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Hi Mac,

Couple of things. Firstly, I hope you have a great time in Bristol, that's actually my neighbouring city where I grew up. I moved back to the south west a while back and love it here. It has 4 universities relatively close to it and loads going on. You should see some great success on the apps there.

Regarding L, most of the other guys as usual have jumped in with great advice and your overall mindset looking back is positive for the most part. I would also say don't respond to this girl at all. Standing you up like this is a no coming back situation. Personally, I think you ignored a number of red flags for this girl, that indicated this could happen.

It's worth investigating why you continued dates where she showed up over an hour late. Girls being late without messaging you has to be a hard walk away. If you truly value your time, you cannot allow other people to abuse your time. I don't care how hot she was, I don't care how close you think you are from fucking, but your time is valuable and if shes not respecting it, move on to the next girl who does.

L seemed to be an unreliable party girl. From what you have shared in the past few posts, it gives off the impression that you were expecting her to change for you. We have all made that mistake before. If someone tells you who they are, believe them. That's all you need to do. Many of these kinds of problems can be seen a mile off if you just believe people when they tell you who they are. Ultimately, you did your part and you did everything you were supposed to do for a date. Don't beat yourself up, her no showing wasn't your fault. You not seeing the red flags, that's something that you can work on.

Look forward to Bristol, its a great city and there are plenty of opportunities to explore. Do not message L telling her how to improve. You shouldn't share a single second more of your time to her. The reason you want to say these things to her is because it's a revenge fantasy. You want to be the one to hurt her with rejection by telling her, she ain't shit. The truth is, that she probably was getting her back blown out by a random guy she picked up the night before and decided to skip your date while she cuddled up next to him in the morning. You will not be able to Shame this girl into feeling how you felt when you got stood up. The only revenge that works is when you are constantly improving, and your life shows it. Your stories get better and better and the people who missed out see it. But if your improving right, you don't even notice that these people are looking at your life wishing they made different choices.

Keep moving forward, start valuing your time. Planning a 4.5 hour round trip on someone who can't even show you they are reliable has to stop. Be better, and put yourself first.
Brother_Tucker said:
Hi Mac,

Couple of things. Firstly, I hope you have a great time in Bristol, that's actually my neighbouring city where I grew up. I moved back to the south west a while back and love it here. It has 4 universities relatively close to it and loads going on. You should see some great success on the apps there.

Regarding L, most of the other guys as usual have jumped in with great advice and your overall mindset looking back is positive for the most part. I would also say don't respond to this girl at all. Standing you up like this is a no coming back situation. Personally, I think you ignored a number of red flags for this girl, that indicated this could happen.

It's worth investigating why you continued dates where she showed up over an hour late. Girls being late without messaging you has to be a hard walk away. If you truly value your time, you cannot allow other people to abuse your time. I don't care how hot she was, I don't care how close you think you are from fucking, but your time is valuable and if shes not respecting it, move on to the next girl who does.

L seemed to be an unreliable party girl. From what you have shared in the past few posts, it gives off the impression that you were expecting her to change for you. We have all made that mistake before. If someone tells you who they are, believe them. That's all you need to do. Many of these kinds of problems can be seen a mile off if you just believe people when they tell you who they are. Ultimately, you did your part and you did everything you were supposed to do for a date. Don't beat yourself up, her no showing wasn't your fault. You not seeing the red flags, that's something that you can work on.

Look forward to Bristol, its a great city and there are plenty of opportunities to explore. Do not message L telling her how to improve. You shouldn't share a single second more of your time to her. The reason you want to say these things to her is because it's a revenge fantasy. You want to be the one to hurt her with rejection by telling her, she ain't shit. The truth is, that she probably was getting her back blown out by a random guy she picked up the night before and decided to skip your date while she cuddled up next to him in the morning. You will not be able to Shame this girl into feeling how you felt when you got stood up. The only revenge that works is when you are constantly improving, and your life shows it. Your stories get better and better and the people who missed out see it. But if your improving right, you don't even notice that these people are looking at your life wishing they made different choices.

