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(1) Money:
(A) Content
-Core Video x 2
-5 Reels / 5 Shorts / 5 TikToks
-FB Value Post: Across Groups
-Social Process: FB / Twitter

(2) Muscles:
-2200kcal OMAD

(3) Mindset:
-Abundance Mentality & Intent on the #1 Goal

Others: Cold Theremogenesis (30m) & Sperti Lamp
Arrange interviews with Radical, The Dom, and Alex


Never give in.

Work hard. Apply. Time served.

Greatness manifests through consistently engaging in above average behaviours, like consistently engaging in below average behaviours induces mediocrity.

Will message the gal I dated on Sat, ping back and fourth a few times, and try to nail down a date over the weekend.

It’s a mental game.

If you truly believe, internally, you can be a legend, you will manifest this.

If you believe you are unstoppable, that you have true iron will, you can bring this to the world.

I am in this world.

My intent is clear, my mind is focused on the mission which I chose.

I will succeed agaisnt any and all odds.

No matter what it takes.

First off, I am extremely impressed with your persistence and just straight up massive balls talking your way into a private club!

And congratulations on your date with T!

She sounds lovely, just remember you're the catch

MakingAComeback said:
Produt:Market Fit – this gal is 6ft. She likes guys who are taller than her. Hence….yeah. This is how I can sometimes get access to really awesome chicks.

I am so sorry I didn't think to mention this in your log before now.

To girls near six foot or above, your height makes you one of the most attractive men in the world.

Only 14% of men are over 6 foot, and 99.99% of women want a man taller than her, so do the math and you'll see you are automatically in the top 10% of men for women near 6 foot
(if she's 6 foot or above she's gonna prefer a guy a few inches taller, so it's honestly more like you're automatically in the top 1-5% with very tall girls)

In my own life I've had very tall, stunning women that I would normally feel intimidated to even talk to throw themselves at me because to them my height made me a rockstar.

So please remember that with T:
to her, and to tall women like her, you are a fucking rockstar

This is such a powerful preference/phenomenon I've even considered only marrying a tall woman, just because her height will add significant points to my attractiveness, meaning the hottest women I am capable of attracting are probably the tallest hot women
(same obviously applies to you)
Manly Cockfellow said:
This is such a powerful preference/phenomenon I've even considered only marrying a tall woman, just because her height will add significant points to my attractiveness, meaning the hottest women I am capable of attracting are probably the tallest hot women
(same obviously applies to you)
Interesting perspective. I've found that the hottest girls I've been with were around average height or slightly above. But I have a small sample size. I've definitely seen some gorgeous 5'9"-5'11" women before. Granted, I'm only 6'2", so I'm not some NBA player like you and MAC :^)
Thanks bros!

Working hard.

Was so tired last night man, from straight up sleep deprivation, I missed the call with Andy and Radical. I did accountability with my boy George instead, and called him on the phone as I lay in bed so, so bitterly tired. We talked until 11pm and then I passed out. I felt a lot better in the morning.

Fri, I got in at 5am, and up at like 8am to be honest with you. Sat, house party in Carl's, couldn't sleep for shit. Sunday, bro day with Carl, and tried to see T to lock that in, but she wanted to do Monday instead, which I didn't want to do.

She texted me at 7am on Monday, and all seemed cool, but I haven't heard since. It's 1 on Weds now, maybe I'll hear, maybe I won't.

I am feeling a lilttle needy, because I liked her quite a lot.

What you do, is you clamp down, get back to the mission, and work hard.

I am going to Bristol to see Jacob and Joy today, Jacob's performing standup comedy. I'll head out with the boys tonight, day game tomorrow, and night game Thursday too.

Maybe T will reply at some point, and we can progress a little over the weekend. If I could retain a gal for my biz grinding phase in my life, that would be fuckin great.

Staying positive. But this game is chaos. Its on one min, then they get cold feet. How it goes.

