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Sisyphus said:
-Debrief at the end, and he suggests that the biggest thing with me, is that I am carrying deep, heavy anger and negative emotions, and he didn’t know what to suggest

Sounds like an incompetent coach. I can tell from experience that working with a competent coach can make a night and day difference in your game. Did you both do group sets together? That's when you learn the most, specially if you can make longer interactions.

Did he give you 'homework'? Practical excercises to do to improve your approach?
Watching the video you just posted, there's a lot of room for improvement in your vibe, tonality, etc.
If he isn't giving you practical guidelines, what things to improve on specifically, and just abstract woo woo nonsense, I don't think he's a good coach.

Besides, I think you're thinking too black and white. Either go all in with approach or go full monk mode for indefinite time.

I guarantee you that if you take the second route you'll go back to your old patterns and lose the progress you've made.
Which doesn't mean you should take the first route. If daygame is a horrible experience, then don't it, it won't go well and you'll keep reinforcing the trauma. Do less of what doesn't work and more of what works.

But don't isolate yourself (at least that's what I imagine when you say monk mode). Your going back to the self improvement trap that lead many of us to lack of socialization.

If online is what got you results, why don't double down on it? You can leverage your pictures and looks way more than in daygame.

Why don't you join some social circle? A dance class or something like that. Not with the goal of hunting pussy, but just improving your social skills.

tl;dr don't bang your head against the wall, but also don't give up

So I know the coach MacDaddy talks about and I can confirm the guy is competent, a very skilled DG one.

I've been working on Mac's vibe since Poland, because there are walls after walls made of rage and frustration bricks to take down.

If you would have seen and hear his sets 6 months ago you would be absolutely repelled, I had to take him aside and ask him what the fuck he was doing.

The inner work he has done improved him drastically, and while I agree that momentum fixes a lot of deficiencies in your game skills, there are few "clicks" that have to be done - now he knows the techniques and the concepts, it's about fixing the vibe

(And this comes from a guy that his game is vibe driven)
Yo bros,

Letting go, and settling down. Breathing and being easy. Mind is stilling.

Made a quick video about this on my channel, on acceptance, link below if you want to watch.

I'll be totally OK man. I think chilling TF out and not stressing things for a bit is going to be mega.

Now I've got my day's core video, off to the gym! Which will make me feel a lot better :)

Suffering comes up when we really are pushing and creating tension. It can leave but not if you throw more fuel on the fire, you kinda have to sit with it and be so at ease, and relax into it.

Suffering is pointless and when that comes up we really need to sink into this who we are, practice gratitude, and accept/let go.

We all know this.

And yet we have to learn and relearn it

I feel better now having practised letting go for a few hours.

I'll do this for legit weeks now and back off all dating. Going too hard at life can produce suffering and our soul is worth more than that!

Also nobody noticed the litmus test to see how much MacDaddy really improved since october

Did anybody see any negative self comment in his posts?
AskTheDom said:
Also nobody noticed the litmus test to see how much MacDaddy really improved since october

Did anybody see any negative self comment in his posts?

You bet man

That stuff did fade away. I just don't feel bad about myself in that way anymore.

I just....don't. I've not felt like that about myself as a person.

No one has to be a special person to succeed, you don't necessarily need any specific attributes, to be amazing looking or any of those things. Sure, they help.

I think what matters more, is one's mental state, and just feeling better about oneself, life, and letting go

This is not a bad life, man, it can be so much worse. This should absolutely be enjoyed.



(1) Money
-Content: 1 Core / 5 Shorts
-Networking Process: 1 Value Post / Cold Outreach: Offer referral discount / Start Fiverrr & Freelance accounts /
-Lead Magnet work

(2) Muscles
-Gym: Back & Biceps
-OMAD, DHA, Supps

(3) Mindset
-Read: St John of the Cross


Positive mentality and putting my mind and inner being back on abundance right now

Nothing is worth suffering and it shouldn’t be done

Thoughts of doubt, fear, insecurity, all of these can add up and pull you into some toxic fucking shit!

