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Started this one for the bros:

AskTheDom: AMA - Game, Self Improvement, BDSM, Sex Positive/Kink, Masculinity (PRINCIPLES FOR SUCCESS W/ WOMEN & LIFE))


Many have been curious, lets level ourselves all the way up.

Take your questions for The Dom to the thread and let us all gain benefit.

(1) Dating: Online Hustle – 15 mins swiping Tinder & Bumble / 500 Profiles liked Hinge (DONE)
(2) Body: Core, Stretch, Run (45m), Posture, Fasting (DONE)
(3) Biz/Finance: Work on my accountability offer and talk to V, Copywriting 3hrs, jump on a call with The Dom. (FAIL, did some tasks, but overall, scattered)
Others: Mindset & Vis, Dentist, Andy coaching call


Did some good stuff, dentist took ages and messed with my flow.

Back tomorrow & will be better.

Still did a fast, run, core, stretching, posture work. Did the dental app where I had a new ALF fitted.

Even did some work on the accountability offer, including work with the guys who I've onboarded.

Listened to Andy's biz feedback audio which was great!

Gonna wind it down now. May be defeated by the lateness of the call. Still recovering from Covid, may prioritise sleep.


WED 12/10/2022

Late check-in, the following has been done:
Sunrise (DONE)
Mindset work (DONE)
Breakfast & Supplements (DONE)
Earthing (DONE)
Gym: Pull (DONE)

(1) Dating: Online Dating Hustle
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Zero / Posture
(3) Biz/Finance: 4hrs Biz work / 4hrz Copywriting work
Others: Covid test again, Cold Thermogenesis, Light therapy.


It’s work time. I am feeling better every day, thank God. I am back in the gym, back taking care of myself, and back engaging in the actions I need to take to be better and to be where I want to be.

Biz actions: More planning, think about my offer, think about how I can get paid clients. Some marketing thinking, too.

Copywriting: Read, Course, Practice. Repeat every day.

I will work solidly today. It may go on until late, I have to get these things off the ground. Just where I’m at.

With online dating, the profile tweaks I made to my hinge and bumble seem to have been positive. We shall see!


Manly Cockfellow said:
I think my Hinge was guilty of being a bit too generic. I've went ahead and revised some of the prompts. I think this is a positive move for my profile generally, even if it can be improved further. I've screenshotted the tweaks. Let me know if I got it right. Thanks!

Nice work, it's looking better already.

Two minor suggestions:

1) maybe try cropping the stair pic a little closer so you only see the word "courtyard" and it cuts out the "⬇️ lower" and what looks like some clutter in the room at the bottom

2) instead of saying open and adventurous for both prompts maybe say something even more specific for the "we'll get along" prompt like "you're open-minded, a little kinky (or adventurous if that's what you really meant) and don't mind standing on your tippy toes/having to jump to give me a kiss" and then for the weirdly attracted to prompt you can say another specific thing you like such as honesty (which is a perfect segue into you saying you're actually 30) or kindness
Manly Cockfellow said:
Manly Cockfellow said:
I think my Hinge was guilty of being a bit too generic. I've went ahead and revised some of the prompts. I think this is a positive move for my profile generally, even if it can be improved further. I've screenshotted the tweaks. Let me know if I got it right. Thanks!

Nice work, it's looking better already.

Two minor suggestions:

1) maybe try cropping the stair pic a little closer so you only see the word "courtyard" and it cuts out the "⬇️ lower" and what looks like some clutter in the room at the bottom

2) instead of saying open and adventurous for both prompts maybe say something even more specific for the "we'll get along" prompt like "you're open-minded, a little kinky (or adventurous if that's what you really meant) and don't mind standing on your tippy toes/having to jump to give me a kiss" and then for the weirdly attracted to prompt you can say another specific thing you like such as honesty (which is a perfect segue into you saying you're actually 30) or kindness

Thanks for this, Manly, I applied your advice and it has been very positive! My Hinge has been going well. As a matter of fact, I made tweaks to my Bumble and Tinder and they seem to be performing better also.

This is encouraging, as my apps had been DEAD for a few weeks!

Appreciate your help and support as ever bro. I am trying my best. I am sure I will make it.

