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SpongeBob said:
That transformation is insane.

Hard to see that it's only one guy in all those pictures :).

Hahaha! And we have years of this to go!

My body by the end of this year will be really great :)

Thank you Reddas weekly physique update and measurements coming tomorrow

Exceptional quality/value from The Dom (AskTheDom)

The 2 needs we as children have are:

1) Attachment: Seeking of closeness and proximity to another human being. The attachment dynamic is the most powerful dynamic in human life.
2) Genuine expression of ourselves

The Self Improvement journey, for me, is a healing journey.

I was a hardcase, because I was a wounded, sick, traumatised, and deeply scarred and maladaptive person.

It was my own premise that what would enable my own success, would be rebuilding myself, systematically, starting from my physiology/biologt, and becoming robust, healthy, vital, calm, and present.

I did that.

It was then my premise that I would have to deeply heal my psychology, and work through the pain, anger, resentment, and evil that was inside, the remnants of a hellish past.

I have been doing that since I arrived here.

And I am grateful that this was the way I approached this, because I am a chill, confident, interesting, cool guy, who gets on with people, has a laugh, and is a genuine catch and awesome, awesome partner for a woman.

I can now see how much appreciation and genuine love I do have for women. I bounced back from oneitis in, what, 3 days. I have 5 leads right now for the Bristol trip, and I'm working on securing dates with those girls who gave me their number.

And I am genuinely excited to sit down and just be present, in the moment, and to sink into a woman's energy again. To hear her story, to feel the emotions, and to create passionate sex, if it is to be explored between us.

This is just awesome. Just awesome.

For those who've followed my journey, you'll know the struggles I had with anger and jadedness towards women. Now, I interact with them constantly, in my day to day life, I will go out my way to stop and approach, or just have a pleasant, somewhat flirty exchange. I like people and being social.

This is what Self Improvement is actually all about.

It's about becoming Whole, Integrated, Healthy, and transmitting an energy that is beautiful to those who're willing to receive it.

Great video from the Master, Dr Gabor Mate MD - Being Too Nice is Harmful, 2 Things We Need for Healing


It took me 12 years of trying to fix myself, to make myself OK to learn these things. When I was struggling so much at 18, there was little of this information available. All I could do was to to clubs and get drunk, and I became ever more anxious.

Like all struggling men of that era, I just went to PUA.

And that drove me deeper into a hole, made my anxieties and internal issues worse, depleted me biologically, and fucked me up to the most were I was almost destroyed entirely,

Information like Andy's wasn't available.

Coming here, after many years of healing, I was able to finally become the man I always wanted to be.

For many, self improvement is about HEALING.

In that healing, you will find happiness, vibe, and confidence.

With those factors, you can basically become anyone, and do anything.

I am now a man who sincerely enjoys women, biz/success, and physical training/physique development.

My life's mission, my raison d'etre, is self improvement.

Now I am moderating this space, I can hopefully encourage hardcases like the one I was to HEAL THEMSELVES and BUILD A PLATFORM FOR SUCCESS.

No one really shirks the work.

Women are your mirror and will show you where you are in your healing. To be able to even have the strange little short romance I did with L, I needed all the healing and self improvement I did on myself.

A person who approaches and dates from a low vibration is in fragility.

A person who approaches and dates from a better level of consciousness is robust. and can really get his work done.

The person who approaches and dates from Love, is Anti-Fragile, and no matter what comes their way, they simply become stronger.

I am going to do more work on my biz now, and get an early night (9pm). Tomorrow, I'll do a tiny bit of biz work, even though weekends should be off, and get to bed at 8pm.

That's how you win. A lot of joy will come this year.


Do you have any audio of your approaches you'd be willing to share? 5,000+ and no lays is not normal.
You may be doing something fundamentally wrong that you're not aware of. Perhaps your vibe is off, or you're approaching girls too far above your own SMV.

