Was hit by a car today lolz

Day time approaches 1/10?

Went back to the same area where I met the girl I hooked up with. Had some hesitation starting approach. had to just throw myself into one, got rejected. Got the mojo rolling. Street was crowded but it seemed like a younger crowd hangs out in this area. As well as tourists. Walked the street for about 45 min, then decided to leave.

Met a girl who had just moved here from London 2 weeks ago. Got her contact and said we should meet for coffee.

good volume of foot traffic. Hippy chicks are hot

Drove back home to my neck of the woods. Probably 5:45pm?

People seemed to just be getting the night started. Like dinner and drinks. Lots of people about, Lots of girls.

Tonight i think i did 7/50-60 approaches over the course of like 5 hours with a break to make dinner and take a piss like 2 times. So maybe 4 hours total approaching?

Notable Approaches
Approached a duo and they were receptive. Asked for the insta date and one girl agreed. They both then talked for a bit about what to eat, how tired one of them was, blah blah blah. I decided to just get one of the chicks number and dip. In hindsight I probably could have stuck it out and wasted time just to experiment with a duo instadate. But there were so many people out that I figured it was a waste of time to pursue something that would most likely be a dead end. oh well.

Later I saw a girl walking by herself down the street. Approached, she was friendly, probably drunk. asked what she was doing. she said just walking around exploring. I asked her to come back to my house and she asked if I had cigarettes. I said no, she then seemed to change her mind about my and didn't want to really talk anymore. I suggested we go to the corner store and grab some. She didn't agree to that. Said I should go back home and she would go on about the rest of her day. Exchanged contacts.

Approached a girl who was smoking, Thin blond, in a skin tight white dress. Had a really awkward conversation. even said i was awkward during the convo lol. She dismissed that and said i was fine. She asked me where do single people hang out around here. I listed some streets close by. She said she was recently single. I said cool lets grab a drink inside. She said nah she was with a guy friend and they were wingmanning for each other and he wouldnt appreciate that. I'm like ok, isn't the point of wingmanning for each other to meet someone? She had to think realll hard about that and I don't think she gave an answer. I'm like ok, lets go back to my place. She declined and said "you could be a serial killer" (wow how original, probably heard that a few times from different girls now). I'm like ok, lets go back to my place and get to know each other then. She's like really? I'm like yes. She said no. I said ok bye and left.
- Like wasn't exactly what i did by approaching her exactly what she was trying to accomplish that night? fuckin stupid
Toast said:
Day time approaches 1/10?

Went back to the same area where I met the girl I hooked up with. Had some hesitation starting approach. had to just throw myself into one, got rejected. Got the mojo rolling. Street was crowded but it seemed like a younger crowd hangs out in this area. As well as tourists. Walked the street for about 45 min, then decided to leave.

Met a girl who had just moved here from London 2 weeks ago. Got her contact and said we should meet for coffee.

good volume of foot traffic. Hippy chicks are hot

Drove back home to my neck of the woods. Probably 5:45pm?

People seemed to just be getting the night started. Like dinner and drinks. Lots of people about, Lots of girls.

Tonight i think i did 7/50-60 approaches over the course of like 5 hours with a break to make dinner and take a piss like 2 times. So maybe 4 hours total approaching?

Notable Approaches
Approached a duo and they were receptive. Asked for the insta date and one girl agreed. They both then talked for a bit about what to eat, how tired one of them was, blah blah blah. I decided to just get one of the chicks number and dip. In hindsight I probably could have stuck it out and wasted time just to experiment with a duo instadate. But there were so many people out that I figured it was a waste of time to pursue something that would most likely be a dead end. oh well.

Later I saw a girl walking by herself down the street. Approached, she was friendly, probably drunk. asked what she was doing. she said just walking around exploring. I asked her to come back to my house and she asked if I had cigarettes. I said no, she then seemed to change her mind about my and didn't want to really talk anymore. I suggested we go to the corner store and grab some. She didn't agree to that. Said I should go back home and she would go on about the rest of her day. Exchanged contacts.

