm nearly 28 years old πŸ‘΄πŸ»

I went later on today than I normally do as it's my day off. Caught up on my sleep and had a bit of a rest too which was very well needed after all the work and exercise I've been doing the past 2/3 weeks βœ… βœ…

No Gym tomorrow, but I will go to the Jiu-Jitsu session on the morning πŸ₯‹

I've got the Booty call with Firecracker 🧨 later tomorrow for a couple hours, so I don't want to be too Fucked as I hopefully will be later on! πŸ‘πŸ‘‹

Cock Rings πŸ‘€

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I've bought a vibrating Cock Ring whilst I was out yesterday along with some more condoms πŸ‘€

I have used one ages ago and had a lot of fun - girls tend to like the clit stimulation whilst they get dicked down deep. I've just gone all the way in, stopped and then swayed my hips left and right so it buzzes right on the clit the pressure goes onto it 🫦

I'll give this one a try tomorrow and hopefully it'll get her vocal. Might bounce her cute little ass up and down my Cock whilst I'm wearing it and make her stay seated so she feels the vibrations where she's most sensitive... πŸ”₯

I'll stick a report on here tomorrow to let you all know how this one goes πŸ“

Creatine Loading

I've started on the Creatine today πŸ₯€

Begun with what's known as the 'loading phase'. For anyone who hasn't taken Creatine before, there are 2 Phases to this: 'Loading' and 'Maintenance'.

Loading is where you take 5g 4 times a day for 5 Days in order to build up the Creatine stores in your muscles.

You then take a 5g a day 'Maintenance' every day after.

I'll just whack it into my pre-workout mix which I drink whilst training to start me up and keep me going - should help me with my workouts now I want to start putting the weight up ⬆️

That's it for today's update πŸ“

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
I used to have a boxing trainer who'd insult people all the time. Sometimes it was funny like a roast but other times it was just plain mean-spirited, and only rarely was it motivating.

As soon as I got pretty good I just got myself a heavy bag to practice on my own and met up with a few guys to spar on our initiative, without the club. So instead of "graduating" to the advanced classes I just called it quits. (Didn't help that I could hardly attend the trainings due to professional reasons at my job at the time.)

The constant negativity isn't conducive to keeping people around. It was hard for me to take it seriously, it felt like a giant LARP. It's not like we were training for the world championship lol. It felt like a dumb act to me.

Adam said:
Different gyms will have different vibes. There are some gyms where the coach will scream at people or specifically call individuals out in front of the group. But those tend to be very competition-focused gyms where that's the experience that the members want.

Adam said:
None of the gyms I have trained at have been like that. There's gentle pushing, but if someone wants to sit out from rolling at the end of practice or needs adjustments due to injuries or being out of shape it isn't a problem. There's a recognition that not everyone is there for the same reason. Some people are training to fight professionally but others are there to get in better shape or want a fun social hobby and don't intend to ever compete.

Yeah man I think this place is quite competition focused whereas I have absolutely no desire to compete at all. I don't even really want to go for the whole stripes thing and go up the belts.

How he screamed at that bloke I thought it was uncalled for.

Adam said:
I won't speculate on your coach's motives. Maybe it's insecurity but it could also be that he thinks that's the most effective way to train or that's the flavor of training he wants to give. But if you don't like it and want a more chill gym, you can find one. There are plenty.

I've heard he used to be big in MMA and transitioned to training purely BJJ, so this could be a big part of it as I know MMA training and how fighters are motivated is likely a lot different from purely BJJ.

Adam said:
Personally I don't care for the style of coaching you've described. I think of jiujitsu as similar to dieting or working out. The best diet is the one you stick to, even if there's some other diet that's theoretically more effective. Same thing with training - the best gym I can attend is one where I enjoy training, because that will get me the most time on the mat which will make me improve faster. (Assuming a base level of quality instruction - if you are learning sloppy techniques then yes that's a problem.)

Thanks for giving me your thoughts on this. There's another 2 places in my town which offer training but the schedules are difficult with how they clash with my shift pattern. I'm tied into the contract at this place for 3 months, then I can cancel, so I'll stick it out and see. It's likely if this trainer spoke to me like that, I'd just get up and walk out.

He's started to implement some rules as well which I think are dumb - main one being 'no talking during practicing the techniques...' so as a new student if I get stuck on a complex technique, the other person I'm training with just has to look at me blank and can't offer any guidance? Seems a bit daft to me.

Luckily he doesn't hold the classes all week. The other instructors are pretty sound and a lot more chilled

As I say normally he's an okay guy and you can have a laugh with him, but just sometimes I feel like he goes overboard with it.

