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FRI 25/11/2022

(1) Self Improvement
-Read (DONE)
-Sunrise watching (DONE)
-Mindset work (DONE)
-Myofunctional Therapy (DONE)
-Cold Thermogenesis (15m – Listen to Andy podcast) (DONE)
-Light Therapy (Sperti lamp – 10m) (DONE)
-Earthing (30m – Listen to Andy podcast) (DONE)

(2) Biz / Copy
-Accountability Work: Checkins, Spreadsheet updates, Reports, Testimonial outreach work, Onboarding work.
-Read: Read Dan, Read Vin
-Watch: 1 Dan Henry video.

-Copywriting: A’s copy.

(3) Body
-Gym: Legs (Podcast: Dan Meredith)
*Buy water

OMAD: Cook up a solid meal that’ll hit about 2000kcal, mostly fat and protein, minimal if any carbs. Weigh, calculate macros, and post for accountability.


(4) Dating
-Online Lead Gen Process
-Messaging leads (if pos, no leads atm)
-Dating Dev: Review my notes
-Read: Street Hustle

-Life Admin: Contact DHL
-Visualisation & Affirnmations



Had an honest conversation with The Dom and Paw about not being happy with my physique. They talked to me about goals and achievement more broadly.

We’ll install the following habits for body goals:

-Weigh myself each morning and post it
-OMAD (aim for about 2000kcal in one meal, mostly fat and protein, low carb → post it)
-Weights & Cardio as I am doing

Furthermore, they discussed timelines and effective achievement more broadly. Upon further consideration, The Phoenix Project will be extended until I have attained the final lay, and I have hit my 3rd goal of weighing 185lbs. So it may be a further 2-3 months.

It was highlighted that my development is best pursued in phases. One phase where there are specific processes to follow, all the way to completion of overarching aims. No arbitrary deadlines should be given, rather, the process should be followed until the goal is achieved, with course correction along the way.

I will use the forum, Andy’s group, mine & Bulldog’s chat (NO BRAINS CREW) and The Dom’s group chat (Dirty Dogs) for keeping myself accountable.

I MUST press forward. I will achieve the goals of The Phoenix Project, 100%.

I will then set different goals and have a proper conversation with Andy and Radical, and then discuss with my crew and develop a roadmap for the next stage of my journey.

The next stage will not have a defined timeline, it will have goals and metrics (3, max) and processes I must follow to get these outcomes.

With a guy like me, it is about being granular, tracking, and working SMART


FRI 25/11/2022

(1) Self Improvement
-Read (DONE)
-Sunrise watching (DONE)
-Mindset work (DONE)
-Myofunctional Therapy (DONE)
-Cold Thermogenesis (15m – Listen to Andy podcast) (DONE)
-Light Therapy (Sperti lamp – 10m) (DONE)
-Earthing (30m – Listen to Andy podcast) (DONE)

(2) Biz / Copy
-Accountability Work: Checkins, Spreadsheet updates, Reports, Testimonial outreach work, Onboarding work (DONE)
-Read: Read Dan, Read Vin (DONE)
-Watch: 1 Dan Henry video. (DONE)

-Copywriting: A’s copy (FAIL)

(3) Body
-Core (DONE)
-Gym: Legs (Podcast: Dan Meredith) (DONE)
*Buy water (FAIL)

OMAD: Cook up a solid meal that’ll hit about 2000kcal, mostly fat and protein, minimal if any carbs. Weigh, calculate macros, and post for accountability. (DONE)

-Posture (IN PROCESS)

(4) Dating
-Online Lead Gen Process (IN PROCESS)


Because I am English, I am compelled to watch the World Cup. God that was horrible. Didn’t like the way England played at all. USA, however, looked solid!

It’s now 9pm. Through constantly grinding the dating apps, I have a date scheduled tomorrow and Sunday. I have two other leads on WhatsApp and will try to get them scheduled.

Otherwise, first day of OMAD!

Will get another early night and be back tomorrow and keep working.

Today was solid. In particular, I liked OMAD and thought it was positive for me.

Biz work got done, and also got a great idea to develop a free FB group, which I will collaborate with someone on. Hit up Andy's group as a priority and also mentioned it in my chat.

Slowly turning the focus to biz, it's good that ideas are now flowing.

MakingAComeback said:
She herself told me on our first date she just wants to enjoy someone's company, and wants to just have a good time. Whilst this is fine, the fact that I didn’t tell her I am leaving London next month is what is boiling me up. That was not good of me

So you have a girl that's wasting your time and treating you like a gay friend while probably fucking someone else on the side and you're the one feeling guilty??
Thrice said:
MakingAComeback said:
She herself told me on our first date she just wants to enjoy someone's company, and wants to just have a good time. Whilst this is fine, the fact that I didn’t tell her I am leaving London next month is what is boiling me up. That was not good of me

So you have a girl that's wasting your time and treating you like a gay friend while probably fucking someone else on the side and you're the one feeling guilty??

