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TUE 18/10/2022

(1) Dating: Online Hustle - Generate some damn leads (DONE, no leads generated but process executed)
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch / Posture (DONE but I made an error here, today wasnt gym, it was 60 m Cardio which was done in the park)
(3) Biz/Copy: Pitch paragraph, testimonial schedule, next steps. Copy: 3hr process. (DONE for Biz actions, S is cool with the testimonial, A is too but will need to follow up at the end of Nov, V is cool with it, P wants me to ask at the end of the month, J awaiting his response. Pitch was drafted, V to check and confirm. V to advise my next actions with the biz) as for Copy (FAIL, I did some reading, and that was it. Didnt do the course, practice, review notes or the training)
Others: Accountability with my guys, Prep Qs for Andy call, CT, Light. (DONE)


I am getting back into the flow and taking action but still need to tighten up. Still getting a decent level of shit done. Also read 2 chapters of a great biz book.

I will attend the call with Andy in a few hours, get up a bit later tomorrow, and do some fucking work!


Coaching, in particular men's group coaching, has always helped me a lot. It's part of success. It's a big piece in my own process of getting where I wanna be. Will commit to doing this more regularly, I wanna say 2-3x a month with Andy the the guys.

TIME TO HUSTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(1) Dating: Online Hustle - Lead Generation (I got one lead last night, a number, let's see)
(2) Body: Gym (Pull), Core
(3) Biz/Copy: See below

(1) Make testimonial schedule document and mark calender & diary, follow up with everyone regarding testimonial,
(2) Write up and share client reports,
(3) Clarify my next steps w/ V(+also confirm pitch paragraph is OK)
(4) Catch up on V's social media posts (IG Carousels), read Dan Meredith's How To Be Fucking Awesome
(5) Execute action on next steps identified by V

(1) Read Boron Letters
(2) AWAI Course
(3) Copy: Practice, write Cam's landing page


SO far:

I got to bed hella late as I was on the call with Andy until 3am. I then got up, did accountability with my guys, did mindset work/journalling/affirmations, core work, shaved and now I'm off to the gym to do a pull workout.

Thereafter, breakfast, supplements, and cracking on with work on biz, copy, and some online dating hustle later.

Cold thermogensis, light therapy, and earthing will happen. I'll also read.


I got off the call at 3am, and didnt really sleep. So my brain wasnt as focused as it usually is today.


(1) Dating: Online Hustle - Lead Generation (I got one lead last night, a number, let's see) (DONE, hustled hard and did my process, got one lead which led to scheduling a date with her next Wed!)
(2) Body: Gym (Pull), Core (DONE, solid effort in the gym)
(3) Biz/Copy: See below

(1) Make testimonial schedule document and mark calender & diary, follow up with everyone regarding testimonial, (DONE)
(2) Write up and share client reports, (DONE)
(3) Clarify my next steps w/ V(+also confirm pitch paragraph is OK) (DONE)
(4) Catch up on V's social media posts (IG Carousels), read Dan Meredith's How To Be Fucking Awesome (IN PROCESS)
(5) Execute action on next steps identified by V (DONE, V wants me to onboard 5 more free clients, so I can really learn how to be an effective accountability coach. I have 5 free clients right now from my network,need to find 5 more to help for free - I want to learn this game, I'll monetise in a few months and theres no obligation, just looking for experience and testimonials/case studies)

Copywriting (FAIL)

Didn't get to this. I am a bit sleep deprived and scattered. I worked on biz and did well. Gym was solid. Diet and supps on point. LOTS of hustle with the online dating apps and got that lead which led to scheduling a date - fuck yes.

My online dating is so fucking painfully slow. It just needs SO much work. I am taking big time action but the fish just aren't biting like I'd want them to. Liking 500 girls on Hinge a day, sometimes legit 0 are matching back, some days I get 1 or 2. This is really poor. Never actually had a gal like me on there.

Need to do better.