Keep moving forward, start valuing your time. Planning a 4.5 hour round trip on someone who can't even show you they are reliable has to stop. Be better, and put yourself first.

Thanks fella.

This is a deep and valuable post, you make some great contributions, I need to process and think more - I'll reply!

I fell a little bit in love didn't I :) It happens man. I am a bit of a softie at heart, if you meet me, you will kinda see whilst I am a hustler, I am kinda a guy who does anything for his friends, family, and try to be a good dude. Much of it is my nature, but also, it is kinda the energy I want to receive myself one day. I kinda long for it. I will get there and keep putting myself right.

Today I am working hard and smashing it lol

But my mind and body aren't right, I haven't slept in 2 days and obv that will fuck your head like nothing else

I will end this post by saying I'll think more deeply & get back to you, and also, one thing I promise you Tucker is if I get a great gal out of this journey fuck me it was all worth it!!!!!!!!!


Just want to add - every good energy I put out, I get back 100x

Look at how my clients talk about me, it's because I FUCKING CARE, when I am with them, I am in a different dimension and just channelling the greatness within

This stuff makes me a good coach

Passion and true feeling cannot be faked

But in the game of love it can hurt you a little


Know I'm a bit late with this, but I can relate to that shit that got pulled on you: I got stood up by a girl after travelling 2-3 hours on a train to see her a few years back.

You've took it like a man and have bounced back better than I did, so massive respect to you for that.

Definitely think this is a 'hard next' offence and despite you having had some feelings for this chick, what she's done there's no going back or excuses that can justify this type of behaviour and disrespect.

Think you're doing the right thing by moving on and getting after it

Spider 🕷

I am not feeling bad now :-)

All good.

I chatted to my crew yesterday, we went in depth, there was a bit of error on my part for not establishing boundaries earlier. That said, I ignored for 3 days, all good.

Moving on..........

I'll secure dates and talk to other girls and all will be well. I am already feeling WAY better.


Check out my hair transplant progress, month 4 so far:

Taken by Paw lol

And month 4

View attachment 1View attachment 2

I kept training, lost fat, my face got leaner, kept mewwing, and things are looking better physically.

I am not a bad looking lad. I am also 6 ft 5, on my way to getting jacked, and am a pretty cool person.

I set my dating app to Bristol and there's a bunch of ladies talking to me on the apps, and they're nice, chatting in a positive manner, treating me just fine :-)

I think the Dec drought & being in the barren West Mids for however man weeks since I came back from London was a bit of a mind fuck in and of itself, and I still have negative stories to work through hence was triggered by the recent events.

But I am almost back on form man!

I will be OK :-)



What happened on Saturday was raw. We already know that. Link for those who’re not aware:

Sunday, my world was still a shattered.

Monday, I picked up a bit, but I was still in deep pain.

Tuesday, I had an orthodontic appointment in London. I talked to my boys the day before, and got a range of opinions on what I should do.

The forums opinion was: IGNORE, MOVE ON

I really liked what @Manly Cockfellow had to say. Forgive her, and see her for what she is, a struggling person like the rest of ‘em. This ended up being the best approach and as the evening went on, actually allowed me to do a lot of deep healing myself.


She’s actually early!

I leave my hometome at around 3. I get the train. It takes a while, there’s delays, but I get to London and have my appointment.

Because I am here anyway, I message L, tell her I needed to enforce my boundaries hence I ignored her, and does she want to hang out tonight. She agrees to see me. We jump on the underground . I get to where we agreed to meet at 7pm.

I’m bang on time. We’re actually meeting for dinner.

I’m back in my old stomping grounds, fucking Battersea man, where I moved in with Timmy.

I get off at Clapham Junction, and it’s a massive sense of nostaligia. This was where I did The Phoenix Project, this was where went ALL IN, this is where MAC was truly forged, through running through these streets approaching, through going on endless dates, through building myself up non stop for 1.5 years in London. I remember how hard it was at the start, I actually didn’t know how I would survive, I was living at a 12/10 stress level for months and literally at my very limits of my sanity. But I stuck at it. And change and growth came. And I became a better person…..So much nostalgia being here, man.

I head to the spot. I see L outside, vaping.

