Trèfle's progress log - Mediocre dating streak after 11 lays

Pretty worried about tomorrow now. Was thinking things were going well with the tall girl since she was happy about a second date after the first one's foreplay but then she asked me a few minutes ago if we were going back to my place (which was pretty clear when we scheduled our next date) and then asked me what we'll do here

Seems like a really big "doubt" moment isn't it ? Feeling stressed now, I really want things to work out with this chick. I told her we can just "talk and flirt ; won't have sex if she doesn't want to in the moment", no answer yet
Hey I actually did pretty good. Lay number 7 ! Was worried when she sent that "what will we do at your place" text but saying we weren't going to have sex if she didn't want to on the moment really solved everything after all

So yeah 2nd date with the tall nurse who didn't want to remove her clothes on the first date, she came to my place today, made out immediately, foreplay was great and I had 0 issue undressing her, made love to her pretty quickly. She was REALLY tight I had trouble getting in at times because I was too large (happens often actually, wonder if that's a problem) but eventually sorted it out, had a great time for 2 hours until she had to go. Didn't make her cum but oh well she said it's a consistent issue, I'll try harder next time. Had more pillow talk than usual because I'd like to retain that girl. Talked a lot, hugged and kissed a lot, it was very fun. Beautiful girl and not very experienced, I'm only her 3rd ever. She didn't seem sure about her fantaisies but wants to try lots of things. Seemed to look forward to our next date when we said goodbye after a lot of kissing. Great night

Something about getting laid with a girl who's much taller than me feels powerful, I like that a lot

Was supposed to see a hot student tonight but she had to postpone our date AGAIN. Would be a bad sign but she apologized a lot and immediately proposed another time herself so I think she really wants that date. It's better frankly allowed me to enjoy the nurse without being in a hurry

Also Tinder's a graveyard right now I completely stopped getting matches suddenly. It's not the end of the world, I see a big breasted beauty tomorrow and the student on Thursday but I don't expect things to be better for Christmas, maybe after. Too happy tonight to worry about that

Also I decided to extend my "10 lays" deadline to January 15th, 6 months from when I joined the forums and Tinder. Seems more reasonable. Can I achieve my first ever 10 in that timeframe despite being very mediocre in every area ? I sure would be very happy to. Also diet's still on point, really getting consistent again
(meant Jan 25th for my deadline)

No answer yet from tonight's date, ghost or no ghost? We shall see. Slept so terribly I don't think I can even get a boner right now

Did a lot of thinking and I find it really weird that I was able to get laid with a girl of yesterday's caliber. I genuinely am not sure what exactly I'm doing right

I get that it doesn't matter, that the results are the most important thing, and the answer is to focus on self improvement but it still bugs me. I started thinking looks were like 95% of it but maybe I was wrong. My looks are very mediocre, I'm short, not in great shape (I got more muscles than before but also more fat), I live at my mom's place at 25, I shouldn't be getting results like this I feel like (even if 7 lays isn't much but considering my starting point it feels like a ton). Unless my competition really sucks I guess. Feels too early to develop imposter syndrome considering I'm still nowhere in life

I don't think it's pure luck solely, not that many times at least. I think my personality somehow works really well with women maybe? I'm very agressive in dates but also very well spoken and respectful, feel like I'm something unique compared to the other guys around. Even if it has downsides, my "safe" looks probably helped a little with the last few girls since they weren't very experienced. Regardless, becoming hot will do wonder for me even if it takes time, I'm sure of it

Def going to think about my 2024 plans, I really only have been focused on that 10 lays goal thus far. I don't know if I put enough work in it ? On one hand I definitely have been going on as many dates as possible, didn't let any kind of terrible things like the cringe dates or the girl who's consent changed suddenly a few days after we had sex stop me in my tracks. On the other, I plunged pretty badly into binge eating and depression as a result of being so obsessed with women for months, would be getting better results for sure if I was in better shape. What's done's done, that's the first women of my life so some tough emotions had to be expected. Made me stronger already

Financial situation is absolutely terrible, have to order free water on some dates just to save enough to properly feed myself the following week (needless to say, I don't buy anything for the girls). Still, I found a new job a few days ago so that was action ; just gotta focus on not getting fired for being too ass at it this time around. And actually saving money, moving out

