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MakingAComeback said:
AskTheDom said:
yes dg beats ng if game is the only leverage you use :)

Am I right in thinking you're referring to leveraging working IN the club, the kink scene & bringing women with you, things like this as was to unlock the night scene?

If so, I think this is smart.

The venues I am choosing sometimes are fricken terrible too, as they're not conducive with talking/running game.

Choosing bars, lounges, and open areas where people can vibe and talk will be crucial.

I am going to have to keep working man.


So this is a reply I gave to BigMacDaddy channel, being whatsapp i kept it short, here I'm going to expand further.

You touched an important point on the forum about how I run game at night, which is 99% different than how most guys do it.
First of all I use pre selection a lot. - WHY? you might ask. Reason is... STIMULI.
Yes, clubs are designed to stimulate humans differently than when they are at home, when they are at a bar.
Lights, music, environment it's all designed (or should be) with a purpose. The purpose is not to get you laid.
That might have been the idea 20-30 years ago, but now running a club is a costly risk, and the few ones operating have to squeeze as much as cash as possible out of you, enter the name of the game: UPSELL the dom. No not The Dom, I mean dom perignon, The Dom is s a high value Italian vintage, not an overpriced french bubbles bottle. Anyway my point is they have to sell you alcohol because that's where the money is.

What causes men to spend their hard earned money on "dutch courage" ? the odd feeling of approaching a hot girl, surrounded by her social circle ( again, notice how many difference there are with daygame) not being able to communicate how normally they do (loud music) and behave like they normally do (have you ever thought about approaching while dancing? to me it's silly but hey, to each their own)

The stimuli presented above, favours polarisation, hence, being familiar with sales, you know the first step of the AIDA is Attention.
The best way I've seen in all my years to grab attention (in a way that favours attraction, otherwise you just need to be a jumping monkey with sparkles coming out of your head and hands) is with pre selection ( I usually roll to a club or a party with 2 or 3 of my girls) and being over dressed - top of an archetype in a different context creating contrast ( think about being a rockstar into a club with everyone in white shirt) of course you will need the attitude to not look like some sort os society reject but libe a bad ass rebel

You have no idea how many looks you get from other women. when let’s say you enter in the club dressed like a pimp (you saw my suits) or like I just ended a rock concert. I literally had chicks tapping on my shoulder smiling and saying “who are you :-)?”
1 – Total stunner, she was legit entering a shop and had the door open, so bad timing, but she was super nice. As she headed in, she said - “You’re lovely”
2 – Super receptive, had a bf, fucking gorgeous girl. So interesting. I opened solidly, and she actually was beaming with her smile, and walked directly into me, like got in my face. I think this gal was just attracted to fucking huge studs. She had a bf but the vibe felt so gooooooood
3 – Great set, fun chat, hippie gal, vibed, but had a bf
4 – Really nice gal, chatted, exchanged
5 – Really nice gal, chatted, exchanged

(Both of the girls I exchanged with looked super similar, had the same archetype, Romanian chicks, very pretty, dark features. They were an easy exchange. )

6 – Deflected, she seemed in a rush
7 – Bad stop, gal looked at me and said NO
8 – Really fun set, chatted for a while, she had a bf
9 – Chatted, in a rush, had a bf
10 – Had a bf
11 – “This is weird!”, she was not into it lol, but still amusing and funny
12 – This hot lady was a personal trainer on her way to put on an exercise class, the gym was infront, I walked with her, we vibed, laughed, and set was awesome. She had a bf but she was super nice man, beaming smile and just a lovely warm human.

As a day gamer, you learn to just love chatting with women, vibing with them, exploring them, opening them up, getting a great set going.

This becomes why you do it.

For the joy of the game.

Bristol could be workable for me, the volume here is insane, and the ladies are so nice, and I AM getting hook point, and building a real feel/vibe.

If I get my biz right, and unlock the income level I’m looking for, I’d be here, would fucking move here for 2-3 months, day game 7 days a week, get on the train twice a month and get day game coaching in London, and just push like a mofo.

Online doesn’t work here for me, but I’d have day game and clubs.

I think I could crack it!

Just gotta keep working, and taking advice from the bros and the forum.

I’ll be fine.





What’s your body language like in these approaches?

Are you approaching from an angle and talking to them from the side, or making a beeline when you see them?

Since you’re tall, are you making sure to always be leaning back a little bit?
Craning your neck forward when they’re rocking backwards is giving away the physical advantage.

There’s that balance between interest and non-interest—never 100% interest telegraphed from far away. Don’t be a dog, be a cat.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
The big needle mover now seems to be injecting some emotions when you talk.