I'm all for putting in 'the work' - I've done a few hundred approaches myself. But at some point if it's not clicking you may need to get some brutally honest feedback.
Sonofagun said:

Do you have any audio of your approaches you'd be willing to share? 5,000+ and no lays is not normal.
You may be doing something fundamentally wrong that you're not aware of. Perhaps your vibe is off, or you're approaching girls too far above your own SMV.

I'm all for putting in 'the work' - I've done a few hundred approaches myself. But at some point if it's not clicking you may need to get some brutally honest feedback.

Hey man!

I'll respond properly, but 4,000 were in my early 20s, as a very neurotic, anxious, very insecure, absolute mess of a person. Shattered my entire being doing it but it was how it went, 2,000 day game, 2,000 night game

Then just was in the wilderness from 24-29.

29 came to this community and started my job, worked hardcore, fucking KILLED myself, and actually improved myself this time. Was a virgin. Lost that. Got 9 lays. 1000 day game approaches and was actually getting better this time.

I was very nervous and fucked up for my first 500 or so, and was also just terrible at stopping girls. The Dom & Paw straightened me up, and within 1 or 2 days of meeting The Dom & Paw in Budapest, I did actually get day game dates, in our 2nd trip in Krakow, I even got a day game pull, but these were all very weak as my masculinity and vibe was underdeveloped.

At this point, my friend The Dom was able to diagnose a lot which was fucked up about me and had a debrief with me:


That was very painful and I didn't exactly enjoy it. It hurt.

But I got far, far, far better.

Pancakemouse & Rags2Bitches also supported me a lot here and we worked on vibe.

And then, the dates got better, my overall masculinity improved, and I had the higher level experiences of a more attractive guy, such as he saga with L.

In sum, I started from a very low hardcase background and was generally mentally fucking destroyed and needed so much work just to stabilise myself and become more normal, healthy, and calibrated.

I beat my AA, generally have massive balls and confidence, and am a pretty healthy happy guy.

This will translate into lays and better experiences, provided I continue to work.

And don't give up.

This stuff can be a long journey, but it has to be done. Once the mission has commenced, the male just gun the gauntlet through to completion.

Of course I record all day game sessions, all dates, and have a crew of the best guys who I could find helping me every step of the way.

Because I am dead ass serious and dedicated my life to my improvement :)

Your thoughts are useful and I thank you for them.


Didnt do this last week as it was the nuclear fallout from Lou. I didn't sleep for 1 second last Sat Sun, Mon, and then I talked to her in London until 3am Tues, and felt way better. I got over it. And then pushed on with my week. It was so hard as I was tired, shattered internally, but fucking pushed.

I did all I could this week and it was positive for biz also.

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Weekly rolling progress


Solid week man.

Back to the grind tomorrow.




(1) MONEY:
-Social Posts: 2hrs writing FB posts / 2hrs writing value posts
-New Biz Development: 1hr
-Network: 2hrs
-Tax: Confirm when I need to send my self assessment
-Chest & Triceps
-OMAD, DHA, Supps
-Early night
-45mins pipelining & messaging leads (10m tinder swiping in Bristol / 500 profiles liked hinge)

-Euro gang call
-Dentist: Cancel/Find another way


Moving into my next stage of treatment, no way am I paying what this dentist is looking to charge in my next stage. I’m going to break it into parts, and now explore dental insurance, what I can get that to cover, and then, shopping around and seeing what parts I can get done elsewhere, etc.

The hard part is done, which was mandible development.

All that remains now is the extraction of impacted wisdoms (no choice tbh), and then a task of alignment.

The alignment will require braces for 12 months. So be it. But this fucker is trying to charge me 4k for braces. FUCK OFF.

I’ll get them elsewhere and will pay half that.

Only thing is, once the braces are on, I would like to continue with my upper ALF, and potentially a lower ALF, so my query would be, can I get another dentist to do my braces for a reasonable price, and have this guy just do work on my ALF? If thats a possibility, I’ll be set.

