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Upstart's AA Program Log


Went on my first date in a month and a half. It went well. Nothing spectacular, but I didn't do much.
My buddy helped my figure out my outfit situation. Wore a silver chain with a black button down over a white tank top and black shorts with white Chuck Taylor shoes and black watch. It looked good to me, but more importantly I felt comfortable in it.

Met her at the Domain in Austin TX, an area I'm super familiar with and have take three dates to so far. We had some ice cream at gelato place. I told her I was nervous. She asked why, I said, I dunno, (and I really didn't!). I was VERY nervous beforehand, but on the date I was just kinda bored!

We walked around a bit and just talked about stuff and that was it. Actually, it was at this point I discovered the reason for holding hands, because she would wander a bit off track which made me tap on her shoulder to keep her by me. I just figured holding hands would be easier. She later hooked into my arm, for more comfort I guess.

At some point, I took us somewhere to sit and just be quiet. I said "sometimes, I'll just sit and meditate for a second or two."
I gave a false time constraint like I had work to do upon getting home and the date was about an hour in anyway, so it was good timing. I walked her back to her car. I hugged her AROUND THE WAIST as a previous date told me about, and we parted ways. She kept texting me afterwards. So I think she's interested in meeting again. Her birthday, then her son's birthday just four days later, is next week, so we're trying to meet up afterwards. She'll be 22.

I told her we'll do something more active next time, today was low energy.

I've texted her just now about her hobby, just to gauge interest, so I'll see if she bites. Gonna work on my motorcycle today and finish an art job for money! Then do some more swiping on the apps.

Tomorrow, I'll attempt day 26.
Upstart said:
Met her at the Domain in Austin TX

Hey there are quite a few guys in ATX area: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=1258

You have been putting in the work with the AA program. Keep going, man. DM if want to meetup for cold approaching in ATX.
Bman said:
Hey there are quite a few guys in ATX area: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=1258

You have been putting in the work with the AA program. Keep going, man. DM if want to meetup for cold approaching in ATX.

Ay bro, thanks for the heads up. I've been looking for some like minds!

Quick Update:

I've been texting the same girl for several days. She initiates usually and we both carry the convo. She actually sent me the first message on Hinge and I now see the power of a girl who likes you first. The date wasn't even that amazing, but it's an odd feeling to actually have a girl from online dating really be into me. In fact, I messaged her a day and a half later and she said "Oh. I thought you ghosted me." I explained to her that I was actually trying to avoid over texting her since most of my buddies don't get back to me for days. (Honestly though, I just didn't know how soon to text after the first date.)

The second date is basically guaranteed at this point, but I have no idea what to do. It feels like I hit a new checkpoint in the game. I beat the previous level, but have no idea what to do with my win. I'm gonna do some research on where to take her and what to do. I usually consult GLL's guides, but if y'all got any advice chime in!

The last girl who was actually interested in me was this indian girl I met at a party. I took her on a date later that week and we almost fucked. I got my fingers inside her, hands on her ass, sucked on them titties, and made out a lot, but I was kinda bored the whole time, ngl. And it felt like a lot of work! I was expecting a lot more fireworks, but she just didn't turn me on. She put in ZERO effort to dress up and didn't even put on perfume or lipstick. And she was kinda fat. This was my first EVER sexual experience a few months ago, before I moved out of my parents place. She was expecting to get dicked down, and I was expecting some effort on her part, so there was a mismatch. I actually tried to reach out recently only to find out I'd been blocked lol.

In both cases, I'm just trying to see how far I can get before I have to start over with a new girl.

In other news, my best friend hasn't talked to me in a few days. He's shut himself in his room and only talks to Twitter people now. Most of which are LGBTQetc, political, or fucked in the head.
He tried to emotionally manipulate me into helping him hang a frame when I was clearly busy with something else, and I said he was acting like a female and left.

When someone insults you for saying no, and yet they still ask for help, would you help them? The fact that he'd just came home and felt comfortable demanding my time like that shows I've been too soft on him. We're near the same age, but I've put myself through FIRE to get to where I am, while he sat on his ass and called it luck. Hell, I'm going through even more fire with these mfking drills!

YOU CAN FEEL THAT SHIT IN YOUR GUT when you've nothing wrong, but get accused out of nowhere. If you engage them on the level of their accusation, you instantly validate it. So I told him if I wanted to deal with that shit, I would've talked to my mom or my sister. Then I closed my door and went back to swiping on Tinder. :)

I told two women I know the same story one said, "he needed to hear it" and the other said "do not go back and apologize or discuss it with him, he needs to get over it and grow up!"

I concur.

But I love him like a brother, (almost more than my actual brothers) and want things to go back to how they were, but I don't mind letting him stew a bit. We're roommates anyway. So he's gonna have nut up someday soon. I'm tired of having to castrate my own language, or dance around his feelings instead of being direct.

I've been taking him out to some of the things I do, like the gym, the men's group, salsa, and jiu jitsu, just to get him out of the house. I really takes no effort just to bring him along to stuff and I want us to both be badasses. But he's just a dabbler, if I didn't invite him he wouldn't go. Since we stopped talking, he hasn't shown up to the gym, or Jiu Jitsu so yeah.

I didn't choose him to be my best friend, but I'm happy it ended up that way.
He's just going to have to lift himself up this time. That's what a MAN would do.
He'll be 26 in August making us both the same age.

Any advice is much appreciated!

Went on my first ever second date!!! Huge milestone for me, but it doesn't feel like an accomplishment I "did" per se. This girl just actually seems interested in me! I'm not putting on a persona, I'm just being myself, although a bit nervous.
There was a big feeling of, I've gotten to level two. Now what?

She was in the area so I invited her to my place. Her birthday was the day before, so while I wanted to do something special, I also didn't want to overshoot. All my back up plans were too hot outside to execute so I just invited her inside.
We played some games in my room, like this ring hook game on my wall and my Switch, before we went out to the grocery store.

Her birthday was yesterday, so it was difficult trying to come up with something to do. I asked if she liked cake at the store she said she didn't.


So that plan was off.

She said she had crabs with family the day before. Probably including the baby father. She also has a son. But I ain't sweating NOTHING. All of this is a new experience to me and my only goal is to get laid. Not to be nobody's father, boyfriend, etc. I've ingested so much red pill material, I can reasonably avoid most pitfalls from jump. Not that it will save me future mistakes, though.

My cousin said he'd get me a Virginity Rocks shirt once I got laid for the first time.
It'll all be worth it once I get my shirt.

I don't really know why she's into me. So I asked her what made her interested. I forget her answer, (but her baby daddy is also nigerian so that may be part of it.) She asked me likewise. I also told her that I'm fine with or without her, because my source of happiness is myself!

From there, she'd keep asking me questions to try and gauge my interest level. She said she prefers it when guys like the girl more than the girl likes them. I told her most guys have armor around their hearts for that reason. BULLSHIT ANSWER.