We hug. I wanted to kiss her, but I can see she’s a bit apprehensive. We instead embrace for quite a while, and this was nice, but just that little resistance she did show actually helped me a lot. Internally, I said “fuck this”. Something in me knew my attraction for her was kinda over – this was not how I want to be greeted. My FWB, Nerd Girl, never greeted me like this, she was excited to greet me. I knew, but as the evening went on, I learned A LOT more and it was necessary…..

We head in. Being in Thailand did her a lot of good. She looks beautiful, healthy, radiant, just stunning. I tell her this, and she does melt a little.

“You’re looking really good too, you actually look better since the last time I saw you, I can’t quite put my finger on what it is”

….That’ll be the hair transplant growth, ongoing fat loss, and mewwing gains love. HARD FOUGHT FOR TOO. And they will be for my future wife to enjoy, not you. ;-)

We chat a little, vibe a little, and then I broach the subject of Saturday. ”OK, Ravi, so Saturday was bad. How many times do you want me to say sorry about it? I am sorry, Now lets not talk about it” – I was taken aback by the surface level way she communicated, and so immature. I sat and watched, and just thought to myself, wow, this person is FUCKED UP. This is a 28 year old woman, who didn’t want to acknowledge and explain her actions, or even begin to dive into the issue.

I kinda told her more, and explained to her that this behaviour really was not my preference.

She listened, and understood. And she did explain she got it.

“Ravi, you have the most calming energy. This is the opposite of me. You’re so together, but I am so chaotic.

...Why do you like me?

She sincerely asked me this. This lady did not actually see value in herself, and she was not at the level where she could engage in healthy relationships, sex, or any proper nourishing human contact.

I explained that I actually do not like party girls, at all, and myself am not a party guy, do not go to clubs, do not like to destroy my health and function (I like dating and I like day game). Rather, I explained to her I tend to like girls who are quite genuine, caring, nurturing, and values-led. She did have some pleasant characteristics at times.

“I’m not a full on party girl, I’m a party girl who is about to go into retirement”


FUCK ME, the Red Pill – L is 28 and is now “finding herself” after 2 decades of absolute mind-bending sickness. I do not mean to judge her, I don’t know her full life story, and there’s a lot of degeneracy around in the world, especially London, and especially in places where she grew up, which are really the ends.

We talk more, and she is going on about her trip. I am sat there, and just am not enjoying her company like I used to. I understand, deeply and internally, OK Ravi, damn, today really is it!

We have dinner, we’re laughing and joking. She starts us off with a shot of tequila. She told me she was feeling anxious because she’d not seen me in a month. I was quite surprised. This shows you the level of neurosis this woman has.

In truth, L is a fucking MESS. And she knows it. I am SO SO GRATEFUL I WENT TODAY AND HAD THIS CONVERSATION. I needed to know this, see this, and have this experience so I can find a healthy, happy lady to be with man.

We talk more, but then I do want to properly and fully discuss Saturday, because I was holding it inside, and needed to express to her. She listened carefully.

-”I thought you’d be done with me” “You didn’t deserve that” “

She expressed how she is a bit “all over the place”, and she is surprised how someone who is “together, and running a business” would want to spend time with her.

I just listen, but what I hear is not the thought process of a mature, sensble, health adult. Rather, it is a surface level and childish.

She is super pretty, as ever, and I am gazing at her, really trying to burn this evening into my mind. I need it. I need to feel it. I felt amazing emotions with this woman, and also very negative ones, and I just need to have this memory to conclude this chapter – the fact I was able to do this, is actually amazing and a huge win.

“You were in love with her, Ravi. Just sit, don’t judge, listen, and build this memory – it’s significant. This is the first girl you’ve gone through this with”

As I am sat there, I just know man, I am so, so fucking over it.


I talk to her and just express, I don’t want a relationship, and can totally see she isn’t ready. I asked her some probing questions about why she did what she did on Saturday, and she told me after another drink she’d tell me the truth.

We kept talking. She had another drink.

She then opened up. She was quite emotional at this point. She told me she’d been struggling with depression since getting back from Thailand, took 4 days off from work because of it, and is just all over the place.