Scotty is posting and that's great. He goes through it too, those feelings of loneliness and wanting to cuddle up with a woman, are the desire of all men, and even life's winners and total fucking Gs, want to have their needs met and be loved


All good

It's a pursuit

You persist

And endure all the ups and downs of life

Success is not a destination. It's a lifestyle choice.

I've been getting my work done, growing my socials, and I am going to network more solidly and get some more customers.

The game of life for us me as my own man, is about:

Making money and getting success

Finding a great girl for a relationship

Building my mind and body to true Greatness/Legendary level

That's the mission

That's the intent

My mind is set and I am never going to give in



Right now, I'm going to get my shorts uploaded, already shot and uploaded long form, and then it's just a case of doing my socials process. I am going to get the coach to Bristol, which is 3 and a half damn hours, so I will be working on my laptop the whole time and/or reading.

Gym tomorrow (Back & Biceps), Friday (Legs & Shoulders) and then Sunday (Arms).

Growing my audience. Doing outreach. Every day.

Just spending 100m making and uploading content

And doing 100 outreaches a day

Within a few months, will seriously level up my income.

I will train like a bastard, diet well, strip the fat, build serious muscle, and then get a high level photoshoot done.

That's how we progress. We just lean into the progress and aggressively progress ourselves. Good things WILL come like that.

Manly Cockfellow said:
First off, I am extremely impressed with your persistence and just straight up massive balls talking your way into a private club!

And congratulations on your date with T!

She sounds lovely, just remember you're the catch

MakingAComeback said:
Produt:Market Fit – this gal is 6ft. She likes guys who are taller than her. Hence….yeah. This is how I can sometimes get access to really awesome chicks.

I am so sorry I didn't think to mention this in your log before now.

To girls near six foot or above, your height makes you one of the most attractive men in the world.

Only 14% of men are over 6 foot, and 99.99% of women want a man taller than her, so do the math and you'll see you are automatically in the top 10% of men for women near 6 foot
(if she's 6 foot or above she's gonna prefer a guy a few inches taller, so it's honestly more like you're automatically in the top 1-5% with very tall girls)

In my own life I've had very tall, stunning women that I would normally feel intimidated to even talk to throw themselves at me because to them my height made me a rockstar.

So please remember that with T:
to her, and to tall women like her, you are a fucking rockstar

This is such a powerful preference/phenomenon I've even considered only marrying a tall woman, just because her height will add significant points to my attractiveness, meaning the hottest women I am capable of attracting are probably the tallest hot women
(same obviously applies to you)

One idea is to hit the apps that allow a height preference, set it to 6’ (or 5’11 or over), then run boosts. Targeted advertising!
MakingAComeback said:
Thanks bros!

Working hard.

Was so tired last night man, from straight up sleep deprivation, I missed the call with Andy and Radical. I did accountability with my boy George instead, and called him on the phone as I lay in bed so, so bitterly tired. We talked until 11pm and then I passed out. I felt a lot better in the morning.

Fri, I got in at 5am, and up at like 8am to be honest with you. Sat, house party in Carl's, couldn't sleep for shit. Sunday, bro day with Carl, and tried to see T to lock that in, but she wanted to do Monday instead, which I didn't want to do.

She texted me at 7am on Monday, and all seemed cool, but I haven't heard since. It's 1 on Weds now, maybe I'll hear, maybe I won't.


Yeah, the further out you make plans, the higher the chance they will change their mind. And the hotter the girl, the more likely. There is a saying in the real estate business “time kills deals”. It sounded like you and her had a pretty strong connection though, so I think you still have a chance. I’m rooting for you, man. I’d love to read about you nailing that 6’ girl. I like tall girls too but I’m only 6’2”… in shoes lol. Closer to 6’1” barefoot. I reckon you are top 1% in height!
Bristol: Mid Week Hustle

Night Game: Signs of Progression (+2 Different Men Calling Me Sexy?!)