I was thinking about this today. MakingAComeback, have you considered doing improv or acting classes?

Emoting is a skill that can be learned. And actors know how to turn on an emotion so the people watching can viscerally feel it.

Sure you'll need to do the work long term to naturally feel and express your emotions, however this might really help in the short term and actually test if emoting and vibe are your sticking points.

Day game!

Weather was a bit shit, rainy, windy, blustery. Seemed to effect the vibe, energy of the day.

Mindset wise, I wasn’t so stoked. I was feeling pretty good yesterday, today, I was more neutral.

Moved from the hotel in the city centre, to an AirBNB a little further along.

Timings wise, I went out from 1 – 3. Got my work in.

Made some changes following a breakdown from Master Pancake.

Changes I made:
-Frame: Make her qualify. Stop the beta bullshit; don’t compliment, see yourself as a high value guy, make her earn your attention.

Homework Task:
-10 sets of day game approaches that are just teasing, no compliments, not saying anything nice.

Opener today:

“Hey...can I just say….I thought you were kinda pretty and wanted to say hi”

A change from my usual “I thought you were really pretty and wanted to say hi.

Facial affect: smirk. Showing some actual intent.

1) Total beauty. I didn’t even front stop, saw her head on, and the road was too narrow for a front stop. Walked up, she stops, starts to smile and take off her headphones. Something about the frame changes meant that she knew what was up. Right off the bat, she began laughing, and said “I’ve got a boyfriend, sorry!”
2) Stopped. She said she was in a rush to a clinic appointment. Neutral response.
3) Poorly executed stop. She kept moving.
4) Stopped. She said she was in a rush to catch a bus.
5) Stopped. She heard the opener, looked down, took one step backwards, and said she had a boyfriend.

5 quality sets, done.

Ideally, you want to be doing quality work, frequently, to improve.

For me, that would be daily, in a good location, with the volume, and the kinda gal I’d like to meet.

Needs to be some movements with biz to facilitate that. When I am at my income level, I’ll do AirBNBs around the UK for a bit. And then, most likely, escape to Budapest with Paw for 12 months. Can’t beat the cheat rent, cost of living, volume, and opportunity to level up my game enormously.


-What I Did Well: Stopped fairly solid. I also stopped a few, and bailed politely when I got closer. Frame change, was good. The fact that they told me they had a BF immediately today, as opposed to me talking to them for a while, and them telling me at the end, was interesting. I think this is a good move.
-What Needs Improvement: Solidifying this frame, persona, and mindset, will take some approaches. We want them qualifying, and us teasing.
-Focus For Next Session: Embedding the high value frame, be the buyer, not the seller, approach assuming you have value, and seeing if she’s actually cool.


Would be very open to this, but not entirely sure how I could find the time, honestly. My schedule is fully jam packed, and weekends will be spent on day gaming for a while. Big picture, yeah, this would support my growth. If I could get to a good place with my woman situation, and maybe have 2/3 I saw regularly, I'd be able to take the foot off the gas for a while and explore other things. I don't know when I will be in that kind of position. People tell me I have quite a bit of work to do.


Body language for me is not always ideal. Whilst I am not leaning on or doing shit like that, I don't always square up enough, and hence do get this wrong. I will get more guys to video me in set.

Night Game Last Night:

We went to the ONE venue that has volume on Thurs, it was so packed out after 1.5hrs in the qeue, it was 1 in, 1 out, and atleast 150 people ahead of us. Got to 1130 and we just dipped and scouted venues for a while. Couldn’t find anywhere, so we just chatted until like 2am.
Great social time. These guys are going out there and getting laid. We got on well, they were just normal people. Makes me kinda wonder.
Tried talking to a few girls in the queue. They were not wanting to talk, lol.

Couldn’t get in anywhere and couldn’t find a set.

Day game was 0/5. NG, nada.

Last day of the push today. Day game for 2hrs. And then we’ll hit NG.

Just using it as workout pretty much. Just doing those reps.
Remaining positive and just getting the reps in is what I will do.
I have tonight, and Sat night, and if I can get a positive NG interaction, number or something, boom.
I did get those 2 DG numbers, one straight up told me she wasn’t interested, the other ghosted.
Will complete this sprint week, then go back home Sunday, hunker down in the gym, on biz, DG on Sat/Sun, rinse and repeat, and see where that ends me up.
Felt good to exchange that day. It’s been rough the past 2/3 months.

See it’s a bit fucked with online, I got 7 numbers through true effort, and none of them would be down for a drink. Lol.

