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Getting back on top.........Bit tired as sleep has been fucked this week!

Hustle underway.


(1) Self Improvement:
-Sunrise (DONE)
-Myofunctional Therapy (DONE)
-Cold Thermogenesis / Light Therapy / Earthing (DONE)
-Supplements (DONE)

(2) Biz
-Accountability work (DONE)
-Copywriting: 30m (DONE)

(3) Life Stuff
-Sort out BTC transfer (in progress)
-Haircut (First haircut since hair transplant, looks good)
-Ping leads: L, H (DONE)
-Confirm date for tonight (DONE)

(4) Body
-Dinner & Supplements
-Posture & Stretching

Then just dating stuff, seeing this gal in 3hrs. Sleep was a lil shit last night so will rest a lil. Then see her, do my best to pull and make it happen. She’s been super nice via text. :)


Full accountability – I didn’t make the gym yesterday. So I actually missed leg day! Not good at all. I fucked up there. I haven’t missed a session in the gym for months. I will be better next week.

Like I said, just dating stuff now and tomorrow I'm gonna see some girls, including L.

It's date #3 with L, she's not even kissed me yet. If nothing happens physically between us tomorrow, it's OK, but I will get some distance from her from there in out - I am looking for a great gal to be around and be intimate with also. Can't just have bro time with her?! That's not what I want.

Forgot to add, I did do mindset work for an hour this morn as part of (1)

I’ll upload pics of my haircut in a sec
MakingAComeback said:
It's date #3 with L, she's not even kissed me yet. If nothing happens physically between us tomorrow, it's OK, but I will get some distance from her from there in out - I am looking for a great gal to be around and be intimate with also. Can't just have bro time with her?! That's not what I want.

I know we all think the friendzone is this horrible place that should be avoided at all costs, but what if it's actually the best place to get comfortable with and learn more about beautiful women?

I know we'd all prefer to sleep with the beautiful women we enjoy being around, but I doubt there is a better place on Earth to learn about what beautiful women are attracted to than from the women themselves. As her friend if you get her to open up to you, you will hear about exactly what she likes, exactly what turns her on, etc.

Also, we shouldn't think lesser of ourselves for having a beautiful female friend...

Read that sentence again and it's obvious how backwards that logic is - of course other women find men with beautiful female friends more attractive!!!

If she likes you enough she may even help you talk to her friends, or even other women when the two of you hangout.

I really hope you sleep with this girl MakingAComeback, and that you two get married and have a billion babies together.

All I'm saying is don't pull back from spending time with a beautiful woman who you enjoy just because she doesn't want to sleep with you, because honestly, when you really think about it, her sleeping with you is one of the the least valuable things she could offer you... and her being your friend is one of the best.

I guess another way to look at is like this:
being friends with a beautiful woman is a terrible way to sleep with THAT beautiful woman, but potentially a wonderful way to sleep with OTHER beautiful women!
MakingAComeback said:
It's date #3 with L, she's not even kissed me yet. If nothing happens physically between us tomorrow, it's OK, but I will get some distance from her from there in out

Sounds like a good way forward

You can ask her about it straight up if she turns down your moves on the 3rd date

Can frame it like 'the intimacy is important to me' and ask for her reasons why she's standoffish
Brother, you are putting yourself into that box, as I told you, you are the leader and responsible to make things happen
Hope it went well! On the kissing thing - agree with what everyone says to keep trying.

I don't really try to kiss women before they're sitting on my bed, but if they reject attempts (and sometimes they do), sometimes i kiss them somewhere else, either their shoulders, (then move to neck) or their forehead/cheek, then slowly kiss my way in a little trail of kisses towards their lips. This has worked well for me a few times.

Also some women are weird about kissing - I had sex with one girl who i didn't kiss before, made me feel a bit like a human dildo.



Full writeup to come, I am blissed out and in heaven RN but also a bit tired, I fucked the ever living shit out of this lovely girl from like 830-115am! Intense sex session we did lots of stuff.

She's a Sub, I stole many quotes from The Dom to impress her LMAO. I told her about my friendship with The Dom, how I was initiated into the sex positive scene through this legend, and how I was given a signature red flogger as a gift. This gesture meant a lot to me, and I am proud to say to my bro, you gave me that gift in Krakow, we had a life changing trip out there and we are blessed. It was many more weeks of outright hustle later that I got to use it, but I stayed true to my work and kept working.