But, none of that matters. Really it is pointless. The mind and the inner being MUST be placed in a very positive position, where we can enjoy life, enjoy our mission, and feel good in the pursuit.

You don’t necessarily need to be any certain way to succeed. You can be anyone, from anywhere, but what you DO need to have, is deep positivity, and a commitment to love yourself and not beat yourself up over anything.

If you can laugh at the ups and downs and always remain infectiously positive, then you can suceed.

There is no reason to feel bad, because we’re alive, we’re in this world, and we ALL have a chance.

If I was hacked to pieces tomorrow and had no arms and legs, man, I’d just want to end it. I am not there, I am not in a rotten position, and no matter what else, I can be a happy, positive, healthy, good person and live in a good life.

That is 100% doable for me.

As such, there is no need to worry, no need to stress, no need to fear.

Rather, each day should be used to build up the psyche, build up the body and mind, and build up positivity.

Regardless of any factor, whether it is appearance, vibe, or whatever else, positivity and feeling good is mandatory, because with that, you can always win.

Reaffirming this, and doing some deeper work on this, has helped.

Fear, doubt, and negative emotions have no place in growth and they don’t need to be part of our process. What I have found, is in struggling, in grappling, in this internal back and fourth, that can create some suffering and pain that spills over if it goes on….

There is an antidote to this: positivity and embracing all challenges, and living life as a mission, of individual excellence and just showing up to do your best each day

Feeling better, because I am getting out of my head, and into life right now.

Being engaged, fully out there on your mission, and pouring yourself into it, brings so much life.

It’s a process and solid performance demands reflection and ongoing adjustment.


And feeling better

This is a super healing technique. Full acceptance and surrender to what is.

Today, gonna hustle, and also:

Fast & run for 60m

Reason being:

This will pull my body deeper into autophagy and support clearing the stress I've been going through

Def. something inner going on. My strength in the gym yesterday was shocking, I understood, my nervous system is fried, it's been through a lot lately lol.

Getting after it with business, will keep pushing and secure a few new clients soon.

And the push will be legendary

See you guys who are going to the bootcamp with The Dom in April. I'll book my flights and accom asap. Will be a great few days.



(1) Money
-Content: Core Video & 5 Shorts
-Network: Understand this
-Lead Magnet work
-New Biz Dev: Understand
-Twitter: Will try for one more week, and then will shelve Twitter for now. I’d have to work out how to grow it, as the current strategy isn’t leading to real growth at all. There will be a way. YouTube, however, IS growing, and is a more valuable platform potentially. I will lean into YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn I think. Can pick up Twitter later once I have a YT following.

(2) Muscles
-Legs & Shoulders (Will train at home today, snowed out)

(3) Mindset


Feeling more grounded now. Fasted yesterday, which is one of my key healers.

Did a cold thermogenesis session, and will do another later.

Win: Set myself a goal of reaching 150 subs on YouTube 2 weeks ago, and got that yesterday. Went from 112 to 150 in 2 weeks through consistency with content. Next goal is 200. I would be really proud to have 500 subscribers One step at a time.

Letting go, and moving through my life with stillness, calmness, and acceptance.

Building positivity and mental health.

And of course, executing, from a place of groundedness and stillness.

Shooting an interview with THE DOM on Saturday! Really can’t wait to shoot this underground classic.

Letting go, stopping the inner war, and being grateful.

For so many years, I was a fat guy.

I am now, not that. I am a tall, fit guy, with some muscle, who is only going to get better looking from here.

I will need to remain disciplined, focused, and work at it. I am learning how to do this from a place of utter acceptance and grace.

I am super grateful to be a calmer, more easy going guy. I am grateful that I have great relationships with my parents and enjoy being at home with them right now, a lot, building my biz with limited expenses, and just being able to apply myself to becoming the greatest man I can be.

All is well. All is good.

There is NO REASON to feel bad on the self improvement journey.

Every one of us, IS getting better.

If we weren’t, we’d say something and have that tough convo.

Life’s good. We create inner tension ourselves through struggle, resistance, and trying to force change.

Better to just flow with it, sink into it, go with it.

