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klondike said:
I mean the only thing that matters in business is to charge less than the value you're giving. The only way to sell a $100 app to someone is to have the app do something worth thousands.

I like Doomberg on Twitter... in addition to discussing the fin/energy worlds, they also openly talk about how they're building their brand and their business. In an interview, Doomberg defines a brand not as a 'story' or an 'image', but as the gut feeling the audience has about you. You don't get to choose that gut feeling, the audience does.

(This applies to game too. The girl's gut feeling about you is what matters.)

Part of having a unique brand that invokes the proper 'gut feeling' is, imo, to be genuine about yourself and what you're trying to do. In their guts people can read this stuff, versus people who are more about cunning, tricks, etc. GoodLookingLoser was a terrific, terrific brand. So is KYIL. Part of that is that the guys are genuine about themselves and what they want to do, and making money is part of that.

Great post Klondike.

Agree - the factor of authenticity is what creates the investment in brands and people. When you see that, hey, that guy really has something, I can work with him, it's possible to start building something :)

NightRoller said:
MakingAComeback said:
"Are you genuinely ugly though, Ravi?"

"If you were, why did you get lays?"

"Is it really accurate that you're an invisible incel? Is it really accurate that women in the world more generally do not like you or find you attractive in any form?""

"Is it really true that the opposite sex rarely if ever feel any type of attraction for you?"

Questions I'd been asking myself the other day, and the silliest part was I worried I was the only one on here who's working to improve yet still having those kinds of thoughts. Damn, I ought to come by this site and your thread in particular more often. This is just one mega-encouragement to see you striving in spite of these demons and frustrations that try to claw you back to mediocrity. Keep rocking it MAC!

Thanks for sharing, NightRoller. This is super positive. And these are just specific issues, they are no different from someone having a belief they don't deserve money, they don't deserve a great physique, and so on.

Self of entitlement - once we actually, truly, deeply, at the cellular level have internalised that we deserve success across the metrics that matter (money, women, finances) then I think the universe will open it.

It's not so fast a process and takes the combination of concerted focus & effort + time.

Keep working man,

We're wrapping up this great self improvement project, and transitioning into year 2.

Full post will come. You know I am living a full and intense life.

JAN 02/01/2023

(1) MONEY: (a) Biz: Client Checkins, (b) Biz: Client Onboarding, (c) Biz: Outreach Strategy, (d) Reading Twitter Guide, (e) Client Call
(2) MUSCLES: Gym: Chest & Triceps, Core, Posture, Stretch, Physique Pics & Measurements
(3) MINDSET: Visualisation, Read Think & Grow Rich (T&GR), Quarterly Self Audit
Others: Self Audit, V Wellness Plan, EG Call, CT, Read Kruse


Hustling..........it does not stop.


Anyone else wanna hang out with us, they're welcome!


I have had a good ass day today worked hard lol

Few more hrs of hustle and we're done!







Love you all my bros, you're the best
WEEKLY PROGRESS PICS as I was too dead to do them yesterday lol



Gotta keep working, shredding weight/fat, gaining muscle, building this body....

Lets keep it as it is for a further month, nothing drastic, then Feb may be time to add some cardio.

Training hard as balls I can tell you that

INTUITION & THE SUCCESS PROCESS Random thoughts from me

Your intuition, is truly real.

I must make my money, and must dedicate myself to business and helping my clients 8-12 hrs a day. If I truly become the best at what I do, I’ll have success, and thereafter, I’ll be rewarded.

And I can get on a plane, go to India and spend time in my native land and connect with that. It’s something I want as a trip for a month.

I can get on a plane and go to Mexico, and be in the blissful climate for a month, maybe 2.

This year will be about IRON WILL. The 3 M’s:

All I seek, literally everything, will come to me if I JUST show up, work hard, and allow my intuition to guide me.
I know I am doing he right things and I affirm this to myself daily. In constantly listening to quantum biologic materials, reading Dr Jack Kruses’ Epi-Paleo RX over and over; this is what my intuition draws me towards.

I am back at my parents house and am doing a tonne of biohacking. This I what will get me to the next level.
And I will heal my mind. Thoughts become things. I am reading Think & Grow Rich daily, review andy's content, and I know I will change internally.
I have a really good best friend, David, who is something of genius. He is, like me, neurodivergent, but unlike me, he has a medically verified genius level IQ (150+) and whilst we’re friends, he has been a great teacher to me, and is the most non-judgemental person I have ever met in my life.

