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MakingAComeback said:
Muscle could make a difference for sure. I'll see. But I do have my doubts purely because I have already lost so much weight and that didn't really crack it for me.

Well muscle and being lean is different. If you remember a recent Troy story I shared, the girl was all over him thanks to his bulging biceps, not his 6-pack.

One GREAT experiment would be this: photoshop pictures of you to make you look extra lean and muscular. Then use those for OLD and see if you can get more dates and with higher quality girls. This would show you the truth. Happy to contribute financially when I got 1-2 projects going.

As for the rest, you know my thoughts - eyes and expressions are a bottleneck.
MakingAComeback said:
Muscle could make a difference for sure. I'll see. But I do have my doubts purely because I have already lost so much weight and that didn't really crack it for me.

How can you say that man ? 1.5 year ago, you were a total virgin, today, you have slept with 9 women, 1 of them being good looking from your standard (7.5 on your scale if I recall correctly). I remember how you noted the girls that Brother_tucker showed, and the one that you noted as a 4, was not that ugly, so if the rest of your lays are similar (because I remember that you noted them as 4 on average) well it's not so bad huh. Also, you had a great interaction with another beautiful woman (L). You may not have banged her, but she was really into you, she had some hangups and trauma regarding sex, but she did find you very attractive, that's a fucking win there man. You even said that the quality of your dates went up the past couple of months. Go revisit your log, go read all the victories that you had this year, you can't say that there was no progress.

You keep mentioning the low quality of the girls that you banged, but even Andy banged his fair share of fatties in his early days. When he was overweight and not attractive, he said that a lot of his lays were unattractive girls from Craiglist. Even pancakemouse admitted banging a couple of ugly chicks (in his standards) on his logs. I have a friend that is a slayer, attractive guy, would bang a girl almost every week when we lived together. Sometimes I'd look at the quality of girls, and while there were some really attractive ones, there were also some that I wouldn't even have considered. Give me a guy with 100+ body count, I'll see a guy that banged a couple of fatties along the way, just because. So what makes you special, that you can expect to bang only hot chicks on your first year of doing this ?

MakingAComeback said:
I don't have that kinda time anymore man.

Why do you say that ? You read the recent post of Zug, he was a 40 year old virgin. Worse than you. Now you're going to tell me that he is more attractive than you, and that's probably true if you judge by his pictures, but it doesn't change the fact that it's never too late.

If you say that because of kids, you're a man, you can have kids well into your 40s without any risk. I understand the feeling of urgency, but you have to ask yourself, is that true ? Do you really not have the time ? What if you find the mother of your children a bit later ? Will that be such a big deal ?

I've seen uglier dudes being with decent girl man. Now, they were not the 9 or 10 but who fucking care ? My GF is cute, but she's far from being the most attractive girl around, but beauty doesn't mean GF or wife material.

Give yourself more time, be patient with yourself. You're already a different beast than when you started, and in a couple of more years, you'll be at places you don't imagine now, because you're a hustler.

Now, go make some big bucks. You got this
Thanks brothers for your posts I truly truly appreciate it.

I just needed to express this, it was surpassed inside and was eating away at me for months, really it was. It is like a poison man, a demon inside, if you ignore, just bottle it up, it burrows into you. This has happened to me twice - I used to hold anger towards women if you remember, that was let go of. Never, ever have held anger to them, I wish the best for them, they deserve happiness and it's their birthright.

Image issues and insecurities are not easy to shake, especially when one is a bit bad looking, and not really ladies cup of tea - it can be tough, BUT, the thing is, I need to still love myself and appreciate myself and not abuse myself with thinking I am so ugly.

A person who has tried his absolute best in life, worked diligently, done his best to do good things for others, tries to be the best person he can be and works with dedication and focus on being a good man, is not an ugly person inside. Regardless of the perceptions of others, I still value myself, because a kid who was dirt nothing, riddled with extreme anxiety disorders, poor health, poor function, and totally destroyed in mind and body for decades would not even be here TRYING TO FUCKING BE A GOOD PERSON. They would drink themselves to oblivion and give in.

People who are room bound for multiple years, people who have severe phobias, people who are down and fucking out sick, fucked up out their mind, who are treated like dirt, abused, ridiculed, and fucking rejected from society DO NOT dream of being a better person.