I’ll speak to some advisors on this and find a way.

Always hustle. Business thinking matters.

Don’t be a sucker!

Play to win.

MakingAComeback said:



(1) MONEY:
-Social Posts: 2hrs writing FB posts / 2hrs writing value posts
-New Biz Development: 1hr
-Network: 2hrs
-Tax: Confirm when I need to send my self assessment
-Chest & Triceps
-OMAD, DHA, Supps
-Early night
-45mins pipelining & messaging leads (10m tinder swiping in Bristol / 500 profiles liked hinge)

-Euro gang call
-Dentist: Cancel/Find another way


Moving into my next stage of treatment, no way am I paying what this dentist is looking to charge in my next stage. I’m going to break it into parts, and now explore dental insurance, what I can get that to cover, and then, shopping around and seeing what parts I can get done elsewhere, etc.

The hard part is done, which was mandible development.

All that remains now is the extraction of impacted wisdoms (no choice tbh), and then a task of alignment.

The alignment will require braces for 12 months. So be it. But this fucker is trying to charge me 4k for braces. FUCK OFF.

I’ll get them elsewhere and will pay half that.

Only thing is, once the braces are on, I would like to continue with my upper ALF, and potentially a lower ALF, so my query would be, can I get another dentist to do my braces for a reasonable price, and have this guy just do work on my ALF? If thats a possibility, I’ll be set.

I’ll speak to some advisors on this and find a way.

Always hustle. Business thinking matters.

Don’t be a sucker!

Play to win.


Haircut is looking good my dude.

As for the dental stuff, that sucks man. Been through my share of trials... 5 crowns, 3 root canals, >30 fillings.

It sucks but when you get it taken care of it's a weight off your shoulders. Funny, you caught me with this post wearing my at home whitening trays getting my pearly whites extra blindingly white.

TUE 24/01/2023 (WEEK 4)


(1) MONEY:
I. Content: Complete Tega’s training & then write content
ii. Network: Complete Dan’s training & use his strategy
iii. Twitter: Ground work cleared, start today.
I. Gym: Back & Biceps
ii. OMAD, DHA, Supps
I. Call w/ Andy: Working through some strories & doing deeper inner healing work.


For my biz, guys, I am focusing on audience building right now. I need eyes on me and people understanding what I do, so thats a focus :)

I will vigorously apply myself to audience building and take it step by step.

Today will be content & networking, talking to people, interacting, and just building relationships.

My goal is possible. It will be fucking amazing and it will totally change my destiny. Yours is too :-)

The life I want is there.

I would LOVE to wake up to an incredibly sexy partner who I smart, beautiful, kind, sweet, and totally into me.

I would LOVE to have a great business that gets phenomenal results, actually changes lives, and forges excellence in people, and for that value, enables me to travel the world until I settle down @ 35/36.

I would LOVE an elite body that is a testament to my dedication to this life and makes me desirable, attractive, and a solid option for a woman.

All of that is extremely achievable for me.

It just will take ongoing work, ass busting effort, grinding, and just pressing forward without entertaining any possibility of failure. We just HAVE to have this happen.

Dating in the West Mids, where my parents live, is just shocking and I’m not confident there’s going to be a lady around here who will give me a shot at a date at all. All I can do right now is do my escapes to London to see my friends, and little trips around the country, a few days here, a few there.

Big picture: MUST clamp down and make my biz work, so I can explore further afield, and do what it takes to get the kind life I want. It’s some way to go, but that’s OK. I just have to keep working man.
Yes, it can be tough, it can feel discouraging, it can bother you for sure when you’re taking action for many months and it’s totally dry (I’ve not had a date for almost 3 months now, and it’s not lack of trying lol).

You just press on regardless and have the mentality of, FUCK IT, I will just keep going regardless.

Either I win.

Or I drop dead trying.

End of.