Yep, as ever, it's quite complicated.

She appears to have real issues around intimacy, her entire body and being locks up, her eyes flash with fear, and there is deep discomfort when I am physical in different capacities with her.

But she is quite nice to me, seems to enjoy spending time with me, and has given me much affirmation and needed validation.

I am gonna talk to her today and explain this just feels like friendship and companionship, and I'm OK with that.

I like L, she is an awesome girl, but the situation with her doesn't work for me.

I doubt she is fucking other guys, she seems to have a lot of issues with intimacy and also I feel is genuinely fond of me. She's eluded to conversation she's had with her friends, expressing worries I'm fucking other girls (lol), and furthermore, her best friend and his girlfriend are quite imporant people to her and she asked them if it's OK for me to join them for dinner as a kinda of double date (lol). This isn't the gay best friend frame IMO but I accept the point you are making and think it's fair. Also, remember, my physical attraction for her just died when she kept rejecting my advances, I see her more like a sister now and do appreciate her as a human. That my friend is OK......

Not to be defensive against you, because I will never attack you, but I have asked her back to my place like 5x, I invited her over today, and instead she invited me to her place! Which is where I am heading now.

I'll have an honest conversation and just give her the truth: I am focusing on my own mission and goals, enioy her companionship, and will explore this as opposed to anything romantic.

Mohammed, consider how many dates I go on: endless. And how many girls actually fancy me? It has, so far, been fucking 2 out of about 100.

We as men need to be around women who find us attractive to gain reference experiences and learn.

I am a believer in product market fit and can tell you, people who look like me have a minuscule market share, it is just tiny. Of those, there are a smaller % who will have some sexual desire.

Low SMV males live in a very different reality, It's not very fun with regards to women, it's just a bitter grind. That's life. I didn't create this situation, evolution or God did. A guy who is born crippled is not going to go to the Olympics. All he has is extreme grinding to get scraps. That happens to be reality in the SMP for people whose SMV is just too low. I have no problem with this. Reality is just fact, it does not care. The low SMV male can have success in other areas such as health, business, finance, travel etc, but IMO, success in the sexual market place is not really possible. It's a fiercely competitive arena where the victors get the spoils. You can get the scraps of what others don't want and you'll have to learn to enjoy it.

Part of being a mature adult is accepting that and getting on with it.......

Again, I take no issue with this: it's not like I won't keep pushing. I just have managed my expectations about what is possible for me. Just a basic chick who is nice to be around will be enough for me dude. Certain level of bullshit WILL be par for the course.

I am sorry if you're disappointed in how I handled the situation with L.

Date yesterday:

Arrives, we chill, vibe. She's a bit boring but is quite sweet and is making me laugh.

Seed the pull several times.

Pitch the pull, she agrees to come to mine for the next drink.

I go to the bar to pay for the drinks, turn around, and she's gone!

I laugh and just walk home. ;-)

Listen to a podcast and chill. Go to bed.

I used to be bothered and hurt by this, but I grew used to it. Doing this every week for the duration I have you just see, people are complex.

Every loss and failure is one step closer to success.

You just keep going.

Today is another throw of the dice.

MakingAComeback said:
I go to the bar to pay for the drinks, turn around, and she's gone!
That's crazy. Just remember you dodged a bullet. Normal people don't behave like this.
Holden said:
MakingAComeback said:
I go to the bar to pay for the drinks, turn around, and she's gone!
That's crazy. Just remember you dodged a bullet. Normal people don't behave like this.

YUP. Bro, look how many dates, approaches all this shit I've done. I laugh at it now. You may remember I used to be so hurt by this shit. I kind of enjoy it now, it's all experience, and it all sharpens my sword.

FINALLY completed the lay report for #9 see below, only 2.5 weeks late.....


This lay was on the 13th of November. The girl was cute, I’d say a solid 5. The gal I’d been with before, the sociopath, was about a 6, but with both of these girls, it was a case of product: market fit. They both, for their own reasons and life histories, find men who look like me attractive (Very tall, somewhat fit, brown). Lay #8 was a gal with mixed heritage, Middle Eastern roots, from a privileged background and spent formative years in Saudi Arabi where her father was CEO of an investment bank. This gal, lay #9, has Scottish ancestry and for whatever reason told me she likes men of “my profile” after we had sex. She also has a penchant for aspirational and upwardly mobile men, and when I told her about my journey with biz, it was just very, very on. She grabbed my hand, squeezed it, and practically pulled me…..

