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Thanks for making me choke up.

Thank you. I appreciate it. It means a lot to me.

tdan187 Manly Cockfellow Antonio44 Holden Bman HomelessBob Thrice natedawg AskTheDom

With you men beside me, I am sure I can make it.

I will keep working and show up every day and try my best.


MON 07/11/2022

OK, so woke up with the sunrise. Me and The Viking (@Paw) got onto the balcony and got sunrise light. He went into his yoga session, and I reviewed my day plan.

We then did a breathwork session together and discussed how we can work together next year and really smash it and make real money, meet amazing women, and live life tenfold.

We’ll probably get a long-term rental together somewhere. One thing I want to do with my closest bros is get a villa in Buenos Ares for a month or 2. Me and Paw are looking at this and we are looking to get our best bros together, we will discuss with them, just an idea yet nothing fleshed out. Those who are the real ones will get an invite soon enough.


(1) Dating: Online Lead Gen Process & Texting Girls
(2) Body: Gym: Push / Core / Stretch
(3) Biz/Copy: See below.

-Accountability Work w/ current clients
-Onboarding: Onboard Antonio, and my bros Star & Amir
-Testimonial planning/Outreach
-Read: Vin’s posts
-Read: Dan Meredith

-C landing page
-Talk to Korkii

815 Mindset: Inner Child Work / Mirror Therapy / Write out affirmations / Read YCATLOANT
9 Myofunctional therapy
930 Core
10 Accountability Work
1030 Gym: Push
List: Chilli / Hummus / Greek Yoghurt / Nuts / Frozen berries / Eggs / Chicken / Chicken cooking sauce / Rice / Water
ASDA: Protein, Anything reduced, DHA
2 OMAD & Supps
3 Stretch: ATG Zero
345 Posture
415 Online Lead Generation Process
515 Biz: Onboarding
615 Biz: Testimonials & Read Vin
7 Euro Gang Call
8 CT / Light
830 Copy: Cam’s Landing
930 Chill w/ Paw → Breathwork?
1030 BED

Thanks Jack!

Did my best yesterday but fucking missed things, I worked my ass off and gave it all, went to bed just dead.

Some things just took fucking forever.


(1) Dating: Online Lead Gen Process & Texting Girls (MEH, done kinda, hinge was good, no Tinder work, no Bumble work, and didn't really ping anyone! my time ran out)
(2) Body: Gym: Push / Core / Stretch (Gym and core done)
(3) Biz/Copy: See below. (FAIL, just did ACC work, no onboarding)


Back again................

TUE 08/11/2022

(1) Dating: Go on date (she’s confirmed) / Ping current leads & Reschedule Wed for Thur / Messaging
(2) Body: Run (60m) & Glute + Low Back Warmup / Core / Stretch / Posture
(3) Biz: Acc work & Onboarding
Others: CT, Earthing, Dentist


Gotta go to the dentist to get my monthly ALF adjustment. This takes time getting there & coming back. So I am a bit restricted. I am doing my best, and doing as much as I can. Active and hustling all day. But some stuff isn’t getting done as I am running out of time, and some things are taking longer than expected.

That’s the come up. You fail sometimes, you suck, you’re late to things. This life is harder than normal, we’re blasting so much, it’s what we chose and we also love it. But damn.

That is how you come up though IMO. You just furiously claw your way up.

No I am not mate.

I am a guy who is a straggler.

I am a guy girls do not like and it takes me months of dates to get 1 lay.

I wanted help and I did everything I was told. EVERYTHING.

Yet my sex life is shit.

I do not even know where to go from here and I just need help.

If anyone can refer me elsewhere or give me details for other coaches, I am all ears.

Please get in touch & help

Yeah another date, she told me she didn't feel any connection on the date itself and wanted to be friends. We split the bill. She removed me from Tinder 3 mins after leaving the bar.

It's been like this for, what, 30 or so dates. It's been 3 months of this.

