Trèfle's progress log - Mediocre dating streak after 11 lays

I would like a sport where I can meet women, but there's so much abundance out there that it's not that much of a priority. Plus it seems like I'll be meeting plenty in the winter months with yoga and spin class.
Vice said:
I would like a sport where I can meet women, but there's so much abundance out there that it's not that much of a priority. Plus it seems like I'll be meeting plenty in the winter months with yoga and spin class.

Surely you’d meet plenty of women in yoga, sooo many of my matches told me they practice it

Wonderful news today : I just had sex ! I still completely got scared of physical contact on my date but two things made the difference : I had a plan and I actually invited her back at my place (with a very smooth ”let’s grab a glass of water at my place”)

Offered her to take a seat on my bed while I took a piss, sat next to her and said in a very shy manner ”can I kiss you?” and we started making out (and yes thats my first real kiss, I briefly kissed two prostitutes years ago but thats not the same and she quickly noticed I sucked at it ! I kept kissing her the whole time though thats good practice, made her laugh everytime)

Started undressing her and she did have to teach me how to remove a bra, played a lot with her body but man even though i reread the foreplay guide before leaving the house I was completely lost, especially around her pussy, kept sliding fingers in it and she was wet but I don’t think she felt much from it, mostly played with her tits and licked her all over

Started fucking her eventually and I was soooo lost kept hurting myself with complicated positions. Made her moan hard from time to time (she mentioned liking it when I went rough a couple of times) but I dont think I made her have an orgasm, couldn’t find good enough positions to last for long periods at a time

She had to go eventually and I was struggling a bit to get hard again after quite a lot of fucking so I offered her a shower and walked her back to the subway. I was honest with her about my complete lack of experience and trying to learn, said I only had sex twice years ago (didnt mention it was paid...) and she was surprised considering my age but overall said I was sweet and liked all the compliments a lot (thanks to Andy for that tip if you read this), I think she might be interested in doing it again

So yeah I couldn’t have been worse in the bedroom and I feel amazing about it, massive step forward

Next time i’ll make use of the magic wand toy, I do have it just didnt get around to seeing how it works yet
Slept horribly, guess all that 3 pm coffee before yesterday’s date wasnt the best idea ever. Not that I regret it given the results but good idea not to do that again

Felt super sluggish physically so I postened the gym to tomorrow. I’m consistent with weights, wont be a problem. Felt SUPER stressed about getting my ears pierced so I spent most of the morning watching Youtube stuff to unwind. Kinda worked but then I felt even more nervous in the chair, asked if there was going to be a lot of blood, my hands were super sweaty. It went great though, took the opportunity at the place to ask about tattoos prices (got a lot of ideas but low funds) and it sure is expensive. I think I’ll just get a small tatt in September just to take the first step

Randomly got into my head right after, had thoughts about earrings being a bad choice after all, about choosing the wrong starting model (i’m stuck with these for 3 months so I chose the safest silver rings), kind of a stressed mood and so I went home to clear my head. Didnt take long, after a few mins I just felt pride about doing it despite the fear. Considered going back out to take photos right after but settled for just chilling out for the day, didnt receive my laptop anyway (high chance of getting it tomorrow). Started reading the famous "how to win friends", seems fascinating. Did some swiping, i’ll stay around if something interesting happens. Just taking it easy, a good night of sleep’s my priority of the day now. Got informed on how to use and take care of the sex toy too, seems easy enough i’ll put it to use next time

Kept thinking about yesterday and I had a huge smile on my face each time. Was totally expecting to grind for months before sleeping with a hot woman, not less than 2 weeks with my first batch of out of focus and blurry photos. Feeling much more confident already, I think I underestimated my looks, always felt like I was ugly but doubt i’m really less than average after all (and thats without being in amazing shape yet and a nonexistent fashion sense). Realized I have much more balls than I thought too, getting laid on my 2nd ever date’s not bad at all. Feelin great

Slow, sleepy day for sure but not unproductive either. Will keep taking it slow until bedtime
I also think you're starting from a much better place than you originally thought. Congratulations! Use this momentum to fuel the next phase.
Good day but frustrating too

Had a killer workout, felt STRONG on all lifts, progress everywhere followed by some great hill sprints too