Her pics were better than she was IRL. Her pics were cute, she was a 5. Irl, she was still a 5, for sure, but definitely far chunkier.

Sex was still fuckin amazing.

Lets break it down -

The Morning Of:

My usual doubts are abalze in my brain, I am convinced she’ll ghost and not confirm. I am, at this stage, on a approx 30 date streak with no conversations. No connection, ghosting, flaking, the job lot.

I had a bit of a breakdown and overhauled my approach to dates and also implemented text game.

We can consider this a text game lay and it highlighted the immense utility of text game over templates.

Templates do not allow vibe to be created and a sexual frame to be sufficiently established, as such, enable the screening in of girls who are just not DTF, are boring as hell, and just lack compatability.

The Date:

She arrives, we chat and vibe, and it’s easy and flowing. She’s dead keen to talk and is intelligent, interesting, and thoroughly charming. I am liking her a lot, but think to myself, man I am not sure I can pull her.

We talk, and some things she just REALLY responds to,

She likes that I’m a new entrepreneur, that I’ve been on a journey, that I was a kick ass project manager and that I have quite an interesting and full life.

“What an interesting man” she says as she takes my hand.

Full audio recording was taken UNTIL I basically just knew I’d pulled and had it in the bag. I stopped the recording at 43 mins and left to the bathroom and just knew it’s on tonight.

I did the post-lay breakdown with her:

-When did you know we’d have sex?
A) When we were texing, I knew there was a sexual vibe, so I went to the shops and bought some condoms ahead of our date tonight. When I’d talked to you for about 5 minutes tonight, I could feel your vibe, and knew, I have to fuck him tonight.

-What are you attracted to?
-Physically, I don’t have a specific type, but the last few guys I’ve slept with matched your profile – very tall, fairly fit.

Basically, she was a massive YES girl. In, what, 100 dates, I’ve ran into fricken 1 YES girl. The rest all required game, seeding the pull, tactics, and were things I pulled off through circumstances, game (albeit weak game), and luck.

Back to the date……..

I was sat in the chair, and she took my hand and squeezed it, came her close, and just sat next to me rubbing my arms, feeling my shoulders, biceps, and legs. I have been blasting in the gym and the gains are coming. I will train my ass off all year next year and get a chad bod. I know that a great physique is required for the low SMV male to have any sort of decent romantic life. It is the thing that will end the nigthmare.

Her desire was frankly palpable. This was a very unusual experience, and I attribute this to just overhauling my game, building frame, getting experience, and just ploughing to be a better man.

She wasn’t particularly attractive, and it’s something you just accept over time. It is what it is. It’s the level you’re at in your own looks. And it’s OK.

I have learned a lot recently and worked very, very hard….paid off last night.

I had her totally mesmerised.

Yes Girls:

You will run into yes girls for your phenotype & product. This girl was 5 ft 3, a tiny petite thing, very pretty face, but fatter than her pics. I’d say if she lost 20-30lbs, she’d be smoking. As is, I’d say she was a 5. Not bad, and we had a lot of fun. Beats the 4s I used to smash by a country mile!

Fucked her intensely and for quite a few hrs. She was absolutely loving it:

“You fuck me like you own me”

She wanted to get fucked by a silverback gorilla, pretty much. She had my in her phone as “6 ft 5”

The Pull:

Take her hand, walk her over. She’s super game. Head up, drink, go on the balcony and enjoy the view.

She goes for the make out. I kiss her., briefly, and break it.

Go to my room. Chat a little. And she just starts taking her clothes off. I do the same.

I’ll spare you the details, we fuck for 4hrs, multiple rounds, cuddling, kissing, lots of foreplay, spanking, impact play, oral on each other. Give her a tantric massage. We do all sorts.

She calls herself an uber at 1:15am. She texts me to let me know she got home safe at 1:35am.

Some fun things she said during sex:

“You have a beautiful face”

“You fuck me like you own me”

“You have an amazing dick”

I have consistently been given compliments on my penis from girls. Most girls I slept with really liked it. Size wise, nothing major, it’s 6.5 inches, but it is thick, has ample tip, and I get it insanely deep and have massive sexual stamina. Credit where it’s due, I am an autistic retard with shit game and find it hard as hell to be attractive to women but I am still a fucking silverback gorilla and can absolutely destroy these women.

I find this amusing. They start off well presented, done up makeup and hair all on point. After a few hours they can barely speak, they’re worn down to a knub. I enjoy that. I enjoy completely ruining them. It’s fun for me, and they like it too.

Lay #8 was crazy dominant. Sex with her was epic, I won’t lie, it was mind blowing but she was seriously fucked in the head!

This win, I needed. Was a good evening.