Rough week psychologically. That chick ghosting me, did hurt for some reason, because I truly enjoyed the date. And her. Then, poof!

All good. It’s fuel for mental strength.

So you guys know, this is year 2, and not ONCE has it worked out with a gal I like. Not. Once.

Not even close.


There is more in life. There is business. There is spiritual growth. There are other things one day go.

Sometimes being mature, you just have to say, OK man, this is the trend, and it ain't even close to acceptable. I have essentially been unable to get past a certain point despite beast mode self-improvement lol. So I am kinda seeing the forest for the trees on this one. And I am kinda cool with it.

You can go into victim mode, or you can remember that this fuels the development of mental greatness.

Life is a journey.

Dating and trying to find a woman for low SMV men, in the modern world, in my opinion, is pretty much done. Over. The landscape is so different now, society has changed.

Important we start to acknowledge this rather than mislead low SMV males to their destruction and wasting their life on tasks that may not even be humanly possible for them.

GLL told the truth: you need to be a physical 7 to be able to build a dating life.

If you're not, it's over - get over it or be a dumbass hamster on the wheel for the rest of your cunt life ;-)


Went to see Jacob and support his performance at a comedy show. It was fun. Saw Joy. Chatted, had a fun bro time. Lots of social time with them.


The goal was to get my work done, get videos shot, edited and uploaded, do social media hustling and outreach, and then go to the club at night with Jacob.

And it was this day I sadly saw what a low level of competence in the male looks like. It hurt to see, as I like Jacob, but he is a total calamity and in simple terms, an incompetent person, who is the sweetest human you’ll ever meet, he’s like a labrador, but damn is he terrible at thinking and navigating life.

We agreed I’ll get him up at 7am. Which I do. He doesn’t have any coffee in his place, and his kettle is broken, so I ask him to take us to the nearest coffee place before we go train in the gym togeher.

That ends up being a mistake. We’re walking, and I assume it’ll be 10mins tops – Jacob takes us to a place about 45mins away, and I am just stunned at this incompetence. I start asking questions around the 30min mark, and then had to problem solve to get this sorted ASAP. We agreed to grab a coffee, and then go back to his place, and drive to the gym. As the gym was a further 1hr walk, and would also be almost 1.5hrs to walk back. Sheer, sheer stupidity. Unbelievable.

We get coffee, and I am a bit distressed to see that this lovely chap really cannot think properly. We go back to his, which was mercifully a shorter walk now, jump in his jeep (he has a provisional license and can only drive with someone who has passed their test and has driven for years, so I sat in his passenger side).

The gym is AWESOME! Proper hardcore. We have a killer session.

We then head to the shops and buy ingredients for the day’s meal. Jacob INSISTS we will make a turkish wrap after we ate those in London two weeks prior when day gaming. We buy stuff, and head home to fire up his pizza oven. Many hours are passing and I am not able to get my work done, which is stressing me the fuck out. He then insists he wants his friend Josh to come over and join. I am thinking, OK man, this is going to add complexity and be more of a time drain. I explain this to him, but he literally cannot process it, he cannot fathom it. Nothing is clicking in his mind. I am stunned by this level of total stupidity. I observe it, breathe, and just understand it’s going to be one of those days.

We prep the veg. He argues with his housemate a little, which was uncomfortable. His housemate would later have a chat with me when Jacob left, and told me the endless issues he’s had with J, and how J has been stagnating for years in his life, with his parents suppoting him at the age of 31, and him making absolutely 0 progress on his workshop for his biz in YEARS. And I mean, 0. He purchased a really expensive bike on credit card to do his deliveroo deliveries, and there is always things going wrong with it. He has been on -£500 for years, and has been in a daily cycle of doing deliveroo delivieres, making enough to pay for the day’s commitments, and resuming being in debt the next day. He mostly has no money to buy food and has been in the cycle for years without realising. I actually paid for all the ingredients as he had no money, and last time we hung in London, bought him lunch as his card got declined.