People who are rejected many, many thousands of times, who are looked at like a leper, who are a virgin almost into their 30s and for whom even extreme levels of work has only seemed to move the needle in some small way despite almost fucking killing yourself DO NOT KEEP GOING

Yet for whatever reason, despite all this shit.........





Anyone who is in my shoes would feel the way I feel sometimes. I have past trauma and am healing. But man, I am doing great work here, really I am, and I am gutting up and working daily - there is no slowing down, no bullshitting, fuck that shit man, fuck that.

Wanna know what actually drives me?












I am going to work hard and flat out now for the rest of the week. NO MORE BS.

MakingAComeback said:
People who are room bound for multiple years, people who have severe phobias, people who are down and fucking out sick, fucked up out their mind, who are treated like dirt, abused, ridiculed, and fucking rejected from society DO NOT dream of being a better person.
man i really felt that one haha
Crisis_Overcomer said:
If you remember a recent Troy story I shared, the girl was all over him thanks to his bulging biceps, not his 6-pack.
Counterpoint: when I was at my heaviest muscle-wise, girls were all over my biceps & shoulders but once I went out and girls lifted up my shirt to gawk at my sixpack... only to find of course I had no sixpack at all because I was also at my heaviest bf% wise. You should've seen the disappointment on their faces lmao

MakingAComeback Good on you for doing what's necessary. I'm not here to discourage you from walking your path. In fact when I went through a (short) blackpill phase I looked into fillers too. But I had just started boxing and I figured it wasn't really smart to get all kinds of injections in my face & then getting hit repeatedly. As I'm aging I'm definitely keeping that shit in the back of my mind for in 10 years or so.

The way I see it, this is a cruel game and you need to take every advantage you can get. Like I remember on the old GLL forums guys would discourage me from using insoles because I'm "tall enough." LOL why not be "tall enough" and then some?

If you are aware of the risks of the surgery and also cognizant of the potential drawbacks (I'm sure you've read Psycho-Cybernetics. The author mentions in the foreword that lots of people from his plastic surgery practice would still think of themselves as ugly even after surgery, because they had created a mental image of themselves as ugly, and even though physical reality changed, their mental image did not catch up.) I'm sure you're aware of all these potential drawbacks & you'll make an informed and researched decision.
Holden said:
Counterpoint: when I was at my heaviest muscle-wise, girls were all over my biceps & shoulders but once I went out and girls lifted up my shirt to gawk at my sixpack... only to find of course I had no sixpack at all because I was also at my heaviest bf% wise. You should've seen the disappointment on their faces lmao

It's a fantastic phenomena.
Girls are drawn mainly to the V taper ( so a broad back and shoulders) and biceps, these have been for centuries the indicator of physical fitness.
Although when presented the same amount of muscle mass, they tend to lean towards choosing guys at around 12% BF - main thing though is that we are dressed 90% of the time ( the curse of the natural is real) so if we go for attraction value only, I would focus more on muscles than BF
Thanks for the posts bros.

I like the sentiment and anything that makes life better should be explored, man.

I have had a shaky start to the week - Mon and Tue were total sleep deprivation so it was hard, I was out there building relationships and learning. Wednesday, I tried to settle back in but wasn't right.

Thursday I had such a funny day.

The doubts, the fears, the insecurities, the demons, they call came to roost man. It was punishment of the highest order, and right after I'd been feeling so blessed about my life. I am learning a lot about psychology and healing as part of Iron Will, and I underwent healing of my own man.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
― C.G. Jung

The negativity, the pain, the past suffering, the trauma, the defeat, it doesn't just go away.

That stuff can sit inside you.

It can lay dormant.

And when you're sleep-deprived, and depleted from the hustle, those demons can truly awaken. My image issues which started at around 12 years old were never dealt with. They were just suppressed, ignored, pushed under the surface.

I am now stronger in myself, and I have healed much of my psyche. The stuff that remains comes out in dribs and drabs.

This was what happened this week. I was just overwhelmed by it, it was totally at the fore of my mind all day and fucked the day.

