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Hey man good to see you out there approaching.

What are your openers in nightgame? Could be a cultural thing but a handshake during nightgame seems uncalibrated
This report reminded me of this:

MakingAComeback said:
13 Said hi, she looked totally confused, I was very smilly and super nice, but damn she was absolutely stand offish. I laughed and walked off. I stood there for a bit and she just wouldnt talk!

Are you sure you should be smiling on approach? You're 6'5" and strong---why would you give up the power of being physically imposing by smiling and being nice, especially when they've done nothing to earn it?
You are a true WARRIOR!

I wouldn't be surprised if you got much better results by getting location independence, and tried to travel to different places on this planet.

There are alot of anecdotal stories on the internet supporting this.


Thank you gents!

I was feeling rotten psychologically after that night. Debriefed with the boys, and thought a lot about venues, the kind of venues which are viable.

These were poorly selected venues for approaching. The one which was OK, I actually was able to get 2 brief interactions going.

I felt rotten in the morn. Not an idea head space for the Bristol trip!

Did like 3 approaches in my hometown on the way to the train, I was wayyyyyy off vibe wise and couldn't quite make it happen.

Train to Bristol.

Checked in.

Studied some nightgame materials sent to me by my Budapest bros back last year.

Also thought a lot about the feedback given to me by the boys.

I am here for a week, and it's a sprint week, I want to just see if I can get ONE meaningful interaction in a club environment.

We've selected the right sort of venues this time, I've got wings set up, and I am going to approach with a social, fun, vibing frame, focusing purely on just having a good time.

Let's see if I can just get ONE meaningful interaction going!

This week is about biz / girls. Taking 1 week off gym, a well earned rest week. Will keep doing OMAD, but can't track kcals as no fridge in this hotel and no option to reheat food, so couldn't prep. I'll eat well. And I'll weigh myself daily, I did bring my scale.

I am doing a bit of work, and then I will go to one venue just solo and approach/vibe, and then will meet up with a wing @ 10pm and get some solid work in with them.

Let's see.

I am open minded to the possibility I could have a good interaction! It would be awesome after Saturday.

Hey MAC!

Hope you have an awesome time in Bristol

A couple thoughts:

- are you talking to everyone when you daygame/nightgame or just women you find attractive?

If not, this is a huge mistake, because you will be much more relaxed and women will be much more receptive towards you when you are simply talking to everyone around you and being a fun, social & flirty guy in general, rather than a guy who ignores everyone except for pretty girls

- have you ever tried getting to know the staff (and treating/tipping them well) at a nice/busy venue, then returning there over and over and using that as a form of social proof?

This is a very easy and efficient way to raise your status, which again the girls you talk to will pick up on

When I used to drink a lot I would be really social and talk to everyone (especially the staff/bartenders), and I have so many examples of people I wasn't even trying to sleep with being my wingman just because I was relaxed and friendly and took an interest in them:

- a late middle-aged woman I flirted with and kissed (in front of and with her husband's approval) on new years wanted me to meet her tall, gorgeous daughter (who I later took dancing, kissed, brought home and would have slept with if someone hadn't walked in on us as I was literally carrying her to the bedroom);

- other times guys I just randomly chatted with and encouraged/tried to help talk to girls told the girl I was with how lucky she was to be with me;

- still other times I've been out with a couple other single guys I had met at the bar a day or two before and the difference between me joking around and having fun with them while flirting with women vs being by myself and flirting with women is night and day, so much so I believe we should have a rule that if you are going to daygame/nightgame you must flirt with, compliment, try to help and be charming to everyone, not just pretty girls

(a lot of the people that are out at night are just like you and would love to meet someone, but they are probably even more nervous than you are, so it can be really powerful to just talk to a couple single guys and then introduce them to a couple single girls, even if you don't know any of them - this has the added bonus of showing extreme abundance, because you're helping other people get what they want instead of being selfish/needy and only thinking about what other people can give you)
Have you considered social circle type game? Might be a good change of pace even if less efficient.
Awesome to see you going at it none the less.
Manly Cockfellow said:
Hey MAC!

Hope you have an awesome time in Bristol

A couple thoughts:

- are you talking to everyone when you daygame/nightgame or just women you find attractive?