MILFandCookies said:
MakingAComeback said:



(1) MONEY:
-Social Posts: 2hrs writing FB posts / 2hrs writing value posts
-New Biz Development: 1hr
-Network: 2hrs
-Tax: Confirm when I need to send my self assessment
-Chest & Triceps
-OMAD, DHA, Supps
-Early night
-45mins pipelining & messaging leads (10m tinder swiping in Bristol / 500 profiles liked hinge)

-Euro gang call
-Dentist: Cancel/Find another way


Moving into my next stage of treatment, no way am I paying what this dentist is looking to charge in my next stage. I’m going to break it into parts, and now explore dental insurance, what I can get that to cover, and then, shopping around and seeing what parts I can get done elsewhere, etc.

The hard part is done, which was mandible development.

All that remains now is the extraction of impacted wisdoms (no choice tbh), and then a task of alignment.

The alignment will require braces for 12 months. So be it. But this fucker is trying to charge me 4k for braces. FUCK OFF.

I’ll get them elsewhere and will pay half that.

Only thing is, once the braces are on, I would like to continue with my upper ALF, and potentially a lower ALF, so my query would be, can I get another dentist to do my braces for a reasonable price, and have this guy just do work on my ALF? If thats a possibility, I’ll be set.

I’ll speak to some advisors on this and find a way.

Always hustle. Business thinking matters.

Don’t be a sucker!

Play to win.


Haircut is looking good my dude.

As for the dental stuff, that sucks man. Been through my share of trials... 5 crowns, 3 root canals, >30 fillings.

It sucks but when you get it taken care of it's a weight off your shoulders. Funny, you caught me with this post wearing my at home whitening trays getting my pearly whites extra blindingly white.

Thank you man!

Ugh, yeah, it can be a drag!

They can see you as a meal ticket, have to be informed.

For me, the reason I did orthodontic work was mandible development using the ALF device. We've done that now. Tha mandible expansion created a wider palate, which then created gaps and spaces.

The wisdoms that are impacted will need to go, I've known that for years, so I'll find someone who'll do that for a good price.

And then task of alignment, pulling it all back into place, I'll figure out, again, affordably, and taking it step by step.

There's always a way and the hard part is now done. I got the changes I was looking for, now its just tidying it up.

MakingAComeback said:
MILFandCookies said:
Haircut is looking good my dude.

As for the dental stuff, that sucks man. Been through my share of trials... 5 crowns, 3 root canals, >30 fillings.

It sucks but when you get it taken care of it's a weight off your shoulders. Funny, you caught me with this post wearing my at home whitening trays getting my pearly whites extra blindingly white.
For me, the reason I did orthodontic work was mandible development using the ALF device. We've done that now. Tha mandible expansion created a wider palate, which then created gaps and spaces.

Nice! I've been mewing for a while. My jawline is fine, but might as well maintain/expand.

Thankfully I have all my wisdom teeth and they fit well. But they've got cavities. The dentist suggested I take them out instead of getting them filled. I haven't decided yet... I don't want to take opiates and be out a week. I hear horror stories about how normal healthy people get hooked when they get a prescription.
MILFandCookies said:
MakingAComeback said:
For me, the reason I did orthodontic work was mandible development using the ALF device. We've done that now. Tha mandible expansion created a wider palate, which then created gaps and spaces.

Nice! I've been mewing for a while. My jawline is fine, but might as well maintain/expand.

Thankfully I have all my wisdom teeth and they fit well. But they've got cavities. The dentist suggested I take them out instead of getting them filled. I haven't decided yet... I don't want to take opiates and be out a week. I hear horror stories about how normal healthy people get hooked when they get a prescription.

Interesting! Wisdom teeth fitting well is a sign of great structure. Which you do have.

