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Trèfle's progress log - Mediocre dating streak after 11 lays

Barely slept 2 hours, for a reason you could only ever read in this log : I was very curious about what was causing this girl so much pain during sex (only sometimes too) so i spent the night doing some medical research on Google to try and figure it out, pretty sure I found what it was and gained some knowledge along the way. Whether she desires to meet again or not it may be useful information someday

Realized in the morning that I feel really proud about getting laid again after such a tough dry spell, it shows resilience. Kinda wondering if my rate of progress is "good" but it is very subjective isn't it. Regardless, I do feel proud ; 3 lays (and foreplay with a 4th one) isn't much but considering the state of my social skills, all those years in isolation, it's a massive start to me. Maybe someday my log will be a beacon of hope to the guys here who start from the very bottom, it doesn't get worse than a 25 yo manlet with gyno, some speech issues (it gets better and better with practice, I have good vocabulary, but I do still stutter and get people to ask me to repeat what I said, not the most manly thing around), who spent 10 years of his youth depressed in his bed unable to take any action. Well, it probably is almost unreadable with all the nonsense I write but in any case I'll inspire myself. Still a long way to go to achieve my goals, sexual ones, financial ones and everything else but I feel more sure about success now

That said, today wasn't the most interesting day. I can survive on very low sleep but productivity is too much to ask. Spent the morning playing a friendly tennis match with a new partner, really nice guy who seem hardworking def going to play again. Not much else aside from hanging out with my newest friend in the late afternoon, he wanted to show me a bakery that was supposed to be heavenly so I skipped my rice at lunch to anticipate the calorie intake. Probably had a tiny bit too much still, not THAT much, not worth worrying about with all the exercise I do on the side but will need more restraint next time. It really was heavenly

Walked around town talking for a bit, then I went back home and focused on dating apps for a bit but no match today. No big deal, I want a big night of sleep tonight anyway

Oh yeah, worth noting that things are finally over with the virgin chick alas (been like 2 days ? Noticed I didn't add it but seems relevant). Texted her to know if she was coming to my place this Tuesday, she said she didn't want to go past the city center for our next date, I said I really have no interest in going backwards with her and have neutral dates after all the intimate stuff and she just said "I knew we moved too fast, good luck in life". Maybe she is right ? I don't know enough about humankind to know how often guys get to make out 1000 times, fondle breasts for 2 hours, use a sextoy to make her orgasm with virgins on the first date. She said she had foreplay before but I'm the only 1 who got her this turned on on the 1st date, there's pride to be gained in that - and in girls who are truly beautiful like this one and yesterday's date finding me very handsome even this early in my development. I hope I'm not missing any valuable lesson from that experience, mistakes to learn from ? She lamented that I focused too much on her body and not enough on the Netflix movie on the 2nd date, guess that was the turning point. She did have foreplay with several guys without ever having intercourse so idk maybe it would've been too much work ; on the 1st date she talked about how "she'd love for us to become fuckbuddies once I fuck her on the 2nd or the 3rd date" but it's just empty words if there's no fucking yet isn't it. I do wish she was my 4th lay after all this time spent grinding my dick on her butt but oh well, I'll find more girls

Early night to focus on productivity and self improvement work tomorrow
Trèfle said:
Oh yeah, worth noting that things are finally over with the virgin chick alas (been like 2 days ? Noticed I didn't add it but seems relevant). Texted her to know if she was coming to my place this Tuesday, she said she didn't want to go past the city center for our next date, I said I really have no interest in going backwards with her and have neutral dates after all the intimate stuff and she just said "I knew we moved too fast, good luck in life". Maybe she is right ? I don't know enough about humankind to know how often guys get to make out 1000 times, fondle breasts for 2 hours, use a sextoy to make her orgasm with virgins on the first date. She said she had foreplay before but I'm the only 1 who got her this turned on on the 1st date, there's pride to be gained in that - and in girls who are truly beautiful like this one and yesterday's date finding me very handsome even this early in my development. I hope I'm not missing any valuable lesson from that experience, mistakes to learn from ? She lamented that I focused too much on her body and not enough on the Netflix movie on the 2nd date, guess that was the turning point. She did have foreplay with several guys without ever having intercourse so idk maybe it would've been too much work ; on the 1st date she talked about how "she'd love for us to become fuckbuddies once I fuck her on the 2nd or the 3rd date" but it's just empty words if there's no fucking yet isn't it. I do wish she was my 4th lay after all this time spent grinding my dick on her butt but oh well, I'll find more girls
Tbh if you're inexperienced and she's a virgin (and attractive?) I think you're making a mistake.