Went out with my tripod for quite a while to take the dating apps photo I had in mind yesterday. Happy about the result, feel like my photography skills are getting a tiny bit better, felt in focus, was able to use a low ISO for quality. I was excited to add it to the apps and to post it here for reviews but turns out I didn’t get my laptop today after all so still no way to export from the SD card with my awful hardware. Very disappointing I had high hopes there

Still did the usual apps business but it’s just as stagnant with my good old blurry out of focus pics. I do get a handful of Tinder matches each day even without boosting but with a response rate that low (def below 25%) to my first message its not worth much. Think the whole "nice boring guy” vibe of the photos I have rn doesn’t mix well with the whole direct ”hey you’re sexy” but theories are useless, just gotta keep improving. I’ll stay on the lookout on the apps for the rest of the day of course

Going out tomorrow with the guy I befriended last week, we both talked about each other’s current goals and hes super interested in helping me w pics so I’ll use the opportunity to get my street shot in the city center, should be fun. If I somehow don’t get my laptop tomorrow I’ll just ask him if I can come to his place to export some photos, tired of waiting around
Trèfle said:
Think the whole "nice boring guy” vibe of the photos I have rn doesn’t mix well with the whole direct ”hey you’re sexy” but theories are useless, just gotta keep improving

It's that, but also that "hey you're sexy" is a cringe opener. Stop using it.
pancakemouse said:
Trèfle said:
Think the whole "nice boring guy” vibe of the photos I have rn doesn’t mix well with the whole direct ”hey you’re sexy” but theories are useless, just gotta keep improving

It's that, but also that "hey you're sexy" is a cringe opener. Stop using it.

I’m just using the whole guide template so far (translated to my language), just copy pasting the 1st message over and over to my matches

Do you have another opener suggestion ? Doubt thats the main issue right now (when i have full 4-5 messages convos to try and setup a date its obvious i mainly attract girls who are looking for long term relationships so far so it wasnt going to work either way) but still very open to trying out things
Trèfle said:
pancakemouse said:
It's that, but also that "hey you're sexy" is a cringe opener. Stop using it.

I’m just using the whole guide template so far (translated to my language), just copy pasting the 1st message over and over to my matches

Do you have another opener suggestion ? Doubt thats the main issue right now (when i have full 4-5 messages convos to try and setup a date its obvious i mainly attract girls who are looking for long term relationships so far so it wasnt going to work either way) but still very open to trying out things

Short, non-needy UNIQUE opener referencing something in her photos or bio.
Got some new pics today, didnt receive my new laptop but got the confirmation that i’ll get it tomorrow so I asked the guy I hung out with if I could use his laptop, uploaded the new pics to Tinder (and other apps), even used a boost and the results were absolutely abysmal. Things were so bad I even spent time talking with a random like from +80 km away (she was pretty and actually super fast to respond but its not like we’re going to meet - did try though). That one got my morale down I gotta say, was a bit excited about improving my photo skills but def not enough yet. Or perhaps posing and all that is my issue rn

Will learn some photoshop basics tomorrow once i receive the laptop
That sure was lame. Finally got that laptop and everything was working well but it was low on battery and turns out theres an issue there, tried everything but it just wont charge. Will take it to town to try and fix it tomorrow, will get a refund if it cant be done. Surely things will work eventually

Turned out to be a stale day. Great workout, did the dating apps stuff (barely any match today) and thats pretty much it. The girl from Monday might come to my place this weekend but depends on her work schedule. Decided to fix my coffee intake too, been way overboard the last few days and it impacted my sleep so I cut down to 1 cup today, aiming for 7+ hours of sleep

Was planning to write resumes and start applying to jobs with that pc too in addition to learning Photoshop, extremely annoying. If I really need to order another I’ll just find ways to do all that without waiting 100 years, will brainstorm depending on how tomorrow goes
Women sure are unpredictable

Had a great night of sleep for once but felt terrible at my tennis game, had some bad caffeine withdrawal effect, felt slow, had bad headaches... Not pleasant

Got a few matches while sleeping on Friday night, messaged them early on. Some were quite fast to respond too. Most notable was a pretty cute girl who was super forward, quickly gave me her number and we scheduled to meet up in the afternoon... but then 30 mins before the date I got this looong text about how she regrets coming back to the app because she has to work hard on her move to her city, gotta get a job there, said things like ”i’m sure we would have had fun but I really can’t sorry”. Seemed genuine and in-depth but that made me sad, was really excited about that date since things havent been going that well since Monday. Pretty much didnt do anything for the rest of the day, felt super lonely (even jerked off out of frustration!). Had a few matches here and there on apps but nothing of note happened (there was this girl who was like ”would love to go out for a dtink with you but very busy in the next few days can’t predict when i’ll be free”, tested a few schedules that failed, asked her when she’ll be available but she didnt know so I just told her ”won’t chase you but hit me up if you find some free time for that drink”, doubt i’ll hear from her again but you never know)