Whatever. Back to work.
Getting more hustle in, and then onwards.


FRI 03/02/2023

(1) Biz
-Content: 2hrs
-New Biz Dev
-Client Calls: 2hrs
-Networking: 1.5hrs
(2) Mindset

-Day Game: 5 Quality Sets
-Night Game: Just go out, be social, be fun, positive, and see what happens

Push today. At a biz workshop tomorrow. Sunday, off home.
Meh couple months. All I can do, is keep working. That should bring improvements. Could even get a gal to talk to me tonight.
Shocking that this is how hard it is, to just have a conversation with someone. Nuts right. You don’t do this shit if you have an alternative. I truly don’t lol.
MakingAComeback said:
Night Game Last Night:

We went to the ONE venue that has volume on Thurs, it was so packed out after 1.5hrs in the qeue, it was 1 in, 1 out, and atleast 150 people ahead of us. Got to 1130 and we just dipped and scouted venues for a while. Couldn’t find anywhere, so we just chatted until like 2am.
Great social time. These guys are going out there and getting laid. We got on well, they were just normal people. Makes me kinda wonder.
Tried talking to a few girls in the queue. They were not wanting to talk, lol.

Couldn’t get in anywhere and couldn’t find a set.

Day game was 0/5. NG, nada.

Last day of the push today. Day game for 2hrs. And then we’ll hit NG.

Just using it as workout pretty much. Just doing those reps.
Remaining positive and just getting the reps in is what I will do.
I have tonight, and Sat night, and if I can get a positive NG interaction, number or something, boom.
I did get those 2 DG numbers, one straight up told me she wasn’t interested, the other ghosted.
Will complete this sprint week, then go back home Sunday, hunker down in the gym, on biz, DG on Sat/Sun, rinse and repeat, and see where that ends me up.
Felt good to exchange that day. It’s been rough the past 2/3 months.

See it’s a bit fucked with online, I got 7 numbers through true effort, and none of them would be down for a drink. Lol.

Whatever. Back to work.
Getting more hustle in, and then onwards.


FRI 03/02/2023

(1) Biz
-Content: 2hrs
-New Biz Dev
-Client Calls: 2hrs
-Networking: 1.5hrs
(2) Mindset

-Day Game: 5 Quality Sets
-Night Game: Just go out, be social, be fun, positive, and see what happens

Push today. At a biz workshop tomorrow. Sunday, off home.
Meh couple months. All I can do, is keep working. That should bring improvements. Could even get a gal to talk to me tonight.
Shocking that this is how hard it is, to just have a conversation with someone. Nuts right. You don’t do this shit if you have an alternative. I truly don’t lol.

It's a grind sometimes, but if you have the time to do it, it helps you even if you get rejected. Social freedom goes up and you feel more confident in yourself. Keep it up you'll get there


FRIDAY: Night Game Field Report

Business is flowing. Clamping down, working. Hours of client calls. Solving problems, critical thinking, and coaching, doing deep work to ensure everyone is able to power forward.

Day Game session was scheduled for 3pm. 3 comes, and I am still swamped with work.

I still have Night Game.

I head out to meet the boys. I made a new friend this week in Bristol, a great guy called Jacob. We bonded a lot. Jacob is a nice guy, and a lot like me in many senses, I can tell he’s got a good heart and we vibe well. In terms of sense of humour, he is funny as hell, and he has me roaring with laughter.

We’re about the same level in game ability. We have gotten past the AA stage, and can talk and flow. Our technical game isn’t there. Difference is, Jacob gets laid. He’s way better looking – around 6ft3 to my imposing 6ft5, but a white dude with piercing blue eyes. And an annoyingly loveable one at that.

I also really bonded with a fantastic Lithuanian chap here, called MJ. We really enjoyed each other’s company. There was more synergy between myself and Jacob, because we’re both dedicated.

I loved hearing Jacob’s stories of how he endeavoured to learn game. He is Deliveroo rider, and makes his money doing deliveries on his electric bike. He also is a budding entrepreneur and has a small workshop where he

I agreed to meet Jacob, and he told me Joy would also be out.

Joy: A London PUA legend, who made this trip quite life chaging.

5 ft 6, Indian, very unassuming looking. But elite level game. 20 day game lays a year in London, specialising in high quality girls. Joy’s story was epic.

He actually never had the problems I have. He had girlfriends throughout his life, but found that his relationships would inevitably just break down, and he found he was not able to really talk to people. Typical tale, short, Indian, Engineer. Geuss it’s over for him, right? He’ll never make it.