The REAL reason is something I picked up from Patrice O'Neal (RIP Master!). It's better the girl is just a liiiittle insecure about her position in your life. When the man loves the woman more, he loses control over himself and the relationship.

Basically, anytime she asked a question, my reflex was to tell the direct truth (that I'm a fledgling PEEIMP and IDGAF), so I had to maneuver around it with a TRUE, but basically BS answer. Same as what my female higher-ups would do at work. I'd ask them a clear question and they'd confidently give me a long, rehearsed answer that solved NOTHING. Mfkers.

We ended up on my futon in couch mode watching some movie called One Week. It was odd, but funny.
I didn't know how far to go in terms of escalation. I said, "I feel much more comfortable after I kiss a girl", and she said, "you want a kiss?" So I grabbed her chin and went for it. She kisses rapidly, like over and over. And then we stop, talk and watch the movie some more.

She goes to get lip gloss from her car, we pass by my friend in the kitchen. She says hi, I tell her he's my roommate and best friend. And I think I notice his expression soften. (But also, suck on this NIGGA. I get bitches!) I say that because he never fails to mention how I don't get hoes.

Anyways, she puts on the lip gloss and we head back to my room and talk and watch a little more and then start making out again. I notice how stupid this angle looks because my eyes are open while we kiss, but I notice that when I close my eyes, I can focus better on what our mouths are doing. She starts putting in tongue and I hold her a little closer.

I told her, "we don't have to go that deep today". She says, "deep?" I say, "balls deep," jokingly.
She says she only does that in relationships. I'm like, "cool".

But truthfully, I just want my SHIRT!

The magic of it all actually came when she told me -in passing- about this app called "Workwhile". An app which gives you temp work on a schedule you pick. No commitment to a company. Get paid daily.


I've been looking for something exactly like that. In fact, I already had a job as a colorist on an upcoming comic, but I literally could not sit there and do it AT ALL. So I canceled on them. Would've paid my rent and everything. But, Fuck That™.

I've already started the job as of this writing. And this girl is texting me near constantly!

It's really making it difficult to hit up other girls! And I know I need to. Cannot put all my eggs in her basket. But I also don't want to be a dick.

That being said, we have a date at Cidercade, next week. I'd been wanting to try it out so, I'm bringing her along. Hopefully I can get her back to my place to mess around from there.

Wish me luck fellas!

Day 26. SOOO DUMMBB. I'll have to go back on another day, goddamnit! Just spent the whole day asking for the time. Didn't even get ONE rep in. :?

Things are going well in other areas, but the AA Program has fallen by the wayside in response.

Me and my buddy made up. The whole day prior he tried to warm me up with jokes and shit to try and glide past the issue and go back to being friends. I wanted to do that originally, but I couldn't. I had to address it and I basically force out all my thoughts in a matter of hours until, surprisingly, (without prompt) he genuinely apologized for the way he acted. And I looked him in the eye and apologized for calling him a female. He wept at that. I hugged him and kept myself together. We discussed some more until everything was out in the open. And THEN things went back to normal.

BEING 100% HONEST, I hate dealing with this. I don't want to have to tend to another nigga's emotions all the fucking time. A NIGGA. He NEEDS attention like a female and it doesn't matter whether it's positive or negative. He'll take it how he can get it. Usually he'll push a positive interaction until it becomes negative, because, I believe that's where he's most comfortable. It's annoying as hell, and I feel like it's making me more of a pushover just by association with all that feminine energy. And he's not even gay! I feel like I need every ounce of masculine energy if I'm going to finally start dealing with a girl for the first time.

THAT BEING SAID. I wouldn't trade him for the fucking world. You only get one deep best friend in life.

This girl I went out with twice keeps texting me! I know she wants to sleep with me as soon as she can, but she's just gotten sick with covid after her kid's birthday party, so that's on hold for the next week or two. :cry:
Whether she's telling the truth or not, doesn't really matter to me. I don't think I'll truly care until we've slept together. These are my honest feelings.

I feel like having sex for the first time will give me a great confidence boost to continue in the drills. On top of that, the girls are finally migrating back to my area for school time. So there'll be WAAAY more girls to talk to.

Finally got my motorcycle in the shop, so that's being worked on!

I'm getting more and more comfortable with the journey of the game because I know for sure now, that all my dreams will come true. All of my dreams so far HAVE come true, just not in the way I planned or wanted it to happen. They've occurred more in the chaotic order that God plans things, I'm just along for the ride.

I know that if I hold my dream in my spirit/heart/mind's eye, I just have to keep walking towards it in reality, and defeat my own mental demons and fears in order to reach them. Even if my dreams don't turn up how I want, it ends up being the best situation for me to learn from.

I finally have a solid account on all of the dating apps I'm using and a decent texting strategy, so, I've been on a rampage. Everyday at work and at home, I swipe my limit on the apps, text the few results I got . Get ghosted. Repeat.

Online dating SUCKS.

...for now.

I'm currently on:

Plenty of Fish/POF
even UPWARD (christian dating app)

I get the most results from Hinge and Facebook dating so far. What I have with this current girl continues to feel like a freak accident. She even texted me, "Good morning handsome." today! I have never seen a text like that directed towards ME.
My emotions continue to remain neutral towards her. All of this is a new experience for me and I'd like to see how far it can go.
Quick update: Haven't disappeared y'all! Just doing a big write-up on a great event which happened recently. You can probably guess what that is. 8-) I'm nearly done with the post. Just one more night to polish it!
Quick update: So much life stuff is happening so fast, I barely have time to write it all down goddammit!. I've asked out girl from my work and we've been on two dates. She has real daddy issues and wants to go horseback riding next time on her dime! I'm nervous because red flags abound, but I don't really have great options just yet. I've been texting another woman from the facebook dating app, and all the cute girlies have migrated back to San Marcos for school. I'll be taking my first motorcycle lesson on Friday!

Date: August 19, 2022

After 26 long years, I've finally gotten laid. That was my whole goal in starting this thread and focusing purely on this for the last 3+ months. It's been a busy few days so I haven't posted in a bit, but GODDAMMIT I'm happy. I feel like I can do anything now. Anything I set my mind to!
Instead of feeling like the end of a long road, feel like I've only hit the first checkpoint in a much MUCH longer game, lol!

TL;DR We had sex. Third date, third base.

This might be a long post so strap in!

Okay, so I met this girl on Hinge. She messaged me first, which was a good sign. The leader of the men's group told me it's best to text back ASAP to keep interest high, so I followed his advice and set up a date. We had two dates, one in the Domain ATX, and another at my place making out on my bed.

For our third date we planned to go to Cidercade in ATX, but she'd gotten sick from her son's b-day party that Monday. So I thought the date was postponed.