Cavitation, man, depending on the level, it may be more useful to just fill with composite (non-alalgam), generally, extractions are a bad idea. My wisdoms are impacted so it's a ticking timebomb. Yours fit, so it may be worth getting other opinions!
IRON WILL PROJECT: Thursday 26th January (WEEK 4)


(1) MONEY:
-2hr FB post writing / 20 Tweets / 1 YouTube Video
-Networking: Value Post / Adding & Talking to people
-New Business Development: 1hr
-Gym: Legs & Shoulders
-Bed @ 10pm
-Bristol Lead Gen: Bit slow, got 5 numbers, but they’re slow AF at responding and no dates secured, trip starts next week. I’ll push for that week approach a tonne, and then dude, I shall clamp down and go even harder on biz and will not stop until I am waking up each day in a stunning apartment in Budapest, running IronWill and killing the game.


Off to the gym now, bright and early, and then going to put in a solid 8hrs in biz (4hr content, 1hr new biz dev, 2hr networking, 1hr biz admin)

Reading: bit of catchup, and Andy wants me to read a book by St John of the Cross called Dark Night of the Soul, will do it today, its 98 pages lol.

Off to train Legs & Shoulders now bros,

Lets chase the dream!

Reddas said:
Good stuff, Mac!

A great body + money is a killer combination!

Thanks Reddas! Working hard as fuck as you know, having a great body could help me a lot, I just haven't been there before, and if it helps, damn I will be happy.

IRON WILL PROJECT: Friday 27th Jan 2023 (WEEK 4)


(1) Money
-Content: 20 Tweets / FB post writing / 1 YouTube video
-Network: 2hrs
-New Biz Dev

(2) Muscles
-Gym: Arms
-Omad, DHA, Supps
-Early night: 9pm

(3) Mindset
-Bristol Pipelining: 45mins. This is slow, the matches are quite slow, but I get 1 or 2 here or there, from 500 profiles liked a day. Ugh. London was way, way stronger. 5 leads on text, but only 1 is kinda responding. No dates secured. I’ll just day and night game for 6 straight days, and then clamp down, make money, and keep it moving.


Hanging out with a chap from Andys group tomorrow! We’ll talk biz, and then hit the bars! I have been improving my looks/body, lets see if it is at the point where it makes a difference with girls…..It may have helped, or it may not. I’ll have to keep training, getting more jacked, and just keep working until I am sexy enough to make it work lol.

MakingAComeback said:
Hanging out with a chap from Andys group tomorrow! We’ll talk biz, and then hit the bars! I have been improving my looks/body, lets see if it is at the point where it makes a difference with girls…..It may have helped, or it may not. I’ll have to keep training, getting more jacked, and just keep working until I am sexy enough to make it work lol.

Yes! I've made some long term friends by meeting up with forum guys in person. Keep it up home slice. This community is fukkin solid.
Day & Night Game

“No one loves you when you’re low SMV”


SAT 28/01/2023

Went to Birmingham to meet a great dude from Andy’s group, K.

K is a great guy, very smart, very pleasant, and I liked him – being around him was a sincere pleasure and that actually means way more to me than anything to do with how it was with the ladies.

K is a guy who has a journey ahead of him, but who will make it if he puts in the work. He’s fricken bright and super hard working, and can be a successful and elite man. He has a lot of weight to lose, I was clear with him, and he will have to learn the inner game of being with women. He’s 37 and is going to push for as long as it takes, and he is determined! Love it man.

Part of me felt so glad he could see me day game. He saw a guy with little to no AA just blast out sets, get into interactions with very pretty women, and he even saw one set where the girl was totally into me, and IMO, she was absolutely gorgeous. If I could get one like that, it’d all be worth it. I have a puncher’s chance, gentlemen, it could happen. No dice the first two years of this, but we have time because I am not yet dead! ;-)

I then felt terrible because we hit the bars and clubs, and IMO, night game is pure hypergamy and all the day game ability goes out the window.

Day game is the equaliser, it’s where a regular man, even a low SMV dude like me who is an outlier of sorts, can get in the arena and have a go.

Night game, is just pure looks IMO. You can’t meet the threshold, it’s ovER! ;-)

I didn’t like that K had to see that, but he needs to know the truth.