My usual rounds of questioning post sex:

Q) When did you know we were going to have sex tonight?
A) I knew from your texting, that there was a sexual vibe, and I knew how confident you are. I was a bit nervous because of how forward you were on text, and found it incredibly sexy, but thought how on earth am I going to impress this man? The way you text is really hot, and when you told me you wanted to see me, I went to Boots and bought a pack of condoms. When I saw you tonight, it was your vibe that made me decide I want to have sex with you. After 5 minutes of talking to you, I really felt your vibe, and I knew we had to fuck.

Q) What are you attracted to?
A) I don’t have a specific type, but I tend to go for very tall men, 6ft5 as a minimum.

(yeah, you don’t sound like you have a specific type girl….)

Q) What do you find most attractive about me?
A) You are very confident and forward, it’s sexy. You’re so cocky. And you have a great dick.

Was then stuff about kinks, what she’s into sexually. She’s super open minded. Was fun.

-TEXT GAME: You could call this a text game lay.
-VIBE: If you haven’t already, go back and read the post from The Dom on vibe. With vibe specifically, I have been working hard with my advisors and my crew. We’ve worked hard on this, and it has produced unbelievable results so far. The amazing dates with L, this lay. VIBE IS A SUPER POWER. It is hard for me, remember, I am not neurotypical and am a bit of a weird chap. It’s not easy for me to get this stuff.
-Dominance & Masculinity: This will always be what women respond to. We must talk more about how we as man can develop this. Andy has a lot of good videos on this, we need to collate his best content and we need to almost create a module out of it. THIS MATTERS A LOT.
i dont care what your loser self talk says; you have become attractive and if you simply believed in yourself your success with women would sky rocket. Manly Cockfellow is great at hammering this point home and i'm sure he's thinking the same thing.

make some time tonight and answer the following questions in the mirror talking to yourself
-do i like myself
-if i was a girl, would i fuck me
-am i attractive (answer should be yes, find out why you think it's no)
-why do i constantly seek approval from women by asking them about why they slept with me instead of believing in myself
Just back from seeing L, told her I'm leaving here in 3 weeks, but want to keep seeing here and explore companionship. She said it's cool, for now, but may not be moving forward. I told her this is totally cool, and if it's not OK, we can just explore friendship or move on - we've still had a good time and I've enjoyed her a lot.

We made out a bit and she opened up and we got way closer, cuddled, held each other for hours.

It's been AGES since i've had this kind of contact, I had it with my FWB months ago, but since, nada.

It felt like, and being engaged, present, and having physical touch is very healing for me.

L has a very insane backstory, man. She has lived quite a twisted life. She's dated some fucked up dudes, think her longest relationship of several years was an ex convict and they lived a totally degenerate life of 5 day non-stop coke binges. She'd call in sick to work and just fucked her life up endlessly. And the chap was a loser, full on, when she broke up with the guy he showed up at her place of work and outside her house for 3 weeks with roses, crying his eyes out. He eventually set fire to her place.

He also was given a mental breakdown once by L when she told him she has a high body count, because L was the 2nd girl he'd been with, lol.

This is why you just have to do this self improvement work and spend a few years shagging. You need the experience and to learn about women.

L has a boatload of trauma and is quite screwed up. But I will def. continue to see her now I've been totally honest and highlighted that I am leaving soon, and also, that I just enjoy the companionship and that is all I am looking for from her. She understood like I said and now honesty has been established I have no reservations, all good.

It is a pleasure to be able to talk to a chick who has some depth, and substance, and is on a healing journey. She is lovely and a few hours with her is incredibly soothing, I can tell you that much.

I think women getting deep, deep into degeneracy and accumulating high body counts psychologically destroys them. L used to go to raves legit 7 nights a week and drink a tonne and do coke, non stop. For legit years.

This is a pattern with the girls I attract into my life: invariably, broken, massively screwed up pasts, and with a boatload of issues.

I've expressed it throughout my log, but it's just a theme at this stage.

The Red shirt year is necessary. Fatties and undesirables are what I mostly got, and therein is the reason why the next stage of my journey will involve making serious PHYSICAL changes to physique and just material circumstance.

It is a refreshing change from the chaotic nature of the dating game. Some of leads I've had lately really did suck and annoy me a fair. Last date was quite unpleasant and whilst it didn't affect me as badly as it would have months ago, it is still not pleasant to experience and it set me up to go back into 'endurance mode' - which is just when IO know I will have to go on 20 - 30 more dates, and possibly a good stretch of time, before another lay.

That's how it goes.

MakingAComeback said:
Just back from seeing L, told her I'm leaving here in 3 weeks, but want to keep seeing here and explore companionship. She said it's cool, for now, but may not be moving forward. I told her this is totally cool, and if it's not OK, we can just explore friendship or move on - we've still had a good time and I've enjoyed her a lot.