The whole day of the date (Thursday) she didn't message me and I didn't message her because I didn't want to seem needy. I also assumed she was just recovering from being sick. So the following morning I sent a joke message praying she was still alive. She sent back a message saying I STOOD HER UP for our date. I was at work, so I called her during breaktime to straighten things out. I said "Sorry" (ONCE) and explained my situation. She told me I was a savage for not texting or calling back a lot, and I told the girls, I've dealt with made me that way. (Half true!)

So we set up another date for Friday, but she told me she was in my town today! I said bet and told her to come thru once I got back from work. I rushed back home, took a shower, tossed my dirty clothes in the laundry, removed all used dishes, shaved my face, and vacuumed my fucking room, and sprayed cologne all before she came over. I quickly thought of something we could do together once she came over, so I wouldn't be fumbling, and I suggested I cook something, a quick dish I learned from my father: Nigerian Jollof Rice! So we drove in her car to H-E-B for ingredients and came back and I got to cooking.

There were a few things she said which I immediately put off as SIMP deflections

  • She said, "This better taste good. You have to impress me." (in a teasing manner)
    I laughed and said "Pft, no I don't!" She said, "What? You don't have to impress me?" And I said, "Yeah, you're just going to eat my food and enjoy it, and that'll be that!"

    Later on she mentioned having to move in to a new place soon and needing help. I said, that's cool and told her that I consider moving "family privileges". You don't get that yet. And she said. I'm not family? and I said something about my uncle getting my help.

    She mentioned that she wanted to get a bigger booty and hopefully Nigerian food would do it. I grabbed her ass and squeezed, telling her it's only a matter of time. I had never grabbed a girl's ass casually like that!

    Finally, she said she wanted to get her nails done, and jokingly asked me if she could get $45 to do so. I said, "Hell nah. The fuck I Iook like?! And jokingly slapped her hand out the way.

I've internalized so much red pill stuff, I answered most of those questions unconsciously. Though I'm still kinda awkward about it. So all those tests were passed. And we went to my bedroom to wait for the food to cook. We watched half the first episode of that trash show Euphoria before eating. We ate my rice and drank a bit of vodka/tea. Then went back to my room and she wanted to give me a massage i'd been asking for since after our last date.

I gave her the lotion and she got to work. It was nice and she also combed my hair, lol. After that we started making out and getting BIZZAY.

From this point on, I let instinct take over, just as I had done in my first sexual encounter over two months ago, but this time, I learned from everything previous, and took things slow. I had lube and condoms on deck. Set the lighting well, and had a movie playing in the background (her request).

She was smelling my neck and really enjoying my Gentle Elsatys Cologne. I promised myself to use this one in case of emergency. This was one of those times. She said it smelled fresh and not overbearing. I remember when I first smelled it I knew it smelled like SEX and should only be used during special occasions, lol. The lady at the store said it was like Sauvage, but cheaper.

I say funny things while we make out. Make sure she's comfortable and relaxed. We made out for a long time, before my instinct told me to remove her shirt. Then her pants. Then she said, "No" to the pants, so I went back to kissing her. Eventually I told her to take her bra off. I started grabbing titties and kissing her neck. I'd been grabbing her ass very hard through her pants while we made out.

I tried again for the pants. This time she let me take them off. She had a pink thong underneath. After a bit more kissing, she said "do what you want" and I thought...

WTF do I want to do?! I've never made it this far!!!

So I just went back to sucking titty and touching her pussy through her thong. Then I removed the thong and slid it down. She had a nice patch down there. I told her I appreciated that, and she laughed. I started to slide my fingers down into her pussy and she directed me, saying, "lower, lower", until I got my fingers inside. One digit, then two, like i'd seen in porno!

And I just started going in and out as her breathing became more rapid. I had no idea what I was doing! Absolutely none whatsoever.

But after a little of that, I put on my condom and she opened it and put it on me. I slid my penis inside...and...


So I just started going in and out cuz I assumed that's what you're supposed to do in this type of situation. But I found that my dick wasn't hard once inside. So I took it it out to reconfigure and get it working again. But it didn't work. Then I told her to wear my shirt and put her ass up and wiggle back and forth to make me hard again. It worked and I went in doggy style. I was surprised how compliant she was! I grinded her lips a little before putting on another condom for another stab at it. I tried again, but that's all I was doing mindlessly stabbing her while slapping her ass cheeks. I enjoyed the slapping. I asked her how it felt. She said a bit like a spanking. But my guy went flabby again, so I pulled out and jerked it trying to get it hard again. Mind you, I wasn't freaking out. I was more perplexed at the situation but joking along the way.

I DID NOT ADMIT IT WAS MY FIRST TIME. And I don't think I will.

She tried jerking it too, but her grip wasn't strong enough. But when I did it went back up. She said it was tremendous while big. 8-)
But then it floppy again. FUCK.
I started slapping her leg with it cuz it was effectively dead! Then I said okay, 5 more mins, then I'm calling it. We made out for a little longer I turned on the lights with Alexa, she put on her pants. She wanted some tea for her throat, so I let her stay in my room while I made tea as my roommates were talking about stuff in the living room.

We watched half of Soul Plane, then went to bed.
Very good movie, actually.

She took off her pants and I got a hand full of ass cheek as we slept/cuddled, I did not want to lose the memory of this, though we'll be meeting in a couple days for round 2.

I could barely sleep that night. My chest full of pride and my head was swirling with thoughts of who to tell first!
It wasn't cinematic. It wasn't mindblowing. I just made it happen with persistent effort.

She said aww you can't sleep? Why?
I said, nothing, no reason. Smiling the whole time.
"Also, if you pee on my bed I'll never forgive you." :evil:

In the morning, she asked me are you still on Hinge? I told her a line straight from Patrice O'neal: "Keep your head in the matrix. Don't worry about it."

"That doesn't answer my question."

I maintained.

Even after that, before she drove away, we kissed and she said. "Bye, sexy."
I've literally never heard anyone describe me as such, but she'd never know it!

We went kayaking later that day and had some daiquiris. First time for all three, actually!

I'm currently rereading the 16 commandments of poon and also learning all I can about sex and massage before Thursday. it's like cramming for a test!

Which brings me to the main point. My first time having sex will not be my last. I've hit the checkpoint, but that has only opened the door to learning more and more about sex and relationships and how to do them well.

She really wants to define the relationship and keep me. But I'm absolutely keeping my options open, as I don't know much about what women plan behind the scenes, and I can't put all my eggs in her basket. Even though I think she likes me a lot.

I've also learned that it's not my muscles, my money, my game (or lack thereof) or my clothes that attract her. It's that I'm a Man. One who's overcome fear and risked death to reach this point. I now realize all that I was chasing before was a surface level cover up.

Her baby daddy (and alpha imprint) is also Nigerian like me, and older (33) and fresh off the boat and "cheated" on her and already had a kid overseas. So this is why I can't take her so seriously! :?
If she wants to use me as boyfriend material for the time-being, fine. I'll get as much sex and experience points from her as I can.