Will make a big focus on adding more edge to myself for sure next year when the money situation's better. Even if the girls I sleep with are attractive, I mostly get the nice ones without that much experience (granted the first one was a married woman). I want the bad, naughty ones too. Will take a lot of work on my vibe, I get that - even in texting (I'm actually confident about my in-date skills though that's the one area where I feel like I know what I'm doing. Following pancake's date framework to a T and pretty sure I'm good at it - although in-house game still needs work). Tomorrow's uni girl seems more naughty than my usual dates so I'm intrigued
Trèfle said:
Def going to think about my 2024 plans
Trèfle said:
Financial situation is absolutely terrible, have to order free water on some dates just to save enough to properly feed myself the following week (needless to say, I don't buy anything for the girls). Still, I found a new job a few days ago so that was action ; just gotta focus on not getting fired for being too ass at it this time around. And actually saving money, moving out

I'll always advocate reaching a financial situation where you at least don't feel the scarcity, this means you can buy healthy food, a gym membership, and have money to do at least 1 fun activity a week without having to worry if your card will decline or not. Some friends of mine are in a situation where they have such limited income that they have to sacrifice freedom and cancel many events. Needless to say, it kills your social life.

I'm well aware that you don't need a single penny to get laid, but no one will deny that money helps you get laid (photoshoots, good clothes, ...) and just makes life easier in general.

Right now is a good moment to sort out your priorities. If you want to get to 10 lays, your actions should result in that. If you want to move out, it's a good idea to put some effort into your new job and do something on the side 1-3x a week. Unless you land an overpaid job where you basically can't get fired (like me), you must try to contribute to the enterprise. Even if you don't land a raise or promotion, you teach yourself discipline and new skills on the job. These can be important if you move out and potentially want to switch careers.
kratjeuh said:
Trèfle said:
Def going to think about my 2024 plans
Trèfle said:
Financial situation is absolutely terrible, have to order free water on some dates just to save enough to properly feed myself the following week (needless to say, I don't buy anything for the girls). Still, I found a new job a few days ago so that was action ; just gotta focus on not getting fired for being too ass at it this time around. And actually saving money, moving out

I'll always advocate reaching a financial situation where you at least don't feel the scarcity, this means you can buy healthy food, a gym membership, and have money to do at least 1 fun activity a week without having to worry if your card will decline or not. Some friends of mine are in a situation where they have such limited income that they have to sacrifice freedom and cancel many events. Needless to say, it kills your social life.

I'm well aware that you don't need a single penny to get laid, but no one will deny that money helps you get laid (photoshoots, good clothes, ...) and just makes life easier in general.

Right now is a good moment to sort out your priorities. If you want to get to 10 lays, your actions should result in that. If you want to move out, it's a good idea to put some effort into your new job and do something on the side 1-3x a week. Unless you land an overpaid job where you basically can't get fired (like me), you must try to contribute to the enterprise. Even if you don't land a raise or promotion, you teach yourself discipline and new skills on the job. These can be important if you move out and potentially want to switch careers.

You make some great points for sure, my money situation truly is awful right now (I keep a close eye on my budget so I always have a plan still but like I have nothing to begin with once gym, tennis club memberships, Tinder platinum and food budget are counted - I keep some spare for dates)

Thought about it but not much I can do right now since I already signed my work contract, just not starting until early Jan and getting paid until early February so January's going to be hard still (liveable still) but things will be easier afterwards. Made calculations and I'll def be able to save up enough % to move out at most in April, if not before - my life's not very expensive after all (still going to buy some boosts, will help). 2nd job's an interesting option though, working in the weekend still allows me to go on dates while saving more for clothes and even some travels, would be good to get laid in some new places sometimes

Definitely going to prioritize my sex life for a while longer once I get to that 10 lays goal - even with 7 I still have so much to learn. In the end moving out is such a priority because it fucks my retention (didn't really change anything about my lay count but definitely part of the reason I don't see those girls again). Plus I'd like to be able to fuck a girl all night which isn't an option here. But women are still the center point right now


Had a truly horrible date tonight. Not only was she 20 mins late without an apology, she immediately looked at me with disgust, didn't look at me in the eyes even once and was truly rude, even making remarks about me being too short (which I straight up replied "I slept with a 5'9 girl yesterday", she had no answer). Straight up insane too, told me she spends half her time at the psychiatric hospital and can have a panic attack at any moment. Good looking girl but everything else wasn't good, no interest on my end. I used the opportunity to practice my game (aside from the "inviting her home" part, didn't want to sleep with her) and wished her a good night. Awful time but still practice

Tomorrow's date should be more enjoyable

Ran 5km and ate 2 good meals
Remember what I wrote earlier today about me thanking my luck instead of my skills and it being a mistake? Yeah forget I wrote that, I'm easily the luckiest guy on earth, sheer luck is carrying me for sure. Not that I'm complaining. Lay number 8 !