Will get these 2 by hook or by crook and then frankly I am going to have to bust my ass in the gym, get a tatoo, let my hair transplant grow and book and plan some more photoshoots Q1 2023.

Game is the game. No need to argue with reality. Just be better and go harder.

Tomorrow, I will be better. Need to stay on top of biz and do some outreach to onboard 5 more guys for free, and then get back into momentum with copywriting.


MakingAComeback said:
My online dating is so fucking painfully slow. It just needs SO much work. I am taking big time action but the fish just aren't biting like I'd want them to. Liking 500 girls on Hinge a day, sometimes legit 0 are matching back, some days I get 1 or 2. This is really poor. Never actually had a gal like me on there.

Curious what opening line you are sending to likes on Hinge?

When I first started on Hinge I used the "Hey, you’re sexy. I’m [your name]. Watcha up to?" in the Tinder guide. I could message 100+ girls a day and get nothing back.

Then I switched to the "Hey, you're sexy. I'm looking for something very specific on here." which rakes me in about 4-5 matches a day on average. I follow it up with the BDSM line, but you could follow it up with anything you are "specifically" looking for.

And don't feel bad about getting no likes sent your way. That's pretty rare. I MIGHT get one every 3-4 months and its usually low quality.
MakingAComeback said:
My online dating is so fucking painfully slow. It just needs SO much work. I am taking big time action but the fish just aren't biting like I'd want them to. Liking 500 girls on Hinge a day, sometimes legit 0 are matching back, some days I get 1 or 2. This is really poor. Never actually had a gal like me on there.

Need to do better.

Don't beat yourself up about OLD, honestly, it's fucking hard if you're not on the higher end of the looks scale. I'm not saying you're not, but even for average to above average guys it sucks donkey dicks. Girls get TONNES of attention on there and that's what most of them are on there for, this is common knowledge.

I honestly think you'd be better of doing day/night game like colgate focused really hard on, or similar to him, getting a professional photographer to do some shots for OLD.

Even for me, and I consider myself pretty attractive, maybe 7-8 (not trying to brag), it's still a bitch. Most girls don't reply. The ones that do mostly go nowhere. And the ones that give me their IG/number mostly don't come on a date. It's like 1/100 that will. That's why I'm focusing way more on day game at the moment.

Keep grinding bro, money > women any day.

OK bros, I will reply properly to you today but MAC DADDY gotta work!!!!!!!!

Got up 6am, did my mindset work for an hour straight, core workout 7am, sunrise watching 733am. Read the forum for a bit.

Now, off to the gym to do my glute and low backwarmup. Then, off to the streets to run for 60mins.

Will finish my run near ASDA today as I need to head in and pick uo some stuff lol.



THUR 20/10/2022


(1) Dating: Online Hustle / Ping leads w/ DHV text (going to an art exhibition with my artist friend today)
(2) Body: 60 min run / Core / Posture / ATG Zero
(3) Biz / Copy: See below
Others: Art exhibition w/ Matt

Biz: coaching work with my current clients
Biz: onboard the 4 guys who reached out who want help SMASHING their fucking goals
Biz: outreach - push the word out to my network and find 1 more person who is serious about change and whats to double their productivity in 30 days. Once I have 10 guys total, just getting them the results they want will be my priority and I will need to smash this.
Biz: Reading & Development - Dan Meredith & V's social media posts
Biz: Study focus, productivity and accountability

Copy: Read my course notes 3 x. Read Boron letters

And that will be all today. SLIGHT EDGE.


Seeing my friend today at 6. We'll have a drink and enjoy this art exhibition. I will ping my current leads with a pic or two and see I can nail down some commitment for dates next week. I have one Wednesday with a lovely looking gal (my standards not yours lol, if theyre not fat as hell, I am ecstatic about it). I have 3 chicks who are floating in the ether right now and are maybe down for a date next week - I am gonna see if i can slot them into Thur, Fri and Sat. My old FWB has re-emerged on the scene after sending her a text drafted by THE DOM. She wants to see me next week but tbh I have kinda lost interest myself. I could double book her maybe shit I dunno.

