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kratjeuh said:
When reading your second last post, I get huuuuuge red pill vibes.

I’m a huge fan of frame control but the key is to keep it fun and lighthearted. When a girl proposes drinks instead of a walk you can say “tryna get me drunk before the walk?” or along those lines instead of a flat “no we do it my way”.
The music stuff was a great way to say “I’ll put your favorite song on but you have to perform it for me” —> you nee frame control but now it’s fun. You can call her out on being to shy to do it,… Remember THIS GIRL CAME TO YOUR HOUSE, THEY DONT DO THAT WITH EVERY GUY.

You said it here before, you’re really cool with the guys because you’re logical and hard working. Here you were too logical with logistics, frame control, being alpha,… That’s also why you get cucked in that venue. I bet you think that spot has the best logistics for the pull but never considered that the staff will notice. You live in London so there will definitely be another bar 1km further, go there next time

Good point you're making here actually: (1) lighthearted aka TEASING. Yep, this is very important, so thanks for this, because I SUCK at this.

Overall this is solid advice man.

The data with this gal just now, man it was a platonic chat, no vibe, just bullshit. I wouldnt even say it felt like a date, no sparks no attraction.

I recorded the audio and put it on my chat. People were like MEH.

Next Steps:

I have a date in 2hrs and my focus here will be:
-Breaking rapport
-Creating a sexual vibe

I will see what I can do man.

But good points overall and yes I am shit at this.

kratjeuh said:
I’m a huge fan of frame control but the key is to keep it fun and lighthearted. When a girl proposes drinks instead of a walk you can say “tryna get me drunk before the walk?” or along those lines instead of a flat “no we do it my way”.
The music stuff was a great way to say “I’ll put your favorite song on but you have to perform it for me” —> you nee frame control but now it’s fun. You can call her out on being to shy to do it,…

This is really good stuff, man. An area I definitely want to get better in as I love playful banter.

I'm curious, aside from good ole' practice of course, are there any good videos/movies/etc. you recommend watching where you can observe this dance up close?
natedawg said:
kratjeuh said:
I’m a huge fan of frame control but the key is to keep it fun and lighthearted. When a girl proposes drinks instead of a walk you can say “tryna get me drunk before the walk?” or along those lines instead of a flat “no we do it my way”.
The music stuff was a great way to say “I’ll put your favorite song on but you have to perform it for me” —> you nee frame control but now it’s fun. You can call her out on being to shy to do it,…

This is really good stuff, man. An area I definitely want to get better in as I love playful banter.

I'm curious, aside from good ole' practice of course, are there any good videos/movies/etc. you recommend watching where you can observe this dance up close?

I don’t know. I’ve always been able to tease well but I’m not good at approaching in general and people tell me they have a hard time knowing if I actually do like them.

So please take my advise with criticism, I’m still learning myself
kratjeuh said:
I’m a huge fan of frame control but the key is to keep it fun and lighthearted. When a girl proposes drinks instead of a walk you can say “tryna get me drunk before the walk?” or along those lines instead of a flat “no we do it my way”.
The music stuff was a great way to say “I’ll put your favorite song on but you have to perform it for me” —> you nee frame control but now it’s fun. You can call her out on being to shy to do it,… Remember THIS GIRL CAME TO YOUR HOUSE, THEY DONT DO THAT WITH EVERY GUY.

I read the last few posts of this log and was going to type something along these lines. But you said it perfectly. If I could super thanks a post I would.

Also still learning as always, but some more thoughts (thinking back to my london days when I had good tinder results there, maybe closing 50% of first dates, usually slightly nerdy/intelligent women, some were very attractive and some average):

A lot of the advice on kyil seems heavily targetted to getting the yes girls as efficiently as possible and handling highly confident women. This is efficient when you have the numbers, however:

I think there are a lot of "maybe" girls who will be nervous and I had good results with them. I don't think not wanting to come to your room immediately is "frame control", moreso just needing more comfort. When I lived in london I would go to the same bar, 2 or 3 drinks, conversation but not sexual, light touching but not overdoing it, light teasing, playful sometimes, but also serious too. Then just say lets go somewhere else. If they'd ask where I'd just ignore the question and continue on the previous/new topic and lead them out the bar. You could also say "lets go explore/I'll show you one of my favourite bars" Then walk to my house (avoid any rapey feeling alleyways on the walk if possible). Often on my doorstep they would be like "oh this is your house"/be a bit reluctant, but I'd just be chilled and say "yeah, lets go for a quick gin and tonic/music/whatever". The key is to convey that it's low pressure and short/without expectations (but without stating this directly). Because I'm not super sexual on the date I think it helps to convey this message.

When in the house, again it's very gradual, talk, talk closer together, then put an arm around maybe (girls love hugs), then maybe 10 minutes later in a natural lull kiss them.

You are also a big guy (I am too) and women will feel vulnerable because of this (not a bad thing but something to be aware of). Like just showing you are a bit soft, protector side. I like to talk about my sister and how I care for her. Not heavily, just like a "I love her, sometimes I worry about her because of x, we're super close nowadays because of y". Trying to convey - you are safe, I am not going to pressure you. If you are a bit autistic (I'm a little bit too) this will show you have some softness/humanity. Most women need to feel safe/comfortable to feel comfortable with doing sexual things.

Other things - do you tell stories that make you seem cool/attractive - like how you are starting a business etc, the progress you're making etc - things that convey your drive. Drive is attractive and you have it in spades. + any other cool stories e.g fun things that happened on your travels.

Also, in the bars - if you're not doing this already, greet the staff/doorman when you enter, ask how they're doing etc - it will make them a lot warmer. Obviously depends on the bar/is difficult if the bar is super busy, but generally I recommend it. The wine bar might be burnt already but maybe not. Another thing you can try is going from 1 bar to another when on a date, this makes it feel like you know each other a lot more.
Man, I feel like if you’re getting these girls to your place (and then having to kick them out, lol) you’re halfway there.

I do agree with the other comments that you need to strike that wine bar off the list, and find another venue where the staff treats you with respect. That alone will give you an instant boost in status. My experience is the easiest way to command respect from the waiters and waitresses is to dress well and tip generously so that if they do remember you it will be in a good way (but I do know tipping isn’t much of a thing in the UK). You want the wait staff rooting for you. Rotate your venues as well.

What do you wear on your dates? Have you tried for example, a designer suit and nice dress shoes? Perhaps at your height, you might benefit from a custom made suit. The bar is not high these days to be a well dressed man. You could spend 3,000 on clothes (assuming you are lean enough that they fit you well) and be in the top 5% dressed men. That’s not a lot when you compare for example how much it would cost to buy a top 5% car or top 5% house. Nice clothes are low hanging fruit. A well dressed 6’5” guy in a nice suit will right away command respect.

How does your place look? It should be clean and tasteful and romantic.

How is the lighting in your place? Is it soft and warm like candlelight? Ideally with a dimmer switch. Especially as you had a hair transplant, your transplanted hair will not be as thick as a younger man’s hair, so lighting will be all the more important.

Do you have a wide selection of booze to offer your girl her favorite drink? In general, the more she drinks, the better your chance, so keep the liquor flowing. Weed too if that’s your thing. It’s rare for a girl to bang a stranger on the first date when she’s stone cold sober, in my experience.

What kind of music do you put on? Do you have a playlist of seductive or romantic music? One example of a great song for this is Smooth Operator by Sade. Really oldschool, but that’s the kind of vibe you want.

Do you get compliments from girls, e.g. anything like this is a good sign that things are on the right track
“You’re very handsome “
“You look better than your photos“
“You’re really tall”
“I like your outfit “
“I like this place. You have good taste.”
MakingAComeback said:
The thinking now is about archetypes, that is how people win.

And IMHO that's the basic, looking at two steps ahead, the market is polarising so much that it's giving me goosebumps
Literally more than never now you gotta be hardcore.

I'm in Dubai RN and one of my ex gfs is showing me her IG, you have no idea what i've seen in there guys.
Back hustling & will catch up with posts.