It'd be one thing if she was some random average looking girl who had hooked up before and then she acted like this. But my guy, she's a virgin, and you only have 3 lays. That's the kind of girl who would genuinely not want to fuck on the 1st or 2nd date due to comfort reasons and not because she doesn't think you're attractive/cool enough.

You should've just gone on the date and then tried to pull her soon after. If you tried to invite her over before, she knows you will do it again.

Sounds like this ship has already sailed, but in the future, you should not be discarding opportunities like this. Especially if she's a virgin & attractive.

This is a classic example of self-sabotage due to ego, it's only been 2 dates. At your level of experience you should spend more time and effort.

If anything, this experience would help improve your game and vibe, girls who are easy to sleep with don't teach you anything, your looks are doing the work for you there.
Squilliam said:
Trèfle said:
Oh yeah, worth noting that things are finally over with the virgin chick alas (been like 2 days ? Noticed I didn't add it but seems relevant). Texted her to know if she was coming to my place this Tuesday, she said she didn't want to go past the city center for our next date, I said I really have no interest in going backwards with her and have neutral dates after all the intimate stuff and she just said "I knew we moved too fast, good luck in life". Maybe she is right ? I don't know enough about humankind to know how often guys get to make out 1000 times, fondle breasts for 2 hours, use a sextoy to make her orgasm with virgins on the first date. She said she had foreplay before but I'm the only 1 who got her this turned on on the 1st date, there's pride to be gained in that - and in girls who are truly beautiful like this one and yesterday's date finding me very handsome even this early in my development. I hope I'm not missing any valuable lesson from that experience, mistakes to learn from ? She lamented that I focused too much on her body and not enough on the Netflix movie on the 2nd date, guess that was the turning point. She did have foreplay with several guys without ever having intercourse so idk maybe it would've been too much work ; on the 1st date she talked about how "she'd love for us to become fuckbuddies once I fuck her on the 2nd or the 3rd date" but it's just empty words if there's no fucking yet isn't it. I do wish she was my 4th lay after all this time spent grinding my dick on her butt but oh well, I'll find more girls
Tbh if you're inexperienced and she's a virgin (and attractive?) I think you're making a mistake.

It'd be one thing if she was some random average looking girl who had hooked up before and then she acted like this. But my guy, she's a virgin, and you only have 3 lays. That's the kind of girl who would genuinely not want to fuck on the 1st or 2nd date due to comfort reasons and not because she doesn't think you're attractive/cool enough.

You should've just gone on the date and then tried to pull her soon after. If you tried to invite her over before, she knows you will do it again.

Sounds like this ship has already sailed, but in the future, you should not be discarding opportunities like this. Especially if she's a virgin & attractive.

This is a classic example of self-sabotage due to ego, it's only been 2 dates. At your level of experience you should spend more time and effort.

If anything, this experience would help improve your game and vibe, girls who are easy to sleep with don't teach you anything, your looks are doing the work for you there.

Yeah I think you're right (I had only 2 lays when she chose to end things though not 3!), still confused about that girl considering how great the 1st date was but I think she did have regrets for going this far this early

I felt like her going "I'd rather not meet again, we have different views" and then changing her mind and then telling me this "dates far from your place" stuff was getting a bit too annoying, i feel like that ship was really sailing and I was better off with other girls at this stage, as beautiful as she is. You make a great point though, she was completely into me physically and I get that I should aim to increase the lay count by any means at this point. A wasted opportunity for sure

Also the last part of your post is really funny because I had the same thoughts yesterday - I'm pretty sure the improvements I made to my game didn't matter yesterday, like the touching, bringing up sexual topics, I could be wrong but that girl def wanted to fuck right when she passed my doorstep. I guess my looks are carrying me ? So weird I was expecting it to be my weakness
Trèfle said:
I was very curious about what was causing this girl so much pain during sex (only sometimes too) so i spent the night doing some medical research on Google to try and figure it out
You know you can ask girls about things right? Its probably a better resource and a better use of time than internet research

Good job btw
Trèfle said:
"I knew we moved too fast, good luck in life". Maybe she is right ?