Really useful convo with his housemate and an insight into J’s reality.

So, he insists we fire up the pizza oven and make bread. Josh heads over. He is cool as hell. I think, well we’ll make this bread, it’s only about 2pm, it should be done in an hour and then I can get my work done and head out.


It takes 4 fucking hours for him to make 2 pieces of bread. He is on the harbourside trying to ignite the pizza oven and busting a nut, insisting the flame has to be at maximum capacity, and focusing in on arbitrary things and being unable to adjust for legit hours. I am stunned but Josh has the patience of a saint and his helps J every step of the way. Eventually, we make some bread, and Josh heads home. I walk with him as Jacob has to wait for the pizza oven to cool down before he can bring it back.

Josh talks to me about how he met Jacob, and how Jacob has been in literally the same daily cycle for 4 years and hasn’t progressed 1 iota. It is so shocking to me. I am feeling gratitude at this point as despite the things I struggle with, atleast I am competent enough to save myself, and this isn’t my life….

Jacob heads back. We cook and eat. It’s 7pm, and he heads out to do delivieres. I am honestly stressed, and just book a train ticket to head home the next morning. He wants me to stay Friday, but god no – yes I will miss an evening of talking to girls, but I NEED to work and hustle. That will not be done if I am around this dude.

I nap from 7-815pm which is when J returns.

We head out at 930pm.

J does actually do far, far better with women than me despite being one of the most dysfunctional people I've ever met. The antithesis of self-improvement.

Night Game Thursday 23rd

Head out.

Absorb the environment, allow ourselves to open up and be social.

We’re in bar area, and the first approach I do goes really well. I caught her looking at me, and just approach the way Joy taught me to. He told me night game is all about energy and social vibes. So I now approach with, “Hey, I like your style / I like your vibe” and begin to flow from there, hitting and hitting until something hooks. I plough and see if I get any interest, and if there’s anything, I just dive the fuck in lol.

First approach: she’s a bit grimy looking, but whatever. Approach, and she’s loving it, we chat a little, and she says she’s going to the smoking area, come with me. So we head out, she gives me a cig, and we chat for a while. Some vibing. She’s fun. But not my type at all. Massive substance user. But the convo is fun and well needed. She tells me to take her number, as she’s off to find her friend. She does bump into my later, gives me a massive hug, and takes me back out to the smoking area, until her friend calls that she’s leaving, she bounces. She also introduced me to her friends in the club, so clearly she was feeling it.

Then tonnes of other approaches. They do talk, they do vibe, some unreceptive, some nice, mostly going nowhere.

I then have a notable approach with this gal, her friend tries to rip her away, but then I talk to her, and she joins the set. These two are cool. I exchange with the one gal who I opened and tell her I’ll see you later. I bump unto her later, and am way more physical, we’re full on, hugging, close, and we’re holding each others hands. She then starts going on about how much she loves her BF. Cool. I chat a little more and dip. Nice gal.

Then legit plough like fuck. Set after set. Some positive IOIs. Some girls are checking out my body during the approach, which is quite sexy, but no dice. Some girls chat, and when I escalate, they tell me they have a BF and bounce. All that jazz.

2 exchanges.

Superb work.

These sets were of good quality, with ladies eyes lighting up when I approached them at times. Some hardcore unreceptive, sure, but also, some so happy and thanking me for approaching.

Signs of progress. And just signs of the female understanding that they are being presented with solid ass male.

Funnily enough, one guy on the dance floor heads over to me, stops me, and says, dude, I work out myself, but you’re making me look bad, I feel jealous right now, because you are one sexy motherfucker. I laugh my head off and fist bump him.

Then, later on, some other guy approaches me, and says, dude, I’ve been working on my confidence for weeks and am in the gym, but I took one look at you, with your chest, those arms, anf that necklace, and I feel so bad about myself, you’re a sexy man. I just laugh out loud man. Shake his hand.