Bunch of flakes, cancellations, cuck dates.

Had a funny one yesterday with a gal who canceled & ghosted a while ago and I got her back with a bit of text game, she then offered to come to see me and buy me a glass of wine, and then when we confirmed, she kinda snapped out her dream and canceled.

Got 2 new lads on Hinge yesterday, 1 on Tinder Sunday but she hasn't replied on WhatsApp.

Scheduled a date tonight but she doesn't reply much, dropped her a text to confirm "Catch you later ;)"

We'll see.

Sunday was intense, I was racking my brains thinking WUT, why do am I failing to convert soooooooooooooooooo much?

If I even banged 1 in, say, 5 chicks I'd dated, I'd have an epic sex life.

Right now, and I am working on this, it's like, bunch of dates for on average 2 months (this involves mad hustle) and endless cuck.

Useful not to be mad about it because that pulls you further down the spiral.

But, I had a legit horrible sleepness night on Sunday. I was just overcome with these thoughts and endlessly grappling with this sticking point, I stayed up ALL night Sunday reading, writing notes, brainstorming furious how the hell I can improve this and get some sort of sex life.

What I have now I am not happy with and it is fixable, I just need to figure out how and what that solution is.

Current actions:

After consulting my crew, we have thrown a lot of things away and are starting again.

-Overhauled approach to texting. No templates. I need to learn how to be less robotic and actually spark something in woman.
-Re-thinking approach on dates. Take risks, stand out, and stop the nice guy energy.

If you're going on date after date after date and it's like this, something has to change.

I think I have a concept for that.

This has been by sticking point for 6 months at least and I am not happy with the progress being made on it, at all.

We're failing here and it's unacceptable. No more. Throw it away, burn it all down, start again.

I will respond to posts, I am often very busy and hustle a lot, but some things stuck out here:

Compliments from girls on dates.

Come to think of it, this has never happened.

I've not had a girl compliment me on the date itself. I have had some say next things about me after sex. But on the date? Nope.

This is an attraction problem. The likelihood is, physically, I am probably not going to cut it and likely will not be able to get a lady attracted by the way I look. Thus I do lose the most powerful weapon a man can have. Thereafter, if I am to have a shot, it has to be game.

Everything else did manifestly fail. No more.

Antonio44 said:
kratjeuh said:
I’m a huge fan of frame control but the key is to keep it fun and lighthearted. When a girl proposes drinks instead of a walk you can say “tryna get me drunk before the walk?” or along those lines instead of a flat “no we do it my way”.
The music stuff was a great way to say “I’ll put your favorite song on but you have to perform it for me” —> you nee frame control but now it’s fun. You can call her out on being to shy to do it,… Remember THIS GIRL CAME TO YOUR HOUSE, THEY DONT DO THAT WITH EVERY GUY.

I read the last few posts of this log and was going to type something along these lines. But you said it perfectly. If I could super thanks a post I would.

Also still learning as always, but some more thoughts (thinking back to my london days when I had good tinder results there, maybe closing 50% of first dates, usually slightly nerdy/intelligent women, some were very attractive and some average):

A lot of the advice on kyil seems heavily targetted to getting the yes girls as efficiently as possible and handling highly confident women. This is efficient when you have the numbers, however:

I think there are a lot of "maybe" girls who will be nervous and I had good results with them. I don't think not wanting to come to your room immediately is "frame control", moreso just needing more comfort. When I lived in london I would go to the same bar, 2 or 3 drinks, conversation but not sexual, light touching but not overdoing it, light teasing, playful sometimes, but also serious too. Then just say lets go somewhere else. If they'd ask where I'd just ignore the question and continue on the previous/new topic and lead them out the bar. You could also say "lets go explore/I'll show you one of my favourite bars" Then walk to my house (avoid any rapey feeling alleyways on the walk if possible). Often on my doorstep they would be like "oh this is your house"/be a bit reluctant, but I'd just be chilled and say "yeah, lets go for a quick gin and tonic/music/whatever". The key is to convey that it's low pressure and short/without expectations (but without stating this directly). Because I'm not super sexual on the date I think it helps to convey this message.