Joy had his come to Jesus in 2014.

He’d just had a breakup, and was in a slump where he was living. He was working as an engineer, and was speaking to his friends in the pub over the course of a few weeks where they were talking about his life and the direction it was going.

“You need to get yourself to London, you need to get yourself somewhere where people are doing things, trying things, where there’s energy, where there’s people with ideas, who are trying to make something of themselves”

And it hit.

The next day, he packed his things.

Went to the train station.

Got a ticket to London.

And he never looked back.

He told me how he arrived into Central London, and saw more people than he had ever saw before in his life. He told me he felt an overwhelming sense that, finally, “I’m home”.

I often feel this way in the gym.

He arrived, went to a coffee shop, opened up his laptop, and realised he had no game plan. He was homeless in London, and went on Gumtree and searched furiously for somewhere to live. He arranged a viewing that evening, and just moved into the first place available. He had built up some money from working as an engineer for years, so had this going for him.

But none of that even mattered. He was there for a mission. To learn Game, or die trying.

Hence began one of the craziest stories I have heard of total fucking obsession. Joy went out day gamed 7 DAYS A WEEK, and night gamed 7 NIGHTS PER WEEK, for fucking 2 YEARS SOLID. He kept going out solo, and ran into some solid guys in London who were some of the best guys in the UK. He asked if he could wing with them, and they were like, cool. So he started winging with them. One of them was a guy who was a certified legend, who had been gaming since 2001, an original Mystery Method guy. He became Joy’s mentor and they went absolutely ham, video recording everything, audio recording everything, breaking it all down in obsessive detail, writing everything up, analysing, and

The guy Joy learned the most from was called Emerick. And the biggest thing he taught him was the mental aspect of the game. This was really what he communicated to me:

“You have to be able to generate positive emotions. You need to become totally immune to the negative reactions, because every girl has the right to respond to you in that way. It really is a numbers game. You have to learn game, and then run the numbers until something hits.

Game is about showing a woman you have substance. Women are attracted to substance. The way you look, helps. If I was you, Ravi, tall, then I wouldn’t need as much game. For you, if you just learn to pump yourself full of positive emotions, more or less constantly, you’ll be alright. Think of it this way, if someone approaches you, and they’re in a flat affect, and look at you with a neutral expression, and tell you they like your style, how are you going to react? You’ll think something is wrong, won’t you? Now, if I say to you, “Ravi, you’ve got swag mate, you’ve got great style, I love it”, and I’m really positive, genuinely in a good head space, how does that make you feel? You feel good, right? That’s how night game works. Value is delivered in night game through positive emotions, and bringing FUN”

We talked for a while, and started hitting it.

They’re warming up.

I go to do a warm-up set…..


1 - I front stop, and go to say hi to this lady, she takes one look at me and simply loses her mind

“Why the hell would YOU talk to me?! Just fuck off, fuck off, absolutely just FUCK OFF”

She is screaming at the top of her lungs.

….I didn’t say ONE word to her.

I gestured to go to talk, and was about to say hi – she totally let all hell loose.

That was my warmup set Friday night, just walking to the bars with Jacob and Joy.

I walked off laughing.

Jacob was just shocked by her response and started going in LMAO. We were well ahead of the road now, and he began hissing, shouting at her, “DEMON LADY” it was actually hiliarious and we bust up laughing. Joy told us both off and told us that it was poor game to be phased by negative interactions. We weren’t really bothered, her behaviour was shocking and outside the norm however. It was so absurd. Some people are cunts. There is no Universe where I behave like this, ever.

“She has the right to tell you to fuck off, just like you have the right to approach her. Any negative reaction, you immediately brush it off, within the second”

He talked to us about this for a while as we were talking to the next venue.

We sat and had a drink for a while, and talked. Joy explained a lot about opening in night game, I told him I seldom get past hi, and he explained why that is, and explained in night game, the pre approach is everything, and generating positive emotions matters a lot.

2 – Joy approaches, I join. They were both hot, and we had a great interaction with them. I began touching and escalating with one, and Joy told me not to do that at the start of the night. He said from 10 – 12, its just social mingling. Try to pull from 12-130am.

3 – Opened, and this was fun. Chatted.

4 – Great set, talked for a while, bantered with these chicks.

5 – Approached 3 girls, ploughed for a while, didn’t hit, moved on

6 – Super hot chick. We talked for quite a while.

7 This gal was very positive, she was busy with her friend going through a breakup and she had to text them intensively apparently, a few girls told me this over the weekend, lol. But she was cool.