We approach until 3am. And head home.

I am hit by a lot of pain and negativity, but just sit with it and stop myself from spiralling. This is where mental strength comes in.

I assure myself, Ravi, you’re making progress, you got 2 numbers tonight. You got guys tellin you, that your body looks great – WUT lol.

Final Thoughts

You work your social muscle. You solidify your game. You keep working on every facet of yourself.

And you just FUCKING ENDURE.






I am here 100% for the guys who live on nightmare mode.

I am 100% here for the guys who, like me, have to plough like crazy, who get no matches, who get no investment from women, no retention, who just get shit shovelled in their face and say to the fuck, bring it on, you do not know the iron will I have.

Breath. Relax. LET GO. Remind yourself, life is good, life CAN be better. And for some, it is just the case that options have run out, and there is only one card left to play: legendary level persistence.

We WILL BECOME the exception.

And that is what gives me so much power.

It is the moments when you are hurting, bad, that make you a man.

Lay on Jacob’s couch, my mind all of a sudden went to victim mode. Ravi, this is your 2nd year of this stuff, when are you going to get the message, this shit isn’t for people like you, it’s not for men who are not desirable to women, you’ve done so many approaches now, and it goes nowhere. Are you a mad man? You are going to drive yourself insane Ravi. You’ll end up 40, having approached 50,000 chicks to no avail at this rate dude. And you will have to live with that pain for the rest of your life. Looking at my dating app results, speaks volumes about my attractiveness. Looking at my cold approach and night game results, speaks volumes about how much chance I have to get a good gal to be with me.

….And yet I fucking persist.

And because I persist, stay positive, and don’t give up

Even a fucking dog like me is able to win sometimes when it comes to women

And that is why sheer persistence is MANDATORY.

The mindset:

I don’t care if I get ghosted 100 more times
I don’t care if I approach 1000 more girls this year and it goes nowhere, like year 1
I don’t care if I have to endure a dry patch for the whole year, whilst busting my ass

Nothing breaks me

Can’t hurt me

Let it be months in the wilderness. Let it be months more of this shit.

I’ve had no proper intimacy since Nov 2022. I had that nightgame date last Sat, which ghosted.

The mentality:

Cool. Let’s go through 100 more.

Because every ghost, every flake, every number that doesn’t respond

Is one step closer to success

It's just a game of growth for me now. I don't think I will end up finding a girl, and I think self-improvement for dating is largely a scam if you're low SMV. I've consistently improved myself for 2 years. It made 0 difference to concrete outcomes. None.


-I used to instantly get blown out, always, in clubs. Now, I am having convos, exchanging, and got a make-out last time. Cool. This was from getting Joy’s help on night game.
-Image progression: guys stopping me on nights out, to tell me how I look good, is fucking insane. I cannot believe it. See, I always did well with men. Always. I am a soldier and my fellow man knows I am solid and trustworthy and this energy is put into the world, and means I just have harmonious relationships with male humans. If I could get a chick to see value in me, like dudes do, I would be set.

Success is a lifestyle choice

We choose to work hardcore

And be hardcore consistent and disciplined

The Universe is not so unfair it will not give me something I desire so badly

But it does impose limits on people.

You can certainly have a dream and chase it. You can give it your fucking heart.

The world is full of people who broke their damn soul to win at life nd gave their business EVERYTHING and flat out failed.

Same applies for dating, and other domains.

What I think sometimes people have to do, is make a calculated course correction at a certain point. Because otherwise, you will legit waste your entire life chasing something that may be humanly impossible for you to get.

For me, this was to have my own children and to stop this cycle of being a lonely guy.

I may have to think about adopting in the future. And that's OK man. I would honestly do it.

Anything can be endured if you find your why

You can take any punishment, any pain, anything

If it’s dry for years, so be it.