We made out a bit and she opened up and we got way closer, cuddled, held each other for hours.

It's been AGES since i've had this kind of contact, I had it with my FWB months ago, but since, nada.

It felt like, and being engaged, present, and having physical touch is very healing for me.

L has a very insane backstory, man. She has lived quite a twisted life. She's dated some fucked up dudes, think her longest relationship of several years was an ex convict and they lived a totally degenerate life of 5 day non-stop coke binges. She'd call in sick to work and just fucked her life up endlessly. And the chap was a loser, full on, when she broke up with the guy he showed up at her place of work and outside her house for 3 weeks with roses, crying his eyes out. He eventually set fire to her place.

He also was given a mental breakdown once by L when she told him she has a high body count, because L was the 2nd girl he'd been with, lol.

This is why you just have to do this self improvement work and spend a few years shagging. You need the experience and to learn about women.

L has a boatload of trauma and is quite screwed up. But I will def. continue to see her now I've been totally honest and highlighted that I am leaving soon, and also, that I just enjoy the companionship and that is all I am looking for from her. She understood like I said and now honesty has been established I have no reservations, all good.

It is a pleasure to be able to talk to a chick who has some depth, and substance, and is on a healing journey. She is lovely and a few hours with her is incredibly soothing, I can tell you that much.

I think women getting deep, deep into degeneracy and accumulating high body counts psychologically destroys them. L used to go to raves legit 7 nights a week and drink a tonne and do coke, non stop. For legit years.

This is a pattern with the girls I attract into my life: invariably, broken, massively screwed up pasts, and with a boatload of issues.

I've expressed it throughout my log, but it's just a theme at this stage.

The Red shirt year is necessary. Fatties and undesirables are what I mostly got, and therein is the reason why the next stage of my journey will involve making serious PHYSICAL changes to physique and just material circumstance.

It is a refreshing change from the chaotic nature of the dating game. Some of leads I've had lately really did suck and annoy me a fair. Last date was quite unpleasant and whilst it didn't affect me as badly as it would have months ago, it is still not pleasant to experience and it set me up to go back into 'endurance mode' - which is just when IO know I will have to go on 20 - 30 more dates, and possibly a good stretch of time, before another lay.

That's how it goes.


Love this insight man. It highlights yet again that we're all just human beings who are trying to make it in the short span we have.

What you wrote about L is the perfect example of why we must work to make the most out of our own lives, so we can surround ourselves with kind of people we want.

She seems like a sweetheart. Even though her past is crazy, it's also humbling when you think about it. Women go through a lot of shit just like men. They're human beings just like us. However, I'd argue that they can still live a nice life without really needing to face any significant challenges because the right man will step up to provide the love & protection they crave. However, a man is not afforded this luxury. He must be forged. He must penetrate life with the utmost courage to realize his ideal self.

Keep on pressing, brother.
seanconneryfan_ said:
i dont care what your loser self talk says; you have become attractive and if you simply believed in yourself your success with women would sky rocket. @Manly Cockfellow is great at hammering this point home and i'm sure he's thinking the same thing.

make some time tonight and answer the following questions in the mirror talking to yourself
-do i like myself
-if i was a girl, would i fuck me
-am i attractive (answer should be yes, find out why you think it's no)
-why do i constantly seek approval from women by asking them about why they slept with me instead of believing in myself

Hey man,

Thanks for your post.

I understand your point, and this is definitely the case for moderate and high SMV men: such men are dragged down by their demons and when they can learn to find value in themselves, they succeed endlessly.

I DID NOT make myself attractive, I just improved myself from where I was. Attractive people DO NOT have to struggle so much to sleep wth 3s, 4s and the odd 5. Attractive people do not approach 1000 girls to absolutely no avail. I could expound further, but we already know this to be the case and no one who knows me would suggest I became attractive. That happens to be OK - even if I was far worse than I am, I would still keep trying.

I will keep improving myself, but I will have to remind us of the basics of dating success: to succeed in the SMP, you'll need to be a 7 physically, or have the potential to be one with a few years of extreme work.

Right now, I am physically about a 5. I'll upload a vlog and you'll see. And that is why I get what I get and my reality is what it is ;-)

I think we as men should express ourselves and share our opinion and have it totally respested. So I will thank you for your point and tell you that I do agree, but only for people with moderate to high SMV.

For the low SMV male, it is an entirely different reality. People show enormous ignorance in glossing over this fact and I can lose patience at times. I do not argue, rather I just like to agree, nod, smile and move on to other topics......

We can agree to disagree, but one thing though:

Sorry to be so blunt, is that you suggest it is possible for a low SMV male to "sky rocket" their results with women and this IMO is challenging and could cause harm. I know you're trying to help man, and you are a good poster, but you should be careful when you say things like this dude. I'd consider a different pharseology, like telling people their results may get better, rather than putting it like this.