If not, this is a huge mistake, because you will be much more relaxed and women will be much more receptive towards you when you are simply talking to everyone around you and being a fun, social & flirty guy in general, rather than a guy who ignores everyone except for pretty girls

- have you ever tried getting to know the staff (and treating/tipping them well) at a nice/busy venue, then returning there over and over and using that as a form of social proof?

This is a very easy and efficient way to raise your status, which again the girls you talk to will pick up on

When I used to drink a lot I would be really social and talk to everyone (especially the staff/bartenders), and I have so many examples of people I wasn't even trying to sleep with being my wingman just because I was relaxed and friendly and took an interest in them:

- a late middle-aged woman I flirted with and kissed (in front of and with her husband's approval) on new years wanted me to meet her tall, gorgeous daughter (who I later took dancing, kissed, brought home and would have slept with if someone hadn't walked in on us as I was literally carrying her to the bedroom);

- other times guys I just randomly chatted with and encouraged/tried to help talk to girls told the girl I was with how lucky she was to be with me;

- still other times I've been out with a couple other single guys I had met at the bar a day or two before and the difference between me joking around and having fun with them while flirting with women vs being by myself and flirting with women is night and day, so much so I believe we should have a rule that if you are going to daygame/nightgame you must flirt with, compliment, try to help and be charming to everyone, not just pretty girls

(a lot of the people that are out at night are just like you and would love to meet someone, but they are probably even more nervous than you are, so it can be really powerful to just talk to a couple single guys and then introduce them to a couple single girls, even if you don't know any of them - this has the added bonus of showing extreme abundance, because you're helping other people get what they want instead of being selfish/needy and only thinking about what other people can give you)

Dropping gold as always.
Forgot to add this earlier, but breath-focused meditation -where you do nothing but keep returning your focus to your breath each time your attention wanders- for ten minutes before going into a social environment always makes me feel more relaxed and confident and outcome independent and almost always leads to better interactions, especially with pretty women.
Manly Cockfellow said:
Forgot to add this earlier, but breath-focused meditation -where you do nothing but keep returning your focus to your breath each time your attention wanders- for ten minutes before going into a social environment always makes me feel more relaxed and confident and outcome independent and almost always leads to better interactions, especially with pretty women.

Even just one or two deep breaths right before the interaction will help. I noticed a did this right before my pitch on stage and allowed me to stay level, not calm, but attentive and engaged.
Bman said:
Even just one or two deep breaths right before the interaction will help. I noticed a did this right before my pitch on stage and allowed me to stay level, not calm, but attentive and engaged.

Well said.

Also helpful is continuing to breath slowly and deeply and down your front/with your belly while you are having the interaction, but instead of focusing on your breathing, focus on how you and her are feeling, especially your completely healthy and natural desire for each other.

If done correctly you should feel like you have a gift that she needs, and hopefully you'll also feel extreme gratitude for the blessing that what she needs is exactly what you offer.

Arrive, check in, and relax for a bit.

Mood wise, I do lift. That night on Saturday was a bit rough.

To survive this game, IF you’re lacking in the basic pillars of attraction (preselection), YOU NEED THICK, ALLIGATOR SKIN.

Part of me has to stress this, for ethical and mental health reasons, for managing my own expectations, and also to serve as an ongoing reminder for myself.

Mindset that works here: Absolute hustlemania.

You HAVE to have tolerance to extremely negative behaviours and actions. You get strong and you plough and plough and fucking plough.

That is improvement. Being so god damn tough that you can get the fuck knocked out of you psychologically, and just keep going, this is one sign of extreme mental strength.

One of my best mates, V, who is a total savage entrepreneur, told me this: “Ravi, you realise that your level of resolve is not normal. You’ve approached 5000 women and gotten nowhere. Do you understand that you can take over a country with a mind like that?”

That was sincerely one of the best compliments I have ever received in my life. I have thought about that a lot.

Some of the things that FUCKED ME OVER, also became sources of strength.

Sheer, sheer persistence. Not quitting. Just fucking ploughing.


Meet up with a guy from a group. He is just the coolest guy ever. We bonded a lot over the night, and became friends. He’s a recently divorced Lithuanian fella, who has a small son. He’s 34 and got into game last year. He’s getting some success here. We talked a lot, had great conversations, and it’s clear we like each other a lot. So he drove me around, showed me all the locations, told me where to go, on what night, and we had a killer night together. We also met up with another guy from said group, lovely 19 year old chap. Us 3 had a great night together, just bonding, getting to know each other, sharing, expressing, and that is really what I enjoyed about the night.