I'll treat her well, but always remember to put my own happiness first, and not let her sweet words get to my head. Her good morning and good night texts could easily swell my ego into thinking she really likes me.

I haven't been on the AA program for a week or so. Work is a drain, but its only a two-week stint which ends in a week. Then I'll use my free time to hit it hard again. I need to finish and get to the point where I can openly approach girls, especially now that they're all back in school! Finally getting laid has shown me anything is possible and I can definitely get this program done!

My "Virginity Rocks" shirt just came in! I'm gonna surprise my cousin by wearing it next time.

Since my first time, we've had sex again. And this time, I'm telling you, it's as if a virgin wrote a self-insert story about being and absolute stud in bed. I swear to God it felt like a dream.

I won't describe every sexual encounter I have, but I'll describe this one since it might be my last for a while (more on that later).

I'll skip the nitty gritty and just get to the fun part. We went to Laguna Gloria and walked around the park, then went to get some groceries for her to cook chicken and rice, then daiquiris, then back to her place. After we finished eating and watching Soul Plane, we went back to her room for that massage I promised her. She already had the baby oil on deck!

Mind you, the past few days since our previous meet, I'd been studying everything I could on how to fuck better and by the time of the date I knew I was more confident about it, but I was still nervous about how my dick would perform.

I started slow on the massage going anywhere she liked. Unhooked her bra and panties and started to grind my dick (underwear on) into her ass, as I whispered to her. Once she was sufficiently relaxed from the massage, I told her to turn around so I could get her front side. Thats when I took off my underwear and we started making out. She was self conscious about her breath from dinner and she wanted gum. I said "take mine" and she slid my gum into her mouth. She giggled.

She jiggled her tits in my face and I sucked on them and licked her belly button. She said it really tickled.

Then I started to finger her using the "come hither" technique I learned from a Stirling Cooper vid on youtube. She was already gasping. I tried playing with her clit too, but I couldn't find that thing. So once she was wet enough, I put on the condom and got to digging. I learned that I had to roll and pop my hips I as I go in and out while keeping her still. I was making sure to hit her G spot as I went in and out slow and powerfully, while whispering to her.

She looked like she was in pain and was about to cry even. This puzzled me. But I kept going until she pushed me off.

Shmop! I slipped out.

I said "Wassup?" She said "Nothing".
I checked downstairs. I said "Doesn't look like nothing. You made a mess."
"You made me make that mess."

Dayum. The Youtube vids were right.

Two plus minutes of stroking the right way and she had already cum. But she was ready for more. And I hadn't nutted yet, so I was too.

Doggy style, then cowgirl, then a break for making out and small talk. I was still hard.

She said she would do reverse cowgirl, but her legs had turned to jelly since I had hit her cervix. I didn't even know what that was till a friend told me. I asked if she was joking, but she said she wasn't. Most likely because I'm much taller than her and she's kinda petite.

We both noticed I still had not come, and she asked what she needed to do. So I suggested in low tone, "why don't you get your mouth on it then, see what happens."

She pulled me in close to make out for a little while until she was ready, then she asked me to lay on my back. I slipped off the condom and she got to work. Lick and sucking like a washing machine, lol!

She said, if I'm ready to BUSS just do it on her stomach. I said, "Bet".
She went for a few minutes until I told her to stop. It wasn't very effective AT ALL.
I mean I've seen some vids that say don't bust to destroy her ego or whatever the fuck, but I wasn't doing this out of spite! I was really trying. I hadn't taken viagra or anything. I thought the daiquiri would be enough to slow me down.
I told her not to worry about it, though. That I'd train my dick to handle jerking off for 2 hours at a time.

Which I have.
I take my time with that shit, sue me!
At 1 nut per 2-3 days I make that shit count.

After that, we just cuddled and talked about nothing. Which I felt was the best part. Even though my meat rocket was still ready for action and she could feel it pulsing on her leg as she lay on top of me. We could have gone to sleep right then, but eventually we got dressed a little and went under the sheets. She couldn't let go of me. I felt like a champion and kept her ass cheek firmly in my hand for most of the night.

In the morning, she packed me some lunch and I went off to work.
Good times.

Fast forward to now.
Our third sexual outing/date is tomorrow, but she might want to break the relationship off. I don't, if I can help it.
But basically, she said I'm her boo now, and asked is that cool with you?
I had no choice, but the be honest. My buddy said, "just say you'll tell her later in person!"

As if girls can't smell the BS a mile away.

Sighing deeply, I said so many words I told her that I'm a Free man, and to be claimed by anything is against my nature. Ultimately, I cannot put her before God, who was there before her and will be after her. I didn't want to get metaphysical on her ass, but she forced me!

I still have her car key from the last time we met, so she's coming over to get it tomorrow. She never said she WASN'T interested anymore, so the door may still be open, but it's shutting fast. She said, "I thought you wanted a relationship, help me understand you Ken." I said "that would be like trying to understand the ocean or the wind. You either enjoy it or you don't." Her last text before bed: "Wow".

I don't know what that means nor does it matter to me. As David X says: Who cares what she thinks? and You are the most important person in the relationship.

Does this feel good? No!
Do I have back up options? Been working on that since we got together.
Did I compromise my manhood out of fear of losing her? Fuck no.

I've already asked out a girl from my job and we've gone out twice. She's got major daddy issues and smokes and drinks a lot. Might be a bit of flake too, but she's all I got at the moment + some online options.

Back to the AA grind.

This is the ignition point.
I now have two fuckbuddies in line. One is a 22y/o single mom who keeps questioning our relationship, yet won't leave out of sheer curiosity. My nonchalant attitude seems to keep her fascinated. The other is a thicc ass freak in bed 21 y/o hood chick who's totally cool with me seeing someone else, and most importantly, cool with my lack of experience.

Sex with her was crazy. She's definitely the more experienced of the two, so when I had problems getting it up, she said it was totally fine and that she had experienced that a lot before. She was totally fine with me watching some porn to start my engine so to speak, and once it got going, it KEPT going. We were doing shit for hours! We drank a little, and she was even more horny than before. We started at like at round 9:30-10:00 then kept going until 3:30am. BRUH.

She said she was trying to turn me out and try to see the real me, but I was like, "NOT TODAY, SATAN." I literally called her a demon. She said she was an angel, lol.

The weirdest part about all of this, is that it doesn't feel that special to me. It feels like I've had this coming for a LONG time. Like I've really earned this. And I have, but sex feels more like exercise, so far. I have released yet during it yet, so that may be why.

I just read an article on GLL which describes this as only the BEGINNING of a golden Era: https://www.goodlookingloser.com/entry/get-laid/the-golden-era-of-peace-indifference-and-pussy-when-picking-up-women-actually-becomes-fun

Chris says it starts with either a really hot girlfriend or two hot fuckbuddies you can regularly hit up for sex. So that means DEMON TIME. I'm going to keep hitting up girls online, while trying to get this AA program finished, and try to get at girls in person as well.
This is NOT the time to rest on my laurels and allow this confidence boost to slip away after all the work I put into it!