Flogged the shit out of her. It was fucking epic.

Writeup to come, gotta help Carl, he has a photoshoot tomorrow. I knew a few models and have gotten one to come very short notice, beautiful girl, I'll get some pics with her too.

Thereafter, I will hustle and do some general tasks that are on my to do list. Transcribing, replying to posts in my log, I wanna reply to Manly, Bman and Nate in depth.

And later on tonight I will see L for our 3rd date.

I think I will achieve 10 lays.

I am too spaced out to give you a proper post rn, but look, in Jan I thought this goal was truly humanly impossible for me.

I had 0 lifetime lays.

Look at me now.

I spent 12 years of my life totally defeated by this problem and it gave me suicidal thoughts. I felt like I let my Mum down, who struggled so much to raise me, and it was her dream to see her grandchildren. She has disabilities so she is aware the timeline for her may be shorter than others. And that used to totally drive me to despair: why was I pt in this situation, a guy who cannot get any girl, having to watch his mother weep so many times at my failure. It broke me into a million pieces.

I was a very fucked up guy, a fucking basketcase.

And if you meet me now, I am sorry to say this with the arrogance in which I will express, but I am a fucking total G.

Confident, powerful, solid as a rock. Brutal work ethic, good intellect, amazing friends, mentors, advisors. I am simply one of life's truly relentless, unstoppable people.

And yet for much of my life, I was so low down.

I was nothing.

I became something.

I outworked God's plan, defied the odds time and time again in my life, stared down odds that made me sick, told the Universe fuck you many many times, and took a guy who was totally destroyed and fucked up beyond belief

And turned him into this motherfucker right here

You can laugh at the way I used to be, call me a loser, be glad you didn't have my life, feel better about yourself

All those people ever did was give me the fire inside I needed to become the living legend I will be

All it did was drive me to find my coaches Andy and Radical, to find my advisors Pancakemouse, Rags2Bitches, and The Dom

And now the animal has been let out of the cage

You are reading one of the most goal focused psychotic people in self improvement of all time


Next year, me and my crew are going to get rich

And you will be reading books about us in 20 years time

Thats all I've got for ya man



How beautiful would it be to wrap up this goal with L?!

I see it in the distance man. Keep pressing!
Bros, L is a complicated situation. I'll have to pull back. I'll message her once a week instead of every day. She's a great gal, but she is complicated. I had a proper talk, asked her about why she doesn't let me get closer to her.

"What I hear from you, Ravi, is you want to know how you can fuck me?"

We had a dialogue, and she just expressed she isn't game for sex with me for a long, long, long time.

She started the date by telling if if it was anyone else, she would have cancelled as she'd been drinking relentlessly for days upon days. Her life i a bit nuts. She bought the first round, we split the tickets for bowling and crazy golf, and then she bought two more rounds as I beat her at the games lol. I got a final round and we went home. She sent me some nice texts.

She seems to think I am a player and has eluded to conversations she's had with her friends:

"Aren't you worried he's fucking other girls?"
"Of course he's fucking other girls, he's 6ft5"


If they only knew.........

The date was great and I love spending time with L, she is just fantastic. Funny, charming, sweet, very pretty, and has a lovely energy. But at the very same time, closed off, standoffish, and somewhat cutthroat. She has expressed, clearly, that if I'm not willing to wait, then we're not to be, and she doesn't really care. I didn't enjoy the way she expressed that. I drunkenly agreed to hang out with her next week. She's been texting, I've not replied. I'll send her one text on Wednesday, see her Sunday, and that'll be that done.

She is off to Thailand to travel next month. She'll be fucking other dudes, no doubt. I know how it goes. I am good with that. I will enjoy the final contact I have with L, appreciate her for being nice to me, and I will continue my journey.

Just some thoughts to clear this up.

TUE 15/11/2022

(1) DATING: Online Hustle / Messaging
(2) BODY: Fast (36hr) / Core / Stretch / Posture
(3) BIZ/COPY: See below.
Others: Sunrise, Mindset, Myofunctional Therapy, Breathwork (DONE)



Was smashing this girl for 4hrs Sat, drank a lot with her too. Sunday, hung out with L, who parties hard. We slugged 4 large glasses of wine, she paid for 3 of those rounds bless her. She gave me a peck on the lips which she described as a “very big deal, for her” and told me the longer we wait for sex, the better, because we will bond very deep. LOL. She is a great woman, I appreciate her, but it’s not gonna happen with her.