A group of girls hanging out smoking is approached. I wade in. They’re just talking normally, like normal, friendly people. After the past 2 years, I am so taken aback by this. I have not seen this type of behaviour for a long time. I think it’s because they were young students, just in a good spot. They were chill and nice. I needed this.

We bounce around, can’t find much volume, the good spots are students only.

We head to a pub, and there’s volume

1 – Group of 2 girls walking away, very pretty, chatted and bantered a bit but didn’t stop. Still nice, and that put a massive smile on my face, fuck, this feels good. JUST to be able to talk, to have even a short friendly conversation, this is great.

2 – Group of 3 girls. They’re not receptive to the open, but I plough and they let me chat. They’re awkward and not vibing at all, but they’re talking and it’s amusing me like fuck. I am getting social and excited. They tell me they all have boyfriends, which is probs why they were a bit like wut. They are honestly nice and we chat, but these are clearly quite weird awkward nerdy types, so I wish them well and move.

This does a lot for lifting my state.

3 – Group of 2. One gal is OK looking, the other very overweight. Chat, and flow, again, they are just speaking normally. It’s awesome! We joke, banter, and it’s fun. I push for the exchange with the one gal, she tells me she has a bf. All good!

4 – They tell me they are having a conversation. I say that’s fine. They were actually normal about it though, they spoke to me just fine, and weren’t totally aggressive and hostile. Interesting.

We did all the available sets here tbh. Onto the next venue.

We explore, but there’s nothing viable. It’s Monday night, it’s dead.

We had to just go to a nightclub. This was a student night, so 18-20 year olds. High energy monkey game only. Bullshit. But nowhere else to go. We enter.

We’re figuring it out, and are trying to flow to places where we can stop people to talk. There isn’t really a viable situation here for us imo. But we try for a while. We avoid the main dance floor initially.

5 – Approach, she’s kinda confused, but high fives me, hugs me, and then some guy runs over. Done.

6 – Blowout.

7 – Blowout.

Onto the main floor.

8 – Very overweight chick with some gay guys dances with us. I try to escalate purely to see. She pulls back. That’s enough of her.

9, 10, 11: Just attempts to get the odd gal on the dancefloor to dance. Hard and aggressive blowouts.

12: Again, back to Saturday night, these 3 girls were totally insane. I approach, try to dance, they take one look at me and just lose their shit. They’re aggressively sticking their fingers up, putting them in my face, and just losing it. I kinda stand there and just watch them. Something interesting then happens….Their friend then walks over, and tells them they shouldn’t do that. I was super surprised by this. She told them to dance with me, because I may be a nice guy. They looked at me, looked back at her and just went HELL NO, and shook their heads in disgust. She then kinda told me, it’s OK, and gave me a hug. This was so curious. Never seen anything like this before.

After that, it’s blowout central. Nothing to report.

We leave @ 130am and debrief a little.


Remember, my criteria for a SUCCESSFUL week here, is ONE meaningful interaction, that is, something being exchanged. Number, makeout, just SOMETHING that is non-trivial.

Dating apps wise, shitshow. Moribund & dead.

I did get the odd lead, but couldn’t get anything nailed down. They seem to respond once every week or 2, so clearly not really trying to take. Weird.

Back on the horse today. Will work hard, do some day game, and nail night game again, this time a different venue.

Venue matters, nightclubs are a recipe for blowout after blowout. You need to be somewhere which people are actually talking and mingling in.

I’ll do this experiment honestly and sincerely. I will reserve judgement until Sunday.



Mental health is getting quite battered! But I’ll be OK. It’s REPS. Doing the right things, for a sufficient duration, WILL bring the results we seek.

