Trèfle's progress log - Mediocre dating streak after 11 lays

Rough time these days, just keep on feeling like my dates aren't attracted to me at all. Shame cuz I def am way more well spoken and confident sounding than before, I always apply the agressive approach but it's all a little useless right now because I look like shit, just a little too much added fat. Can't afford that when I already am shorter or the same height as all the girls, diet's too inconsistent with those outbursts of sadness (but it happens way less, feeling way tougher mentally).

Had a rough time today, 2nd date with a girl I really clicked with on the first date, walking hand in hand and all even if she didn't want to come to my place yet. Felt way less close today, she refused again and texted me that "I'm a fascinating guy but she doesn't feel the chemistry" which I read as "not attractive" which is really fair, I just can't expect much with those looks.

Also I got ditched by the girl who's virginity I took at the start of the week because she "wasn't super interested in a sex only relationship" (and also a bit annoyed at having to drive a full hour to visit me each tim), she still expressed gratitude for all the things I showed her. Taught me I need a little more than sex to retain those girls, going to add more pillow / talking time but frankly I don't really care much about retention right now, rather focus on increasing my lay count. It didn't hurt much on the psychological side, mentally I was just grateful for the added experience, tried the "I'll get even better girls" self talk to not feel too bad and it does help (fucked her 4 times which is not much but still better than ever, plus a first date lay with a shy virgin's good for the ego).

Not a great spot, it's a little depressing to know you're genuinely unattractive, my results suck right now I don't bring any girl home. Still, it won't take much kilos to get back to being decently cute I think

Going back to daily logs to help with my diet consistency, foods addictions are tougher than expected to fully beat and I'm not going to achieve anything without being lean. I need to make this a bigger priority (while still going on as many dates as possible)
Sunday 3rd :

Exercise: workout + about 2 hours of walking

Diet : 2 good meals at a deficit
Monday 4th

Exercise : weekly rest day (still walked 1+ hour)

Diet : 2 good meals

Was supposed to have a date but she flaked. Got 2 dates on Wednesday, makes up for it

Got... A weird situation. There's this super cute 18 yo who wants to go on a date on Thursday but she warned me from the get-go : "I have a boyfriend but I think he cheats on me and we argue all the time". Seems like a situation any sane guy would run away from but does this go in my "all in to improve my lay count" mentality I wonder ? She said she understands if I don't want to see her considering her situation. I think I'll go, a drink doesn't necessarily mean sex after all. Really seems like something I should run away from though
Trèfle said:
Monday 4th

Exercise : weekly rest day (still walked 1+ hour)

Diet : 2 good meals

Was supposed to have a date but she flaked. Got 2 dates on Wednesday, makes up for it

Got... A weird situation. There's this super cute 18 yo who wants to go on a date on Thursday but she warned me from the get-go : "I have a boyfriend but I think he cheats on me and we argue all the time". Seems like a situation any sane guy would run away from but does this go in my "all in to improve my lay count" mentality I wonder ? She said she understands if I don't want to see her considering her situation. I think I'll go, a drink doesn't necessarily mean sex after all. Really seems like something I should run away from though

Most people here would recommend running away. I say go for it. Keep your eyes and ears open, pay attention, don't take it seriously. Sometimes all I get out of a date is an incredible story of someone crazy I met. Its still fun.
Fun day

Exercise: 1 hour and a half of tennis

Diet : 2 good meals

Had an enjoyable date with a stunning German 23 yo college girl. Very tall too. Or well just slightly taller than average but that's 10 cm more than me damnit. Super attractive anyway, those legs are heavenly. Hesitated a ton about coming to my place but ended up turning it down for today, seemed stressed about not having the time to study (tried the "we can stay 30 mins" counter argument but didn't work this time). She seemed to have a good time so I might see her again, still struggling to predict those things. Happy with my performance either way

Got a 20 yo college girl followed by a hot 31 yo spanish girl tomorrow, could be fun if there's no flaking
Really bad day today, was in a awful spot mentally for a few reasons ; ended up eating badly and not exercising. One of those reasons being that I doubt yesterday's girl is going to want another date after all. She seemed to have a real good time, offered that we go for a walk after refusing to visit my place (didn't accept to not give the wrong intent) but idk, just something I read in her body language afterwards just made me feel I won't see her again. I thought I was past getting hurt by this kind of thing but it's mostly the feeling that I'm so much below this kind of girl's looks threshold that depressed me a bit. It's just a temporary thing of course, nothing a consistent diet won't change (can't say this kind of days is helping...) but right now I'm short and nowhere near being in shape, struggling to keep the long term picture in mind some days.

