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Thanks for the post.

MakingAComeback said:
How has work on biz & money been?

Income has stagnated a bit. All other metrics are improving though. Gonna need to figure out some things and have a gameplan for 2023 to really scale. Biggest problem is just myself and my laziness though, not making excuses here.
tdan187 said:
I think the stuff you say about low SMV guys is mostly spot on. Not that they can't succeed, but it's a totally different game, and you might need to do something more complex than just say "hi" and ask the girl to come back to your place.

I'm low SMV too and have still found some success, after quite a long and shitty grind. And still have quite a ways to go.

It's crazy it took this long to add this nuance to things though, so I'm enjoying this new angle on things you are bringing.

Low SMW guys don't need to quit, but may definitely need to take a alternate approach to old style GLL look good and just approach bro type thinking.

That's not the original nature and purpose of this community. It was mostly built and populated by largely pretty good looking guys who just happened to also really under perform with women. So keep that in mind. That is the original audience. Maybe it can evolve a bit now though.

This kind of discussion wouldn't even be allowed in the past, which I think was a weakness, not a strength. Cause the point isn't even to give up, it's still to try and improve, but maybe it's time to confront reality a little sometimes, instead of just sticking your head in the sand when things aren't working and deep down you're pretty sure you know why.

Keep on pushing.

Thanks bro.

I mean no disrespect to GLL and the good looking boys, they are doing their thing, I am just saying, for low SMV men it's a different path.

None of us are bitching, I will stop at nothing and give more than anyone else ever gave in self improvement. I will find a way.

So will you. You make good points her man.


Holden said:
Thanks for the post.

MakingAComeback said:
How has work on biz & money been?

Income has stagnated a bit. All other metrics are improving though. Gonna need to figure out some things and have a gameplan for 2023 to really scale. Biggest problem is just myself and my laziness though, not making excuses here.

Everyone struggles with this man.

If you ever want to talk about how you can be more consistent and beat laziness, message me on Telegram and we can exchange ideas via voice notes or jump on a video call. Anytime.


MakingAComeback said:
DATE #6 W/ L

Quick writeup for you bros, not a lay, nothing even goal related, but I feel this has been important for my development. Date #6 with L.

We had a dialogue previously around companionship, and how my priority is pursuing my goals. She understood I’m heading home for a few months, and was fine with this. I will still be coming back and fourth to London – I am now an entrepreneur, this is where the money is, and I am out here looking to GET IT.


I fast all day. BW was 193.7lbs in the morning, so looking solid. Biz work gets a lil wild and I end up not being able to make the gym, so I push gym to tomorrow and Sat to make sure all sessions get done.

Blast out work. 6, eat a small amount, record it and then off to see L at 630. She’s vegan, and we reserve a table at a lovely vegan restaurant which is about 10mins from me and one of the top 10 vegan places in London. I am not vegan, just to be clear. I believee consuming DHA from marine fish is one of the best habits we can ever have for health and will be writing more about this.


We first meet at a pub right near the station. She rocks up, looking just lovely.

We hug, she looks me up and down and tells me I look good today. Nice. I compliment her back. We chat for a while. It’s such a pleasure being around her and always makes me feel good.

We then go to the restaurant, and banter a little. We’re being a bit silly and having a good time. We order our meal, get a beer, and I am thinking in the back of my mind, fuck man I am going to suffer on the scale tomorrow because of this. And of course, I did. This is why physique development sometimes has to be a true focus for a guy. FOCUS is what gets results, when you sacrifice other things and just do ONE or at most TWO things with extreme vigour, to the point of obsession. That’s how you win. Esp. if you’re an underdog. That’s how people like Andy did it, go back and read Musings of a Non-Completionist: The Hustle.

L is really a lovely woman, she’s smart, funny, good looking, and importantly, kind.

When her meal arrives, the first thing she does is try a little, and then have me taste some. When her beer arrives, she takes a sip, and then has be taste it. Little things like this feel incredibly good to me and contribute very positively to my process of healing.

We eat, and then go to pick up a bottle of wine. YUP. We split a bottle of rose. I did OMAD, I rode through hours of hunger, and then I saw L and drank too much. However, I didn’t eat the entire meal – I ate, at best, 50% of it because I knew I was fucking up. I will be better today I assure you.

Go back to my place. As I am nearing the door, my psyche begins to start distorting. I am convinced she will get to the door, and turn around and say “Right, I have to go home now”. I am feeling all over the place. But we get to the building, enter, and go over to the lift no worries.

We enter my apartment, and I start to feel all distorted again, thinking she will be hella uncomfortable and want to leave.
I show her around, take a seat on the sofa, we have a glass of wine and talk.

She then asks me to bring over a throw so we can get under it and talk.

“Sure, it’s in my room, we can just go over and listen to music”

I then do sense some real tension in her, I also feel the same tension in me just asking.



We keep talking on my sofa, get up close, and make out briefly.

Head to my room, and start listening to music. Mostly 80s soul stuff, I was in that sort of mood.

We talk and get super close, get under a throw and slug a further glass of wine.

“It’s my one free evening before I go to Thailand, I have absolutely no time for any of my friends or family, and you got it…..I demand you appreciate that ;-)” she tells me, and I can feel her vulnerability

I know L is telling the truth here, she is doing well in life, making quite a fair bit of money (near 6 figures), has a very thriving social life and is doing a lot. I know many people want her time. And yet, despite that, I am able to get it above so many other people. That is just amazing.

Our conversation gets incredible deep and we share a bunch.

We talk about sex, kinks, and things we like sexually for quite a while. We’re right next to each other, my hand is on her ass, she is looking just so good, her ass, boobs, everything is just lush.

We’re cuddled up close and kiss here and there.


Pancakemouse has infomed me of the importance of being able to do this on dates, in being so engaging, so connected, and stimulating, that the entire world fades away and you and the girl create a bubble around yourselves.

I had never experienced this. Until last night.