It’s a rough patch rn. Months of nothing. No dates. No traction. Nothing. Traumatic bullshit with L, which I thought was going to be one chick I could just vibe with and talk to. No such luck – it’s not like I am going to get many breaks right? ;-)

0/17 Day Game:

1 – Hard deflection, saw me and ran
2 – Super weird response from this chick

I am in a bad vibe, that much is clear lol

3 – She was SUPER uncomfortable and fearful, which made me aware, OK dude, I am off today
4 – I just complemented this woman, she wasn’t pretty and I didn’t wanna talk, but she liked it – awesome
5 – Stopped and chatted for a while, she had a BF, but damn this felt great it was funny banter
6 – Hard deflect, she saw me, and fucking looked like stone lol
7 – SUPER sweet girl, totally drop dead beautiful black lady. Just perfection. I approached and she was crazy nice. We just made each other laugh. She was actually in a relationship, but this was great.
8 – Hardcore deflection, I really tried to stop her, she was brutal
9 – Wouldnt stop
10 – Opened by complimenting her outfit she just melted. She was totally beautiful, 9/10 kinda situation. Often these incredibly beautiful women are the nicest, as we all know. She asked my name, shook my hand, and told me she was genuinely late for a lecture and had to go, but thanked me for brightening her day. Left her to it.
11 – Just complimented, didn’t really like her upclose
12 – Had a bf
13 – Didnt stop
14 – Hardcore deflection
15 – Super hard deflection, RAN off
16 – In a rush but she behaved normally, phew
17 – Really pushed for the stop, she would not stop at all. LOL

Day #2 of the Trip has been tough. The clubs last night, man, that was ass. Date that said she’d see me tonight flaked. No leads at all now.

-What I Did Well: Didn’t give in despite some AA today, induced by the endless brutality of the clubs, low sleep. When the girls actually spoke, I was pretty good, and conversation, teasing, funny banter was flowing!
-What I Did Badly: Stops were half arsed at times, resulting in blowouts, and at other times, I was quite nervous and ‘off’ in vibe. This can happen, the reallllllllllly harsh and extremely negative behaviours you can get subjected to, can really fuck your vibe and psyche. You do have to endure them and just let it pass.
-What I Will Improve Next Time: Tomorrow, I am just going to work on a good, strong STOP, and flow well.

Will be day gaming again tomorrow. And I will also record it, both audio and video, if the guys are able to wing.

Night Game later.

Again, the criteria is ONE meaningful interaction this week.

I have had nothing but an awful time the last 3 months, it has been a train wreck. Mental health wise, been tough to deal with the constant shit, and just no positive things happening for me. Since Dec, I’ve not been able to get any dating app traction (little to no matches), day game wise, nothing’s happening, and nights out are...well….just a killer for the psyche.

Some truly traumatic shit with L.

FUCK ME this is insane.

Stepping back and breaking it down, day game wise, some days are actually fairly OK, and the conversations can flow. Some days suck. But regardless, nothing is happening. Not a date, nada.

Really don’t even know man.

I will review all feedback, rest up for an hour or so, get my work done, and just fucking hit the clubs.

In the clubs, what I will work on will be:

Social vibe, talking to everyone, being positive and enjoying myself hardcore.

That is what was essentially communicated above.

I need to do that, and there is a lot of room for improvement with how I am spending my time on nights.

Day game wise, I think today was just one of those days. I did have some decent interactions, which is cool. No dice, but I’ll just be back again tomorrow.

Yeah, it absolutely fucking sucks right now.

Just gotta tighten up and keep going. I will put my focus on the right things, and keep doing the work.

MakingAComeback said:
I then felt terrible because we hit the bars and clubs, and IMO, night game is pure hypergamy and all the day game ability goes out the window.

Day game is the equaliser, it’s where a regular man, even a low SMV dude like me who is an outlier of sorts, can get in the arena and have a go.

Night game, is just pure looks IMO. You can’t meet the threshold, it’s ovER! ;-)

I didn’t like that K had to see that, but he needs to know the truth.

yes dg beats ng if game is the only leverage you use :)

Hung out with MJ.

Great time chatting with him, he’s legit a great guy, has a great energy. He’s loose, flowing, chill.

Volume wise, it was Tues night, and there was very little happening supportive of approach.

We venue hopped. There were little gigs and shows on, and relaxed pub nights where people were on tables with there friends. Not a lot of mingling going on. Not really what you want for game.

Interesting here, because I was able to consistently have better conversations, vibe better, and stay in interactions longer than him.

There were instances where we actually did the same set without us knowing. He approached a gal and it was one sentence, and dead. I got back from the bathroom and approached the same gal, but chatted for a while. I told him to observe my body language and record the sets I do tonight but he wasn’t aware I was approaching these as I’d come back from the gents room.

My work does show. We did a set together, and after, he was clear that he can’t quite communicate as well.

All of this, I worked hard on, and did make gains on.