This confirms my theory: she was thriving in Thailand, feeling great, and then she returned, and her mind decided now she was emotionally healthier, now is the time to release the muck.

This is how it works and if you’ve read this log, you’ll know my own healing often goes this way.

I just grab her and hug her tightly for a while……

So much clarity came this evening.

In my opinion, L is a highly functioning alcoholic. I also believe she has deep issues with self worth, trauma, and at her core, she does not like and value herself. Men’s trauma can manifest as an involuntary celibatr lifestyle, which can be hard to escape from. Womens trauma can manifest in this pattern of hedonism, excess, and just endlessly searching for a high – lost soul syndrome, twisting in the wind.


After talking to her today, as the conversation went on, I just asked myself, dude, what the fuck? Like, the FUCK?!

Sincerely, this is a person who has a lot of problems, is not good for me, and even though I am not looking for a relationship right now, I had to just ask myself, how the FUCK did you develop deep, deep feelings for this person?

This was worth exploring.

I know why I felt like thast: I am very weak for when a lady does quite nice things to me. For those who read the 1st date with L, she did certain things that really did press on my areas that are susceptible to quite irrational bonding. I also felt lke this with DG (she was not attractive, very overweight, but was super sweet and nice and I craved her energy), NG did similar rhings to me though she was sexual as hell and a lot of fun, and then L I guess has been another significant woman in the journey but for far more complex reasons.


The second that lady sat her gorgeous arse on that barstool my life changed entirely lmao.


Frankly, Saturday was a shock to the system, and it did dislodue and uncork a tonne of feeling within me. This was necessary

And to then have the opportunity to have a proper dialogue post, was so insightful. I was observing her, listening to her, and just witnessing things that I found truly so maladaptive and messed up.


We went on around 7-8 dates and we didn’t have sex. We made out twice, but she confessed today she really had to push herself to leave her comfort zone.

Even physically touching her was a major issue. In any way. She would have real flashes of fear and express a lot of discomfort. She explained today that this is just how she is, and if I talked to her friends, I’d learn that

Actually, this was her brokenness, her trauma.

People who arent sexual within 1-3 dates are those who are likely to be in need of deep healing. This is where I will draw the line next time, and just make it clear, sex is important to me and if its not for them we can split. This isnt because sex is that important to me, its really not, but it is important to screen out non sexual people because theyre likely a mess!


L is actually a very physically beautiful woman. She is just stunning, radiant,

But she does not see herself as worthy, as deserving, and hence, she has lived a quite toxic and sick life.

This happens to wounded women. I also got wounded in life, as a man, but I responded by trying to be great. Women like L do not do this. Rather, she just shrouded herself in alcohol, substance use, and put herself in the most toxic relationships you can imagine. Her stories will shake you.

Women like this pretty much just go for drug dealers, degenerates, and really fucked up people. Because deep inside, subconsciously, they hate themselves, and want to be punished, destroyed, and discarded.

Some souls are lost, and they WILL twist in the wind their whole life, this way and that.

L was a highly functioning alcoholic.

London is a lot of things. It’s a Great City, a place I came to love. And it is a place of excess, of extremes, abundance, scarcity, heaven and hell. There’s pain, there’s hedonism, there’s agony, there’s ecstasy. I experienced a lot here but also saw more of the human condition.

People are complicated.

When the waitress brought over our bottle of wine, I watched as Ls eyes just lit up.

“You’re a friend for it, Lou”

“I am Ravi”

I hid my disappointment and pain, this was quite sad for me to see. She is not even aware of her inappropriate relationship with alcohol. She uses it as a salve.

Every time I hung out with L, we drank to enormous excess. I am NOT a big drinker, I seldom drink. With her, there’d always be a full bottle of wine ran through, and then sometimes other drinks.

Virtually all her IG photos are of her drinking.

Many lessons learned her.

I am not a guy who does this crap. I like health, function, peace, and happiness.

“What do you want us to do Ravi?”

“We’ll leave it here”

She agrees.

“Shall we remove each other?” I ask

“We don’t need to. I would like to see how you’re getting on. I hope you smash it Ravi. I’d like to be a cheerleader for you”

She meant that, I could tell.