We’re talking about attraction, and what we’re into physically, and the subject of attraction beyond looks comes up. She tells me she has met many men who were just stunningly beautiful, and utterly chiselled (goals) but in conversation will just talk endlessly about themselves. I commented a little on this, and how attraction can occur beyond looks (game in a nutshell).

I noticed as I was communicating this, she was utterly spellbound, hanging on my every word, and the experience was intense. I was aware it was happening, her face was inches from my own, and everything seemed to go into slow motion, the entire world faded away and it was just Me & Her.

The way she was looking at me was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.

“...I was hanging on your every word, Ravi”

I felt it. This was an epic moment and the first time something like that has happened for me.

We talked BIZ. L is pretty smart and she told me a bunch about sales, and how she did her client outreach and calls for years. She told me her approach is all about being very present, and targeting clients with money basically. She told me she splits her outreach process into 3 categories, and interestingly, spends some time pursuing experienced people in her own industry to ask to pick their brains – she called this her “ego calls”, and told me she got invaluable information from this and also a lot of business, many of these folks had client overflow which they referred to her.

“How can that help you?”……..

The first thing she thinks of is how this can help me with my accountability coaching business, IronWill. This is very sweet and we discuss how I could do this kind of outreach. I will also talk with Andy about this, as well as my bros more broadly, and of course, you all.

We talk about our different dates, and she opens up about date #1, which I wrote 13 fucking pages about and posted a few weeks back.

“Ravi, when we were texting, I thought you’d be a brash, overly confident tosser. When I met you, for the first few hours, I did think you were an asshole. But by the end of the date, my anxiety went all the way up to the maximum, because I really liked you. I want you to know, after our first date, I went home and cried for 10 minutes straight, because it went so well”

I an listening intently, and so much of the advice I was given from Pancakemouse and The Dom was ringing true, it was quite mindblowing

“In particular, there was a moment at the start of our first date when I was really shocked. I asked if it would be OK if we headed outside, because I was feeling quite hot, and you told me you felt more comfortable indoors. You said no to me. I was genuinely shocked and couldn’t believe it. My first thought was, “Who does this arrogant bastard think he is saying no to me? Men NEVER say no to me…..” That really threw me. But I knew I had to give you the benefit of the doubt”

Bros, this is so important.

You MUST make her feel.

“Take risks, push the limits, be incorrigible. STAND OUT”

“Women live in the world of emotions, they want to FEEL, Ravi. Logic will bore her, and like Dracula recoiling from the light, she will be repulsed”
-The Dom

If you’re not getting the outcomes you want: time to learn DATE GAME.

Mine is still weak, but I got it right with L, and have had very fantastic experiences out of that performance. It paid dividends.

L commented further:

“Most dates with men, and dealing with men in general, you see them in this “YES” state. Everything you say, everything you do, they’re just nodding their head “YES” and going along with everything you say, you want, whatever. It’s because all their thinking is one thing: penis in the vagina, penis in the vagina, penis in the vagina, penis in the vagina…..”

Fascinating because I remember when I was like this, very nice guy, agreeable – I still have to work on this hard, but damn dude, this shit makes women truly sickened.

Furthermore, shows you the reality of attractive girls. Men in the world generally fawn over L and behave like total spastics around her. She finds it extremely creepy and gross. Over the course of the self improvement process, endless dates and approaches, you burn your nice guy tendencies and agreeableness away.

Like poison dripping from the the veins, it just seeps away, drop by drop. Every date, every approach, every time you push it, the pain you feel inside, it is the subconscious change we need to KILL THE BETA and allow something else to shine through



We’re winding down and I then decide to pick up the guitar and play for a bit.

She gets very excited by one particular song she remembers, and claps her hands, it’s super adorable. She is fan girling a bit and is loving it.

I stop playing after a few songs, and look over to her. She is kinda melting. It’s an epic sight, and is burned into my brain now….wow…….

I jump over and we make out, quite passionately, holding each other quite tight.

We chat a bit more, and then she calls herself an uber at around 11.

A lovely evening, with a truly lovely creature. What a lady.

I worked my fucking ASS off to have experiences like this. I am sat there with her and just pinching myself, asking is this real. At one point, her pretty head is in my lap and I am sipping a glass of rose, running my fingers through her hair, listening to music, and just truly in disbelief. Every thought that is exploding in my brain is telling me she is going to look up, see my ugly face, notice how unattractive I am, and her face is going to distort into disgust. I am so convinced this is going to happen, I am actually seeing it in my minds eye as I am with her, and she looks up and says something, and I am convinced she is about to say she has to go home and isn’t feeling it.

But it never happens.

I am just asking myself, what is happening man?

I was an incel. I was a virgin until 29. I had never been on a date and I used to weigh 275lbs. I used to have so much anxiety I didn’t leave my parents house for 2 years at one stage (the lost years, 25-27). I was a shut in, an obese wreck, who cried himself to sleep many, many nights. I had one of the most fucked up and sick minds of all time and lived in the absolute core of hell, sometimes literally so sick I was close to death. One day in particular I think I was close to death and it terrifies me to this day.

And yet…..I am now here.

I think it’s fucking crazy sometimes, how a guy that fucked up can experience things like this.

The ladies will never know what some of us have been through, just for the chance of redemption, to throw the dice just once more, to dance under the lights, to feel he sun on our skin, to just rise above our challenges and demons and say, I too am in this world, and I too have a chance.

Somewhere along the line, the underdog is forced to go deep inside of himself and make a decision, the supreme decision, that either he will make something of himself in this world and become someone he respects

Or he will literally die trying

There is a treasure buried itself myself, I know it, I know it, I absolutely know it

No matter the situation I was born into and what happened, I know I was not destined to lose

There WILL be a path for victory for me and one day I will know in my heart of hearts, that I too, have fucking made it

That day will be the sweetest day I will ever know

But until then…………..



Sounds like y’all had a great time. Looks like you two have a great connection as well, good for you Mac
Crimson said:
MakingAComeback said:
DATE #6 W/ L

Quick writeup for you bros, not a lay, nothing even goal related, but I feel this has been important for my development. Date #6 with L.