MakingAComeback said:
Appreciate your help and support as ever bro. I am trying my best. I am sure I will

I really, really, really want you to succeed MAC, and I am sure you will too, as long as you never give up, and as long as you focus on your many, many beautiful qualities (and I don't mean that in a hippie or gay way at all).

I literally add things like "my beauty" or "my beautiful body" to my gratitude list almost every day... maybe you should too till, at least till you can see yours and believe you are beautiful.

Somewhere I read about a self-love technique where you simply look yourself in the eyes in the mirror and say I love you.

Maybe you could combine the two and say "I love you, you beautiful, beautiful man" while looking into your eyes in the mirror.

I'll actually probably start doing that every morning as well, since it felt really great when I tried it just now.
Here's my take

I think the first pic is really good, the one of you smiling on the stairway. It's really good, if you had like 6 pics of that quality you'd be golden I think. Or at least 60% golden or whatever the handicap for people of color on the dating market is these days lol.

The rest of them, I’d think of what the story is that they’re telling.

Smoking and drinking with the bros – it’s a really cool pic for a memory, but I wouldn’t use it on a dating app. Even WITHOUT the smoking it would be so-so dating app pic, but the fact that there’s smoke there just eliminates like 50%-60% of your potential matches. A lot of people don't swipe on smokers - you can make it work if your looks are 10/10 - but otherwise it's a mistake.

The dog pic is alright, but I think you can do better. I mean the dog looks happy and all that, but when I look at the picture as a whole, something is off there. Something doesn’t quite hit. It’s mixture of your expression, your distance from the dog, the positioning within the frame, that your head is cut off, or that you look a little skinny there without muscle. You know, like on a “feeling” kind of level, that picture is alright, but it’s not great. Maybe it looks a bit posed, with that crop. It's going in the right direction, but not getting there.

I kinda like the camera pic actually. If you can re-create it better I think it could be a really good one because it tells a story about you, what you do who you are, etc. And that's cool. People who speak on camera are cool.

About the prompts:

There’s nothing “weird” about being attracted to “open minded and adventurous girls”. So that one kind of contradicts itself.

In the “I really want” one you’re being super honest about what you want to achieve etc. just listing all the things, giving an honest rational answer.

But it’s not… interesting. You know, the vibe thing that Dom was talking about.

It’s actually a really good example of “vibe”, that last prompt.

The point of those prompts is to show off your sense of humor and spark a conversation. Get the girl interested in you. Reveal something about yourself. Sell yourself.

They’re not meant to be answered in a straightforward way. That’s boring. You need to have something interesting, original, and/or funny in there.

And maybe also a little bit weird. But not so weird that your target demographic girl wouldn’t be able to relate to it.

Right now it’s:

- Gym goals: sounds boring generic, everyone does it

- Accountability business: sounds boring, could re-phrase as help X entrepreneurs/people/guys/men take their life to next level through accountability, BUT if you phrase it that way then most people won’t be able to relate and you might come off as a wannabe life coach. Definitely some potential there, but I can’t come up with a good way of phrasing it in a way that is both casual, cool, interesting and relatable. Maybe you can.

- Travel to 2 more new countries: boring, everyone does it

I’d spend a couple of hours researching the prompts like this thing here for example: https://www.emlovz.com/best-hinge-answers-for-guys/ they have some alright ones. Or make a female profile and start checking the guys there, see who has what, what you can apply to yourself. You only need 2-3-4 really good ones.

Research, imitate, then innovate. 😁

I mean even the travel one you can turn it into something more specific. Describing cool-sounding specific experiences that you’re looking for in a country you’re going to, so it sounds like a mini-story that's exciting and interesting.

And why aren’t you practicing your copywriting skills there? :) You’re the product that you’re selling, you know your target customer, your copy needs to elicit an emotional response, make the product stand out & feel attractive, so that they pull the trigger. On dating apps that goes for both images and text. It's just short-form and image-focused. Unlike something like boron letters. But the underlying principle is the same. What do people feel when they see it and read it.

Edit: Apologies if I'm being too harsh or critical here, the dog pic might actually be good enough, I'm just looking for points of improvement on your profile as a whole. So when I'm in that "what can be improved state" I try to bring out every single little thing that I see. While ignoring the positives or the good things that don't need fixing.

