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Whatever It Takes...

Man I'm jealous. I did 22 pull ups at my peak but wasnt able to get 1 muscle up :/

I guess I just dont have the technique for it
Damn 22 pull ups is awesome dude, your back should be pretty strong.yeah muscle up is pure technique.
Today did 3 approaches 0 numbers
0 approaches today, was all day in the garage repairing my car, anyways manage to do 30 dips
Sup did today 3 approaches got 1 number, i tried touching the girl but it feel so akward haha
Made 3 approaches today 0 numbers , the last girl I was in shock haha she just said yes no and I didn't know what to talk about anymore go for the number she declines her lost haha
I tell them "Hey you are attractive" + "My name is Ariel"(extend hand), chit chat and then go for number telling them "lets meet another time"
:arrow: Consistency is the key to cold approach. Every failure makes it statistically closer to your next success
how long are these approaches lasting when you go for the number ,what you do prior to getting the number can set up whether they want to follow up with you?
Did today 5 approaches 1 number, men these girls are so flaky I asked two for a date through text they both rejected it