My life is shaping up to be great and the MINDSET work I am doing is helping a tonne. Call with Andy also helped a tonne. Just attending that call does a lot for me, as well as having the other bros around me, lifts me up a lot when I see TRULY DRIVEN motherfuckers gettting over their bullshit and getting shit done.


Last night was a bit of a funny one. Rock up and ETA is a bit later than expected, advise my friend, he’s running late too with the busses and advises he’ll be 30mins later than me. No worries. Rock up, place seems shut. No worries. I head to the pub and have a well deserved pint. Worked hard on my biz yesterday was busy as fuck but loving it.

He arrives, about an hour and a half later than expected, and then he lets me know he’s infront of the studio. I don’t see him. We share locations.

“….wait, you’re in Fitzrovia? I’m in Shoreditch!”

He’s miles away.

“Yep, you told me to come here”

I reply to the message on WhatsApp.

We both laugh out loud and he apologises. Artists man, not the best with management. He’s a painter & sculptor and good at his craft but evidently planning isn’t that strong for him lol.

We agree to hang out next week instead and have a drink. He wants to hear about my new biz and I wanna know how his endeavours are going.

Yesterday was solid: worked hard, cardio was solid, biz work was solid, generated 1 new lead through online hustle but when I texted, a bloke responded telling me I had the wrong num LOL.

Back to the hustle today.

And yes bros above I will reply to your messages lol. Bman Red


FRI 21/10/2022

(1) Dating: Online Hustle – Lead Gen Process
(2) Body: Gym (Legs) / Core / Stretch / Posture
(3) Biz/Copy: See below
Others: Cold themogenesis, Earthing

-Client work: check-ins, problem solving
-Onboarding: reply to emails and get new free clients on-boarded
-Client work: write up monthly reports for these guys process in Oct 2022
-Reading: Dan’s book & V’s social posts

Focus right now with biz is just doing a good job and providing value to these fellas.

-Read: Boron letters & Colin’s emails (1hr)
-Study: AWAI course (1hr)
-Practice: C’s copy (1hr)
-Colin training (30m)


Off home for a few days! Will transcribe The Dom’s audios for the AMA on the train.

Date wise, I am moving towards confirming with a gal for next Fri. She seems cool, 33, radio DJ. Not fat. THANK FUCK lol.

Otherwise, got one lined up Wed. So Thur and Sat, slots still open. May let my old FWB come over Sat, but ideally I’ll double book, so I see her in the afternoon, and then see a new chick in the eve.

With consistency and work, I’ll nail these final 2 off.

Then gotta level up my life.

@Paw will be coming to stay with me for a bit in Nov, we will work hard and have a good time, day game a bunch, and enjoy our time.

I came back to my parents place for a few days, haven't seen my fam in ages. I'll stay here until Wed morning and then come back to London town.

I will just focus on biz & copy while I'm here. I will train hard in the gym as ever. Physique is springing back after getting a bit ropey due to surgery recovery (couldnt train for 30 days due to hair transplant, and then I had covid, so put me out....).

Now, I am just going to work on my accountability biz, upload the writeup from the last recording from The Dom, and get an early night.

Gotta take my Mum around tomorrow, take her to see diff people, and then will work on biz & copy.


I've got a content shooting day with V on Wed and a date scheduled at 730 with a cute gal from Toronto.

Have a call with the prettiest brown girl with a gorgeous fat ass Monday with the caveat that if we like each other, I wanna date her .

Friday, have confirmed with another gal, 33 y/o radio DJ.

I will hustle and try to get something plugged in for Sat, also.

The following week, I have a date with a gal Mon 31st.

I will just keep hustling and keep getting them plugged in, and there WILL be a lay here somewhere.

I just need to hammer the gym, keep my vibe right, and it'll come.


MakingAComeback said:

I came back to my parents place for a few days, haven't seen my fam in ages. I'll stay here until Wed morning and then come back to London town.