The moment I went home after that shitty date, I got a match with a super cute 20 yo farmer girl (who's super passionnate about cow breeding, never thought I'd hear that). And then after the initial texts she went : "I don't live in your city but I'm here tonight, wanna meet right now?" so yeah I immediately invited her and rushed back to the bar I was just in

Real good vibe, adorable girl. Very smart and well read, didn't think I'd talk in depth about French history with a beautiful woman. Invited her home after a bit

And then on my bed she immediately went "we won't have sex today, also I got my period", didn't want to kiss at all. So I built comfort through conversation and escalation, licked her neck. And yeah from the very first kiss onward she never looked back

Her body... Made for love, literally. Insanely sensitive on all body part, even almost gave her an orgasm through breasts only

Ate her pussy even despite the period but no issue, enjoyable. I'll use some mouthwash when I'm home you never know

She started bleeding a ton during sex (even told me some of it wasn't from period according to her? Apologized but she said she enjoyed it a lot anyway). Even now that I just dropped her in front of her car after a lot of kissing I got blood all over my hand, naughty. Made her orgasm reaaaaaally hard with the wand after tons of sex and foreplay, that was amazing. Pillow talk was super enjoyable too. Amazing girl, I'm not sure she'll visit my city again but I hope so

Don't know what to say. I'm clearly overachieving right now, my star's just shining bright
Finally had that date with the hot student today. Kinda disappointing, she was way more of a shy girl than in texts. Or she wasn't very attracted to me, one of the two. Seemed very worried about her studies' work tight deadline for tomorrow, that's the reason she declined the invite to my place too, seemed like she just didn't have the time. Didn't get the sense she wants a 2nd date but it's still possible, worth a try. Guess I'll invite her directly to my place should we meet again (actually tried to beforehand because of her tight schedule before she had to cancel the previous date but she said she "wants to meet beforehand to make sure I'm not dangerous", reasonable). Happy with my performance anyway, I really feel full of confidence in dates even if I don't like my current looks very much. Can't not be after getting laid 2 days in a row with the prettiest girls thus far

No new dates planned thus far, still very few matches right now. Hope this changes soon, but I get that it's the season. Successful week already anyway
Played 3 hours of tennis today, diet's good, really feeling like I got things in order again to lose fat. No date today but seeing a new cute Tinder girl on Sat night ; it's cool that I'm still getting dates at this time of the year. Was thinking about barhopping a bit tonight but nah I lack too much sleep right now, a good night's better - completely broke anyway so I'm better off saving to go out on the 31th before starting the new job

Spent a lot of time today thinking about my penis. I feel like I don't get hard enough? Like, I get hard and can fuck women for a while (struggled to enter into the last few ones but I think it's just a matter of them being tight, everything's fine once I'm inside) but I want to do more, I always feel like I get half boners and it's frustrating. Figured it was because I jerked off too much for a bit but I haven't masturbated for 12 days in a row and not noticing a change so far. Maybe I sleep too little, maybe my free condoms suck, idk.

There's also the issue of girls giving me, and I know they're trying their best, awful handjobs. Doesn't feel good at all, kills my boner everytime. And I haven't been able to tell any of them yet, I always pretend to enjoy but it's just wrong. I realize now I always think only about their pleasure (and do a good job at that I feel like?) and completely neglecting mine. It genuinely turns me on to see a pretty woman having a blast with me but yeah I never guide them to give me pleasure after all

The result is that I'm yet to cum from having sex despite doing it, what, 12-13 times since July ? I wonder if that's one of the reason I struggle with retention. I almost always give them orgasms so not sure but it's kind of an issue, I really want to start coming with women I'm attracted to. I can cum easily from jerking off so this doesn't feel like a sexual issue

Just some random thoughts I had today. More communication on what I enjoy, try some new condoms, sleep more. I think the tall nurse will want another date so that'll be a good time to practice my new resolves. Or perhaps with tomorrow's date if things click who knows
Jesus Christ dude. Talk about a self fulfilling prophecy. Literally one day after... Was supposed to have my 3rd of the week somehow but... Yeah it seems I have some level of ED. Man I was so excited to write "lay number 9" I'm so sad

Was supposed to meet my date, cute 23 girl who wanted to see me in the early evening before clubbing. But because of a change of plans she was only in my city for 2 hours after all. Told her directly that it's very short for a date for me, that I want to meet properly and invite her to my place if we click but she told me she will come if things work out between us so I decided to give it a try. But soon before I realized it was really a dumb plan, that talking for 30 mins in a bar wasn't going to work out since my place is a few minutes from the train station. So I decided to invite her to my place the moment we meet (when did I get this amount of balls?)

