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(1) MONEY:
i. Client Notes: Type up & Send
ii. Study Twitter Guide
iii. Network & Outreach: Group Post / Adding Value & Engagement
Others: Review coaching from D, Read Dex's Guides
i. Rest day
ii. Hit kcal
iii. Biohack - 2hrs CT
i. Cold Approach: Go approach (volume here is 0 so I can't set a goal, but I have no AA, I can approach whoever and whenever)
ii. Reading: Andy articles
iii. Content: Watch 1 video from Andy
Others: Bit of work on the apps. It's not super encouraging what I see here, my profile isn't necessarily hitting - no matches on boosts rn. And that's cool. Focus is not on girls anymore. I am glad of that too! Working on the body, the looks, my general social freedom and vibe, and then once I've gotten my biz a bit further and can get a solid ass photoshoot done, which may involve flying to the states to see some of my guys there as they're the best tbh, the rest can wait. When it's time, I'll speak tp my advisors on that one and do what they tell me lol. But gotta make some cash first..........


Up @ 6.

At the desk working by 630. Distraction blockers on. 2hr work slot.

Watch sunrise.

Type this up.

Then back to 2hr no distractions work slot.

After this work slot, I'll go cold approach. Approach is mindset work for me, it's abundance, happiness, just a hobby for me - it's my meditation. I like it.

Yesterday was quite good. I did some useful tasks. I have been hustling like mad for so long, sometimes tiredness can catch up, and it can be “minimum effective dose” days. Yesterday was such a day, and that’s all good.

Comments on Day Game:

The city I’m in has, well, barely any volume. I saw one girl out, and went up and had a great conversation. She had a bf.

I’ll keep figuring it out. I am further along, now, have little to no AA now (I thought that’d never go – more fool me), can get girls to stop, can get girls to hook, and generally have a bit of confidence and social skill. Improvements were made.

Hard earned, and day game is a very powerful self improvement tool.

I did 500+ approaches before The Dom pulled me aside and taugh me how to actually stop a girl. This was a problem for months!

Thereafter, I evolved and have been able to stop them rather consistently, but it took hundreds of more sets for me to embed that.

I’m easily over 1000 day game approaches since I started here. And it’s getting better and better. It should continue to improve, providing I keep putting in the work, and work smart, attacking sticking points.

The overall sticking point does remain one of vibe, general attraction, all that. It is a combination of taking action, being focused, and repeating again and again that gets us further along.

Whilst girls in general are no longer a primary focus, it’s still important to talk to women every week, and still get dates, and keep things ticking along. I’d like to do my next really big push once I’ve gotten a better physique, new photos, and done what I can to really improve looks to a considerably degree.

But for now, on the weekends at the very least, I will go elsewhere and bang some volume where I can find it.

I’ll return to my action plan for mindset / dating development, focus on my areas for development, and record the next weeks of sessions. I’ll then probably ask for feedback on how I can get better.

But things are moving. I am feeling good. That’s solid.
It’ll come, man.

We do it for the love of the game, for the joy of self improvement. It’s so good to be alive and to be able to approach and rewire your brain in real time – I call this brain surgery without a scalpel.
Otherwise, going to keep getting stuff done, and then wind down today, and go into next week strong.

MakingAComeback said:
Whilst girls in general are no longer a primary focus, it’s still important to talk to women every week, and still get dates, and keep things ticking along.

They are skills like everything else. They have to be practiced, otherwise you get rusty. Even though I'm focused on the startup so much and get my lays from online, I'm glad I'm still getting in a few approaches here and there each week. That way when I set aside time to do more in a week, I'm not so rusty and can actually make improvement rather than playing catchup.

Keep kicking ass, Ravi.
Thank you homie!

Yeah I am making gains in frame and confidence all the damn time, through sheer persisitence and consistency.

High level game is a true mission and a test of resolve. The guys who got their game tight, like The Dom, worked for years - if you ever meet him, you'll hear the stories of talking to stunning tourists in Italy for 8-12hrs a day all summer in his previous life in the nightclub business, for fucking years, creating epic level brain change and fucking 50+ girls a summer!