Finally passed this drill!
(Day 26 Who's your daddy and what does he do?)

The video basically covers the whole drill. Talking to younger women, some awkward responses, some dead fathers (whoops!).

But I'd like to discuss something else down here.
I've basically discovered the secret to getting rich, or at least making great money doing my art. I just follow the same process as I did to get laid:

Just do the right tasks and DO NOT STOP until you achieve the desired results.

This is what I felt when I lost my virginity and felt like I could do anything. All I did was follow the instructions laid out on GLL and KYIL and this is where it got me. I'm also applying this to weight loss and I've already lost 11lbs since I started. I'm aiming for a six pack by December.

So doing this in dating and weight loss must naturally extend to making money, right?
The only caveat is that it will require 90% of my focus and right now all of that is dedicated to having a great sex life and more for the next 2 plus years.

I've already developed my artistic ability for 15+ years, so I can take time off to develop in other areas, before putting my full time into developing my art business. I no longer feel that I CAN'T do it, or am AFRAID to do it, I just don't WANT to right now, because I'm going after hot chicks at the moment. In the meantime, I'll just make money anyway I need to. Preferably fun, adventurous ways which require my body to move a lot.

I've also got my motorcycle working today. Super excited to ride some more. And eventually get girls on my ride! Gonna practice some more gear shifting and breaking today.
Quick Update:
BRUH. I just realized I could take a sick photo of me on my motorcycle and even change my profile to reflect that I have a one. It literally just hit me.

My date (the single mother I slept with) flaked today and rescheduled for tomorrow. Legal troubles. And she's on her period. DAMN. Imma still try to hit, tho. 8-)

We have odd convos. She accuses me of not caring about her and stuff. She definitely likes me more than I like her at the moment. She's very amenable to change. I've told her straight up that I hope she finds a better guy to get on with. Preferably a simp who will look after her and her kid. She said she hoped that was me, and I said NOPE.
I hit up the other girl for a booty call, but her family was a home and the logistics were off, so we'll just meet up Sunday like we planned.

And after a few hundred more swipes I'm now texting a new latina chick on Hinge. Hopefully I can get her number and get her out on a date next week. (I feel so dickish saying this, but) I'd like to have a girl in my rotation for tues-wed in my week. Single mother is currently for thurs-friday and thicc chicc is from sun-monday. I'm starting to relax into the fact that I have some options and that makes me a bit more loose on the apps, but approaching girls in the AA program is still difficult at times. It's almost like self-hazing, lol. But I have seen what complete social freedom to talk to girls looks like and I WILL NOT STOP until I reach that. Anything that someone else has done is well within my reach! And there are just WAY too many hot college girls in my town to quit now!

I'm currently divided on whether to putting time back into making my comics, or to put even more effort into my dating life. Working a job sucks when I have to do it and making comics takes a LONG time of steady work to even see money from, much less riches. I'd really like a high-paying flexible job(s) that I'd actually like going to in the meantime. For now, I'd like to keep pushing things in the love department while taking small steady steps forward in my art. That time would otherwise go to videogames and such. I'd really like to show the world the depths of my artistic vision one day, but I haven't yet explored the depths of life to an extent that I'm satisfied with.

But I'm about to!
Quick Update: These days I'm running into the red financially. I don't know what I'll do next for money, but there are so many open options, I'm not worried. I'd like to draw my comics for a decent wage one day, but that will take time, so it's baby steps for now.

Between money and girls, I don't know if sex is all I made it out to be. Go in, out, in out. Get tired. Done. Talk about nothing for a while. Maybe I haven't experienced the deep pleasure I'm looking for, or haven't found a compatible girlfriend, but tagging a whole bunch of chicks means less to me than having the ABILITY to tag a whole bunch of chicks, or the ones I'd want at least. I'd like to keep going until I find a cute girl I'm compatible with.

Do I still want to dedicate 2+ years to getting good at this? YES. I can't stop until I see just how much I'm capable of in this area of life. Find out what girls are really like. Find out what I'm made of. I haven't explored deep enough yet!

In other news, I've got my motorcycle working (again) and I got some decent profile photos for tinder on it (thanks to my buddy). I'll post those soon.

I know I want to get great with women, but I also want to make money with my art and not beholden to job slavery. (though getting lots of pussy would make that much more bearable.)
High paying part-time job comes to mind...hmmm.

Drawing will definitely have to be on the back-burner, as I master my motorcycle skills, find a way stable/flexible way to make money, lose weight, and get really good at talking to women. I know there's so much deeper to go. Being able to holla at any girl I see would definitely make life more interesting.

I may have complicated a simple matter, though. My mind is wavering because I'm trying to prioritize other matters. If beating AA is my #1 Priority all the rest can wait. Everything in my life will organize itself around this goal. Simple as that.

Beat AA and gain massive social freedom and confidence. Something I've never consciously had in my adulthood.

I'm 26, live in a DOPE, low-rent spot with my best friend, in a college town crawling with thousands of cuties, ride a motorcycle, lost my virginity, and currently juggle two women ALL within a span of 4 months since moving out of my parents place.

And this is only the beginning.

I'm going to reread my first couple posts again!

Had a date with the single mother. The date went well. The sex was great. The following day was not.
She kept poking her nose in my phone looking for evidence that I was seeing other girls until she found a message from some Hinge girl. I took my phone back and told her to "stop being nosy, you're only gonna give yourself headaches."

In fact, the previous night, she asked so many questions before we went to sleep. She asked me how seeing other girls didn't count as cheating. I said, "Because one day I'll introduce y'all to each other!"

She said "whatever" then untangled herself from me and turn away. That's when I heard the start of her sobbing.
I put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. And breathed deeply into her back. I kept my eyes closed and did not say a SINGLE word.
Next thing she did was turn around, touch my lip then laugh saying she was just KIDDING and not really crying. To which I said "then go to sleep!"

For a while now, she'd been saying she wanted me for the whole weekend, but I could only stay Thursday/Friday at the most. But she couldn't be chill long enough for even that! She tried to start an argument. I tried calmly explaining my points, but she just cut me off to explain her own. Finally annoyed by her behavior, I said: "I'm only going to ask one more question: Do you want to be right, or do want to have a good time with me? And it better be the right answer, or I'm leaving."

*Continues to spill bullshit.*
So I promptly packed up my stuff. She asked me very civilly before I left: "Did you get everything?
I said, "Yeah, I think so."

I wanted to say: "This is how you drive good men away." But I left without another word.