So we met, asked her about her day and then I went immediately : "listen, considering how little time we have I'd like to invite you to go to my place with me. Up to you" but she immediately accepted, guess that was her plan too probably

So we talked a little on the way home, sat on my bed and I started my escalation. Had a tough time starting making out, she was a bit shy but I managed, progressively undressed each other, sucked her tits, ate her pussy, she gave me a good blowjob too and I put my condom on

But I just couldn't enter ! I had the same issue with the previous two girls but through perseverance I managed but it really sucks, I always have this half boner. I don't even have the experience to be sure about what happened. I feel like she was extremely tight and I was too large but idk really, there's no way all these girls are too tight for me, pretty sure my dick's the issue here

Eventually after refusing to change positions she told me "I'm not horny anymore" and started getting dressed. Asked her if she wanted to try the wand but she refused, she went really cold

Walked her to the train station and to say that was awkward would be an understatement, we really didn't talk at all for the 15 mins trip, except for her telling me that's the first time she had that issue

I feel like shit. But... I was supposed to have my 3rd lay of the week, would have got it if my dick worked correctly. Can't count it as a lay since my dick kept playing with her pussy lips but never really entered

Like, I know I should be proud - 3 lays (or 2 in a half) with 3 attractive girls in a week is exceptional considering my very low value as a guy right now (not in shape and all) but I feel like there's some issue with my sex life, between never cumming and now this. Going to book a trip to the doctor
Feeling better about last night already. Granted I ate a few square of chocolates and bananas to forget but I had much worse eating disorders even recently so it's fine, definitely still ate at a deficit. I feel so much stronger mentally already. Maybe I should count her in my lays after all, I probably briefly entered her pussy after all but nah I won't

Unless I somehow get a same day date today, guess that'll be it for this week. Pretty damn good actually. Diet's becoming very solid again, high exercises levels.

5 dates, 2 girls who had no interest in me (actually I'm not even sure about the insane chick but regardless I'm not interested myself), 2 lays and, well, a girl who wanted to fuck but I just couldn't perform. Pretty damn good I'd say, even if yesterday's date ended insanely awkward I still managed to bring a woman to my home without even a date and the foreplay was fine, maybe a little rushed because I was stressed about her train, guess that played in the problem

Also, I got another date with the tall nurse on next Thursday. Excited, I'd really like to retain that girl she's great
You are killing it recently mate, proof that even in this Christmas/New Year period where people often make excuses regarding their goal progession (myself included) that shit can get done. Keep it up
Ryval said:
You are killing it recently mate, proof that even in this Christmas/New Year period where people often make excuses regarding their goal progession (myself included) that shit can get done. Keep it up

Thanks a lot, you're doing great too from what I see in your log

Still feel like this week's success was pretty random at times but I'm sure consistency will come along with progress
Tough day but I expected it, just the yearly Xmas depression. I did a lot to fix my loneliness these last few months, met a good amount of girls, made some good friends, but family is still quite empty, it's the one day where it really stings. Less than the other years though - I stayed on diet despite the awful mood too which is a good proof things are way better. Went for a 5km run too. Jerked off twice to forget things a bit though, not great for my erection quality. Gotta make sure I don't do it again before the next date with the nurse on Thursday, I want a steel rod for her. Will feel better tomorrow for sure, good thing Xmas happens only once a year

Tinder was as dead as expected but I still got a new date today so that's cool, on Friday though. Very beautiful girl, intriguing. Found some new batteries for my scale so tomorrow morning I'll be able to know how much work I'll have to put in after all those setbacks now that things are pretty consistent again
Had a straight up instant date today. Fun chick, we mainly talked about our mutual hookups. Was confident she was coming upstairs but when I invited her after 30 mins of dating she told me she was supposed to meet her friends in town and was already late, couldn't do much. I need to remember to ask them about upcoming plans at the start of dates. Good vibe though, might see her again? Never sure about what to do on 2nd dates when they don't come to my place on the first date, but I guess I'll directly invite her upstairs should we meet again.

