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Svadhishthana's log

Well, later Monday after I wrote that post, I came down with a pretty shitty cold. Kinda shot my week. Got some stuff done, but mostly focused on sleeping it off.

A friend from mexico got an Airbnb near some sick mountains randomly and invited me to come join for two weeks. I've been baking down here in the city the last few weeks - the van must be hitting at least 110*. So it's time to crank out some chores so I can leave and have some fun.

- work
- final bodybuilding workout
- pave hot tub fireplace platform
- sling hooks and cam hooks
- move in new tenant

- Aid practice: hauling 2
- Aid practice: portaledge (sleep in it overnight.)

- Aid practice: advanced aid course
- Pack
- Leave for the mountains.
Ugh, this sickness just keeps coming back, pushing back my plans. Whatever.

- Final workout
- Pack
- Finish hot tub
- Look into getting beta
- Leave for Laramie

- Work at the cafe
- Finish driving

*So* excited to get out of this heat that's been beating me down.
Spent the last two weeks in an Airbnb in Jackson with some friends. Ostensibly for climbing the Tetons, but a combination of of work, weather, and illness kept me from nabbing any real gems. Instead, had a few fun alpine romps, and a few pitches of sport climbing, but nothing to really write home about. Honestly, not that great of a trip - I just felt off balance the whole time since there was so much uncertainty I was juggling. Weather dictated if we might climb - but if the weather window came on a weekday, should I just play hooky at work? Does it matter, since I'm quitting soon anyway? I have the sniffles, and a headache, and fatigue - am I sick? Or hungover? Or is it altitude? Lack of sleep? I'm planning on putting my two weeks in within the month - are my investments generating enough income? Am I a fucking idiot? Or a coward for doubting myself? What do I have to lock down before I put that notice in?

Honestly, the best part about the trip was spending time with a couple of my friends who are pretty explicit talking about girls and dating. At its core, this is my biggest hurdle - I don't really fear getting rejected by any given woman, or have performance anxiety. While I still doubt my own attractiveness on an emotional level, I at least understand I'm attractive on an intellectual level. But my real fear is being rejected by my friends, my social circles, or society for my sexual desires and for taking actions to fulfill those desires. Kind of funny - I don't need a an approach anxiety program so much as I need a talking-about-approaching anxiety program, lol. But I think the more time I spend with friends like these, and the more I push myself to talk about my own shit with them, the more I'll break down this mental barrier.

Last thing to note - while in Jackson I fired up OLD again. Kind of a strange place, since it is a pretty small town, but also very rich, so there are not that many women but a much higher proportion of them are attractive. Matched with a few, felt I was getting a good connection, was setting up date logistics... and then the leads went dead. Had to remind myself this is par for the course, and literally nothing means anything until you're putting a condom on.


- Meditate
- Lift
- Work
- Plan retirement party
- Read library books
- Make physical appt
Got a lot of shit done yesterday. Good day.

- Work
- Research remote hot tub controller
- Meditate
- Board sesh
- Read library books
Ah alpine climbing, otherwise known as sitting chatting shit about conditions 90% of the time. I love it though - when you get it right it's like nothing else. Plus when it goes wrong it's also like nothing else but that's another story.

You might know this already - but acetazolomide (diamox) is a very useful tool for faster/better aclimitisation.

I take half a 250mg tab twice a day, for a day before starting ascending and then continue taking it until a couple of days at the max height. Really underrated - I'm in Peru and the main climbing towns are at about 3k and going from sea level to that height without it is fairly limiting/poor sleep for a couple of days. With it, huge difference - still better to be smart but last time I was out we went overnight bus to town at 3k, arrived then straight away up for a walk to look at a route about 4.8k, and felt ok (but of course walking slower than sea level etc). If I tried that rapid ascent unmedicated it would be a total hell.

But follow the usual climb high sleep low etc. Sides - it does make you thirsty (drink lots of water) and gives me slightly euphoric pins and needles.
Antonio44 We hangboard to train for bouldering. We boulder to train for sport climbing. We sport climb to train for trad climbing. We trad climb to train for alpine climbing. We alpine climb to train for death, lol. My best days are out in the mountains. So are my days of the most suffering.... which are also my best days!