I will just focus on biz & copy while I'm here. I will train hard in the gym as ever. Physique is springing back after getting a bit ropey due to surgery recovery (couldnt train for 30 days due to hair transplant, and then I had covid, so put me out....).

Now, I am just going to work on my accountability biz, upload the writeup from the last recording from The Dom, and get an early night.

Gotta take my Mum around tomorrow, take her to see diff people, and then will work on biz & copy.


I've got a content shooting day with V on Wed and a date scheduled at 730 with a cute gal from Toronto.

Have a call with the prettiest brown girl with a gorgeous fat ass Monday with the caveat that if we like each other, I wanna date her .

Friday, have confirmed with another gal, 33 y/o radio DJ.

I will hustle and try to get something plugged in for Sat, also.

The following week, I have a date with a gal Mon 31st.

I will just keep hustling and keep getting them plugged in, and there WILL be a lay here somewhere.

I just need to hammer the gym, keep my vibe right, and it'll come.



Loving all the WINNING that's happening here. Keep shredding, brotha!
Lifes good G we're hustling and making GAINS

I LOVE the testimonial I got from my acountability client I am stoked RN.

OK bros...........



I have some fucking GOLD for you bros.

I am loving this process of condensing down the fruits of 20 YEARS OF BALLS TO THE WALL HUSTLE into clear, simple, easy to understand and actionable advice that you can take away, today, for free.

I have gotten The Dom to do this and asked him for a favour so please, please, please fucking read this.

I am motivated to make a contribution to the forum that saved my life because so many men did this for me. So many men bent over backwards to help me and I will never forget it until the day I die.

So make the most of this AND FUCKING APPLY IT!

I have not made it YET, but The Dom has, and he is living the life I want. The best thing I can do for you is give you access to what I have, and worked hard for……….

Enjoy. Print these out and review them like I do. I have a binder and it contains many of Andy’s articles and also the long posts he sends to me in the coaching.

AskTheDom: AMA - Game, Self Improvement, BDSM, Sex Positive/Kink, Masculinity (PRINCIPLES FOR SUCCESS W/ WOMEN & LIFE))



There are some long overdue posts from Manly Cockfellow and Bman I will address today.

I printed these off and thought deeply.

I watched the sunrise this morning and did an hour of earthing.

Now gotta take my momma out and do errands. Joys of being back with the parents.

When I'm back, in a few hrs, I will be working like a demon.



It's sad but true






.........AND I WILL WIN

Had to do family stuff with my Mum all day yesterday, CUCKED


Had to be done had no choice. Plus I liked it. Playing with my little nieces and nephews is a lot of fun. I enjoy that kinda shit.

Working today. Usually, take Sunday off but I got cucked yesterday so gotta work.

Did my accountability with my clients. I am now going to a banya with my friend. I'll come back and onboard more guys.

I'll then do some biz hustle (1hr), Copy (2hr gotta catch up on with for the style product), and do other hustle.

Full update to come this eve. Also gotta reply to bros from the forum.

Sauna and cold plunge time now back in a few hrs.....................


MakingAComeback said:
Had to do family stuff with my Mum all day yesterday, CUCKED


Had to be done had no choice. Plus I liked it. Playing with my little nieces and nephews is a lot of fun. I enjoy that kinda shit.

Working today. Usually, take Sunday off but I got cucked yesterday so gotta work.

Did my accountability with my clients. I am now going to a banya with my friend. I'll come back and onboard more guys.

I'll then do some biz hustle (1hr), Copy (2hr gotta catch up on with for the style product), and do other hustle.

Full update to come this eve. Also gotta reply to bros from the forum.

Sauna and cold plunge time now back in a few hrs.....................



Love this brother. Definitely enjoy the family time when you can. It’s those special moments that remind you how special life is.