You will give people false hope, raise expectations, and they WILL get bruised man. Be mindful of that.

I can assure you that a quantum leap of this sort is not humanly possible. Nothing can produce dramatic results as you describe. Possibly extensive plastic surgery that would require a year in the hospital recovering from, lol, but I can assure you as a guy who lost 83 fucking lbs and has taken more action than basically anyone on this website: there is no magic bullet or fix that can unlock abundance. All you can do is keep working on your looks and game, and you'll potentially expand your market share by a certain amount. Thereafter, you'll see what's available to you. If you want it, it's there, if you don't, you can make the judgement call. Looks, ultimately, kill in this game. Period.

Abundance requires certain characteristics. It's the law of the Universe, and there are ways to be an outlier: psychopathy, total lack of empathy, dark triad traits. These can enable men to have levels of confidence and charisma that are outside the norm and hence win. Otherwise, likelihood is, what is possible is likely to be not too dissimilar from the bullshit that I get.

The examples people showed me, were invariably a lot better looking than me and had a far greater level of SMV ;-) People show their limited thinking in this regard all the time and it is quite amusing to me.

Guys who have higher SMV often share the perspective you did - "it's all in your head bro".

To an extent, it is, yes. You adopt a better mentality and continue to push.

But the outcomes remain quite a bitter and sordid grind. Anyone who has read this log knows the truth of how the SMP function for those whose SMV is inherently lower. It often baffles me that many men appear to be unable to understand that dating is sincerely a total shitshow for many men in this world.

An idea that will explain this well is product: market fitment. Concepts like this explain my own experience well and shed light on how things work differently for different people and is something I would encourage more to be open minded about.

Beliefs DO NOT change product market fit, will not produce any better conversion from dates, will not produce more or better matches.

Action and self improvement do. The self improvement that matters is looks & game.

Tried, tested a thousand plus times. Literally.

natedawg said:
MakingAComeback said:
Just back from seeing L, told her I'm leaving here in 3 weeks, but want to keep seeing here and explore companionship. She said it's cool, for now, but may not be moving forward. I told her this is totally cool, and if it's not OK, we can just explore friendship or move on - we've still had a good time and I've enjoyed her a lot.

We made out a bit and she opened up and we got way closer, cuddled, held each other for hours.

It's been AGES since i've had this kind of contact, I had it with my FWB months ago, but since, nada.

It felt like, and being engaged, present, and having physical touch is very healing for me.

L has a very insane backstory, man. She has lived quite a twisted life. She's dated some fucked up dudes, think her longest relationship of several years was an ex convict and they lived a totally degenerate life of 5 day non-stop coke binges. She'd call in sick to work and just fucked her life up endlessly. And the chap was a loser, full on, when she broke up with the guy he showed up at her place of work and outside her house for 3 weeks with roses, crying his eyes out. He eventually set fire to her place.

He also was given a mental breakdown once by L when she told him she has a high body count, because L was the 2nd girl he'd been with, lol.

This is why you just have to do this self improvement work and spend a few years shagging. You need the experience and to learn about women.

L has a boatload of trauma and is quite screwed up. But I will def. continue to see her now I've been totally honest and highlighted that I am leaving soon, and also, that I just enjoy the companionship and that is all I am looking for from her. She understood like I said and now honesty has been established I have no reservations, all good.

It is a pleasure to be able to talk to a chick who has some depth, and substance, and is on a healing journey. She is lovely and a few hours with her is incredibly soothing, I can tell you that much.

I think women getting deep, deep into degeneracy and accumulating high body counts psychologically destroys them. L used to go to raves legit 7 nights a week and drink a tonne and do coke, non stop. For legit years.

This is a pattern with the girls I attract into my life: invariably, broken, massively screwed up pasts, and with a boatload of issues.

I've expressed it throughout my log, but it's just a theme at this stage.

The Red shirt year is necessary. Fatties and undesirables are what I mostly got, and therein is the reason why the next stage of my journey will involve making serious PHYSICAL changes to physique and just material circumstance.

It is a refreshing change from the chaotic nature of the dating game. Some of leads I've had lately really did suck and annoy me a fair. Last date was quite unpleasant and whilst it didn't affect me as badly as it would have months ago, it is still not pleasant to experience and it set me up to go back into 'endurance mode' - which is just when IO know I will have to go on 20 - 30 more dates, and possibly a good stretch of time, before another lay.

That's how it goes.


Love this insight man. It highlights yet again that we're all just human beings who are trying to make it in the short span we have.

What you wrote about L is the perfect example of why we must work to make the most out of our own lives, so we can surround ourselves with kind of people we want.

