I've been where you're at that's it. Only that I was way more afraid than you are and I made it really hard for myself... It took me years to do what you are doing from 2 weeks.
I know how easy it is and how quick it can be when you are decided to.
You are doing the work and giving what you have so mega props to you mate.
As for you RN, keep doing what you do : warm up, talk to 5 girls a day, when they look open ask for number in 5 minutes max. The conversation doesn't need to be long and deep. You can get emotional connection if you want to but RN your goal is to get laid and you want sex.
So it's small talk, you're cute, you seem cool I want to hang out with you further vibe.
Then when you have number it is to be used as a means to meet her and spend time with her IRL.
You can talk with her a little small talk further, you are respectful and your goal again is the screening mindset : you find out what she's really up to, if she does want to meet up or not.
Don't be afraid to loose her or wonder if you Will do smth wrong or what.
If she's hesitative you can reassure her and so, and try further to arrange the date.
If she shows too much resistance or begins to bullshit or doesn't answer properly... Forget about her.
I know some may say I lack patience but they don't talk to minimum 5 new girls a day.
There was a legend on goodlookingloser Who was somewhat the co founder of the website, Scotty.
Here are his talks.
He's hardcore. You have to find out and develop your own resonance but this man is real inspiration and speaks Truth.
Wise and experienced in the get laid department. He has a very emotionally mature philosophy.
Do not accept everything he says as truth but lots of it is really good.
As long as you talk to 5 girls a day you can listen to these podcasts.
These are great but don't use them as an excuse to procrastinate. Use it as added support.
As for the date do as you like for now with the intention to bring her back home.
Show her you like her, enjoy her and let her enjoy you.
Again, screening : you can initiate physically, she likes you she'll comply.
If she doesn't, you can try later if she's still in. Physical contact is not a necessity so no need to pressure yourself about it.
Try and bring her home that's what matters.
Later when you have lost the V-card there are other cool things, all about speed... But rn the priority is to get the first girl out of the way.
So keep doing what you're doing because you are doing great, really.