I feel let down by KYIL and was told a lot of lies about how I can fix my sex life.

It didn't happened and I did everything I was told.

I have to find a way, guys please someone reach out and tell me where to go.
MakingAComeback said:
Yeah another date, she told me she didn't feel any connection on the date itself and wanted to be friends. We split the bill. She removed me from Tinder 3 mins after leaving the bar.

It's been like this for, what, 30 or so dates. It's been 3 months of this.

I feel let down by KYIL and was told a lot of lies about how I can fix my sex life.

It didn't happened and I did everything I was told.

I have to find a way, guys please someone reach out and tell me where to go.

You are experiencing something that is very commonly seen in sports but in your case it’s in your dating life.

You’ve been working and trying to find a solution for a long time. A couple of days ago you “performed at your current best” and got an amazing experience. This automatically has set the bar a shit ton higher because you want to keep experiencing those highs. Pretty normal behavior amongst ambitious people.

What you have to do know is accept that your dating level has massively improved but your standard is not yet at the level of your last best experience. Don’t worry, there will be a time where even your worst dates, reach the level of that amazing date you just had. Takes time though.

Example: There are players that I would look at 5 years ago and would dream of winning a set against them. Now I see those same guys and I’d feel embarrassed losing to them. It’s the both the beauty and the curse of improving, it’s up to you if you see the positive or the negative
Man, I feel for you dude. This shit touched me.

It takes a level of fortitude to keep trucking along even when the road seems completely unclear.

Your work ethic is undeniable, and you push with the force of 10,000 men.

I can't comment on any specific dating/converting tactics because I'm still green myself.

However, I will say I've noticed one big shift in your log over the past few weeks brother...

You seem so unhappy now.

There was a time when I saw you completely crushing, yet at the same time it seemed because you were playing the game of LIFE as opposed to just worrying about the lays.

It really reminds me of the old saying, "Things come when you least expect them".

In our case, I think that looks more like honing in on the lead indicators that actually produce quality dates/sex as the outcome (fashion, fitness, business, social, etc).

Just doing the stuff that helps you grow regardless if a woman is involved or not. No longer making them your primary focus.

So what if you gave yourself a break from the dating stuff for a while? I think this could be really helpful for your soul. So you can pull back and just gain some altitude.

I also felt the quiet part in your posts that you didn't want to say out loud, so I want to help.

Being 100% straight up - I'm very tuned into the logs of everyone on this forum who isn't white, and it's for a reason.

The simple truth? Our path is going to be different. A lot different.

Due to forces much greater than us, white men are the 'gold standard' in most developed countries. They're held in the highest regard by virtually every race of women.

While this does NOT exempt them from hard work like everyone else, it puts an additional wind in their sails that minority men don't have to the same degree.

Latin men are a close second due to implied sexuality in their culture.

Black men are polarizing (Racism/Implied criminality/Intimidating)

Indian/Asian men are polarizing (Weak/Not masculine)

By forces greater than us, these are labels passively applied to us every day thanks to centuries of mass indoctrination.

Even so, our goals don't care about who we are, our race, or where we've come from. To fret over that will be silly.

However, these forces do very well show up in day to day life, which means if we want to experience the ultimate of anything...

We will have to work twice as hard to get HALF the results (I heard this on a black TV show and it stuck with me ever sense.)

I will never, ever, ever compare my journey to that of a white/latin man. It's pointless because I know I simply can't afford to have ANY part of my life lack if I want to win.

A lean, muscular body isn't an option for me. I have to master this.

Wealth isn't an option for me. I have to master this.

A thriving social life isn't an option for me. I have to master this.

Studying game isn't an option for me. I have to master this.

Style isn't an option for me. I have to master this.

An iron-clad mindset isn't an option for me. I have to master this.

I need every damn edge I can get to have the life I want. These are the cards I've been dealt. I'm conditioned to get scrappy.

This will require me to pull things out of myself other people simply may not have to. So be it. I can't change it, so I accept it.