We had a dialogue previously around companionship, and how my priority is pursuing my goals. She understood I’m heading home for a few months, and was fine with this. I will still be coming back and fourth to London – I am now an entrepreneur, this is where the money is, and I am out here looking to GET IT.


I fast all day. BW was 193.7lbs in the morning, so looking solid. Biz work gets a lil wild and I end up not being able to make the gym, so I push gym to tomorrow and Sat to make sure all sessions get done.

Blast out work. 6, eat a small amount, record it and then off to see L at 630. She’s vegan, and we reserve a table at a lovely vegan restaurant which is about 10mins from me and one of the top 10 vegan places in London. I am not vegan, just to be clear. I believee consuming DHA from marine fish is one of the best habits we can ever have for health and will be writing more about this.


We first meet at a pub right near the station. She rocks up, looking just lovely.

We hug, she looks me up and down and tells me I look good today. Nice. I compliment her back. We chat for a while. It’s such a pleasure being around her and always makes me feel good.

We then go to the restaurant, and banter a little. We’re being a bit silly and having a good time. We order our meal, get a beer, and I am thinking in the back of my mind, fuck man I am going to suffer on the scale tomorrow because of this. And of course, I did. This is why physique development sometimes has to be a true focus for a guy. FOCUS is what gets results, when you sacrifice other things and just do ONE or at most TWO things with extreme vigour, to the point of obsession. That’s how you win. Esp. if you’re an underdog. That’s how people like Andy did it, go back and read Musings of a Non-Completionist: The Hustle.

L is really a lovely woman, she’s smart, funny, good looking, and importantly, kind.

When her meal arrives, the first thing she does is try a little, and then have me taste some. When her beer arrives, she takes a sip, and then has be taste it. Little things like this feel incredibly good to me and contribute very positively to my process of healing.

We eat, and then go to pick up a bottle of wine. YUP. We split a bottle of rose. I did OMAD, I rode through hours of hunger, and then I saw L and drank too much. However, I didn’t eat the entire meal – I ate, at best, 50% of it because I knew I was fucking up. I will be better today I assure you.

Go back to my place. As I am nearing the door, my psyche begins to start distorting. I am convinced she will get to the door, and turn around and say “Right, I have to go home now”. I am feeling all over the place. But we get to the building, enter, and go over to the lift no worries.

We enter my apartment, and I start to feel all distorted again, thinking she will be hella uncomfortable and want to leave.
I show her around, take a seat on the sofa, we have a glass of wine and talk.

She then asks me to bring over a throw so we can get under it and talk.

“Sure, it’s in my room, we can just go over and listen to music”

I then do sense some real tension in her, I also feel the same tension in me just asking.



We keep talking on my sofa, get up close, and make out briefly.

Head to my room, and start listening to music. Mostly 80s soul stuff, I was in that sort of mood.

We talk and get super close, get under a throw and slug a further glass of wine.

“It’s my one free evening before I go to Thailand, I have absolutely no time for any of my friends or family, and you got it…..I demand you appreciate that ;-)” she tells me, and I can feel her vulnerability

I know L is telling the truth here, she is doing well in life, making quite a fair bit of money (near 6 figures), has a very thriving social life and is doing a lot. I know many people want her time. And yet, despite that, I am able to get it above so many other people. That is just amazing.

Our conversation gets incredible deep and we share a bunch.

We talk about sex, kinks, and things we like sexually for quite a while. We’re right next to each other, my hand is on her ass, she is looking just so good, her ass, boobs, everything is just lush.

We’re cuddled up close and kiss here and there.


Pancakemouse has infomed me of the importance of being able to do this on dates, in being so engaging, so connected, and stimulating, that the entire world fades away and you and the girl create a bubble around yourselves.

I had never experienced this. Until last night.

We’re talking about attraction, and what we’re into physically, and the subject of attraction beyond looks comes up. She tells me she has met many men who were just stunningly beautiful, and utterly chiselled (goals) but in conversation will just talk endlessly about themselves. I commented a little on this, and how attraction can occur beyond looks (game in a nutshell).

I noticed as I was communicating this, she was utterly spellbound, hanging on my every word, and the experience was intense. I was aware it was happening, her face was inches from my own, and everything seemed to go into slow motion, the entire world faded away and it was just Me & Her.

The way she was looking at me was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.

“...I was hanging on your every word, Ravi”

I felt it. This was an epic moment and the first time something like that has happened for me.

We talked BIZ. L is pretty smart and she told me a bunch about sales, and how she did her client outreach and calls for years. She told me her approach is all about being very present, and targeting clients with money basically. She told me she splits her outreach process into 3 categories, and interestingly, spends some time pursuing experienced people in her own industry to ask to pick their brains – she called this her “ego calls”, and told me she got invaluable information from this and also a lot of business, many of these folks had client overflow which they referred to her.

“How can that help you?”……..

The first thing she thinks of is how this can help me with my accountability coaching business, IronWill. This is very sweet and we discuss how I could do this kind of outreach. I will also talk with Andy about this, as well as my bros more broadly, and of course, you all.

We talk about our different dates, and she opens up about date #1, which I wrote 13 fucking pages about and posted a few weeks back.

“Ravi, when we were texting, I thought you’d be a brash, overly confident tosser. When I met you, for the first few hours, I did think you were an asshole. But by the end of the date, my anxiety went all the way up to the maximum, because I really liked you. I want you to know, after our first date, I went home and cried for 10 minutes straight, because it went so well”

I an listening intently, and so much of the advice I was given from Pancakemouse and The Dom was ringing true, it was quite mindblowing

“In particular, there was a moment at the start of our first date when I was really shocked. I asked if it would be OK if we headed outside, because I was feeling quite hot, and you told me you felt more comfortable indoors. You said no to me. I was genuinely shocked and couldn’t believe it. My first thought was, “Who does this arrogant bastard think he is saying no to me? Men NEVER say no to me…..” That really threw me. But I knew I had to give you the benefit of the doubt”

Bros, this is so important.