I can keep fucking pushing.

I am prepared to live like this until I am a god damn cadaver.

At the same time, I am kinda waking up to the scam of this stuff.

It was honestly completely to be expected that things would fizzle out with that Russian girl given that so much time had passed. If I had read your log earlier I would've advised you to take a train back to her anyway and just bite that bullet.

Women are fickle, you need to strike while the iron is hot.

Her ghosting is just taking a mental toll on you (understandably). From what I've read about your approaches etc., there's a noticeable, objective improvement. You should be happy instead of down.
MakingAComeback said:
Rough week psychologically. That chick ghosting me, did hurt for some reason, because I truly enjoyed the date. And her. Then, poof!

because you are investing emotionally and expecting. When you put yourself first ghosting doesn't really hurt that much knowing that "ah, one of these? ok"
MakingAComeback said:
That chick ghosting me

Stop calling it ghosting!

Start saying "that cute but completely replaceable chick missed out on another chance to see one of the most determined, intelligent, tall, fit, good-looking, well-spoken and flat out impressive men in the world (because that's what you are)"

Her loss, not yours

Also remember Chris's concept of sexual availability, and how most of the time a woman cancels or doesn't respond it's almost always because she is dealing with the normal feminine chaos that fills women's lives...

It is almost never related to something you did, so don't waste any time trying to figure your mistake out

You honestly probably didn't even make one

(hit her up again in a few days/weeks/months when you feel like it, but don't give it any more of your time or attention till then)

If you love women their inconsistency and chaos is something you're not only going to have to get used to, but you should probably even accept, embrace, love and be grateful for, because it really is one of their core characteristics

It also explains why they love to be restrained and dominated by a strong, competent man, who's in control of himself AND them (at least temporarily).

Most of the time women can't even control their own chaos

Our ability as men to face feminine chaos without flinching is one of our most attractive qualities


You can do this, Ravi.

And please stop talking about low sexual market value males for Christ's sake...
you're already better than most men and 99.99% of the women you meet, even if you haven't internalized it yet

Lastly, I know you're going hard but big changes take time.

Ask any serious bodybuilder how long they've been lifting and I guarantee the minimum you get is 3-5 years, probably more.

I know two years feels like a long time, but it's really not.

Personally I put in AT LEAST three or four years of work in the gym, socially and on fashion/pics/apps before I saw anything like my current levels of success, and it felt like it went from nothing to a tsunami around year three or four
(this is something we should be more open about- success isn't linear, it's a ceiling you have to climb up to and break through and THEN it becomes exponential)

You're making excellent progress and getting closer to your tsunami of success too
(I can tell from the way men and women have been treating you)

So don't you dare give up!

(I know you won't)
tdan187 said:
I know you might not feel like I fall in the same camp but it's time for low SMV crew to chalk up some real wins.

Somebody needs to do it. I want to see it happen. And I believe that it will happen. I want to see some true underdogs win for once.

In the sake of both you and @Thebastard I'm hoping for it.

We will dude.

You, me, The Bastard.

All of us will win.

Somebody DOES need to do it.

So let it be us.

AskTheDom said:
MakingAComeback said:
Rough week psychologically. That chick ghosting me, did hurt for some reason, because I truly enjoyed the date. And her. Then, poof!

because you are investing emotionally and expecting. When you put yourself first ghosting doesn't really hurt that much knowing that "ah, one of these? ok"

The experience of genuine bonding is investing, of course, it's inevitable, and that is what the pair bonding circuitry will do. Most of my dates were shit. Working on my date game, they did get better, and hence, this challenge of dealing with "good" date experiences came up bro. It's only quite recently that I was able to make really good dates happen. First was L, then this random gal who I bumped into, and then it'll be someone else soon enough ;-)

I am alright now. LIke I had positive experiences with the last 2, I'll find positive experiences with many more.

