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MakingAComeback said:
Thank you bros!

Hammering away

Ascension from this position is so gritty, so unbelievably difficult, you just have to find the strength to keep going in the face of what seems literally hopeless

That is what it takes. There's raw honesty in this log: the come up has been 2 years of straight up ass busting effort. And it will persist.

Swiping out the region, and trying 3 different main pics: nada. Not a zip.

Hypergamy intensifies as guys profiles keep getting better. The competition online is now just unreal. Back when I started, I was even quite fat, and was still able to get dates in this general region. Now, leaner and better - nothing.

Same in other cities in the UK.

I suspect my profile won't even work in London now. A few months can mean a significant difference in the market.

It becomes more unforgiving, more cut-throat, and the winner takes all effect continues to intensify.

Only way to survive is stoicism and true ass busting.

I will get a killer physique and do 3 more photoshoots.

If that doesn't work, cool - getting priced out the market happens. I'll move on with my life and still suceed. All this stuff will be in the past and I will keep becoming a better man until I die.

Back to it. And will apply myself today regardless.


I think jacked, successful, well dressed, confident men are still more rare than attractive women and definitely not the norm and it looks like you have become or are becoming all of these things hypergamy be damned.
Sewerdog said:
MakingAComeback said:
Thank you bros!

Hammering away

Ascension from this position is so gritty, so unbelievably difficult, you just have to find the strength to keep going in the face of what seems literally hopeless

That is what it takes. There's raw honesty in this log: the come up has been 2 years of straight up ass busting effort. And it will persist.

Swiping out the region, and trying 3 different main pics: nada. Not a zip.

Hypergamy intensifies as guys profiles keep getting better. The competition online is now just unreal. Back when I started, I was even quite fat, and was still able to get dates in this general region. Now, leaner and better - nothing.

Same in other cities in the UK.

I suspect my profile won't even work in London now. A few months can mean a significant difference in the market.

It becomes more unforgiving, more cut-throat, and the winner takes all effect continues to intensify.

Only way to survive is stoicism and true ass busting.

I will get a killer physique and do 3 more photoshoots.

If that doesn't work, cool - getting priced out the market happens. I'll move on with my life and still suceed. All this stuff will be in the past and I will keep becoming a better man until I die.

Back to it. And will apply myself today regardless.


I think jacked, successful, well dressed, confident men are still more rare than attractive women and definitely not the norm and it looks like you have become or are becoming all of these things hypergamy be damned.

You bet bro!

I am a self improvement purist and want to ascend to the absolute maximum of my human potential, to squeeze out every last god damn drop of my mental, physical, emotional and spirtual potential.

Embodying total excellence and living a world-class life

I am more concerned with become an elite male, than dating/women.

There is the possibility of greatness, should one apply themselves to the ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM.

Let's see.

I trust you are applying yourself and maxxing yourself out!

MakingAComeback said:
THE IRON WILL PROJECT: WEEK 11 (Friday 17th 2023)


(1) Money:
Block A (Content):
-Content: 1 Core Video & 5 Shorts
-3 FB Posts
Block B (Networking):
-2hrs Networking: Active in FB Groups & Adding People

(2) Muscles:
-Gym: Legs & Shoulders

(3) Mindset:
-Joe Dispenza Meditation


BW 193.1. Better.

Let’s see how it’s all looking on Sunday.

Lots of client calls today. And smashing gym.


-Content: 1 Core Video & 5 Shorts (PART DONE: Planned & Shot - will edit and upload tomorrow)
-3 FB Posts (DONE)
Block B (Networking):
-2hrs Networking: Active in FB Groups & Adding People (FAIL)
-2700kcal (DONE)
-Core (DONE)
-Gym: Legs & Shoulders (DONE)
-Stretch (DONE)

-Joe Dispenza Meditation (IN PROGRESS)


Solid day.

Got up at 6. Visualisation.

Watched sunrise. Performed stretching (ATG Zero)

Client checkins - several hours.

Planned video, printed off doc, set up shoot.....Parents needed help in their other properties.

Past 2 weeks, have been chaotic, due to my parents getting a new tenant in one of their rental properties, and needing help getting it up to speed. This has meant, that I've had to run away and perform a range of tasks for them, daily, which needed to be done. Given I am here, rent free, to build my biz, I can hardly say no. Plus. I enjoy being around my parents A LOT, so any time i can spend with them, I tend to take the opportunity. They'e really quite funny to be around. I enjoy them immensely.

The content is very important for audience building. I want 1k subs on YouTube this year. I've been doing hardcore audience building for just under 3 weeks, which took me from 112 to 173 subscribers. Daily uploads are key to growth.

Today, my parents needed a hand for about 2hrs. That impacted my content block. No worries, you have to be strategic. That content will be edited and uploaded tomorrow.

Then, core work, and hammered gym. Workout was SO GOOD. Trained crazy hard, just crushed man. Strength and performance is coming. The push is relentless. Training HARD, means really going in their and raising hell. That is what builds muscle and burns fat.

Workout done, and then straight into 5hours of client calls.

2 calls back to back.

Had to run to the shops, quickly cook & eat.

Then 3 calls back to back.

I LOVE client calls. These are my favourite thing to do. I am so deep in my subject matter, have done this for many years as a project manager and then the same skills intersected with 12 years of self improvement, wellness, biohacking, spiritual development, and mindset growth - all the stuff I used to stop sucking at life and become a total beast, became the IronWill Methodology.