Still, it's just a random bad day, my mood's mostly way better these days. I'm pretty good at recharging after a terrible day at least, will do much better tomorrow. Somehow both of today's dates had to postpone because of unexpected events, pretty lame. Seeing the 18 yo who has a boyfriend tomorrow, let's see how that goes
Much better day

Exercise: workout and 5 sets of sprints

Diet: 2 good meals

Had a fun date with the 18 yo. Very pretty, great breasts. She came to my place but didn't want to stay long at all ; didn't think there was a way I could get her to stay longer than 5 mins she was in a real rush. Still, made out for a bit before parting so I think she likes me, might see her again despite the awful 2nd date conversion these days. Didn't bring up the "boyfriend" part once, hope that's not an issue
Exercise: 2 hours and a half of tennis

Diet : 2 good meals

Tonight's date ghosted the day of, hâte when that happens

Thanks for yesterday btw Zug your post is what made me choose to go to that date. Really was better than expected, good time
2 dates of blueballs in a row! Very frustrating

Exercise: workout

Diet : not great, ate too much for dinner before my date. Was a bit sluggish

Met yet another new girl, 23, cute and dedicated (ended work at 11 pm and still drove afterwards to see me). She was clearly shy and not used to the dating world but I did a great job establishing the mood and making her comfortable

Took her back to my place, she was nervous so I took the escalation slow, she had to go to the bathroom and then when she came out she was panicking about a text she missed and had to go because she was worried about what she read, apologized a lot

So I took her to her car, kissed a lot and she went off

Very frustrating. I took the last 2 dates to my place and made out with both but still no 7th lays. It's not like I even have anything to reflect on today, just an unfortunate text's timing.

Got 2 dates scheduled tomorrow, let's try getting that 7th lay!
That said, I should probably work on house game/escalation at my place, don't feel I'm very good at that yet. Not particularly for today (the kissing before leaving her for tonight felt passionate at least, really was just bad luck with her texts issues it seems) but I thought about that after Thursday's date. Really feels like I failed somewhere when a girl comes to my place and nothing beyond kissing happens
Quite the shitty Sunday. Diet's good but that's about it

Started the day of with having a good chat with a beautiful blonde chick while waiting for a bus, yet I couldn't even bring myself to ask for her number. Very surprised by how nervous I still am around women considering how many dates I went to and had some lays and kisses. I think it's a matter of timidity around strangers, I'm not nervous on dates at all after all. Decided after that encounter that I'll force myself to go to bars alone at least once a week starting next week, should help a little I think. Money's been the issue for that so far but it's cool if I don't go often, besides I got some job interviews next week so it shouldn't be a problem for long

Got pretty badly depressed afterwards when I realized I'm definitely not going to see the 3 dates of this week again, once more. Nothing 100% certain for yesterday's date but she ghosted the "had a great time, have a good trip home" I sent after the date so pretty bad sign. Noticed the 18 yo in couple unmatched me and doubt she'll answer the 2nd date attempt I sent earlier today. Tuesday's tall foreign student said she's not interested anymore

Pretty badly bothered by my complete inability to get 2nd dates, it doesn't feel normal to have a % that low. I made out with 2 of this week's dates for a while before saying goodbye but this doesn't seem to change anything. Whether I fuck them, kiss them or do nothing I feel like they never want to see again, hurts the ego. It's like they always regret meeting me, I don't like this feeling

Was in a really shitty mood so I prefered cancelling this week's 3rd workout to focus on relaxing at home before today's 2 dates to perform well, and then the first woman cancelled last minute because of the age difference (figured a older woman would be a fun change considering I pretty much only see university students) and the 2nd cancelled because of a hungover. Just great. Not a very enjoyable day

3 dates this week (had dates scheduled every single day actually but the flaking's been strong), 2 girls went to my place but didn't go past kissing with them. Not great
I'm starting to deeply question my killer instinct. Today was fine but...

Exercise: walked a lot

Diet : 2 good meals

Had an enjoyable date with a 20 yo nurse, bit taller than me but you get used to it. Very pretty. She came to my home quickly

And yep I still didn't get laid. She even told me before going to my place that we weren't going to have sex

Pretty much spent an hour kissing on my bed while I was playing with her tits, ass and pussy (fully clothed, she pushed my hand aside each time I tried to get under her clothes) until she had to go, walked her to her car, kissed a lot and wished each other a good evening

In theory it's fine I guess but I'll be honest, considering how god awful my second date amount is I don't expect to see her again even though we were really vibing (Saturday's date unmatched me on Tinder too)

I'm in a really weird spot. My last 3 dates came home and I kissed all of them a lot but I just don't get laid anymore. I wouldn't be getting so much making out if they weren't attracted to me (despite frankly not being anywhere near attractive right now, too fat) but I can't seem to go all the way anymore. And most of all this terrible, terrible 2nd dates raté

I genuinely don't know if I'm doing good or bad right now
I've had the same issue for awhile. Girls coming home with me but then making out or something and then not having sex with me. I don't understand where this issue comes from. I guess it could be due to a lack of value, and then not providing enough comfort to overcome this.