Holden said:
It was honestly completely to be expected that things would fizzle out with that Russian girl given that so much time had passed. If I had read your log earlier I would've advised you to take a train back to her anyway and just bite that bullet.

Women are fickle, you need to strike while the iron is hot.

Her ghosting is just taking a mental toll on you (understandably). From what I've read about your approaches etc., there's a noticeable, objective improvement. You should be happy instead of down.

This is super useful bro thanks. I think you're right. In this case, I am glad I went home and did my damn work!

Thye change their mind like the weather. She was 19 also lol. The date was killer, and she was a great gal, super pretty too. The thing that matters, is that I had a good bonding experience with another human, and that is what should be the takehome point. They're allowed to ghost, we don't owe each other anything, and I am also a believer in the idea that in order to achieve something, you do have to "pay the price" in pain, suffering and negative emotion. Doing hard things, will involve going through "what hard feels like". And that is the psychological toll of the journey.

Which has ups, downs, and is just being at the bleeding edge of life.

I have bounced back now btw. Did a bunch of earthing, cold thermogenesis, and red light therapy. Nothing changes the human faster.

Manly Cockfellow said:
MakingAComeback said:
That chick ghosting me

Stop calling it ghosting!

Start saying "that cute but completely replaceable chick missed out on another chance to see one of the most determined, intelligent, tall, fit, good-looking, well-spoken and flat out impressive men in the world (because that's what you are)"

Her loss, not yours

Also remember Chris's concept of sexual availability, and how most of the time a woman cancels or doesn't respond it's almost always because she is dealing with the normal feminine chaos that fills women's lives...

It is almost never related to something you did, so don't waste any time trying to figure your mistake out

You honestly probably didn't even make one

(hit her up again in a few days/weeks/months when you feel like it, but don't give it any more of your time or attention till then)

If you love women their inconsistency and chaos is something you're not only going to have to get used to, but you should probably even accept, embrace, love and be grateful for, because it really is one of their core characteristics

It also explains why they love to be restrained and dominated by a strong, competent man, who's in control of himself AND them (at least temporarily).

Most of the time women can't even control their own chaos

Our ability as men to face feminine chaos without flinching is one of our most attractive qualities


You can do this, Ravi.

And please stop talking about low sexual market value males for Christ's sake...
you're already better than most men and 99.99% of the women you meet, even if you haven't internalized it yet

Lastly, I know you're going hard but big changes take time.

Ask any serious bodybuilder how long they've been lifting and I guarantee the minimum you get is 3-5 years, probably more.

I know two years feels like a long time, but it's really not.

Personally I put in AT LEAST three or four years of work in the gym, socially and on fashion/pics/apps before I saw anything like my current levels of success, and it felt like it went from nothing to a tsunami around year three or four
(this is something we should be more open about- success isn't linear, it's a ceiling you have to climb up to and break through and THEN it becomes exponential)

You're making excellent progress and getting closer to your tsunami of success too
(I can tell from the way men and women have been treating you)

So don't you dare give up!

(I know you won't)

As ever, an exceptional post from the legend himself.

I printed this out dude lol.

This is a great post man. Thank you for making it.

Manly, I will persist for as many years as it takes in the gym, on the streets hustling, in the clubs, working at my biz, at every damn facet of my life. I will put in 100% effort and not back down until I am no longer able to breathe.

The thing is:

A few weeks ago, it was blowout central in clubs. Now, I am getting convos and engagement, every time I go out. I made a tweak to the "pre-approach" and my general approach to night game. This produced a change.

Dates: most of mine SUCKED. Until I got better, and then, I did have positive experiences, which brought their own challenges - catching feelings. I will get over this like I got over other things in my journey.

Physical improvements are undeniable.

It is a bitter grind at times, and it is not fun for the male to go through these long durations of suck.

That HAS to be used to build toughness, grit, determination, and also practice in navigating negative emotions and times of psychological implosion, matter.