I've learned that supressing this and ignoring it doesn't help. You actually have to express it, bring it to the fore, engage with it, talk about it, work through it, and let the emotion run its course, so psychological integration can take place. Otherwise, this remains unconscious, and will direct your life.

That is why I typed it up, shared here and on Andys group, and just engaged with it.

After an entire day of this trauma attack, my mind trying to find centre as my subconscious chose now as a time to release this (it often does this when we attain new levels in life, it knows we're stronger and can take it) I was wrapped up with it and the white heat of emotions ripped through my entire being the whole day. I am determined to achieve my body goal and hence cannot miss the gym - I forced myself to the gym at 11pm after such a chaotic day, and had a bad workout which I cut short. I told my accountability parters the honest truth, that my mind was imploding and for whatever reason, my suppressed emotions were coming out that day.

I parked back up at my parents place. It was midnight.

Everyone was fast asleep, and in that twilight hour, as my mind was pulling me apart, it was time to integrate this, make sense of this, and begin to reconcile this decades long narrative.

I paced around the lounge, and began to confront the dragon.

"Are you genuinely ugly though, Ravi?"

"If you were, why did you get lays?"

"Is it really accurate that you're an invisible incel? Is it really accurate that women in the world more generally do not like you or find you attractive in any form?""

"Is it really true that the opposite sex rarely if ever feel any type of attraction for you?"

I grappled with this stuff as my mind decided to drive me fucking mad today, and I broke it down, endlessly, rifling through my memory bank, sorting out the mess, trying to make sense of this madness and how this nonsense burrowed so deep into my psyche in the first place.

It was challenging, as I really am only a man of around average looks - it certainly is the case that few women in the world would desire much involvement with me romantically. That does not mean that there are not some who will. And it is a worthy objective to find these women, there is nothing more great than finally encountering one. This happened 9 times in 2023 :)


The one that really split my brain open was the sheer weight the way I look and the way I am generally received by women DOES trouble me, and DOES create a certain fear over future prospects.

It was hard to grapple with, and despite the different ways I was trying to look at it, just dealing with this and how I am going to make my life work caused me to pace for quite some time whilst philosophizing, quite madly.

But emotions began to stir, from deep, deep inside. They kept churning and I just refused to give up. This money has been on my back for a long, long time man - it is time to push back, defend myself, and allow some of this poison to be dripped from me.

"This person was a child in an unsafe environment, in a terrible part of town, in a hostile situation, who developed anxiety disorders whilst still single digit age. This person was in special education classes and was unable to read and write like the other children, and through sheer force of will, this small child pushed himself to become an A grade student and attend an elite University, coming from a failing school where only 2 of 600 kids in the graduating class were able to do this.

This child had crippling asthma and used to be hospitalized, chronic anxiety and depression, and he had no way to fix himself, but through his own determination alone he found things to help himself.

This person had 5 paper routes at 12 years old and was called Reliable Rav. This person had 2 jobs at 16. This person but himself through University with his jobs and did so whilst battling chronic, clinical level anxiety and depression.

This person navigated endless challenges in his life, had to climb many mountains, and still never gave him.

Who else would have overcome extreme anxiety and phobias, room bound for 2 years, and fight his way back into work and secure 3 promotions?

Who else would even dare to dream and not have been crushed man? Who else, when obese at 275lbs would say, no, one day, I will be a fit, healthy, vibrant man, and I will break this cycle, all the challenges that life put on me, that I did not ask for, I will overcome, and I will utterly destroy every goal, every challenge, every objective I set for myself - I will build strength where there was weakness, I will create positivity where there was negativity, and I will forge an unstoppable drive where there was was once defeat.

I set out to raise the phoenix from the ashes, and that, ON ALL ACCOUNTS, was fucking DONE.

This is a person who DOES deserve better, even if he does not feel worthy, he DOES deserve good things in life.

This person is from dirt nothing and is a testament to the ability of the human animal to gain a better life for itself through HARD WORK and sacrifice. YEARRS, YEARS spent just bettering himself, though life was so challenging and it did not get better for so long.

And you really need to make this persons life harder by telling him he is ugly?

Who else, WHO THE FUCK ELSE, would still even be trying to become somebody AFTER ALL THAT SHIT?