No one shirks the work

BTW Bman think its time to take your advice and do a day or two of refeed.....my boys also echoed your thoughts as I have been dieting for a while

Post to come...

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Gaining size, but no shifts on the scale yet.

We're working on a YEAR LONG process of physique development.

We'll get there.

2 days of sensible, careful refeed. Nothing stupid or floppy, nothing to fuck up my hard work. Probably just using the kinda template Manly uses in The Vertical diet, good sources of carbs, protein, fats, etc.

Just careful, sensible addition of some carbs for 2 days.

And then....

Increase kcals to 2700 on lifting days, and keep to 2200kcals for non lifting days. Keep it low carb/borderline keto.

I have been 2200 each day, pretty much, and my body isn't letting the scale fall much further now. Even though I am gaining lean muscle.

For my goal, which is to build a physique: I NEED TO ADD MUSCLE.

So, lets get the body properly anabolic with 2 days of refeed, and head into the process strong with increasing the kcals for lifting days and keeping non lifting days as they are.

Look at my measurements, this shit is working! I am working hard in the gym and this shit is actually happening.

With my ongoing hard work and the bros helping me adjust once a month, 10-12 more months of this, and I will have a solid body.

Getting a really great body will take me 2-3 years.

But my wife will never be able to find a man better than me....and Ill fcking know it LMAO


Training super hard, as you all know.

Today, I wore a SUPER tight t shirt in the gym.

When I took off my zip-up top, a group of girls who were stood some way in front, who looked 18/19, stopped for a moment - I noticed.

It did happen. It was a subtle thing, and was different from before. It doesn't mean they found be attractive, likelihood is they didn't, but they did stop talking for a moment and it was noticed by me.

If I had a totally crazy body, it could change the game for me IMO. That's a few years away and I will likely be a bit old by then tbh! ;-)

It's subtle things, man, but when you clamp down and do the work, and really grind and work on yourself, it's slow, subtle, but you CAN become better looking. You do it FOR YOU.

It's SLOW, the gains come through you busting your ass.

You have to just suck it up, and give it your all.....for MONTHS.....if not years, before changes come.

Here is my Pre Hair transplant, in Budapest with my best bros, Paw, The Dom, E, just enjoying my life man, not worried about girls, just being with my friends and fucking enjoying each other.

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I was trying my ass off despite being aggressively balding. Sure, I am not a good looking chap here, bodyfat is too high, and muscle mass, fuck me, non existant.

Still kept trying!

I got the surgery 2 months after this. I came back in July 2022, and then in August, I fly to Turkey to get it done.

Here I am two days ago, in month 4 of the transplant. Note, it takes a further 9-10 months to fully come to fruition.

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It's a SLOW grind.

My dating apps are just dead outside of London. Nada.

It's not a bad profile, it got me over 100 dates in London, it's just, outside of London, where there are at least some ethnic minorities, in towns like where I am, there's just not a lot of black/brown people, and hence, it's quite tricky getting traction. This concept of skin tone is genuinely pointless, but many have not quite evolved past it, and that does mean on things like dating apps, in many places like this, you're kinda fucked!

My profile isn't weak. It's OK!

But it just doesn't hit around here. My strategy was basically to go to where my profile could perform, London, and that worked.

Here, it's gonna be a tricky one.

To avoid getting rusty, I can just day game, but this is really back to struggle mode with the ladies....PERFECT time to focus on biz, man, and just let this nonsense be what it is.

The only way to view this shit is just on the mission for bettering YOU. You grind to become a better man, businessman, and human.

I learned from the part of my life which was focused on pursuing women that the dating game is basically rigged. Once you see that, you can just accept it, and move BEYOND.

My investment is n myself, and my ongoing improvement, is purely for me - because I am worth it, and I value myself, and getting stronger in the gym, getting fitter, just makes me feel fucking good about myself man.

Seeing a better man in the mirror, this is AWESOME.

Working on your looks, for you, is good. It may be months before I get another date. Could be legit a year or more.