Approached a girl who was smoking, Thin blond, in a skin tight white dress. Had a really awkward conversation. even said i was awkward during the convo lol. She dismissed that and said i was fine. She asked me where do single people hang out around here. I listed some streets close by. She said she was recently single. I said cool lets grab a drink inside. She said nah she was with a guy friend and they were wingmanning for each other and he wouldnt appreciate that. I'm like ok, isn't the point of wingmanning for each other to meet someone? She had to think realll hard about that and I don't think she gave an answer. I'm like ok, lets go back to my place. She declined and said "you could be a serial killer" (wow how original, probably heard that a few times from different girls now). I'm like ok, lets go back to my place and get to know each other then. She's like really? I'm like yes. She said no. I said ok bye and left.
- Like wasn't exactly what i did by approaching her exactly what she was trying to accomplish that night? fuckin stupid

Went on a date today with someone i met a week ago. Honestly surprised that she didn't flake. Also got an interesting insight on the perspective of the female from the aprochee side. More on that later.

First off today was kind of an experiment. She set the location and the time and I agreed. Something I'm not really a fan of. Logistically it would be more difficult to bring her back to my house cuz id have to drive 15 min back home with her. Not the end of the world so I figured I would go on the date just for more dating experience and cuz u never know what might happen.

She arrived 15 min early so she had to wait 20 min for me to get there lol

We got boba and walked to the park. Beautiful day, we sat on the grass and talked about a bunch of random shit. Basically just getting to know each other like a normal person would date. Probably sat and talked for an hour idk exactly how long.

Not like my last date where it was 15ish min walk to my house and smash

At some point she said she was hungry so I suggested grab a bite to eat. Earlier I had already confirmed with her that she didn't really have anything to do for the rest of the day. We walked to a spot to grab some Mexican food and ate and chatted some more. When we were close to being done I suggested that we go back to my house to watch a movie since she didn't have plans. She turned down the suggestion.

At this point I'm like ok this date is going on forever, kind of a waste of time. Could have been approaching and gotten more numbers and set up other dates.

Told her the time limit was very close to being finished on my car and we had to skedaddle. We got to my car and she brought up how she was sorry she didn't want to come over cuz we just met and all that girl talk. I said it was fine, I understand, blah blah blah. Said lets meet up another time. Asked when she was free. She said she was busy. maybe next Sunday. I said cool ill text you.

Thoughts on the Date
It was a good experience hanging out with a cute girl and polishing my social skills and all that so its not a total loss for the day. I could have been approaching more but I do think it is good to take a step back and reflect on the week. Also this could have gone a different way and we could have smashed. Never would have known if I didn't go on the date.

Her Perspective on the Approach
This is what she told me about when i approached her. Idk if this has value but I thought it was interesting to hear it from her. Hopefully i can remember everything correctly.

She said that i popped up out of no where and she was initially scared of the interaction. She did not know what to really do in that situation when I called her cute and asked for her number. Initially she did not want to go on the date with me. She then later talked with her friend (may have been a guy, don't remember exactly) but they said, wow that's awesome! you should totally go out with this guy. And that changed her mind about going out with me today.

She asked me if I had been following her and then talked to her. I told her no I was literally just walking around the mall, thought she was cute, and then walked up to her.

She said ok, that's fine cuz it would have been creepy if I had been following her and scoping her out.
Toast said:
She said ok, that's fine cuz it would have been creepy if I had been following her and scoping her out.

Ya who gives a fuck tho?

I mean you approach her 2 minutes after seeing her vs. 2 seconds and somehow one of those is a big deal

It doesn't make any sense.

But it's an interesting insight for sure.
Approached after the date for like half an hour just to get something out of the day.

Walked around my block and saw like 5people on the street for like 15 min. None of them were cute girls.

Then there was this SUPER hot thin Asian chick in a flowery dress. I walked up from behind and said hello. She turned around and said "hey!" all excited, but then realized I was not who she expected.
She told me she was waiting for someone to hang out with.
I said oh well that could be me, lets chill.
She said noooo her friend is on the way.
I'm like ok, well I just thought you were pretty and wanted to introduce myself. Then asked for her number.
She said she doesn't give out her number to strangers
I said "ok, my name is Devin, nice to meet you. now were not strangers"
she giggled and still declined.
I asked "ok then how do you get to know people?"
she said "idk on hinge?"
I'm like "ok well what better way then for someone to directly tell you that you are pretty and then you get to know them"
she still declined. then her friend who was a guy showed up. she's like this is who I'm waiting for.
ok, peace and walk away

Sooo lame. like if I had another min I'm sure I could have gotten the number. She was definitely responding well to my comments and wasn't totally shutting me down. Just hesitant because she probably hasn't been approached on the street by someone confident like me before. Shy as well probably. Oh well

Cute short stack Latino chick with her tits basically hanging out and no bra in a duo come walking towards me maybe 500 ft from where i had just approached. I walked up to her. Talked directly to her and called her cute. The friend kind of just backed off from the conversation and didn't say a word the whole time i was talking to the short stack. Very cool friend. Exchanged contacts.