This person is TRYING despite the odds. This person has already done the impossible, and you want to tell him that he is ugly, that the things he has are not good enough, that the face nature gave him, the body, the arms, the legs, that these are weak, shameful, no good, and that they do not deserve to be loved and appreciated because they belong to him, and he is no good? You want to tell him that what little he has to navigate the world and life his life are not good things and that he isn't destined to live much of a life despite his efforts?


That truly is evil. Someone who has tried do hard despite very unfavourable circumstances, who had so little and had to overcome so much, does not deserve to be treated in this way. This is sick and totally unfair and is not giving this person the chance he deserves.

This is needless cruelty and this person does not deserve to be subjected to this, it does not help him navigate the world, it just makes his life harder. He already has a challenging situation and is not going to have an easy path in his life. He knows that and is still trying to run in the race, so why are you trying to trip him up?"

I broke down and cried until 3am, pacing around, just letting this shit go and be dealt with. It needed to be brought to light.

It was hard, but this work has to be done.

The negativity in the subconscious will just bleed into life, lest it is fully dealt with, expressed, grasped, and worked through.

This journey, the self improvement journey, it has given me good things.

L has been in Thailand, but she still does text me, and she does care about me. Fair enough, we're just friends, but this is an awesome woman. A really awesome, awesome human being. I never had anyone like this in my life prior to have a conversation with, to just talk to. This is great, Hell, 9 girls this year actually had sex with me. I did a lot of cool stuff.

The dates DID get better, once I did work hard on them. They will get better moving forward.

My attractiveness, is frankly what it is. This is a hard situation to navigate, but the way I see it, a really great body will help me a bunch, my hair transplant will start to grow a bunch, and there's tattoos and archetype changes I can explore. In a year and a half, there's options for surgery man. So there's plenty I can still do.

Even so, I have seen unattractive men with good partners who would be a total catch. It CAN be done, and if other men can do it, why can't a man with drive such as myself overcome these barriers and hurdles and someone make this work?

There have been remarkable victories, man, and I am a success story in the making.

Really, the fact that I have been able to do this shit - it is mindblowing. Sometimes I think back to the way I used to be, and how lonely and isolating it was. Pushing myself from that, from all the way back there, my god, that was 12 years of grinding just to SURVIVE.

I have the potential to become better and be a better man.

There is something there, for sure. I've SEEN IT. I've FELT IT.

Because our self improvement involves women, quite a bit, this can make some men like myself actually get really down on themselves because introducing a creature such as woman introduces her standards and preferences, and then guys like me are not really going to feel good about ourselves, as we do not fit this mold.

But outside of women, I have become a better person, a better brother, friend, professional, member of the community, and human in this world.

That is a good thing, It's a good thing that I continue to keep trying to make myself better.

Maybe there will be a woman who will come along and value this one day. Maybe there won't. But I fucking value myself, because I started off this life in a damn impossible situation, and I just fucking REFUSED TO QUIT. So why should I have anything but pride for myself as a man?

We as men are more than the way we look.

We are supporters, collaborators, problem solvers, decision makers, action takers, improvers. We are patient, kind, respectful, helpful, and willing to go the extra mile to do the right thing. We are determined, powerful, strong, and able to endure when times get truly difficult. We have worth, value, and though it is so hard to be appreciated as a man in today's world, so hard to just get a woman to give you the time of day

As men our most valuable thing is not our outward appearance.

As men our most valuable thing is our heart and our spirit.

Those things are the most powerful thing we have as men. And my heart and sprit is what has carried me through this life for 31 years man, this shit is titanium, armour plated, it cannot be broken, it cannot be tired out, it cannot be beaten, defeated, it just keeps fucking coming back and never lets me down! I know I can rely on my heart and spirit because no matter what life threw, and it threw a lot, these two factors remained at my side and never gave up on me.

These are enough to carry us as men to the success we seek.

Really, with hard work, a man can accomplish his dreams. If he can just show up every day and not quit, he can actually live a good life.