Client calls GIVE me energy, and they are total, total cognitive focus and using every weapon in my arsenal. There is no way I could have done this as a young chap. I needed the years of experience, the recognition awards, the 3 promotions, the 1-1 mentoring from my old CEO (who was awarded an MBE by the Queen for services to Britain's Economic Regeneration). Project Management, if you ever research it, really is about astuteness in delivering big-picture outcomes, and working with people in a manner that ensures delivery. Getting good at that, made me very effective as an accountability & high performance coach. I am really seeing this come to fruition now I've been running my biz since Oct 2022.

It's now 8pm. Day was solid as a rock. What I will do now, is get an early night, and go to bed. All was good today. I will restore myself mentally, and go hard tomorrow.

Just going to write out my day diary for Sat, and get sone quality sleep now.

Tomorrow will be fucking destroyed, lol.

I will be performing a DUTCH Complete test over the weekend, to monitor my overall wellness, hormones and health. My mentor Dr Marcus will review the results and we'll take any measures we need to take.

Next 2 months for me, will be hardcore biz & body focus. I want to secure 9 more clients, and that will be it for a while. Right now, I just want to work with a maximum of 20 guys, and just focus entirely on getting them results. With my business, I want to do it on a 1-1 basis, as this is the best level of service anyone can have, and gives maximum chance of success. Focusing purely on getting REALLY good at what I do this year, investing every weekend into learning, study, and finding out how to deliver maximum value to my clients by giving them the consistency, focus, discipline, and high performance they seek - I will win.

That means my research into biohacking & wellness, must continue.

That means my study into beliefs, mindset, and personal growth, must continue.

And learning how to build an excellent business, will just persist.

That's all from me brotherinos.

This weekend, will see solid hustle, rest and recovery, early nights, and will see a body progress update on Sunday.

There will be a day where I have a full set of abs, excellent muscular development, and am totally on top of my game mentally and emotionally.

We'll do 3 photoshoots this year, and one of them will kill.

May need to look into heavy tattooing to make me sexier. So be it.

Whatever it takes to win...............

A realistic timeline to be able to get 'SOME' basic level of attraction and have 'SOME' basic level of dating life, I think is one more year of work. Looks wise, I am not strong enough yet. I am about a 5 in looks, which isn't bad, but isn't sufficient to attract a lady. That much is clear. Monk mode for the foreseeable future is the right move. If I just work out hardcore and keep working on myself for a year or two, I have a shot. The life I want, is likely many, many years away. The internet is abound with examples of guys who had two train hardcore for multiple years, who had to get cosmetic surgeries, who had to do thousands of approaches, hundreds of dates, 10-20 pro photoshoots over years. I'm afriad that is what it can take for some to get basic levels of human treatment. No easy way to put that. So what? If that's the path, you just go down it.

You can be upset about that.

Or you can develop god-tier grinding mentality.

For me, I found this gives me the ungodly fire I have.

I am not sure I would be as driven as I am, if this journey wasn't the way it was. Very precarious, and unlikely. For a person such as myself to succeed, is literally a slap in the face to reality, to see what should be impossible actually happen.

If someone who was 275lbs of obese, agoraphobic wreck, who was close t death twice in his life, who was a virgin until 29, who was a shut in for years, found a treasure that was buried inside himself and used that to find passion and drive to go high in life

Then anyone can suceed in this world

That treasure that I found, was the gift of drive

The fire began burning several years ago

The flames have spread, and they have began to engulf the forrest

Once a forest fire is truly ablaze, it will never go out, until all that was holding it back has been completely destroyed

Solid week from MAC. 11 weeks of ass kicking this year.

Here's to 41 more.

AskTheDom said:
MakingAComeback said:
The competition online is now just unreal

The arms race is real


it's undeniable.

What used to work, just doesn't anymore.

More and more users flocking to online dating, dating information and optimisation widespread, this is a massive industry.

Everyone is playing to win.

Standards have gotten beyond insane. It's not even human. It's other worldly.

May even be looking at a future where a dude will need to be an 8 or 9 to have a slot at a sloppy 5,


Even so, there will always be a way to win.


Revising archetype

High level photoshoots with serious edge

Significant tattooing or other means to stand out

There's always a way to win.

Yo bros!

Weekend: Quite chill.

Lots of biohacking & rest.

Has to be done! Solid performance Mon-Fri, is built upon proper restoration.

Doing an interview with Lord Radical shortly, on mewwing. I'll link to it, and if you want any advice on breathing, airway development, and so on, just ask.

Otherwise, chilling this weekend. Reading. Learning. Resting. Biohacking (Earthing / Red Light). Meditating.

Doing this DUTCH Complete test, something I do every year.

....I will do 3 photoshoots this year, so the planning process will begin! Still early on in my journey bros. I am going to have to bodymaxxx quite a lot, lol. Might take a year or two for that. So be it man. You can do all this whilst being happy, making money, and being a top G.

Will smash next week. Next week, want to upload to YT, daily, Mon-Fri. WIll network, and will set a goal to add 500 people on FB. And will set a goal to do one hour of relationship building a day.

Tomorrow, I'll clarify the goals for next week.

Today - light load baby.

Can't be stressed it all the time. We're improving. We're building our bodies, minds, and importantly, becoming better people.

When that negative emotion sets in - time to properly restore. High performance is about sleep, wellness and health, and sensible, process driven daily activity moving the needle.