COMMANDMENT #16 of the "16 Commandments of Poon"
XVI. Never be afraid to lose her

You must not fear. Fear is the love-killer. Fear is the ego-triumph that brings abject loneliness. You will face your fear. You will permit it to pass over and through you. And when your ego-fear is gone you will turn and face your lover, and only your heart will remain. You will walk away from her when she has violated your integrity, and you will let her walk when her heart is closed to you. She who can destroy you, controls you. Don’t give her that power over yourself. Love yourself before you love her.

Her next text better be an apology and she better be ready to suck a whoooole lotta dick (even though she's not that good at it) (S/O to Alpha Male Strategies on Youtube).

I'm going to try to make a nuanced point here about arguing with women here: Don't bother.
Even I only tried to lightly explain things before giving up entirely. At best, I just try to redirect their attention to something more emotionally stimulating to take the heat off the subject.

It would be best to find a woman who's unconscious/reflexive actions, words, and thoughts are pleasing to you the majority of the time. And if she is not willing to learn to be more cooperative, then just have your fun until she blows the situation.

A woman is not going to understand or empathize with you at all whatsoever. And they CANNOT. I repeat: They CANNOT empathize with your life situation as a man, no matter how much she pretends to. Arguing, explaining, or guilting her won't work. I can only assume for now, that raw reflexive masculinity works best, meaning it's probably better just to "command" her or fully insist on your preferences. That or have a woman who will cooperate with your commands, requests, and training. (Like a dog.
Yes, a DOG.)

Humans have awesome, loving relationships with their dogs, even though they can't understand what you go through as a HUMAN being: going to work, paying rent, dating, controlling one's urges, etc. Just let them run around, be happy, and take care of them. As long as they do what you tell them to (use bathroom outside, eat from the bowl, and don't drag ass on the carpet) you both will have many years of happiness ahead.

Since a girl can't understand what you go through as a MAN: working for everything you get, women's constant rejection, societal expectations to uphold it on your shoulders, having to fight and/or die to protect women & children from dangerous men or environmental threats, etc., having a good relationship with her ultimately boils down to: is her demeanor pleasing to you (femininity) and is she willing to learn to be more compatible with you (submissiveness).
YOU are the primary at all times.

Ultimately, you get a reflection of what you are. I'm not very dominant right now because these are the first girls I've been with sexually, and I don't know yet what I require of the women in my life. I just wanted sex and didn't think about afterwards, HAHA! For now, I only allow their sweetness in my presence and warn them about my low tolerance for rudeness. I just work it into our conversations. If they become unsavory to me, I leave. Very simple. Should I want to have one as my girlfriend, her general demeanor and attractiveness, must already be pleasing to me on some level, to where I don't have "train" her much. Though she'd be open to learning more of course.


I took the other girl out on Sunday, we had a nice picnic at golden hour. Kissed a little and had a decent time. She prompted me for sex. I said, "Not today, I'm gonna ride my motorcycle later." I actually went on the date not intending to have sex that night.
She wasn't that into it last time, likely because I just took her to Target (I had to get something for my house) and then straight back to my place. Which I could sense made her feel used. After we fucked, she said, "I didn't think we were going straight back to your place... I thought we were just going to hang out and do some other things first". Then she started talking about semi-hard deeick, which annoyed me. I can tell she'll keep on that subject to see if she can get a rise out of me, but I've already figured out a solution to this little ED problem which I'll share after the next time we fuck.

I do wonder what kind of effect this will have on her mind, this date with no sex. She wouldn't let go of me when I tried to leave, and insisted that she was my favorite girl, (since I told her about the single mother). I told her she was 5th and she pushed me away in mock disbelief. I told her she was behind God, my family, my best friend and my motorcycle. We hugged and kissed some more before she left.

Before the date I noticed her neighbor was staring at me as she moved in next door....
Too risky, I believe. :?

AA Program. I'm going to finish before the end of the year. I need to reprioritize it because:
1. My options online are TRASH. And even the trash believe it's better than me.
2. There are so many approach options walking around, it would be a disservice to me and them to not finish the program.

I've slowed down because I'm actually dating and having sex for the first time in my life so I'm just enjoying that for now.
I've had to find work to pay for my living situation.
But the main reason is because the finish line seems so far away and I'm tired of embarrassing myself. I've been hesitating to go back to feeling that high anxiety feeling just before some weird approach which doesn't get me a girl anyway. Like, why do that when I have girls who already accept me (to some extent) anyway? I feel like going straight to regular approaches, but if I don't yet have the mental fortitude for this how would I have the fortitude for that?

Having been laid has taken such a mental load off my chest that I no longer have to focus on that as my primary goal, and now just focus on beating AA. I don't feel like as much of a loser doing some of the sillier drills now, that's for sure. Sex ain't all that great to me anyway, but maybe sex with a girl I actually like would be much better...?

For now, I've restricted beating off to once a week.

Financially, I have a way to pay rent for this month, so I'm not pressed.
My motorcycle is working great, I've got insurance and registration and I ride everyday!

Last edited:

I finished the Day 27 drill today! This vid covers a couple days prior. I just did the last two reps today.
I feel like this one was my weakest so far. I asked mostly older ladies or fat chicks, basically harmless women.
I have an irrational fear of tapping a hotter girl on the shoulder and getting chewed out for touching her without permission and feeling bad the rest of the day. The same fear I have with Drill 21 squeezing girls' arms in a club at night.
When I actually got to flexing my muscles for drill 27, I did it very subtly, without really drawing attention to myself. I felt like it would be showing off.

A part of myself still wants to HIDE.
Hide his physique, his desires, his true thoughts, his self. No amount of money or muscles is worth not being who I am deep down. If I could be my true self without worry or care, I would take that over a JILLION DOLLARS.

Moving on.

I tackled this challenge piece by piece. I was inspired by a fellow driller in our AA Group chat. (s/o to BDG-95!)
I really took an all-or-nothing approach to drills at first. I recall reading or hearing Chris somewhere mention that these drills are meant to be done all in the same day/night. I can't say how many perfect drill days I skipped because I felt like I couldn't fit all reps in one afternoon. Some have been so hard I just walk around for 30-50 minutes just doing time-drills or warming up.
If I didn't feel like I could do em all, I'd just go home with nothing. So I'm glad I can at least make some progress each day.

Could I start approaching girls regularly today? Not really, but it's possible. The fact is I've put like a mental condition on my mind saying that I'm not allowed to approach regularly until I finish all drills. So until that condition is met, I must continue like this. But I did check ahead to week 5, this is gonna be interesting....

My second fuckbuddy is still on board! I reached out earlier to see if that plate was still teetering, and now it seems like a gentle wobble as she's responsive to my sexual texts so we'll see wassup this Sunday.

I think I'm gonna go nofap (not Semen Retention) to finish out these drills or at least until I get more hoes. After losing the single mother and possible the thicc chicc, I thought it would be back to handy land, but while talking to my cousin, I realized exactly how sexual transmutation works, so I'm going to use that moving forward.

I'll explain briefly.