Thanks again mate

Holden said:
I used to have a boxing trainer who'd insult people all the time. Sometimes it was funny like a roast but other times it was just plain mean-spirited, and only rarely was it motivating.

As soon as I got pretty good I just got myself a heavy bag to practice on my own and met up with a few guys to spar on our initiative, without the club. So instead of "graduating" to the advanced classes I just called it quits. (Didn't help that I could hardly attend the trainings due to professional reasons at my job at the time.)

Yeah I hate people like that who think because they run something or are in charge they can just go off on people and act like a knob. Funnily enough I'm in the BJJ Club WhatsApp Group and I've opened the texts this morning to see that someone's insulted someone else - calling them 'big man' or something, and there's a couple of deleted messages and a notification stating that someone has actually left the chat/group!

I think more people are gonna do that kinda thing and realise 'I'm not paying someone to abuse me' and they'll just go elsewhere to another club or use their own initiative and train at a leisure centre or somewhere for a lot cheaper.

Holden said:
The constant negativity isn't conducive to keeping people around. It was hard for me to take it seriously, it felt like a giant LARP. It's not like we were training for the world championship lol. It felt like a dumb act to me.

It does feel like one big ego massage circle-jerk some days, especially as you see signs around the place saying shit like 'It's an honour and privilege to wear this club's Gi...'. Very pretentious and 'cultish'. I'll stick it for now but long-term might need to look elsewhere if I can't put up with the bullshit

Thanks for swinging by and giving your thoughts

Day 335: 10/09/2022 βœ…

BJJ 19 πŸ₯‹ Firecracker Booty Call πŸ‘

BJJ 19 πŸ₯‹

Went to Session 19 of Jiu-Jitsu this Morning πŸ₯‹

Next session will make it 20 times that I will have been βœ… Counting that as another milestone

Despite my reservations about one of the trainer's I've been having lately, I've decided to buy another Gi (πŸ₯‹) as I've been keeping up the consistency with the training πŸ’―

If I carry on with this level of consistency until the end of the month (Payday) then I will buy another one. The reasoning behind this is one of practicality as well as the sense of a reward - we're coming into winter and these things are a Fucking pain to get dry due to how thick they are! 🀬

Firecracker Booty Call πŸ‘

Heading up to see Firecracker girl later today🧨

She just wants a Booty Call for a couple hours ⏰

I don't even have to take her out for coffee, dinner or anything which is suiting me just fine ⬆️

I'll drop a post on tomorrow and update how things go πŸ“

That's pretty much all I got for today β˜€οΈ

Did a few things on my checklist too this weekend:

- Haircut
- Cleaned my room
- Went Shopping
- Relaxed
- Started Creatine Loading

Couldn't clean the car as it's been raining all weekend. I didn't go shopping either as I don't want to spend the money before payday and have to dip into my savings kinda thing.

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Day 336: 11/09/2022 βœ…

Gym 11 πŸ‘Ÿ Firecracker Lay 3 Report πŸ›Œ 🧨

Gym 11 πŸ‘Ÿ

Gym Session 11 this morning πŸŒ…

View attachment 1

Managed to get in despite the Fog and mist on the roads. Decided to brave it and said 'Fuck it' and went anyway! 🌫

Was drinking my 'Caribbean Crush BCAA' wishing I was in the actual Caribbean 🏝

Lol πŸ™ƒ

Just stuck me Fog lights on in the car and took it nice and slow. Hardly any traffic which helped and on top of that, the Gym was quiet as usual on a Sunday Morning too, so worked out quite well πŸ’―

Did Legs today, so just a quick warm up and then 4 sets of exercises. Was done in like 40 minutes and took my time. It's probably the only good thing about working every Sunday - I'm in at like 09:45 Hrs so I don't have to run around like a Fucking lunatic in the mornings after my workout and bust my ass trying to get to work! πŸ‘Ž

Firecracker Lay 3 Report πŸ›Œ 🧨

Went round Firecracker's place yesterday for a Booty Call πŸ‘ Told her I wouldn't be staying as I had work today ⏰

Turns out it was her graduation, so she was dressed to kill - black dress, makeup on point, black g-string thong and matching lace bra 🫦

She looked exactly like the reason I call her 'Firecracker' 🧨

Had a fun couple hours with her. Tied her wrists, massaged her, Fucked her in a load of positions and used the Vibrating Cock ring which had her writhing. Made her go on top and held her hips down so she had to ride the vibrations out. Had her writhing, squirming and whimpering β›“

Fucked her about 5 times then we went to McDonald's. I bought her lunch to 'celebrate her graduation'. Whacked an electric candle on the table as a joke to say it's 'candlelit dinner!' πŸ•―πŸ˜‚

For my own peace of mind, condoms were used throughout again and this girl is on the pill. She even sent me a photo this morning of her birth control pills with today's one taken to put me at ease. Nice of her to do this.