I don’t want an LTR until I am 34/35. I have done too much to turn my situation around and now I am a doing better, girls like me more.

Monday, my god I am suffering, tired as, barely slept for 3 nights. Just brute force it. Have to get up and manage a photoshoot for my friend. 8-1pm, managing the whole thing, solving problems, bringing in models and coordinating shit (I know some very stunning models thru V, I got one to come out in just a days notice, she is a legend and a truly beautiful human).

Kill the shoot, we just destroy it.

Carl and I chill. I head home.

I am barely able to walk. Lay down for 30 mins. Force myself to hit the gym. I have been going at it, yesterday bros I was truly dead. DEAD. I forced myself to go to the gym, I did a lot of the workout (PUSH) and strength was OK. Missed a few exercises as I got a text from this hot Indian gal who wanted to meet me for a drink. I tell her to come down, she does. I go home to rest as I am fucked mentally and physically.

She rocks up. She’s nervous, but I calm her down. I do what I’ve gotta do. I find this girl so annoying. She is boring and I’m not enjoying it. But she does make me laugh a little.

So, she does some bratty stuff. She asks me over and over what I want from Bumble. I tell her I’m open to whatever, and she goes on about how it’s a cop-out answer. I just stare at her. I don’t respond. I have a smirk on my face and she keeps pressing. I just stare at her. She breaks. I ask her what she wants from Bumble: “To meet people in any capacity”. Yeah, that’s not a copout? Lol….

I seed the pull a tiny bit, pitch it twice, and on the second pitch, she says “to yours?” I reply yes, she says she has to go home.

“We’ll split the bill”

She pays her half, I pay mine. Off home.

I really didn’t enjoy her at all, I found her to be very different from me and not what I am looking for at all.

Thats why they’ve gotta come to you, man. It’s a 4m walk home, I just paid for my own drink. Easy work.


I am very excited to get number 10, which WILL come. I will back off dating for a while then and spend 4-5 days doing an extended fast and writing up the epic phoenix project report. If I put this much time and energy into creating this pdf, which may be 200-300 pages, can I post this document and can we consider making it a sticky thread here in the journals section? This wasn’t just me, this was a total community effort, I worked hard yes but was lifted up by the entire community. This journey is only part me, in large part, it’s everyone who showed up and took me beyond what I was capable of taking myself.

LMK if you’d allow that. This log has been read almost a quarter million times and many men dropped insane value here, which I will meticulously write up and capture.

Radical Crisis_Overcomer Manganiello

I am still fucked up from the hustle and not right. I need a few fasts, a few nights of good sleep, I need to exercise and get myself right. I am not feeling on point at all.

Just going to cool my brain off today and work, work, work….

1130 Biz: Acc check ins
1230 Biz: Acc Onboarding
130 Biz Acc: Spreadsheets & Reports
230 Break / Message leads to schedule dates
3 Biz: Read Vin / Read Dan’s book
4 Copy: C
5 Copy: A
6 Copy: Paw
7 Copy: K schedule call
715 Fitness: Zero
745 Fitness: Posture
815 Dating: Lead Gen
915 Dating: Lead Gen & messaging
1015 BED


MakingAComeback said:
Sunday, hung out with L, who parties hard. We slugged 4 large glasses of wine, she paid for 3 of those rounds bless her. She gave me a peck on the lips which she described as a “very big deal, for her” and told me the longer we wait for sex, the better, because we will bond very deep.
I'm just gonna give my two cents and invite you to press on with her anyway. A party girl who wants to wait for sex? You've probably just friendzoned yourself. But that's okay. Do it for the experience, have some patience with her, while also trying to move things forward each time you see her.
You seem to really like L

I respect your decision that you don’t want to spent to much time with her if you have to wait too long. I just hope you don’t throw her away to prove something here or keep onto a “boundary”.

As of her calling you a fuckboy, she is right. You’re going on dates on a regular basis. It doesn’t help that you take ages to respond to her. I’d go as far as saying she’ll open up sooner if you were to respond quicker. She sounds like someone who has gone through stuff, try to see the situation through her eyes before you make your final decision
kratjeuh said:
You seem to really like L

I respect your decision that you don’t want to spent to much time with her if you have to wait too long. I just hope you don’t throw her away to prove something here or keep onto a “boundary”.