When in the house, again it's very gradual, talk, talk closer together, then put an arm around maybe (girls love hugs), then maybe 10 minutes later in a natural lull kiss them.

You are also a big guy (I am too) and women will feel vulnerable because of this (not a bad thing but something to be aware of). Like just showing you are a bit soft, protector side. I like to talk about my sister and how I care for her. Not heavily, just like a "I love her, sometimes I worry about her because of x, we're super close nowadays because of y". Trying to convey - you are safe, I am not going to pressure you. If you are a bit autistic (I'm a little bit too) this will show you have some softness/humanity. Most women need to feel safe/comfortable to feel comfortable with doing sexual things.

Other things - do you tell stories that make you seem cool/attractive - like how you are starting a business etc, the progress you're making etc - things that convey your drive. Drive is attractive and you have it in spades. + any other cool stories e.g fun things that happened on your travels.

Also, in the bars - if you're not doing this already, greet the staff/doorman when you enter, ask how they're doing etc - it will make them a lot warmer. Obviously depends on the bar/is difficult if the bar is super busy, but generally I recommend it. The wine bar might be burnt already but maybe not. Another thing you can try is going from 1 bar to another when on a date, this makes it feel like you know each other a lot more.

Just wanted to +1 this excellent, excellent advice, especially because it focuses on her feelings/comfort and what dating is like for her.

If we as men spent even 10% of our time actually trying to feel what the dates we go on are like for the woman we are with, it would solve a huge number of common problems (that mainly stem from being stuck in our own heads) and massively improve her experience (which will have the wonderful byproduct of massively improving ours).
Ghosts & no connection texts from previous dates.

I got cuck because I was cuck.

Logical, no teasing, no spiking, no sexual man to woman vibe.

Entirely my fuck up and these dates were practice for the big show.

I feel good after a good gym session, a pretty girl confirmed for a date tonight, and I have another opportunity to grow.

The biggest thing I learned from my trusted advisors (Pancakemouse, Rags2Bitches, The Dom) was:


If you ever meet The Dom and are not willing to do very smart, deliberate practice, expect to be called out for your sheer stupidity.

He was not happy about the way I have tried to learn game to say the least. Nor is Pancake or Rags.

But they've been patient, they see I try my FUCKIN ASS OFF, every day. I show up every day and do what few others do. I tell the truth that I am new and will take years to get to better levels of game. And I have learned how to practice smarter.


-Be bold
-Seed the pull

If I go overboard, so be it. NO MORE NICE GUY ENERGY. NO MORE


Bros, I am fighting for my life here to become better and be a man I respect. I am a work in progress and I sacrificed my whole life for this shit, to ensure that the future is better than my past, which was awful. I am happy with how far I have come, but my heart yearns for more, and it years for the sex life of a better man. I must become that guy. I will become that guy. Or I will die trying. I will not rest.

The guys who are the best at this shit, which are the three above (these guys are the best here, bar none, they are leagues and leagues above everyone else it is not even fucking close) operate in a way which is truly mind blowing.

Their level is so far above mine, and likely yours, that all you can do is just give them full respect.

I find this stuff hard. I have a bit of an atypical brain as I have mentioned so this does not come easy but how I overcome this is, to put it bluntly: simply brutal, brutal work ethic.

The Dom had the highest level of game I ever witnessed. Quick tip from me, never say things like this around guys like that, often they very ambitious and dont like to hear praise for what is just normal for them, sexual abundance is just like brushing their teeth or changing clothes.

But what I felt: this guy absolutely deserves the success he has, because FUCK is he good at what he does. He worked for 20 fucking years to get where he is today. I have done, what, 1.5 years of work? Andy did 8 YEARS. Radical did years.

The guys who made it, well, take it from me, they were VERY GOOD. KILLERS.

I give them their respect and am humble enough to know I have years of work ahead of me, but atleast now, it will be deliberate work.

Must remain calm because I am too early.

