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Whatever It Takes...

Last two days approached 3 girls each day, also get to 70kg which is cool cause when I started I was at 65kg which is skinny as fuck..
Thanks man, 5 approaches today 0 numbers Dann 30 days left until 2021 time time to put the motherfucking volumen!!
Go for 10 girls a day. You can do this. Easy.

Be kind and supportive to yourself.
If you don't fulfill the 10 girls a day, be good to yourself and go at it again.

5 girls a day is smth you can do, go for 6 a day, then 7...
Make it easy for yourself.

Go out multiples times in the day. You can come back home, go out again, come back home again and go out again...
The more you do this the more you condition yourself to talk to girls easier.

10 girls a day is easy, you may not believe it right now, but you will.
And please, talk to girls as fast as you can as you leave the house and talk to 3 in a row.
Even just asking them for the time, direction or simply complimenting her outfit.
Condition yourself to get these out of the way as fast as possible.

Doing 3 in a row elicits the feelings which you know... And it builds the "flow state" faster.

This way the next 10 girls for the day Will be more about excitment, you'll be more sure of yourself and girls Will sense your energy.

You will get the numbers done fast and girls Will be more responsive to you, about the kind of energy you project.
Its 8 am i am going out right now, Will make losing my virginity my numbers one priority and my only priority, no more multitasking goals just one and not stopping until achieved.
Did today 10 Approaches got 2 numbers damn these Girls were freaking Hot haha i got like 5 boners doing my Approaches
You're awesome !!

Try and set dates up asap with these 2 numbers you got.

And keep talking to girls ;)
So yesterday i quit from a bootcamp i was doing, from now on Will try just going on my job , rest of time Will be spend on meeting women or gym...Will try tomorrow 20 Approaches lets see how It goes
Did today 15 Approaches 0 numbers, a little bit impressed by how random days are when It comes to daygame
Yeah it happens! I can relate on several occasions. As long as you don't let it make you quit, then it won't matter.
I think i Will stop counting numbers and just focusing on Approaches daily plus maxing myself out, numbers doesnt mean shit, this week met 3 Girls that i thought were into me, even when i told them lets meet they all noded their head saying yes, guest what fast forward 1 day they all flaked on first message..
Giles thanks man you made my day, having these chicks turnn you down can get really frustrating, Hope you are killing It out there too..
Today did 15 Approaches 1 numbers which again didnt respond after first message, and the girl told me she was Up to meet me sometime, you definitely cant trust these girls..
Is this normal Wifty ?
That's awesome you can talk to 15 girls a day !

From your last 40 approaches you got 3 numbers.

Yes it's normal you are screening hard which means you get clear responses from girls.

The fact a girl gives you her number is no guarantee she likes you or want to have sex with you, or is sexually available or dtf.

Tbh I thought girls would have been more positively responsive to you from 40 approaches because I believe you look good.

I suggest you open a thread about getting advices about how to improve your looks, you may benefit from this but you're already above average imo.

About the approaches, I guarantee that if the next 40 girls you talk to you are less assertive/aggressive, come up as less "sexually threarening" more girls Will give you their numbers.
And it Will not guarantee you'll get laid from these numbers, just that they Will give you their numbers.

Last thing, you are doing an amazingly great job.

And I perfectly understand your doubts and so on...
And I know that you need to be reminded and reassured that you are investing in the right things.

So I tell you this : as you keep doing what you're doing you Will eventually at one moment get laid and at this moment, it won't matter to you at all if you got 17 numbers, 3 dates or 80 girls weren't into you/sexually unavailable. At all.

And then you'll know you can get laid and it depends of you only and what you're willing to do.

You have a "bad streak", it's normal.
Other times you get 3 numbers in a row and sometimes 0 from 30 approaches.
Their responses is not your responsibility, your responsibility is to look as good as you can and talk to the most girls as you can.

Evverything is fine bro.
I'm fairly new here and based on my brief reading of your thread you're focusing on getting laid. It's all a numbers game. Good luck!

Radical said:
See how you go

But at some point you will need to be honest about the priority

Do you want to get good with women or do you want to makea lot of money?

Guys who focus on one at a time do better at both

Agreed. I remember wanting to get good with women as well as juggling multiple jobs. You're better off sticking to one goal. Both goals require different personalities. With women you need to be playful, with making money you will need to be serious.
creepo said:
Today did 15 Approaches 1 numbers which again didnt respond after first message, and the girl told me she was Up to meet me sometime, you definitely cant trust these girls..

This happens to me a lot since I always ask girls out for that night or the next one. I find that less girls will give me their number than if I just asked for their number; this is good because I'm trying to screen girls. So every girl's number I get is from a girl that technically said 'yes' to a date with me for that night or week but the vast majority of the time I never meetup with the girls and many never respond to my initial 'hey sexy' text.

My thinking is that most girls hate to say 'no' and will just go along to get along, so they give us their number to get rid of us as painlessly as possible for them. There's probably some girls that are interested in meeting up but later change their minds for whatever reason. All of which is to say that what you are experiencing is normal and to be expected.

Way to go with the consistent approaching, I wish I was doing this stuff when I was 19. If you keep this up you'll probably be able to knock out get laid and get paid in your twenties alone.
Duke said:
Way to go with the consistent approaching, I wish I was doing this stuff when I was 19. If you keep this up you'll probably be able to knock out get laid and get paid in your twenties alone.

Yeah I wish I took care of getting laid earlier. I can't really concentrate on making money 100% without getting it off my list. Keep going creepo
Thanks guys will definitely have to just pay the price then, so today busy today but managed to made 10 approaches 0 numbers.