As of her calling you a fuckboy, she is right. You’re going on dates on a regular basis. It doesn’t help that you take ages to respond to her.

Wholeheartedly agree with this. I think she liked you and feels the player vibe. She was worrying about you to her friends..

Also - its quite possible she's like this (waiting for sex) with everyone and its not you - doubt she's off on a big fuckfest.

Generalizing - in this community we search for women at their most spontaneously sexual side, and screen hard for them - but there are many women who actually do wait/dont have lots of sex. The average woman at 30 has around 10 sexual partners - this means that there a lot of women with less than this. Like reasonable amounts of attractive women who will have less than 5 and may never have a one night stand (or more often, got burned once and don't want to repeat it).

Also "wild partying" can mean very different things to different people - I was seeing a slightly nerdy girl who invited me to a party and warned me beforehand how wild her friends were. I went expecting drugs and nudity, hid a tenner in my shoe in case i lost all my clothes. When i got there it was actually very sedate just having a couple of drinks with music - but for her that was wild.

But yeah don't waste your time if you're not into it/her.
"Waiting for sex is never worth the waiting"

A lot of the things L told you, are simply tactics and shaming strategies.

I know i'm going to catch a lot of flak for this, and I'm fine with that because it's important for your growth to understand "you don't negotiate desire" - If the only ticket needed for having sex was height you would be breaking the bank right? instead you realised there are many more factors, but when these are aligned, the stars find their magical way in making things happen.
OK, bros. I know when it is time to take advise. I have listened, and I will push on with L, try my best to make it happen, but I will NOT be upset if it doesn't happen.

Time to be truthful and honest with you all for a minute:

When I came to this journey, I really needed help turning myself around as a man. I was deeply upset about how I did with women. It drove me almost to the very limits of my sanity.

I was very very very desperate and in a dark dungeon. I asked for help from other men, to be honest I wouldn't say I asked, I was practically begging for someone to help me.

I then did the work.

L, to be honest with you, was the reward I wanted from The Phoenix Project. I knew this would be a multiple year journey. I will see it all the way through, I am a truthful man. Yes I am a work in progress, some days I am defeated, some days I am beaten down, but I try my absolute ass off at everything I do and I get it done eventually. I will tighten up in time and be better.

You are all men I respect, I am impressed by so many of you and I am grateful to be here and have an opportunity to become great, To be honest, what I thrive off is community and brotherhood, to see my bros succeed is almost like crack cocaine, it makes me go insane, I get tingles on the back of my neck, my eyes bulge out their sockets, I am in awe that people accomplished what they did.

Because in truth, my whole life, I was just searching for significance. I have done a lot of mindset work since getting back from Krakow, and it feels like I have bled a lot of poison out my brain. Paw noticed I was different. Many people noticed. I am doing the work and taking the advice I was given.

The thing with L is, she is giving me a lot of positive attention, compliments, shows care, consideration, and inside, I get the feeling she does like me. That is really what I wanted, the feeling I was searching for was the feeling of a girl wanting to know me.

Most girls I dated, ghosted.

Most girls I fucked, disappeared.

No girl my entire life texted me every day. That NEVER happened. You know a lot about me, I have shared everything, I am a humble and honest person and you know I just wanted a girl to be nice to me.

But, again, like everything in my journey, its never simple is it? Complicated as ever. I have a goal and will plough through for 4 years. I am not doing any monogamous LTR stuff until 35 minimum. I have a lot of money to make, adventures to go on, and success to achieve.

I will build myself up, become a success, reach the next level, open the secret door and gain access to the life of a high value male, and then assess the terrain.

I didn't want to be a player, I just wanted a girl to care about me and be nice to me. None of them used to text me, give me compliments, buy me drinks. This never used to happen.


And the way women respond to me changed.

Being around L makes me feel good.
Is it a wise investment of my time? Probably not, my goal is to get 1 more lay, and she is gonna be a hard nut to crack.

But it heals me. She is very cool, has a great personality, is beautiful, and makes me smile like you can't believe. When I was kicking her ass at bowling, she'd get a gutter ball and would come back to the seats stomping her feet like an angry child and being such a bad looser. It was so adorable lol. She is feminine, and that is woman's true power.

To win in dating as a woman is simple: just be nice.

Thats it.

The people who have to become something else entirely are us MEN.

But we've got this.