Not a good day, tomorrow will be better
Despite the lack of love life, that was a great day

Makes sense to start posting my daily weight (once a week feels too vulnerable to fluctuations) considering my goal so i’ll start doing it. I weight myself right after peeing upon waking up but i don’t always eat dinner / stop drinking water at the same time each day so it’ll fluctuate a but. I didn’t start lifting weights again that long ago too so despite the huge calorie deficit theres most likely muscles gain too. Anyway daily weight : 59.4 kg

Had an okay night of sleep, about 6 hours and a half. A little less than 7 hours but i napped later in the day so the sum was good

Read a bit of my current self help book after the morning coffee, then headed for the gym. Had a good chat with a chill guy around my age in the subway station but was a little too shy to take his number. Oh well. Had an amazing workout, felt strong and in high spirits, made progress on every lift. My bench press is def lagging a bit behind my squat but its probably only because i’ve got strong legs (my squat is not far behind my deadlift at all). Chose to skip the hill sprints, the state of my legs in yesterday’s tennis match made me realize i’ve really been doing too much of those. I play a lot of tennis, walk a good amount, always stay at a big calorie deficit, really don’t need that much HIIT to burn calories. I like them for the speed building aspect for my tennis skills but once a week is plenty, would be a good opportunity to add a refeed day too ; havent been adding them to my diet yet but i’ll give it a try either next week or the one after. Not fully sure if i’ll do once a week or once every 2 weeks yet, probably every 2 weeks until I lose just a little more weight

Cooked lunch after the gym and went immediately for a 1 hour nap, felt great. After that I focused on my biggest goal of the day : getting started on the job hunting. Kinda wanted the online dating to be doing slightly better than this before getting started but I really can’t afford to be that broke anymore, and having my own place seems like the best move for my sex life (i’m cool with roomates for a bit tho, at least it’s way easier to confess to girls than ”i live with my parents at 25”). I really want coaching here too and thats not realistic with the current financial situation so thats another reason to get started now. Ended up sending 5 resumes today, which was actually really hard with my current hardware. Took well over 1 hour. Settled with making it a habit of sending 3 resumes a day for the time being, will add more based on results.

Did some household chores for an hour after that then dedicated the rest of Sunday to relaxing (Youtube, video games, going to watch a movie with my mom later tonight). Feeling really good about my day overall, was productive, got all the stuff I planned done.

Spent time on dating apps throughout the whole day ; swiping on my way to the gym and back home, at lunch, in the afternoon but had 0 results today. Getting my sd card back tomorrow so i’ll work on re-shooting 1 of the photo in the afternoon

Seems like a good time to reflect on the week so :

-dating / social : the dating is hard to evaluate considering the last few days have been rough but I got my first real lay (and kiss) this week, i’d be insane not to consider the week a massive success on that alone. Nowhere near the point where I can get dates on a consistent basis but I do know what I need : keep being that consistent on diet and exercise until elite body status, keep working on improving at photography (will start carrying my camera around more frequently, not necessarly with that heavy tripod all the time too, taking pics of nature, architecture ect will help developping my global skills so that’ll help for sure) and spend more time working on overall style (havent been looking enough at the guys who are doing the things i’m not successful at yet but will now, copying is a good way to learn). I’ll succeed. My social life is really looking optimistic too, really clicking with the guy I met from tennis, plans to go the movies together next week and hang out together more often. Texted the guy I randomly befriended in the street and we’ll go for a drink once he returns from holidays, things are improving for sure

-Diet / exercise / health : things are perfect here, been perfectly consistent with workout, tennis and my 2 healthy meals a day w good macros. It wasnt that long ago that I was binge eating all the time and addicted to dominos but frankly i don’t have cravings anymore, surprised but not complaining. Sleep has bern rougher, went overboard with caffeine for days, had too much 5 hour nights but the last few days have been much better : had only 1 cup of coffee 2 days ago and slept 8 hours, had 2 cups yesterday and slept almost 7 hours (+ a noon nap). Had 2 cups today, I doubt thats too much but I did have 8 hours with only 1 so it might be ? Will drink only 1 tomorrow and compare my sleep on both days