Still getting very few matches but at least almost all of them turn into dates right now
Yesterday's date unmatched me so looking like it won't happen after all, that very pretty girl I was supposed to see Friday preferred to reschedule to next week because of depression (sent me a huge wall of text so at least she seems invested but from what I've seen so far the dates that get pushed this much don't amount to much). Looking like a much rougher week than last week, no dates in sight. I guess there's not much people in my uni town at this time of the year, even outside the amount of pretty women has gone way down. Mood was a bit bad after I noticed she unmatched, ate a bit badly - seems I still have some mental fortitude to build. Sleeping with the nurse girl again tomorrow so at least that should be fun
Things have been a bit tough since Christmas. Haven't found a new date for days (0 matchs on a Saturday night is a pretty bad sign but I guess a lot of girls are still away right now), exercise levels are solid, inconsistent diet but the mood has been really bad, everything feels like a chore. Struggling a bit to figure out why I feel so sad sometimes but I guess it's just that being idle makes me feel that way, I need to keep busy

Things were fun with the nurse girl on Thursday. Dunno if I'll be able to retain her for long with the way I look right now but she wanted to make plans for our next date already at least

I do see a new girl at last at 6 pm today. Guess I'll go back out regardless of whether I sleep with her or not, seems like I'll have regrets if I don't try to get laid tonight considering what day it is

Regardless of how tonight goes, things have been alright this year overall for a start on the self improvement road. Obviously my appearance worsened over time with all that emotional eating which blows but going from no girls for 25 years to my 8 first lays in less than half a year does feel significant ; at least I kept going even when things were terrible (which happened a lot). Feels I've learned a lot already

Definitely going to make fat loss the number 1 priority for a bit once I get to 10 lays. I just haven't been able to put it on the same level of priority as women so far, I'm way more goal-obsessed than I thought. Besides things will get easier in so much areas once I get into a consistent enough routine to become mildly hot - getting to 20, 50 lays will be much easier for sure too. Still, 2 more lays - that's the priority right now
Eh slightly worse Eve than expected. Very unenjoyable date ; she kept telling me about how much she needs to fuck new guys all the time and yet I never felt she was interested in me. After refusing to come to my place, she asked by texts if I wanted to stay friends, pretty bad! Looks being my downfall once again, doubt there's much else to take from that. Not just the weight, badly need a haircut (will be able to afford that next week thankfully)

Mood's fine but not super interested in going back out. Could change my mind during the night but it seems a bit worthless. Everyone's in a group, it's so cold, I'm super broke, what can I even hope to accomplish here in bars that crowded. We'll see, it doesn't matter that much; I'm cool with resting and just focusing on my 2024 lays. Hope I start getting matches again soon

Happy new year
Trèfle said:
Definitely going to make fat loss the number 1 priority for a bit once I get to 10 lays. I just haven't been able to put it on the same level of priority as women so far, I'm way more goal-obsessed than I thought. Besides things will get easier in so much areas once I get into a consistent enough routine to become mildly hot - getting to 20, 50 lays will be much easier for sure too. Still, 2 more lays - that's the priority right now

The more success you have, the more dates you have, the more days you're seeing girls per week...all of these things make fitness harder. I needed to realize I can't do what I used to do to achieve the same results anymore, because things aren't the same anymore. I needed to work harder to achieve the same result.

Maintaining success is harder than achieving it.
Zug said:
The more success you have, the more dates you have, the more days you're seeing girls per week...all of these things make fitness harder. I needed to realize I can't do what I used to do to achieve the same results anymore, because things aren't the same anymore. I needed to work harder to achieve the same result.

Maintaining success is harder than achieving it.

Did I misunderstand this or something? Because, especially if we're talking fitness - it's way easier to maintain than achieve. Like I haven't been seriously in the gym for 4 years and my bodies still passable enough to get compliments etc - just diet. This is because I was in elite shape beforehand. And I know if I hit the gym/diet hard again I'd be back to close to 90% in 3 months. Muscle memory etc.

Think same applies with women too - it's way easier to find new girls when you've already got three current fwb, the non-neediness etc.
Antonio44 said:
Zug said:
The more success you have, the more dates you have, the more days you're seeing girls per week...all of these things make fitness harder. I needed to realize I can't do what I used to do to achieve the same results anymore, because things aren't the same anymore. I needed to work harder to achieve the same result.

Maintaining success is harder than achieving it.

Did I misunderstand this or something? Because, especially if we're talking fitness - it's way easier to maintain than achieve. Like I haven't been seriously in the gym for 4 years and my bodies still passable enough to get compliments etc - just diet. This is because I was in elite shape beforehand. And I know if I hit the gym/diet hard again I'd be back to close to 90% in 3 months. Muscle memory etc.

Think same applies with women too - it's way easier to find new girls when you've already got three current fwb, the non-neediness etc.

I found getting in shape pretty easy when I had zero social commitments. I could set a routine, just follow it, and it never got interrupted. No birthdays, no get togethers, no parties, no dates, no bars, no dinners, etc.