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Thrice log. I need advice on how to move forward with a girl

There is some decent advice here, but sometimes there is no cure other than meds, either temporary or permanently. I was fucked from about 17/18 all the way until 26. I thought both my break-ups were the issue, I wasn't good enough, I wasn't attractive enough. I fed myself straight up lies all day. I was on a consistent roller coaster of self-improvement then deep depression. Girls were attracted to me when I was younger and just being myself, but every time my depressed period would ruin it and I would self sabotage.

It wasn't until I had to be hospitalised due to thoughts I was about to act on at 25 did I truly begin to get better. This was thanks to meds and finding someone to help me address the real issues like the fact I never had a challenge in my life until I left highschool so I didn't know how to deal with difficult things or failure at at all, any failure was the end of the world for me, I had no coping mechanism other than to give up and blame myself for being a shit cunt. Or the fact I stigmatised meds so bad I avoided them for 7 years and probably could have fixed myself much sooner. Shit like that.

Sometimes you just gotta be real and accept you need them to move on with your life. It has taken me from 26-29 to build up baseline skills and healthy coping mechanism other people developed naturally and another year to start truly figuring out what I want and start moving in that direction. I only joined here now because I know I have a real shot at making the changes and I know even if I fuck it all up I can simply just try again and improve.

You've made massive improvements so far bro, so keep at it, you've improved more in your time here than so many others will in their entire lifetime, especially those who have a similar mindset that you began with, but I somewhat agree with Jake that sometimes you need that extra help with certain things that a forum cannot provide (obviously still post here for the things the more experienced people here can help you with).
I have this idea, i want to try tinder with my current pics and see if ghost rate, (which is 100% right now because of all the 260 matches not even one texts back) is lower when the girl i match is within a reasonable distance

I live in Parma 200k population and i don't have matches here, two big cities nearby are Bologna, 400k, the girl I'm dating now is from there, and Milan, 1.4 million people and i think half of my matches are from the Milan area

I want to see how girls react when they think i live in their area

Both Milan and Bologna are 1h train distanca, meaning i can use tinder passport and a boost and if i have matches take the train, this if one of the matches wants to instadate

Next step is to save cheap airbnbs into favorites list, this way if i need one i instabook it

Tinder passport doesent make you look like you live there, if i choose milan it will show me to girls in Milan but the girls will still see I'm at 70 miles distance and this might lower my matches rate

I tried to understand if distance is a factor for girls and asked them if distance is a problem, most of them answered something like "oh i didn't notice the distance"

This means that could be a lot of girls that don't like profiles of guys from other cities

I dont have a huge sample, i asked 3/4 girls out of all the matches and they said they liked my profile because they didn't notice the distance

If this is true it means that for best results i shouldn't use passport but take the train and start swiping while in Milan, take an airbnb if i have proactive matches or just go back home

The last train to go back home from Milan is at 10pm, the other option is to take an airbnb and just lose the money if nothing happens

It's possible i can stay more and swipe more if i find a bla bla car from milan back home

What do you think?
All I will say is:

When I was still living with my parents, getting nothing, I used to rent AirBNBs on the outskirts of London, in the fucking ghetto, and hustle to cold approach and get dates

Just to get experience with sitting down with a woman and running a date, I went out of my fucking way

Sometimes I'd get trans, hotels, all that shit

Those days, are now gone

But that work, that foundation, HAD to be built.............

No one shirks the work, you gotta have mad dating experience, lays, and all that, to heal inside

And then: the Universe opens up

Keep working

MakingAComeback said:
Sometimes I'd get trans, hotels, all that shit
trans? i dont understand this haha

anyway Mac did you rent airbnb's to get instadates that same night? My guess is you got those airbnbs for multiple days, still dont have the money for that
You can hide your distance in paid Tinder settings.

I'm guessing the high no response rate is as much because of to your texting than your distance.
I meant trains....LOL

I would get AirBNBs, to cold approach and hustle on date I had arranged, not instadates. I'd go there and GRIND to change my brain.
Thrice said:
Tinder passport doesent make you look like you live there

This does:

Just make sure to not switch your location back and forth in minutes.
Might get you banned probably.
pancakemouse said:
You can hide your distance in paid Tinder settings.

I'm guessing the high no response rate is as much because of to your texting than your distance.

Probably this is the root cause, if you post exactly the texts maybe we can help a bit
Fuck i got Shadow banned while swiping in Milan, i have a new sim card but not a new phone
the reply rate is almost 100%, when they reply it gest worse

me: when are you free?
her: mmm dont know, maybe, ok.

I find it hard to keep my rage in check

OK, so now we know that that asking them out directly doesn't work either. For some guys it does. It's all about experimentation.

Your next challenge: learn actual text game.
generally i try to get the number before probing logistics. But that's probably not the reason you're failing.

Some of these girls inevitably will be timewasters. Getting mad at them will just make things worse. Accept that it's part of the game. Obviously try to overcome the objections, but if she won't budge, then you shouldn't hesitate to just drop her.
I would personally loop in AskTheDom for help.