As we say in my chat


Manly Cockfellow said:
This is an attraction problem. The likelihood is, physically, I am probably not going to cut it and likely will not be able to get a lady attracted by the way I look. Thus I do lose the most powerful weapon a man can have.

This is dead wrong.

You are physically attractive enough to get laid, get compliments, and get a girlfriend.

Your BELIEF that you are unattractive is extremely unattractive, not your looks.

Getting rid of this repulsive belief is the single most important thing you can do for your attractiveness.
I'm as black pill as it gets but if they match you and come to your house i think it can't be looks, in fact it's strange, maybe try ask, i know it can be useless to ask woman, they give those politically correct answers but be bold and activate their logical brains

Ask her why didn't want to fuck and what's the difference between you and the last guy she fucked from online

I know that trying to get a real anwer from woman can be a nightmare but it's the only way i think of to solve this mystery

Girls coming to your house without beign attracted seems so strange
Antonio44 said:
kratjeuh said:
I’m a huge fan of frame control but the key is to keep it fun and lighthearted. When a girl proposes drinks instead of a walk you can say “tryna get me drunk before the walk?” or along those lines instead of a flat “no we do it my way”.
The music stuff was a great way to say “I’ll put your favorite song on but you have to perform it for me” —> you nee frame control but now it’s fun. You can call her out on being to shy to do it,… Remember THIS GIRL CAME TO YOUR HOUSE, THEY DONT DO THAT WITH EVERY GUY.

I read the last few posts of this log and was going to type something along these lines. But you said it perfectly. If I could super thanks a post I would.

Also still learning as always, but some more thoughts (thinking back to my london days when I had good tinder results there, maybe closing 50% of first dates, usually slightly nerdy/intelligent women, some were very attractive and some average):

A lot of the advice on kyil seems heavily targetted to getting the yes girls as efficiently as possible and handling highly confident women. This is efficient when you have the numbers, however:

I think there are a lot of "maybe" girls who will be nervous and I had good results with them. I don't think not wanting to come to your room immediately is "frame control", moreso just needing more comfort. When I lived in london I would go to the same bar, 2 or 3 drinks, conversation but not sexual, light touching but not overdoing it, light teasing, playful sometimes, but also serious too. Then just say lets go somewhere else. If they'd ask where I'd just ignore the question and continue on the previous/new topic and lead them out the bar. You could also say "lets go explore/I'll show you one of my favourite bars" Then walk to my house (avoid any rapey feeling alleyways on the walk if possible). Often on my doorstep they would be like "oh this is your house"/be a bit reluctant, but I'd just be chilled and say "yeah, lets go for a quick gin and tonic/music/whatever". The key is to convey that it's low pressure and short/without expectations (but without stating this directly). Because I'm not super sexual on the date I think it helps to convey this message.

When in the house, again it's very gradual, talk, talk closer together, then put an arm around maybe (girls love hugs), then maybe 10 minutes later in a natural lull kiss them.

You are also a big guy (I am too) and women will feel vulnerable because of this (not a bad thing but something to be aware of). Like just showing you are a bit soft, protector side. I like to talk about my sister and how I care for her. Not heavily, just like a "I love her, sometimes I worry about her because of x, we're super close nowadays because of y". Trying to convey - you are safe, I am not going to pressure you. If you are a bit autistic (I'm a little bit too) this will show you have some softness/humanity. Most women need to feel safe/comfortable to feel comfortable with doing sexual things.

Other things - do you tell stories that make you seem cool/attractive - like how you are starting a business etc, the progress you're making etc - things that convey your drive. Drive is attractive and you have it in spades. + any other cool stories e.g fun things that happened on your travels.

Also, in the bars - if you're not doing this already, greet the staff/doorman when you enter, ask how they're doing etc - it will make them a lot warmer. Obviously depends on the bar/is difficult if the bar is super busy, but generally I recommend it. The wine bar might be burnt already but maybe not. Another thing you can try is going from 1 bar to another when on a date, this makes it feel like you know each other a lot more.

Yeah, I hear you bro, but tried and tested I want to say close to 100 x.