We’ve been incredible supports for each other in life, and we’re always going to have each other’s back. It’s what actual friendship looks like. You’ll have less than 6 people in your life like this – the deep inner circle of 6.

We have epic conversations and they are intellectual dynamite. We broach the topic of self actualisation a lot (he’s well studied on Eastern spirituality, the Bhagavad Ghita, all that) and Jungian ideas (he’s very big on Jung). Much of our recent discussions have been on the true nature of progress for humans, and how this process actually involves fucking YEARS UPON YEARS of deep work that just rips you open, man, and peels layer after layer away….

I loved an example he gave of his Mum, who had a stroke at 21, and lost movement in the left side of her body. She’s a nurse, and refused to quit – she is of some solid, Celtic ilk, these are tough people. There was no compassion from the NHS, she was told, either perform, or quit. No adjustments, no nothing. She did the rehab, the medications, and just kept showing up. Progress took freakin’ YEARS, and it was not even felt for so long, as the change process was happening underneath.

With the following factor, she regained all function and lived her life well:

-Positive mentality
-Action taking: rehab, medication
-Consistency & never giving in
Years later, she got results, from 6 years of daily dedication. She is a bad ass lady and we love her.
Every day, regular human beings are shining light on universal success principles.

This works. But you will be exposed to your weaknesses, and the self improvement spirit wil require you to work through one thing, then another, then another, and then take a leap of faith, take a risk, and then you WIN! There’s then a period of low, challenges creep up, but you have the tools and persist. And you win again. You then see through the matrix and success is inevitable because you just repeat the same shit.
I am in year 1, which is good, but I only just finished my red shirt year.

I still need affirmation, need to be reminded, need to be reassured that I’ll get there. All normal. That’s why we have coaches, groups, and why we do this. It’s just how it goes, man.

You actually NEVER move backwards. Once you have made progress, if there's a difficult thing that crops up, IMO this is because our psyche knows, OK, he's ready to deal with more of this now - let him work through just a little more. This is GOOD & you're always better off on the other side.
But you do need to express, talk, take action, or it sits in the brain and spirit. It won't move.

Ask Radical how much negativity I used to hold towards WOMEN. Just the fact that this has not come up again for months is honestly a truly legendary achievement, that
haunted me for over a decade, now I can kinda remember I used to be like that, but I can't quite remember the feelings and how it used to impact me. it just doesn't happen. That is healing, man, many of the ladies I met did something internally to me and I DID heal, because an unconscious shift happened without me knowing it or even doing much work directly on this.

Because it happened on "the big one", it can happen with my image issues too, which are not anywhere near as fucking bad as the main one was. That was nuts. And now it's gone, just didn't come back.

Every time a champion athlete goes to the gym, they are affirming their commitment to success. Every time we pick up the apps and swipe, go approach, or when we make content, pitch clients, and sell.
All of these are the seeds we must sow, daily, to allow the three that we seek to begin to take root.

Then it’s a case of watering it, giving it light, and allowing it to grow.

The process of change is the most fascinating thing I have ever encountered in my life, I am in it myself.

Big part of having a coach, is just regularly being present with them, listening, and just showing up and sometimes having challenges, and other times, being further along.
Every time we come on this group, we reaffirm our commitment to success, and change is happening in the unconscious and subconscious. At moments, it does click, other moments, we have to work through some shit. But all in all, that is how success works. It’s a case of just constantly reafirming, reminding, and always having positive things reinforced into your psyche until you raise your level of consciousess.
MakingAComeback said:
Ask Radical how much negativity I used to hold towards WOMEN. Just the fact that this has not come up again for months is honestly a truly legendary achievement

Absolutely. Arguably for the goals you want to achieve (family building ) this is the biggest achievement of 2022

Something clicked around the time you spent with AskTheDom and our Danish friend and I've noticed a huge change in your language towards women since

I think meeting L helped you too if im honest
A special day for me.

I am now a moderator on the forum that saved my life.

It is a surreal feeling, I am stunned, and I have broke down and cried about this.

Look how far I have come.

I am going to the damn moon, and I am taking EVERYONE with me.

Thank you all for helping me become a better man. I will do everything I can to serve you and make this space the best it can be.