Oh well.

This shit is for me from now. :-)

Zug said:
Aesthetic improvement in the before and after is undeniable MAC. Keep going,

Thanks Zug!

The pursuit of aesthetic improvements is a worthy cause, man, to see the changes in oneself, and to feel better, totally worth it!


WEEK 1: 10/01/2023


(1) Money:
-Client Work
-Client Calls
-Operations Plan
-Socials: 3 Posts
-Twitter: Action Plan
-Network: Groups posts/engagement

(2) Muscles:
-Day #2 Refeed (Gained 4.2lbs from that refeed yesterday, I've been low carb, so the body sucked up some glycogen. This is necessary to break through the pleatue. Back to the diet tomorrow)
-Back & Biceps

(3) Mindset:
-Nothing: Won't have time.


Tomorrow I'll figure out a place I can approach. May get train to another city, work in a cafe, approach throughout the day, and do my biz hustle.

Work hard, you will succeed.

The dog mentality PAYS OFF. Just grinding daily, it will bring success.

Thank you tdan187

It’s a process and glowing up so to speak has to be done to be given a fair shot

Best mentality is ‘whatever it takes to win’

Is it a bit of a pain? Yeah

But you do it because you’re committed to betterment

I’m off to approach today, got a fade yesterday

The looks game, takes patience, calmness, and just doing the work….

Just gotta stay focused

More muscle
Less body fat

And any other looksmaxx stuff I can do

It is what it takes. If you don’t do it, the playing field will never be levelled.

We do this to enable us to have choice.

And not to settle for what we can get.

I found the ladies I could get at my current level were simply not worth having. Unpleasant undesirables, who just weren’t worth it.

Solution: level up aggressively, put on serious muscle, chisel myself down to granite, become a success, build myself into something great, get elite tier photoshoots that demonstrate this

And be able to access better.

The lower end of the dating experience will chew your soul up and spit it out.

Through work, and putting the time in, it stands to reason that better outcomes will come.

I started off very unattractive, and I can assure you, I was actually treated like dirt, it was shocking. But that’s how it goes.

Worked hard on looks, see pics below. This got me treated a little more like a ‘normal’ person, but the attraction levels just aren’t there yet. Right now, often find myself in the ‘hard no’ category for most ladies. Pain in the ass, but I grind through.

I’ll let you know when I see those outcomes myself. I don’t have the sense that it will be any time soon. But we’ll see.


Day Game: 1 / 7 (volume was meh, this wasn’t an ideal time, went to a shopping mall 12-2pm. I will go straight to a Uni campus next week).

1 – parked my car up, and then walked to the train station. With my eagle eye, I saw a chick in the distance, smoking a cig outside starbucks. Made a long bee-line. Fun chat.

Got the train. Arrived in Birmingham.

Went out and about, best volume was in the shopping centre. There was some volume, but it freakin’ paled in comparison with the Big Smoke.

2 – harsh blowout, wouldn’t stop, totally igored
3 – Poor, weak approach from me, she was confused
4 – This gal refused to stop, despite a solid effort from me
5 – Very harsh blowout, she saw me coming, she knew my game, and fucking deflected hard LOL
6 – Stopped, laughed, and refused to tell me her name. :)
7 exchanged! V awkward girl, she was edgy, didn’t make eye contact for ages, she was quite sweet and seemed like a great gal, got her to open up a bit, enjoyed chatting with her, and then she did talk more and make eye contact. Asked her for a drink, she said “maybe”. Fun chat regardless, and glad she exchanged bless her. Clearly an anxious and neurotic person, she told me she is “scared of people”.
8 – Great girl. She was just super open, nice, stopped, heard me out – pretty gal too. BUT, she had a bf. All good!

Vibe was off today, Wednesday I get basically get 4 - 5 hr sleep due to getting group coaching until 2am usually. That’s what it takes. Many dudes around the world stay up late and get their coaching done with Andy. I am no exception. Welcome to success. We do this gladly.

I have more tension and am comparatively worse than I am when rested. It matters 0.