It's partly why I don't have a lay goal, because I'm playing a much, much, much bigger game than that. I want to win LIFE, brother.

What makes this place special is that it has a group of men who have resolved to accept the unfairness of the universe, yet bend its power to our will anyway.

I accept all the advice I get BUT I also keep in mind that their tips/advice might not work the exact way for me. I may likely have to tweak and refine so I can experience similar results. I think you should apply this lens so you can still take advantage of all the great wisdom here, but in the right context.

As long as you're breathing brother, you have fight left in you.

Give yourself a break from the dating, apps, etc. so you can gain some altitude on what you want out of life.






Then one more time.

And another.

I'm rooting for you brother.

P.S. I got a little teary-eyed typing this up because I can feel you fighting for every scrap you can get. It also made me think about all the times I worry my hard work could be for nothing. People like you remind me of why I'm fighting to get the most I can out of this life. Keep posting brother.
MakingAComeback said:
No I am not mate.

I am a guy who is a straggler.

I am a guy girls do not like and it takes me months of dates to get 1 lay.

I wanted help and I did everything I was told. EVERYTHING.

Yet my sex life is shit.

I do not even know where to go from here and I just need help.

If anyone can refer me elsewhere or give me details for other coaches, I am all ears.

Please get in touch & help


Sometimes a bit of perspective helps. You went from zero lays your whole life to 8 in less than a year of work. 8 in a year is more than most guys get. You still need to wait for your new hair to grow in. That could make a huge difference right there. You wrote that you never got complements from girls and then “L” gave you several on your first date with her. Looking forward to reading about date 2 with her.

I sense a lot of emotional ups and downs from reading your log, which is probably one reason I (and others) find it captivating to read, but I also think the highs and lows could be taking an emotional toll on you. Nothing wrong with taking a break for a few weeks to recharge the batteries. This is supposed to be fun, after all. I’m rooting for you to succeed, man.
MakingAComeback said:
It didn't happened and I did everything I was told.

Come on man, are you serious or does April Fool's come earlier in the UK?

You were a virgin who had approached over 2,000 girls and didn't go on a single date.

Now you've been on tons of dates, got 8 lays, and a girl was so into you that she drew a picture (or something like that) for you.

If anything, you prove 2 things I've been telling you for a long time:

1) Setting deadlines for goals you are absolutely clueless about, is idiotic. Idiotic. 10 lays in X time when you are experienced is OK. For guys like you who were at 0 for almost 30 years, makes zero sense. Now, with less than 2 months left to hit your 10 lays goal, you feel like a failure... and make a ton of mistakes due to this pressure to succeed. Again, idiotic.

2) Your focus is split. You fast, train, study copywriting, started an accountability biz, spend time on apps, study game, chat with lots of guys, and perform dozens of tiny actions every single day.

Like, take a fucking look at this:

815 Mindset: Inner Child Work / Mirror Therapy / Write out affirmations / Read YCATLOANT
9 Myofunctional therapy
930 Core
10 Accountability Work
1030 Gym: Push
List: Chilli / Hummus / Greek Yoghurt / Nuts / Frozen berries / Eggs / Chicken / Chicken cooking sauce / Rice / Water
ASDA: Protein, Anything reduced, DHA
2 OMAD & Supps
3 Stretch: ATG Zero
345 Posture
415 Online Lead Generation Process
515 Biz: Onboarding
615 Biz: Testimonials & Read Vin
7 Euro Gang Call
8 CT / Light
830 Copy: Cam’s Landing
930 Chill w/ Paw → Breathwork?
1030 BED

^ There's one darned hour for dating here. ONE.

Why are there 4 fitness-oriented tasks and why are they spread out throughout the day? At the end of 2022 will you be depressed and suicidal if your ass doesn't reach the grass or if you don't have perfect posture?

Why do you combine 4 mindset modalities and why do all 4 take 45 minutes? If you have trauma, shouldn't you spend more time? Just inner child work can take 15-30 minutes on itself.