Even tho I do not agree with everything said here. It is pretty solid. Mostly the same thing as Squilliam said. I think you need to build some comfort with vitgins especially if they are hot. After all she will literally give you her first sex experience. Smart to take it slow here.
Adrizzle said:
Trèfle said:
I was very curious about what was causing this girl so much pain during sex (only sometimes too) so i spent the night doing some medical research on Google to try and figure it out
You know you can ask girls about things right? Its probably a better resource and a better use of time than internet research

Good job btw

True, my negative brain was just like "she probably wants to forget me forever" after she didn't answer that "I had a great time, truly sorry about the pain. Have a good trip home" text I sent after the date but nah I can't be that convinced from so little, maybe she just didn't feel the need to answer that, or just needed some time to reflect on the date ect

Thanks !
Red said:
Trèfle said:
"I knew we moved too fast, good luck in life". Maybe she is right ?


Even tho I do not agree with everything said here. It is pretty solid. Mostly the same thing as @Squilliam said. I think you need to build some comfort with vitgins especially if they are hot. After all she will literally give you her first sex experience. Smart to take it slow here.

Was a good watch, thanks for sharing

Yeah I'll make sure to be more patient on the next virgin for sure. I think the whole "things going backwards" thing was bothering me the most, felt like It was turning into a time waster since she went from all the kissing and foreplay on the first date to "far from your home" but I get that inexperienced girls are like that emotionally, she obviously liked me a lot still (even when trying to setup that Tuesday date she told me "I freed up my Thursday in case you wanted us to hang out then"). Oh well, I'll do better on the next virgin - it's only the 2nd one I met but it sure was way less of a disaster than that date with the 1st one
Ended up sleeping a bit later than planned because of some matchs, my one weakness. Got a super interesting match/date out of it though

I didn't even sleep that bad considering but the sum of the last few days wasn't enough felt dead. No big deal since there was no gym but couldn't pull myself to do much, super low energy. Ended up doing my grocery shopping and tennis training and that's pretty much it ; was planning to visit some tattoo places to know the prices but that'll be for Thursday. Should be able to afford a small one soon. No success on dating apps this far today but it's cool, don't feel alive enough for a date tonight I'll watch some football instead

As for that interesting girl yesterday : 34 yo single mom. I'm not big on milfs in particular (guess she's too young to qualify despite the kid) but there's something I really liked about her vibe (made it clear I wasn't looking for love at all after she asked but she was very interested and yet not experienced in this kind of things, said she was "shocked such a young and handsome man would be interested in her", super cute - very cute face too). Struggled a bit to schedule in texts, her week's busy so she wanted to free up her Friday night for that date but I'm already seeing a girl then, tough. Should be able to find something once she knows her week end schedule more. Kinda excited, very different than the last few girls
Atrocious day. Slept at a decent hour but woke up randomly at 2 am, couldn't sleep again. Too much caffeine yesterday. Felt atrocious just really bad. Ended up eating candies in the early morning to push myself to go to an annoying meeting I didn't want to go to, complete mess. Napped after lunch and still felt garbage, felt a little depressed the whole day because of some irrelevant issues. Plan was to go play some tennis, eat a gross pizza and just drag myself to the gym to get it done but only ended up doing the first 2 steps, didn't feel able to lift weights no matter how much binge eating so that'll be for tomorrow. Just a bad day, everything will be better once I get consistent sleep

Got another date, tomorrow at 6, happy she was available early because I'll def be in bed early regardless of how it goes. 21 yo, cute, seems focused on serious relationships in her profile so not sure if I'll have my chances but I'll do my best
Slept horribly still because of the bad food choices yesterday, this time my body pretty much said "enough", had no strength to do anything. Needless to say the gym will be tomorrow, I'm not lifting weights in this state but I did force myself to go for a 10 km race to burn some calories so that's worth something, didn't do a single other thing though. You know energy is quite limited when I couldn't even motivate myself to play video games. Ate 2 good meals at a deficit, could be worse all things considered, good diet and exercise but extremely dead day. There's ton of stuff I've been postponing, badly need to sleep well here so that's the one focus of the day, won't spend long on dating apps (already got 3 dates on the next 2 days anyway)