You matter SO much to me, this is a MASSIVE DEAL to me.

Total fucking gratitude....

You deserve it mate, being the hustling GOAT of the forum. You've inspired many to join (me included) and motivate us to do the work.
SpongeBob said:
You deserve it mate, being the hustling GOAT of the forum. You've inspired many to join (me included) and motivate us to do the work.

Brother, more than anything, just having the opportunity to walk beside men like you changed my own life.

The more you work, the luckier you get

The more positive you can become, the more positive life gets

Inner healing man, takes time, and also requires a safe space where we can share and we also need to maintain respect and compassion. I am on a journey and I will become a success but I will need KYIL and will need to do my best to contribute, because everything I give out, trust me, ALL OF THIS comes back to me tenfold - your message lifts my entire soul, and that is actually more valuable to me than anything else, it really is.

I'll be in Amsterdam in Feb, let's hang out and get to the next level!

PHOENIX PROJECT TRANSITION: Moving Towards Year 2 (IronWill)

WED 04/01/2022

(1) Money: (a) Checkins, (b) Group Posting & Engagement, (c) Client Call, (d) Read Twitter Book, (e) Biz homework: Self Audit
(2) Muscles: Rest day
(3) Mindset: Cold Approach – With joy, positivity, and abundance mentality
Others: Cold Theremogenesis for 1hr whilst watching Andy’s last youtube video


A special day for me. I am honoured to have the opportunity to serve KYIL, and to walk with the men who walked with me since the start. It is truly an honour to be trusted with this responsibility, and to be able to come as a humble servant in this world transmuting my energy into good things for myself and others, and what better platform to be able to continue to thrive and ascend in consciousness than KYIL’s forum, the space that genuinely saved my life.

I am in total, total gratitude.

Life is beautiful and if you JUST KEEP SHOWING UP, it is mind bending what can happen for you, truly it is.

Heal internally, have love towards yourself and others, and you will get that back IN ABUNDANCE.

Lets work hard today bros and move the needle.

To your success,
PHOENIX PROJECT TRANSITION: Moving Towards Year 2 (IronWill)

WED 04/01/2022

(1) Money: (a) Checkins (DONE) (b) Group Posting & Engagement, (FAIL) (c) Client Call (DONE), (d) Read Twitter Book, (FAIL) (e) Biz homework: Self Audit (FAIL)
(2) Muscles: Rest day
(3) Mindset: Cold Approach – With joy, positivity, and abundance mentality (DONE)
Others: Cold Theremogenesis for 1hr whilst watching Andy’s last youtube video (FAIL)

Day Review
Applied myself on biz, but day wasn’t as solid as it could have been. 2 client calls, one offered a video testimonial (I didn’t ask, I just give value). These calls were 2.5hrs total. Outside of that, I think some time was bled into planning, some reading and study.

Cold approach was fun! Saw 1 girl, approached, we exchanged. 1/1.

How I can tighten up tomorrow:
-Get an early night tonight (next 10 mins)
-Get up at 6 as per usual. Get started on biz work by 615.

Did my cold approach.

Did my wellness & healing work.


Was a blessed day. The feelings of success radiate from within you, they come from somewhere so deep inside you, and they come to the fore, they shine out from you. How does this begin to flow through you?

Success is an inside job, transformation is a case of grasping the chain of destiny, one link at a time. It cannot be grasped more than one link at a time, as it is a delicate and precious chain, it requires subtlety and grace.

More success comes when the inner world changes and becomes abundant in and of itself.

Taking action, and just sticking at it, evolution is INEVITABLE. To evolve is to be human. Why? Because the Greatest part of ourself is always at the core, and it is always watching, observing, and finding ways to heal us and make us a force for good in this world.

When we walk around in lack, in pain, in hurt, in self hatred, the greatest part of us is suppressed. It is patient, and it will wait.

Doubts and negativity begets more doubt and negativity.

When we learn to THINK better, we start to water the Greatest part of ourselves. The greatest part of ourselves is always there. It’s a seed, and when watered, in time a tree will sprout.

That tree can become sturdy, and can bloom mighty and tall.

Eventually, it can become a phenomenal redwood. It will stand for hundreds of years. It will become the forest canopy itself.

How we nurture the greatest part of ourselves is how we THINK.