You MUST make her feel.

“Take risks, push the limits, be incorrigible. STAND OUT”

“Women live in the world of emotions, they want to FEEL, Ravi. Logic will bore her, and like Dracula recoiling from the light, she will be repulsed”
-The Dom

If you’re not getting the outcomes you want: time to learn DATE GAME.

Mine is still weak, but I got it right with L, and have had very fantastic experiences out of that performance. It paid dividends.

L commented further:

“Most dates with men, and dealing with men in general, you see them in this “YES” state. Everything you say, everything you do, they’re just nodding their head “YES” and going along with everything you say, you want, whatever. It’s because all their thinking is one thing: penis in the vagina, penis in the vagina, penis in the vagina, penis in the vagina…..”

Fascinating because I remember when I was like this, very nice guy, agreeable – I still have to work on this hard, but damn dude, this shit makes women truly sickened.

Furthermore, shows you the reality of attractive girls. Men in the world generally fawn over L and behave like total spastics around her. She finds it extremely creepy and gross. Over the course of the self improvement process, endless dates and approaches, you burn your nice guy tendencies and agreeableness away.

Like poison dripping from the the veins, it just seeps away, drop by drop. Every date, every approach, every time you push it, the pain you feel inside, it is the subconscious change we need to KILL THE BETA and allow something else to shine through



We’re winding down and I then decide to pick up the guitar and play for a bit.

She gets very excited by one particular song she remembers, and claps her hands, it’s super adorable. She is fan girling a bit and is loving it.

I stop playing after a few songs, and look over to her. She is kinda melting. It’s an epic sight, and is burned into my brain now….wow…….

I jump over and we make out, quite passionately, holding each other quite tight.

We chat a bit more, and then she calls herself an uber at around 11.

A lovely evening, with a truly lovely creature. What a lady.

I worked my fucking ASS off to have experiences like this. I am sat there with her and just pinching myself, asking is this real. At one point, her pretty head is in my lap and I am sipping a glass of rose, running my fingers through her hair, listening to music, and just truly in disbelief. Every thought that is exploding in my brain is telling me she is going to look up, see my ugly face, notice how unattractive I am, and her face is going to distort into disgust. I am so convinced this is going to happen, I am actually seeing it in my minds eye as I am with her, and she looks up and says something, and I am convinced she is about to say she has to go home and isn’t feeling it.

But it never happens.

I am just asking myself, what is happening man?

I was an incel. I was a virgin until 29. I had never been on a date and I used to weigh 275lbs. I used to have so much anxiety I didn’t leave my parents house for 2 years at one stage (the lost years, 25-27). I was a shut in, an obese wreck, who cried himself to sleep many, many nights. I had one of the most fucked up and sick minds of all time and lived in the absolute core of hell, sometimes literally so sick I was close to death. One day in particular I think I was close to death and it terrifies me to this day.

And yet…..I am now here.

I think it’s fucking crazy sometimes, how a guy that fucked up can experience things like this.

The ladies will never know what some of us have been through, just for the chance of redemption, to throw the dice just once more, to dance under the lights, to feel he sun on our skin, to just rise above our challenges and demons and say, I too am in this world, and I too have a chance.

Somewhere along the line, the underdog is forced to go deep inside of himself and make a decision, the supreme decision, that either he will make something of himself in this world and become someone he respects

Or he will literally die trying

There is a treasure buried itself myself, I know it, I know it, I absolutely know it

No matter the situation I was born into and what happened, I know I was not destined to lose

There WILL be a path for victory for me and one day I will know in my heart of hearts, that I too, have fucking made it

That day will be the sweetest day I will ever know

But until then…………..



Sounds like y’all had a great time. Looks like you two have a great connection as well, good for you Mac

Thank you Brandon!

Being around L is amazing, she makes me happy, like an excited child. Great and lovely human being.

Sadly I won't see her for a few weeks now, but by the time we see each other again, I'll be ALL IN as an entrepreneur and will be coming to London 2 x a week to shoot content, put on public talks and attend networking events, see my boys, see L, and keep pushing for greatness.............

MakingAComeback said:
“In particular, there was a moment at the start of our first date when I was really shocked. I asked if it would be OK if we headed outside, because I was feeling quite hot, and you told me you felt more comfortable indoors. You said no to me. I was genuinely shocked and couldn’t believe it. My first thought was, “Who does this arrogant bastard think he is saying no to me? Men NEVER say no to me…..” That really threw me. But I knew I had to give you the benefit of the doubt”

Bros, this is so important.

You MUST make her feel.

“Take risks, push the limits, be incorrigible. STAND OUT”

“Women live in the world of emotions, they want to FEEL, Ravi. Logic will bore her, and like Dracula recoiling from the light, she will be repulsed”
-The Dom

If you’re not getting the outcomes you want: time to learn DATE GAME.

Mine is still weak, but I got it right with L, and have had very fantastic experiences out of that performance. It paid dividends.

This is VERY powerful stuff man.

I've been reflecting on my recent interactions w/ women and thinking about what I could do better. While I know I'll never be perfect, the FEELING I had on those dates was a mixture of trying to not mess things up/being conscious of what I was saying. Essentially, not creating the rough edges I should be to create a connection.

I'm not beating myself up because I know a part of it is just exposure & getting comfortable. However, when I think about my 'peak' period years ago, something I was much better at was making women feel (teasing, laughing, disagreeing, etc). Now i'm working on re-creating that same energy I used to have & take that to my future dates. Also doing some inner work on this through reading and learning why we default to such behaviors to begin with.

The more dates I go on, the more I realize why it's so important to express my rough edges. As you mentioned, trying to be too smooth/agreeable raises way more flags than the opposite.

Excited to talk business with you.

natedawg said:
MakingAComeback said:
“In particular, there was a moment at the start of our first date when I was really shocked. I asked if it would be OK if we headed outside, because I was feeling quite hot, and you told me you felt more comfortable indoors. You said no to me. I was genuinely shocked and couldn’t believe it. My first thought was, “Who does this arrogant bastard think he is saying no to me? Men NEVER say no to me…..” That really threw me. But I knew I had to give you the benefit of the doubt”

Bros, this is so important.