Overall very happy with my week, the mood is great. Had the first legit lay of my life and with an attractive girl too, making a real friend and maybe more later, diet / exercise are flawless, sleep’s improving, just got back on the job hunt. Next week will be even better
Daily weight : 59.3 kg
Sleep : 5 hour and a half + 30 min nap. Not good

Productive day today

Slept super badly, annoying because i’m keeping a consistent sleep schedule. Was the afternoon nap or the 2 cups of coffee to blame ? Not sure. Took a cup of coffee, read a bit and then took the poor decision to take another cup before my tennis assuming it’d help with a random bowel problem I had in the morning. It didnt. Can only hope this doesnt mess up my sleep again, will 100% drink one cup tomorrow

Had a really good tennis game, cooked lunch, took a nap, went grocery shopping immediately after and then went back out right after to re-take one photo for the apps where my face wasnt visible enough. Ended up taking over 100 photos despite the heavy eyes of tiredness, felt happy about myself. Think I def did better this time, issue is that I still don’t have a way to import stuff from a sd card at home so will have to wait until Wednesday to ask my tennis friend to do it on his laptop. Will rework a street photo tomorrow to make the wait worthwhile.

Cooked dinner while doing the dating apps swiping afterwards (straight up 0 matchs and convos today, pretty bad), took a brief Youtube break then did my household chores and sent 6 job applications. Was planning to start reading a huge book tonight but ran out of mental stamina, will be for tomorrow. Did everything else in my plans though, happy with how I performed

Busy day tomorrow, going to be fun. I’m dead tired right now so surely the sleep will be decent
Weight : 59.4 kg
Sleep : 6 hours + 30 mins nap. Eh

Slept poorly still, did get only one coffee today though. Read my self help book, sent 10 resumes, did household chores then helped my mom get back into exercising by going with her on her first day of couch to 5k. Felt good to be useful

Cooked lunch, had a nap then went out to get a Tinder photo. Had a bunch of technical issues i didnt know how to fix but some pics out of the hundred i took might have turned out okay. Will be able to post them on here and dating apps tomorrow to see

Took a break and went to the gym, had a great workout with nothing but progress but had a random burst of sadness after that. Not about my day, felt i worked hard but about the lack of sex and dates. It’ll get better of course, just gotta keep improving without giving up but man i felt saaaad on the way home, even had fast food cravings (didnt give in but feels worth noting). Cooked dinner while swiping, got 6 matches today so far but rate of response is still low, can always change in the evening. Got a number an hour ago but she stopped answering once i texted her ? Lets see how that goes. Will just spend the night watching football while keeping an eye out for responses
Pretty shitty day frankly

Weight still the same as the last few days. Not scared or anything, its a short timeframe, just intrigued because my deficit isnt small. Had constipation so thats probably the issue, the lack of sleep too. Will recalculate my calorie maintenance tomorrow just in case

Still slept badly (more than 6 less than 7) but went to sleep 1 hour later than planned, spent too long waiting for that Tinder girl to respond. Wasnt even worth it, she was down to grab a drink today but then ghosted me today after all. Had this other girl who gave me her number and is in my city on weekends, said she’ll text me if she comes this weekend

Legs were super heavy in my tennis match, didnt recover at all from yesterday’s deadlifts. Sleeping well would have helped. Wasnt a pleasant game

My partner sent me the photos I took afterwards and they turned out to extremely dark, completely unusable. No clue why that happened they were bright on the camera. Really made me wish I had the technology to see that kind of things without waiting days but wishing wont do much, just gotta get more money. Brightened them up on FaceApp since I got nothing else, added them on apps, even used a boost but yep, no matchs. 2 technically but 1 is wayyyy too far to ever meet and the other is quite fishy (stunning 20 yo who says right away that she wants to sleep with someone my type within 1 message). Had 7 yesterday so thats quite the downgrade, made me pretty sad. Never feels good to go backwards in life