This is level 1. Let me explain:

Last few dates, asked the exact question you pose here just to help you understand this a bit better.....

One flat out said no. Pushed, she said the same thing, and then asked for more drinks etc (i declined) - she then said she's going home. Bye, lol.

Next one, walked to my house, turned around and said she has to go home. Ghosted.

Next one, did what you say again, and then she realised we were at my house, laughed out loud and called an uber. Removed me from hinge shortly after and ghosted.

Again - really sorry, but I assure you I understand this very well and have done this for 12 years. I appreciate the intention, you are trying to help, but this is around level 1.

Level 1 is enough for people whose SMV is high enough.

This stuff works for many guys. It does NOT work for others.

Level 1 will not cut it for low SMV men.

I am 100% for the underdogs in life and will aggressively tell the truth so these poor bastards, people like me, stop getting shit shoveled in their face.

I am extremely protective of underdogs and will not allow anyone to bullshit them.

My opinion is my own, I have explained my thoughts elsewhere, and do not wish to argue with well meaning, well intentioned commentors who are trying to help, and who are fellow men on this journey. We need each other. United, we can win.

I moved to London in Nov 2021. I have been here a year. In this time:

~100 dates
~1000 cold approaches

I am not counting, these are ballparks.

I used the template. I used the advice in the Tinder guide for how to act on dates. I did this the whole time.

There were strengths: it gets you started.

And there were weaknesses: extremely poor results.


Thereafter, you're left with the question:


When you're left in the lurch, when the answers you were given did not work, and despite the effort you put in, you're left lost and confused, as a mature adult you gut up and accept that responsibility is yours and you alone have to take stock and fix your shit, or you will continue to go the way you're going.

This community will continue to grow, my experience here will not be in vain. I had to fail so many times, be ripped to peices and put through the literal grinder, to expose the truth.





You need a solid action plan for dates, you need to really learn strategies, story telling, DHVs, the lot.

You need to learn to tease, vibe, and really spike emotions and build conect.

You need to seed the pull.

We've seen the results of doing it in other ways.

I, for one, am done with the template, done with the non-clinical approach to dates, done with this simple minded bullshit which does not, will not, and simply cannot work for low SMV males.

Let others have their time wasted for years. I did the work. No longer will I continue to go down a failing road.

The current approach has a LOT of drawbacks. If you use the template, which screens super hard, you will get extremely few leads, if any. Those leads are super prone to flake and ghost. You get unmatched a lot, and most do not reply to the opener. This pulls you deeper and deeper down in the algorithms until your accounts are absolutely done and dusted.

Why did it work for others?

SMV. End of. They are under the Dunning-Krueger effect and too ignorant to know any better. The results speak volumes. End of debate.

I WISH this shit worked, I would have gotten the life I want.

Because it failed, I have to now another way.


-TEXT GAME (I am testing this 6 hrs a day and the results so far have decimated, and I mean truly decimated the old template, pulling me up in the algorithm and allowing me to get access to pretty girls and get them on dates, instead of the beasts that would appear on my stack doing it the old way)

I will either find a way to get the results I seek, or make one.

There HAS to be a way.

If it is humanly possible, I will find it.

The good news is, I have been able to cross out a lot of what does not work and not discard it to the trash.

Manly Cockfellow said:
Manly Cockfellow said:
This is an attraction problem. The likelihood is, physically, I am probably not going to cut it and likely will not be able to get a lady attracted by the way I look. Thus I do lose the most powerful weapon a man can have.

This is dead wrong.

You are physically attractive enough to get laid, get compliments, and get a girlfriend.

Your BELIEF that you are unattractive is extremely unattractive, not your looks.

Getting rid of this repulsive belief is the single most important thing you can do for your attractiveness.


I respect you and do not wish to argue with you.

I am working hard on my beliefs.

I know you're not happy with this belief, all I can say, is I am trying.