This is just the way it is. This is dating. This is woman. This is the sickness of it all.

There are few rewards. There is brutal work. It doesn’t seem to pay off. But then, you get the odd win. They’re mostly dogs. But what if you could get someone worthwhile? That is what keeps you hooked – it’s an endurance game.


We hung out for a while, and then hit the streets. There were people out, but very very few pretty girls.

Did 1 to warmup basically, she was fucking beautiful. I was shit! But I shook it off and then got into the game.

1 Stopped. Receptive right off the bat. We vibe, and it’s flowing. She crosses her legs, a sign of attraction. Tosses her hair back. This girl was gorgeous, and her whole energy, her whole demeanour, just how she spoke and how she came across, was feminine, sweet, and this interaction just eased the fucking pain for a minute, it really did. I needed it. I don’t know what it is, but interactions like this just make me feel like I am going to be ok. Southing for the soul. She had a bf, but we wished each other well. Funny thing with this one, after I’d approached, K ran over and joined the set, haha. And she was totally cool with it. Angel.

2 Hard deflection

3 Stunning Asian gal. She was really difficult to stop and I had to persist like crazy, push and push, she was actively rushing away but I found her so hot lol. Pushed to exchange, she refused, said she’s getting over a breakup
4 Super hot, in Selfridges lol. She didn’t hook. Pushed, disqualifier, She qualified herself a little. Pushed for exchange, she had a bf. Oh well. She was beautiful, talking to her was fun.

Very hard deflections for a few sets.

Couldn’t find a set for ages! So I just approached a lady who worked in Selridges.

5 She was uncomfortable lol and she kept working, but I rolled with it, pushed for exchange. She had a partner.

Me and K then went for lunch/

We then had one drink at his hotel, just a sip of wine, not even a glass. I was driving!


Some warmup sets as I was rusty, hadnt done night game for months.

1 Hard unreceptive, just refused to interact at all
2 Hard unreceptive, standoffish as fuck
Venue change
3 Totally weird and just stared at me like WTF. Not receptive
4 Not receptive
Venue change
5 Awkward and she was rude, dismissive
Venue change

It’s hours at this point of some super rude, really hostile behaviour. They’re not just unreceptive, they’re genuinely pushing the limits of socially acceptable behaviour. K is approaching too and fuck me I am so happy to see it! LEGEND. I love it when guys have a go.

Venue change again

6 Two very pretty girls, look about 18. This girl actually talked a little! It was hard to get anything going, her friend pretty much aggressively grabbed both of her wrists from the first 10 seconds of the interaction and just wouldn’t allow her to talk to me, but I actually took her by the waist and pulled her towards me, and she kept talking, despite her friend yanking her away the entire time LMAO! Her friend also outright refused to interact with me. I foud this funny. It was going nowhere so I just bounced but I enjoyed talking to her and let he know, she was kinda cool. More on her later...

This set made me feel a lot better and I loosened up and started feeling it.
7 This set also started talking a little, but similarly, her friend ran over, took her by both wrists, an said “let’s go get a drink” and pulled her away. We chatted for about a minute maybe before that happened.

I then went back to girl 6, and chatted again. This time she was a little more open, and I noticed a little something. I think there was a small amount of attraction, and her friend who was hardcore cock blocking was tossing her own hair back.

I’d been getting obliterated at this point, its set after set that is not only not receptive, they’re actively totally rude, disrespectful, like upon seeing her, they kinda swat me away, put their hand in my face, this is just not cool. But this gal talking to me made me feel a lot better about myself. Granted it was, what, 60-90 seconds, but she still gave me the time of day. Which is major for me in the night club environment.

Now I’m in state and feeling good

Venue Change

9 Super unreceptive, she just stared at me with total disgust. I was quite taken aback by this one and just looked at her for a moment in a bit of astonishment. She wouldn’t say anything. I then walked off, and she yelled “DICK”. I could hear real anger in her voice. This one seemed mentally ill?