I think altitude may have played a minor role, but bigger I think was simple bad lifestyle habits - a mild sickness, plus alcohol, plus lack of adequate rest. I was only maybe 4 or 500 meters higher than the city where I normally live when I was hanging out at the Airbnb we had in town. Even the peaks only went to ~4200m. Nothing compared to Peru - I appreciate the suggestion, but I think I just need to be more disciplined in my recovery.


Knocked shit out yesterday. Woke up today and made a real todo list instead of just fucking around. Feels good.

- Work
- Pack for weekend
- Read book on septic systems.
- clean up bear garbage
- Finished reading septic book.
- Started working on list of inspections and maintenance items for potential critical failure points on my houses
- was gonna climb, but found a kink in my upper back, probably from trying hard in the hot sun the day before. Spent the time I had allocated for my sesh performing pain management techniques on the area.
- hung with roomies for house meeting and got a list of a few minor things to fix.
- tinder date flaked

- ping a tinder girl who wanted to video chat before a date tomorrow.
- make new signage for airbnb
- work
- formalize critical issues list. Make maintenance and inspection checklists and put these things on a calendar
- work out if back is feeling up to it later in the day.
- fix things around the house and clean some of my stuff out of the garage.

- Meditate
- Work
- Board sesh
- Tinder date
- Meditate
- Work
- Clean out my garage a bit
- Run through inspection of my long term rental
- Board Sesh
- Date flaked. Nbd, she wasn't that hot and I'm busy anyway.

- Meditate
- Work
- Kettlebell training
- Test hot tub pump that froze and cracked to see if it is watertight from the JB Weld I put it together with
- Meet with a friend for her birthday thing at a park (more distant friend, good opportunity to expand social circle)
- Meet with other friend for his birthday thing for a poker night (many good friends will be there, good hang)
- Meditate
- Work
- Kettlebells
- Hot tub pump
- Start getting internet fallback hotspot for Airbnb set up
- 2 parties

- Meditate
- Work
- Board Sesh
- Hot tub pump/ internet fallback
- Date? Matched with a girl on tinder, but said she needed to ask her bf first.
- Meditate
- Work
- Board sesh
- Make some signs for the Airbnb + internet fallback + hot tub pump
- Finish inspection/maintenance of LTR
- Date w/ girl I matched with last night.

- Meditate
- Work
- Go to Airbnb to hang signs, perform inspection/maintenance, hopefully install fallback internet and hot tub pump.
- Probably date w/ open relationship girl, who texted me this morning.
Lay 19: 21 yo karateka

Pretty standard lay. We match on tinder last night. She seems enthused the whole time until the number pull. This morning I'm like "damn, she was hot and seemed into me" so I sent her a quick follow up. Was blown away when it actually worked - immediately gave me her number and set up a date for tonight.

I show up. It's crowded as fuck... dammit, this is *why* I never plan my dates for weekends, except it's a Thursday. She texts me she's having trouble finding parking, so I wander around trying to scope a place to sit that won't suck - at which point it starts raining.

I'm not happy about this. The rain, I assume, will send the crowds of people outside right into the building, further cramming us together, delaying drink orders, making it hard to talk. She takes some time getting there, and seems a bit hesitant at first. Despite my less than optimal mental state, I start doing a bit of flirting, leading the way, telling her where to go. While we're getting drinks, she says she can't stay out too late since she has work in the morning - which I take to mean she doesn't plan on sleeping with me tonight. But I play it off - "I'll try to convince you to stay out later."

Then things take a turn for the better. The rain's let up, but scared everyone off from sitting outside so we get a nice secluded table to ourselves. We talk a bit, I give her a few compliments, move in to kiss her. She's down - as soon as we start kissing, the whole vibe changes. She has no problem with me grabbing her tits and ass. I pull her towards me so she's out of her seat and straddling my thigh. *Now* she's having a good time. We bottoms up and head back to mine.