Bodies are built through hard work, consistency, and time……..

Social skills and vibe are built, through ongoing socialisation, lots of time on the front lines, lots of time with friends, using your brain in a social mode, and chilling TF out…………

You screw your vibe through negativity. So many men go through it. I am a moderator here, I read so many logs. I see so many go through struggles. And these men are all doing well in life. They just make themselves suffer, because we are not mature spiritually.

Part of true masculinity is stoicism and acceptance, and being calmer, more grounded, and a happier, more productive, stable person.

Very grateful for everything just the way it is.

Now, let’s have a solid day of productivity. I’ll get my work done, and report in later.

Doing well. Staying productive.

Feeling good through sheer positivity and working on mindset.

Did a killer interview with The Dom.

Entering The Dom's Dungeon: Masculinity, Dominance & Building Champions with Mario ‘The Dom’ Tubone



I had to ask the moderation team if it's OK to post this, like everyone else.

User-generated content being shared on the forums is not allowed. I make content daily, and don't share it, as it's against the rules. There is a process for being able to share user-generated content and depends on the user, the value they give, and how long they've posted. I've posted daily for 2 years, always help and give value, The Dom has given huge value to the forum for a long time, posts daily, and is always giving, and hasn't asked for anything. These two factors supported this decision.

Posting vlogs of the journey is what we want to see. I find the sharing of user-generated content quite unappealing as this is Andy's forum at the end of the day.

Always reassuring to see a guy 10 years older than I espousing the skills and mindsets I have or am building are what made him successful (as defined by him). Reminds me to just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Much respect AskTheDom. Thanks MakingAComeback for the great interview.
MakingAComeback said:
Did a killer interview with The Dom.

Just finished it.
Good one.
Thanks for what you are doing for the community MAC.

Bman said:
Always reassuring to see a guy 10 years older than I espousing the skills and mindsets I have or am building are what made him successful (as defined by him). Reminds me to just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Much respect @AskTheDom. Thanks @MakingAComeback for the great interview.

The Dom is a fuckin legend

And you will be too Bman!

Glad to see you doing well in life

Red said:
MakingAComeback said:
Did a killer interview with The Dom.

Just finished it.
Good one.
Thanks for what you are doing for the community MAC.


Greatness attracts greatness, hence why you enjoyed the interview! My man Red will be a fucking killer in this world

Thanks brothers for the positive messages, and lets have a great week!



(1) Money:
-Network 2 x 30m slots
-Lead Magnet work
-Cold outreach / Call w/ Crisis
-Network Like A Beast: Continue learning
-Read V’s ChatGPT book (launch tonight)

(2) Muscles:
-Chest & Triceps
-OMAD, DHA, Supps (2700kcal)

(3) Mindset:
-Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself – Joe Dispenza


BW 193.1

Spent the weekend painting one of my parent’s rental properties ahead of their new tenant coming in. Enjoyed it a lot. Listened to the Dr Dispenza audiobook above and learned a lot about transformation.

Will check in tonight.



(1) Money:
-Content: Core Video & 5 Shorts
-Networking: 1 hr engagement on groups, adding TF out of people
-Relationship Building: 1hr introducing myself to folks and chatting
-New Biz Dev: 1hr cold outreach, emails, Dms, the job lot, trying to get 100 cold outreaches done, let’s see
-Lead Magnet development

(2) Muscles
-Back & Biceps

(3) Mindset
-Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself (ongoing work)


Call w/ Crisis at 6 to talk OUTREACH & GENERATING NEW BIZ

Call w/ Andy & Cam tonight lets goooooooooooo

Gonna dive into my resistance with new biz dev and cold outreach. I want to do this, but part of me is resistant AF. Time to talk through it.





ACCOUNTABILITY: WEEK 11 (Wed 15th March)

(1) Money:
-Content: Core Video & 5 Shorts
-Networking: 2 hr engagement on groups, adding TF out of people
-Relationship Building: 1hr introducing myself to folks and chatting
-New Biz Dev: 1hr cold outreach, emails, Dms, the job lot, trying to get 100 cold outreaches done, let’s see
-Lead Magnet development
-Read ChatGPT Freedom


Taming the wild stallion of the mind. Keeping focused.