Rescheduled today's date to Sat at 6 pm (seeing a match from yesterday - super cute and seems very nice too - at 3:15 but that should be fine even if she comes to my place). She told me she won't have much time at all (like, barely 1 hour) so I tried inviting her to my place directly, unread still, we'll see (I played it safe because I want more dates / didn't want to scare her, added "but we can just grab a drink otherwise in that short span of time, it's cool")

Tried getting a second date with last week's lay but she rejected the offer, not interested at all. I do wonder why ? Really felt like a good date to me until the pain problem. The bar convo was good, she had a pretty big orgasm during the foreplay and was moaning very hard throughout (especially when spanked she really liked that), she gave me a blowjob and was overall pretty agressive and passionate. Her attitude changed after she had to stop mid sex though... I tried to talk to her for a bit to help her forget the pain but by then even light hugging seemed to put her off, still talked for a bit about her life until she had to go. Figured that kiss when leaving the house was too much considered the look of disgust on her face, kinda did it automatically since she was kissing me with passion a few mins before but yeah bad idea. I don't know what I should take from that experience ? Frustrates me to feel like I'm missing mistakes without noticing. Feeling a little sad I think, I liked that girl, would've liked to see her again. Least we had sex

Badly need 8 whole hours of sleep or I'm completely fucked. Gotta workout tomorrow, then 3 hours of tennis practice before heading for my date. 23, pretty for sure, seems to have a fun personality too I'm looking forward to that one. Was wondering if she forgot me since we matched last week (she had no time until Friday) so I sent her the confirmation text today in case I'd have to schedule something else but she didn't forget. Quite the interaction : "hey see you tomorrow" "of course did you think I'd forget?" "Its my anti flaking measure" "I can tell you're experienced!", if she knew how wrong she is on that last one
This close to a great day today but I did well at least

Had a pretty bad depressive breakdown yesterday night, my attempts to reconnect with my lost family have been a complete failure, don't think anybody cares that much to see me again. Combined with that girl's quite harsh rejection (I know it's dumb but that cold "no thanks bye" when she liked me enough to give me a blowjob and fuck me a few days ago hit hard, those feelings that nobody wants me around have been here for a while - still gotta get used to hookup culture) I was feeling really sad, ended up stuffing myself with sweets to fall asleep, bulemia's coming back hard lately. Still struggling with loneliness but I know I'm on the right path, starting to make friends, seeing girls, just gotta keep grinding for now. I think a consistent fuckbuddy would do wonder for me (was thinking a lot about the virgin chick yesterday, how that was a great opportunity for that I completely blew by being too hasty but whatever, gotta think about the next girls) but I don't think it's reasonable to expect that living at my mom's place, will be focusing on pure lay count for a bit longer - aiming to get another job to move out as soon as I start sleeping again

Slept terribly once more because of the food overdose, felt horrible and still unloved and depressed but dragged myself to the gym regardless. The actual workout was somehow amazing, big progress on all lifts, seems I really don't need sleep. Mood was terrible, just a disaster, even the pride of getting stronger didn't do anything. Least I got some amount of discipline I guess, that really was a good workout

Ate lunch and trained some tennis. Don't think I ever noticed how much that lifts my mood as much as today, really turned me from completely depressed to pretty happy. Really helps to have some things we love doing in this world when the times are tough

At the end of the training I got this text from today's date - "feeling tired sorry I'll recontact you to reschedule", shame but yeah that was 1 hour before the date so I'm not getting another one today. Great opportunity to sleep early, tomorrow's girl is looking nice surely she won't cancel. Shame about today she was looking cool but oh well you can't control how people act and think, that's something I struggle to realize sometimes. I feel good still, better to rely on myself for happiness and not on those unpredictable women

Good exercise and diet today, mood's good after all too. Still a bit fragile mentally but it'll pass
Well that sure was fucking annoying, what a mess

Ran 10 km fasted in the morning but I sure was feeling shit before and faster, sooo tired (still slept horribly, had too much coffee yesterday to survive the gym). Was barely keeping my eyes open before it was time for that date so I ate some bread to get those cheap carbs, lame