I subconsciously understood this while having sex for the first time, and when asking out the second girl a couple days later.
My sexual impulse naturally guided my next actions. When to kiss when to take off pants, when to change positions. All naturally.

I saw this girl's ass at work and thought it might look nice in my bed. I asked her out that day and had her in my bed within 3 dates.
I'm new at this, but my sexual impulse pushed me forward. All I had to do was overcome fear which is the only natural impediment.
Storing and saving up this impulse via nofap/semen retention forces me to redirect this impulse away from porn and towards my goals. It's like a nitro boost on a car. Every time I release, I use up the entire boost to feel pleasure in the moment. And what do I gain from this pleasurable experience? Some dirty tissues and sapped energy.

But what if I were to redirect this energy from pornographic images (which give nothing in return) towards my goals, i.e. finishing this program, going out to bars alone, getting hot girls from cold approach, making my pad a dope spot, etc.

Which reminds me, I finally figured out how I'm going to conquer this area I'm living in. I'll detail it in the next post, but since coming to San Marcos I've always known that I wanted to "eat" this town. Embrace everything it had to give, get in anywhere I wanted to for free, become the man, have girls gravitate towards me and my friends, make my life a living anime (complete with harem, of course), become myself and never fear for talking to women ever again.
And now I've figured out how. It's only a matter of time...

On that note, my finances are still circling the drain and I don't feel the urge to get a job anytime soon. Rent is due next month and for some reason my body won't move to get a damn job. The way I see the world is much different from how most people see it. I think outside the matrix if that makes sense. So If I don't feel like working I just won't work until I do work. If I were to reach out to a job out of fear, in need of a life raft, that would be pathetic mistrust in the intelligence of the universe which is greater than my small mind could even dream. So for now I remain still until it is time to work again.

In the meantime, I've been hitting the highway on my motorcycle and it's not so bad. I'm really getting used to the bike and handling it.

This week I ask: What is dominance?
My answer (for now) is stating or commanding with power which requires no outside authority.
I've seen it in play so many times and I want to apply this in my own life. But in my own thoughts I almost never feel sure about things I always defer to fate or nature, not really commanding things to be as I want them. Down to the way I phrase things with women, like I'm afraid of my authority being challenged or rejected and having to rely on anger, force, or outside authority. Where does the authority of my own dominance come from and what will make even other men comply?

I feel like it's a self-generated guiding energy that invites others into the actions you're doing. Your words and deeds simply draw her in and pull her along with what you're doing as long as you SOME direction you're going in. I know it makes girls feel more comfortable, and sometimes I'll be hanging with the hood girl just allowing her to not hold my hand as we walk. I'm going to practice this with her next time.

The only exception I'll make to the no/fap is having sex and edging to my own thoughts. I've done it once before, but I want to strengthen my mind/dick connection without the use of porn. I was just starting to get over my psychological ED when I split from the single mom, so I'm gonna keep at it. I had no idea I was so disconnected from my body.

The girl in glasses is the single mom, the other is the thicc hood chick from Cali.
Quick Update:
-Currently cleaning out the dirty ass hot tub we have in our backyard.
-Rent is due in a day or so. Still no job.
-Love riding my motorcycle everywhere; really starting to shift gears more smoothly.
- Attempted Day 28 earlier, but breaking that touch barrier really requires me to get out of my head. Getting laid has not given me superior social skills. Like, at all. Just a soft background confidence that no longer a virgin, and can get laid if I really try. There is still MANY mental hurdles to overcome which I didn't expect would still be there.

-Jerked off to my own thoughts a couple nights ago. Wasn't that hard actually. I think I'll just retain for now until the end of the program. But I like to observe how my own arousal process works and when/how I can trigger it.
-Went out to walk around the downtown clubs this Friday night. Too nervous to talk to anyone. Not inclined enough to walk inside anywhere. One day I will 'conquer' this area, but first I must conquer myself.

This vid is from Sunday.
I took the thicc girl from work to the Domain. She said she'd never been to before, so we walked around, had some food, then I took her back to her hotel and tried to get it on. She wasn't in feeling it and said she had to get up for work in the morning. I tried multiple times, testing to see if her soft objections were real. There was no hard "NO" but by the third or fourth objection, "I need to get up for work tomorrow" I was like, "Bet, I ain't tryna catch a case."

She said, "You sound mad."
Absolutely nothing in my voice or demeanor conveyed any anger, but girls will try to put false assumptions on your ass to see if buy into it and make it real.
OF COURSE I felt some type of way about not fucking! I spent the whole week studying and preparing to last long and have a great night. But if she's not into it I'm not into it, which I told her. I said, "I'm not the type of nigga to just TAKE it. I ain't tryna catch a case." I reiterated.

I started putting on my clothes to bounce. She said, "You're not staying the night?" I said, "Nah, that's reserved for after playtime, basically." She understood.
Why waste my time in bed with a rock. :|

After I was packed and ready to go I sat down to get a feel for her mental state. She seemed okay, but mentioned being depressed and homesick, and not having accessed to her meds which were at her mother's place whom she left weeks ago. She's now in a dingy hotel room on the other side of town.
So before I left, I held her for as long as she wanted. I said "Hold on as long as you want, I can take it." A few kisses later she asks, "are you gonna be okay?" I say "I should be asking you that!"
Then I head for the elevator.

She's the strong-willed type and keeps very busy for work. I just need to put more options on my table.

I've recently attempted the Day 28 drill and now I'm getting ready to start a new job Monday.

I thought losing my virginity would give me a huge surge in confidence, but as all things, this seems to come in waves. Now is a downslope. Such is life. I'm going to finish week 4 soon, but this might slow down as the current job I'll be working will take up much of my days and weeks. Seems like a punishment for going too slow on these drills. I don't really have enough cash to sustain my lifestyle without working, so it's time to STACK.

The decent part is that I'm working a sales job. Very useful skill for picking up girls. Has the potential to make more than the base salary etc. So I'll hit up both options tomorrow and see what's up. Time to get my financials in order so I can put time back into the drills and upgrading my house.
Upstart said:
She seemed okay, but mentioned being depressed and homesick, and not having accessed to her meds which were at her mother's place whom she left weeks ago. She's now in a dingy hotel room on the other side of town.

Seems likely that her disinterest in sex was cause by her being depressed. During depression, sex can feel foreign and alien to women. It's basically uncontrollable to them. So don't take it as anything against you.

My dating life has been weird.
Since I started at age 23, it just goes up exponentially with each wave.

  • 1st Girl: Date goes well, no kiss. No second date.
    Second girl: 3 months later, One date, goes well, first kiss ever. No second date.
    Third girl: 2 years later! New girl, one date almost have sex. Make out, suck on titties and fingering. No second date and blocked. :? Went from straight virgin to sucking on titties in one go.
    Fourth girl: Month and a half later, One date, no kiss. No second date.
    Fifth girl: 2 months later, single mother, first time second date, 3rd date sex, multiple dates and fucks afterward.
    Sixth Girl: Simultaneous. 3rd date sex, seeing both as FWBs for 1-2 months+, one on Thursday, the other on Sunday.