Body progress pics tomorrow too, almost forgot lol


(1) Content: 5 Long Forms & 25 Shorts for YT by Fri
(2) Audience Building: Add 500 people on FB and introduce myself to all 500 by Fri
(3) Body: Gym 4 x / 1hr Steady State Cardio Daily / Body progress update Sunday
-Lead Magnet: Produce this!
-Landing Page: Produce this for IronWill Accountability & High Performance Coaching


(1) Money:
Block A:
Content – 1 Long Form & 5 Shorts
3 FB Posts
Block B:
Networking: Activity, Posting, Adding 100 people on FB!

(2) Muscles:
-Chest & Triceps
-2700kcal / DHA / Supps

(3) Mindset:
-Reading Vin’s ChatGPT Book


This weekend, I was legit burned out and needed full restoration. Helped my parents with things, did an interview with Giga Chad Cam, and spent maybe about 10hrs (if not more) reading The Giga Chad of Giga Chads GLL.

Sunday was great. Helped the parents a bunch and read GLL for 8hrs as my body shook, convulsed, and spazzed out from adrenaline and cortisol. Heart stopped racing at around 9pm and feel asleep pondering the possibilities of my life and the greatness that will ensue.

Woke up to a text from one of my best friends, V, yelling at me to get my money right so I can hang out with him in the mansion he wants to buy in the Holywood Hills. DAMN. He dreams big and has been in biz for 10 years. He is just a friend, he’s busy with his own life and my journey is incumbent upon me. However, feels great to see there’s levels that I can reach that I maybe haven’t even imagined yet. He told me to print off a vision board and fucking obsess. And that is likely all I’ll hear from him for a while until he asks me how much money I’m making in a month or two – lol!!! Mad as a box of frogs. Dude is wired different – a fucking lunatic.


No pics from me this weekend. I was borderline incapacitated and needed a rest. So read GLL and ate a bunch. This was necessary, my body NEEDED IT. I woke up today feeling FAN FUCKIN TASTIC. Sleep, as we say here, is the cheat code.
Body wise, will check in with George daily and bring myself back. Day by day. And I’ll do my update on Sunday.


Working on growing my FB audience family. Want to max that out and talk to a tonne of people.

My goal is to get 10 more clients for my accountability business by May and just keep it there!

I want to work with a maximum of 20 guys and cap it there.

I have 10 clients and only want to work with 10 more.

Focusing on getting these people killer results this year is all that matters. Nothing more. Capping it at 20, 1 on 1 intensive clients, and at that point, my entire focus and dedication is on being the best accountability & high performance coach I can be. Which means obsessive study, levelling up my skills and knowledge (I’ve already studied this for 12 years, this is my hill, I’ll die on it lol) and taking it one year at a time.

I have my Red Shirt year with girls last year.


This is my Red Shirt year with business and body.


I will get back to talking to girls. Holding myself accountable to Coach Cam right now and cannot do any dating until end of April. May 15th should be moving to Budapest with Paw and we’ll go ham.

My task right now, is to work on body HARDCORE, work on looks, and do work on planning 3 photoshoots. Goal may be, to do 1 before Budapest, and then I could even get some cheaper ones done in Budapest tbh! Could do 2 in BP in May and will have a better body then. Should crush with girls this year. I will start to reap the rewards of my work at some point, just need to level up my online dating (it’s weak rn, I’ll do better and then I’ll win) and my looks. I am not at the looks threshold yet, but I will be. Soon.


Grinding season. I have a call with the Euro Gang at 7pm and then 30mins in the ice bath. Otherwise, 10hrs work in biz as per usual! In bed at 10pm each day to protect sleep.

That’s how you win.

MakingAComeback said:

(1) Content: 5 Long Forms & 25 Shorts for YT by Fri
(2) Audience Building: Add 500 people on FB and introduce myself to all 500 by Fri
(3) Body: Gym 4 x / 1hr Steady State Cardio Daily / Body progress update Sunday
-Lead Magnet: Produce this!
-Landing Page: Produce this for IronWill Accountability & High Performance Coaching


(1) Money:
Block A:
Content – 1 Long Form & 5 Shorts
3 FB Posts
Block B:
Networking: Activity, Posting, Adding 100 people on FB!

(2) Muscles:
-Chest & Triceps
-2700kcal / DHA / Supps

(3) Mindset:
-Reading Vin’s ChatGPT Book


This weekend, I was legit burned out and needed full restoration. Helped my parents with things, did an interview with Giga Chad Cam, and spent maybe about 10hrs (if not more) reading The Giga Chad of Giga Chads GLL.

Sunday was great. Helped the parents a bunch and read GLL for 8hrs as my body shook, convulsed, and spazzed out from adrenaline and cortisol. Heart stopped racing at around 9pm and feel asleep pondering the possibilities of my life and the greatness that will ensue.

Woke up to a text from one of my best friends, V, yelling at me to get my money right so I can hang out with him in the mansion he wants to buy in the Holywood Hills. DAMN. He dreams big and has been in biz for 10 years. He is just a friend, he’s busy with his own life and my journey is incumbent upon me. However, feels great to see there’s levels that I can reach that I maybe haven’t even imagined yet. He told me to print off a vision board and fucking obsess. And that is likely all I’ll hear from him for a while until he asks me how much money I’m making in a month or two – lol!!! Mad as a box of frogs. Dude is wired different – a fucking lunatic.