Once we're inside and making out, I start teasing her a bit, forcing her to vocalize what she wants. This plays well, since she's nervous, but then I can tell her what I want, aka, tell her what to do. She is very much into this, as I tell her "unbuckle my belt", "unzip my pants", "did I tell you you could touch my cock", "get on your knees..."

Good bj, enhanced by the fact that she had a very cute face. But her body was a bit chubbier than advertised, so the sex was slightly worse than average. Still, made her cum in my dick a few times, cuddled for a while and talked about shit, then had her blow me until I came in her mouth and sent her on her way.
- Meditate
- Work
- Finalize weekend plans
- Finish LTR inspection/maintenance
- Test hot tub pump
- Date with open relationship girl

- Meditate
- Outdoor climbing
Date with open relationship girl in about 2 hours. Just need to vent real quick.

I've mentioned in this log before my... unease about talking to other people about polyamory/open relationships. Or, okay, more like reasonably controllable panic attacks. But I don't think I ever really explained why.

So, back in college, I was having trouble getting laid. As a teenager, I'd gone made some major steps socially from being despised by everyone around me, to being mostly tolerated. I college, I finally became a halfway decent human with some good friends who didn't think about killing himself every 1-3 days. But this didn't give me a whole lot of experience to lean on when it came to bedding women, which I desperately, desperately wanted to do. Unfortunately, this impulse was countered by a desperate shrieking in my head to never, ever, ever, ever, EVER, talk about sex with anyone, or else they would figure out what a loser incel I was and would never talk to me again.

I'll skip the rundown of all the awful, cringy shit I did, the easy touchdowns I fumbled, and my agonizingly slow journey to becoming a somewhat fuckable human being, and jump to my senior year. In a series of the most emotionally harrowing moments of my life I manage to lose my virginity to a girl. A hot girl, who is part of my social circle. And for a couple months, it's great, as we regularly hook up while I continue my fumbling attempts to get with other girls. After this period, she gives me the dreaded relationship talk - the absolute last thing I want to hear. For the first time in my life I'm getting regular sex, and I'm feeling amazing and have good leads, and I want to try to have more sex with other women... But I still have no idea how to do this, so I don't want to lose the regular sex I'm getting at the moment. So I agree to being in a relationship.... as long as it's an open relationship.

The more experienced people here will recognize this tactic - agreeing to a relationship in order to maintain access to regular sex - will recognize this as what is known as, A Really Fucking Stupid Idea.

Of course, as soon as it comes out that we're a couple, all my social leads dry up, and I graduate college having fucked only one girl - my girlfriend. Post-college, I move across the country and we break up, and if that were the extent of my sorrowful tale, I would not be writing this post.

Instead, we kept in touch. She's come visit occasionally, or I would, and we'd fuck. A while after I moved to my new city and abjectly failed to get laid at all, we decided we'd keep dating long distance - still open, so I'm still free to date other girls. The Really Fucking Stupid Idea rears it's head again. After a couple years of this, she breaks up with me. I proceed to still not get laid.

Then, the Very Bad Part. I have a gap in my employment, and am crashing our mutual friend's spare bedroom. She decides to also quit her job, and wants to hang out with my friend and I. Of course, as soon as we get a moment alone we start making out, feeling each other up, grinding on each other... but she flat out refuses to have sex or get to third base. At first I'm like "that's not ideal, but at least I'm touching boobs. That's better than nothing."

In fact, it was worse than nothing, as my mental health entered a state of precipitous decline. My emotional state would careen from "fine", to inexplicable homicidal rage, self loathing, to sobbing dejection and hopelessness. I would spend hours in bed doing nothing but suffering these emotional swings until I finally forced myself to tell my ex I couldn't keep doing this if we weren't having sex. So we stop for a few days. I get my head screwed on straight again. And then during a night of drinking, we start making out again, don't fuck again, and I'm plunged right back into my spiral. At this point, my memory becomes significantly more hazy, but I begin to get suicidal urges, and start seeing intrusive mental pictures of a literal demon from hell saying he's gonna kill me. Eventually, I tell my ex we need to talk, and to get in my car. We drive to some random pull off in the middle of some random canyon, and I can walk about 50 feet into the woods before I just collapse and start sobbing and spilling my guts about everything that's been rattling in my head, including my complete inability to get laid. She - being a nice person with her own history of mental health struggles - says she'll help me, which gives me just enough hope to pick myself up off the ground and get back home again.