OK well look Daddy has to hustle today lol. I will reply to you properly tomorrow. Gotta work!


FRI 14/10/2022

(1) Dating: Online hustle / Go on date
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Posture
(3) Biz/Finance: Biz – (1) Sales deck outline, (2) Sales pitch paragraph Copy - 2hrs


Have a date scheduled, she hasn't confirmed yet.

My friend V confirmed he likes my offer, Andy also gave me great feedback and he also likes my offer.

I have to work now to get 5 testimonials, including video, and then I will talk to V and work out a game plan to market and get some paid clients.

I will also need to hustle copywriting, level up my skills, and start getting paid work with that after getting some testimonials.

Making money via copywriting / paying for ads to push my biz / getting income to 2/3k location independent / geomaxxx for 1 year straight.

Once I've made £100 a month, that can be turned to £1000. Then £2000. Then £3000. If I can just get that amount, 3k a month coming in, I will travel and work on myself, my game., my masculinity, and I am confident with crushing the gym, getting elite confidence and high level game, I am confident I can find a nice gal who I can have something serious with.

I am gonna try to do fun social stuff with Timmy and Carl tomorrow if they're free. Sunday I will take off, may fast also.

Saturday: Upload VLOGS (several overdue), hang out, go on a date if she confirms, post in The Dom's thread and upload his answers.

That's enough now. I've gotta work. I will check in with you gs later on today.



My offer has been signed off and approved by V rn so thats solid, check out the latest iteration HERE


Sales deck: outline HERE

Next steps:

-I need to gain my testimonials, and then I will develop the sales deck via a Canva document. I will tighten it up and I will add the 5 testimonials, preferably video but may be a mix
-Onboard P & A (this will take me to the 5 guys I need)

I will then convene with V and my trusted advisors and nail down a marketing plan. I will let you know the next goal. Right now, positive progress is being made and all my guys are productive and on top of their shit rn.


V wants me to update the sales deck with a section on who this offer is for.

My date for tonight has confirmed, YES. So happy to be on a date with a gal, it's been a while, and my mindset is better now.

Off to train LEGS and get the testosterone flowing.

Last night was a lotta fun. Date from Hinge. She fatfished, for sure, but she was a blast and a chill gal. She was a bit of a chubber in her pics, I could see that, but she still looked pretty good. She arrives and she's a good 40lbs heavier LMAO.

But I am having a good time, enjoying the date, and I am in a better headspace rn due to the inner work I'm doing.

Pull her back, I didnt really want to bang her, but she did suck my dick for about 30 mins which was fuckin awesome. Listening to Pink Floyd getting head was a very psychedelic and fun experience.

She left at about midnight, and she asked me to come to her place and fuck her next week. I MAY. If I choose to, this lay WILL NOT count towards my final 2. Because I can definitely do better 😉

I have another one scheduled for tonight and she is a lot better looking for sure.
The last gal, like lay #8, also stopped me during escalation and had a breakdown of sorts.

She, like the last gal, was drugged and raped several months ago.

She is however receiving excellent support through the police, and mental health services, and is healing.

The number of women getting drugged and raped in London sickens me.

This is a challenging thing man. I am almost glad I only have 2 months left on my tenancy here.

The sickness.

MakingAComeback said:
Pull her back, I didnt really want to bang her, but she did suck my dick for about 30 mins which was fuckin awesome. Listening to Pink Floyd getting head was a very psychedelic and fun experience.

She left at about midnight, and she asked me to come to her place and fuck her next week. I MAY. If I choose to, this lay WILL NOT count towards my final 2. Because I can definitely do better

Man, the shift in mindset that you showed here is gigantic.
From a merely month ago you were so agonising for getting laid and now you experience the "hippie reflection time" ;)
MON 17/10/2022

(1) Dating: Online Hustle
(2) Body: Gym / Core
(3) Biz/Copy: Onboard A, follow up w/ P, send pitch paragraph to V, clarify testimonials / Copywriting: 3hr process
Others: CT, Earthing, Euro Gang Call


Took a day off yesterday, went to Kew Gardens. It was nice. I was triggered a lot seeing couples everywhere. Many of the guys did not look better than me, but they were free, easy, and enjoying their life. That's how winning is done. Respect.