Why are 3 hours wasted on food? I eat stuff out of the fridge 6 days a week to save time.

Why only 1 task for dating?

OK bros I have just done breathwork with Paw, feel way better this morning obviously. I have taken the time to read. I understand I have come a long way. I truly have. I am happy to apologise for my poor conduct, and that is enough whining now. I vented. I am good. NO MORE. I am going to keep working like I do everyday.

Thank you to all of you who posted, I was very upset last night but I feel better now.

Also thanks to one of my true bros Paw who sat with me last night and listened to me, my fears and worries, didn’t judge and just let me vent. I love you a lot brother.

I am definitely a bit scattered and out of sorts, but I am sorry about what I said about you guys lying to me. I did cry a tiny bit, just a tiny bit like for 5 seconds, but I felt better after that. I take back what I said.

And I also apologise to The Dom and Andy for being negative here. I told you I wouldn’t do that and I fucked up. I won’t make any excuses.

You know I will keep trying my ass off. I feel better today and I have a 2nd date which is a MASSIVE WIN.

I can’t respond fully rn, I can’t implement this all, it is a lot to process. I will process it and make sense of it.

Ravi Notes:

I am still alive, still breathing, I am not dead, and therefore, I have an opportunity to succeed.

I am in the world. I TOO HAVE A CHANCE.

I can do this. If anyone is capable of making it, it is me. I can do this. I will just show up and try to be calm and not get too wound up. If I go on the next bunch of dates and I just stay calm and not get bothered about it, THAT is is success.

I am sorry to my brothers for insulting them. I didn’t mean it. I was impulsive and childish and behaved like an idiot. I apologise to the people who believe in me, who got me this far, and who continue to support me despite me being a bit of a negative twat.

I will make no excuses, I fucked up entirely. I will be better and I am truly sorry.

I will see this process through like I said, my brain doesn’t allow me to stop things, I am a weird guy like that. And that was put in me for a reason: it will be necessary for me to get over onto the other side of this journey. I was not put here for no reason.


What about 2 years ago when you said you would never go on a date? That was meant to be impossible right?


What about 2 years ago when you thought you’d never get a gal to be intimate with you?


What about when you were 275lbs and so twisted up and destroyed you hid from the world?


What about when you could only match with fatties and uggos?


What about the people in my early 20s who told me I would never amount to shit, that I would never get anywhere with women.

What about when I went to the RSD bootcamps, and they laughed at me. What about when I went to the conference, asked a question, and when they found out I was a virgin they didn’t talk to me, noone responded to my texts.

Look now. Look at the people I have around me. I have so many friends, so many truly badass men, everyone backs me, everyone fucks with me. What can those dicks in my early 20s say now? I would love to see their face now: you were wrong motherfuckers.


None of this would be possible if there wasn’t something inside me. There MUST be something inside me. THERE MUST.

I will not keep getting frustrated, I will find a way to plaster over my cracks and stop the pain from seeping in and putting me in the dungeon.

I need to calm down, relax, and just understand I am making progress. I am getting better. And it is humanly possible for me to get what I want. The road ahead may be tough, it may take time. SO WHAT?!

Ravi, understand that some men are put in this world not to be normal, but they are required to walk the warriors path.

That person is you.

You know you were bred for this. You know that your entire life led you to this moment. Your entire life was the perfect training program, the crucible, the gauntlet you would have to run to become the man you will need to be.

You have received an unbelievable ammount of help, no one in self improvement ever got this level of help.

Why would these men invest so much in you, if you were nothing, and you didn’t have the chops to make it?

You just have to realise that you are making mistakes, thinking the wrong way, and THAT is why you PUT YOURSELF BACK in the dungeon.

What if you ACTUALLY LISTENED to what Andy tells you?

What if you ACTUALLY REFRAME this shit like he tells you and you see it as an opportunity to grow, life as abundant, as another chance to succeed?

Why can’t you just make things easier for yourself?