So, with her encouragement, I overcome my fear of both large corporations stealing my data, and anyone I know at all ever seeing me on tinder, and I make my first online dating profile. I proceed to get approximately 0 matches. Then she says we could go to a bar and I could hit on girls. I proceed to drink my beer. Then I drink her beer. Then I drink a few more beers. And then I'm drunk and still experiencing panic attacks at the thought of going up to a girl and talking to her.

That night, both of us quite drunk, she starts blowing me in the sidewalk on our walk home, and then I fuck her and make her cum a record breaking 15 times. Which, I suppose, convinced her that maybe we should get back together. Yeah I know - really fucking stupid idea.

So I start working again and she gets a job in my city, and for a while things are going pretty well.... kind of. Admitting that I still couldn't get laid to save my life, and having her agree to help me out kind of lit a fire in me. But the fire burned dirty. I started reading everything I could find about how to make open relationships and polyamory work, which is all heavily steeped in the feminist tradition. I read a lot of somewhat good advice which was not at all useful to my circumstance, and a lot of really shitty advice that made me feel like I was a terrible person, and I started going a little bit crazy again, but slower this time. More of a steady and unrecoverable slide into long term anxiety and depression. As I slid deeper into this whole, I started hammering her with endless questions about the theory of dating, the ethics of one choice or another, what her perspective was on X, Y, or Z, which she found increasingly unbearable, until she demanded I go to a therapist to sort my head out

So I did. The therapy worked - in that it stopped me from going completely off the deep end. But failed to make any meaningful change.

At this point also, I finally overcame another of my fears, and figured out how to attend a polyamory meetup. I have to say, the hoops I needed to jump through for this were quite excessive, especially considering I was so far past the point of even wanting to hit on any girls. I just wanted to talk to some old guy about "how the fuck do I do this?" After working up the courage to finally show up, I arrived to the group to spend one of the most uncomfortable hours of my life sitting in a hippy feather-circle where all discussion focused on the social justice issue of the day - after which I was absolutely too emotionally drained to even try to talk to one of the old guys. A real shame, since the 60+ crowd there actually seemed like very nice people, while the 20s and 30s crowd seemed like the most negative, toxic group I'd ever encountered. As I got into my car to drive away, all I remember thinking is "wow, maybe I'm a depressed loser who can't get laid for shit and keeps having intrusive suicidal thoughts... But at least I'm not *those* people!"

Not long after this, we broke up for the third and final time. My lay count during my 5-or-so-year-long on-again-off-again open relationship: 1.

Hence why this topic sets me off. Just like when I was a virgin, I'm terrified that I'll spill the beans. I'll tell the truth about what happened, how I failed, how I tried as hard as I could and came up short because I'm a worthless piece of shit - and then there go my friends, and there go my prospects.

So tonight, I'm going on a date. Except it's not a date. We're meeting "as friends" - because apparently she's new to this, and he has some sort of hangup about her going on a date where she might get laid. Why would I agree to this? I dunno. I guess I'm hoping for a redemption arc, where I can help out someone who was struggling like I was. Or maybe we will just not be into each other at all, and it'll be an awkward waste of time. Or maybe I'll spill my guts and all my pain was worth nothing, and she'll think I'm some weird fucking loser. But I'm afraid, so I guess that means I have to do it.
Further update:
Went climbing with open relationship girl on Sunday. Before the date, she texted me that her bf had relaxed a bit on the restrictions he had for what she could do. But once she showed up, she clarified that we could fool around... but not actually fuck. I was a bit disappointed by this, but whatever - she's still cool and it's gonna be a good day.