Real huslters get the job done, regardless – it’s a badge of honour to be a true street huslter.

I am one. I get it done, regardless.

-What I did well: persisted, and once sets hooked, I did vibe well. The set that did hook, 7, I did exchange. I had the girls who hooked laughing, enjoying good vibes, all was pretty solid IMO.
-What I could improve: Vibe was a bit off today, and I attribute this to being underslept. Furthermore, I am not totally squaring up! Which is making even the better sets try to escape! I call out their trying to escape and they then do kinda stop, but this is me fucking up. Once they stop, I do need to totally square up infront of them.

-Changed opener: I was using “I thought you looked lovely, I wanted to say hi”, and now use “I thought you’re really pretty, I wanted to say hi”. Step in the right direction, I think.

Day was solid.

Did some cold approach, and then headed back home. Rain was punishing. Totally drenched. Walked to my car in zen. Why? Because I got after it. Day game session was 3hrs due to having to scavenge for volume. Will try a different time next time, and go out later, hoping to catch the post-work type crowd.

Had my OMAD.

Crashed in bed for 1.hrs, as I was on low sleep, and hustled my face off doing day game.

Did my biz work, 2hrs. Break for 15 mins. 2 more hours.

Now going to bed, it’s ~10pm.

I was tired after day game. I was having resistance. You need to know this. Even when I am fucking dying, I still gut up and get it done.

You use your life productively, and learn the inner game of success – the great ones just don’t give into their biological tendencies and urges. They can just stare resistance and boredom/discomfort down and just do SOMETHING.

It’s painful to hustle on low to no sleep. I’ve done it so many times, guys, I’ve been out there approaching on 0 seconds sleep with legs of lead.

And I STILL get it done.

Even if the “results” aren’t there, the underlying machinery I am building, the sheer work capacity, understanding of my psyche, and watering the seeds of success, WILL bring me a better life.

To get where many of us want to be, it does involve becoming the higher level type of person who has those things.

When I am in the gym, and I know not a single motherfucker there is training harder than me, with more focus, more intensity, more sheer desire, I know I am putting myself onto the track of the successful male.

I don’t enjoy getting blown out in public, over and over. I just allow those negative emotions to wash over me because I have been there fuckin’ THOUSANDS of times. When a girl is actually nice to me, I really appreciate it, I think about it for HOURS, I really value them and it makes me happy. :)

Underdogs are a different breed, we need to live different, think different, and importantly, many of us need to back each other more man. We should take pride in the sheer hustle of our lives because very very few could live like this – this should be a source of pride and a testament to te human animal, man, that this species will put in work endlessly despite the uncertainty.

Is there glory in doing easy things?

…..Not really.

When something is a fuckin’ straight up BITCH, well that’s how you become better, this stuff can make you one of the best dudes on planet earth. You also sink into yourself, find love for yourself, and just sheer self respect.

Your entire indentity hardens and strengthens.

Today, I honestly did my best. I am suffering from the low sleep, of course, but I did my client work solidly, and did my best with biz tasks.

Tomorrow, will have a way more focused day.



The people are backing me, they want to see the work I've put in, for so long now, eventually pay off..............

Thank you all for giving me your time.

If we can pull this shit off, it will prove conclusively that hard work, if done consistently, can change a man's destiny.

tdan187 said:
I still don't know what I think about the looks thing.

Part of me thinks, if I was just confident enough, it won't be an issue.

Another part thinks it's impossible without sufficient looks.

That's why I want to see what happens when a not attractive guy approaches with strong game, swagger, confidence, and sexuality. Maybe to finally lay it to rest for myself.

Do you really think it's impossible to score with hot girls from cold approach without being naturally good looking or looks maxing first?

I'm still confused honestly.

It will definitely be interesting to see how hot girls respond to me soon.

Approach 1000s of women, and you'll know :)

Go take action, again and again, week after week, for years and you'll know

I know dude. I am not attractive, but still have balls and confidence, and approach like a bulldog. Record my audios from dates and cold approaches as you know. All is fine, and improving.