I told her I didn’t want to speak to her for a few months, she was cool with it.


I am improving myself aggressively, building myself into a FAR better product. With game, muscles, tattoos, and whatever the fuck else I have to do, I will be in the “YES” category for far more women, and importantly, will be able to bring in healthy, happy, great women into my life.

I sincerely have the potential to just bring in better, The looks are getting better by the month. And my comms, ability to just be social and charismatic, and overall vibe improved tremendously.


It’s freakin 230am. Its mid week. But I needed this conversation and closure, man. I needed it. I went to the orthodontist, and then got the train to Battersea and saw L

I knew it was an investment of time, energy, and carried risk.

But I fucking needed it.

I learned so much more about her, and also after Sat, was able to see a more complete picture of this person.

She opened up and was vulnerable, which I thanked her for, and I really appreciated her sharing. It was useful to know she had been very low since getting back from Thailand, and she has been dealing with a lot of depression. She took 4 days off work for it as I said. This highlights not an insignificant level of mental health problems.

We’re not here to save anyone. YOU CAN’T. In this game of life, you have to save yourself.

Andy and Radical cannot save you, and they won’t do you the disservice of not empowering you to save yourself.

You HAVE to see things.

You HAVE to go through things.

I had to beat my AA. That enabled me to have social freedom, talk to people, and be charismatic. Beating that was almost a fulltime job man, I spent 1.5years of my life JUST approaching and dating,

I am no longer new. Lol. I am moving forward and success will come.

I had to have oneitis.

And whilst guys were clear, just ignore her, in this specific case, given me and L talked a lot, we dated for 4 months (no sex) and dude, for me, I needed this experience. Just being there with her today, I just thought, damn dude, this person has so many issues, is quite fucked up. Just the way she wanted to skirt the issue of her standing me up on Saturday, I was sat there thinking, dude, this is like witnessing the ramblings of a crazy person! This lady is deeply broken.

This was a fucking fantastic victory and for me, it just worked out superbly well.

If I didn’t talk to her today, I would have been left wondering, and having all sorts of weird thoughts
Now, I saw………..

This was NEVER a me problems

She was the one with resistance to healthy, happy sex

She was the one with resistance to positive, healthy companionship and physical touch

She was the one with trauma bonds, who has ONLY been in toxic and fucked up relationships that ended badly She has not been with a healthy, loving, powerful man.

You can be mesmerised by beauty. But it does wear off. You grow used to it. It means less and less.

And you WILL see behind the curtain.

What you see on the other side of that curtain may hurt.

But it is necessary.

Self improvement is the game of games.

I am so fucking glad I got to experience this chapter of my life. I actually longed for these types of experiences when I was in the dungeon of life. I wanted the human experience in all its hues, in the good, the bad, I just wanted to see it and feel it.

I am tired as fck man. Im writng this on the damn coach home. LOL

I am about to pull up to the coach station where my car is parked….

Untl the next adventure boys

ACCOUNTABILITY: Wed 18th January



(1) MONEY:
-10hrs biz work: Grinder day, need to catch up tbh. Ill just get my ass sat down and really get lots of output. I will share all the output from todays hustle and lets keep moving forward.
-Rest day. Will get my OMAD, DHA and Supps in. Boom. Bed @ 1030pm. I have to hustle today.
-Just going to take kratom after a 2 week break and give myself some healing boost. Daddy has to work today. No cold approach, I’ll go to London and do that and see Timmy & Carl.

Notes: All outputs will be shared and confirmed.

I am going to put in 10hrs work on biz today :-)

All decks clear. 2 client calls in the eve, but otherwise, we’re ready go to!

How I feel good about life, is just hankering down and moving my life forward. DOING THE WORK.

I’ll put time aside tomorrow, and Friday, to do like 1hr of solid pipeline work for my Bristol trip. I have 2 girls who’re back & fourth, which is good. Will generate more. I’m also going to experiment with taking a new selfie, the bros are kinda happy with my looks improvements and want me to have a go at a new main.