The key to getting out of my bullshit situation is raising my value, becoming more desirable, and also healing my mind. I simply do not believe that I am below these dudes anymore.

In fact, I have the potential to be one of the best guys out there.

Time to focus & get shit done. My time WILL come. I have to believe that. I have to. It is humanly possible. It CAN be done.


MakingAComeback said:
The key to getting out of my bullshit situation is raising my value, becoming more desirable, and also healing my mind. I simply do not believe that I am below these dudes anymore.

In fact, I have the potential to be one of the best guys out there.

I love this part.

"No one is above me. No one is below me. My potential will only be realized with hard work."

Let's go brother.
MattsCrib said:
Great job :D

It's unfathomable how much of it is mental, especially when you actually are physically good looking.

Haha thanks dude.

For sure. We all know you're a handsome chap, you just have head issues to the extreme and need to pump time, money and effort into healing.

I am about a normal kinda looking bloke, about a 5, a 6 for some gals. I work my fucking arse off and can make something happen from time to time. I am not physically good looking and have to do what ya gotta do when you don't have the goods - grind like an animal!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you're working on happiness and enjoying life lad, it's the only way.

natedawg said:
MakingAComeback said:
The key to getting out of my bullshit situation is raising my value, becoming more desirable, and also healing my mind. I simply do not believe that I am below these dudes anymore.

In fact, I have the potential to be one of the best guys out there.

I love this part.

"No one is above me. No one is below me. My potential will only be realized with hard work."

Let's go brother.

It will come man.

Prolly gonna go semi monk mode following these final 2:
-Extreme money hustle: 100hrs a week to get my income to 5k location independent a month
-Physique Grind: Putting in serious graft to drastically develop my physique, living a life perfectly optimised for growth and development
-Archetype: Nailing this - tattoos, style tweaks, and so on.

-Girls: I am likely going to cancel my subscriptions (Tinder, Hinge, Bumble), delete all my apps and accounts, and give the online game a rest for a few months. I will do a bit of nightgame, I think, and otherwise leave it at that. If I'm back with my parents in Jan, I have no choice anyway.

That may be the next chapter for me man. Taking myself from a 5/6 to a 7 over a few months, or whatever it will take.

I am already grinding hard and my hair transplant will start to grow soon. It looks dreadful atm.

Astronaut said:
Here's my take

I think the first pic is really good, the one of you smiling on the stairway. It's really good, if you had like 6 pics of that quality you'd be golden I think. Or at least 60% golden or whatever the handicap for people of color on the dating market is these days lol.

The rest of them, I’d think of what the story is that they’re telling.

Smoking and drinking with the bros – it’s a really cool pic for a memory, but I wouldn’t use it on a dating app. Even WITHOUT the smoking it would be so-so dating app pic, but the fact that there’s smoke there just eliminates like 50%-60% of your potential matches. A lot of people don't swipe on smokers - you can make it work if your looks are 10/10 - but otherwise it's a mistake.

The dog pic is alright, but I think you can do better. I mean the dog looks happy and all that, but when I look at the picture as a whole, something is off there. Something doesn’t quite hit. It’s mixture of your expression, your distance from the dog, the positioning within the frame, that your head is cut off, or that you look a little skinny there without muscle. You know, like on a “feeling” kind of level, that picture is alright, but it’s not great. Maybe it looks a bit posed, with that crop. It's going in the right direction, but not getting there.

I kinda like the camera pic actually. If you can re-create it better I think it could be a really good one because it tells a story about you, what you do who you are, etc. And that's cool. People who speak on camera are cool.

About the prompts:

There’s nothing “weird” about being attracted to “open minded and adventurous girls”. So that one kind of contradicts itself.

In the “I really want” one you’re being super honest about what you want to achieve etc. just listing all the things, giving an honest rational answer.

But it’s not… interesting. You know, the vibe thing that Dom was talking about.

It’s actually a really good example of “vibe”, that last prompt.

The point of those prompts is to show off your sense of humor and spark a conversation. Get the girl interested in you. Reveal something about yourself. Sell yourself.