Thank you,
THUR 03/11/2022

(1) Dating: Date (confirmed) / Lead Gen Process: 1hr
(2) Body: Run (60m) / Core / Glute & Low Back Warmup (DONE)
(3) Biz: Acc work & Onboarding
Others: Cold Themogenesis, Light, Earthing, Ext, Dating Overhaul: Storytelling, Date Gameplan

Hustling hard.
It’s time to burn it all the way down to the ground, discard the ashes, and start over again.
I’ve had several flakes, reschedules, and cancellations this week, but one lady did come out. She was very pretty, we enjoyed the date. No pull, removed me from hinge within about 5 mins of the date, and ghosted.

It’s probably close to ~100 dates this has happened this year, I’m not counting, but after doing this for a straight year and getting the data from going as hard as I did, it’s time to make a serious change.

I am not upset, I am not bothered, I am just not interested in losing. That is not for me, and this will not be the way my life goes.

For the remainder of the year, I will explore:

-Text game (no more templates)
-Very clinical & strategic date game, full action plans

There HAS to be a way to fix this.

I will find it.

I have been working like an animal BTW.

I am hammering any lead I can get, had one gal who is 120 miles away, just do the odd phone call with her as flirting practice. She's a chonker but she's enjoying it.

She is messaging me and it's fun.

I have a date tonight which I will try the DATE GAME approach.

Otherwise, I am pinging these different girls every day, and pushing like mad.

There will be away.

Believe me.

I will find a way.

When I do, I will tell you all about it.

We can do better as a community than what we've been doing. We are letting ourselves down, and it's a damn disgrace.

The future MUST be data and results driven.

We should be posting text threads

We should be recording EVERY date audio and analysing it

We should be developing processes, routines, and testing testing testing

We will never succeed otherwise and guys putting in the work will continue to be left in the dark.

This is unacceptable.


From what I can tell, one of your bigger sticking points with getting laid is closing, once you are back at your place.
Is there a weird/interesting, introverted, soft spoken man who closes at high rate, that you can look up to, and replicate his closing practices? What are you doing once you have pulled and the two of you are both at your place? At what point in the interaction do you think that you are 'losing the lay'? Why do you want the lays so bad? Can you streamline the lays, so the process is more pleasant (or is the glory working with the large possibility that you will never taste the reward)? Think how sweet it will be when you get to 10. No one will be able take what you did away from you, and no one will know how much you truly put in.

Thrice said:
I'm as black pill as it gets but if they match you and come to your house i think it can't be looks, in fact it's strange, maybe try ask, i know it can be useless to ask woman, they give those politically correct answers but be bold and activate their logical brains

Ask her why didn't want to fuck and what's the difference between you and the last guy she fucked from online

I know that trying to get a real anwer from woman can be a nightmare but it's the only way i think of to solve this mystery

Girls coming to your house without beign attracted seems so strange

As you know, I got Blackpilled by life.

This log over 158 pages was me having to swallow the blackpill.

Not because I wanted to. I had no choice.

But, you're too surface-level in your thinking here.

The software program playing in woman's brain urges her to extract resources.

The most precious resource she can ever access is ATTENTION.

For woman, just having a man give her attention is like crack cocaine.

Like an opium addict, they will fiendishly lap it up, slapping at their body to bring up a vein, utterly enthralled by the sheer ecstasy of the next hit, they drive the needle into their veins, and their brain is ablaze with dopamine.

They are addicts of emotion. Attention is their opium.

On a date with a man, woman gets her opium. She has won. You gave her your time, you gave her drinks, you gave her the fix she do devilishly wants.

She can walk away, and not care if you live or die. The addict does not care. Nothing matters, apart from their next fix.

They will go on dates JUST FOR VALIDATION.

They will go to your house JUST FOR VALIDATION.

I had to go on endless dates, do endless cold approaches, and live this life for 1.5 years going all in to learn this shit, and it was what made me doubt the fundamental tenets of our community.

Are we on the same team as girls?


I wanted to believe it, I really did, but more exposure to reality, the SMP, and just taking action was the chemotherapy for the cancer of naivete.

Beliefs which are rooted in fantasy get exposed and become unsustainable.

The truth shines through.

Solving this problem requires one to think deeper and find another way,

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