You MUST make her feel.

“Take risks, push the limits, be incorrigible. STAND OUT”

“Women live in the world of emotions, they want to FEEL, Ravi. Logic will bore her, and like Dracula recoiling from the light, she will be repulsed”
-The Dom

If you’re not getting the outcomes you want: time to learn DATE GAME.

Mine is still weak, but I got it right with L, and have had very fantastic experiences out of that performance. It paid dividends.

This is VERY powerful stuff man.

I've been reflecting on my recent interactions w/ women and thinking about what I could do better. While I know I'll never be perfect, the FEELING I had on those dates was a mixture of trying to not mess things up/being conscious of what I was saying. Essentially, not creating the rough edges I should be to create a connection.

I'm not beating myself up because I know a part of it is just exposure & getting comfortable. However, when I think about my 'peak' period years ago, something I was much better at was making women feel (teasing, laughing, disagreeing, etc). Now i'm working on re-creating that same energy I used to have & take that to my future dates. Also doing some inner work on this through reading and learning why we default to such behaviors to begin with.

The more dates I go on, the more I realize why it's so important to express my rough edges. As you mentioned, trying to be too smooth/agreeable raises way more flags than the opposite.

Excited to talk business with you.



This is why we've gotta study, study, study game bro.

Analyse our dates, reflect on strengths, weaknesses.

It needs to become a lens we analyse the male - female dynamic through.

It is a serious pursuit of excellence in all domains.

We will talk about our biz goals for sure, I'll share a few things with you, and let's learn how we can help each other & push each other onwards.

We got this,
Just sharing: this popped up yesterday and I've listened to it, no shit, over 100 times


This was a lesson I got a few years ago in life and I now swear by it.

It has downsides, for guys like me, who grind hard, if you repeat the wrong action, you'll not get what you're looking for.

But if you find what works, hammer it like crazy, IMO you can achieve greatness.

Because no motherfucker works, no motherfucker truly busts their ass. We however are action takers!!!!!!!

All of us here.

I am proud to be here with all of you my tribe.


BW: 193.5lbs


I dropped the weight I gained from drinking with my wife.

Today, another opportunity to be successful.

OMAD at 5pm, and I will get the macros right, The Dom & Paw want me dialling this in to ensure I'm entering ketosis and can get my physique properly developed.

Gym shortly, where I will unleash fucking hell itself. Arm training.

Physique picture for the forum, coaching group, and my own crew tomorrow.

With a fantastic physique, having lost my FACIAL FAT, and with a host of tattoos, with finely honed game, and with the unstoppable confidence I will forge through achieving success in my goals and in business.

I will realise the vision I set for myself on my 30th birthday which can be read in the first post of this log ("Jordan Peterson's Self Authoring Exercise").

Why I share everything, absolutely everything, is because one day I seek to become a true success.

And then the underdogs, those who were so far behind in the race like I was (virgin at 29) will become inspired and they will know that greatness is possible for every single man who walks this earth.


If you can still breathe, if you have just one ounce of fight left in you, you can get up, and you can attack.

That is all you need to become great. Everything else will come to you. Everything else will come.

I was inspired to start my own mission by two great men: Andy, and an old user of GLL called The Bastard.

My mission began when I first logged into this website.

My mission will be complete when I breathe my dying breath.

Until then, I am going to fucking grind until I am dead, buried, and gone.




I did talk to girls, cold approached almost 1000 I think within this year!

I did date so many, almost 100 I think, and they got cuter!

I came here 250lbs of obese wreck. I am now 193/194lbs most mornings. JUST getting below 200lbs was a fucking astonishing achievement.

I got fucking 9 lays!!!!

I got a QUALITY girl to date me and text me daily, an absolutely beautiful soul called L

And despite all that, I hold myself accountable:

It was ME who could have improved my physique a tonne this year. I could have trained so hard, I could have become absolutely obsessed with my diet. Did I?


Just being able to talk to girls without shitting in my pants damn near killed me, I was approaching 4hrs a day for fuckin 9 months, I approached in a god damn hurricane when I was getting blown sidewards (yet some can't make themselves get on the front lines.....), I was a complete autist on my dates at the start of the year, now I am not as horrible as I was, but still not the best. Also I am genuinely neurodivergent and a bit autistic so this stuff is a fucking mystery to me.

So I fucked up. I didn't work hard enough on my body.

Yes, I was in the gym, consistent, and trained but did I train truly BALLS TO THE WALL, brutal, like a barbarian?


I did, SOMETIMES, but other times I went through the motions

My diet was not on point

And hence, I am here...........


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In Krakow, I sat down and The Dom & Paw and explained I am not happy with my body. They listened and explained a few things. They stressed that to be honest, I would get more returns from just working on my social skills and game (I was very very robotic at that time) but they did highlight that I will need to build some god damn muscle. Paw also highlighted that I could be training WAY harder.

I pondered and listened, but even after returning from Krakow, I didn't change anything training wise - rather, I just focused on game, and I did get better and was able to get some good returns :-)

Thereafter, I had to be honest. Do I LOOK GOOD?



It is ME who is messing up, so time to put that right.

Since last week, myself, Paw and The Dom (AskTheDom ) developed a new system for me:

-I post my morning scale on The Dom's group chat, daily
-I will follow OMAD, and post a picture of my meal, and my kcals/macro breakdown, daily
-I will train HARD, strength training & progressive overload, with focus on BUILDING some god damn muscle
-I will cardio 2 x a week

-I was doing high rep training since returning from getting my hair transplant (August). I had 2 months off training due to the surgery, and then getting covid, and this KILLED my physique. Nonetheless, high rep training sucked for me, just sucked, and build fuck all, toned fuck all, and wasted many months for me........NO MORE

I am also doing daily, hardcore accountability with my bro from the coaching group, G.

There you have it.