Date was fine. I was surprisingly nervous beforehand but I did good, was making her talk about what excites her about life, was making plenty of physical contact, talking a bit about sex / dates (felt like the sex talk was making her shy so I kept it light). Invited her home (a bit fast perhaps but she had plans for earlier than what I expected, tried to adapt), she said no. I didn't end the date here because I felt like talking a bit more before walking her back to her car, it's not like she can possibly misunderstand what I want after asking her if she wanted to come to my place, talking about sexual stories, touching her plenty so I doubt engaging a longer conversation for the fun of it changes much (it was like 15 minutes of talking after the home rejection before I walked her back). It was a good talk, and I'm not bummed she didn't want to come to my place - I fully get that not all girls will right away - but I'm pretty sure in my bones that she won't want a 2nd date (no special reason, she seemed to have fun and she was very sweet and cute) and it really bothers me, I'm really getting self conscious about my inability to get 2nd dates. I mean, even after fucking that last girl she had 0 desire to see me a second time so what about women I don't sleep with. I realize a portion of it comes down to the price of playing the agressive game (my in-date game doesn't even feel that bad at this point, I applied a lot what I read online and definitely act more like a confident sexual man, I carry myself better, I speak in a much clearer tone - this feels surprisingly natural too - and yet something feels missing) but I feel like I really should be getting more 2nd dates than this, it bugs me. Some mistakes I'm not even noticing I guess, maybe some girl will spell it out for me eventually. Oh yeah, right before that date I checked Tinder a little and randomly swiped on that 18 yo virgin from that horrible date back then. Made me a bit melancolic, my head sure is fragile right now but a lot of it is probably because of the lack of sleep

And then I still had to go the gym at night. What a disaster. Was painfully tired so I grabbed some bread and cookies before, sucks obviously (I've def been gaining some weight, looking worse for sure) but I was like "just gotta survive it for now I got a plan to truly fix the sleep problem on Sunday". So I grabbed a bus at 9 pm, went there... when I noticed at the door that my bag was open and the gym card missing. Because of the way it's set up, that means no access. I even scavenged the streets despite it being 10 pm but yeah no luck. So, no workout - and there's no staff tomorrow so I can't get a new one until Monday. Really pisses me off, I've been so consistent despite it all but it looks like I'm not getting my 3 workouts this week

I'll stay up to try and get new dates for a bit, it's Saturday night after all. Tinder was annoying today, I got like 5 matches (all young and hot) while sleeping and 0 of them answered the first message today, awful. Not like I need energy for anything tomorrow, don't have a date (got some on Monday and Tuesday) and I can't enter the gym. I'll just go to the tennis courts to practice my serve, run 10 km, eat well, stick to 2 coffees and sleep at 9 pm I really really need to sleep. Mood swings are really bad right now from decent to depressed but pretty sure it'll get better with some decent sleep
Good day good day

Collapsed of sleep yesterday and thus the matches I got while sleeping weren't exactly responsive today, typical. Still slept horribly

Was horribly lethargic so I focused on eating well and exercising but that's not the worst way to spend a day, even if I did nothing else

As I was getting home from running, 1 of the ghost from Friday night answered my first message, she was down for a drink very quickly so I asked her for tonight at 7 (asked at 5) and she accepted within 5 seconds, I was a bit dominant too (she wasn't down for my usual place because she doesn't like the bars there but I told her to come there anyway for convenience - wanted to go to that date with a plan and a bar close to home. She didn't argue). I was getting excited (shes hot) but then she asked if I could do tomorrow instead because she broke her phone (warned me about that beforehand) and isn't getting 1 until tomorrow, don't want to go out with a stranger with no phone. Seemed like a good point so we agreed on tomorrow night

2 dates tomorrow but I'm way more excited about the second one, first girl really doesn't seem the casual lay type but I'll do my best regardless

Wasn't a great week, that complete lack of sleep ruined everything. Arranged everything today to sleep well today, will be able to go to the gym tomorrow, get a new card and workout

Looking forward to a great night of sleep, the diet issue will solve itself easily after that. Excited about the second girl tomorrow, seemed naughty
Still early but rest of the day won't be super interesting so might as well write that log now

Pretty great day, actually got a full night of sleep for once. Felt like I had superpowers, almost forgot how that felt. No depressive thoughts today so guess that's the recipe

Spent the morning doing my grocery shopping and getting those bushy eyebrows trimmed, ran out of time for the gym but whatever tomorrow's fine