Keep pushing 💪🏾

MON 24/10/2022

(1) Dating: Call w/ potential date / Messaging any of my leads as they come up to fit in a slot
(2) Body: Gym (Push) / Core / Stretch / Posture
(3) Biz/Copy: See below.
Others: Sunrise, Earthing, prep DUTCH Complete test, Euro Gang Call, Cold Thermogenesis, Mindset work & Visualisation

Biz: Accountability work with current clients
Biz: Onboarding – Star, Rene, Antonio, Ronnie
Biz: Onboarding – Call w/ @MilfAndCookies to explore secondary goal and understand our focus
Biz: Pitching – Cold outreach across my network, onboarding free clients
Biz: Read V’s posts / Read Dan Meredith

Copy: Reading
Copy: Course
Copy: Re-write landing page


After A LOT of hustle, bunch of leads trickled in, working with 8 numbers right now and texting to secure slots. Flakes permitting, I should have a bunch of dates coming, and will secure the 2 lays I need to get to 10. I will execute my process again from tomorrow and just keep pushing. @Paw will also be here soon and we will go HAM. I WILL SUCCEED.

I have to work on my biz and copy now. I must tighten up and sit down and focus.

The excitement I feel at closing in at this goal is unreal, I won’t lie. Now I am getting leads, my adrenaline surges, I am just shot with a sense of glory. People told me I cannot do this. I had NEVER BEEN LAID, EVER when I set the goal of 10 lays in 2022. I have built myself up tremendously and found 8 partners so far this year. Many people were like, damn that’s ambitious, and even more were like, dude, you haven’t even done ONE, how can you think you’ll get 10?

2 more now. The thought of getting #10 is almost awe inspiring….

Even though these men were truly trying to help and many of them are my friends today, they did not understand the type of man I am. I will keep going and keep going and keep going, no matter what, and I will simply never stop once I have a goal.

That is the difference between me and many people. It’s not that I am better, I am not, in many ways I need a LOT of work. But I am persistent as FUCK and will just keep working. I get in my own way a lot, but over time, I have learned about my shortcomings and pitfalls and am tightening up, mentally especially, my biggest area for development.

Back to work..……...

Crisis_Overcomer said:
MakingAComeback said:
Biz: Read V’s posts / Read Dan Meredith

You're the worst type of person to read Dan Meredith since you already hustle 24/7 haha

Hahaaaaaa! Big Dan THE BEAST. He's so funny and I like the bloke. V did 1 on 1 coaching with him a few years back and rated Dan VERY highly. He was the one who told me to just follow Dan. And I am gonna network a little and see if I can meet this bloke, he wanders around the Uk and does hang outs and stuff.

Hows biz for you this week g?

MakingAComeback said:
V did 1 on 1 coaching with him a few years back and rated Dan VERY highly

OH SHIT. I knew Vin reminded me of someone. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Vin also got coaching from Dexter Abraham, Dan's mentor.

Small world indeed.


MON 24/10/2022

(1) Dating: Call w/ potential date / Messaging any of my leads as they come up to fit in a slot (DONE)
(2) Body: Gym (Push) / Core / Stretch / Posture (DONE)
(3) Biz/Copy: See below.
Others: Sunrise, Earthing, prep DUTCH Complete test, Euro Gang Call, Cold Thermogenesis, Mindset work & Visualisation

Biz: Accountability work with current clients (DONE)
Biz: Onboarding – Star, Rene, Antonio, Ronnie (DONE)
Biz: Onboarding – Call w/ @MilfAndCookies to explore secondary goal and understand our focus (DONE)
Biz: Pitching – Cold outreach across my network, onboarding free clients (DONE)
Biz: Read V’s posts / Read Dan Meredith (FAIL)

Copy: Reading (FAIL)
Copy: Course (FAIL)
Copy: Re-write landing page (DONE)


Worked hard man, really. Biz I hammered it for hours and hours non stop! It was fun too. I did the call with the gal. She was so fun to talk to, seems like a great gal. We agreed we'll go on a date, she can't do this week, she said we can do it next week. She also did suggest I come see her in Central one one of the days she's in the office. Usually that leads to CUCK. I will, instead, pitch her to come see me in Battersea next week. That leads to FUCK. Lol. Like a typical Indian girl, she is pretty conservative, hence the pre-date screening call, gods sake........