No pics from me this weekend. I was borderline incapacitated and needed a rest. So read GLL and ate a bunch. This was necessary, my body NEEDED IT. I woke up today feeling FAN FUCKIN TASTIC. Sleep, as we say here, is the cheat code.
Body wise, will check in with George daily and bring myself back. Day by day. And I’ll do my update on Sunday.


Working on growing my FB audience family. Want to max that out and talk to a tonne of people.

My goal is to get 10 more clients for my accountability business by May and just keep it there!

I want to work with a maximum of 20 guys and cap it there.

I have 10 clients and only want to work with 10 more.

Focusing on getting these people killer results this year is all that matters. Nothing more. Capping it at 20, 1 on 1 intensive clients, and at that point, my entire focus and dedication is on being the best accountability & high performance coach I can be. Which means obsessive study, levelling up my skills and knowledge (I’ve already studied this for 12 years, this is my hill, I’ll die on it lol) and taking it one year at a time.

I have my Red Shirt year with girls last year.


This is my Red Shirt year with business and body.


I will get back to talking to girls. Holding myself accountable to Coach Cam right now and cannot do any dating until end of April. May 15th should be moving to Budapest with Paw and we’ll go ham.

My task right now, is to work on body HARDCORE, work on looks, and do work on planning 3 photoshoots. Goal may be, to do 1 before Budapest, and then I could even get some cheaper ones done in Budapest tbh! Could do 2 in BP in May and will have a better body then. Should crush with girls this year. I will start to reap the rewards of my work at some point, just need to level up my online dating (it’s weak rn, I’ll do better and then I’ll win) and my looks. I am not at the looks threshold yet, but I will be. Soon.


Grinding season. I have a call with the Euro Gang at 7pm and then 30mins in the ice bath. Otherwise, 10hrs work in biz as per usual! In bed at 10pm each day to protect sleep.

That’s how you win.




(1) Money:
Block A:
Content – 1 Long Form & 5 Shorts (DONE)
3 FB Posts (FAIL - 1/3)
Block B:
Networking: Activity, Posting, Adding 100 people on FB! (FAIL)

(2) Muscles:
-Core (DONE)
-Chest & Triceps (DONE)
-2700kcal / DHA / Supps (DONE)

(3) Mindset:
-Reading Vin’s ChatGPT Book (FAIL)


Man, did my best, worked all day.

Why were the above FAIL?

I had an idea for a Group Coaching offer, and spent about an hour and a half fleshing this out. I then spent a further hour on other business admin. This MOGGED by content block.


Did my OMAD sups etc.

THEN smashed out content.

All else, obviously suffered.

In the game of biz, these are complex tasks, and can expand.

Back tomorrow and will tighten up and be more on point! I won't have enough sleep due to this.....Had to be done, this was a good day and a lot of work got done.

Bed by 10pm every night this week, WILL help my body goals. That is a damn priority.

Well, I did my best.

Back tomorrow,

MakingAComeback said:
AskTheDom said:
The arms race is real


it's undeniable.

What used to work, just doesn't anymore.

More and more users flocking to online dating, dating information and optimisation widespread, this is a massive industry.

Everyone is playing to win.

Standards have gotten beyond insane. It's not even human. It's other worldly.

May even be looking at a future where a dude will need to be an 8 or 9 to have a slot at a sloppy 5,


I think it’s mainly that cameras and photo editing technology are improving. I had a photo that scored 8.9 on photofeeler in 2021. After a small edit to the hair (that should have been a net positive) the score dropped to 7.7 in 2023.

I faceapped the fuck out of one of my photos and scored a 9.8 (my highest score) but I am reluctant to use it because I think it makes me look unrealistically young.

AI generated photos are apparently a thing now too.

On average, men are getting fatter, and you are getting undeniably leaner. So you should gain ground but we will all probably need to continually upgrade photos with the latest tech, to avoid falling behind.
NeverSayNeverAgain said:
MakingAComeback said:

it's undeniable.

What used to work, just doesn't anymore.

More and more users flocking to online dating, dating information and optimisation widespread, this is a massive industry.

Everyone is playing to win.

Standards have gotten beyond insane. It's not even human. It's other worldly.

May even be looking at a future where a dude will need to be an 8 or 9 to have a slot at a sloppy 5,


I think it’s mainly that cameras and photo editing technology are improving. I had a photo that scored 8.9 on photofeeler in 2021. After a small edit to the hair (that should have been a net positive) the score dropped to 7.7 in 2023.

I faceapped the fuck out of one of my photos and scored a 9.8 (my highest score) but I am reluctant to use it because I think it makes me look unrealistically young.

AI generated photos are apparently a thing now too.

On average, men are getting fatter, and you are getting undeniably leaner. So you should gain ground but we will all probably need to continually upgrade photos with the latest tech, to avoid falling behind.

Man I was feeling negative that day, I was SO tired from working like a psycho person

I don't feel that way now and my dating app results are fixable, 100%

Better body. Better pics. Thinking outside the box to get really KILLER concepts captured on the lens.

There will be a point, at which I hit the Adonis Ratio in my body. When all my improvements will come to pay off!

I am enjoying every second of the journey.

Thanks for your post King I appreciate it

Gratitude for the GOAT: KING Andy

Sharing this as it’s the 2 year anniversary of my journey tomorrow.

I started my KYIL journey at 7:44am March 21st 2021.

Today, I got up, visualised for 15 mins, staring at my vision board. All that I will accomplish. Heart was full, man.