Chatted with a few diff guys in the smoking area. One bantered with me for a while, and was super chill. For whatever reason he felt the need to tell me I am a good looking guy, lol. “No homo but you’re pretty handsome” – ok mate.

8 Approached with some random Italian guy I got to wing me, the girl was just into it, start escalating, start making out, start grabbing her ass. It’s looking good. Then a guy from the group I am out with (we went out with a bunch of community guys) wandered over when I was mid makeout with this girl, and attached himself to her and really, really started trying to pull her away “sorry mate, sorry mate, I was talking to her first”. I totally ignored this initially and kept ploughing, I didn’t know it was one of the guys I was out with so just continued, but then the girl kinda turned to him and began peeling off, and told me “this is my boyfriend”. Ofc I knew it’s not, it’s a guy I was out with, so I thought ok fuck this lol and dipped. I was just happy I got a makeout and it was pretty heavy, I was also grabbing her ass pretty hard which was funny. I later found out, the dude did pull this set and got laid. Yes, guys in this community can be parasites/rats. People who have nothing really going on in their life other than trying to get laid are basically scum to me and I don’t allow these people into my life. Hence why I gravitate to self improvement, here, we’re actually trying to be something. I don’t care about this btw. Onto the next

9 – Great set, hot vegan girl, she looks about 35 but in good shape as she’s a personal trainer. She starts qualifying hardcore, quite clearly into me, and was feeling my chest. We were escalating and it was looking good. She then smelled weed, and said she had to go sniff it out, she turned her head and saw the weed smell was coming from her friend, so she ran off to get her dose. Doneso.

10 – This very drunk and quite gross looking chick started talking to me, chatted for a bit and it was fun, and started escalating just for practice. She told me I am a beautiful man but she is not looking for anything. I just laughed, this person was not quite passing the boner test to put it mildly….We then gave each other a 30 second hug for endorphins, which felt amazing

230am, and the venue has been ran through, it’s done.

Joy is long gone. Jacob and I hit the gutters. We go around the city where there’s a bunch of people out and get into some awesome sets.

11 – 2 very pretty women standing by a wall. I approach, start chatting, and we have a fun set. I am doing palm reading on one, and she asks me how many kids she’ll have. I reply 4, and she is pretty happy about that. She tells her friend, and she replies “4 cats”. HAHAH. I tell her she’s a single cat lady, and she is like, EXCUSE ME, keep barrelling on unphashed and they don’t give a fuck, just keep rolling. They’re actually waiting for their Uber, so we can’t do much here. Jacob really enjoyed this set and told me it was the best set of the night, he was glad we did it, because he was in a SHIT mental space.

12 – Right after, a really pretty chick walks up and says she heard someone speaking French. I engage her and she comes over. We chat and we’re flowing. They’re also waiting around for their Uber, she gives me a hug says nice chatting and dips. The pre-selection of talking to the previous 2 girls was why she wandered over. Powerful stuff.

Its 330am at this point. We’ve ran through the city. Me and Jacob debrief. Off home and to bed, I have a Biz event at 10am!

Biz event was great. I’ll writeup about this.

After the biz event is done, my god I am tired. I get back to the AirBNB at 6. Crash until 930. And then go meet Joy.


Warmups, compliments, chatting

I am a bit stifled, a bit tense, not flowing.

We head to venue 1.

1 – She’s confused
2 – Chatted a little, I was a bit stiff
3 – Complimented tattoo, tried to get her to hook, no dice and they were moving
4 – Me and Joy approach these 3. I am ploughing with this one gal, but she isn’t quite into it. I start physically escalating, and hold her, and she likes it initially and warms up a little, but it doesn’t quite get attraction going and she is quite annoying. I tease but it’s not going anywhere. She starts engaging her friends and tells me “you’re not gonna get it” and dips, lol. She did give some IOIs throughout the set. But a bit of a brat tbh.

Joy broke this one down for me. He told me I approached her too square, too directly, and signalled too much intent. He said that can demonstrate neediness. He also told me micro calibration will be important for my game, that is, push/pull, pulling back, etc. He wanted to see body language changes and a shift in mentality.

Venue change

Joy gives me some feedback in the new venue. He tells me, don’t put pressure on yourself to approach. Relax. Theres sets everywhere. They’re not going home. Relax, try to enjoy it, and the sets will just come. He also told me to actually BUILD ATTRACTION before touching.

5 We do a set in this venue and talk for a while. I am talking to this tiny Indian medical student. Her vibe is whack and she is not pleasant at all but eventually she warms up. It seems to be going OK, and she starts asking me questions, it seems all fine. It’s at the point where it’s time to escalate a little, touch her a tiny bit on the arm, she isn’t game. I start losing interest, tease and disqualify, she doesn’t quite invest, so I know it’s time to move on. Joy exchanges with his girl.

