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Thrice log. I need advice on how to move forward with a girl

Thrice I'm really proud of the progress you're making. I mean that, not being a dick.

It's interesting to see the shift in your writing tone, like I remember when you were all "im ugly af"x1000. Now it's "I must have better pictures" x1000.

But you have 100 matches, I'm pretty sure you have better results than me at first. I suggest less focus on the pictures, if you can get 100 matches, they are clearly good enough, there are many here who would kill for 100 matches. If you can learn to get 5% of them on dates, it'll be a big step.

Next step is to get them out. So focus your energy on that. Get your messaging game better, this is where you should be focusing your energy. Your texting is really boring (i don't speak italian just guessing from my spanish), but some of them are still responding! More proof that you are a hot guy.

Also I agree 1000% with jake D that you should try to get out with other people - not necessarily coaching, can you find guys to meet and go chasing girls with? I tried gameglobal, at least 50% of the guys are weird as fuck but there is a 20% there you can learn from.

Most of all, internalise, there are many girls that find you fucking hot, beat it (not literally) into your head.

Keep it up big lad!
Thrice said:
pancakemouse said:
Zero dates in 100 matches seems realistic given your current level of messaging.

yeah like you said it's the pictures too, i want to ask you, how would you say in this case? i link the conversation and her entire profile


same question here, trying to find some conversations that are still going


another one still going


also this one


i also wanted to ask how would you open this


18 and 19yo girls dont ghost, they almost never reply to the opener

First problem is opening with how their weekend was, drop this opener because it makes the conversation logical immediately.

Literally every single thing you are writing is logical fact exchange.

You need to stimulate emotions. Tease, banter, joke, etc.

If you don't want to learn immediately, change your opener to: "I'm taking you on a date".
I think that I didn't even get 100 matches in the 2-3 months that I did online dating. Even with boost. Just to show you that you're really good enough.

If you match with a lot of women, that means that your photos are not the main issue anymore. You can still improve them, but look for guide to improve your text game. Follow pancake advices and also check PwF as mentioned by another guy.

You got this
so now i should have 3 dates, one on thursday, one on friday and one on saturday, fucked logisticsthey are all in different cities, the thursday girl said "i dont want your time so i want to tell you upfront im not looking for occasional sex". i told her ok, i just need some experience in going on dates and honestly, i could care less what woman say, i can try to escalate anyway

and i have 2 other girls that said they are available next week, one 18 one 28, i'm really anxious i'm afraid i dont look like the pictures in real life

SpongeBob said:
If you match with a lot of women, that means that your photos are not the main issue anymore. You can still improve them, but look for guide to improve your text game. Follow pancake advices and also check PwF as mentioned by another guy.

thank you! will look at that yt channel, i should have 3 dates this week, i just stopped the boring bullshit and asked out

pancakemouse said:
You need to stimulate emotions. Tease, banter, joke, etc.

i dont know how to do it when a girl has a normal profile with nothing to comment on, your site doesent really have any articles about this

anyway i got 3 dates just asking them out and cutting the boring bullshit


i have another date on monday, this girl is too enthusiastic it made me anxious, fuck i'm scared they will not find me attractive live even if i didnt retouch the pictures i took them at a good angle
Yo man just go and do your best. If they're not into you they're not into you. You can't get every girl anyways
Do your best and enjoy the dates.

Also don’t say any red pill stuff, keep it lighthearted and fun
Thanks guys! I had my first 2 tinder dates.

First one with a 23yo south american girl, in Firenze, it's a two hours trip, i don't have a car so i used blablacar. She gave me her exact adress, we went to watch a movie, bought a lot of popcorn, candies and zero and back to her house, she said i can't let you in because it's not really my house but my cousin's, long story short we stayed on the stairs and kissed there, she sucked on my tongue and sucked hers, she was so aggressive, i fingered her and touched her boobs but didn't have sex (of course we were outside on the stairs).

She also asked me to double flex my biceps so she can touch, she also took measures of my wrists and wanted to see if i have abs... Don't know if this is normal with south american girls, by the way i forgot the country, i think its Perù.
Now she keeps texting me asking if i want a relationship or just sex. She said a guy on tinder made her believe he wants a relationship just to use her for sex and disappear, to be honest i felt bad for her but she wasent so innocent friday night when she grabbed my hand and forced it on her pussy, on the stairs...

The next day saturday we went to the center to visit the duomo and eat some kebab, at 3pm i took the train home.