But now that is waning. I left the single mother for giving me headaches. And now the other girl has gone quiet, so imma let her hit me up. I usually initiate, so I want to see some reciprocation, or we're done. If she found some other guy to hypnotize with her pussy, cool.

But if this is the end of this round of dating, what crazy stories are coming up next?! I can only imagine. Everything I've learned and experienced in the previous round is definitely gonna prepare me for what comes next, but I always feel like I'm one step behind the curve learning as I go. Everything I would've learned through trial and error in years of high school and college, I now have to cram into weeks and months right now. Luckily, I studied so much red pill knowledge I have a solid framework for dealing with women from a place of self-respect.

DAY 28 was SO HARD. I can't believe it was so hard for me to tap women on the shoulder and ask them for nerd glasses. As usual, my crutch was to ask older women out of fear of getting chewed out by a hot girl or something. The younger women I did ask were, not super hot really, so I wasn't too nervous. I split this challenge up between 2 days the first, I did only four then I did the rest on the second go around. I'm still mostly frequenting grocery/department stores for these challenges.

Day 29 much easier, since I had already done two high-five drills in a short amount of time first one 10min, second time 4min.
Today took about 30 min to get the first 5 done, then less than 10 min for the second set. Most of what carried me through was the memory of "I've done this before". Once I put one rep on the table, I kept going easily. It was just a bit difficult to find the first one because I put too many conditions on who to high-five:
  • Had to be an older lady
    Had to be alone in the aisle, didn't want anyone watching me.
    Couldn't have kids or husband nearby.
    Had to have hands free.

The more I went into the drill, the less I cared about my strict conditions and just went about it normally. I'd high five younger women, women with stuff in their hands, etc. The only "rejection" I got was from a cute girl who was too far away to high-five anyway.

After the drills, there is such a release of energy, like, "I did it! I'm done now!" that I wish I had that energy during the fucking drill, lol! Always happens!
I can't wait to start approaching for real.

I can see day 30 being a real challenge because I didn't do day 21 so I may skip for now. Day 21 was a challenge for the same reason as day 28 because I had to touch the girl to get her attention, and I'm just afraid of the negative reaction. High-five is more consensual, but squeezing girls' arms in a club setting is still a bit out of reach for me, drunk or not.

Day 31 will have me re-do my hardest day which I'll probably tackle tomorrow. "Where's the beach" was by far the hardest one which I procrastinated the most on because I felt like I was invading women's space by tapping them on the shoulder and the flexing, which I kept to a minimum. It took me several outings in which I only got 2 - 4 reps done for the entire day. So many stipulations on who to talk to, etc.

I find that I have the best results starting early afternoon. I feel like sticking in the drill for much longer if I start early in the day.

I've read ahead to next week and I have confidence in that week being much easier, because I give non-sexual compliments all the time already. So I think I can handle it. (I say that now...)

I still don't have a job yet, but I've interviewed for two carpet cleaning companies, which I'd really like to work for because it involves:

  • frequent travel, which = new bitches every day
    sales, which = commission, and better communication skills for talking to bitches
    money, which = more upgrades to my pad to bring in more bitches.

My motives are pure!

One thing I MUST work on is my growth towards authenticity. Full-on committing to and owning my own intentions and opinions. Embracing uncomfortable feelings. Embracing cringe. Embracing embarrassment. Embracing my anger and owning it. Not going back on my own feelings or censoring myself. MEN mean what they say, even if it will cause conflict. There is no mistaking a man's intention.

I notice this hesitance in myself; a fear of owning my own thoughts or who I am out of fear of being called out or confronted. I don't include myself when others are doing things. I don't feel worthy. I feel like a creep sometimes. I don't truly stick my chest out, or try to be noticed, and I don't usually confront. My energy sometimes seeks permission to share my true opinions.

Nervous ticks like not finishing my sentence strongly if it's about to come out too harsh or truthful. I'll sometimes lower my voice at the end of sentences so people miss my true thoughts, so when they ask me to repeat, I can change it if I need to. I'll sometimes pull back before I say what I really mean, out of fear of the confrontation with my true feelings. Not fully expressing or owning my true opinions and leaving a backdoor to escape in case I'm proven wrong and have to take an L. Flinching from watching others in conflict instead of looking directly at it and feeling the discomfort of my emotions.

I just now uncovered this. It's been an unconscious reflex for so long that it has single-handedly hindered my dating life and even making new friends. I'm going to look into this deeper and undo this habit in order to build a new one of full authenticity.

Like saying "no" with no explanation why. Or staring people in the eye without looking away. Stating my opinion firmly, ready for the possible conflict. The deeper inward I go to uncover myself, the more my outward circumstances improve. YOU CAN'T BUY SELF-IMPROVEMENT. You can't change a whole bunch of outer circumstances and expect your inner world to grow. It's like getting a bunch of tattoos and piercings thinking it will make you badass. Or getting a motorcycle, or having sex. None of these made me feel truly greater. I can wear all this badass biker gear, but when it comes time to talk to a girl, until my voice comes out soft, (strong, but still, soft) "Excuse me, could I get the time?" Like, what am I scared of?! Scared of being wrong? Scared of doing things incorrectly? Of being corrected and embarrassed?

It's nothing I can find logically, and there is no point in analyzing it. It's just a bad habit in my nervous system that need only be reversed now that I've noticed it (which is already half the battle). I just need to breathe through it. What I'm scared will happen is not real, and if it does happen I can always handle it. That's what I'm looking for; that feeling of boldness, stepping out with full authenticity. Anything that occurs, I can handle it.

The consequences I've been afraid of only exist in my mind, and I've been holding myself back based on this strong belief in negative consequences. There's no logic behind it, only a raw feeling from childhood, unexamined. I must undo this belief and install a new one. My whole nervous system has been dedicated to this old way of living and now I can see a glimpse of something new. The motorcycle hasn't made me feel more like a man, the clothes, the sex didn't make me feel more like a man. It was facing the end of my old self and overcoming fear, (the fear of riding, the fear or standing out, or the fear of sexual openness) that made me believe I could be more myself. You are the one who makes lame things seem cool. You are the primary. Are you willing to stand on the hill alone? Unproven and untested? To risk looking like a fool or getting into a fight or confrontation?

It's the one thing that's kept me a loser. The one thing that's kept me inside watching a simulation of life on the internet instead of living it myself. The fear of making an irreversible mistake. So many years wasted. So many potential friends and relationships never explored.

Hiding my self only brings more cringe, anger and negative emotions when it goes wrong. But when I approach with full boldness, even if it goes wrong, I'm feel great because I put my true self out there.

Boldness is a shield.