Next duo was 2 blondies sitting at a outside dining area. I walked up and said "hey this is kind of random but i thought you were pretty and wanted to say hi"
Girl giggled and said thanks that very sweet of you. Talked about her day and the weather for maybe 30 seconds. Her friend also didn't really butt into the conversation. Cool friend. Said i didn't want to interrupt girl time any more and asked for her number. Exchanged contacts.
^this one I'm happy about because girls at tables eating or drinking has been somewhat of a sticking point for me.
Goes to show that even in duos the second girl will allow the first girl to get hit on if they understand the the first chick is into it or she's just a cool chick.
Manganiello said:
Ya who gives a fuck tho?

I mean you approach her 2 minutes after seeing her vs. 2 seconds and somehow one of those is a big deal
Idk, guess this is just how the female mind works. Maybe subconsciously its a perception of my confidence?

Like ok he's not a pussy and just walked up to me rather then a stalker who followed and waited for the perfect opportunity to talk to me
Toast said:
The friend kind of just backed off from the conversation and didn't say a word the whole time i was talking to the short stack. Very cool friend. Exchanged contacts


Thanks for posting this I got to do more duos.
Relentless Thanks. Just out here trying my best

Today i had 4 hours to approach before i had to play DND.

Went to 3 locations today:

Japan Town - Decent crowd of people - 30 min 0/7ish here. Approached 2 married chicks. All the beauties got rings on them. Still haven't figured out or met a married chick who will give me her number.

Haight and Ashbury (Stoner Street) - Decent volume of people - 45min ish - 2/20-25? probably closer the the smaller number. Either I had decent contact acquisition and went like 1 number every 7 approaches or i approached more girls then I remember. Hard to keep track in different areas of the city with low volume and driving time between.

Cute redhead 18yo was one contact I got
2nd was a busty French chick who looked about the same age. Didn't ask her age but she gave me her number. this is the one I'm more interested in but she never responded to my text. Oh well they were both cute.

Redhead was an interesting approach. I was walking down the street for maybe a whole city block. And when I got to the crosswalk she had probably been walking behind me the whole time. I just turned around and said hi to her. She seemed a little bit startled. Then I told her she was cute and wanted to introduce myself, Pretty sure I stumbled or my voice cracked when I said the word "introduce." winged the rest of the conversation like every other, and got the contact. Goes to show that stumbling words or cracking voice doesn't really matter. She may have not even noticed.

3rd location: A ghost town of a mall. 1/3 here. Idk how lol. Such low amount of people. Thankfully its connected to target.

Approached a chick who i had only thought looked good cuz i saw her ass lol. Took a chance on the face when i walked up and said she looked cute. Turned out it was a good risk. She said her name was Lexi, but i didn't really hear well cuz of the mask. So i leaned in and said what was that Lexi? Sexy? haha. She thought it was funny too and was like omg, did you practice that or something. It was a funny interaction and she thought it was funny as well. I think it goes to show I'm getting more comfortable just saying whatever the fuck I want to these chicks.

So approximate total for the day was probably close to 3/30 over 1.5 hours. A lot of wasted time driving, walking around where no people are. But still managed to get a few numbers in. So I'm happy about that. Also got some pretty bomb tacos at the mall lol

If I can average 15 contacts a week. Ill be happy. That might even be lowballing it.

Just counted my total number of contacts so far since 6/4. Its 32. wow I've been putting in some work.
Went back to stoner street where i met my first cold approach lay. I like this street but there is tons of girls of questionable age.

First chick I talked to was skimpily dressed and very pretty. She was very receptive and talkative as well, but once I found out her age I immediately bounced.