-Even if you're unattractive to most chicks, there will be SOME who will give you a shot. I have proven this!
-Even if you're having to push uphill in most of your dating life and getting traction is a pain in the damn ass, you CAN get the odd success if you can use the variable of time and high effort/time
-Factors like gym, tattooing, archetypes, and surgical procedures are there for you to gain small advantages and maybe give you an edge to make the process more bearable

And if you really don't like what kind of woman you are able to get, that's fine, try for a few years, and then you can leave it alone and plan a different kind of life, with different kinds of goals and objectives. There is no shame in saying thanks, but no thanks, and in a very superficial world, sometimes you have to make an empowered choice and go your own way.

The thing that matters at the end of the day is having a smile on your face. Because none of this shit really matters in the end.

You and I get one go here.

Don't suffer. Don't torture yourself. Even if you are not appreciated, appreciate yourself.

We are worth it.

Grinding until the bitter fucking end......

Working with my clients and welcoming new recruits to IronWill for 2023. A group coaching for driven individuals with goals will come, and we'll be able to check in with each other, as men on a journey, peers and members of the IronWill tribe, and convene on our objectives every fucking week, cementing our commitment and DECIDING to be successful.

Truth is, once you decide truly in your heart that you'll succeed, 50% of the battle is won.

The rest, man, is about working your dick off each day and just not giving in.

I killed gym today, I turned me week around.

What a year. Best year of my life, bar none.

I totally transformed myself LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck me it is insane that this shit can be done.

As you can see from this post here:


I am working through my issues, and that's normal, trust me. This is YEAR ONE. I made a commitment to be here for FIVE YEARS. End of those 5 years, either we see Baby MAC, a little Ravi, or a baby girl, and then daddy is off to become a rich and successful business person, or the Universe throws an opportunity my way and an idea comes to me and we do some really big stuff.

Anyone who had to overcome things in their life accumulated trauma. It is not actually possible to go through tough times and not pick up trauma in your subconscious. This will be the case for Andy (consider his abusive relationship, just reading that is hard, really it is so hard, it used to make me almost physically sick and burst into cold sweats just reading that shit), or any other interesting person in this world who rose up. We just don't see these things, but I remember cases.

I have recently become obsessed with physique development and made it my #2 goal, and as you know when something is my goal, that is my life force now, that is everything and nothing comes above it, I obsess over it ALL DAY and there is nothing I won't do.

I remembered something from years ago. The bodybuilding champ Kai Greene used to shoot a weekly vlog, and he was doing his run up for Mr Olympia. Randomly, a few weeks out from the contest, he had a vlog breaking down crying about how he grew up in foster care, in very tough situations, and endured a substandard way of life for most of his existence, and walked around the world thinking he was ugly, thinking he was "not wanted" as his parents abandoned him, and that he was a "refugee". His demons came out, despite all his success (he was a winner of the Arnold Classic at the time of this video) and making it to the Olympia, cementing him in history, he could not hold this back and it came out of him. He spoke his truth and got on with his life. And he actually performed amazingly at the Olympia.

If you have this sort of shit in your psyche, it'll need to be reconciled. People live half-lived lives because they are not willing to confront their demons, as they fear what others think.

Allowing a negative perception of myself to seep into my subconscious got me stuck in my parent's house for 2 years, weighing 275lbs, suffering from extreme anxiety and panic attacks, a virgin, unable to function, too scared to live, too scared to die.

Pushing past all of that was a legendary achievement, but above all man, it was necessary to get me HERE.

It is now time to go further.

Getting into physique, I am training HARD AS FUCK, diet is perfect, supplements, sleep, everything on point. Tracking it all, morning scale pics are sent to all my boys each morning, I have 2 hardcore accountability partners JUST for physique and they send me their workouts, macros/kcals, morning scales EVERY DAT, and physique pics/measurements every week, and we send a daily voice note setting our intention for our goal that day. It is HARDCORE, FULL ON, no half-measures type shit - old school GLL principles. ANYTHING to win. Any edge, any advantage, use it all and build a war machine that can destroy any obstacle and blast through the enemy with unstoppable, phenomenal force, This is how I like to achieve goals, like this scene from GOT:

The Battle of the Bastards is underway, and Ramsay Bolton has the upper hand. The gods of war have smiled upon him, and Jon's men have been subject to an envelopment, and are being tortuously, mercilessly, devilishly crushed to a brutal, slow, tormenting demise.