I've not actually gotten any girls doing approach, certainly not "hot" girls which I don't care about, just an average, normal looking gal with a good heart is enough for me. But no, none of that happened for me. Just being honest dude. 5000+ life time approaches here.

You have to take action and see how the market responds to your product.

You are likely not going to be like me, your results IMO will be solid, I think you're just a bit conflicted, and that's cool. You may have read my log and thought, damn if MAC has bust his ass for exactly nothing, what if the same happens for me?

My truth to you: You are not me. You are an entirely unique individual. My experience is unique to me, and that is on me to deal with and figure out.

You'll be OK dude.

tdan187 said:
It's a pretty big improvement in looks already though btw. It's hard for me to imagine that a guy that is really tall and looks like how you do in those most recent pics, is simply disqualified on looks alone.

Of course keep looks maxing. But that is just my honest opinion.

Thanks that's kind.

Yeah, I thought so too. And I was wrong. :-)

Low SMV guys (you're not one btw) have to compensate for that with some outlier traits, either in looks or game.

Low SMV guys will have to really become exceptional in what they can control.

Or, they will just be consigned to hell.

I advise they choose the path of ferocious self improvement.

tdan187 said:
That's why I want to see what happens when a not attractive guy approaches with strong game, swagger, confidence, and sexuality. Maybe to finally lay it to rest for myself.

Depends what exactly "not attractive" means but I'd say the main guy from becomesharp claims to be that and still scored. OLD was insanely hard for him tho.
There's always a way.

The way to think is just straight up, no excuses, balls to the wall inhuman level grinding.

"No one cares, just work harder"

Results do not matter. Mileage may vary.

Being an elite level grinder is IMO the best reward, the best result, truly breaking yourself off.

That is my goal: to literally give even more than I thought was in me, just to see what happens man.

Up @ 6am. Grinding. Client work looking good. Call with a client in 90 mins.

Daily check-in:





(1) Money:
-Operations plan
-Twitter action plan
-Network like a beast: group blasting & talking to people! JUST SAY HI

(2) Muscles:
-Legs & Shoulders - another opportunity to succeed and build an epic body, time to bear one's soul
-OMAD, DHA, Supps

(3) Mindset

-Review the photos of my fuckin big brother, The Dom, who is looking truly amazing and like a fucking CHAD.....wait to see what this guy does next year, if you want to witness the journey of one of the greats, read his posts. They will be in a book one day, I'll make sure of that
-Read: Think & Grow Rich (1hr) / How To Be Fucking Awesome



If I know one thing, it is this:














tdan187 said:
I really hope it's not true MAC. Have nothing but respect for you btw and your hustle.

But yes it is definitely demotivating to think I might not be able to pull any of them and do that many approaches.

It was surreal for me today. I saw them all around me. And I felt the least barriers between me and them I've ever felt. I was just like thinking "why can't I fuck some of these girls? why the fuck not?".

They are right fucking there man. Feet away from me. It was weird. I still got a ways to go. But it was just a weird experience. Like I felt, maybe I can actually fucking do this shit, for real.

Of course I only did 5 lame drills so far, but just saying.

There has to be a way.

I'd have hit on all 3.

Been that guy, so many times.

Proud of it, too.


To give some value:

You just have to try, man.

You HAVE to believe you have a shot, and you can win.

Trust me on that: you absolutely have to think internally you are in with a damn chance.

….Maybe you’ll do endless approaches like I did, and get sweet fuck all - you’ll then process it, learn to deal with it, evolve, and live at a higher level.

And despite that, you will still have to go out and fucking ask the Universe for what you want.

Why shouldn’t you be able to be with someone you’re attracted to?

No one is better than anyone in this world, dude. No one is above you. If you want something, put in the work, and TRY.

Anyone has a punchers chance, believe me. I even got lucky one time and got a lovely chick in the sack. That was lay 2 of 9 last year, and she was epic. The rest were not quite what I was after, but point is – even I cracked it one time.