I think you’re a masochist, you like to punish yourself, because you don’t like yourelf.

You don’t like the way you look and what you see in the mirror.

You don’t like the way women treat you and how they just toss you away so easy.


If there are 100 men on the battlefield, 60 of them are just canon fodder & targets, 20 of them will have a go, 9 of them will put on a real fight. But the warrior? There is only 1, and he is the one who can make a difference to the battle.

You will HAVE to harden up. Use this journey to harden yourself into something that most human beings can never even imagine. Use it to become unbreakable. To take what was once so broken and make it again, this time, forged out of steel.

You CAN do this. You CAN do this.

You have work ethic. But your mind, Ravi, is weak. When you take Ls for a while, for months for instance, you crack and then lash out like an impulsive child. This is shameful and you let not only yourself down when you do this, but also, you set a bad example for other underdogs out there.

There may be others who will look to you one day like you looked to Andy. And if you let these people down, you have failed your mission, and you deserve everything that comes to you.

The one vow I made was to do this shit the right way, and prove beyond any doubt that the underdog can make it out the dungeon.

If I did this, imagine if someone else one day decided to raise themselves up like I did when I used to read Andy’s log?

Imagine the fucking glory of knowing that you overcame this shit, that you used all that pain, all that suffering, all that shit you went through, and out of all that, did something POSITIVE.

I have never met another human being like me in my life. The fact that I even survived my life, already proves that I beat the odds.

And what if I, too, could achieve my goals? From the hell I came…………


It is possible, it is possible, it is possible, you just need to not give up, and uphold YOUR end of the bargain.

Everyone else did what they were supposed to do. YOU are the one being negative, YOU are the one who is doing the opposite of what people told you and spent many hours of their time telling you.


Let another 100 girls not be into me,

Shit, let another 1000

Fuck it, make that 10,000.



I was an idiot for letting KYIL down last night with what I said but I also love this community with my entire soul, it is everything to me and I would never get over it if I lost it from my life. I am here every day and it is so important to me. When all hope was gone the only thing I had on my life was this website.

Thank you for being patient with me. I will not let you down.

After all, the last thing I want is The Dom shoving a throwing axe up my arse!!!!!! ;-)


Lets’s go, that’s the attitude!

You know my friend I show tough love to people that I care and I’m usually happy sitting here in the sidelines looking at few people that out in the work, but this time I have to hand to you the responsibility baton (or flogger if you into my jam, ya know)
Think at all the guys that are starting now, or are here looking for guidance and look at you as the “beacon” of hope.
Ravi, with power, it comes responsibility and accountability, and now you must understand that you will carry the new guys on your shoulders too. They look at you and think “If he made it, why can’t I?”
What the next 30 yo virgin will say? You know, actually they shake their head when I speak with these guys “it’s easy for you” “you are lucky” and you know what? It’s fine, but you my friend, you are the Standard, don’t forget that

Thank you for both of your recent posts (the angry one and the apology).

It may not feel like it, but the pain, doubt, confusion and struggle for self-worth that you shared are more valuable than every lay report and success story on this site combined.


Because that pain, doubt, confusion and struggle for self-worth is COMPLETELY NORMAL and captures the experience of MOST MEN.

Most men?

Yes, we all know most men are invisible to women, but we don't realize most men are also invisible to other men.

We feel like we're out here struggling, doubting, suffering alone, forgetting that the only men ANY OF US CAN SEE are the successful ones, because the majority of men who are struggling, suffering and doubting themselves just like us are invisible to women AND TO US!

You are not alone.

You are not a weirdo.

You are actually a normal man.

We just never talk about how we as men must earn our worth.

We just never talk about how the NORMAL experience for a man is to be rejected.

And most importantly, we never talk about how THE MOST SUCCESSFUL MEN GET REJECTED THE MOST!

They just don't take the rejections personally...

because they know they aren't.






And this is actually something to be so, so grateful for.

Think about what would happen if every man could just walk outside and have sex with any woman he saw...