10 Super hot black girl. I said hi, and she was struggling to hear me. She kinda was akward and a little confused. I pushed, and offered my hand for her to shake it. She didn’t shake it. I asked her if she doesn’t shake hands? She says she does, but this is “random”. She was not vibing, it was goijng nowhere, I just turned around and walked off.

Venue Change

11 Quite hot lady, I approach, and she actually says hi. I get quite physical and pull her in. She backs off and tells me to have a good night. Suspect she isn’t single. Dip.

11 SUPER SUPER RUDE. I walk up to a group of 3 girls, and very warmly introduce myself to one. She screams in my face “NO, NO, NO!”. This was so extreme I had to ask her if she is OK? She told me she saw me over there, going up to a girl. She then tried making fun of me and was honestly gruesome in conduct. I laughed and walked off. This beggared belief but I have done this for a while now, and understand this game better than many. This is just the way it goes for low SMV dudes. Guys who are not mentally strong would be hurt by this. I didn’t give a fuck ;-) I have been through this thousands, thousands of times. I used to be hurt in my early 20s when they would do this, but I kinda just know it’s how it goes.

13 Said hi, she looked totally confused, I was very smilly and super nice, but damn she was absolutely stand offish. I laughed and walked off. I stood there for a bit and she just wouldnt talk!

14 Hard deflection

15 Approach, very warm and nice. She comes over and extremely exaggeratedly says “OMG HEYYYY” in a blatantly dismissive way. I can see she’s taking the piss, and kinda laugh. She waves me off. But I honestly do not care, I just stand there. She runs over to her friend, whispers something in her ear, and she walks over and smacks me on my ass. I look at her and she is pulling a weird expression. This is just friggen laughable at this stage and I genuinely laugh out loud. Walk off.

Me and K do a few more approaches but they’re blowouts and harsh rejections.

We then contemplate a different venue, but decide against it. We instead decide just to talk to the odd girl in the street as it’s super busy at this stage. There are two and K just chats to them about clubs. They’re actually givin him information and behaving in an ordinary way. I join and again, they’re just speaking normally, human to human. They are older women, and that’s cool, it was such a pleasure just to sincerely just not be treated like fucking shit.

We are both so fucking relieved after that. We needed it.


All you can do, is DO THE WORK.


This is how it is.

When I got that one girl in Oxford to talk to me almost 2 years ago, I was stunned, I couldn’t believe it was happening. It took over a year but then I got another gal to actually chat to me in a nightclub, though that was a lot briefer.

The success is just in being a total fucking savage who grinds it out.

Done around 3k nightgame approaches in my life, I’d say 95% of the nights were just like this. This night has repeated, no shit, for 12 years.

Nothing I could do was able to make it better. All I could do was this, and sometimes, somehow run into a chick who’d be willing to chat! After 1 year in London, and many nights, there was ONE gal, on one night, who was willing to chat for a bit – she actually made out with me too.

In Budapest, I did get one conversation going, but that was mega platonic. She follows me on IG and views all my stories, this tiny gal who was very positive and I could tell, one of life’s good souls. I still remember her – people like her matter a lot.

Krakow, was fucking diabolical. Night Game was brutal. As above.

“Why do women treat you lke this, MAC?”

Attractiveness is the foundation of all this shit.

Physically unattractive dudes just are not able to make this work. It doesn’t hit, and essentially, doesn’t work. “Working” here is understood as applying a systematic approach to actually building up your dating life. IMO, it’s not like that. You don’t get that opportunity. Rather, you get a bitter grind and brutal time drain, for women who you will not feel attraction for. You just kinda have to accept them. That or nothing. You’re not promised a rose garden. Sorry. I really am.

We know this and yeah it ain’t ideal, BUT, with sickening levels of grinding, going again and again and again until you can find one human being in how ever many thousand who will give you a shot, you can have some fairly positive experiences sometimes. Without the underlying attractiveness there, women won’t invest, won’t be open to building anything, and essentially just ghost/dip, and do treat you like a scrub. If you’re low SMV and don’t like that, the sex doll industry is looking to really grow in the coming years and I hear they’re pretty realistic now.