Sat, will smash day game and see my homies. If one of the boys lets me crash, may get a night out in, and then smash some game Sunday, before heading back to my parents in the eve. That’ll give me the volume and necessary unconscious momentum.

Every approach you do DOES make you better once you learn how to practice smart. You find a way.

There wil be a really lovely experience with a great woman coming to me soon – I can’t wait!

AskTheDom said:
MakingAComeback said:
this person is FUCKED UP
You start to use your eyes now 🥳

It's all theory until you live it brother.

Some things just need to be seen, felt, and experienced.

All these things are growth, they build you up, and add further fuel to the fire that powers the machine.

The hustle will continue & like all true hustlers, a win is just on the horizon for me.....

For men that don't get sex easily or even just female attention in general, it's pretty easy to develop feelings for a pretty girl who does actually like you. Good on you that you ended up seeing the red flags and respecting your boundaries. Only men who've always had the luxury of multiple female options will say this decision was easy, I acknowledge the amount of mental power it takes for you to do the same action.

I can't tell you when but if you continue your progress, you will meet someone as beautifull as L who also appreciates the guy you are, but without the mental baggage that L carried.

Btw I challenge you to go harder than me in the gym today, let's see how deep you can go brother
kratjeuh said:
you will meet someone as beautifull as L

She's probably a 6-6.75 on pancakemouse's scale, so I hope he meets someone more beautiful.

On a more serious note, congrats on getting closure man.

Btw, anyone wanna bet when she's gonna slide in his DMs? I say somewhere around Vallentine's 🥰🥰🥰
i'm seriously jelous of your hairline!
L lost of a free therapist, now she has to pay for one, you are such an amazing person for tolerating all this bs till now. You on your side didn't lose anything, you deserve a beautifull sexual girl that gets wet for you
kratjeuh said:
For men that don't get sex easily or even just female attention in general, it's pretty easy to develop feelings for a pretty girl who does actually like you. Good on you that you ended up seeing the red flags and respecting your boundaries. Only men who've always had the luxury of multiple female options will say this decision was easy, I acknowledge the amount of mental power it takes for you to do the same action.

I can't tell you when but if you continue your progress, you will meet someone as beautifull as L who also appreciates the guy you are, but without the mental baggage that L carried.

Btw I challenge you to go harder than me in the gym today, let's see how deep you can go brother

It's true bruv :)

But remember the excellent wisdom you always say - all men can become a 7 ;-)

A 7 is a fucking beautiful specimen of a man, that ladies will freakin' want to devour.

We know it takes trust in the process, right homie?

I just keep putting in the work & listening to my coaches, my crew, and the forum - I AM becoming better looking, walking down the street recently, I did get like this old lady stop and double take. It was quite funny, bless her, I just smiled and said hi, which she said back and was quite happy lol.

Work on looks PAYS OFF

-Bodyfat loss
-Brutal gym grind
-Perfect diet & Sleep
-Healthy building and anti aging practices

You just live well and embody excellence and you can gain looks man.

There IS potential. Imagine with an insane body, tattoos, and some cosmetic procedures?

Coach Radical is pushing me to do another photoshoot.

I want that. It's an investment in me. I'm going to start planning soon. Once I'm good enough body wise for a shirtless shoot, I am going to get a whole shoot done and get to the next level in my profile - SEX APPEAL

And I'll probably do an elite photoshoot later in the year through one of the guys I know.

Every gym session, it IS building us to be better man.

Crisis_Overcomer said:
kratjeuh said:
you will meet someone as beautifull as L

She's probably a 6-6.75 on @pancakemouse's scale, so I hope he meets someone more beautiful.

On a more serious note, congrats on getting closure man.

Btw, anyone wanna bet when she's gonna slide in his DMs? I say somewhere around Vallentine's 🥰🥰🥰

Haha thank you man!

Lay #2 was fuckin' smoking.

If she fucked me again I'd be a very different man I think lol

Women like that are in my future for sure, just gotta keep working

Selfie for the day

Thrice said:
i'm seriously jelous of your hairline!
L lost of a free therapist, now she has to pay for one, you are such an amazing person for tolerating all this bs till now. You on your side didn't lose anything, you deserve a beautifull sexual girl that gets wet for you

Haha the surgeon did a good ass job! Thanks Mo!

