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Whatever It Takes...

Did 3 approaches today 0 numbers, went on a date with a girl go for the kiss after 1 hour, she rejected it..even though I was touching hands and touching her legs because she told me I could have the corona..
You're doing great.

Tell me, how do you approach girls ?
What is your formula ?

I use the
"excuse me, you're really attractive
-she answers or not
-are you single ?"

It is 15 seconds max screening.
It goes quick and when it goes further it does quickly.

Would you do this ?

You Will get way more nos from girls -it depends on the streak- but the yeses you Will get Will be real ones.

How about your logistics ? You have your own place ? A car where you could take the girl and have sex with her ?
Could you meet her and have sex with her in the hour logistic wise ?
Because you need to be and feel sure about it, that you have a place to fuck her, otherwise you would project doubts and that would slow you down.
When you know about this, you can lead assertively.

What you did with this girl is good because it all lays down to it : screening. From the moment you meet her until you have your cock into her.
You are not to try and convince her to have sex with, you are to initiate sex and check if there are any red lights.
When she likes you she'll comply.
You screen her in or out.

Don't be afraid to loose her because you did something wrong.
She likes you she wants to. Or not.
Your role is to find out about it as fast as possible.

Believe me, yes it looks risky and aggressive but given you talk to 30 girls a week, you'll find ones Who Will comply with it because they are dtf and like you.

Use the line I presented and feel free to talk to more than 5 girls a day.

Ask for the time and directions to 3 girls as you leave the house to warm you up.
Or go up to 5 girls and say "excuse me, i had to tell you you're gorgeous" and leave. That's a good drill.

Also, would you mind posting pictures of yourself here with outfits so we could see what you look like and what advices you could get to reach your goal faster.
3 approaches today 0 numbers guys, girls were more distant today.
Yes I have my own place, okay will apply that, thank you broski you are doing so much for me Wifty . Here are some of my pics:
There's room for improvement and you already have great assets.

You'll look handsome.

Also, 3 girls a day is ok. However keep in mind that a quick warm up talking to a few 5 girls in a row (time/directions/compliments) is great to get you in the mood to talk to other girls.

Do this when you feel Low energy. That'll Light you up in no time.
Alright alright, made 3 approaches 1 number today, but from now on I will go for those 5 approaches minimum, time to upgrade it.
Also today made 3 muscle ups which is great cause it means I am getting stronger.
Guys made 5 approaches today it was awesome, I got one number the thing I notice I was more fluid when talking one girl told me I was so witty I could have tried kissing her, men this is life changing..but this girl looked so into me but you know things change when talking through text..
Arrange a date asap.

Forget about witty through texts or trying to Win her over.

She's either in or out. Find out.

Talk a little with her. Ask her when she's available to meet you, arrange the date. ASAP.
Wifty alright man, just told the girl when she is free to meet, if you have any other suggestion tell me, you are like a big brother I will follow what you say to a T cause you look way more experienced..
I've been where you're at that's it. Only that I was way more afraid than you are and I made it really hard for myself... It took me years to do what you are doing from 2 weeks.

I know how easy it is and how quick it can be when you are decided to.

You are doing the work and giving what you have so mega props to you mate.

As for you RN, keep doing what you do : warm up, talk to 5 girls a day, when they look open ask for number in 5 minutes max. The conversation doesn't need to be long and deep. You can get emotional connection if you want to but RN your goal is to get laid and you want sex.
So it's small talk, you're cute, you seem cool I want to hang out with you further vibe.

Then when you have number it is to be used as a means to meet her and spend time with her IRL.
You can talk with her a little small talk further, you are respectful and your goal again is the screening mindset : you find out what she's really up to, if she does want to meet up or not.
Don't be afraid to loose her or wonder if you Will do smth wrong or what.
If she's hesitative you can reassure her and so, and try further to arrange the date.
If she shows too much resistance or begins to bullshit or doesn't answer properly... Forget about her.

I know some may say I lack patience but they don't talk to minimum 5 new girls a day.
There was a legend on goodlookingloser Who was somewhat the co founder of the website, Scotty.

Here are his talks.







He's hardcore. You have to find out and develop your own resonance but this man is real inspiration and speaks Truth.
Wise and experienced in the get laid department. He has a very emotionally mature philosophy.
Do not accept everything he says as truth but lots of it is really good.

As long as you talk to 5 girls a day you can listen to these podcasts.

These are great but don't use them as an excuse to procrastinate. Use it as added support.

As for the date do as you like for now with the intention to bring her back home.

Show her you like her, enjoy her and let her enjoy you.
Again, screening : you can initiate physically, she likes you she'll comply.
If she doesn't, you can try later if she's still in. Physical contact is not a necessity so no need to pressure yourself about it.
Try and bring her home that's what matters.

Later when you have lost the V-card there are other cool things, all about speed... But rn the priority is to get the first girl out of the way.

So keep doing what you're doing because you are doing great, really.
Wifty so met the girl I was talking to,tried kissing her she didn't want to kiss because of covid, damn man the covid is the perfect excuse for these girls two already have told me of covid. She told me we could hangout another time if I want, I was like wtf? You didn't want to kiss me and want to meet another time..
Very good.

Meet her again, she knows your intention and wants further.

It's good for 2 reasons :
You get more experience as you spend more time with women, look at this date as added experience.
Second is if she likes you, she may simply want to feel better/reassured around you.

And tell her with words you like her and everything's fine.

And again, the goal is to bring her home.
She may not be down for the kiss -doesn't matter- but she May be down to "hangout at your place...

Last point, don't take her reactions too personal, it won't serve you right. You feel frustrated that's ok.
Don't project it onto her or other women.

How many girls did you talk to today ?

Edit :

If she bullshits further still on 3rd date, if There's one, you can Forget about her.
I make those 5 approaches, 0 numbers, all immediate rejections .. damn that Scotty guy is such a beast
Quick update got covid after kissing one girl, didn't get my dick inside her though damnit, I have been locked down,coming back stronger!
Hey thanks for the support man, hope you are doing good as well, did 3 approaches today 0 numbers