Approaching women is just so dependent on the individual male, his SMV and archetype. Game is also a significant factor, but IMO does require at least SOME attraction. Attraction is the glue that sticks all this together and makes it work. Attraction can also be created by game/vibe, IMO.

Where guys have problems, is if they just can't get over that threshold. That's where I found myself. And I got over it :) It stops bothering you, believe me.

You need data first, dude: crack at-least 1k approaches. That’s easy work, and if you get that done, you’ll know where you stand.

Be open minded to the possibility you could succeed. Without the data, this is mental masturbation. That's not really what we're here for.

I have seen VERY few cases like mine in 12 years of self-improvement. There were a handful of guys who broke themselves off and didn't make it. I recall a few who sincerely did the work, but just weren't able to get it. It was surgery time for those people, IMO, and even then, there's geo-maxxing, and so on.

I’ll crack another 1k soon enough, and I don’t realistically expect much. I’ll try more in the night clubs, the day scene, whatever the fuck.

If I don’t get anything from cold approach this year, I sincerely give ZERO fucks. My dating apps are also absolutely dead outside of London, and I can’t get a match for shit. Tried boosting on Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge. NOTHING. It’s not ideal. I’ll start going to clubs again, though I kinda hate them, and just work on my craft and growth.

My actual point here: I am actually not phased at all by “poor results”. Why? This happens to be dating for low SMV, low level attractiveness men. You just get used to it.

….And it’s also why I don’t FOCUS on dating any-more. :-) It’s just a thing I do, in the background, 100% of my energy and focus goes onto one thing: being the absolute best person I can be, I really mean that too. If you are engaged and enjoying your life, you can’t be defeated.

Final point for you:

-Never allow yourself to think you cannot get the type of gal you want. That’s BULLSHIT. I am able to get dates sometimes, get the odd lay (I got 9 in my red shirt year), sure they’re not attractive ladies, sure they’re not what I want, but fuck, it helped me be better! No matter the outcomes, and the seemingly poor outcomes, I will grind regardless, because there is growth in it, and I believe there is a chance, no matter how small, that one day I could actually meet someone great, who is a positive fit for me. I honestly don't see it as likely, but I have a chance, however small. Even if it's a 1% chance, I will still take those odds!

Why should we allow life, society, fucking horseshit brainwashing that teaches the mindless drones on this earth that some people are less than others, to stop us from living life and being with a lady we actually want to be with? You just say fuck you and refuse. Only thing that can stop you is a bullet to the head, fuck everything else. I hit on hot chicks all the time – they politely turn me down, often in a nice way, but I STILL TRY.

Nobody has any business not TRYING, and telling anyone they shouldn’t try is a great sin IMO.

You’ll be just fine, and will be able to create lovely experiences and memories with the sorts of women you’d like....IF YOU FUCKING TRY.

I tried 5,000 fucking times and will keep trying until I am dead, buried and gone.


What fucking balls it takes to keep trying even if you just get knocked down? That is true fighting spirit!

Comparing yourself to anyone else in this journey is a major error. Just don’t do it. You’re not me, no one else is me. My experience is my own, and no matter how negative, or how positive, it is mine to experience, endure, navigate, and make the most of.

Also, thank you for the praise, I truly appreciate it. If there is anything out there that exists in the world to improve my outcomes, believe me buddy, I’ll find it. If anyone can find it, it’ll be me.

Remain steadfast.

tdan187 said:
MakingAComeback said:
Also, thank you for the praise, I truly appreciate it. If there is anything out there that exists in the world to improve my outcomes, believe me buddy, I’ll find it. If anyone can find it, it’ll be me.

Remain steadfast.


Thanks brother. Me and you both.

You're right I just need to beat AA and do lots of approaches and go from there. The rest is pointless for now. And I will do that. So lets see what happens and go from there.

Appreciate you man!

Just keep working. This shit gets easier, and it is totally worth it.

Everyone is human. That is the fact. No one is better than anyone else, and believe me, believe me, even underdogs can fucking get a taste of the light. It happens sometimes.

We just have to grind.

But that grinding ability is what will give us all the best things in life.