After this I think I walked around and for another half hour and approached 10 or so chicks. Got one number from a very beautiful and slender chick. Taller then me brunette. She's with her family and leaving tomorrow morning. Still exchanged cuz why not. I kept running into groups that were questionable. I'm terrible at guessing age. Like you could look 18 and be 30 for all I know or the opposite.

Moved to my higher volume area where there is generally good foot traffic. Something I have realized about this area though is its not really a great part of town. a lot of bums and crazy people hang out here so people are generally guarded against getting approached. Or at lease people who live in the city are. Not everyone is so jaded that they wont talk to someone on the street. This could all be speculation tho.

Had a high rejection streak going on. Probably like 20 in a row or something.

One notable interaction was this other very tall girl. She was like probably 6'2 or some shit. Busty, brunette in a white tank top. Gorgeous. Approached, called her pretty, asked how her day was, and then her bitchy friend butted in and said "she in a serious relationship 😠" I'm like ok, can she be the one to say that? Are you in a relationship? she said yes. I left.
Like fuck off bitch, I wasn't even talking to her and her friend seemed to not care that I was complimenting her. Kind of wish i was more of an asshole, but that's not really in my nature and i don't wanna be one just to be a "bad boy" or whatever. Im me and ill do what i want.

Finally towards the end of the day i saw a girl who looked a bit lost and was super cute. Spotted her from across the street and had to like walk parallel with her on the other side of the block and then cross the street to catch up. Spanish chick who did not speak great English. She was lost and i tried to help her get to where she was going. She smelt really nice so i told her as well and she seemed flattered. Exchanged contacts.

Some guy who was selling tickets for the tour buses in SF was like "awwww yeh brutha, good shit my man, That's how you do it!" And gave me a fist bump. He musta seen the whole thing haha. He seemed impressed and was all smiles.

Last notable interaction was close to my house. This one chick who was super small and wearing sexy workout clothes was like the speedwalking champion of the world or some shit. I consider myself to walk fast but she was ZOOMING. Saw another dude in sunglasses hella checking her out as she walked closer to him. I literally had to jog about a half block to catch up to her and approach. She had a boyfriend. But the point of this is you really gotta just do whatever to approach. I literally ran after this girl lol. She loved the compliment and thanked me for it

Also i have a date set up for tomorrow at 730pm with another 18yo who i met on stoner street. Gunna get gelato like with the first date. Maybe gelato is the way into a girls panties XD
Toast said:
Some guy who was selling tickets for the tour buses in SF was like "awwww yeh brutha, good shit my man, That's how you do it!" And gave me a fist bump. He musta seen the whole thing haha. He seemed impressed and was all smiles.

lol. Just another day.

You need to buy that shirt

Toast said:
gelato is the way into a girls panties XD

Approaching 101
Spent most of the day doing chores and shit.

Have a date tonight at 745-8, so i had a few hours before my date to approach. Almost didn't go out to approach, but I was like fuck that. Lets get some reps in.

Went to my usual spot and there was good foot traffic. Felt like i was approaching with high volume. Like one after the other very rapidly. Rejection spree for the beginning of it. Probably like 10 or 15 in a row.

Then i got a number, Really cute petite red head. She said shes out of town for a couple weeks so i think theres a high % that she will ghost.

Then for the rest of the time i was there i got rejected. Maybe another 10 or so.

One chick I approached made me laugh. I jogged to catch up to her and then walked next to her, and she stopped and turned around as I was about to approach. So I said hi, and immediately she said "Literally go the fuck away." Just stopped and turned around. This made me chuckle and smile to myself because I was thinking about how shitty it must be to live a life like that. Like she's such a bitch probably most of the time and just lives an unhappy life.

This is probably the worst reaction I've gotten from a cold approach ever. Never had anybody be so hostile right off the back. She must have been a San Francisco native who is jaded to the world. Some SF people are like that.

Walking back to my car i saw a cute approaching a dog.
Called her cute and she said "you already approached me before like a few days ago."
I'm like "did i get your number?"
She said "no cuz i have a boyfriend. "
I said "Fair enough" and walked off. Probably not the only time ill approach her haha

Then i saw a cute Asian girl standing on the corner right near my house. Approached. Had a random convo, asked if she had a boyfriend. "she said "thanks for making me remember" or something similar. Then I said well let me grab your number and well get coffee. Exchanged. Good stuff.