Hope is all but gone, but the men are holding on, not giving in, and they are able to make the last human decision: rather than give in and allow themselves to be defeated, despite the odds, despite the fact that all is lost and the end has drawn near, with evil and sickness about to triumph, hope for a better time and a better world slipping through the fingers.

The premise was, can one who does right triumph over a force so sick, that does evil with no conscience? Jon's men were outnumbered, they were in a bad starting position, and they were disadvantaged going into this battle. But they had no other choice, it was time to gut up as us men often have to do in life, champ down, lift the sword, and put full faith in the premise that good intention backed by faith CAN call the Universe to create order out of chaos.

It's looking as if the hero's luck has run out, but they have GRIT, DETERMINATION, and they REFUSE TO GIVE IN.

Despite the suffocation, the asphyxia, the spectre of death dawning upon them, the grim reaper with his scythe stood gazing with eyes of stone, emotionless, formless, timeless, despite this moment that for all intents and purposes could be said to be the end of the road.....

Just when the hour was the darkest

It was then the divine opened up a pathway for the true seeker to be able to continue the journey.

The Knights of the Vale arrive, they have to, they are sworn to House Strark and that means if it comes to it, they will lay down their lives. Sansa Stark called for their assistance and they of course heed the call.

The force with which they lead the charge is simply overwhelming. It is an army that vastly outnumbers the entire field, it is a cavalry of horses that are at full pace, armoued, hooves thundering downhill. The men on sadals are ferociously loyal, and will fight until the last drop o blood, bringing all their fury, all their rage, all their murderous, intent. and with utterly bone-crushing, smashing everything they have into the enermy.

Heads are cleaved clear off necks, bone is shattered, sentience turned to corpse as flesh is ground under hoof, sliced apart by the sword. It is a blood bath, a massacre.

Bones of the enemy will bleach the fields for all of eternity.


That is how you actually achieve things.

You leverage things that put the odds in your favour, such as ENORMOUS levels of work, EXTREME levels of commitment, and you throw the variable of sheer fucking endurance, and persistence, and made it your personal code to never give in.

You can overwhelm the enemy by just enduring, man. If you show up enough, this shit starts to go in your favour.

This is how I did The Phoenix Project, and it'll be how I'll do the next project.......... ;-)

It's one step at a time.


I bust my fucking ass for this shit man.

Lays: 9 out of 10 done, but I turned down 3 who wanted me, but were not acceptable to me.

Approach Anxiety: Destroyed it.

Weight: Bodyweight was 187.3lbs this morning, goal was 185lbs.

I gave all I fucking could man, I killed myself for this shit, fucking KILLED MYSELF.

I am happy with the work I did and the outcomes I got.

The fact that I can get laid now, can get dates, and the fact that I am more confident and capable, is exactly what I needed.

I will now have to be strong going into the next year, because I still have some way to go.

For a better dating life, I'll have to:

-Build a great body
-Change my appearance in some way
-Keep approaching women
-Keep dating women
-Work SMART and on my specific areas for development
-Heal myself emotionally

This will be done through consistency and smart working.

Biz, I'll handle.

The fears I have about "finding someone" are definitely there, and honestly man, dating the way it is for me can be so tiring. Just how hard it is for me to make it happen with a girl. This is where the only answer really is grinding and shutting up and going through it.

Where I am in this shit is this bewitching position where i just keep going incase things actually do get better. This will just require FAITH. TRUST.

In theory, man, I too am flesh and blood, I too an a man in this world, and if I keep going, I too could have some success. I truly do not enjoy this shit with having to fight so hard to find a lady, truly I do not. I actually hate this shit to be honest with you, it drains me, it is so repetitive, so tiring, and it is just a punishing uphill struggle. I wish I didn't have to do this 10-30 dates bullshit to get a very meh chick. It is sheer numbing of the soul. But man, I am stuck in this fucked up situation where I am almost like a crack addict at this point, I keep going at it, because I may get what I am looking for, even if it isn't looking likely.

This gives me a love hate relationship with self improvement. I love working hard, but I hate this fucking shit at the same time.

What choice do I have? I'll just keep going..........

What will see you end up in the dungeon is when you dwell on this.