When we see approaching, when we see working, when we see just every breath we take as an act of love and respect for ourselves, success becomes the language we speak, feelings of success really radiate through you man. I feel this stuff.

“When there is no enemy within, the enemy outside CANNOT HURT YOU”

Nothing else matters other than the smile on your face, the way you make others feel, and success can be so deep, it can be about the way you live your life, and uncovering who you really are.

Success is not necessary about women, money, material posessions. They are a by product. What it really is about, is the smile on your face, and the authentic expression of yourself.


Cold Approach:

Headed out! Of course I’m in my parents town, so very little volume, but every second on the front lines, we can feel gratitude, self love, love the universe, for our own spirit and soul. Every second out there, we can feel happiness, gratitude – I am out here living my life, doing the greatest calling a man can engage in, SELF IMPROVEMENT. This is an exercise in reducing the pain in the world, making people smile, giving people positive energy, and making them feel good about themselves and life. We do this through transmission of our energy from a place of total authenticity & honesty.

Walked around for 35 mins, feeling confident and strong, a force for good in this world, and finally saw a girl. She was on the phone, but I stood by and waited and then walked over and approached. I haven’t approached in 8 weeks due to hustling with IronWill, but the approach was effortless, felt great, and I just flowed. She exchanged, didn’t have a UK number, but she offered me her IG.

She followed me back. Lovely gesture. She has messaged me back also.

The approaches are nice, they’re fun, it is a joy to talk to another human, to smile and laugh with another human. My cup is full in life, my heart is happy, to share my light with another human is great. The goodness that is in me, is transmitted to another, and the suffering in the world is reduced when we do this.

Self improvement could also be considered self actualisation and self integration.

The way you look is one aspect of a man. But what far outweighs that is your heart and spirit. What matters is, am I in this moment, a man who is raising his consciousness and nurturing the Greatest part of himself? Is there a smile on my face? If so, ALL IS WELL, and ALL GOOD IS ATTRACTED TO ME.

When you recognise your tremendous power, you embody self compassion and love, because you understand, what is within me is so good, it is so, so good, and a remarkable power I have is that I can share what is good with me with others, and I can allow that goodness to make them lighter even if just for a moment. Though playfulness, humour, teasing, just jovial, warm, man to woman behaviour. It is great, really it is.

THURS 05/01/2023


(1) MONEY: (a) Client Checkins (DONE), (b) Read Twitter book, (c) Group posting & Content Posting, (d) Jan payments, (e) 3 Coaching Calls: 10am (DONE), 5pm, 6pm,
(2) MUSCLES: Gym – Legs & Shoulders
(3) Mindset: 30 Min Online Dating Lead Gen / Embodying Gratiude & Abundance All Day / Allowing the Greatest part of me to be nurtured
Others: (I) Cold Theremogenesis, (ii) If there is any time not engaged in the above biz tasks, I’ll be reading and studying biz, as part of my resources and materials.


Principles of success are there for us.

Get up at 6. Visualise, meditate.

Get to work 630. 12 hrs of biz work. 1 gym session.

Thats that.


Goals get smashed when you get on the task, eliminate noise focus in, and just direct energy in a sustained manner.

Positive Self Talk,
OK Tribe.

Life's pretty good, I am hunkering down on biz, working and making positive movements.

Didnt do my morning check-in today, bit sloppy on my end, but did my best with the day:

-Biz: Many actions sorted, group posting done, outreach and networking done, relationship building etc. Attended a group call.
-Body: Arms day baby! Smashed it
-Mindset: Did a little hustle on the dating apps, the lady who I cold approached responded after a re-engagement text - interesting. Lets see what happens.

Day game tomorrow, may do a cheeky bit of night game too, and then keep hosting with biz and my body!

Physique progress pics on Sunday, as well as measurements.

All good in the hood.

Think I'll get an early night tonight as I am a bit tired. Also, the absolutely beautiful human that is L got back from Thailand and asked me if I'd like to come over for dinner. Great opportunity to see my bros in the day, and spend time with L. Lets go!

Otherwise, bros, lets keep working.

I am glad I got over the resistance with group outreach, I enjoyed that today.

Otherwise, bunch of reading i need to do.

Bit overwhelmed at times, not gonna lie, but sometimes when trying to live your dream, that's how it goes!

Smile on my face, feeling good in the soul, all will be well.