Sent 10 resumes then got a call for an interview tomorrow. Its at a miserable, tough job but i don’t mind doing it, can’t achieve any goal without a job. Problem is that 1 part of the job bothered me a lot : its the kind of job where you change hours every week, from 5 am to 1 pm and then 1 pm to 9 pm the next. Realized quickly thats a big problem for me, badly need a stable sleep schedule, can’t change every week. Thought about it the whole day (it’s an easy to get job, once you succeed at the interview you start right away), was feeling super stressed about it, ended up deciding i’ll refuse. Don’t mind tough work but i’ll find something with stable hours

Thats pretty much it, mediocre day. Sore legs, photos maybe getting worse, feeling bad about turning down a job when I need one badly. Mood is very low here, i’ll just play video games and focus on doing better tomorrow. It can’t be worse at least. Will experiment with a refeed before weights + sprints tomorrow, should be interesting
Very stressful day

Weight went down (guess its not super important to post it everyday after all i’ll just watch how it evolved through the week on Sunday), slept great but I went to bed way before my planned bedtile

Woke up with this skin issue, a mole (think thats the english word) on the arm that bothered me a lot, was bigger and of different color than the other ones i have, booked a trip to the doctor but i spent the whole morning very stressed about skin cancer, wasnt feeling well at all. Had my refeed experiment for lunch, just added a ton of rice to make the total calories of the day reach around maintenance.

Headed for the doctor and she was pretty clear : doesnt look concerning to her at all, i shouldnt be worried. Even took the opportunity to ask about my issues getting to 7 hours of sleep despite a consistent bedtime and she had the same opinion on it too : i shouldnt worry too much if my energy levels are good, i’m young and strong. Think i agree with her on that, i’ll just keep a consistent bedtime, try my best and throw in some naps or early sleep once in a while if its a struggle. Still stressed about that mole despite the medical advice though i’ll just monitor it to see if it grows. Might be a good idea to get some sunscreen and/or long sleeves once i’m less broke, i do spend a lot of time in the sun.

All the morning stress really drained me, had no energy left to survive the day and get the workout done so i went the caffeine route, had clearly too much (5 cups most in the afternoon). Will just compensate by consuming only 1 tomorrow. Went to the gym afterwards and it was great, felt powerful especially on the squats, those 1000+ extra calories really helped. Should fuel the muscles too. Just gotta make sure that refeed doesn’t slow down the weight loss, will monitor it closrly. The hill sprints post workout felt fantastic too, really good stuff

The dating was atrocious though. 4 matches, all in the early afternoon, and its looking like 3 of them ghosted the opener while the second one disappeared at the second message. Been ditching the ”hey you’re sexy what’s up” for short stuff about their bios / photos but its not performing well at all, will shorten it even further. But yeah my curent profile clearly is still not doing well at all. Shame because i kinda thought that shot of me with a camera was decent but yeah the results show otherwise and it got shitty attractiveness averages of 5 on photofeeler (i know its not the most reliable for getting laid but so far all my stuff is getting 5s in attractiveness aside for the 1 shot that got good reviews on the forums here which averaged 7.9 out of 17 ratings so it’s adding up), just goes to show my eye for these things still is nowhere near good. Still ton of improvements to do, could use more photos too since i kept only 3 on the apps. Going hiking next week sometime after my tennis tournament so that’ll be a good opportunity to add another

All in all felt very stressed the whole day about that health scare, got too much left to do in life to worry about skin cancer. Workout was great at least. Will make sure tomorrow is a low pressure, relaxing day i badly need it
So i don’t know if i have any regular reader or if my random rambling made everyone run away from the thread (can’t blame you if thats the case) but heres something that will boost the reading retention : tomorrow i’m fucking a very hot virgin 18 yo

Could wait later for that log but i’m too excited about tomorrow for that

Slept actually very well despite the caffeine overdose yesterday. Doesnt make much sense but i’ll take it. Weight went down despite the huge refeed yesterday and despite still having light bowel issues so that was a successful experiment it seems. 100% convinced now that my diet / exercise regimen is great, don’t need lower calories than what i consume right now