Two of the biggest things I learned this year:

-THE REWARD IS THE WORK: Nothing else matters other than the daily war with the to do list. Nothing matters apart from busting your fucking ass. Apply yourself with every fucking ounce of energy you have and leave NOTHING behind. THAT is the reward, and that os the good thing in life. It will bring success as a byproduct of taking the right actions.

-THE MOST VALUABLE THING A MAN HAS IS HIS HEART AND DETERMINATION: This means WAY more than being attractive or 'successful with women' - something which is a truly meaningless metric, as success with women is largely a social construction the masses of inert sheep in society just bend to. To give credit to someone just for the way they were born, seems to me to be juvenile and is no measure of a man. This shit does not matter. What matters is the man you become, and how you become a man worthy of respect is doing HARD THINGS.

If something is hard, uphill climbing, and not really giving you the rewards you seek, it takes sheer fucking brass bollocks to keep going in the hope you could win.

Even a dog like me has a punchers chance. You never fucking know! ;-)

It is what it is gentlemen.

I am going to go into the new year and apply myself as thoroughly as humanly possible.

I hope you will too.

MakingAComeback said:
People live half-lived lives because they are not willing to confront their demons, as they fear what others think
me for like 95% of my life. soon i will look back on it as just a phase

MakingAComeback said:
than the daily war with the to do list
laughed audibly at this
You and me both, brother.

Happy New Year to you & the KYIL boys.

Was with one of my best friends, David, we hung out at my parents place, met at 11pm and we talked until 530am man.

Went DEEP.

That is what we need for each other as men, to listen, to hold space, to create presence, and allow us to make the unconscious conscious.

99% of this shit is in your head.

Want proof?

Dudes worse looking than us found themselves fantastic partners.

So it happens to be possible.

We are the ones who get in our own way, and the truth is, success is just about mindset, abundance mentality, and gutting up and doing SMART work, to a solid action plan. and putting the time in each day.

Success is pretty much guaranteed if you do that.

There is no option to fail this shit for me. NONE. There is no possibility to even stop, See in the post above, I mentioned that well, if it doesn't work out, I can always stop? Wanna know why I wrote that? Because the actual deep core of me knows I have already decided, man, to either complete this journey, or just die trying. When you have made that level of commitment in your life it can be scary and it can float up now and again but the boats were burned a long time ago now.

I am in a good space today, despite, what, 3 hrs sleep, I was with a good man, good company, and just enjoyed being with my friend - a homie for 7 years, we have always had each others back.

We talked about going to Amsterdam next month to do some psychedelics (psilocybin mushrooms) to do some inner work and healing. He's on a journey like me. He's quite knowledgeable about psychopharmacology, and he's done quite a few psilocybin trips, and this uncovered a lot for him, and he felt it gave him the blueprint to understand how he can actualise himself.

"Trying to fight an enemy in a darkened room is hard, Ravi. The mushroom spirit will illuminate the room for you and show you where the enemy is. You will then have to attack it, head in, but I know you happen to be quite good at that, you combative bastard ;-)"

This may be something I do next month. And it may help me,

Brothers, really glad to be here with you, really glad to be on this journey with you, and think you are all a testament to the greatness of the human animal.

This journey is tough sometimes, man, but because of the work, because I like to work hard, but the mind stuff, the stuff that comes up. Dealing with that, yeah, not so pleasant. It's why few stay the course. But all of this happens FOR you.

For me to become the elite, god-tier level of Ravi, I'll need to embody:

-No excuses mindset
-Abundance mentality
-Internalise the belief that the most powerful part of me that will lead to my ultimate success is in fact my fighting spirit and masculine core. That actually is the treasure that is buried within and despite what anyone may make of my appearance, external existence, whatever the eye can see basically, all of that shit pales in comparison to the actual treasure that is within a man: the heart and spirit to just keep going.


I'm going to share this article on BIZ as you know this is my primary goal

Reason I am sharing, one of my best friends has done a massive expose on used by influencers to build brands and make serious cash

It is fucking shocking he has done this and he is likely to catch enormous levels of hate, so my guess is, this will be pulled from the internet and wiped from the books very soon

My tribe is KYIL so I want my bros to be able to read it and we can strengthen our commitment to HONESTY & ETHICS


It's insane this shit is what goes on man, really it is, but I want us here to be informed.

