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Thrice log. I need advice on how to move forward with a girl

this weekend i had a blackpill experience, i was trying to night game in this club when my tall and good looking friend got approached by this russian girl that straight told him come to my place after kissing...there's a big talk here about logistics, the importance of having your own place, this guy got approached two time in the span of 3 months and both girls invited him to their place. He didn't need to use he's own place, and we went back home on taxi.

H's taller than me and i'm 6ft, the first time got approached by a french exchange student, this saturday he was approached by a russian student, hshe dosent speak italian and he dosent speak english, they agreed using google translate

those girls were average at best to be honest but still triggered a blackpill resentment, both times the girl approached first and kissed him while dancing, both times the comunication was on google translate

Talk about game and this and that, if girls do that and it's not happening to you, it just means you're not tall and good looking enough, and now you have to "game" the same girl that approaches good looking guys and invites him directly to her house with google translate...

the weird thing he has almost zero matches on tinder while i have many, but i'm treated like garbage by unresponsive and unreceptive girls, 90% dont even respond to the first text, the last match was some minutes ago, i asked her out and she replied she's busy and dont have time

so a busy girl with no free time uses tinder just to match guys and tell them she's busy, i guess thats to way they let know know you're low value


my texting sucks so much and needs work, but it's not easy after seeing a girl typing "me you sex in my house" to a good looking guy she just chose in the same way we choose a can of coke at the supermarket, thats the hidden sexual life all woman have...

Russian girls are animals, when my friend told them that i will come with them they cringed and started laughing, i had to explain in english that we take the taxi together to the center but after that i go home, was not auto inviting myself to their house like they thaught. Animals, they are so used to male beign thirsty that thaught i wanted to go to their house. Her friend was not flirting with me so of course i will just go home you don't need to cringe and laugh to my face like that. And here i see guys saying that eastern woman are better....

it's all about looks but we are different, we do the work here. I'm wasting so much time just thinking and surfing the net this days so i will use an agenda for daily goals

- Lift 5 times/week
- 40 minutes gutar practice + 40 minutes singing
-make money online to buy car, 2 hours daily
-take many new pictures for tinder and post on megathread for advice
shop for new clothes and ask advice before buying

Go out every weekend with or without a friend, try to build social circle, bar first club later

tried new cargo pants, i really like them and they are a good alternative to jeans, the downside is they always have a very long waist area, it looks like all brabds are like that, i think they can look good with black dunk high
I need something different, i always wear black slim fit jeans and white air max, i think people notice when you wear the same clothes always

its hard to be redpilled, but the goal is to stop overthinking and become an alpha male who enjoys life, a car will help a lot now i'm like tied down
Thrice said:
this guy got approached two time in the span of 3 months and both girls invited him to their place. He didn't need to use he's own place, and we went back home on taxi

So he gets laid like 8x a year

If you get someone to help you texting you’ll get laid 8x a month
Thrice said:
pancakemouse said:
Rule 4: Beta Interrogation is Death

what do you think?

iniziamo dalla fine is an ugly pop song, so i just made a joke using the lyrics


lets close the exercise


Apologies for not responding until now, I had viewed these before and it slipped my mind.

Decent banter but it's just too cutesy, too played out.

As per your latest screenshots, it's time to drop the "ask them out right away" thing.

New iteration: make a comment about their profile or something they're wearing that's somewhat flirty, and start a conversation.
Well bro, in fairness, you are aware that looks & SMV is king. This truth, is meant to set you free. It did for me and it took a lot of pressure off.

I agree re. Eastern European women being absolutely vile creatures. Generally, the guys who talk about how the dating experience is better in EE, how these girls are so feminine, nice, and all this horseshit, are white dudes.....Lord give me strength......

I don't blame them, because how would they know what it's like for other people? The understanding of the SMP most of these guys have, is a joke.

Whilst they undoubtedly do get a better experience, and more power to them, these "cheat codes" and geo-maxxing, location switching, etc, does not tend to do a whole lot for those at lower SMV. They, will just need to rely on game and masculinity. The numbers game, and, it mus be said, some form of luck.

These are important lessons for you to work through, internalise, accept, and move on.