So, after yesterday’s stress i was going to take a very light day today. Play video games, watch movies and sports. Did all my chores early to have the whole day free, but then there was that girl. One of the match from yesterday whom i assumed ghosted the opener, but she responsed around midnight so i responded in the morning. My opener wasnt anything special, like "(short stuff about her bio) what are you up to today?" but her response was very fascinating : "looking for someone to lose my virginity with". I assumed she was a fake, we’re talking about a very hot 18 yo here but i went along because why not. She was fast to respond too, extremely responsive. Said she wanted a sweet guy to have her first time with and maybe go further with him after, i said i wasnt looking for anything serious, she said it was fine and gave me her number. And yeah she sure isnt a fake. How do I know ? Because she was so eager to meet me she purchased train tickets for around 20 euros just to spend 3 hours with me tomorrow and then showed them with a screenshot that had her full name on it. More than convincing enough to me. I don’t know what i did to deserve that, def isnt my game shes kinda just throwing herself at me here. She seems so sweet too, said she’ll be super stressed about her choice of outfit for tomorrow, wants to impress me. Tomorrow seems like its going to be wonderful

Rest of the day is unimpressive so far, sent 10 resumes (did it yesterday too forgot to add it to my log), got my eyebrows trimmed, just did the swiping so perhaps i’ll get a date tonight who knows but yeah this morning got me in high spirit for the day, extremely excited. And nervous too. The girl from last Monday was experimented, she took the lead in the bedroom but i’ll have to take every initiative this time around. Will test the magic wand for sure but don’t know if theres extra precautions to take with virgins ?

So, yeah, if any experimented guy comes around, some advice on how to deal with virgins in the bedroom would be wonderful. Nothing’s guaranteed in life of course, maybe she’ll cancel last second who knows but the odds are high. I’m a nerd anyway so you can bet i’ll watch tons of videos to not mess up the kissing part, unlike last week’s lay
Trèfle said:
So i don’t know if i have any regular reader or if my random rambling made everyone run away from the thread

Yeah so i badly need advice. Mankind had a long history but i’m pretty sure nobody ever got blueballed as hard as i was just now, my heart is broken i don’t want that to happen ever happen

Weight went down, slept 5 hours but felt fantastic, played some good tennis in the morning but thats not the important thing today

I had my date with the 18 yo virgin. And jesus christ

I could sense how nervous and excited she was about that date quite early. She texted me in the evening last night to know what i was up to, she went to the train station 1 hour ahead of her train and just sat there. I mean it obviously meant a lot to her since the first thing she told me was that she wanted to lose her virginity (not to mention she paid the train just to come and told me she was terrified about not choosing a outfit i’d like)

So we met at the train station at 3. And she was soooo hot, way more than in her photos. We went to grab a drink, and things really clicked, super nice girl, very friendly and smart. She struggled a lot with eye contact so the nerves were visible but the convo was great (didnt touch her at all except for a kiss on the cheek when we met but yeah i dont blame myself for it she was very scared). She liked me quite obviously, even complimented my looks

So, after 1 hour i asked if she’d come to my place to grab water (which is such a lame line, i need some wine) and she agreed so we went there, gave her a quick tour and then we sat on my bed

And thats when catastrophe struck. She kept playing with her phone out of nerves, she was beyond terrified. Got her to stop with the phone and look me in the eyes, but i was freaking scared too. Still asked ”mind if i kiss you?” and then she told me ”no its the first date” and i’m pretty sure she didnt look me in the eyes once ftom that point on. I had no clue what to do so i tried lightly caressing her arm and told her ”we can do whatever you want don’t force yourself, if you wanna go slow maybe" and then she told me ”i’m really nervous i’d rather go back to town” and frankly I was at a loss for words here. In retrospect i should have asked if she wanted to listen to music or watch a movie ect something in my house, leaving meant failling. But i just followed along on what she said and we went back outside for a walk

There were still 2 hours before her train and i felt guilty about just dropping her at the station so we walked for a while and it was beyond awkward, we were clicking before that but words just stopped there. I tried small talk once in a while but it was lame. Even asked once if she wanted to go back to my place since we were close still but she declined

So after 1 hour and a half of awkwardness i dropped her at the station, tried to setup a 2nd date but she was extremely vague and couldnt give me any date, so shes likely not interested. Was thinking she might be afraid of that whole bedroom disaster disappointing me or something so i texted her after ”hey i had a great time today, dont worry about the nerves i was nervous too. See you next time” and she answered ”thanks that was fun but you tried too hard back on your bed, its fine though”

So yeah a girl who clearly wanted to lose her v-card and was super interested in me, enough to pay a train and go there 1 hour early was on my bed and nothing freaking happened. I suck and i want to cry

Edit : it got worse somehow, she texted me to say i really should apologize for touching her on my bed and getting her to take her eyes off her phone. How did things go this bad