She seems like a sweetheart. Even though her past is crazy, it's also humbling when you think about it. Women go through a lot of shit just like men. They're human beings just like us. However, I'd argue that they can still live a nice life without really needing to face any significant challenges because the right man will step up to provide the love & protection they crave. However, a man is not afforded this luxury. He must be forged. He must penetrate life with the utmost courage to realize his ideal self.

Keep on pressing, brother.

Thanks bro!

Yep, she is very sweet and she has a healing presence. She is so fucked up, man, it's nuts. But this was most chicks I've been with!

People are complicated, dude.

And yes, women do have several get out of jail free cards. This also gets them in trouble. And women are also predisposed to hedonism and excess, which in turn breaks them and the soul leaves the body.

Men are subject to the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest. Red in tooth and claw.

But for those who can survive, there is the possibility of fulfilling their mission.

That has to be enough.

Good post & agreed.

Ohhhhhhhhh shit! I slipped up on that one, let's fix it:


Another week, I am excited as fuck to grind!!!!!!!

MON 28/11/2022

(1) Dating: Lead Gen / Messaging
(2) Body: Core / Gym / Stretch / Posture
(3) Biz/Copy
Others: Self Improvement

(1) Self-Improvement
-Reading (DONE)
-Sunrise (DONE)
-Myofunctional Therapy
-CT (15m)
-Light (10m)
-Earthing (30m)

(2) Biz
-Accountability: Checkins, Spreadsheets, Problem Solving, Testimonia Outreach (R, A, J).
-Copywriting: As copy, K’s copy.

(3) Body
-Gym: Push
-Stretch & Posture

(4) Dating
-Lead gen process / boosts
-Messaging leads
-Review notes & Update folder w/ feedback

7PM: Euro Gang Call

MakingAComeback said:
I DID NOT make myself attractive, I just improved myself from where I was. Attractive people DO NOT have to struggle so much to sleep wth 3s, 4s and the odd 5. Attractive people do not approach 1000 girls to absolutely no avail. I could expound further, but we already know this to be the case and no one who knows me would suggest I became attractive. That happens to be OK - even if I was far worse than I am, I would still keep trying.

I will keep improving myself, but I will have to remind us of the basics of dating success: to succeed in the SMP, you'll need to be a 7 physically, or have the potential to be one with a few years of extreme work.

Right now, I am physically about a 5. I'll upload a vlog and you'll see. And that is why I get what I get and my reality is what it is ;-)

I think we as men should express ourselves and share our opinion and have it totally respested. So I will thank you for your point and tell you that I do agree, but only for people with moderate to high SMV.

For the low SMV male, it is an entirely different reality. People show enormous ignorance in glossing over this fact and I can lose patience at times. I do not argue, rather I just like to agree, nod, smile and move on to other topics......

We can agree to disagree, but one thing though:

Sorry to be so blunt, is that you suggest it is possible for a low SMV male to "sky rocket" their results with women and this IMO is challenging and could cause harm. I know you're trying to help man, and you are a good poster, but you should be careful when you say things like this dude. I'd consider a different pharseology, like telling people their results may get better, rather than putting it like this.

You will give people false hope, raise expectations, and they WILL get bruised man. Be mindful of that.

I can assure you that a quantum leap of this sort is not humanly possible. Nothing can produce dramatic results as you describe. Possibly extensive plastic surgery that would require a year in the hospital recovering from, lol, but I can assure you as a guy who lost 83 fucking lbs and has taken more action than basically anyone on this website: there is no magic bullet or fix that can unlock abundance. All you can do is keep working on your looks and game, and you'll potentially expand your market share by a certain amount. Thereafter, you'll see what's available to you. If you want it, it's there, if you don't, you can make the judgement call. Looks, ultimately, kill in this game. Period.

Abundance requires certain characteristics. It's the law of the Universe, and there are ways to be an outlier: psychopathy, total lack of empathy, dark triad traits. These can enable men to have levels of confidence and charisma that are outside the norm and hence win. Otherwise, likelihood is, what is possible is likely to be not too dissimilar from the bullshit that I get.

The examples people showed me, were invariably a lot better looking than me and had a far greater level of SMV ;-) People show their limited thinking in this regard all the time and it is quite amusing to me.

Guys who have higher SMV often share the perspective you did - "it's all in your head bro".

To an extent, it is, yes. You adopt a better mentality and continue to push.

But the outcomes remain quite a bitter and sordid grind. Anyone who has read this log knows the truth of how the SMP function for those whose SMV is inherently lower. It often baffles me that many men appear to be unable to understand that dating is sincerely a total shitshow for many men in this world.

An idea that will explain this well is product: market fitment. Concepts like this explain my own experience well and shed light on how things work differently for different people and is something I would encourage more to be open minded about.