I will continue my process, shred the fat, totally unleash hell in the gym, stay keto, get protein in, lots of healthy fat, keep doing OMAD, and I swear to god this image before the mirror, this body, WILL change

How can a guy like me expect to be sexy and get laid with tiny pipe cleaner arms like this?

With fat around my belly and hips?

Here is me being honest:

You boys have done a lot for me and have helped me so much

But I am letting you down right now

I will not allow this to continue

I will be better



MON 05/12/22

MORNING BW: 192.0 (hahahaha look at me drop this shit motherfucker!!!)

(1) Dating: Lead Gen Process & Messaging Leads – Schedule date(s)
(2) Body: Chest & Triceps / Core / Stretch / Posture / OMAD, DHA, + Supps
(3) Biz/Copy: See day structure below.
Others: Self Improvement (DONE)

Day Structure

(1) Self Improvement:
-Rise & Listen to GLL Podcast (1hr) (DONE)
-Mindset work: Inner Child healing (DONE)
-Sunrise & Listen to GLL (DONE)
-Myofunctional Therapy (DONE)
-Ice Bath (30m) & Listen to And Podcast (Confrontation episode) (DONE)
-Message leads on whatsapp (3 leads atm) (DONE)

(2) Biz/Copy:
-Andy’s voice note – break down, action plan, share on group and confim next steps with Andy
-Testimonial outreach: I have 4 video testimonials now, just 1 more and I have met my goal of 5. I potentially have 2 dudes who will send me their testimonial today!
-Prospecting & Outreach Plan – Develop, get advice from Andy/the coaching group, share with my crew (No Brains Crew & Dirty Dogs)
-More work on Sales Deck
-V: talk to him & see if I can get a pearl of wisdom or a nugget, he is hustling hard and hard to reach rn

-AWAI course (1hr)
-Rags2Bitches copy – About Me page

(3) Body:
-Send George voice note
-Core & Listen to GLL podcast
-Chest & Triceps listen to GLL podcast
-OMAD, DHA, Supps & Listen to Andy Podcast (10m swiping Tinder & Bumble)

-Euro Gang call with Paw, Rene, Korkii, E, and Heisenberg.

Final Stretch:
-Read The Boron Letters (1hr)
-Read Dan Meredith How To Be Fucking Awesome (biz operations and how to kinda structure your week)
-Watch Dr John Flutter video on adult vs infant swallowing pattern
-Pre bed ritual: Visualise success – elite body, abundance with women, abundance with money, clout/internet fame
-Play Andy’s podcast whilst I sleep (subconscious reprogramming)



You leverage everything you can to win, everything.

You take every tactic, every tool, every advantage, every method to improve your abilities, every hack.

Get a coach and use them to the absolute maximum.

Get in a tribe and become fuckin obsessed with it.

Get around the best, the very best, then hardest working, the most driven, the most capable and able, and get up to their level over time.

Use everything you can, grab everything and fucking SMASH it into your opposition with a level of force they have no concept for. Be absolutely overwhelmingly relentless, obsessed to the point of clinical diagnosis.


Anyone can win BIG

MakingAComeback said:



I did talk to girls, cold approached almost 1000 I think within this year!

I did date so many, almost 100 I think, and they got cuter!

I came here 250lbs of obese wreck. I am now 193/194lbs most mornings. JUST getting below 200lbs was a fucking astonishing achievement.

I got fucking 9 lays!!!!

I got a QUALITY girl to date me and text me daily, an absolutely beautiful soul called L

And despite all that, I hold myself accountable:

It was ME who could have improved my physique a tonne this year. I could have trained so hard, I could have become absolutely obsessed with my diet. Did I?


Just being able to talk to girls without shitting in my pants damn near killed me, I was approaching 4hrs a day for fuckin 9 months, I approached in a god damn hurricane when I was getting blown sidewards (yet some can't make themselves get on the front lines.....), I was a complete autist on my dates at the start of the year, now I am not as horrible as I was, but still not the best. Also I am genuinely neurodivergent and a bit autistic so this stuff is a fucking mystery to me.

So I fucked up. I didn't work hard enough on my body.

Yes, I was in the gym, consistent, and trained but did I train truly BALLS TO THE WALL, brutal, like a barbarian?


I did, SOMETIMES, but other times I went through the motions

My diet was not on point

And hence, I am here...........




In Krakow, I sat down and The Dom & Paw and explained I am not happy with my body. They listened and explained a few things. They stressed that to be honest, I would get more returns from just working on my social skills and game (I was very very robotic at that time) but they did highlight that I will need to build some god damn muscle. Paw also highlighted that I could be training WAY harder.

I pondered and listened, but even after returning from Krakow, I didn't change anything training wise - rather, I just focused on game, and I did get better and was able to get some good returns :-)

Thereafter, I had to be honest. Do I LOOK GOOD?



It is ME who is messing up, so time to put that right.

Since last week, myself, @Paw and The Dom (@AskTheDom ) developed a new system for me:

-I post my morning scale on The Dom's group chat, daily
-I will follow OMAD, and post a picture of my meal, and my kcals/macro breakdown, daily
-I will train HARD, strength training & progressive overload, with focus on BUILDING some god damn muscle
-I will cardio 2 x a week

-I was doing high rep training since returning from getting my hair transplant (August). I had 2 months off training due to the surgery, and then getting covid, and this KILLED my physique. Nonetheless, high rep training sucked for me, just sucked, and build fuck all, toned fuck all, and wasted many months for me........NO MORE

I am also doing daily, hardcore accountability with my bro from the coaching group, G.

There you have it.

I will continue my process, shred the fat, totally unleash hell in the gym, stay keto, get protein in, lots of healthy fat, keep doing OMAD, and I swear to god this image before the mirror, this body, WILL change

How can a guy like me expect to be sexy and get laid with tiny pipe cleaner arms like this?

With fat around my belly and hips?

Here is me being honest:

You boys have done a lot for me and have helped me so much

But I am letting you down right now

I will not allow this to continue

I will be better


Respect man. You could take what you have and be pleased, but you're pushing even further.