I'm hoping that with better looks this issue will just fix itself, but meh, I don't know if it's that simple
Squilliam said:
I've had the same issue for awhile. Girls coming home with me but then making out or something and then not having sex with me. I don't understand where this issue comes from. I guess it could be due to a lack of value, and then not providing enough comfort to overcome this.

I'm hoping that with better looks this issue will just fix itself, but meh, I don't know if it's that simple

Yeah not sure what to think of comfort today. She told me at the bar when I invited her home that we weren't going to have sex and we started making out very easily so I feel like I couldn't do much about her objections this time around. Not sure

Would feel better about it if I wasn't so bothered with being unable to get 2nd dates I guess, could tell myself I'll go all the way next time
Exercise: a bit of walking (was planning to run today but injured my knee while writing my log on the way back from the date yesterday... Should heal for tomorrow's workout)

Diet : 2 good meals

I sure as hell became well spoken since going on all these dates, noticed it big time today. Started job hunting again last weekend, had my first interview this morning, did so well they called 1 hour later to tell me I'm taken. Not starting until January 2nd but still, the money will be very useful for a lot of reasons. First one being to move out

After looking back, I think I'm somewhat happy with the way the last few dates went? Not completely satisfied but like, I've brought all of my last few dates to my place, that's 3 make out sessions since Thursday. Don't think I got enough experience to not be happy about that, yesterday's girl is only the 10th I kissed so far. All of them far exceeded my looks too, yesterday's nurse is taller than me which is a challenge. I think I should be proud. Shouldn't feel too bad about my lack of 2nd dates too probably. I mean, Thursday's date has a boyfriend, why would I expect any kind of retention? Saturday's clearly had some problems in her life, although I don't quite get her reactions but oh well. I'm not a very good looking guy right now, def under a 5 / way below most of the guys on the forums, let those little heartbreaks make me plunge back into gaining fat. But I still think I definitely do some things right with women at this stage. Would be happy to see yesterday's girl again though

Tomorrow, I might see a very hot uni girl who seemed interested in my 50 shades of grey equipment (bought blindfolds and all that when the virgin girl was visiting me weekly recently). Not fully sure it's happening tomorrow, depends on her exams, but could be fun
Today was mediocre, awful sleep, bit of a sad mood, struggled to get out of bed and took 3 naps

I suspect I may have been shadowbanned on Tinder ? Will need to monitor things to be sure but it's possible, sudden complete lack of response and matches. Might have been a little too forward with a girl living far who wanted a good reason to visit me
Trèfle said:
I suspect I may have been shadowbanned on Tinder ? Will need to monitor things to be sure but it's possible, sudden complete lack of response and matches. Might have been a little too forward with a girl living far who wanted a good reason to visit me
December is one of the worst times for dating. Girls are busy with exams & holidays. My match/date volume has suddenly severely dwindled as well
Squilliam said:
Trèfle said:
I suspect I may have been shadowbanned on Tinder ? Will need to monitor things to be sure but it's possible, sudden complete lack of response and matches. Might have been a little too forward with a girl living far who wanted a good reason to visit me
December is one of the worst times for dating. Girls are busy with exams & holidays. My match/date volume has suddenly severely dwindled as well

Yeah noticing it for sure, yesterday's date postponed because of her exams too

Can only imagine Christmas isn't much better for hookups
Solid day. Ate well, burned calories through tennis

Was thinking of starting my nightlife project today but nah too tired, weekend's better

Struggling to get dates this week! Exams are rough. Got a 2nd date with the tall beautiful nurse I had foreplay with though, happy about that. Not before Tuesday though
Pretty good diet last few days, good consistency with high exercise levels

Really struggling to get new dates (or even matches) the last few days, exam season is easy to notice

Today was my first date since Monday and it was absolutely miserable. Decently cute 26 yo virgin who was scared of absolutely everything, even of coming to the bar because "I might be setting a trap up with the bartender", scared of me proposing to walk her back to the city center in case after she declined the offer to come upstairs. And even after walking her back in the middle of a very cold night she told me she had "a great time" and unmatched me 30 seconds after parting ways (never gave me her phone number). What is this. I would have had an existential crisis over this not too long ago but nah I'm happy with how I did here, seems we just weren't compatible

Tuesday might be absolutely insane. Tall hot nurse is coming to my place at 7 pm after the makeout session of Monday of her playing with my dick through jeans and me with her tits and pussy fully clothed, I expect to get laid if I play my card right here but you never know. And then at 9:30 I'm meeting up with the hot uni girl who seemed interested in my blindfold and other equipment and had to cancel our date this week because of her exams. Exciting