Dude this is true, some ladies would love a man who can be so present and go to their soul.

I stuck to the teachings of my coaches and committed to always leaving the girl better off, honesty, all that stuff Andy teaches, I just trust him.

It helps you grow and develop as a man :)

There WILL be really beautiful women in the future who, importantly, will actually love me and treat me how i want to be treated.

Because one of my friends who I speak to for advice asked, I compiled the L saga and sent it over to him. He's an outstanding and elite man, one of the most exceptional people I've met, and is living the life of a true baller & multi-millionaire in Miami. GOALS. I talk to him about my own self improvement and he actually quite firmly said it's time to make money & get jacked now boyo!


Date #1: Nov 6th
Part 1:
Part 2:

Date #2 Nov 10th:

The next few dates were fun, but just this process of me escalating, trying and trying, and her not playing ball & as such no sex.

I then got lay #9

Keep going on dates with Louise, texting, then date #6 (Dec 2nd):

SHE STOOD ME UP: (Jan 14th):

More details on the above:


CLOSURE (Jan 18th):


Thats the saga boys. Some of my readers may not know it all.

I am SO over here btw and have new leads.



Bouncing back from oneitis is under a week, fucking TOP G level shit. This is the way I built my brain, through sheer fucking grinding

Brother_Tucker said:
Hi Mac,

Couple of things. Firstly, I hope you have a great time in Bristol, that's actually my neighbouring city where I grew up. I moved back to the south west a while back and love it here. It has 4 universities relatively close to it and loads going on. You should see some great success on the apps there.

Regarding L, most of the other guys as usual have jumped in with great advice and your overall mindset looking back is positive for the most part. I would also say don't respond to this girl at all. Standing you up like this is a no coming back situation. Personally, I think you ignored a number of red flags for this girl, that indicated this could happen.

It's worth investigating why you continued dates where she showed up over an hour late. Girls being late without messaging you has to be a hard walk away. If you truly value your time, you cannot allow other people to abuse your time. I don't care how hot she was, I don't care how close you think you are from fucking, but your time is valuable and if shes not respecting it, move on to the next girl who does.

L seemed to be an unreliable party girl. From what you have shared in the past few posts, it gives off the impression that you were expecting her to change for you. We have all made that mistake before. If someone tells you who they are, believe them. That's all you need to do. Many of these kinds of problems can be seen a mile off if you just believe people when they tell you who they are. Ultimately, you did your part and you did everything you were supposed to do for a date. Don't beat yourself up, her no showing wasn't your fault. You not seeing the red flags, that's something that you can work on.

Look forward to Bristol, its a great city and there are plenty of opportunities to explore. Do not message L telling her how to improve. You shouldn't share a single second more of your time to her. The reason you want to say these things to her is because it's a revenge fantasy. You want to be the one to hurt her with rejection by telling her, she ain't shit. The truth is, that she probably was getting her back blown out by a random guy she picked up the night before and decided to skip your date while she cuddled up next to him in the morning. You will not be able to Shame this girl into feeling how you felt when you got stood up. The only revenge that works is when you are constantly improving, and your life shows it. Your stories get better and better and the people who missed out see it. But if your improving right, you don't even notice that these people are looking at your life wishing they made different choices.

Keep moving forward, start valuing your time. Planning a 4.5 hour round trip on someone who can't even show you they are reliable has to stop. Be better, and put yourself first.

Again, this was a great post.

Why I kept showing up: I was smitten. In particular, the little gestures of affection she would give, I was a sucker for!

She was an unreliable party girl, an alcoholic and a mess!

I see this now :)

I didn't message here telling her how she can be better, I see how that was lame as fuck lol. I was in LDN for a dental app, and told her to meet me. Broke it off. And that's all that DONE & DUSTED.

But this post has a GOLD take home message I want to highlight:

The only revenge that works is when you are constantly improving, and your life shows it. Your stories get better and better and the people who missed out see it. But if your improving right, you don't even notice that these people are looking at your life wishing they made different choices.



