Def. take a moment and enjoy the growth - you deserve to enjoy the win you got. From 0 to 9 girls in 1 year. Tremendous growth.

Onward and upwards with your physique my friend. I'm in a similar boat. I let myself go a bit, time to get back on the ball.
MakingAComeback said:


MON 05/12/22

MORNING BW: 192.0 (hahahaha look at me drop this shit motherfucker!!!)

(1) Dating: Lead Gen Process & Messaging Leads – Schedule date(s)
(2) Body: Chest & Triceps / Core / Stretch / Posture / OMAD, DHA, + Supps
(3) Biz/Copy: See day structure below.
Others: Self Improvement (DONE)

Day Structure

(1) Self Improvement:
-Rise & Listen to GLL Podcast (1hr) (DONE)
-Mindset work: Inner Child healing (DONE)
-Sunrise & Listen to GLL (DONE)
-Myofunctional Therapy (DONE)
-Ice Bath (30m) & Listen to And Podcast (Confrontation episode) (DONE)
-Message leads on whatsapp (3 leads atm) (DONE)

(2) Biz/Copy:
-Andy’s voice note – break down, action plan, share on group and confim next steps with Andy
-Testimonial outreach: I have 4 video testimonials now, just 1 more and I have met my goal of 5. I potentially have 2 dudes who will send me their testimonial today!
-Prospecting & Outreach Plan – Develop, get advice from Andy/the coaching group, share with my crew (No Brains Crew & Dirty Dogs)
-More work on Sales Deck
-V: talk to him & see if I can get a pearl of wisdom or a nugget, he is hustling hard and hard to reach rn

-AWAI course (1hr)
-Rags2Bitches copy – About Me page

(3) Body:
-Send George voice note
-Core & Listen to GLL podcast
-Chest & Triceps listen to GLL podcast
-OMAD, DHA, Supps & Listen to Andy Podcast (10m swiping Tinder & Bumble)

-Euro Gang call with Paw, Rene, Korkii, E, and Heisenberg.

Final Stretch:
-Read The Boron Letters (1hr)
-Read Dan Meredith How To Be Fucking Awesome (biz operations and how to kinda structure your week)
-Watch Dr John Flutter video on adult vs infant swallowing pattern
-Pre bed ritual: Visualise success – elite body, abundance with women, abundance with money, clout/internet fame
-Play Andy’s podcast whilst I sleep (subconscious reprogramming)



You leverage everything you can to win, everything.

You take every tactic, every tool, every advantage, every method to improve your abilities, every hack.

Get a coach and use them to the absolute maximum.

Get in a tribe and become fuckin obsessed with it.

Get around the best, the very best, then hardest working, the most driven, the most capable and able, and get up to their level over time.

Use everything you can, grab everything and fucking SMASH it into your opposition with a level of force they have no concept for. Be absolutely overwhelmingly relentless, obsessed to the point of clinical diagnosis.


Anyone can win BIG


You’re insane, Mac. A fucking inspiration as always.
Crimson said:
MakingAComeback said:


MON 05/12/22

MORNING BW: 192.0 (hahahaha look at me drop this shit motherfucker!!!)

(1) Dating: Lead Gen Process & Messaging Leads – Schedule date(s)
(2) Body: Chest & Triceps / Core / Stretch / Posture / OMAD, DHA, + Supps
(3) Biz/Copy: See day structure below.
Others: Self Improvement (DONE)

Day Structure

(1) Self Improvement:
-Rise & Listen to GLL Podcast (1hr) (DONE)
-Mindset work: Inner Child healing (DONE)
-Sunrise & Listen to GLL (DONE)
-Myofunctional Therapy (DONE)
-Ice Bath (30m) & Listen to And Podcast (Confrontation episode) (DONE)
-Message leads on whatsapp (3 leads atm) (DONE)

(2) Biz/Copy:
-Andy’s voice note – break down, action plan, share on group and confim next steps with Andy
-Testimonial outreach: I have 4 video testimonials now, just 1 more and I have met my goal of 5. I potentially have 2 dudes who will send me their testimonial today!
-Prospecting & Outreach Plan – Develop, get advice from Andy/the coaching group, share with my crew (No Brains Crew & Dirty Dogs)
-More work on Sales Deck
-V: talk to him & see if I can get a pearl of wisdom or a nugget, he is hustling hard and hard to reach rn

-AWAI course (1hr)
-Rags2Bitches copy – About Me page

(3) Body:
-Send George voice note
-Core & Listen to GLL podcast
-Chest & Triceps listen to GLL podcast
-OMAD, DHA, Supps & Listen to Andy Podcast (10m swiping Tinder & Bumble)

-Euro Gang call with Paw, Rene, Korkii, E, and Heisenberg.

Final Stretch:
-Read The Boron Letters (1hr)
-Read Dan Meredith How To Be Fucking Awesome (biz operations and how to kinda structure your week)
-Watch Dr John Flutter video on adult vs infant swallowing pattern
-Pre bed ritual: Visualise success – elite body, abundance with women, abundance with money, clout/internet fame
-Play Andy’s podcast whilst I sleep (subconscious reprogramming)



You leverage everything you can to win, everything.

You take every tactic, every tool, every advantage, every method to improve your abilities, every hack.

Get a coach and use them to the absolute maximum.

Get in a tribe and become fuckin obsessed with it.

Get around the best, the very best, then hardest working, the most driven, the most capable and able, and get up to their level over time.

Use everything you can, grab everything and fucking SMASH it into your opposition with a level of force they have no concept for. Be absolutely overwhelmingly relentless, obsessed to the point of clinical diagnosis.


Anyone can win BIG


You’re insane, Mac. A fucking inspiration as always.

Seeing your posts always makes me happy Brandon.

I really wish for your success in life and will help you achieve greatness to the best of my ability.

To be honest with you bruv I am a bit tapped in the head, I came from the gutter and from a bullshit background.