Now currently I'm just waiting for my date to arrive. She's driving 15-20 min to my area to meet for this date. Idk if that means anything but hopefully ill get Cold approach lay #2 today ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Alllllllrighty bois!

Date finished. Scored some nice sloppy toppy :D

Cute 18 yo Hawaiian girl. But like the one who is white and from Hawaii haha. She was probably 5'8" light blue eyes, very fare white skin, and a strawberry blonde. She had nice small tits, but that were proportional to her body. Very sexy slender body.

We went to gelato near my house. Like a 5 min walk from my place. The same spot I brought the last chick I hooked up with. When we got there we both had trouble deciding on what to order. Positive action #1 I took the lead and just ordered for both of us. I think this is a good thing cuz it shows I can take the lead.

We ate out gelato, talked about random stuff. Like traveling, work, what she does, what i do, etc.
I talk about movies and tv shows towards the end of the gelato. We both finish our cones at about the same time and i suggest we go back to my place to watch a movie. She said sure.

Get back to my place. Positive action #2I put my arm around her shoulder from the get go. I put on a really weird short animation that was honestly not a great choice. Like if Santa was some sort of weird flesh creature. She was snuggling in my arm for the entire weird ass show. That ends and the next one comes on. after a min or 2 i go in for the kiss. Was kind of awkward cuz of the way she was resting in my arm but she didn't resist the kiss at all.

We start making out for a bit. She wasn't really that great of a kisser, or at lease not as good as the last chick. Still fun none the less. I start caressing her body and then move towards her pussy, but she said something like no its our first date, or im on my period. She said both of those things during the whole interaction. I back off trying to not respond to what she said and just keep kissing. Go for her dress but she denies me. back off and keep kissing. Go for her pussy again, but she said something, and then said i could at lease give you a blow job. Im like alright. we both stand up and then i go for her dress again a she takes it off this time.

Super slender body, Really pretty tits, and a thin tummy. Love a thin chick whos not overly skinny.
She starts suckin my dick, just a little bit of teeth but not terrible. im just sitting back enjoying the view of this girl suckin my cock. felt really good to just sit back and watch haha. But i wasn't really getting much out of the bj. She wasn't the best and wasn't using any throat. While she was sucking my cock i took off her bra.

Moved positions after a while and started kissing again was grabbing her ass and trying to finger her again, but she wasn't having it. I was like mounted no top of her and i was trying to rub her pussy or at lease press into it with my leg. She was moaning a bit from that and was definitely into it. She was super wet. i could feel it on my leg.

She got back on her knees and started sucking my dick again but was going a bit deeper. Now that she was almost naked i got a bit more aroused and the BJ was doing something for me. Came in her mouth and she swallowed my load.

We cuddled for a bit after wards, then she left cuz her mom was texting her to pick up her sister on the way home lol. Asked when we could hang next time and maybe actually watch a movie. Didn't get a definitive answer. Kissed her goodbye.

This is my 4th cold approach date?
3/4 for girls coming back to my house
2/4 for cumming in some way as a result.
Nice work. Cold approach lays always feel 10x better than online ones. A BJ is still a success imo. I used to get pissed I couldn't add those girls to my "lay count" but that's such a dumb line of reasoning lol.
Holden said:
Nice work. Cold approach lays always feel 10x better than online ones. A BJ is still a success imo. I used to get pissed I couldn't add those girls to my "lay count" but that's such a dumb line of reasoning lol.

lol i had the same line of thought as well. Like damn i didnt get it in so it doesnt really count. But at the end of the day i did pull this chick home and got her to suck my dick. So that is a win.

Cold approach really does feel 10x then online. I also enjoy going out and talking to girls rather then swiping like 500 times. I worked for this so the reward is that much more gratifying.

SIGMA_1234 I'm definitely trying to put my time spent to good use. This is what 2021 was all about for me. Building self esteem. now im at the point where i can use this confidence i built up

MakingAComeback Thanks!
Good ass job Toast, with a cute Asian chick nonetheless you lucky bastard. Really hoping you can smash her at some point. Cheers brother 👊
Master said:
Good ass job Toast, with a cute Asian chick nonetheless you lucky bastard. Really hoping you can smash her at some point. Cheers brother 👊
Unfortunately she wasn't Asian. She's a white Hawaiian girl. But she was sexy regardless.