We get to the crag and, unsurprisingly, her claims to be a 5.11 climber actually meant she was a 5.11 top roper in the gym. Ie, she struggled pulling 5.9 moves outside. So I proceed to show her that I'm the nicest guy ever by going into super supportive climbing coach mode, and then show I'm a badass (at least compared to her - I'm a chuffer compared to most of my friends) by sending an *actual* 5.11. Actually a bit hairy for me, considering I had 70 lbs on her and would have sent her screaming to the first bolt if I took a real lead fall. While we're sitting at the base of the crag in a relatively secluded spot, we're periodically making out and feeling each other up, hands going under clothes stuff.

By mid afternoon, thunderstorms are rolling in, so we go back to her car. I pull her into the passenger seat where I'm sitting and make her straddle me. Per previous convos, I knew she liked it rough - "bordering on abuse" - and I was happy to oblige. Turns out show really gets off on choking and being forced around. I pull her sports bra up and play with her tits, spank her ass, aggressively make out with her while it's raining outside... and while other people mill about the parking area packing up, lol.

So we go to a nearby brewery to get some beers, and spend a couple hours there drinking and talking. As the day goes on and she gets more comfortable with me (and more drunk) she talks more about how she's frustrated in her relationship. Her boyfriend is also in his 30s, but is insecure about her seeing other guys and wants to keep their current dynamic to only seeing couples since he can't get laid on his own. He also hates his job and suffers from anxiety and apparently is a little bitch when climbing. As we keep talking, she eventually tells me that she's basically waiting and trying to get him to a better place before breaking up with him so he won't kill himself.

I feel bad for the guy, since I'm basically cucking him, and I've been in his shoes before. But at the same time, he's refusing help his gf is offering him, and is making a bunch of shit excuses about why he can't improve his life. And since I've been in his shoes, I know that I really can't do anything to help him - he's not my responsibility, he wouldn't accept my help anyway, and he's not gonna change until his gf breaks up with him. And when that happens, he's gonna have a choice of either roping himself, or gritting his teeth and promising himself that he will find a way to make his life worth living.

After a few beers, it's still light out, so we go for a walk down a nearby country road. As we're walking, she spots a nearby rib of rock sticking out of the mountainside and says "I wanna be on top of that!" Some light trespassing on private land, sounds like fun! We hike up the mountain through the forest for a bit until we find the rib. Now we start getting really heavy - me choking her, pinning her against the rock, grabbing her pussy over her pants, and her egging me on. As dusk approaches, we walk back to her car.

It's almost 11 as we get back closer to town. She halfheartedly pitches the idea of getting something to eat, but then admits that she just doesn't want to go home where her bf will complain about how she left him home alone all day with nothing to do. When we're almost back to my place, I talk about how she can find other climbing partners, and she says something to the effect of "but won't you just be my climbing partner?"

For me, this is a hard no. The day was fun, but I know from experience that I never get my own sends if I'm just always playing climbing coach. Plus, as an ethical stance on both our parts, we can't fuck, so time spent with a less than stellar climbing partner isn't even fulfilling the original purpose of finding that partner - fucking. So I tell her what's been on my mind: that with such a messy relationship, I don't want to see her until she's broken up with her bf. She says she understands, but starts crying, and I give her my shoulder to cry on. And then we begin a long, sad make out/cuddle session until it is quite late and she needs to leave.

Next morning, she texts me, and tells me I left my keys in her car. She comes by in the evening to give them to me, and brings some bubbly water for us to sip on. We hang out on my porch for a bit, then move into my van when it starts raining. Cue more making out and fooling around, her grinding on my thigh while I choke her, her saying how bad she wants to suck my dick, me forcing her to her knees and having her kiss my dick through my pants... until it is getting late and she has to go before her bf starts complaining too much. I walk her back to her car and tell her to she's wearing tomorrow. She's excited to do as she's told. Later that evening, she sends me a video of her kneeling naked on the floor, showing off her body and playing with her tits.

Today, she followed up, sending me pics of her outfit, and then her gym outfit, telling me all she can think about is fucking me. Good girl.

It's funny, because this whole fooling-around-with-no-sex scenario is what drove me insane when I was in my open relationship. But now, it's just fun. Why? Because I have another date lined up Wednesday and am working on another for Thursday.