They’re not meant to be answered in a straightforward way. That’s boring. You need to have something interesting, original, and/or funny in there.

And maybe also a little bit weird. But not so weird that your target demographic girl wouldn’t be able to relate to it.

Right now it’s:

- Gym goals: sounds boring generic, everyone does it

- Accountability business: sounds boring, could re-phrase as help X entrepreneurs/people/guys/men take their life to next level through accountability, BUT if you phrase it that way then most people won’t be able to relate and you might come off as a wannabe life coach. Definitely some potential there, but I can’t come up with a good way of phrasing it in a way that is both casual, cool, interesting and relatable. Maybe you can.

- Travel to 2 more new countries: boring, everyone does it

I’d spend a couple of hours researching the prompts like this thing here for example: https://www.emlovz.com/best-hinge-answers-for-guys/ they have some alright ones. Or make a female profile and start checking the guys there, see who has what, what you can apply to yourself. You only need 2-3-4 really good ones.

Research, imitate, then innovate. 😁

I mean even the travel one you can turn it into something more specific. Describing cool-sounding specific experiences that you’re looking for in a country you’re going to, so it sounds like a mini-story that's exciting and interesting.

And why aren’t you practicing your copywriting skills there? :) You’re the product that you’re selling, you know your target customer, your copy needs to elicit an emotional response, make the product stand out & feel attractive, so that they pull the trigger. On dating apps that goes for both images and text. It's just short-form and image-focused. Unlike something like boron letters. But the underlying principle is the same. What do people feel when they see it and read it.

Edit: Apologies if I'm being too harsh or critical here, the dog pic might actually be good enough, I'm just looking for points of improvement on your profile as a whole. So when I'm in that "what can be improved state" I try to bring out every single little thing that I see. While ignoring the positives or the good things that don't need fixing.

I'm gonna do more work on this man.

I am also going to address some posts others made re. healing that I havent addressed yet (Bman).

TUE 18/10/2022

(1) Dating: Online Hustle - Generate some damn leads
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch / Posture
(3) Biz/Copy: Pitch paragraph, testimonial schedule, next steps. Copy: 3hr process.
Others: Accountability with my guys, Prep Qs for Andy call, CT, Light.


I have onboarded 5 free accountability clients! Now to get these guys some concrete change and make an impact. I need to learn how to be very effective at this.

The very fat chick who gave me head texted me yesterday asking me to come over Thurs. LOL. A first for me. I dunno man. :-/ I don't physically know if I could shag her. I am going to an art exhibition with my friend Matt beforehand, I may have a drink with her or something at her place after. I do not know.

I will FAST today.

SO far:

6 Mindset work - DONE. Mostly working on my 'quality' trigger, and how I am often bothered by it. There is a solution: give the dating game a rest for a while and improve my damn product. I am thinking monk mode soon, need to make money anyway.
7 Core DONE
729 Sunrise DONE

Now off to the gym to do my lower/glutes warmup, and then heading to the park for a 60m run.



MakingAComeback said:
The very fat chick who gave me head texted me yesterday asking me to come over Thurs. LOL. A first for me. I dunno man. :-/ I don't physically know if I could shag her. I am going to an art exhibition with my friend Matt beforehand, I may have a drink with her or something at her place after. I do not know.

Me and the other 221,092 guys who have read your log, give you permission to tell her no.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
MakingAComeback said:
The very fat chick who gave me head texted me yesterday asking me to come over Thurs. LOL. A first for me. I dunno man. :-/ I don't physically know if I could shag her. I am going to an art exhibition with my friend Matt beforehand, I may have a drink with her or something at her place after. I do not know.

Me and the other 221,092 guys who have read your log, give you permission to tell her no.

Agree 100000%.

Don't let this 2 lays let you chase things that you don't really want to do.

The reward of hard work is freedom of choice (optionality) you either want to do or don't
I hear ya bros, will tell her I'm gonna focus on biz and not bother with dating etc, thank her for a good time & dip.


-Achieved some forward growth of the mandible IMO
-Developed stronger cheekbones
-Expanded upper dental arch (6-7mm confirmed)

It has improved my overall structure.

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