When it comes to HONESTY and how we operate, stuff like this is so challenging, because these people are winning it seems.

But IMO, how we can actually rise above this shit is if we understand, actually overcome some of our naive and simplistic notions, and continue to act with integrity regardless.

This log will be a more biz focused log soon, let's start these types of conversations.

I mean it might work for a bit. And scams are as old as written history.

But in the long run there's really no shortcuts.
I think you're right man!

Plus ripping people off, damm you've got to be dark triad in order to do that

I couldn't live with myself. Even little lies make me sick, man, I can't stand it and I HAVE to just go back and make sure that person knows the truth

Gift and curse of a neurodivergent brain lol

Yeah I've been encouraged to fake instagram up to a certain point by someone i hugely respect in biz

Its such a common thing that online biz guys just view it as part of the game now

Reputation and credibility across all the diff social media sites takes time and effort to build, so why not just buy it?

It is very tempting, especially on the sites you dont care about but know that having some basic cred on there when i prospective client checks your socials is valuable
MakingAComeback said:
-Build a great body
-Change my appearance in some way
-Keep approaching women
-Keep dating women
-Work SMART and on my specific areas for development
-Heal myself emotionally

The redshirt year is over

These are very good 2nd year goals my man, success compounds

My prediction remains, you will look back on 2022 in 5 years time and thank yourself that you clawed out the experience that you did
I mean the only thing that matters in business is to charge less than the value you're giving. The only way to sell a $100 app to someone is to have the app do something worth thousands.

I like Doomberg on Twitter... in addition to discussing the fin/energy worlds, they also openly talk about how they're building their brand and their business. In an interview, Doomberg defines a brand not as a 'story' or an 'image', but as the gut feeling the audience has about you. You don't get to choose that gut feeling, the audience does.

(This applies to game too. The girl's gut feeling about you is what matters.)

Part of having a unique brand that invokes the proper 'gut feeling' is, imo, to be genuine about yourself and what you're trying to do. In their guts people can read this stuff, versus people who are more about cunning, tricks, etc. GoodLookingLoser was a terrific, terrific brand. So is KYIL. Part of that is that the guys are genuine about themselves and what they want to do, and making money is part of that.
MakingAComeback said:
this will be pulled from the internet and wiped from the books very soon
not anymore it won't lol

MakingAComeback said:
"Are you genuinely ugly though, Ravi?"

"If you were, why did you get lays?"

"Is it really accurate that you're an invisible incel? Is it really accurate that women in the world more generally do not like you or find you attractive in any form?""

"Is it really true that the opposite sex rarely if ever feel any type of attraction for you?"

Questions I'd been asking myself the other day, and the silliest part was I worried I was the only one on here who's working to improve yet still having those kinds of thoughts. Damn, I ought to come by this site and your thread in particular more often. This is just one mega-encouragement to see you striving in spite of these demons and frustrations that try to claw you back to mediocrity. Keep rocking it MAC!
Radical said:
Yeah I've been encouraged to fake instagram up to a certain point by someone i hugely respect in biz

Its such a common thing that online biz guys just view it as part of the game now

Reputation and credibility across all the diff social media sites takes time and effort to build, so why not just buy it?

It is very tempting, especially on the sites you dont care about but know that having some basic cred on there when i prospective client checks your socials is valuable

I think I'll do it.

Think I'll create a bunch of new content for IronWill, then schedule it, start getting a lot out, and hack my way to 100k IG followers.

And then just keep brand building.

I'd only do that on IG, as like you mention, IG isn't an important part of my biz. FB & Twitter are.

Radical said:
MakingAComeback said:
-Build a great body
-Change my appearance in some way
-Keep approaching women
-Keep dating women
-Work SMART and on my specific areas for development
-Heal myself emotionally

The redshirt year is over

These are very good 2nd year goals my man, success compounds

My prediction remains, you will look back on 2022 in 5 years time and thank yourself that you clawed out the experience that you did

Was a fantastic red shirt year. Utterly transformational. That's the game we're in.

I will confirm my goals for 2nd year, properly, in a full writeup and gratitude post.

IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

We're going to blow the roof off the place.