On my way home i matched a beautifull 18 yo with freckles, she only had 3 pictures on her profile, one picture of her face and 2 pictures of her trying clothes at zara, it's really true that girl dont have to put any effort haha

She texted me first, I followed Pancakes advice and asked her out on a date, she said yes and was very enthusiastic, she kept asking questions to make sure i will really meet her, like how are we going to meet you're from another city, how can we do this, tell me what works for you. Very sweet girl...

She's from Bologna, 1 hour train, once there i text her telling her i'm next to mcdonald, i see her and advance towards her thinking i will hug her she kiss me on the lips hahahahah. I never saw this girl in my life, we matched on saturday and met on monday and she kissed me on the lips the first second wtf

we go around the city from store to store, we like the same things, we also bought some bubble tea and talked a lot. I really like this girl, she's so sweet, beautifull and spontaneous, don't know why the fuck she immediately kissed me on the lips first second and dont know if she does this at every date???

She only talked about one spanish ex, dont know if she has other exes. At 7pm she had to go back home, we hugged and kissed again. Surreal experience.

I'm the same fucked up blackpill guy but now i have dates and do stuff in first dates. I also have 180 matches but only got this 2 dates out of them. I have another date sunday if she dosent flake.

I dont deliver pizza anymore, have a normal job from 9 to 3pm and travel around north Italy to meet girls, not bad.

by the way i know this does not feel real for someone on GLL since 2013, so i will produce some proof next time, without posting girl's faces



This is just SUPERB

I knew you could do this

Remember how you first fell into the pit in the first place, by the Tinder experiments?

Well, it turns out, you yourself are an attractive man. YUP.

It took my 6 months to get my first Tinder match. I went on many many dates without a kiss, and most of the women I dated, were fat and unattractive.

It has taken 3 years of hardcore work, to start to turn it around, and it will likely take a few more years to be able to date women I feel attraction for, if it ever happens at all.

My point here is, I want you to just reflect on this.

You, are not too old, not too mentally ill, not too impaired in looks.

None of that is true.

Infact, you actually will be totally fine, man!


Because you have the looks. You ever read my article about Game, and the guys who can Just Exist? Well, my friend, that subset of male, is a group you belong to yourself.

There is nothing to worry about or stress over, man, because your product is solid, and hence, all will be OK :-)

Reflect on this, please process it, and let it all go.

You have made amazing progress and I am beyond proud of you.

No one deserves these experiences more than you.

Enjoy the road ahead, brother, you have earned this

There you go. Now you have proof that you can make it happen.

No more blackpill stuffs from you, you get young girls to meet with you and kiss you.

fucking congrats dude!!!! those dates sounded like lots of fun!

i was waiting for this post

you are a shining example that a guy can be in the shitter for a decade, go hard blackpill, and still make it
jakeD said:
Yea what's up with you bro, where are you at?

september said:
How's it going

i didn't post for a while, long story short out of 250 matches i only had sex with one girl, the girl from Bologna, very sweet girl. My story is very interesting, after years and years of inceldom now getting matches is normal, getting numbers is normal, but the problem now is depression and low libido. The 18yo i'm dating said she wants to try anal sex because vaginal sex hurst, we didnt try yet and the idea doesent get me very excited and it's not because she's not attractive, to put it simply i'm very depressed

i went from depressed incel to depressed chad, i want to have a social circle, play guitar and sing in a band, skate, i think of doing this stuff all day without doing it

also i'm aware that i dont have good logistics for tinder beign in a small 200k city, but the second best thing i can do besides moving in a bigger city is to improve the pictures so i can have more local matches and more willing to meet girls even if we're a bit distant...again i thought about doing it and didn't do it

i'm sure my bad texting has to do with fact that i got ghosted by 250 matches, but 90% is the pictures fault, they dont want to meet again that looks sad in the pictures, better pictures can improve this, better texting not so much.

i don't know if i can say this but i tried pt-141 for libido and din't work, i think i'm too depressed for peptides to work. I would also like to try ADHD meds to improve libido, it's a very delicate topic, taking ADHD's stimulants without having ADHD just to improve libido, some doctors can do this, most dont because it can go very wrong

friday i went to a club with a friend and i approached 2 girls and asked one of them for her number, we ended up chatting the entire night all 4 of us, yesterday i asked her on whatsap if she's free tonight she said i can't tonight, she might be interested and my friend told me to ask her out for next weekend but i just deleted the conversation and her number. She said she can't tonight without saying when she's free, i'm too depressed to pursue low interest/one sentence girls so i just delet the number without blocking her so i'm not tempted to text her again. I just dont have her number now in my phone.