6:07am – out to watch the sunrise and perform 10m of earthing.

Cup of coffee, body work, 630 out the door to listen to Andy’s podcast for 1hr.

…...I had to stop to walk into an alley and fucking cry at 7:00am


Because this was how I started the journey, man. This exact spot. This exact time.

I started my KYIL forum account March 22nd 2021.

The previous 6 months, I was in a horrible position in life man. Completely obese, drowning in doubt, toxicity, anger, resentment, bitterness, and would sometimes have episodes of total existential dread thinking my life was some sort of sick experiment. FUCK I hate these memories even writing this makes my skin crawl, but I want to share right now.

I was doing well as a Project Manager, and sincerely loved the work. This is a badass job, and I will always be a PM at heart. I am a project management nerd, and use it with my clients. I still study. I still read effective practice. I still take certifications and talk with other Pms on how we can deliver complex and large projects, and bring out the best in people.

But….I was dying inside, despite my workaholism, the recognition awards, the promotions.

I spent EVERY MORNING, literally EVERY MORNING for fucking months, getting up at 5am, and walking for 3-4hrs before starting work just listening to Andy’s podcast. Because from following him on GLL, I knew he was the one. I knew Andy has something. And I knew that would be what would change my life.

I am happy to admit I would have several hour mental dialogues with Andy when listening to the podcast, arguing with him in my head, resisting. You don’t understand dude, I am obese, a virgin, ugly, not worthy, a loser. I am just a workaholic nerd, too fucked up to be helped.

This went on, I shit you not, for MONTHS. I often actually enjoyed getting up super early to fucking battle with Andy. I did it in the car to work, on the way back. I was a nutcase. On breaks, I would read the “My Transformation” story on his website.

Yes, this was insane.

But…...eventually, the raw, hot, powerful emotions began to simmer down. It’s like they ran their course.

Truth is, from the get go, the reason I got into self improvement as hardcore as I did, was because I watched Andy on GLL go from a guy who was, like myself, fucked up, to becoming a positive and incredible person who is one of life’s true helpers. And he killed literally all my excuses because he had the exact same sort of struggles I did, for instance, Andy lost 77lbs to my 75lbs, etc. His approach anxiety was also really bad. Things like that, I knew beyond doubt, so there was never any questioning. There is nothing you or anyone can say. Andy forged himself into who he is through a multi year process of hard work and went through A LOT of shit, and stayed true to his principles. Over time, he won.

There are FEW people in the world who are as excellent at producing change in other human’s as Andy. Part of that, cannot really be learned. He does have something inside, whatever it may be.

I had to stop to cry this morning, because sometimes I just cannot believe I found KYIL, that I had the opportunity to work with Andy and Cam, that so much happened for me, so many people went out their damn way to help me, push me, and ingrain the principles of success into my psyche.

The memories of all I achieve flood into my mind at moments and I couldn’t contain the emotion.

The feelings I had when I shed my weight and could fit into nice clothes. The feelings I had when I lost my virginity. Of moving to London and being surrounded by such opulence, coming from a small and boring town. The feelings I had walking around incredible parts of London and approaching gorgeous women, thinking to myself, dude, how THE FUCK am I here? The feelings I had after getting lays.

In April 2022, I had 3 lays within 1 week, and 4 in 13 days.

Sometimes these memories come back and knock me on my ass. I remember the summer in London, as the warm glow of the sun would flood through my Battersea Apartment, and I knew the next day was just a few swipes away, and anything could happen. Went on 100 that year and loved this.

I remember the feelings of excitement when my FWB would text me, when me and Timmy would make plans and life was so abundant, anything was possible.

I remember the feelings I had when I would get up early in the summer, and walk over to my balcony and watch the sunrise. Sometimes after lays, I would legit walk over naked, and let the warm sun beams hit me, and just think….


I was down and out, face in the concrete, done and dusted. 275Lbs, obese, anxious, had severe depression, severe anxiety, other very “serious” issues, had a litany of health problems, man, I was in hell itself and it should have been impossible for me to achieve what I have so far

And yet, I did

Because as fucked as I was back then, because make no mistake when I started working with Andy and Cam I was hurting, bad, but I made a CAST IRON commitment.

No matter what it takes, and no matter how long, and what it requires of me – I will do what these men tell me, and I will not stop, until I SUCCEED

Blind faith looks like betting the house on yourself, moving to the #1 city in your country, going ALL IN to achieve goals you literally think are impossible (how is a virgin going to get to 10 lays in 1 year? How is a psychological mess going to beat his approach anxiety in 1 year? How is this fat guy going to get in shape?).

9 lays, 1 FWB, did all sorts of crazy shit. 100 dates, 1000 approaches. And then decided to kill bigger and start the biz journey. Even turned down sex with 3 girls last year, because I didn’t want to. Straight to crib offers, they were tourists wanting fast dick. I didn’t even care – I was so blissed out and so abundant in my mind at some points I thought it was a dream.

These memories, of how far I’ve come, of what I accomplished, doing things I LITERALLY THOUGHT WERE IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME.

Having this stuff in my brain, is the greatest gift I could have given myself.

And what’s crazy is, I am only going to become more successful from here.

When the WINNER’S MENTALITY begins to start to crystallise in your subconscious brain – the game has effectively been won.

If it takes YEARS for this, so be it. I work on this, daily, and will not stop, until it’s done.