Noticed in the morning that Saturday's date unmatched me so it looks like the chances of a 2nd date are slim. I wasn't super interested, she was def fatter than in pics (would have still slept with her if she didn't decline the invite to come over though, I want more sexual experience) but it still got me thinking. There wasn't anything too bothersome in the date, it's not like she seemed annoyed at anything I did (def a bit shy when I talked about some of my sex stories but she seemed comfortable again when I toned it down) but like, it's obvious she was a gentle girl with no interest in casual sex. Did I just do both of out a favor by screening hard (was quite heavy on the touching, she didn't reciprocate but didn't move away either) ? Should I have had been softer ? I think my in-date game is fine, that my main issue is that my profile doesn't yet get enough of the type of girls/ relationships I want but idk. Hope I'm not making any crucial mistake

Date was a lot of fun ! Intelligent and actually cuter than in her pictures, very fun talk and she was actually hella receptive to my touch, in fact she started all shy but was touching me more than the opposite by the end. I didn't actually invite her home though ! Why ? It's not shyness, I don't struggle inviting women home at all anymore. It's a combination of factors, main one being that she said she felt a bit drunk from that glass of wine we had because of the cider she had yesterday. Actually enjoyed her personality so I didn't want her to have regrets. And I think I'd like to start having girls who want to see me more than once, some of them at least. I had a very fun date (was this close to try making out with her in public but figured that was useless if I wasn't inviting her - it's not like she could misunderstand me after all the touching, me saying I'm looking for "fun" when we talked about love lives and straight up saying "I'll let you visit my place next time we meet") and if we meet again (surely that girl won't refuse a second date considering how receptive she was to everything ? I'll seriously reconsider my life choices if that too doesn't lead to a 2nd meeting) I'm def inviting her to try and get that pink pussy. Tonight's date pussied out though, canceled and wished me "a good search" while apologizing

Going to play some tennis, eat well and sleep early to workout in the morning before that 7 pm date. I purposefully didn't try sex today but I sure am horny, tomorrow's date is getting the home invite regardless of how it goes
Annoying date but oh well

Didn't sleep well at all, that pre date cup of coffee yesterday wasn't that wise. Felt extremely sleepy even cooking lunch and taking a nap so I ate a small unplanned meal before the gym, not big but still not in my plans. Highly doubt that was enough to exceed my maintenance but still not in line with my goals, still didn't fully solve that issue. The workout was good and strong at least

That date wasn't enjoyable at all. She was chubbier than in pics but that was the least of my worries, she looked bored out of her mind every time I talked about myself, clearly didn't like me very much. I still stayed in line with my plan, plenty of touching to get more used to it, talk about sexual pasts to set up the right vibe, set up the "maybe I'll let you visit my place" (could tell from her face this wasn't happening), talked for a bit longer about what she likes before inviting her to my place. She refused so I took the opportunity to end the date immediately. Didn't, like, run away but she mentioned having to wake up early so I said "I'll walk you there then, you should go to bed asap", she said she could stay a little longer but I added "nah you should go to bed let's go". Walked her back, said I had a great time (70% honesty right?) and straight up asked her if she'd like to meet again which she declined so I wished her well, and I'm not unhappy about it I didn't like that girl very much

On the way home I noticed something that annoyed me a lot. Matched this girl yesterday, very cute 21 student. She didn't give me her number but she asked back then if I wanted to grab a drink this Tuesday. I said no because I had this date already so we agreed on Thursday night. Noticed while checking Tinder on the way that she unmatched since then so looks like that's not happening. Just great

I'm getting a bit frustrated by my Tinder results. I mean, yesterday's date was great and I believe she would have followed along if I invited her (will contact her again very soon) but 2 of the last 3 dates were not only unattractive but also clearly uninterested in me. I'm pretty sure my game is becoming quite solid frankly (perhaps I'm delusional? I'm still a nice guy but I have no trouble anymore communating that I'm here to get laid) but I never felt I was going to fuck those 2 lame dates. If I can't blame my game then the culprit is easy to find : my shitty profile. In the end, I really don't get many girls who are interested in a date because while I'm doing better and better while on the dates (so I think but like I clearly am wayyyy more confident mid date than when I was starting, it's good that I'm going on all those dates) I don't actually attract the right kind of girls because my profile sucks ass, haven't worked on it enough. So many "serious relationships" girls, my game doesn't matter here it's obvious things are going nowhere from the get go