I am now back on track. I do have a damn throat infection, lol, so I had to reschedule my day game coaching session to next Sat.......

But I will feel better tomorow, I am sure, and will be back in the gym, working on my biz, and going on the attack in life like a truly relentless go-getting person.

Started from NOTHING

Started from IMPOSSIBLE

Through force of will alone, I got here

That same force of will is going to continue to push me for the many years it will take in my life, to be a man I can admire

A day will come, when I will know that I made it

That day will be the sweetest day I ever know in this life

Until then, I will grind

MakingAComeback said:
The experience of genuine bonding is investing, of course, it's inevitable, and that is what the pair bonding circuitry will do. Most of my dates were shit. Working on my date game, they did get better, and hence, this challenge of dealing with "good" date experiences came up bro. It's only quite recently that I was able to make really good dates happen. First was L, then this random gal who I bumped into, and then it'll be someone else soon enough ;-)

I am alright now. LIke I had positive experiences with the last 2, I'll find positive experiences with many more.

my point isn't to not make genuine connection and bonding with a woman, absolutely, just do it a bit later, like maybe after you slept 3 times together?
Just think about this man: you have done a tonne of approaches in the past.

But now you're a different person.

How many approaches have you done with your current physique? With your current skill level in game?

Just think that you're brand new at this and started a month ago.

And your game is probably suboptimal like most of us, there's even room for improvement.

And you can still improve your looks.

It's like you haven't even started approaching at your maximum potential.
AskTheDom said:
MakingAComeback said:
The experience of genuine bonding is investing, of course, it's inevitable, and that is what the pair bonding circuitry will do. Most of my dates were shit. Working on my date game, they did get better, and hence, this challenge of dealing with "good" date experiences came up bro. It's only quite recently that I was able to make really good dates happen. First was L, then this random gal who I bumped into, and then it'll be someone else soon enough ;-)

I am alright now. LIke I had positive experiences with the last 2, I'll find positive experiences with many more.

my point isn't to not make genuine connection and bonding with a woman, absolutely, just do it a bit later, like maybe after you slept 3 times together?

That is a good way to think about it. I like this.

I can work towards this bro, I think it's the healthiest way.

Sisyphus said:
Just think about this man: you have done a tonne of approaches in the past.

But now you're a different person.

How many approaches have you done with your current physique? With your current skill level in game?

Just think that you're brand new at this and started a month ago.

And your game is probably suboptimal like most of us, there's even room for improvement.

And you can still improve your looks.

It's like you haven't even started approaching at your maximum potential.

100% bro

Hard & Smart work pays off

I used to get blown out within 1 second every damn night lol, like the Bruce Lee 1 inch punch, my ass was sent packing!

It was funny how changing a subtle, small thing, took me to another level

Reality is, as Manly says above, we have to keep working and trusting the process

Even so, I can tell how the ladies act now, it's.....different. It's not like it was.

That's because I legit became a better man.

Best is still to come. This will be a massive year for me.

AskTheDom said:
Sisyphus said:
With your current skill level in game?

And most important, without "ambush" approaches? :D


Without those trips in Budapest and Krakow with the Dom and Paw, I wouldn't have learned so much, and also, it was those formative conversations on vibe and physique that were so needed, and informed The Iron Will Project

Those who are serious will come to Krakow in April, humble themselves, be a good student, a good sport, and learn

I will be there with a beginners mind - emptying my cup, learning, affirming, and allowing the change to enter into the subconscious

All of this MUST be done there is no shirking the work

I have learned from many, and took tricks from the top guys, The Dom, Pancakemouse, Rags2Bitches

And as you can see from the log, the change is happening in a manifest way

Just need to keep working

it is 100% worth it and yes there is pain that hits you sometimes. I was in pain Friday & Sat - deeply

But I have been here so many times, I know it's necessary

A man can only be built through the fire and the flames