We dip and start just gaming in the street.

6 – Doesn’t really talk as she had google maps up and was on her way somewhere

7 – Open this girl sat down outside a bar. She kinda looks at me. I just keep moving. But then Joy tells me, go re-approach, she likes you, she smiled. I didn’t notice this at all. I re-approach, and she is engaged, she is super pretty, and she is quite warm. Her friend runs in and interrupts. She stands up and it’s clear she’s wasted and stumbling around, hence what was going on. I just bounce!

Joy is then going home. It’s about 1am. I do a set or two, but they don’t hit and they go nowhere. I won’t bother writing this up.

I go to meet Jacob at his place, and try to get him out and do gutters with me. He says he’s far too tired, and I just let it go. We talk a bit, and I just go back out and do gutters solo.

I approach these 2 fucking stunners stood smoking outside. They kinda just look at each other but do laugh a little, and I just leave. This is a bad habit of mine, of bailing!

I keep going around and eventually find these two girls outside a venue, stood eating takeout. I am really apprehensive about approaching these, it seems weird, it’s outside a venue at fucking 230am, yeah there’s people flowing around, but damn. I stand over on the other side of the road, and then decide, look Ravi, fuck it, I am here to learn game and be social.

And it was by far the best set of the night.

Open indirectly. “Where is even open at this hour?”

8 - One of the girls simply points at the venue they clearly just left, and doesn’t say anything. I then start bantering, well they’ve just ejected you for causing trouble, and now they’ve seen me talking to you, they won’t let me in. How many venues did you get kicked out of tonight? I can tell you two are trouble. All that silly sorta thing. They then start chatting to me.

And they are really fucking nice.

I’m just doing what Joy does, and ploughing, talking and talking, and then they seem to really like it.

One of them then starts feeding me chips. And the other girl does the same. They then ask me how my night was. I start reeling it off and then it’s clear they want to chat to me.

“What is your job, Ravi?”

Tell them and they start making fun of me. Lol. We banter back and fourth. They accuse me of being a posh and rich person. It’s a lot of fun talking to these two.

“Do you have a girlfriend Ravi?”

I reel off all sorts of shit, and they start asking me if I have kids, all this shit. They’re actually waiting for their Mum to pick them up, which is funny, and this set isn’t going to go anywhere, but they’re super nice to talk to, and also, pretty ladies. They are also both feeding me the entire time, which is simply adorable, lol.

I know their Mum is arriving soon, and I am feeling so happy after talking to them, so I decide to make it a night. I leave. They tell me it was really nice chatting, and look at each other, and tell me it makes a change from the way they’re usually approached haha.

Just a positive interaction in general.

See, when I was really bad at this shit, girls never used to treat me like this. I think this may be the first time in my life a lady has asked me the question, “do you have a girlfriend?”. Now, she was herself in a relationship. It didn’t mean she wanted to go out with me. It was, however, indicative of some perceived value and worth, IMO. That’s awesome. The way these experiences make me feel are what make all of this worth it. For me, I just want to be treated like a normal man, lol, like someone who has a shot, and whom someone may want to be with. Some of the sets this week really made me feel that. I am good.

-Day Game: Pushed hard. Got 2 numbers. Nothing happened.
-Night Game: Pushed hard AS FUCK. 1 makeout.
-Online Dating: Meh. 8 numbers were exchanged over the course of 4 weeks. The girls would reply once per week. Never more freqeunty. Just once per week. None would go on a date.


(1) “HE’S GOTTA HAVE THAT DOG IN HIM”: You want a better life? You have to be totally, totally fucking RELENTLESS with this shit. Just a god damn juggernaut. OBSESSION LEVEL. I am going to find a way to live this shit. It comes first. Fuck all else. Literally, fuck every other god damn thing. I will die trying to live a good life. With Biz on point and making solid money, I will just travel and get my damn Game tight.

A straight up dog will blast through venue after venue, and fucking ANNIHILATE every damn place, burn it all to the ground, and go to the next. And then the next. And then the next. And he will not stop grinding. He will run through everything. And when the venues are closed at 3am, he will run the gutters and run around making it happen until it is all truly done & dusted.

That is what it takes to re-wire the hardcase underdog brain.