As you get your needs met, and "move on" beyond women and dating, you will find freedom. Life, is about the journey, success, feeling good, and thriving. You let go of the notions of love and romance we are brain washed with when you see woman's true nature. And then, you can get on with your life man, not bogged down by this shit.

Take some learnings from your recent experiences.

Just obtain the results you seek, and don't sweat the rest. Don't waste your time and energy, just win.



I got two numbers from 2 crazy ass bitches who started sendimg me nude pics and videos of them masturbating, one of them blocked, i told the other one i want to fuck her and we agreed for this weekend, who knows if it's a wise move, this girl is 18 and crazy, she sent me pictures of her tits with bruises and stuff, she said she likes it rough, usually those girls troll and unmatch but this girl is for real, i even asked her a short video verification and she agreed

this never happened to me before, so you have to be looksmaxed for this crazy types too, i dont know hatsa going on, can be borderline disorder or hypersexuality, it goes to show that even crazy woman are sane enough to select based on looks. When my pictures sucked and awsent lean enough i never matched this girls and never recieved nudes

the ghosting rate is still 90%, i'm working on my taxting game but i will take new pictures also, no need for this torture to continue if i can get a better higher value profile

my current profile


i had a date with a crazy austrial girl with ADHD, she takes ritalin and never stopped talking, we touched and laughed a lot, she hugged me and wanted to kiss i think but i didnt make any move, she wasent very attractive and i take it as an axercise

this girl, and all the other girls that gave me the number and wanted to date replied immediately and used the heart emoji on tinder chat. Every rceptive girl replied fast and pushed the heart on tinder, chatting the girls that didnt push the heart never went well. I dont know if its the same with guys that are good on tinder

I have 400 matches now, all useless, i can't believe it's just bad text game, the total value of my pics must be low so girls swipe right fast and lose interest immediately after

the pictures i have now are from another era, they were taken before any match, it was hard for me even to smile. Now i had some dates, some making out, i've built some self confidence, it's like two different eras so i'm exited to get completely new pics, i have to do it fast i'm 35, i'm actually scared it wont work because i've already age 6 months from the last pics, at this age every month makes a difference

i started lifting again after two months lay off, it was tough but exciting, another couple of workouts and lifting will become addicting again
Getting better.

Still asking girls out too soon.

Vane - yeah, never use the "how are the guys on Tinder treating you" opener again. But even if she didn't understand, just change the subject. Don't ask her out. Never escalate on non-compliance.

Giada - never comment on a woman's body. It comes off as thirsty.

Edyta - "che bella foto?" do you really believe that? It's a shitty selfie. Find something interesting to say about it or it just sounds like a generic compliment

One reason you're getting ghosted a lot is probably because your distance shows you as far away. Or do you have it hidden?
MakingAComeback said:
I agree re. Eastern European women being absolutely vile creatures. Generally, the guys who talk about how the dating experience is better in EE, how these girls are so feminine, nice, and all this horseshit, are white dudes.....Lord give me strength......
In my experience, even as a white guy, EE girls are tough. I wouldn't say I've had a lot of bad experiences with them, but it seems to be culturally common for them to not hookup on the first date. And they're notorious for having rock solid frames. I don't think I've ever fucked a FOB Ukrainian on the first date. Shame, because the women from that region are beautiful.
pancakemouse said:
Getting better.

Still asking girls out too soon.

Vane - yeah, never use the "how are the guys on Tinder treating you" opener again. But even if she didn't understand, just change the subject. Don't ask her out. Never escalate on non-compliance.

Giada - never comment on a woman's body. It comes off as thirsty.

Edyta - "che bella foto?" do you really believe that? It's a shitty selfie. Find something interesting to say about it or it just sounds like a generic compliment

One reason you're getting ghosted a lot is probably because your distance shows you as far away. Or do you have it hidden?

Yes i starter hiding my distance, i think all the girls in the screenshot that ghosted didn't see my distance
Thrice said:
this girl, and all the other girls that gave me the number and wanted to date replied immediately and used the heart emoji on tinder chat. Every rceptive girl replied fast and pushed the heart on tinder, chatting the girls that didnt push the heart never went well. I dont know if its the same with guys that are good on tinder

I have 400 matches now, all useless, i can't believe it's just bad text game, the total value of my pics must be low so girls swipe right fast and lose interest immediately after
Don't overanalyze minor things like the heart (you mean the like?) function. Different girls express interest in different ways.