We're currently planning an Ann Summers trip - this is lingerie and sex toy shop if you guys don't have that in the States/Australia which could be a hell of a lotta fun πŸ‘€

She's a cool chick who seems decent and doesn't Fuck me about, so I'm happy to spend time with her like this. She's cool with casual for now she's said so all good here as this suits both of us βœ…

She's told me she likes the fact that I'm an 'asshole' who has his own stuff going on - Gym, training, work etc. so can't spend time with her 24/7 πŸ‘€

'No More Mr. Nice Guy' definitely working out for me here πŸ“– πŸ‘ πŸ’―

That's about it for today, so I'll leave it there. I definitely need to re-start no-fap as it's been on my list a while, but I'll go into this more another time πŸ“

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Spider Jerusalem said:
Whacked an electric candle on the table as a joke to say it's 'candlelit dinner!' πŸ•―πŸ˜‚
lmfao good shit
Day 337: 11/09/2022 βœ…

Gym 12 πŸ‘Ÿ Workout Refining πŸ“ BJJ 20 πŸ₯‹

Hit the Gym again this morning for Session 12 πŸ‘Ÿ

Gonna try and go for the 6 sessions in a week again starting from yesterday. Now I know this is achievable from the previous week, I'm trying to get myself into a position where I'm comfortable doing this on a regular basis in preparation for my fitness-centred 365 Project πŸ’―

Workout Refining πŸ“

In order to get into the Gym 6 times a week, I consulted with my P.T and he's redesigned my schedule. I was doing the full-body workout he gave me 5 times a week which was just burning me out as I found out quite quickly πŸ”₯

We've now refined it so that it's 3 workouts of which I will do each one twice a week:

- Sundays and Wednesdays : Legs
- Mondays and Thursdays: Back and Biceps
- Tuesdays and Fridays: Chest and Triceps
- Saturday: Rest

Given myself the Saturday off. I train Jiu-Jitsu on that morning anyway and I could do with it so I don't completely burn myself out. I also like to do stuff for myself on the Saturday ⬆️

I have all these workouts saved on my phone in the 'Notes' app. I was working off paper sheets with my P.T ages ago, but we just work this way now as it's easier: I can literally just text him the workout stats beforehand for when we have our session once a week πŸ‘Ÿ

BJJ 20 πŸ₯‹

Tonight marks another milestone with the Jiu-Jitsu training as we've hit session 20. Didn't think I'd actually get to this far when I first started. Lol.

One thing I will say is I'm absolutely covered in bruises from training and I'm taking this as a good sign. I have been getting funny looks from people when I wear short sleeved shirts etc. Quite funny aha

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·
Adam said:
Haha yeah that happens. You'll always have some bruises but as you get more comfortable with it and move better during rolls you'll get fewer bruises.


I have good days and bad days with it, but I’m enjoying it Overall. I get my ass kicked every night, but I’m learning the fundamentals which is the main thing
Day 338: 13/09/2022 βœ…

Shitty Day πŸ‘Ž Gym 13 πŸ‘Ÿ BJJ 21 πŸ₯‹

Shitty Day πŸ‘Ž

Had quite a shitty day yesterday πŸ‘Ž Got into it with a shoplifter who was a vile and disgusting scumbag - very creative with his insults: β€˜Your face makes me sick…’ and β€˜You’re trousers are falling down…’ + various insults about how thin I am - something I am very insecure about πŸ˜•

Got some of the shit back off him, but he made off with about 90 bucks worth of stuff. Anxiety was through the roof the whole time. Vile bastard 🀬

On top of that, was driving to gym this morning and my boot flew open! Had a panic attack as a result and had to pull over to sort it πŸ‘Ž

Gym 13 πŸ‘Ÿ

Despite the bullshit recently, I still hit the gym. Thought β€˜Fuck it might as well’ πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Least I haven’t lost that streak πŸ’―

BJJ 21 πŸ₯‹

Got training tonight as well πŸ₯‹

Despite the recent challenges and arseholes in my life who have given me shit, I’m not letting them slow down my progress. Fuck anyone that tries - they can all suck my dick. I’ll still keep going πŸ–•

Thanks for reading πŸ“–

Spider πŸ•·