All striving, innovating, creating and improving would immediately come to a halt.

Men trying to better themselves, earn their worth, and increase their success with women is quite literally what makes the world go round.

It's the reason you have air conditioning, the internet, planes that can fly you to anywhere in the world for an affordable amount, government, medicine, art, music, books, etc...


You realize ELON MUSK, the richest man in the world, got married and divorced to the same woman twice, right?!?

You realize what that means right?

That even for the richest man in the world, his normal experience is NO!

For every one woman who has said yes to sex with me, literally A HUNDRED MORE HAVE SAID NO!

Who the fuck are you -or any of us for that matter- to think that it should be different just because you've lost a bunch of weight, improved your jawline, started dressing better, took better pictures, etc?

You are succeeding MAC, you just don't realize it yet because -like most of us- you're aiming at the wrong fucking goalposts.



MakingAComeback To put things into perspective, Chris from GLL fucked 9 girls in the first year he was serious about things iirc.
Yesterday was a really special day man. Hung out with the bros, had my 2nd date with L (amazing experience with this stunning woman), made some memories with my crew and enjoyed the last night Paw will be in London. Will miss him, but I’ll go see him and The Dom in Columbia at the start of next year, and then I will make plans with my bros and set up a 12 month rental somewhere.

That somewhere may be Budapest. My readers know I enjoyed that place a lot.

After Crisis_Overcomer has told me off for the same thing many times, I have revised my day structure and taken his feedback onboard. Actually, it was Paw who pulled me aside to be honest and said “this guy is right Ravi” (lol) and we sat together in a cafe and revised my day structure.

We’re going to do it in focus slots, grouping up key areas of activity.

I’ll outline more later, gotta hustle.

Date with L was just great. Ups, downs, but just sheer excitement. I leave dates with this woman feeling just on top of the world. She’s awesome, and such a beautiful lady. I wanna say she’s about a 7.5 for me.

I’ll do a proper forum post tonight after my hustle is done, BUT, to give you a flavour…..

She tells me to meet her at 515. I set off at 445 (she’s one stop away) and when I arrive, she says she’s still in the dentist, and I can rock up at 530. She tells me don’t rush. So, I just set up at 5 and wait. Time passes, it’s 530. Nada.

More time passes, I text to ask if all is OK?

She replies saying there was an issue at the dentist, and she’s sorry.

I wait longer. It’s almost AN HOUR. I have a beer and chill.

I am thinking, damn Ravi, this lady is an hour late pretty much. Then I process that she was at the dentist, and there was an issue. She rocks up eventually, apologises, but I am a bit blown away that I am on a date with this woman. She hugs me very tight, we chat a little, and we go get drinks.

I get this one. I am low key pissed off, she said sorry, yes, but she was very chill about leaving he hanging for so long. And now I’m buying her a drink, I think, dude am I simping here wtf….


Take her upstairs, flirt fest, talking all sorts, laughing our heads off, but also making sexual jokes. She is saying some positive stuff: she is talking about how she wants me to meet her friend, who is this guy who looks after her cat and is a season ticket holder who takes her to Chelsea games (think the dude is rich). Sounds like he simps for her a lot, fuck that shit. Guess it’s just hot girl life.

Anyway, date is going well. I go for the kiss, she gets crazy nervous and starts trembling like hell.

I pull back and just play it off like I was going to stroke her cheek. I calm her down. But I’m thinking, WUT?

She’s Bi and I think her last relationship was a gal, may have been a while since she was with a dude. I dunno.

We make more plans, she asks me when I want to see her next, and I just gaze into her eyes, she says “OK, so is that ASAP?”, I say yeah. She says we can do a drink Sunday. I say maybe, let me confirm. I may have 2 girls double booked Sunday. Maybe. Tbh, I’d rather see L any day of the week and will cancel the rest if needs be lol.

….And then….

She says if I want, she can book a day of annual leave off from work, and we can spend an entire Sunday together. That way, she has Monday off.