I truly believe anyone can achieve progressively bigge goals, until they’re elite. I believe I will do this myself. I am a humble man from dirt nothing and now year after year I’ve been succeeding. Because ANYONE can.


Once we start ACTUALLY achieving goals, getting unstuck, and progressing in life, damn dude, it overwhelms me. It just floors me that I am here right now.

From a guy who was that obese, in and out of psyche wards in his early 20s on fucking anti-psychotic medications, housebound agoraphobic for 2 years not leaving my damn room

To where I am today. Fit, strong, able to work like a demon, able to crush goal after goal, so many friends who are elite men (I am not joking, my heart is just full), so many offers to do great things, to go to great places.

Life is SO abundant it’s insane

And becoming more successful, man, it is a process to be ENJOYED

We are so lucky

Andy, you’re the fucking man. From the bottom of my heart dude, I love you to death.

Cam, same to you dude. You made this happen. Without Cam, there’s no KYIL.

Thank you for continuing to bring out the best in us.

When we’re at the winner’s table, first round’s on me.

Now, here’s to making year 2 a year of fantastic success and achievement. Happiness, health, positivity, and inner peace.

Your friend, Ravi
MakingAComeback said:
More and more users flocking to online dating, dating information and optimisation widespread, this is a massive industry.

Everyone is playing to win.

Standards have gotten beyond insane. It's not even human. It's other worldly.

May even be looking at a future where a dude will need to be an 8 or 9 to have a slot at a sloppy 5,

Standards have not gotten insane in real life. Ugly guys bang ugly girls, hot guys bang hot girls.

There’s an increase in people like us. We are putting in insane hours into improving and are handicapped by genetic potential. After spending so many hours into developing, we are (rightly) not content with settling for some average girl who did 0 effort in her life.

We could very well steal the ugly girls from the ugly guys, but we have no desire to do this because we have other things to do.
The hot guys have no problem banging the average girls because they have to put no effort into getting them and they don’t feel pressured for time to improve because they were born that way.

The ambitious average guy needs a breakthrough in some shape or form which can take a long time and isn’t easy to identify.

Giving up is not an option anyway so we can only keep grinding super hard and hope that 1 spark will suddenly appear and change our lives
kratjeuh said:
MakingAComeback said:
More and more users flocking to online dating, dating information and optimisation widespread, this is a massive industry.

Everyone is playing to win.

Standards have gotten beyond insane. It's not even human. It's other worldly.

May even be looking at a future where a dude will need to be an 8 or 9 to have a slot at a sloppy 5,

Standards have not gotten insane in real life. Ugly guys bang ugly girls, hot guys bang hot girls.

There’s an increase in people like us. We are putting in insane hours into improving and are handicapped by genetic potential. After spending so many hours into developing, we are (rightly) not content with settling for some average girl who did 0 effort in her life.

We could very well steal the ugly girls from the ugly guys, but we have no desire to do this because we have other things to do.
The hot guys have no problem banging the average girls because they have to put no effort into getting them and they don’t feel pressured for time to improve because they were born that way.

The ambitious average guy needs a breakthrough in some shape or form which can take a long time and isn’t easy to identify.

Giving up is not an option anyway so we can only keep grinding super hard and hope that 1 spark will suddenly appear and change our lives

Facts bro, that said, I am fucking POSITIVE with an insane body, confidence and killer ability to play the numbers game hardcore, there's a way to win

My online dating is only meh and isn't above average hence it's not a useful indicator right now

Location also matters. I did better in Budapest!

And was happier ;-)

Regardless of whatever the case may be, levelling up and becoming a total G, will make the difference

Look at Chris from GLL. He MAXED OUT his looks to a great level and CRUSHED

Same logic applies to us dude

Whatever it takes

No Half Measures

No Excuses


(1) Content: 5 Long Forms & 25 Shorts for YT by Fri
(2) Audience Building: Add 500 people on FB and introduce myself to all 500 by Fri
(3) Body: Gym 4 x / 1hr Steady State Cardio Daily / Body progress update Sunday
-Lead Magnet: Produce this!
-Landing Page: Produce this for IronWill Accountability & High Performance Coaching


(1) Money:
Block A:
Content – 1 Long Form & 5 Shorts
3 FB Posts
Block B:
Networking: Activity, Posting, Adding 100 people on FB!

(2) Muscles:
-Back & Biceps
-2700kcal / DHA / Supps

(3) Mindset:
-Andy Podcast: 5hrs
-Read GLL (30m)
-Reading Vin’s ChatGPT Book (2hr)

Bed @ 10pm. Vision board. Build up some sleep…..


So far -
Vision Board (DONE)
BW Accountability Pic / Bodywork & Coffee (DONE)
Sunrise & 10m Earthing (DONE)
Walk & Andy Podcast 1hr (DONE)
Read GLL & 15m McKenzie Ext (DONE)
Client Work/Checkins & Listen to Andy [Took 4hrs today, it’s 11am] (DONE)
Back from the gym, did my OMAD, had my supps

Now about to edit the content I shot earlier and get that up


Trained with my brother. Those in my chat know the ongoing saga with me having a Chad little brother. Dude got back from a holiday with the boys, he broke up with his BF of 7 years about 6 months ago and just immediately began slaying lul. His basic ass iphone pics got 100+ likes within ONE DAY of installing Tinder when he was on holiday. Absolutely MOGGED.

We reviewed his CHADDERY in my chat, and it was agreed, with sufficient looksmaxxing, I should be able to get to within 1 point of his SMV. Him being an 8, that means I an ascend to a 7 and that will be enough for yours truly!