Many dudes get it too easy - watch them amount to sweet fuck-all. Their ego will big them up, they will fuck themselves down the line, and never realise greatness. Greatness is reserved for a small few who are willing to die for it.

The world belongs to those who hustle.

MakingAComeback said:
Gaining size, but no shifts on the scale yet.

Don't focus too much on the scale!

Your muscle measurements are moving in the right direction, which means your body composition is improving even if your weight stays the same
(and if your chest seems like it won't grow switch to slight decline bench - you can use a flat bench and put a 25lb plate and one of those pads people use for squats/hip thrusts under your ass).

And remember you are not just cutting fat, you're also adding muscle, so if for every pound of fat you lose you are adding a pound or more of muscle, your body will look and feel way, way better even at the same or a heavier weight
(because of your height your optimal lean and muscular bodyweight is probably somewhere between 205-235lbs)

Great work overall!

Your physique is getting noticeably better every time you update!
Manly Cockfellow said:
MakingAComeback said:
Gaining size, but no shifts on the scale yet.

Don't focus too much on the scale!

Your muscle measurements are moving in the right direction, which means your body composition is improving even if your weight stays the same
(and if your chest seems like it won't grow switch to slight decline bench - you can use a flat bench and put a 25lb plate and one of those pads people use for squats/hip thrusts under your ass).

And remember you are not just cutting fat, you're also adding muscle, so if for every pound of fat you lose you are adding a pound or more of muscle, your body will look and feel way, way better even at the same or a heavier weight
(because of your height your optimal lean and muscular bodyweight is probably somewhere between 205-235lbs)

Great work overall!

Your physique is getting noticeably better every time you update!


I am trying my ass off, no one trains header in that gym lol


I am going to a biz meet first week of Feb. I just made a week of it, gets me out my parents house, and is in a lovely city, Bristol.

I am in the West Mids: Warwick. I am near Birmingham.

I do HORRIBLY on the dating apps and approaching here!

....But in other cities, good ones like London, I have a fair shot. The ladies see value in me and I am able to get on with my life favourably :)

So I got a AirBNB for my Bristol trip lined up, 4 nights, I'll day game each day, night game each day, and do my full day with the biz group Sat which is a 2023 goals day.

I set my profiles to Bristol, did just 10 mins liking profiles on Hinge.

Woke up this morning with 15 matches, really pretty girls, and 3 of them messaged me first.


Takes me back to a lesson I internalised from the Great One, the Legend, the unrepeatable and irreplaceable one, The Bastard from Glasgow (Thebastard ) my beloved and dear friend

"If you're apps are dead, the approaches are going nowhere, and you've tried and gotten the data from many months of effort, it's time to get your passport, get on a plane, and go"

The Dom told me similar things, he told me if you're in a place where online dating isn't working for you, just street hustle, day game and work on your game, skills ad vibe....and then make your money and fuck off elsewhere!


Learning from my prior mistakes, I am now pipelining girls in Bristol 3 weeks before I head there.

I will hustle on all apps, and generate leads, pre-schedule dates, and do what I can.

When I get there, 1st week of Feb, I will blast day game and hit minimum 75 sets.

Night game, I will do the same number.

150 approaches a week.

That's an easy number for me BTW. The real ones know my hustle.

It is "deliberate practice", after being torn to shreds by The Dom about the way I used to approach, never did I do that again. I do proper stops and you can see in my log, it is getting better.

Take home point boys:


I was feeling terrible because I get 0 matches in my parents place, just nothing. Its a shithole town tbh.

But when I changed my profile location to a good city - fuck, MAC DADDY BACK IN TOWN

I used to feel so good in London, because I knew, all I have to do is put my finger on the screen for 1-2hrs a day, and there WILL be a girl in the wine bar 4 mins from my house that week. It WILL happen.

That was fucking amazing.

But bros, the beast has been awakened for a long time.

I am going to get a crazy body, improve my looks further and further, and do my dating profile all over again this year. I am going to set money aside and head to the states and schedule something with one of my boys.

I am also very happy with my mewwing progress, update to come.