I have read your posts, understood what you're saying, and here's what I hear you saying: Ravi, just have a go, stick at it, and see what happens. Enjoy it either way. You may even have a shot.

I like this and do agree.

I'll do it. But equally, bros, I can't invest too much. We'd been texting twice a day, sometimes 3x. I can't invest this much in a woman who isn't willing to invest in my physical needs.....

Re. friendzoning, I might have done this, BUT, consider the following:

-Screened hard via text
-1st date: sexual convo, talked sex, invited her back to my place 4 TIMES, was physical throughout
-2nd date: very physical, hand on her back stroking her the whole time. She told me she is normally not Ok with this at all, she paused for a moment out of total shock, did a check in with herself, and said "I'm OK" (as we're guessing, she seems to have real trauma with intimacy). She declined my attempt at kissing her.
-3rd date: I went for the kiss, got declined. Later, she went for the kiss, but it was closed lipped, and just a brief peck. She informed me this was "massive" for her. We'd been hugging, very flirty, touching each other this date. She even felt my chest at one point.

The chick is crazy fun to be around. I'm only here for 4 more weeks, then I have to move back in with my parents because I've burned through most of my pissing money!!! lol

But I will make it all back. I'll grind 100hrs a week Jan - April and get myself right. And I will then start travelling.

Next year will be the year of really levelling up: body, mind, finances. Really building a fantastic physique. Really making great money. It CAN happen. In one year of true grind, we can succeed a lot.

Thats all I have to say on L. Ill keep trying, I'll see her while I am in London, and if nothing at all happens before she goes to Thailand, then it really is SAYONARA and I'll be bac with the parents, making cash, and off to see the world next year...........

Yeah i disagree with the guys saying you friendzoned yourself

You've done whats necessary to escalate. We have a full script read out of the actions you've taken physically

I think they posters saying that mean it more from a position of you are still hanging in there when they would have left the situation (i'd have probably gone on the 3rd date too if i liked the chick's personality and then from here onwards its a judgement call)

I'm happy to defend your in date actions vs anyone here
Hear ya bro. I mean, I am just enjoying this experience. I am grateful. Anything that happens with L is a win, pure and simple.

If she stops texting today, that's still a wonderful win.

3 dates with her was amazing. If I get this one on Sunday, great. I will love it.

If not, no problem at all. Will keep living and growing.



TUE 15/11/2022

(1) DATING: Online Hustle / Messaging (MEH, only did messaging and like part of lead gen)
(2) BODY: Fast (36hr) / Core / Stretch / Posture (Did the fast, nothing else)
(3) BIZ/COPY: See below.
Others: Sunrise, Mindset, Myofunctional Therapy, Breathwork (DONE)

Biz: I did my work here.

Copy: again, did work here.

Overall, man I am still getting back on form. Today was meh. I fasted, which is great. I needed that. Clean off some cobwebs!

I’ll be off to bed now and will get up and be better tomorrow. Basically, I did my MINIMUM EFFECTIVE DOSE as Andy would say.

You can't do nothing unless it's Sunday.

But even so, on days like this when you're a bit smashed up from the grind, just doing what you can IMO makes a diff.

Back tomorrow, will be rested and recharged. Will try again.


WED 16/11/2022

(1) Dating: Online Lead Gen Process
(2) Body: Gym: Pull / Core / Stretch / Posture
(3) Biz/Copy: See below
Others: Sunrise, Mindset, Myofunctional Therapy, Cold Thermogenesis, Earthing, Light Therapy (DONE)

-Accountability Work: Check ins / Client Work / Spreadsheet updates
-Client call: Paw @ 1230
-Testimonial Outreach: Follow up w/ Justin, Sherwyn, Ronnie, Paw.

-Schedule call w/ Korkii
-A’s copy


Feeling better! Needed that sleep. Fast yesterday also helped a lot. I will get an early night tonight, and I will do an intermittent fast tomorrow (not eat all day, and then just have dinner with my bros). Time to flow. So far:

6 Reading – Zero to One by Peter Thiel
7 Mindset – Inner Child
720 Sunrise
730 Mindset – Inner Child
8 Myofunctional Therapy
815 CT (10) Light (10) Earthing (10) Breathwork (10)
9 Breakfast, Supps, DHA

Now it’s biz time…..

To get fully back on point, I will need another fast soon. Saturday, I'll fast, and Sunday will spend the day with L if that happens :)

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