I chase success with everything I have, simply everything, I work until I am dead dead tired every day and just pray that I will make it.

I do nothing else pretty much.

Because I tell you if I could somehow make it and get an elite life, from the fucking hell I came, I will forever be a champion in my own mind, I will never stop savouring the memory


06/12/2022 WEDNESDAY

Morning BW: 191.2 FUCK YEAH

(1) Dating: Lead Gen Process & Boosts
(2) Body: Stretch / Posture / OMAD
(3) Biz/Copy: As below
Others: Daily Self Improvement Process

(1) Self Improvement
(Got up late, sleepless night, keto adapting so heart palpitations all night)

(2) Biz/Copy
- Biz: Checkins
- Biz: outreach plan
- Biz: Monetising draft message / Testimonial Outreach / Sales Deck / Saving testimonials
- Biz: Develop hardcore accountability offer for New Year
(12 Desk Viewing / Life admin as above)
- Copy: Course
- Copy: A
3 R Call / Copy: Cam
(4 OMAD, DHA, Supps)
- Copy: Read Boron Letters

(3) Body
- ATG / Posture / Andy YouTube

(4) Dating
- Dating Lead Gen Process
-Bed & Tinder Boost


Had a girl cancel a straight-to-crib for the 2nd time last night. First time, she had a family crisis apparently, second time, her best friend just showed up in floods of tears just as she was about to leave apparently. I had had this reason for cancellation 5 x so far, in Bupdapest apparetly 2 girls have their best friend rock up in an "absolute state" on the same day within 3 hours ;-) Game is the game. Thanked, blocked, onto the next.

December is a shit month for the apps. Fuck all leads but hammering hard. Got 1 number the past few weeks of daily action. It slows down this part of the year. I have a date scheduled for Mon 12th but I am aware it's flaking season. Always important to think positively, though, fortune favours the brave.

Great podcast from Andy:

FRIDAY 09/12/2022

(1) DATING: Lead gen / Ping Leads (I have 2 dates in the pipeline, one Sunday, one Monday)
(2) BODY: Gym – Arms / Core / Stretch / Posture / OMAD, Supps, DHA
(3) Biz/Copy: As below
Others: Self Improvement

(1) Self Improvement
- Sunrise Watching
- Mirror Exercise
- Mindset: Inner Child
- CT & Andy Podcast (20m)
- Light Therapy (10m) & Andy Podcast
- Myofunctional Therapy / Skincare & Andy Podcast

(2) Businss/Copy
- Biz: Checkins
- Biz: Mega Post Work (Google Doc)
- Biz: Daily Process Plan – Send to my boys / Andy’s group / my new KYIL business group**
- Biz: Social rebranding – switch it all to IronWill / Content Plan – Send to my boys / Andy’s group / my new KYIL business group

(George voice note)
- GYM: Core / Arms / Listen to Dan Meredith’s podcast
*Buy water, chamomile tea

- OMAD: Take supps, consume DHA / Listen to GLL Podcast

- Copywriting: Course
- Copy: Work on Rags2Bitches copy
- Copy: Read The Boron Letters

Dating: Lead Gen / Messaging (I move out soon, still hammering til the bitter end lol)

Life Admin: Draft post / Content: 365 project story worthy moment each day on FB

-Stretch / Posture



Only the most hardcore and dedicated, so basically, you gents here. If you have biz goals you are WELCOME. Only caveat: you absolutely have to want to be a millionaire and be willing to die for it.

If you’re inactive, respectfully, I’ll kick you out. We can still be friends. Dead serious people will achieve their goals no matter what and want it more badly than anything. That is me, and what I need to be around. Right now we have @Nate and @Hedon and ANYONE is welcome but only if you’ll show up consistently.

Hey bro, I'd be interested in joining your KYIL biz group. It functions like a kind of accountability group, right?

That may be the exact thing I would need to push myself to make my business work.
MakingAComeback said:
Morning Weight: 241.4

Not pretty numbers, but just part of the process, they will come back down.

Work + studying management cert, playing guitar, and working out today.

Also going to begin experimenting with meditation. I will do around 2 hours today, and monitor how it feels, and then incorporate it for a few weeks in perhaps 3 x 30m sessions a day.


Meditation is OP. 2 hrs is a lot, ambitious to start. As with anything lasting, consistency > temporary massive action. If you can't do 2 hrs every day, try just 5 min... still has an effect over time.

There are a lot of ways to meditate too. Find one you like so it's easier to stick with.
Lord Rey said:
Hey bro, I'd be interested in joining your KYIL biz group. It functions like a kind of accountability group, right?

That may be the exact thing I would need to push myself to make my business work.

Yo homie,

Not for accountability man, I want to move beyond that for my business endeavours. Really what I am looking for is to surround myself with very, very driven and motivated executors who are hustling their face off every day and winning.

It's what I feed off and what I'd like to develop. It's the culture I work best in.

You're welcome, ONLY WHEN you've built up some good momentum and are consistently executing and taking about 8-12hrs action a day on biz for a significant duration, then come over and hustle. That's the level I need to be surrounded by and what I'm looking for.

My own example: I did nothing but The Phoenix Project for 52 weeks busting my freakin ass. Thats how you win.

Classic GLL principles apply: No half measures, and if we're not looking to really win big and work very, very hard for many hours a day busting your ass, with only 1 day off, it will really stress me out so I'd like to be open about expectations with people before they put me in that position.

My other boys really do hustle like this, as you know from having hung out with Paw & The Dom - it's go hard or go home pretty much. I'm fine to be friends with other men who lack drive, because that's 99.99% of men on earth, but when looking to do something amazing, iron sharpens iron.

I did try and make a biz chat prior to this, and many of the dudes were just not serious. NEVER AGAIN.


SATURDAY 10/12/2022
(1) Dating: Online Lead Gen / Message Leads (1 – lol)
(2) Body: Core / Arms / Stretch / Posture
(3) Biz/Copy


Complete the mega post Crisis advised me to complete to make a splash on some business FB groups. I will then start adding people in these groups, 50 a day.


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