From a cultural standpoint, no one will know Italian women better than you guys. That would probably speed up results the fastest IMO.
Squilliam said:
Some of these girls inevitably will be timewasters. Getting mad at them will just make things worse. Accept that it's part of the game. Obviously try to overcome the objections, but if she won't budge, then you shouldn't hesitate to just drop her.

i had a good conversation with this girl, a 6 at most, after that i asked her if she's free this weekend, she said i'm not free this weekend and the next one is busy also, but i will let you know when i'm free
so this super average bitch is telling me to wait 15 days because she's busy, after telling me she's looking for a job and has a lot of free time, i unmatched and blocked
they don't respect us, they dine on all the cock they can starting from 15, thats why they can afford to relax and expand energy only for chads, and there's even people that marry them
the other day i saw an old's friend wedding on facebook, the dumbfuck is all happy and smiling because he just married a post wall fat girl...i was shocked
pancakemouse said:
OK, so now we know that that asking them out directly doesn't work either. For some guys it does. It's all about experimentation.

Your next challenge: learn actual text game.

AskTheDom said:
i double texted and she answered, what would good text game be? she's at 1hour train distance, i can go in her city on weekends no problem, she's cute, like a 6.5, i doubt she would accept a date if i asked, at the same time i'm not in a good head space to be their entertainer


natedawg said:
I would personally loop in @AskTheDom for help.

thats true but for my mental health is better to try and become above average on tinder to get good results, guys like me don't have the mental strength to convert bad results, so guys considered experts here like pancake are saying i have the looks, i will have to double down on pictures, pictures singing, playing guitar, with friends, on a motorcycle ( i can just rent it), think like a model, take 1000 pictures to find the best light/angle

good results to fix my head because i dont have a good have to fix bad results hahah
Thrice said:
i had a good conversation with this girl, a 6 at most, after that i asked her if she's free this weekend, she said i'm not free this weekend and the next one is busy also, but i will let you know when i'm free
so this super average bitch is telling me to wait 15 days because she's busy, after telling me she's looking for a job and has a lot of free time, i unmatched and blocked
they don't respect us, they dine on all the cock they can starting from 15, thats why they can afford to relax and expand energy only for chads, and there's even people that marry them
the other day i saw an old's friend wedding on facebook, the dumbfuck is all happy and smiling because he just married a post wall fat girl...i was shocked
Dude your attitude is absolutely awful.

Over time you will learn that a girl's SMV often does not tell you much about her behavior.

Holden said it best. You can have a threesome with two hot 20 year olds one day who say they love you, and the next day a girl who is uglier than them will flake on you for a bullshit reason. Just because a girl is average doesn't mean she is going to be super into you.

Personally speaking one of my hottest lays was extremely easy to meet and fuck, whereas I've had girls far uglier than them refuse to come home with me or even hug me.

Girls will not always like you, even if they are below you in SMV.

Yes, hypergamy exists and is rampant, but it does you no good to focus on it. All this shit about "they fuck chad starting from age 15" does not do you any good. You realize that chad is flooded with matches, and isn't going to go out with some random average chick. While hypergamy exists, the actual dates are actually far more looksmatched than you think.

And your friend on facebook, who gives a fuck? Seriously? You're so judgmental. Why do you care if your friend married some fat chick? You shouldn't.

You should stop making excuses and channel this energy into improving. I went through a similar bout of frustration recently. If you want to do better you should work on yourself. Feeling sorry for yourself and complaining about hypergamy and women only going for chads is only a recipe for suffering.
september said:
This shit is literally all in your head

You have a process where you put in effort, and get an outcome of some girls dropping off, some girls going on dates, some girls fucking you, some girls retaining

All this shit about chad cock hypergamy whatever is literally useless extra shit your head is making up and has nothing to do with your goals or any of the ways to get there

i just match AI generated unenthusiastic girls, it's not that i have cute girls who want to fuck me to counterbalance and i'm still angry


september said:
currently at 0/10000 lays

WTF?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Thrice said:
september said:
This shit is literally all in your head

You have a process where you put in effort, and get an outcome of some girls dropping off, some girls going on dates, some girls fucking you, some girls retaining

All this shit about chad cock hypergamy whatever is literally useless extra shit your head is making up and has nothing to do with your goals or any of the ways to get there

i just match AI generated unenthusiastic girls, it's not that i have cute girls who want to fuck me to counterbalance and i'm still angry


september said:
currently at 0/10000 lays

WTF?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Rule 4: Beta Interrogation is Death

When you ask questions, then act as if you care about the answers she gave you (and believe anything she says), and proceed to ask more questions.

So the energy is going down and you try to fill that gap by asking more stuff.

Hey, if she would just engage more and ask questions back, everything would be fine!

Me: Are you going to university?
Her: yes
Me: What do you study?
Her: Medicine
Me: Do you know how to stitch a wound?
Her: I do


Me: How many boyfriends have you had?
Her: one
Me: Did you kiss?
Her: a little
Me: Are you a virgin???????
Her: …yes?
pancakemouse said:
Rule 4: Beta Interrogation is Death

what do you think?

iniziamo dalla fine is an ugly pop song, so i just made a joke using the lyrics


lets close the exercise