Beliefs DO NOT change product market fit, will not produce any better conversion from dates, will not produce more or better matches.

Action and self improvement do. The self improvement that matters is looks & game.

Tried, tested a thousand plus times. Literally.


I agree, based on looks I think we all have our ceiling. We have control over our bodies, our style, and the way we take care of ourselves and to a certain extent, we can improve our faces. There are even options for surgery, I'm not against simple stuff like fillers, I do think doing big surgical changes aren't worth the risk. At a certain point, we must accept the truth and find other routes.

Sounds miserable but it's not. With an elite body, good style, and sexy confidence, everyone has the power to become a 6. Person A is born a 6 or higher, person B might have to work 5 years for it. Most people don't want to work for it and most people who are born attractive, won't maintain that level.

Just by being religious about working on your looks, you can achieve good success. A 6/10 woman in terms of looks is still pretty. No, she won't win any model awards and she won't get paid for posting pics on Instagram, but she is still a girl with a pretty face and a nice body.

Now I know that your ethnicity plays a disadvantage but I want to show you the other side of the coin. There are always girls who prefer a certain type of man. Your archetype is generally less desired. Now what does that do? People of your ethnicity are more likely to give up, making you even more unique. That few percent of girls that really like your archetype have an even lower pool to fish so you stand out. Being someone's exact archetype gives you the chance to date up.

This is your advantage over someone like me. You might say I look more attractive and have a preferable race but my competition is also much stronger. White men know that percentage wise they are more desired so a bigger percentage is willing to play the game. It's generally easier for us to date and get laid, it's tougher for us to date up.
MakingAComeback said:
I DID NOT make myself attractive, I just improved myself from where I was. Attractive people DO NOT have to struggle so much to sleep wth 3s, 4s and the odd 5. Attractive people do not approach 1000 girls to absolutely no avail. I could expound further, but we already know this to be the case and no one who knows me would suggest I became attractive. That happens to be OK - even if I was far worse than I am, I would still keep trying.

I will keep improving myself, but I will have to remind us of the basics of dating success: to succeed in the SMP, you'll need to be a 7 physically, or have the potential to be one with a few years of extreme work.

Right now, I am physically about a 5. I'll upload a vlog and you'll see. And that is why I get what I get and my reality is what it is ;-)

Hey bro I've been reading your log and as a fellow british-asian guy who struggled with girls growing up and lost virginity later than my friends I can empathise with yourself.

I agree with what you've mentioned above about SMV and the importance of being attractive. I think though you should fully internalise your looks baseline are only the starting point of your SMV, not your final potential.

Your miles away from the potential you could reach. For instance, for your physique imagine if you continued getting lean then used certain enhancers like Testosterone, Superdrol etc to reach an elite body.

Imagine the impact on your SMV if you had full tattoo sleeves on both arms whilst adding some designer pieces into your style. e.g. a Prada cross body bag, Valentino trainers, Canada Goose parka etc.

As kratjeuh briefly mentioned above there are also more options, for example a lot of male models and influencers use things like cheekbone and jaw fillers. You can even get fat removed directly from the face using small canula lipo. Botox can be used to kill wrinkles whilst also improving the eye area, None of these things are super expensive or take a long time to recover.

Speaking from experience, I know as a tall brown guy, you have a lot of potential. If you put your look together in the right way, you can be most girls ideal type through naturally having the darker features (eyes, hair, skin) to look edgy and be the 'bad boy' that most girls want.
Hedon said:
Imagine the impact on your SMV if you had full tattoo sleeves on both arms whilst adding some designer pieces into your style. e.g. a Prada cross body bag, Valentino trainers, Canada Goose parka etc.

Agree 100%, he didn't even reach 10% percent bodyfat yet so he doesn't know how his face will look like, i don't agree with the prada cross body bag hahahahha let's not turn Mac into a big brother/jersey shore type of dork hahahah
MakingAComeback said:
Yep, she is very sweet and she has a healing presence. She is so fucked up, man, it's nuts. But this was most chicks I've been with!

It looks like she had her fun and she's looking to "heal", that's what woman do after a wild phase and a train of cock. I have empathy for her ex, he's a bluepill and naive guy and doesn't know that most woman are sluts with higher body count than most man. Man can do a wild drug phase and than recover and build empires, woman don't that's why they look for a beta as a plan b.

I really think you can improve your SMV to the point that you won't need this type of girls, i think you're already a 7 but what lowers your percieved smv is your ethnicity, it's incredible, i thought this does not happeb in big multi ethnic cities like London
In defence of the sling bags those sort of bags are super common for guys in the UK, probs moreso than anywhere else ive been

Ravi has some designer stuff integrated into his outfit rotation already
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