That is what I am here for. I am here for THE SELF IMPROVING MALE. That means YOU. The guy reading this. I want to be friends with you. I see myself as a man like you. You are my people. And that actually means more to me than most of this shit. Women aside, because ultimately they do not matter, they’re here for the ride, the positive emotions, the hedomism, excitement, that sorta shit. They’re just draw to the sparks and magic we as men have. That’s woman. Not good, not bad. Just the way it is. Respectfully, the men here are what saved my life from the fucking bullshit it was. I lean into the development this stuff brings.

A dog mentality is war fare. Second by second. You just attack. You are so overwhelming it is undeniable, you put so much physical and mental energy into life and into aggressively carving out a better path for you, that at some point, and god knows when this point will come, I am dead ass sure life just gives up. You drive it truly insane. It cannot take it anymore. It says, alright, I’ll open the door. It’s yours. Fuck you, just go have it.

(2) STAY IN SET: I often blow myself out. I open, get often a neutral or middling reaction, and then self destruct and walk off. This wasn’t how Joy approaches. He opens, and he then goes in hard as fuck, ploughing and ploughing, and he doesn’t stop until he has some form of attraction. He goes all in and hits them with everything but the kitchen sink. He escalates, and if he’s getting IODs, and he sees it aint going anywhere, cool, onto the next. He cares 0.

(3) ALWAYS BE CLOSING: If you’re in set, and there’s signs it’s workable, then fucking burn it to the ground. If it’s past 1230, push to pull. Exchange at the very least.

(4) Game is REAL: Few of us here are committed to Game. Many are Game Denialists. That’s their choice. Understand that not all men need Game. Game is the EQUALISER. It’s way the non-preselected males can have a worthwhile life. Men who are not in that reality have to be intelligent, have to find a way to thrive, and have to use their mind to open doors. We in a different bracket to some fuckers, sure. And we must thrive off of that. Fuck everything else, just win. This shit is not our fault, and Game was designed for us to save ourselves and not be consigned to a terrible life. Game can save a lot of people from having a bad time in life. It shouldn’t be denied. Just my opinion. Respect it either way.

(5) Lessons I learned from Joy, a fucking KILLER PUA, on success for the underdog:

-Bring an 11/10 work ethic to the world, 7 days a week. Be obsessed, or die a slow, painful, agonising death.
-Max out your looks.
-Learn Game & maintain positivity: always be pumping your emotional state and really learn to love life.


Onwards: Purposeful Grinding As Ever, KYIL Style

This is a journey. This is KYIL style self improvement. We do it all.

The disease of loneliness has a cure.

It’s called Game.


Joy was an amazing man to meet because he was a true dog.

He made me understand, the dream I have inside my heart, can be achieved.

I am going to have to live this shit. I am going to find the best guys I can to wing with and learn from, I am going to have to set up my life in such a way that I can approach pretty much daily, and where I can put a few focused years of ass busting into this.

I did go ALL IN, in London, for a year and a half, but I didn’t devote myself to Game, because I didn’t believe in it to this extent. I began to believe when I learned Date Game, to get out of that rut. The Red Shirt Year isn’t the year many of us start to do well. It can be weight loss, beating AA, getting the initial lays, etc. That’s success.

I know the future for me involves total immersion.

I have to totally immerse myself. Live the Game. And live it 7 days a week.


I am really happy I went to Bristol, because I met amazing men, who really helped me. I made new friends, and now have more bros who I can be on the journey of life with.

I am also happy because I got 2 numbers from Day Game, and in Night Game, I got so many pretty girls to talk to me.

These girls were way prettier than the girls I meet on the dating apps. That felt SO good. I walked back to the AirBNB with a spring in my step both Fri and Sat. They have no idea how good it made me feel. It was amazing.

That final set of the trip made my whole week a massive success. The lessons I learned were valuable. And the experiences I had, they helped me enormously.

Now, let’s get it done.

Thanks bros!!!!

kratjeuh SpongeBob Sin Silver

Hustling to live my dream man

We have a shot, we have a chance, it can happen!!


IRON WILL PROJECT: Tue 07/02/2023 (WEEK 5)


(1) MONEY:
-Schedule FB posts
-20 Tweets
-Finish Tega’s content training
-Plan a video for tomorrow
-IG Reel
-Others: Set up LinkedIn
Networking for 2hrs

-Rest Day

-Read Mystery Method (1hr)


Sheeeeet it's a tricky one out here. My online profiles aren't cutting it. Could get it working in LDN only. Think my profile's too weak. So gotta level it up. Will just do a photoshoot soon.

Day Game in LDN this weekend, Sat & Sun, seeing my mate on Wed and there may be scope to do the odd approach.