I liked talking to her and she is pretty. But rules are rules. I can't be travelling around and going on date after date with these gals. Logistics have to be right. So I will text her tomorow asking what we schedule is like next week, wait a day after she's responded, and reply, sure, come see me in battersea next week, insert wine bar, insert time, sound good? BOOM.

Did my best today bros.

Off to bed now to charge the battery. Tomorrow, fasting all day, 60 min run out there hammering the pavement, fasting, and then heading back to LDN. Will hit the gym Wed morn, go on a date Wed providing she doesn't flake, and I have pitched Thur to 2 diff girls. One I pitched Thur and Sun tbf, and she is down for either. The other, I just pithced Thur, and she hasn't replied.

So, if the gal doesn't reply by tomorrow around 2 let's sat, I'll push for more leads and try to plug something into Thur. Otherwise, I have dates Wed, Fri, Sat, and potentially Sun. I will hustle on the apps tomorrow and see what happens but would be great to get something for Thur.

I have something for next Mon, and following the call today, I could get this gal to come see me on Tues.

Nonetheless, will keep smashing it and get these FINAL 2 ;-)

MakingAComeback said:


MON 24/10/2022

(1) Dating: Call w/ potential date / Messaging any of my leads as they come up to fit in a slot (DONE)
(2) Body: Gym (Push) / Core / Stretch / Posture (DONE)
(3) Biz/Copy: See below.
Others: Sunrise, Earthing, prep DUTCH Complete test, Euro Gang Call, Cold Thermogenesis, Mindset work & Visualisation

Biz: Accountability work with current clients (DONE)
Biz: Onboarding – Star, Rene, Antonio, Ronnie (DONE)
Biz: Onboarding – Call w/ @MilfAndCookies to explore secondary goal and understand our focus (DONE)
Biz: Pitching – Cold outreach across my network, onboarding free clients (DONE)
Biz: Read V’s posts / Read Dan Meredith (FAIL)

Copy: Reading (FAIL)
Copy: Course (FAIL)
Copy: Re-write landing page (DONE)


Worked hard man, really. Biz I hammered it for hours and hours non stop! It was fun too. I did the call with the gal. She was so fun to talk to, seems like a great gal. We agreed we'll go on a date, she can't do this week, she said we can do it next week. She also did suggest I come see her in Central one one of the days she's in the office. Usually that leads to CUCK. I will, instead, pitch her to come see me in Battersea next week. That leads to FUCK. Lol. Like a typical Indian girl, she is pretty conservative, hence the pre-date screening call, gods sake........

I liked talking to her and she is pretty. But rules are rules. I can't be travelling around and going on date after date with these gals. Logistics have to be right. So I will text her tomorow asking what we schedule is like next week, wait a day after she's responded, and reply, sure, come see me in battersea next week, insert wine bar, insert time, sound good? BOOM.

Did my best today bros.

Off to bed now to charge the battery. Tomorrow, fasting all day, 60 min run out there hammering the pavement, fasting, and then heading back to LDN. Will hit the gym Wed morn, go on a date Wed providing she doesn't flake, and I have pitched Thur to 2 diff girls. One I pitched Thur and Sun tbf, and she is down for either. The other, I just pithced Thur, and she hasn't replied.

So, if the gal doesn't reply by tomorrow around 2 let's sat, I'll push for more leads and try to plug something into Thur. Otherwise, I have dates Wed, Fri, Sat, and potentially Sun. I will hustle on the apps tomorrow and see what happens but would be great to get something for Thur.

I have something for next Mon, and following the call today, I could get this gal to come see me on Tues.

Nonetheless, will keep smashing it and get these FINAL 2 ;-)


Let's go brotha! All you can do is your best every day.
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