I also clearly have been looking worse lately because of those poor diet choices, gained a bit of weight back (still got solid cheekbones but it's still noticeable) so it's not helping, I think that was my downfall tonight she didn't seem attracted to me at all. Not good at all, I already start at a disavanteage with this height I can't let go like this

Going to sleep early thanks to that date not lasting long at least. Got tennis to burn some calories in the afternoon, will work on photos in the morning. It's time to truly take those as serious as I've been taking the whole "going on as many dates as possible" philosophy
Not doing that well. Ended up spending the night quite depressed yesterday, not fully sure why, it's not like I cared about that date. Maybe I'm learning to accept rejection, that's a useful thing. I'm sure I'll become stronger through perseverance but my head sure is fragile right now, struggled so much with despair preventing sleep that I stuffed myself with food, quite awful. I think I really struggle with the feeling that I was going on dates with very pretty girls as soon as I got started on this journey and that it's harder now, at least less consistently. Makes me feel like I regressed. I know it's not really the case, in the end those lays I got are still there so that's definite progress and I'm learning from all those dates but the feeling is there. I'm also filled with regrets about some of the girls, thinking too much about the recent past - not really the lays (1 of them ghosted because she isn't single, 1 of them moved to a different city far away right after we fucked and 1 of them went from liking me to severe dislike as soon as she had those sex pains that weren't my fault - although that last one is still on my mind a lot) but mostly about the virgin girls with whom I really messed up. It's a useless feeling, can only learn and meet more girls but it's def making me sad. I'll beat this sadness but it's really tough right now

Slept horribly, didn't take my photos, complete lack of energy. Real struggle, even playing tennis didn't cheer me up today. Diet was terrible, used it to feel some positive feeling but it's a terrible habit

Got an interesting date tomorrow night... maybe. Foreign student, actually insanely hot (straight up model looks on her photos) but she told me we may have to postpone if she doesn't finish her paper on time, she'll warn me early. Might help to cheer me up. Got a 2nd date with Monday's date on Friday too so seems I'm getting better at reading when things are going well or not, that's nice. Got dates for all remaining days of the week actually (although I've gotten more unlucky with flaking lately) so it could be good, or absolutely terrible. My looks have gotten worse for sure with all those poor choices. I'll just do my best

Really struggling with my morale/ sadness levels lately, willpower, discipline are fading away. I guess it's because all I've had on my mind are women and I'm still struggling with those, guess I need a better balance than this bad of an obsession. I'll be better, just gotta hold on and try to fix my issues everyday no matter how often I mess up
Trèfle said:
Really struggling with my morale/ sadness levels lately, willpower, discipline are fading away. I guess it's because all I've had on my mind are women and I'm still struggling with those, guess I need a better balance than this bad of an obsession. I'll be better, just gotta hold on and try to fix my issues everyday no matter how often I mess up

Agreed. If your happiness depends on what other people do, you'll never obtain it.
Trèfle said:
I'm getting a bit frustrated by my Tinder results. I mean, yesterday's date was great and I believe she would have followed along if I invited her (will contact her again very soon) but 2 of the last 3 dates were not only unattractive but also clearly uninterested in me. I'm pretty sure my game is becoming quite solid frankly (perhaps I'm delusional? I'm still a nice guy but I have no trouble anymore communating that I'm here to get laid) but I never felt I was going to fuck those 2 lame dates. If I can't blame my game then the culprit is easy to find : my shitty profile. In the end, I really don't get many girls who are interested in a date because while I'm doing better and better while on the dates (so I think but like I clearly am wayyyy more confident mid date than when I was starting, it's good that I'm going on all those dates) I don't actually attract the right kind of girls because my profile sucks ass, haven't worked on it enough. So many "serious relationships" girls, my game doesn't matter here it's obvious things are going nowhere from the get go

I also clearly have been looking worse lately because of those poor diet choices, gained a bit of weight back (still got solid cheekbones but it's still noticeable) so it's not helping, I think that was my downfall tonight she didn't seem attracted to me at all. Not good at all, I already start at a disavanteage with this height I can't let go like this

Asking girls to come to your place or showing you want sex is not game. There’s few people who actually have some game.