I dont know why i do this, they have many options so they dont care, it's a disservice to myself only, all i had to do is ask her when she's free and let her reply, i think it's a pride/anger thing to delete girl's number

Now what i can do is buy a car, get better pictures and improve sex appeal and edge, i want to become the cool guy with cool social media and friends, i will also have to develop a routine to practice my hobbies like singing and skating and use them to create a cool social media and social circle

i asked the girl i'm "dating" if she wants to take pictures she said yes, so i will find a way to take social pictures with her, maybe we can go out clubbing so i can take pictures with her and her friends. Her parents dont allow her to come here so i will have to go to Bologna and go to clubs there

it's so weird to date a girl that has to ask parents if she can stay out late or not, this is 100% that age dont matter and you can get 18/24girls at any age, all my biggest fears proved to be wrong yet my brain chemistry is still fucked and the black beast is still ruining my life

andrew tate says depression is not real, this people dont realise that beign able to say depression is not real it's a luxury that only people who are born without this illness can have, to say that it's so mean and selfish toward us

depression is as real and organic as it gets, you have a guy here that fixed a 15years old problem with woman but the brain chemistry still didn't catch up yet so i'm depressed despite the changing of circumstances

what i will do is force my self to do what i have to do even if i dont feel like, create a daily structure that i have to adhere to without thinking, so pictures, gym, singing, guitar, social edia building ecc

thank you for your support, my life feels like a movie now, i still can't believe i lookmaxed enough that girls are interested, still can't blieve i changed job after beign a pizza delivery for 10 years, still can believe 18 girl want to date, still can't believe that depression is so powerfull that dosent allow me to enjoy what i achieved

thank you, any advice is welcome

ps. i think you agree that i'm not ready to move to a bigger city until i improve my baseline condition

pps. one thing i didnt say is i have some bad vices, i masturbate when i'm bored and browse reddit for war videos from ukraine or palestine, fucked up gore videos. young girls like happy guys and dont watch the news because they are in their party/discovery fun years, so i think i will have to force myself to stop this. most guys who watch the news and gore videos are sexless dorks, i have to stop if i dont want to be one

september said:
How's it going

thats a very hot girl, my dream is to game in north america after i get my shit together

kratjeuh said:
Also don’t say any red pill stuff, keep it lighthearted and fun

"i'm not here to be your beta bux bitch" hahahahahah
Your goal, which you thought was impossible, has been achieved

After over a decade

You did it

And like you achieved that, you will heal your mental illness

You will find your answer to your brain problem, in ketosis and fasting


All will be well

Thrice said:
Now what i can do is buy a car, get better pictures and improve sex appeal and edge, i want to become the cool guy with cool social media and friends, i will also have to develop a routine to practice my hobbies like singing and skating and use them to create a cool social media and social circle

This is where the magic is. This will do more for your life than anything else.

Keep up the great work man.
Re the depression and libido stuff, the best I've felt mentally is from this routine:
- Get up at a decently early time
- Do 30-40mins cardio and push through the discomfort
- Have some caffeine
- Take an ice bath or cold shower
- Say one thing I like about my self, one thing I'm grateful for, then look in the mirror and say 'I love you'
- when I'm doing something difficult I say to myself 'this is so fun/ awesome/ best job ever'
- playing an instrument is amazing and I enjoy this for its own sake
- go out in nature a couple times a week
- I was also in the coaching group and found the community aspect really helpful

- I honestly modulate this using test and it pretty much didn't exist between the age of 20-28
- nofap and lots of sunlight helps - only thing is I can't sleep after about day 5 and start to have apocalyptic dreams lol
- can you get your test-levels tested and maybe boost it through resolving dietary deficiencies e.g getting more vitamin d? Boosting mine (unaturally) had had a profound effect on my mood and libido.
Check out Andrew Huberman's materials on testosterone, motivation, mood and libido.

Also you can learn to recognise and stop thinking patterns that don't benefit you anymore by just focusing on happier stuff instead. Very hard to explain in just a post but check out Dr Dispenza.

You can make massive improvements in the mental aspect of things, it just takes time and practice like anything else.

Obviously this is just what's helped me so far and I'm not a doctor or anything, I can say I'm definitely not depressed anymore - I don't even like the username 'Sewerdog' these days as I don't really think I am anymore.

Congrats on your recent lay and the new job, very nice to read!
ayyyy hell yeah, and 18yo at that too

bro found the black pill cure

god this forum is so good
Thrice said:
thank you for your support, my life feels like a movie now, i still can't believe i lookmaxed enough that girls are interested, still can't blieve i changed job after beign a pizza delivery for 10 years, still can believe 18 girl want to date, still can't believe that depression is so powerfull that dosent allow me to enjoy what i achieved

can't wait to see how you embark on this journey