This is really positive and this assures me, despite her not kissing, she does like me.

Note that I am right up in her grill the whole date, stroking her back, she’s right in close. We end the date as I’ve gotta go for dinner with Paw, Timmy and Carl. We’re stood, I get very close and hold her face and play it off like I’m doing some analysis of her face for mewwing (just banter as she got invisalign fitted today). She is so freakin pretty. She’s cool with me holding her face in my hands, stroking her cheekbones, getting v v close.

L “I’ve got rosy cheeks”
R “I’ve seen better….”

Such a laugh talking to her. Throughout the date, I am kinda pinching myself asking if it’s real. I go to make a very sexual joke about choking girls, and my heart starts to race, in my mind I am literally playing an image of her grimacing and telling me she has to go home now. But no, she just laughs and talks about how girls want to be choked. She talks about how her day was chill, and how her Wellness Wednesday was just her recovering from an epic bender and taking a shower.

“I won’t apologise for the mental image I have right now of you in the shower”

She smiles “Good, I don’t want you too”

All this time, I am kinda in disbelief she is responding to me like this.

L “Ravi, is it too early to ask what you’re looking for?”
R “No, you can. So, I’m open to whatever”
L “And what does that mean?”
R “I want to be happy”
L “Explain”
R “I want to be around someone whose company I enjoy. You?”
L “OK, so I am looking for someone I can build with, someone with potential, but that doesn’t have to be one specific person. It’s what I want eventually, but now, I want to have a good time, have fun, and enjoy”
R “I think we’re looking for the same thing”
L “I agree”

We chat more and I am listening to her intently, but also teasing.

L “Charmer”
R “I try my best”
L “You’re trouble”
R “I am” (my sexy voice)

She smirks and laughs out loud. She’s loving it and I am a bit shocked by the entire thing.

Many times in my life, I would be out in public spaces and see men on dates with pretty girls. I hadn’t been on a date before, and I used to think, damn dude, imagine how good that would feel, imagine how good that would feel just to talk to her, make her laugh. Imagine being in that seat that guy is in.

Often it would, to be honest, give way to deep sadness, and sometimes, blind rage. Jealously, anger, and then self-loathing. I would ask, what the hell would I have to do in order to sit in that seat?

Leaving that date with L, I realised something.

I have now become that guy.

It was a sweet feeling and there was a spring in my step as I went back to see my bros. I walked the streets with such confidence, like a peacock fluttering his feathers.

I cannot express how powerful the feminine can be. True femininity. If I never got to see this, what would my life have been?

I am blessed.

Went home. We ordered in Lebanese food, we helped our boy Carl plan his next photoshoot, and I helped him hire some models that I know (3 stunners V hired for a music video). We found Carl a great photographer, and he is cool with me also doing some shots during his shoot with the models. So my bro will allow me to participate in the photoshoot he’s getting done and maybe get a new photo for myself, with some very pretty ladies. The power of a tribe. Me and Timmy help him a lot, because he is our little bro, and he helps us back. That’s called brotherhood. We expect nothing, we just offer value, and all the help and support we give others comes back. It is natural, I call it good karma. Your private victories precede public ones, as Steven Covey said.
Earlier in the day, me and Paw bought 20kg of ice and filled the tub for an epic ice bath!! We did 5 min rounds, and then did some chanting.

After dinner, we slugged a few drinks, and watched a documentary. It was a bromantic day.

Today, I will hustle and get shit done. Date scheduled for tomorrow but I feel she’s gonna flake, she flaked last time and also ghosted for weeks. Sat, date with a new gal & it feels solid. Sun, I may cancel on the other chicks and just see L.

I am willing to invest time and energy into L to get to know her more. Am I worried she’ll friendzone me and not want to have sex with me? Yes. BUT, talking to her, being around her, and also just the fact that she wants to know me and is awesome, heals me a lot…..I need this right now……...