Master Pancake was NOT happy with the form exhibited on the lifts below, due to an epic case of Ravi brain (aka the autistic spectrum) as I told Paw and The Dom I will lift heavy ass weight for 6 months and gain size, I simply cannot stop until I have reached certain strength standards. Yes, this is RETARDED. It's not logical. It would stress me out to try to explain this so I won't. However, I will start a process of adjusting my lifting form and moving away from JUST PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD BRO and towards slow, controlled, temp based training, taking muscles to complete mechanical failure.

I can switch to a to failure based routine around June say as that would mean I did good by my bros and come through with what I promised I would do.

I am still making fackin' GAINS and putting on some size

Check it out


I'll do anything to improve and to get a solid, well rounded life

If it's another year of god tier level grinding in the gym for it to turn around, so be it

if it's a full sleeve or two, so be it

Style changes, overall game development





I have to train my fucking ass off now, as THE BULLDOG IS BACK IN TOWN!



I can't accept that

Ok enough of me



MakingAComeback said:
Back from the gym, did my OMAD, had my supps

Now about to edit the content I shot earlier and get that up


Trained with my brother. Those in my chat know the ongoing saga with me having a Chad little brother. Dude got back from a holiday with the boys, he broke up with his BF of 7 years about 6 months ago and just immediately began slaying lul. His basic ass iphone pics got 100+ likes within ONE DAY of installing Tinder when he was on holiday. Absolutely MOGGED.

We reviewed his CHADDERY in my chat, and it was agreed, with sufficient looksmaxxing, I should be able to get to within 1 point of his SMV. Him being an 8, that means I an ascend to a 7 and that will be enough for yours truly!

Master Pancake was NOT happy with the form exhibited on the lifts below, due to an epic case of Ravi brain (aka the autistic spectrum) as I told Paw and The Dom I will lift heavy ass weight for 6 months and gain size, I simply cannot stop until I have reached certain strength standards. Yes, this is RETARDED. It's not logical. It would stress me out to try to explain this so I won't. However, I will start a process of adjusting my lifting form and moving away from JUST PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD BRO and towards slow, controlled, temp based training, taking muscles to complete mechanical failure.

I can switch to a to failure based routine around June say as that would mean I did good by my bros and come through with what I promised I would do.

I am still making fackin' GAINS and putting on some size

Check it out


I'll do anything to improve and to get a solid, well rounded life

If it's another year of god tier level grinding in the gym for it to turn around, so be it

if it's a full sleeve or two, so be it

Style changes, overall game development





I have to train my fucking ass off now, as THE BULLDOG IS BACK IN TOWN!



I can't accept that

Ok enough of me




Getting ready for Krakow? :)
filbko said:
MakingAComeback said:
Back from the gym, did my OMAD, had my supps

Now about to edit the content I shot earlier and get that up


Trained with my brother. Those in my chat know the ongoing saga with me having a Chad little brother. Dude got back from a holiday with the boys, he broke up with his BF of 7 years about 6 months ago and just immediately began slaying lul. His basic ass iphone pics got 100+ likes within ONE DAY of installing Tinder when he was on holiday. Absolutely MOGGED.

We reviewed his CHADDERY in my chat, and it was agreed, with sufficient looksmaxxing, I should be able to get to within 1 point of his SMV. Him being an 8, that means I an ascend to a 7 and that will be enough for yours truly!

Master Pancake was NOT happy with the form exhibited on the lifts below, due to an epic case of Ravi brain (aka the autistic spectrum) as I told Paw and The Dom I will lift heavy ass weight for 6 months and gain size, I simply cannot stop until I have reached certain strength standards. Yes, this is RETARDED. It's not logical. It would stress me out to try to explain this so I won't. However, I will start a process of adjusting my lifting form and moving away from JUST PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD BRO and towards slow, controlled, temp based training, taking muscles to complete mechanical failure.

I can switch to a to failure based routine around June say as that would mean I did good by my bros and come through with what I promised I would do.

I am still making fackin' GAINS and putting on some size

Check it out


I'll do anything to improve and to get a solid, well rounded life

If it's another year of god tier level grinding in the gym for it to turn around, so be it

if it's a full sleeve or two, so be it

Style changes, overall game development





I have to train my fucking ass off now, as THE BULLDOG IS BACK IN TOWN!



I can't accept that

Ok enough of me




Getting ready for Krakow? :)

You fucking bet dude!!!!!!

Last year Krakow was killer

Hard work though. They had me doing 150 approaches that week god dayum.

Plan for me after that was really levelling up the body and working on vibe.

Both, were positive, though these are longer and ongoing things for me

See you there. Good on you for taking actions. I think the places did fully book up in the end. We'll have the time of our lives.


If someone who is reading this is dead ass serious, you MAY be able to get onto the Krakow bootcamp with The Dom. There's a chance he may let someone if they're a real action taker.
MakingAComeback said:
Master Pancake was NOT happy with the form exhibited on the lifts below, due to an epic case of Ravi brain (aka the autistic spectrum) as I told Paw and The Dom I will lift heavy ass weight for 6 months and gain size, I simply cannot stop until I have reached certain strength standards. Yes, this is RETARDED. It's not logical. It would stress me out to try to explain this so I won't. However, I will start a process of adjusting my lifting form and moving away from JUST PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD BRO and towards slow, controlled, temp based training, taking muscles to complete mechanical failure.