Drove up to my Airbnb. Today and tomorrow will be doing things around here.

- Meditate
- Kettlebells
- Work
- Install fallback internet
- Install wifi enabled hot tub controller
- Hang additional signage
- Inspect Airbnb for critical issues.

- Meditate
- Work
- Kettlebells
- Build shelves for my cleaning supplies (request of my cleaners)
- Meet hot tub repair guy to figure out some clogged jets.
- Date with ultrarunner milf
Just put in my two weeks notice. I will officially retire in September 15th, 2023 after working for 8 years and change.
Friday was a hell of a good day. Had some things break and did a bit of the runaround, but got the important things done.

LAY 20
At 1, Open Relationship Girl came over. She broke up with her bf the day before, and we'd been texting back and forth about how horny we are for each other. She brings a bottle of rosé, and we down it while sitting in the back yard and teasing each other. Then back to my van (cranking the AC to combat the mid day heat) for a 4 hour fuck session. She's an excellent combination of being hot, being a cool person, and being a very eager sub. Only problem is she's a relatively hard cummer compared to other similar girls - but nothing the vibe couldn't handle.

At 5 she has to go home to hang with her ex. She left her phone in her purse next to the empty wine bottle outside - by the time we finished fucking, he'd left her about 20 missed calls and messages. Jesus dude.


After I send her on her way, I gear up for my retirement party. A bunch of friends come over, and friends of friends, including a pretty sexy 30 yo personal trainer. Seemingly all the girls I didn't know had eyes for me - probably something to do with the fact that I was the man of the hour, and I was greeting everyone with my shirt off (lots of us were working problems on the garage climbing board while slamming beers), and I still hadn't showered after Open Relationship Girl came over. Party is excellent, and I drink a bit too much whiskey and go to bed smiling.

Friday was a culmination of two very big goals at the same time. First, obviously, was celebrating my retirement. It feels simultaneously exhilarating and horrifying to be dropping my stable source of active income - but I know I can always recover somehow, and I know that delaying it any more would simply be delaying living my life.

Second was getting my 20th lay. While I don't think I ever mentioned it explicitly, I had this as a goal in the back of my mind ever since I read the tinder guide. I'm sure "fuck 20 girls and then you're allowed to make up your own theories" was more a number made up out of frustration with inexperienced guys pontificating than a number with any real significance. But at the same time... I really like pontificating, so hitting that number subconsciously became very appealing, and I've considered it to be something of a landmark. I feel I am officially no longer a guy who can't get laid, and instead I am now simply a guy who is not very good at getting laid.

If any new guys read this - some advice. To recap my journey, I joined this forum having exactly one lay. Over the course of the last couple years, while taking significant breaks to pursue other goals and honestly not working that hard most of the time, I fucked 19 more women. Why did I succeed here? I can attribute my success to only one thing: the magical power of Shutting The Fuck Up. I read the tinder guide. It said "do this". And despite the rebellious nature of my inner snot-nosed kid, I shut the fuck up and followed my marching orders. I did the work. I got the results. That's all there is to it.

Today, hungover, I made a pot of coffee and gradually meandered to the park near my house with my notebook. As I looked at the city skyline, I stubbed out what I want my life to look like, breaking it down until I had a list of things to do in the next two weeks before I pack up my car and leave. Most of my tasks are practical, and I won't have much time to chase any tail, or really have much fun. That's fine. I'll be having plenty of fun in the near future.

But now I have time and flexibility. And I'm no longer a stranger to pussy. So I think it's time I shift my focus. Yeah, sex is fun, but it isn't really what I'm after. What I'm really after is overcoming my social anxiety around sex, and just general social anxiety. I look forward to shutting the fuck up and putting the work in.
Matched with a smoking hot girl yesterday. Messaged, got number, set up the date for last night. Exactly my type - athletic, dreads, tattoos. But the date didn't go well. I pitched my usual place to meet, she countered that we should meet on her side of town - okay, whatever. Then the place she picked was closed due to the holiday. Seemingly everything is closed due to the holiday. So we go to her place and grab a couple beers and walk around the park nearby. Sit on a bench near a lake. Talk about shit for a while. Make out. Walk back to her place, and she tells me straight up she doesn't wanna hook up, so we part amicably.