Also most chicks don’t give a flying fuck when you talk about yourself just like you don’t care all that much about them either. This chick wouldn’t have come home with you if you insisted otherwise she wouldn’t blatantly said no to a second date.

You’re not helping yourself by not taking care of your appearance. You want hot girls but don’t bother to be hot yourself, seems kinda off if you think about it
natedawg said:
Trèfle said:
Really struggling with my morale/ sadness levels lately, willpower, discipline are fading away. I guess it's because all I've had on my mind are women and I'm still struggling with those, guess I need a better balance than this bad of an obsession. I'll be better, just gotta hold on and try to fix my issues everyday no matter how often I mess up

Agreed. If your happiness depends on what other people do, you'll never obtain it.

Yeah I'm getting a real sense of that lately, depending on those women more on my self improvement to be happy but that's not the right way. Can only really rely on yourself in this world

kratjeuh said:
Trèfle said:
I'm getting a bit frustrated by my Tinder results. I mean, yesterday's date was great and I believe she would have followed along if I invited her (will contact her again very soon) but 2 of the last 3 dates were not only unattractive but also clearly uninterested in me. I'm pretty sure my game is becoming quite solid frankly (perhaps I'm delusional? I'm still a nice guy but I have no trouble anymore communating that I'm here to get laid) but I never felt I was going to fuck those 2 lame dates. If I can't blame my game then the culprit is easy to find : my shitty profile. In the end, I really don't get many girls who are interested in a date because while I'm doing better and better while on the dates (so I think but like I clearly am wayyyy more confident mid date than when I was starting, it's good that I'm going on all those dates) I don't actually attract the right kind of girls because my profile sucks ass, haven't worked on it enough. So many "serious relationships" girls, my game doesn't matter here it's obvious things are going nowhere from the get go

I also clearly have been looking worse lately because of those poor diet choices, gained a bit of weight back (still got solid cheekbones but it's still noticeable) so it's not helping, I think that was my downfall tonight she didn't seem attracted to me at all. Not good at all, I already start at a disavanteage with this height I can't let go like this

Asking girls to come to your place or showing you want sex is not game. There’s few people who actually have some game.

Also most chicks don’t give a flying fuck when you talk about yourself just like you don’t care all that much about them either. This chick wouldn’t have come home with you if you insisted otherwise she wouldn’t blatantly said no to a second date.

You’re not helping yourself by not taking care of your appearance. You want hot girls but don’t bother to be hot yourself, seems kinda off if you think about it

Still getting a sense of what game is tbh right now I'm only really trying to apply what works online and seeing the results. Seemed to work with the girls who were interested in me to begin with so I guess it didn't change much

The girl who said no and the one I didn't invite are two different women (seeing the latter one tomorrow for a 2nd date)

And ye I know had a great weight loss routine going but had pretty bad depression those last days, just gotta get back to it

Tomorrow sure was shit, turned out today's date straight up flaked, didn't bother answering my confirmation text. Annoyed me more than I'd like, barely even got out of bed, felt numb and sad

Really allowing those women related sadness get to me too much, my self improvement has been horrendous on all ends lately, even exercising doesn't lift my mood anymore. Decided to not set up more dates for now, just go on the 4 I got left this week (if all 4 bother showing up at least), try to get laid out of these and focus on myself for a few days, get back to a consistent weight loss routine without getting depressed from girls not showing up or bad dates or girls acting disgusted after sex. Tomorrow won't be so bad probably, some running upon waking up, a haircut, a 2nd date with that cool girl from Monday, some tennis afterwards
Wasn't a terrible day. 2nd date with that girl got postponed, she had something unfortunate happening. Warned me before that she's going away for more than a week from tomorrow on so we had to settle on Monday 23th for our next date. She likes me, I'm sure of it, but will that still be the case in that long of a timespan? Only one way to find out. Been unlucky with cancelations and flaking lately. Still, I've been wanting to get on less dates for a few days for my mental health so it works out. Spent 3 hours playing tennis today, plenty of calories have been burned. Ate well, slept well, wasn't feeling particularly sad, solid

I think tomorrow's afternoon date will flake but the night date is looking invested so I expect her to show up, same for Sunday's date. Play the agressive game, try my best to get laid and have fun, I'll stick to the plan. Will be the main focus of the weekend alongside my 2 remaining workouts