Getting a lot of matches that go nowhere is normal. I have >600 hinge matches and that probably resulted in like 15-20 dates at most.

Your pictures are decent enough if you're getting that many matches. Trust me, when my roommate tried Hinge with shit pictures, he literally got zero matches, despite being in a city that's like 40x the population of yours.

It probably is your text game if you're not getting any dates out of it at all. I'm not really qualified to give you advice on that, I'm not sure if AskTheDom commented already or not, but he can probably answer this better than anybody else on the forums, he actually knows how Italian women are. The culture and style of talking there might be different.

Pictures get you matches. They don't get you laid.
Thrice man, check out PFW's AI text app. It will help you a TON. It's called "Firetexts"

Use promo code PWF25 for a discount when subbing.
i have a date tomorrowwith a girl from tinder, now she said wednesday is her last day before going back to argentina so i said lets meet on tuesday

she talks about wanting to hooking un on her bio??? When i first rad i was like WTF, she's not native english maybe she just means meeting someone as a friend? Sh's receptive on watsaup too. Also she lives in a hostel, so if she's DTF i will to search for an airbnb


super hot 18 yo texts me first and ghosts anyway, and it's not the first time they open and ghost later, i want to rope myself

Thrice said:
i have a date tomorrowwith a girl from tinder, now she said wednesday is her last day before going back to argentina so i said lets meet on tuesday

she talks about wanting to hooking un on her bio??? When i first rad i was like WTF, she's not native english maybe she just means meeting someone as a friend? Sh's receptive on watsaup too. Also she lives in a hostel, so if she's DTF i will to search for an airbnb


super hot 18 yo texts me first and ghosts anyway, and it's not the first time they open and ghost later, i want to rope myself


There's nothing odd about a 29 year old on vacation being open about getting some foreign dick.

For the 18 year old, never ask a girl if she's real. It implies that you never talk to hot girls and that signals low value. Also you went for the hangout too soon again. With younger girls you have to text a lot to build comfort.
pancakemouse said:
For the 18 year old, never ask a girl if she's real. It implies that you never talk to hot girls and that signals low value. Also you went for the hangout too soon again. With younger girls you have to text a lot to build comfort.

Ok thanks, what would you do to try and save it now?
Thrice said:
pancakemouse said:
For the 18 year old, never ask a girl if she's real. It implies that you never talk to hot girls and that signals low value. Also you went for the hangout too soon again. With younger girls you have to text a lot to build comfort.

Ok thanks, what would you do to try and save it now?

Continue the convo, send some voice notes, etc. Just build trust and then pitch a date again
pancakemouse said:
Continue the convo, send some voice notes, etc. Just build trust and then pitch a date again
didn't give her my ig because it sucks, she didn't add me on watsap either
I think the girl flaked, im where we should've Met at 5pm, She doesnt answer on watsap, she's 8 Miles away on tinder's GPS. Some lessons ti be learned here, i didn't send any anti flake text today ti not appear too needy, maybe It was a mistake.

PS. i'm so right now😞
Thrice said:
I think the girl flaked, im where we should've Met at 5pm, She doesnt answer on watsap, she's 8 Miles away on tinder's GPS. Some lessons ti be learned here, i didn't send any anti flake text today ti not appear too needy, maybe It was a mistake.

Did she even respond since this message? https://i.imgur.com/O0xlPwD.jpeg

Always confirm a date the morning of. It's not needy if you just send something short like "looking forward to today"
Yeah the ones who ghost on the day of the date are the worst. Doesn't happen too much but still enough often for us to not be able to skip the confirmation text imo

Better to not get a response and do something else with your time, less frustrating
My prayers to the lord were met. Amen🙌😇

I was boosting the fuck out of tinder aand looking for Hookers to release my frustration at the same time😂

Well ill look for a boomer, i think It was a fake message, her GPS never moved and now she's saying she's back in the hotel, as if She was somewhere else Which Is not true, i think i Will Just go back home