Figuring out what is “wrong” isn’t where I am anymore. I know there’s a vibe issue. This has been getting better through work. This is clear. Even so, it is not quite hitting. Sometimes I think, dude, surely I can’t be that far off, some of these girls are VERY pretty and they are giving me IOIs when we start talking. Consider the girl in day game, in Bham, I nailed that approach, and she was fullllllllllllly into it – my friend Ken was watching and he could tell, lol.

This is the power of game. Game allows you to express yourself far better, and allow your attractiveness to shine through.

Volume wasn’t there tonight.

1 – Chatted for a while, talked about kink and BDSM, lol. Her bf returned.
2 – Bantered with these, was funny
3 – These girls were fun, they were taking the piss, just being funny. We had fun.

Final set, same thing kinda happened here with these two girls who were just being silly and trolling, it was a fun back and fourth. But one of them was into it, because there were the IOIs there, indicating some biological attraction. She was also very, very pretty.

To get attraction, to my mind atleast, it takes a certain level of game just being internalised. Your frame definitely gets better, you’re more solid, and you can create those sparks.

It’s still a challenging task. There’s a journey ahead……….

So, my guy MJ who I met here. He still does get laid, all from nightgame, found this chap really pleasant. He definitely just has the normie, chill, regular male development going for him. Plus the lays sometimes do just fall in his lap, he’s shorter than me by a few inches, but still about 6ft3, has very nice blue eyes, and is a cool guy.

I think, when a man is just not worried, is not carrying pain, and is just at ease and so relaxed, his attractiveness is increased a lot. There may be some of this fucking me. I have a bit of pain around being out at night. That’s the hangover of my early 20s, the story on the first post here. I can also carry this on day game.

I think these sort of experiences could also be possible for me, and it should be possible for women to treat me a little better. These are vibe issues as we’ve explored and we’ve worked on them.

When I was doing the final set, I did feel, at times, genuinely awkward, not at ease, and didn’t know what to say. I just relaxed into it, and the ladies themselves just started rolling with it and being quite funny to be honest. They ended the interaction with “love you guys” and ran off. This was positive. Just a silly little conversation. All of these matter. Reps. Reps. Reps. Social skills are developed through sheer exposure.

Did my best. My vibe was terrible during day game, but got better after. Night game, my vibe was fine, and the sets were fine.

Tomorrow, day game again.

Night game wise, I hear Wednesday is legit dead. So been advised to rest up.

Thursday is meant to be solid, so I’ll do that. Friday too. These may be quite late nights.

Sat, biz event.

Will keep doing my sprint. Lots of day and night game. That’s 20 sets today, total. Quality beats quantity, but, volume has a function. I think I’ll close this week having approached 100-150 girls. Just like I said I would.

Day Game tomorrow, will work on nailing the stop, the vibe of the interaction, and pushing for exchanges.

AskTheDom said:
MakingAComeback said:
I then felt terrible because we hit the bars and clubs, and IMO, night game is pure hypergamy and all the day game ability goes out the window.

Day game is the equaliser, it’s where a regular man, even a low SMV dude like me who is an outlier of sorts, can get in the arena and have a go.

Night game, is just pure looks IMO. You can’t meet the threshold, it’s ovER! ;-)

I didn’t like that K had to see that, but he needs to know the truth.

yes dg beats ng if game is the only leverage you use :)

Am I right in thinking you're referring to leveraging working IN the club, the kink scene & bringing women with you, things like this as was to unlock the night scene?

If so, I think this is smart.

The venues I am choosing sometimes are fricken terrible too, as they're not conducive with talking/running game.

Choosing bars, lounges, and open areas where people can vibe and talk will be crucial.

I am going to have to keep working man.

How are you feeling when recording this video? Your energy is flat almost the entire time. There probably are only 1-2 moments when I feel emotions coming out. AskTheDom would you agree here?

I can, hand to dysfunctional heart, admit that you are officially good looking. No question in my mind. If a girl doesn't like you strictly for your looks, it will only have to be the lack of muscle mass or the race.

The big needle mover now seems to be injecting some emotions when you talk.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
admit that you are officially good looking

I was thinking the same thing watching the video. You are looking good MAC.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
There probably are only 1-2 moments when I feel emotions coming out. @AskTheDom would you agree here?

Yes I get the feeling that you MakingAComeback hold things in the chest. the intro made me laugh big time <3 !