MakingAComeback said:
Chatted with a few diff guys in the smoking area. One bantered with me for a while, and was super chill. For whatever reason he felt the need to tell me I am a good looking guy, lol. “No homo but you’re pretty handsome” – ok mate

This DOES NOT HAPPEN to unattractive men...

MakingAComeback said:
I approach these 2 fucking stunners

MakingAComeback said:
They are also both feeding me the entire time, which is simply adorable, lol.

Neither does this!

You are an attractive man, Ravi!
Manly Cockfellow said:
MakingAComeback said:
Chatted with a few diff guys in the smoking area. One bantered with me for a while, and was super chill. For whatever reason he felt the need to tell me I am a good looking guy, lol. “No homo but you’re pretty handsome” – ok mate

This DOES NOT HAPPEN to unattractive men...

MakingAComeback said:
I approach these 2 fucking stunners

MakingAComeback said:
They are also both feeding me the entire time, which is simply adorable, lol.

Neither does this!

You are an attractive man, Ravi!

Thanks sexy!

I am kinda starting to see this now, after a few of the boys made this clear, and also the night game conversations helped me feel a lot better about myself.

I think I am alright and should have a shot :-)

Grinding away, back in the gym after that week off, limited sleep from the hustle made yesterday's gym session legit painful lol. Got it done but damn strength was down!

Slept fine last night. Back in the gym today.

Will come together for sure.

Day Gaming in LDN Sat & Sun.

Next week, my boy Carl invited me to his place for a party Friday in LDN, and then we're gonna day and night game on Sat. Gonna be a lottttt of approaches done lol.

We'll get there. Week by week.



Today, my focus will be:

(1) Money:
-Fb Post Scheduling
-Complete Tega’s training
-Write value posts
-Long Form Plan: Plan 1 piece, which will be a few reels & tiktoks/shorts
-Outreach, convos
-2hr networking process
(2) Muscles
-Gym: Back & Biceps
-OMAD: 2700kcal
(3) Mindset
-Social time, seeing my friend Dave later.


Biz wise, just going through the audience-building grind boyos. Building a movement 1 person at a time.

Longer term thing. Adding value, being genuine, and seeing who wants to work with your boy!


Did my best today bros

(1) Money: HALF DONE

FB post Scheduling, Done
Tweeting, Done (15 replies / 5 normal tweets)
Didnt do tegas training
Didnt write value posts or do long form plan

(2) Muscles (DONE)
-Gym: Back & Biceps
-OMAD: 2700kcal

(3) Mindset (DONE)
-Social time, seeing my friend Dave later (Dave asked to reschedule, he's in a tough spot - all good, we chatted on the phone instead, he's gonna be fine)


The above will be done tomorrow!

I also did have client calls btw.

Reasons for missing:

Worked pretty solidly, but post gym, was inefficient for around 2hrs. Did some work on a landing page, and got some great info on that as well as email list building!

I will get an early night now, and be back tomorrow and hammer it out.

Good & positive day. Gains were made.

Back tomorrow & will apply myself fully.



(1) Money:
(A) Content
-Writing value posts
-FB post writing & scheduling
-Video: Plan & Shoot Longform
(B) Landing Page:
-Tinker with this!

(2) Muscles:
-Legs & Shoulders
-Early night

(3) Mindset:
-Nada – was going to read Mystery Method, but no time now.


Pressing on. Taking action. Trying to live the dream.

Having a good convo with The Bastard right now, me and him may hang out in Paraquay together for 5 weeks or so. Will be great to clamp down and hustle with biz, we’re in the same boat, and we’d crank put hella work, hit the gym, Tinder he convinces me is solid there. And for biohacking and health, I’d get weeks of excellent high UV light for ~8hrs a day, to deeply rejuvenate myself.

Gonna push hard for biz and see if I can pick up some more clients, and then at that point, we’ve got this baby!

Taking it month by month and just working hard.

It'll be a few months of not getting a date soon. Not fun. Thats why we work. With work, I can make it so this isn't my future.

So that's why we've gotta keep showing up.

MakingAComeback said:
Tinder he convinces me is solid there
It works in all Lat.Am but there are many caviats:
Flaking is beyond this planet and galaxy
Lot of girls are “pay me for everything” type of girl
You need your A game to avoid gold diggers and visa chasers
AskTheDom said:
MakingAComeback said:
Tinder he convinces me is solid there
It works in all Lat.Am but there are many caviats:
Flaking is beyond this planet and galaxy
Lot of girls are “pay me for everything” type of girl
You need your A game to avoid gold diggers and visa chasers