I can switch to a to failure based routine around June say as that would mean I did good by my bros and come through with what I promised I would do.

Master Pancake is damn right. There are a lot of memes (OEfitness) of Indians always ego lifting with horrible form, please don’t end up in his vids haha.

That last set of barbel rows was solid. Lifting lower weight with better form will eventually make you ligt heavier weights, weird right.

You can still ligt to failure with lower weights and better form. When you’re at those last reps you can cheat a little bit so you get everything you could out of the set though
kratjeuh said:
MakingAComeback said:
Master Pancake was NOT happy with the form exhibited on the lifts below, due to an epic case of Ravi brain (aka the autistic spectrum) as I told Paw and The Dom I will lift heavy ass weight for 6 months and gain size, I simply cannot stop until I have reached certain strength standards. Yes, this is RETARDED. It's not logical. It would stress me out to try to explain this so I won't. However, I will start a process of adjusting my lifting form and moving away from JUST PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD BRO and towards slow, controlled, temp based training, taking muscles to complete mechanical failure.

I can switch to a to failure based routine around June say as that would mean I did good by my bros and come through with what I promised I would do.

Master Pancake is damn right. There are a lot of memes (OEfitness) of Indians always ego lifting with horrible form, please don’t end up in his vids haha.

That last set of barbel rows was solid. Lifting lower weight with better form will eventually make you ligt heavier weights, weird right.

You can still ligt to failure with lower weights and better form. When you’re at those last reps you can cheat a little bit so you get everything you could out of the set though


Haha nah you're right I hear ya

The game plan rn for the body was:

Solid diet (usually 165/170g protein / 25g carb / 200g fat lifting days ~ 2700kcal, 2200kcal non lifting days) and lifting 4 x a week with focus on progressive overload and getting a fuck tonne stronger

Which I've been doing, making GAINS in all lifts and training hard as FUCK

I was a stringy lanky mofo with basically no muscle in Krakow last year

Muscle was needed STAT

I set myself a goal of getting to 100kg 5 x 5 on the bench press and wanted to smash 85kg lat pulldowns. All else I'm not too worried about provided its moving toward and I'm gaining

I should be at this goal around June and then I'll transition into a different form of training going to total failure etc

My form isn't bad in general, obv when you're dead set on strength and size gain, it can get a little messy but this isn't totally out of control

Plus.......I am growing man, so that's sick

June ain't far. And I am going to transition how I do arm day to focus on more controlled reps etc for a start

MakingAComeback said:

(1) Content: 5 Long Forms & 25 Shorts for YT by Fri
(2) Audience Building: Add 500 people on FB and introduce myself to all 500 by Fri
(3) Body: Gym 4 x / 1hr Steady State Cardio Daily / Body progress update Sunday
-Lead Magnet: Produce this!
-Landing Page: Produce this for IronWill Accountability & High Performance Coaching


(1) Money:
Block A:
Content – 1 Long Form & 5 Shorts
3 FB Posts
Block B:
Networking: Activity, Posting, Adding 100 people on FB!

(2) Muscles:
-Back & Biceps
-2700kcal / DHA / Supps

(3) Mindset:
-Andy Podcast: 5hrs
-Read GLL (30m)
-Reading Vin’s ChatGPT Book (2hr)

Bed @ 10pm. Vision board. Build up some sleep…..


So far -
Vision Board (DONE)
BW Accountability Pic / Bodywork & Coffee (DONE)
Sunrise & 10m Earthing (DONE)
Walk & Andy Podcast 1hr (DONE)
Read GLL & 15m McKenzie Ext (DONE)
Client Work/Checkins & Listen to Andy [Took 4hrs today, it’s 11am] (DONE)


(1) Money:
Block A:
Content – 1 Long Form & 5 Shorts (DONE)
3 FB Posts (FAIL: Wrote out 3 pages that will be translated to posts – heavy lifting is done basically)
Block B:
Networking: Activity, Posting, Adding 100 people on FB! (FAIL – now was the slot, and I’m deciding to rest instead)

(2) Muscles:
-Core (DONE)
-Back & Biceps (DONE)
-2700kcal / DHA / Supps (DOE)

(3) Mindset:
-Andy Podcast: 5hrs (DONE)
-Read GLL (30m) (DONE)
-Reading Vin’s ChatGPT Book (2hr) (FAIL)

Bed @ 10pm. Vision board. Build up some sleep…..


Day was very good. Content – smashed. Gym – smashed. I did my best today, was on 5hrs sleep, and now frankly have hit a wall. It’s 924pm. I’ll go to bed and rest man. Will be back tomorrow!

When we’re v underslept, it’s NOT useful to keep ploughing and go into your reserves too often….

It happens sometimes. But it can’t be a norm.

I will nail off the networking and reading tomorrow. Otherwise, everything was solid and a lot of good work done. Gym in particular, I trained hard as fuck. I am usually in the gym for like 1hr 30mins. Part of why I’d like to switch to the training Lord Pancake does recommend, is I’ll be out in an hour. As a new entrepreneur, I’d rather be hustling honestly! I don’t chop and change. I’ll adjust in June.

You don’t have to be perfect to succeed. I am putting work in, being active, marketing, making a ruckus about my work which is my passion, and I am getting enquiries, referrals, and so on. Focusing on providing maximal value and giving everyone you work with 110%.

Alright, that’s me out. Tomorrow will be a GREAT DAY!