After my recent string of successes, this sort of failure is good for me. Losing out on girls I'm really into is painful, and pain is the motivator for change. So, an analysis -

First, she initially set the frame of the date by choosing the location. When I found it was closed, I pitched the beers in the park idea - but the beers were at her place and the park was close to her, and she brought her dog from home to the park. So since she was on her home turf and I was basically lost, she was leading the date the whole time. Or else her dog was. In retrospect, I should have pushed for a meet-in-the-middle situation, where at least we both would have been off balance and she wouldn't have had her friggin dog. But also, I should have been able to recover from being taken out of my element, and taken a more active role in deciding where the date went.

Second - when she showed up, she immediately seemed a bit closed off to me. It's possible that this was just destined to be a blowout from the start - she got her first look at me, didn't feel instantly horny, and was done with me from there. On the other hand, my reaction to this was sub par, and it drove my vibe through the rest of the date - being informational instead of fun and flirty. I basically just fell into the back seat of my brain and let my normal habits take over, and so was a garbage date.

Part of the reason for my failings here, I think, was the very subpar sleep I got the night before, combined with the physical activity of the day. This left me dulled out, low energy, and boring. But at the same time, I should have been able to rally and be more energetic and fun during this time.

I'm a big fan of Andy's philosophy of "just be yourself on dates", with the corollary that you should constantly be trying to improve that self, so when you go on dates, it makes girls want to fuck you. If I were a more fun, flirty, optimistic person then I wouldn't need to put effort into being these things when trying to bed women - instead, I would just be myself, and soon that self would be railing a hot girl.

Fundamentally, my issues here were: being nervous because I felt like she was too good for me; not pushing back on her taking the frame because I was afraid I'd lose her if I didn't give up my own convenience; a lack of optimism about my prospects after she initially seemed to lack interest, which drove me into robot mode. Any of the other hurdles - different locations, places being closed, me being tired - are really just distractions.

So that's my real goal going into my retirement. To fundamentally change my brain and personality. I'm sure it'll be a cakewalk.


Buy Health Insurance
Board session
Start painting my deck
Tour some potential tenants
Another date
Date flaked last night. Did a few interviews to fill rooms in my house. Got one filled, and the other one will be easier.

Unfortunately, was a dumbass and got drunk. My tenants got me a mini-keg last Friday as a retirement present, and some of my friends tapped it at the party, but left it 3/4 full. Cheap bastard that I am, I saw it sitting there and thought "it would be irresponsible to let it go to waste!" So didn't get anything done in the evening and slept like shit. Oh well.

Re - my last post. I'm want to come up with an actual plan for rewiring my brain. But then, I feel this may be counterproductive - I'm trying to be less analytical and rigid. An analytically devised, rigid plan for becoming a happy, optimistic, positive, confident person... well, I mean, I'm skeptical. But then, if a logical understandable progression won't work, then how do I work towards it...? Kierkegaard's Leap of Faith comes to mind here...

The fundamental problem being that the whole thing hinges on real optimism. Not just a rationalization that in today's world, the human brain is overoptimized for caution, and thus the reasonable action to take is to accept one's fears and take risks anyway, because the risks are far more recoverable than our animal brains lead us to believe. But REAL optimism - just looking at any given situation and, without engaging logic, immediately snapping to an assumption that things will be fine.

Castenada, I remember, talks about this problem too. He said that a true, fundamental change in who you are as a person happens all at once - it wasn't a rational process that could be controlled, or predicted, or consciously initiated. But at the same time, you could work towards it every day, with every action. An ongoing process of dedication and hard work which sets the stage for spontaneous and uncontrollable change to take place.

The things that seem to help most: sleep, meditation, social connections, working really hard on meaningful goals.

Sand Deck, first coat of paint
Hang w/ open relationship girl.

Board sesh
Paint deck (coat 2)
Paint deck table