Secured a new client yesterday. Happy days.

9 more clients, and I am a happy bunny. That will allow me to smash my goal for the year. I want to achieve this, in the next 2 months, and will bring my absolute best effort.

(2) Muscles
-Fast: 500kcal

(3) Mindset
-Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself (ongoing work)


Taming the Stallion.

Focusing the mind. Breaking the patterns within. Clarity, stillness, and total focus.

Vigilance with the mind. Bringing it into abundance.

In abundance, we succeed. In wholeness, we heal. In positivity, we create opportunities out of nothing.

We can be happy, in abundance, right now.


ACCOUNTABILITY: WEEK 11 (Wed 15th March)

(1) Money:
-Content: Core Video & 5 Shorts (DONE)

+4 hours of back to back client calls.

The rest, was FAIL.


I was operating on exactly 0 hours sleep, so had to be strong and execute, focus, and get shit done. I hit an absolutely painful wall at around 4pm after many hours of kicking ass, and had to rest for a few hours as I had calls 730 & 830.

I got off my last call at 930. Did client notes for 30 mins.

Then chilled for 30m.

Bed time now. I'll get some sleep and work properly tomorrow.

For 0 sleep, I was doing GREAT, and then it became sheer punishment all of a sudden.

Days like this, you just do what you can. Still smashed content. At 168 subs right now, grown from 112 3 weeks ago. I'll be at 200 soon. Getting to 500, I will be damn proud of myself man. I want to get to 500 before I move to BP.

And hit 1k by the end of the year.

Today, I won't beat myself up. Did my best.............

Time for bed. I'll be back tomorrow.

THE IRON WILL PROJECT: WEEK 11 (Thursday 16th 2023)


(1) Money:
Block A (Content):
-Content: 1 Core Video & 5 Shorts
-3 FB Posts
Block B (Networking):
-2hrs Networking: Active in FB Groups & Adding People
-1hr Relationship Building: Introducing myself & chatting on Dms
-Network Like A Beast: Dan’s process
Block C (New Business Development)
-1hr Prospecting, create a list of 100 to reach out to. Perform outreach tomorrow.
Block D (Biz Dev)
-1hr Lead Magnet Work

(2) Muscles:
-Gym: Legs & Shoulders

(3) Mindset:
-Joe Dispenza Meditation
-Reading Vin’s ChatGPT Book


BW: 194.4


Working away.

Body progress pics: Sunday.

Photoshoot plan: Saturday.

Thank you bros!

Hammering away

Ascension from this position is so gritty, so unbelievably difficult, you just have to find the strength to keep going in the face of what seems literally hopeless

That is what it takes. There's raw honesty in this log: the come up has been 2 years of straight up ass busting effort. And it will persist.

Swiping out the region, and trying 3 different main pics: nada. Not a zip.

Hypergamy intensifies as guys profiles keep getting better. The competition online is now just unreal. Back when I started, I was even quite fat, and was still able to get dates in this general region. Now, leaner and better - nothing.

Same in other cities in the UK.

I suspect my profile won't even work in London now. A few months can mean a significant difference in the market.

It becomes more unforgiving, more cut-throat, and the winner takes all effect continues to intensify.

Only way to survive is stoicism and true ass busting.

I will get a killer physique and do 3 more photoshoots.

If that doesn't work, cool - getting priced out the market happens. I'll move on with my life and still suceed. All this stuff will be in the past and I will keep becoming a better man until I die.

Back to it. And will apply myself today regardless.

THE IRON WILL PROJECT: WEEK 11 (Friday 17th 2023)


(1) Money:
Block A (Content):
-Content: 1 Core Video & 5 Shorts
-3 FB Posts
Block B (Networking):
-2hrs Networking: Active in FB Groups & Adding People

(2) Muscles:
-Gym: Legs & Shoulders

(3) Mindset:
-Joe Dispenza Meditation


BW 193.1. Better.

Let’s see how it’s all looking on Sunday.

Lots of client calls today. And smashing gym.