The first few seconds tell you everything.

You stop. You’re presenting in a positive, kind, open manner, bringing good energy.

If she is hard, hard unreceptive, there just isn’t much you can do.

You just go onto the next. Then onto the next. And onto the next.

Day Game isn’t so bad. They actually like being approached by guys who can do it well.

Night Game – GAME OVER.

Night Game is hypergamy on steroids, and unless there is something inside of her that means she is inherently attracted to you, in particular, your achetype – it’s over.

Why do you think I just am not able to get past hello?

You got it. ;-)

It’s why I seldom go to clubs, and would never tell others who’re low SMV to. ~3,000 night game approaches, 95% of which were just like this night.

You put in the reps, and do it for YEARS, and you know where you stand.

I’m over it, man. I know I can just grind. Long term, I am NOT going to go to clubs. They’re retardation. Pure and simple. If it NEVER works, and you continue, you’re just punishing yourself.


Screening Mindset.

The lady who chatted to me in day game, actually felt some modicum of attraction for me. The signs were there, she crossed her legs She showed me her tattoo, which was on her neck, a vulnerable part of her body, and she tilted her lovely neck, parted her hair, and let me stroke it. Things is a wonderful human exchange between two people who just shared space and want the best for each other. She had a boyfriend, but if she was single, how great would that have been?

She was very pretty. I have been on one date with a pretty girl in my life. That was lay #2 and I actually slept with her, lol. I would say she was the only gal I ever felt true attraction for, apart from L (RIP/Blocked).

The stars do have to align.

My archetype’s market share is small.

After 2 years of this process, I’ve gathered sufficient data to see this.

This is sufficient justifcation for monk mode and totally rebuilding my product.

I didn’t want to accept this for the longest time, but as the 2 year mark is coming, unless the Universe throws me a bone and there is some sign that I can get something worthwhile in my current state, I am going to monk mode for a while and just forget this for a while.


Back into a new week, and time to work and apply myself.

That is what must be done.

That is the only way a guy who does not fit the mould can have a go at making it man. I have seen nothing else in 12 years of this shit that can help Low SMV males.

I am now going to Bristol for 1 week. This will be a sprint week, where I’ll approach, push hard, and try to do 150 sets across day and night game.

I’ll do this Mon-Fri.

If I truly cannot get MEANINGFUL TRACTION. That is, some MEANINGFUL EXCHANGE, so a number or something, it’s time for total monk mode.

It’s time to cancel the subcriptions, remove the apps.

Clamp down and make money. 12Hrs daily.

Leave the UK.

Re-build my entire image.

New style. New profiles.

Completely re-engineer it all. Evolution.


Have pipelined for 3 weeks – 500 profiles liked a day on hinge, 2-3 tinder boosts a week, did 1 or 2 hinge boosts too.

0 dates confirmed. And now trip starts tomorrow.

I did get 6 numbers. The dynamics were just weird. On the apps, they would reply typically one every 3-5 days. The same continued on whatsapp. They just do not engage, and 2 simply never responded post after their initial text.

“If she wanted to, she would”

If they’re treating you like a scrub.

If you’re putting in a tonne of effort to get leads and going nowhere.

If you just CANNOT get traction.

And if you’ve truly done the work.

Then sometimes it’s time to face the music. Why would anything change?

If I cannot get any traction at all in the next 5 days – I am going full monk. Doneso.

Again, remember I have done this for soooooooooooooo long.

I know what the “problem” is. And there is legit 0 I can do about it.

The options that remain are:

1) Travel
2) Get jacked

If these also do not work, guess what?

I’ll have travelled. And I’ll be jacked.

….I’ll then just buy a dog and be done with it. We’ll have a blast! ;-)

Taking doggo name reccs!