Thank you for reading. I am not the finished product, yes I crack sometimes. But I have redeeming qualities: I show up grind, make incremental progress, and also can see when I am wrong and I will apologise and do my best to course correct. I will get there in the end.

I will reply to your comments. The new day structure will help. I will get all my work done and then I should have 1-2hrs to read, surf the group & forum, give value and just chill.

MakingAComeback said:
Many times in my life, I would be out in public spaces and see men on dates with pretty girls. I hadn’t been on a date before, and I used to think, damn dude, imagine how good that would feel, imagine how good that would feel just to talk to her, make her laugh. Imagine being in that seat that guy is in.

Often it would, to be honest, give way to deep sadness, and sometimes, blind rage. Jealously, anger, and then self-loathing. I would ask, what the hell would I have to do in order to sit in that seat?

Leaving that date with L, I realised something.

I have now become that guy.

It was a sweet feeling and there was a spring in my step as I went back to see my bros. I walked the streets with such confidence, like a peacock fluttering his feathers.

I cannot express how powerful the feminine can be. True femininity. If I never got to see this, what would my life have been?

I am blessed.

Yes you have,

and yes you are.

Happy for you bro
I read your posts and they made me super happy. I also really appreciate it. I want to spend time quoting you all, giving you my thoughts, and discuss further. I will get it done, need to hustle first.


FRI 11/11/2022


(1) Dating: Online Lead Gen (Date for tonight, I’ve changed my mind*)
(2) Body: Gym: Legs / Core / Stretch
(3) Biz/Copy: See below
Others: Mindset, CT, Light, Earthing, Breathwork (DONE)

-Acc Check Ins
-Onboarding & Pitching / Outreach
-Spreadsheet Dev & Monthly Reports

-Cam’s page v3
-Andrey’s copy v2
-Korkii, schedule call


In good spirits and ready to attack.

Date for tonight, she previously flaked twice, and ghosted for 3 weeks. She has texted today saying she’s got reservations and isn’t convinced. I just told her, all good. We’ll leave this one.

Why should I abuse myself and see girls who do not really want to see me?

When there is a girl I’m seeing tomorrow who has texted me first twice this week asking how I am, and is VERY pretty. I am potentially seeing L on Sunday, too.

Why should I accept less? Look at how L treats me, she texts me every day. Intimacy and physical stuff with L is a different beast from other girls, she is super nervous about it despite being a v confident gal. I am willing to be very patient because I like her, she is a good person and I am happy to wait. I’ll keep trying obviously! If I get a lay with her, we get the fairy tale we wanted after all haha.

Life will only get better. I train HARD in the gym. I need to get back on fasting, definitely. I have arranged for my bro Luke to hold me accountable and do a joint fast together, 48hrs next week. I’ll also post here every 2 hrs to keep me on track.

Life will only get better. I’ll only build more muscle. Lose more fat. My hair transplant will only grow more. I will get a tattoo, and I will only enhance my image from there. My confident and strength will only grow. And I will figure out how to make money and will only experience greater and greater success.

Like I do all the time.

Just because I show up, yes I fuck up, yes I am weak sometimes, but I get up and do it again every day and NEVER, EVER, EVER give up.

No matter what the odds.

That is how you win.

Thrice said:
I almost cried reading your post Ravi, you went through so much pain, emotional pain, the wrost type of pain, the one that shapes how you view yourself and the world, the one that scars you deep and makes the past painful, even if the past exists only on our mind.

I know only one person who can fight through that pain, conquer it and win and it's you. Never met someone with your level of resilience in my entire life

I can relate to you, Mohammad.

We both went through true emotional pain, true darkness, to the absolute core of our being.

I fight for people like you.

When I crack sometimes, I feel bad, because some of the underdogs in this world who read me may become discouraged when they see me in pain.

I am a man like everyone else, despite my hustle, I am still on a journey which we always knew would take multiple years.

But I can promise you one thing:

I will NEVER, EVER, EVER give up.

And I will NOT let you down.

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